Game install not found please reinstall lỗi grim dawn năm 2024

I had the same problem when the base game went live. I tried everything from verifing to using the GD fix I found in the files to re-installing the game. Nothing worked. I could still play, however one day my 51st lvl Saboteur had all of her quests removed, every single one. Then all of my original characters disappeared from the select -a-toon and start the game screen. I could make new toons then still with tag not found everywhere. So I quit playing.

I would try to play every so often to see if it might have been fixed, and to keep up with forum. When I saw a couple of weeks ago that the expasion was due to be released I tried one more time to see if I could get it to work. Finally, I did.

I had to delete all of my original save files, then uninstall the game, next I exited out of Steam not by click on the close button but going Steam->exit, then I shut down my computer to make sure everything deleted was gone. Sometimes if you don't shut down and re-install the deleted files are still there.

When I was ready to re-intall, I decide to put it on my C drive. About three years ago I bought a 3TB book to use as an external drive for my Steam games. I don't really think the drive was the problem, but I wanred to make sure. I started up GD and no more tag not found. I began some new characters and everything is fine. I now have a lvl 46 Pyromancer ready to try and stop the Summoning-I might grind a couple of more lvls first.

The thing is, as I was playng the new characters I noticed that some of the quests in Act One were slightly different. Origianlly in the Something for Nothing quest you just had to kill number of normal mobs for each quest part, now you have five mini-bosses. So I wonder if when some of these changes went into effect if some toons weren't updated correctly? I think I'll wait a bit and see if this gets cleared up before I buy. I don't really wanr to start all over again.

I get this when I try to patch it with the latest patch. It's not on my C drive because it has no space. Can anyone help?




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Registered: Jan 2009

From Germany

psadler: I get this when I try to patch it with the latest patch. It's not on my C drive because it has no space. Can anyone help?

Did you start the patch from the installation folder? It should work independent from that, but who knows.


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You may need to re-download the game installer. There have been several patches, and if you have an older install but are trying the newest patch it might fail. The installer has been fully updated so if you download it again and install the game from scratch you'll have the latest version.

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