cocos là gì - Nghĩa của từ cocos

cocos có nghĩa là


Ví dụ

He was a normal guy until he started smoking cocos, now he is a hustler that sucks dick for $5 to buy another rock.

cocos có nghĩa là

A smart and beautiful girl. Someone with a big heart and always helps others no matter what. A girl named Coco is unique and all the boys obviously want her and she is super talented, kind, amazing, and she is the best friend ever. She is also loved by everyone!

Ví dụ

"Damn, who is that?" I have no idea, but I bet her name is Coco"

cocos có nghĩa là

A nickname given by Tom Hanks to Tonight Show's Conan O'Brien. Gained notoriety when NBC shockingly announced that Leno's show would be bumping Conan's to a later time.

Ví dụ

I'm with Coco.

cocos có nghĩa là

another word for Cocaine

Ví dụ

"I'm in love with the coco

cocos có nghĩa là

[N]. - A damn hott girl with sidebangs!

Ví dụ

"Look at that CoCo!"

cocos có nghĩa là

An extremely gorgeous girl who is always there when you need her. A great friend who anybody would die for, if your friends with a Coco you’ve found a friend for life. She has all of the boys falling for her with her beautiful apperence.

Ví dụ

Person1: wow look at her she’s so petty!
Person2: OMG yeah she’s definitely a Coco!

cocos có nghĩa là

name of a nice popular girl that is typically tall. if you get on her bad side then watch out she will destroy you!
is a match maker but never has a lover herself . Is really funny but will always leave you on read!!!!

Ví dụ

hey did you hear about coco and what that girl did?
yeah coco absolutely destroyed her serves her right!!!!!

cocos có nghĩa là

The name of PewDiePie's disstrack on cocomelon, unfortunately it got taken down by YouTube.

Ví dụ

"youtube better bring back coco or im gonna cum in a jar and drink it"

cocos có nghĩa là

A kind loving friend who always has your back. Usually small and cute. Everyone wants to be around her and she slays at parties. Often mischievous.

Ví dụ

Omg did you see Coco at that party last night?!

cocos có nghĩa là


Ví dụ

They travelled to the Cocos islands.

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