I don t like materialistic things

Life Is Not About The Materialistic, And It Shouldnt Be

Bruno [HE] Mirchevski
Mar 26, 2020 · 6 min read

There is a huge difference between wanting and needing something.

  1. What We Need Vs. What We Want
  2. Money Should Never Be Your 1 Priority
  3. Is Materialistic Wealth Really That Important?

What is your favorite brand?

What is the most expensive piece of clothing or accessory in your closet?

How often do you wear it?

And, lets be honest for a moment, do you really truly need it?

We are obsessed with materialistic things, whether its something we need or something we only desire to have.

Although we might not see it as it is, thats our new reality. You buy items constantly. We all do. Most of them we dont need.

So why do we do it?

No matter where you stand on this matter, you cant deny that even the best of people can sometimes get caught up in the idea of getting new stuff.

It certainly feels good for a moment, doesnt it?

What We Need Vs. What We Want

Photo by Justin Lim on Unsplash

Buying new things for yourself is not a bad thing. But not knowing when to stop, is.

Weve all been there. Weve all felt the need for a purchase, even though we know it wont make a difference in our life.

You already have more than enough clothes, yet that jacket really looks good on you, so you need to have it.

But do you really so desperately need to have it in your possession?

The basic rule of economics is that it exists to optimize and relocate the resources in a way that will satisfy our needs. However, there is also a problem that does not have a solution.

Our needs are never-ending.

And as we satisfy our core needs, we keep wanting more and more.

We all need things to survive, like, lets say, food and water. Then we also need clothes, a roof over our heads, electricity, and other everyday essentials.

Yet, in this modern society, when we say essentials it doesn't have the same meaning as it did only a century ago.

People just over a decade ago never thought that a smartphone would be a part of the essentials, or the internet.

Thats because our needs have grown exponentially. We all need proper housing, we need a phone, a TV, a washing machine, a fridge, more than a few pieces of clothing and so on. Things that have become an irreplaceable part of our lives.

But do we really need that new jacket when we already have a few of them at home?

And does it really need to be that expensive or branded?

Of course not.

However, sometimes to realize what the important things in life are, you need to face some challenges first. The bigger the challenge, the easier it will be for you to understand that sometimes you are focusing on the wrong things in your life and that what you want is much different than what you really need.

Money Should Never Be Your 1 Priority

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Over the years, money has become one of the most important things for our survival. However, you will rarely meet a person who strives to make money just to survive.

After all, life should be more than just surviving.

You should be able to live it to the fullest.

We all want comfort, and we want to lead a stress-free life where you dont have to fear whether you will have enough money to pay rent for the month or not.

So its not just about survival.

Still, this doesnt stop here.

Many people who have that comfort, go one step further and they strive for even more. In other words, they want to make more money so that they can go from comfort to luxury.

Why? Well, there are many reasons, depending on the person you ask. For power, reputation, or maybe because of greed.

Still, when you have the luxury and the money, you strive for more and more. A better car, a bigger house, a nice and expensive watch on your hand.

There is no end to this.

No matter how much they have, some people always want more.

Of course, not everyone is like this. Some people have different priorities or they conform to what they have, money-wise. They are content with what they have.

This is, unfortunately, rare to see in people since more are concerned with the materialistic things these days and forget to value what they have.

I am not here to tell people what they need to do or judge their ways of living.

However, there is one truth that cannot be ignored.

Money is important, but it should not be your main priority in life.

Strive to lead a life filled with happiness and people who make you happy.

Its true when they say that some things in life cannot be bought.

However, make sure that you have enough so that you lead a comfortable life, without struggles and stress. Its possible, and its the first step towards long-term happiness.

Is Material Wealth Really That Important?

Photo by JanFillem on Unsplash

The craving for materialistic things is not such a big deal if you have your boundaries and know what the truly important things in your life are.

Getting a more expensive car when you already have one that works perfectly fine, or buying from expensive brands even though you can find the same quality for less money these are the things that dont make sense.

Maybe you think that they will make you feel better.

But dont get your hopes up, because this feeling only lasts for a short time.

Buying more and appreciating the materialistic wont fill up that hole youve been trying to avoid.

Materialistic things wont bring you happiness.

They might make you feel better, but after a while, you realize that somethings still missing.

That something is your sense of purpose.

You need to strive for happiness and things that money cant buy, like a loyal friend, and people who love you for who you really are.

You cant buy happiness with money, you can only rent it for a while.

Do you think brands would matter when people are dealing with a crisis?

Of course it wont.

Having the most expensive car wont matter. That fancy watch on your wrist wont matter, nor your huge closet or latest iPhone.

But your friendships and relationships will. The feeling that you belong, and that you are not alone, even when you are isolated for weeks by yourself.

Its in those moments that you see just how little the materialistic comes in handy and that happiness goes way deeper than physical wealth.

So stay well, and think of the people you love and those who love you. Next time you want to spend a lot of money to buy a thing that you dont need, donate it to the people in need instead.

Everyone can use a little compassion, and as long as you have that you are a wealthy person.

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