Hdfs federation là gì

FUTURE: 5478

Please cite this article as: F.M. Awaysheh, M. Alazab, M. Gupta et al., Next-generation big data federation access control: A reference model, Future Generation Computer

Systems [2020], //doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2020.02.052.

F.M. Awaysheh, M. Alazab, M. Gupta et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems xxx [xxxx] xxx 15

Appendix B 93

Algorithm 4: Performance relationship of two methods of

write benchmarking with R tool



3m1= c[16.55, 33.9, 48.7, 65.9, 84.43]

4m2= c[21, 43, 61.8, 83.69, 107.2]

5m= c[m1,m2]


7x= seq[100,500,100] x1= c[x,x] grupo=

as.factor[c[rep[’’A’’,5],rep[’’B’’,5]]] grupo=


8postscript[’’graficoferas.eps’’] plot[x,m1,col=’’red’’,ylim=

c[0,130],xlim= c[100,500],xlab= ’’Size of the file [in

MB]’’, ylab= ’’Operation Time [in Seconds]’’,pch=15]


9legend[’’topleft’’,legend= c[’’Native WebHDFS’’,’’BDF

Access Broker’’],col=c[’’Red’’,’’Blue’’],lwd=1, lty=c[0,0],

pch=c[15,17],cex = 0.75]

10 abline[lm[m2 -1+x]] abline[lm[m1 -1+x]], dev.off[]

11 mod1= lm[m1 -1+x] mod2= lm[m2 -1+x]

12 mod= lm[m -1+x1+grupo]

13 end



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