Catch someone red handed là gì?


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catch [someone] red-handed

catch someone in the middle of doing something wrong The woman was caught red-handed at the store trying to steal some cosmetics.

caught red-handed

caught with evidence, caught in the act The smuggler was caught redhanded with a kilo of cocain.

high handed

superior, above other people We don't like managers who are high handed - high and mighty.

left-handed compliment

an ambiguous compliment interpreted as offensive He gave her a left-handed compliment when he said that her dyed hair looked nice.


not legal, not according to rules, not above board Some people say the government was underhanded in dealing with the Indians.


clumsy, without manual dexterity

pay sb a back-handed compliment

Idiom[s]: pay someone a back-handed compliment AND pay someone a left-handed compliment


COMPLIMENTto give someone a false compliment that is really an insult.
• John said that he had never seen me looking better. I think he was paying me a left-handed compliment.
• I'd prefer that someone insulted me directly. I hate it when someone pays me a back-handed compliment—unless it's a joke.

go away empty-handed

Idiom[s]: go away empty-handed


DEPARTto depart with nothing.
• I hate for you to go away empty-handed, but I cannot afford to contribute any money.
• They came hoping for some food, but they had to go away empty-handed.

come away empty-handed

Idiom[s]: come away empty-handed


LACKINGto return without anything.
• All right, go gambling. Don't come away empty-handed, though.
• Go to the bank and ask for the loan again. This time don't come away empty-handed.

catch sb red-handed

Idiom[s]: catch sb red-handed


CATCHINGto catch a person in the act of doing something wrong.
• Tom was stealing the car when the police drove by and caught him red-handed.
• Mary tried to cash a forged check at the bank, and the teller caught her red-handed.

pay sb a left-handed compliment

Idiom[s]: pay someone a back-handed compliment AND pay someone a left-handed compliment


COMPLIMENTto give someone a false compliment that is really an insult.
• John said that he had never seen me looking better. I think he was paying me a left-handed compliment.
• I'd prefer that someone insulted me directly. I hate it when someone pays me a back-handed compliment—unless it's a joke.

Catch someone red-handed

If someone is caught red-handed, they are found doing something wrong or illegal.

Have your lunch handed to you

If you have you lunch handed to you, you are outperformed and shown up by someone better.


If someone is heavy-handed, they are insensitive and use excessive force or authority when dealing with a problem.


If someone is high-handed, they behave arrogantly and pompously.

be caught red-handed

be caught doing something bad: "The children were caught red-handed picking the flowers."

backhanded compliment|backhanded|compliment

n. phr. A remark that sounds like a compliment but is said sarcastically. "Not had for a girl" the coach said, offering a backhanded compliment.

catch red-handed|catch|red|red-handed

v. phr.
To apprehend a person during the act of committing an illicit or criminal act.
Al was caught red-handed at the local store when he was trying to walk out with a new camera he had not paid for.


adj., slang 1. Having very large hands. Pete is a big, ham-handed man who used to be a football player. 2. See: HEAVY-HANDED.


adj. 1. Not skillful or graceful; clumsy. George is heavy-handed and seldom catches the ball. My sister plays the piano badly; she is too heavy-handed. Tim told a heavy-handed joke about the principal's baldness that embarrassed everyone. 2. Likely to hit or punish hard; harsh or cruel in making [someone] obey. Years ago many fathers were heavy-handed bosses in their homes. Many American colonists believed that the English tax collectors were too heavy-handed. 3. See: HAM-HANDED.


adj. Depending on force rather than right; bossy; dictatorial. With high-handed daring, John helped himself to the best food on the table. Mr. Smith was a high-handed tyrant in his office.


adj., informal 1. Using the left hand habitually. 2. Crooked; phoney; homosexual. Morris is such a left-handed guy. 3. Clumsy; untoward; awkward. Grab that hammer and stop acting so left-handed.

left-handed compliment|compliment|hand|handed|left

An ambiguous compliment which is interpretable as an offense. I didn't know you could look so pretty! Is that a wig you're wearing?


adj. Generous; liberal. Although not wealthy himself, Bob was always very openhanded with those who needed help.


adj. In the very act; while committing a crime or evil action. The criminal was caught red-handed while holding up the neighborhood bank at gunpoint.


adj. Understaffed; short on workers. With several employees gone for the holiday weekend and two dozen people in line, the rent-a-car agency suddenly found itself terribly shorthanded.

catch red-handed

catch red-handed
Also, catch in the act. Apprehend someone in the course of wrongdoing, as in The boys were trying to steal a car and the police caught them red-handed, or He tried to cheat on the exam, but his teacher walked in and caught him in the act. The first term referred to blood on a murderer's hands and originally signified only that crime. Later it was extended to any offense. The variant [catch in the act] is a translation of the Latin in flagrante delicto, part of the Roman code and long used in English law.

catch [one] red-handed

To see, and conceivably apprehend, addition as they are accomplishing article [often article nefarious]. The byword ability accept originally referred to claret on a murderer's hands. The badge bent the robbers amiss as they ransacked addition house. Timmy approved to get into the cookie jar again, but I bent him red-handed.Learn more: catch

catch addition red-handed

COMMON If you catch addition red-handed, you see or acquisition them while they are accomplishing article actionable or wrong. The burglar was on the roof and was bent amiss by the police. They all pleaded accusable to conspiring to acceptation drugs afterwards actuality bent amiss by community officers. Note: The advertence actuality is to a accusable being whose easily are covered in blood. Learn more: catch, someone
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