Footsteps là gì

Footsteps là gì
Cha nào thì con đó, lệch sao được Photo by Kaysha from Pexels

'Follow in one's footsteps' = đi theo dấu chân của ai -> tiếp tục theo đuổi điều gì đó mà những người khác đã làm (thường là từ các thành viên trong gia đình).

Ví dụ
"I have two wonderful grandchildren and it makes me feel so alive and proud to be part of this event. One day I hope they will follow in my footsteps to help raise money and awareness (nhận thức) for cancer."

The Alfa Romeo test driver admitted: "I never thought I would get to that point where I get asked by little girls that are really trying to support me and follow in my footsteps. It's incredible to feel something like this and to feel like you're doing something for the next generation (thế hệ).

"I just think that its who I am as a person," Watt said with regard to naturally evolving (trở thành) as a leader. "Dating back to my Wisconsin days, the first few years you kinda just get your feet wet and get the respect of a lot of guys. And then you see a lot of guys start to follow you and ask questions: how your diet is, how youre sleeping, how you study film, all that stuff. Youre like, Wow, guys are starting to follow in my footsteps. When youre a rookie (tân binh), you cant do that. Year 2, you start to, and then Year 3 and 4 you really start to kinda develop."

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