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448.9 L75A Seasonal occurrence of man-biting Phlebotomus (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Baghdad area, Iraq. Abul-Hab, J; AlBaghdadi, R Ann Trop Med Parasitol 66 (1): 165-166. Mar 1972 074907

448.9 L75A A comparison of Glossina morsitans submorsitans Newst. & Glossina tachinoides West, collected & maintained under similar conditions, as rectors of Trypanosoma (Nannomonas) congolense, Trypanosoma (Nannomonas) simiae & Trypanosoma (Do Roberts, C J; Gray, A R Ann Trop Med Parasitol 66 (1): 41-53. Ref. Mar 1972 074908

448.9 L75A Enzootic cutaneous leishmaniasis in eastern Panama. II. Ectomological investigations. (Lutzomyia). Christensen, H A; Herrer, A; Telford, SR Ann Trop Med Parasitol 66 (1): 55-66. Ref. Mar 1972 074909

410 AR27 Penal changes in a swamp habitat in Nigeria sprayed with insecticide to exterminate Glossina. Koeman, J H; Rijksen, H D; Smies, M; Na'isa, B K; Maclennan, KJR Arch Neer Zool 21 (4): 434-463. Ref. Dec 1971 074910

275.29 ARALE House Aly control for beef, dairy, poultry, & swine producers. Jones, B F; Barnes, G; Lancaster, JL Ark Univ Ext Leaf 366, Rev., 12 P. Jan 1972 074911

275.29 ARALE Protect bogs from external parasites. Jones, B F; Barnes, G Ark Univ Exo Leal 388, Rev., 3 P. Feb 1972 074912

QL1.B5 Black flies (Diptera, Simuliidae) attacking horses in environs of Bratislave. Halgos, J; Jedlicka, L Biol Ser B Zool 26 (5): 431-433. 1971 074913

513 B63 Localized mass breeding of Haemaphysalis bispinosa Neumann, 1897 (Acarina, Ixodidae) in Kyasanur Forest Disease Area, Shimoga District, Mysore State, India. (Cattle). Bhat, H R Bombay Natur Hist Soc J 68 (2): rel. Aug 1971 074914

410.9 B8721 Investigation of mites of superfamily Gamasoidea (Parasitiformes) on small mammals in region of Srebarna Reservation (by Silistra). (Tularemia). (Bul) Koiumdzhieva, M Bulg Akad Nauk Zool Insı Muz Izv 33: 115-136. Ref. Eng. Sum May 1971 074915

41.8 B872 Sweeping. A suitable technique for sampling ticks from tick-infested pastures. Oteng, A K; Kamya, EP Bull Epizool Dis Afr 19 (4): 365-373. Dec 1971 074916

421 C16 Observations on abundance & activity of three species of Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) in northeastern Alberta. Shemanchuk, J A Can Entomol 104 (3): 445-448. Mar 1972 074917

444.8 C16 Changes in function of neuromuscular junction occurring in tick paralysis. (Dermacentor andersoni). McLennan, H; Oikawa, I Can J Physiol Pharmacol SO (2): 53-58. Ref. Feb 1972 074918

502 D232 Seasonal occurrence of pupal parasitoids from houselly Musca domestica (Diptera) in Denmark. (Control, biological). Mourier, H Dansk Naturhist For Videnskabelige Meddelelser 134: 109-118. Ref. 1971


420 W27 A new species of Acaropsella Volgin from nest of a turkey vulture. (Acarina: Cheyletidae). (Acaropsella schmidtmanni). Price, D W Entomol Soc Wash Proc 74 (1): 45-49. Mar 1972 074920

41.9 ET4 A preliminary report on flies that reared on dead land snails in south Marmara region; & notes on existence of myiasis-producing Diptera in Turkey. (Tur) Kalkan, A Etlik Vet Bakteriyol Enst Derg 3 (11/12): 35-41. Ref. Eng Sum. Dec 1971 074921

41.9 ET4 Biological observations with some Turkish ticks & tick-born diseases transmitted by ticks. (Tur) Coskuner, MR Etlik Vet Bakteriyol Enst Derg 3 (11/12): 42-54. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 074922

410.9 H68 Daily & seasonal fluctuations of blood sucking activity of horse-flies in Sapporo, Hokkaido 1)2). (Tabanidae). Inaoka, T Hokkaido Univ Fac Sci J Ser Vi Zool 18 (1): 155-172. Ref. Oct 1971 074923

275.29 ID13IDC 1972 Cattle flies & lice controls for Idaho dairymen. Portman, R W; Cleveland, G W Idaho Univ Ext Idaho Curr Inform Ser 180, 2 P. Apr 1972 074924

SB931.P45 1971 Household insects. Osmum, J V In Pfadt, Robert E. Fundamentals of Applied Entomology P. 523-549. Ref. 1971 074925

SB931.P45 1971 Livestock insects & related pests. Pfadt, R E In Pfadt, Robert E. Fundamentals of Applied Entomology P. 551-587. Ref. 1971 074926

SB931.P45 1971 Poultry insects & related pests. Furman, DP In Pfadt, Robert E. Fundamentals of Applied Entomology P. 589-610. Ref. 1971 074927

SB931.P45 1971 Insects of medical importance. Rogoff, WM In Pfadi, Robert E. Fundamentals of Applied Entomology P. 611-633. Ref. 1971 074928

HC60.C65 1968 Tsetse sly: a blessing or a curse? Lambrecht, FL In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 726-741. Map. Ref. 1972 074929

SF1.14 A preliminary note on development of Parafilaria bovicola in Musca vitripennis. (Cattle). Sahai, B N; Singh, SP Indian I Anim Health P. 243-245. Ref. Dec 1971 074930

420 IN 23 A new record of Boophilus decoloratus (Koch) (Acarina: Ixodidae) from Kashmir (India). Sarma, B D; Das, S M Indian J Entomol 32 (3): 292-293. Sept 1970 (Pub. June 1971) 074931

QH547.155 Attempts to transmit Babesia (Nuttallia) microti in laboratory mice by tick Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. Irvin, A D; Brocklesby, D W Int J Parasitol 2 (1): 99-103. Mar 1972 074932

385 K 524 Applying systemic insecticides for controlling Hypoderma in cattle. (Rus) Glotova, G I; Glotov, G N; Nepoklonov, A A Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 38-40. 1972 074933

SF713.K8A3 Some effects of gamma-ray radiation on cattle ticks, Haemaphysalis longicornis & Boophilus microplus. (Kor) Han, T W; Suh, MD; Kim, B J Korea (repub) Nongch'on Jin Heung Chung Res Rep Vet 14: 63-67. Dec 1971


448.8 M469 Ixodid ticks in Saratov Region & their role in maintaining of tularemio microfoci. (Rus) Davidovich, VF Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 4: 470-475. Map. Ref. Eng. Sum. July/Aug 1971 074935

448.8 M469 Acariasis in man caused by seed ticks (literature survey). (Rus) Steranskii, V V Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 4: 488-491. Ref. July/Aug 1971 074936

448.8 M469 On methods of mass collections & storage of Ixodes apronophorus P. Sch. (1924) ticks. (Tularemia). (Rus) Ivanov, DI Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 4: 497-499. Eng. Sum. July/Aug 1971 074937

448.8 M469 On problem of dispersal of sand flies from colonies of Great Gerbil. (Rus) Artem'ev, M M; Flerova, O A Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 552-556. Eng. Sum. Sept/Oct 1971 074938

448.8 M469 Materials on natural focality of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Middle Emba region. (Phlebotomus mongolensis). (Rus) Dubrovskii, IU A; Saf'ianova, V M Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 556-561. Ref. Eng. Sum. Sept/Oct 1971 074939

448.8 M469 Effect of systemic poison fluoroacetamide on viability of infected fleas & development of causative agent of plague in them. (Rus) Alekseev, A N; Bibikova, V A; Tatarinova, SG; Khrustselevskaia, N M Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 571-577. Eng. Sum. Sept/Oct 1971 074940

448.8 M469 On problem of hosts of Alectorobius tartakovskyi Ol, ticks (Ixoidea, Argasidae). I ii. Factors determining role of individual animal species in providing food for tick populations. (Rus) Vasil'eva, IS Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 577-581. Ref. Eng. Sum. Sepi/Oct 1971 074941

448.8 M469 Utilization of antibody neutralization test for detection of Dermacentroxenus sibericus in experimentally infected Dermacentor pictus ticks. (Rus) Vorontsova, TA; Grokhovskaia, I M Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 581-584. Eng. Sum. Sept/Oct 1971 074942

448.8 M469 Prophylaxis of tick-borne encephalitis among population of a large town. (Rus) Chudinov, P I; Netskii, G 1; Chernukha, A D; Evstigneeva, N S; Pastukhova, A N; Shcheglova, E E; Prigorodov, V I Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 588-591. Ref. Sept/Oct 1971 074943

448.8 M469 Detection of microsporidia in larvae of blood-sucking mosquitoes in southeastern Kazakhstan. (Rus) Levchenko, N G; Dubitskii, A M; Deshevykh, N D Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 619-620. Eng. Sum. Sept/Oct 1971 074944

448.8 M469 Isolation of agent of Q-fever from Alectorobius tartakovskyi ticks in Tajikistan. (Rus) Pchelkina, A A; Vasil'eva, IS Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 620-621. Sept/Oct 1971 074945

448.8 M469 Insect-production of blood-sucking mosquitoes Culex pipiens L. & Allotheobaldia longiareolata Macq. In shower installations under conditions of a hot climate. (Rus) Kulanin, VL Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 622-623. Eng. Sum. Sept/Oct 1971


448.8 M469 Factors causing changes in number of Arthropoda parasites in Nikolaev Region in 1969. (Rus) Antsibor, SS Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 623-624. Sept/Oct 1971 074947

448.8 M469 On methods of testing of repellents on fleas under laboratory conditions. (Rus) Dremova, VP Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 624-625. Sept/Oct 1971 074948

41.8 M463 Observations & remarks on a program of cattle grub control in Lublin Proyince. (Hypoderma). (Pol) Furmaga, S; Pinkiewicz, E; Rubaj, B; Uchacz, S Med Wet 27 (9): 542-544. Ref. Sept 1971 074949

100 M69MI Sprayer control of horn flies. (Haematobia irritans, beef cattle). Roberts, RH Miss Farm Res 35 (3): 46. Mar 1972 074950

41.8 M742 Trichlorophone back washing of cattle & resulting milk residues. (Ger) Fechner, G; Berger, H; Hoernicke, E Monatsh Veterinarmed 26 (22): 858859. Eng. Sum. Nov 15, 1971 074951

472 N21 Eradicating mosquitoes using translocations: a first field experiment. (Culex pipiens). Laven, H; Cousserans, J; Guille, G Nature 236 (5348): 456-457. Ref. Apr 28, 1972 074952

SF604.N5 Experimental studies on etiology of "Wahi" disease in cattle. (Dermatitis, blood-sucking insects]. (Jap) Arisawa, M Nippon Vet Zootech Coll Bull 19: 46-74. Ref. Eng. Sum. June 1971 074953

41.8 R3262 Glossina (Diptera, Glossinidae) in Senegal: Ecology, geographical distribution & their incidence on trypanosomiasis. (Fre) Toure, S M Rev Elevage Med Vet Pays Trop (New Ser.) 24 (4): 551-563. Map. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 074954

41.8 R3262 Research on fungal pathogens of tsetse flies: Studies on Glossina fusca congolensis Newst. & Evans in Central African Republic. (Fre) Vey, A Rev Elevage Med Vet Pays Trop (New Ser.) 24 (4): 577-579. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 074955

41.8 R3227 Comparison of in vitro & in vivo activity of organo-phosphorous pesticides. [Boophilus microplus). (Spa) Grillo Torrado, J M; Gutierrez, RO; Perez Arrieta, A Rev Invest Agropecuar Ser 4 Patol Anim 8 (3): 59. 70. Eng. Sum. 1971 074956

421 R3293 Panstrongylus rufotuberculatus Champion (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) potential vector of Chagas disease in La Convencion valley & Occobamba. (Spa) Carrasco Z, F Rev Peruana Entomol Agr 14 (1): 131-133. Eng. Sum. Oct 1971 074957

436.8 RS2 Studies on chemosterilization of Culex pipiens L. (Ita) Sacca, G; Scirocchi, A; Mastrilli, ML Riv Parassitol 32 (3): 219-227. Ref. Eng. Sum. Sept 1971 074958

448.9 R813 Mosquitoes of British Honduras, with some comments on malaria, & on arbovirus antibodies in man & equines. Bertram, DS Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg Trans 65 (6): 742-762. Map. Ref. 1971 074959

448.9 R 813 Studies on transmission of Bancroftian filariasis in north-eastern Tanzania. [Anopheles funestus, Anopheles gambiae, Culex pipiens fatigans). White, G B Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg Trans 65 (6): 819-829. Ref. 1971


41.8 SO8 Ticks & caseous lymphadenitis in sheep: preliminary observations. [Hyalomma truncatum, Rhipicecephalus capensis, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis). Nagy, G S Afr Vet Med Ass J 42 (3): 227-232. Ref. Sept 1971 074961

41.8 SCH9 Fifty years of combatting warble larvae in Switzerland. (Hypoderma]. (Fre) Bouvier, G Schweiz Arch Tierheilk 113 (11): 645-650. Ref. Eng. Sum. Nov 1971 074962

SF601.17 Bacteriology of Nigerian strains of Dermatophilus congolensis. Macadam, I; Haalstra, RT Trop Anim Health & Prod 3 (4): 225.231. Ref. Nov 1971


TD172.E52 Effects of ddt, dieldrin & 2,4-D on amphibian spawn & tadpoles. Cooke, A S Environ Pollut 3 (1): 51-68. Ref. de ver ? *3-46. Jan 1972 075004

TD172.E52 1190 Organochlorines & mercury in common sur paticidas egrets & great blue herons. Faber, R A; Risebrough, R W; Pratt, H M Environ Pollut 3 (2): 111-122. Ref. Apr 1972 075005

TD172.E52 vat Rotenone tolerance in mosquitofish. Fabacher, D L; Chambers, H

Pollut 3 (2): 139-141. Apr 1972


QK1.F5 Determination of time of semi- decomposition of dichlorvos in plants. (Rus) Kosmatyi, E S; Kavetski, VN

Fiziol Biokhim Kul't Rast Physiol

Te Furst Biochem Cultiv Plants 3 (5): 551-553. Eng. Sum. Sept/Oct 1971 075007

105.1 G344 An epidemiological & toxicological study covering 15 years in workers occupationally exposed to aldrin & dieldrin. Jager, K W Ghent Rijksfac Landbouwetensch Meded 36 (3): 1118. 1971 075008

105.1 G344 DIOS CON Diagnosis & toxicological control of human organophosphate poisoning. (Ger) Boelcke, G; Erdmann, WD Ghent Rijksfac Landbouwetensch Meded 36 (3): 1132-1136. Eng. Sum. Beid 1999 1971 075009 Thin layer chromatography of N. substituted monomethyl carbamate pesticides. Van Hoof, F; Heyndrickx, A Ghent Rijksfac Landbouwetensch Meded 36 (3): 1137-1145. Ref. 1971 075010

105.1 G 344 Pesticides effect on reproduction of rats. I. Lebaycide. (Fre) FytizasDanielidou, R Ghent Rijksfac Landbouwetensch Meded 36 (3): 11461150. Eng. Sum. 1971 075011

105.1 G344 Determination of residues of triazine metabolites in soil. Analytical procedures & results from field trials. (Ger) Ramsteiner, K A; Hormann, W D; Eberle, DO Ghent Rijksfac Landbouwetensch Meded 36 (3): 119. 1131. Eng. Sum. 1971 075012 Improved food production by use of crop-protecting chemicals. Miller, PR; WIB Hoffmann, C H; Ennis, W B; Jansen, LL In International Congress of Food Science and Technology. Proceedings 3D: 544-550. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 075013 Pesticide movement in soil water. Biggar, J W In Pesticides in the Soil; Ecology, Degradation and Move Ment P. 107-119. Ref. 1970 075014

SB950.154 1976


381 AD93 Analysis of pesticide residues: immunological techniques. Ercegovich, CD Adv Chem Ser 104: 162-177. Ref. 1971 074973

381 AD93 A review of enzymatic techniques used for pesticide residue analysis. Villeneuve, DC Adv Chem Ser 104: 27-38. Ref. 1971 074974

381 AD93 Flame detectors for residue analysis by glc. (Pesticides). Aue, WA Adv Chem Ser 104: 39-72. Ref. 1971 074975

381 AD93 Gas chromatographic measurement & identification of pesticide residues with electron capture, microcoulometric, & electrical conductivity detectors. Westlake, WE Adv Chem Ser 104: 73-80. Ref. 1971 074976

381 AD93 Infrared microtechniques useful for identification of pesticides at microgram level. Blinn, RC Adv Chem Ser 104: 81.94. Ref. 1971 074977

381 AD93 Ultraviolet spectrophotometry in residue analysis; spectra--structure correlations. (Pesticides). Aly, O M; Faust, S D; Suffet, I H Adv Chem Ser 104: 95-118. Ref. 1971 074978

420 AD9 Effects of insecticides on excitable tissues. Narahashi, T Adv Insect Physiol 8: 1-93. Ref. 1971 074979

385 AG8B Synthesis of some isocoumarin derivatives. (Insecticides, Streptomyces mobaraensis). Lin, J; Yoshida, S; Takahashi, N Agric Biol Chem 36 (3): 506-509. Mar 1972 074980

381 AG85 Pesticide container disposal problems. Smith, I C Agrichem Age 15 (3): 1011. Mar 1972 074981

385 AG88 Effect of pesticides on wildlife (research methods). (Cze) Janda, J Agrochemia (bratislava) 12 (2): 51-53. 1972 074982

385 AG83 Effect of insecticides on physiological activity of effective & ineffective strains of Rhizobium trifolii. (Hun) Salem, S H Agrokem Talajtan 20 (3): 368-376. Ref. Eng. Sum. June 1971 074983

385 AG83 Effect of insecticides on physiological behaviour of Azotobacter species. (Hun) Salem, S H; Gulyas, F Agrokem Talajtan 20 (3): 377-388. Ref. Eng. Sum. June 1971 074984

4 AM34P Dieldrin & heptachlor residues in soybeans. Turner, B C; Taylor, A W; Edwards, W M Agron J 64 (2): 237239. Mar/Apr 1972 074985

511 SA2C New type of selectively acting organic phosphorus insecticides & acaricides. 2. Derivatives of methyl dithiophosphoric acid. (Rus) Mastriukova, T A; Shipov, A E; Gorbenko, E B; Kabachnik, MI; Kagan, IU S; Ershova, E A; Shabanova, M P; Savchenko, KN Akad Nauk Sssr Izv Ser Khim 9: 2003-2005. Sept 1971 074986

448.3 APS Identification of N, O. dimethylhydroxylamine as a microbial degradation product of herbicide, linuron. Engelhardt, G; Wallnofer, P R; Plapp, R Appl Microbiol 23 (3): 664-666. Mar 1972 074987

RC963.A1A7 Acute dieldrin toxicity: biochemical changes in blood. Bhatia, S C; Sharma, S C; Venkitasubramanian, TA Arch Environ Health 24 (5): 369-372. Ref. May 1972


410 AR27 Faunal changes in a swamp habitat in Nigeria sprayed with insecticide to exterminate Glossina. Koeman, JH; Rijksen, H D; Smies, M; Na'isa, B K; Maclennan, KJR Arch Neer Zool 21 (4): 434-463. Ref. Dec 1971 074989

464.8 AR2 Action of fungicides (Thiuram, Vapam) on degradation of triazine herbicides in soil. (Ger) Wagenbreth, D; Kluge, E Arch Pflanzenschutz 7 (6): 451-459. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 074990

421 B49 From new substance to new chemical compound. [Pesticides). (Ser) Stankovic, A Biljni Lek 15 (3/4): 106109. 1971 074991

421 B49 Contamination of soil with insecticides. (Ser) Stankovic, A Biljni Lek 15 (3/4): 81-90. Ref. 1971 074992

442.8 B5272 Contamination of DDT & hexachlorocyclohexane in wild bird eggs in German Democratic Republic. (Ger) Jung, N; Mattheis, I; Arfert, H Biol Rundsch 9 (5): 335-337. Ref. 1971 074993

442.8 B529 Physical tests of insecticides & their specifications. (Por) Giannotti, O; Piedade, J R; Souza, D A Biologico 37 (9): 249-250. Sept 1971 074994

292.9 B85 Exploration of pesticide conditions in Lake Balaton. (Hun) Pinkola, L; Toth, L Budapest Vizgazdalkodasi Tud Kutato Intezet Beszamolo P. 227-244. Ref. 1971 074995

TS2120.B8 Studies on rodents & their control. VI. Studies on fluctuation in population & breeding period of Rattus in Hapur region. Krishnamurthy, K; Ramasivan, T; Uniyal, V Bull Grain Technol 9 (2): 79-82. June 1971 074996

80 C498 Agricultural chemicals & citrus industry. [Pesticides, regulations). Wardowski, W F; Bullock, R; Grierson, W Citrus Veg Mag 35 (8): 26-27, 29, 31. Apr 1972 074997

SB245.A1C6 Contribution to study of effects exerted on some elements of wild fauna by organochlorinated insecticides used in cotton growing in Chad. (Fre) Everaarts, J M; Koeman, J H; Brader, L Coton Fibres Trop (Engl Ed) 26 (4): 385-394. Map. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 074998

QH573.C9 Effects of ddt on ultrastructure & rna & protein labelling in liver of proteinfed & protein-deprived rats. Stenram, U; Nordgren, H; Willen, R. Cytobios 16: 51-63. Ref. Apr/June 1969 074999

389.8 D482 Residue analysis of phosphorus & sulphurous insecticides with flame spectroscopy. (Ger) Gutsche, B; Rudiger, K; Herrmann, R Deut Lebensmittel-rundsch 68 (1): 13-15. Eng. Sum. Jan 1972 075000

298.8 SU2 Lindane content of stored grain. (Ger) Hertel, W; Reimers, H Deut Muller. zeitung 69 (15): 334-335. Aug 5, 1971 075001

TD172.E49 Adsorption of pesticide by humic substances. A review. Khan, SU Environ Lett 3 (1): 1-12. Ref. 1972 075002

TD 172.E52 D dt & pcb in south Swedish streams. Sodergren, A; Svensson, B; Ulfstrand, S Environ Pollut 3 (1): 25-36. Map. Ref. Jan 1972


16 B632A Investigations of pollution by plant protection products in vegetables & fruit collected on different markets. (Ita) Foschi, S; Cesari, A; Ponti, I; Paccagnella, B; Prati, L; Viviani, R; Crisetig, G; Cortesi, P Accad Naz Agr Ann 91 (3): 217-238. Oct 1971 074964

16 B632A Research on antiparasitic residues in fruit produced in Emilia-Romagna. (Fungicides, insecticides). (Ita) Ponti, I; Brandolini, V; Flori, P; Malucelli, G Accad Naz Agr Ann 91 (3): 239. 247. Oct 1971 074965

16 B632A Water contamination by plant protection products. (Ita) Paccagnella, B; Prati, L; Foschi, S; Cesari, A Accad Naz Agr Ann 91 (3): 249-255. Ref. Oct 1971 074966

16 B632A Soil contamination by plant protection products. (Ita) Cesari, A; Brunelli, A Accad Naz Agr Ann 91 (3): 257-265. Ref. Oct 1971 074967

381 AD93 Possible limits of ultramicro analysis. (Pesticides). Widmark, G Adv Chem Ser 104: 1.10. 1971 074968

381 AD93 Chemical derivatization techniques for confirmation of organochlorine residue identity. (Pesticides). Cochrane, W P; Chau, AS Y Adv Chem Ser 104: 11. 26. Ref. 1971 074969

381 AD93 Past, present, & future application of paper & thin-layer chromatography for determining pesticide residues. Getz, ME Adv Chem Ser 104: 119-131. Ref. 1971 074970

381 AD93 Applications of combined gas chromatography--mass spectrometry to pesticide residue identifications. Biros, FJ Adv Chem Ser 104: 132-150. Ref. 1971 074971

381 AD93 Identification pesticides at residue concentrations. Elgar, K E Adv Chem Ser 104: 151-161. Ref. 1971

Distribution of pesticides between soil, IY 0

water & air. Spencer, WF In
Pesticides in the Soil; Ecology,
Degradation and Move Ment P. 120- 128. Ref. 1970 075015

SB950.154 1970 Retention of pesticides by organic materials in soils. Wolcott, AR in Pesticides in the Soil; Ecology, Degradation and Move Meni P. 128. 138. Ref. 1970 075016

SB950.154 1974 Nutrient cycling implications of pesticides. Goring, CAL In Pesticide in the Soil; Ecology, Degradation and Move Ment P. 51-57. Ref. 1970 075017

SB950.154 1970 Relation of structure to pesticide decomposition. Kearney, PC; Plimmer, J R In Pesticides in the Soil; Ecology, Degradation and Move Ment P. 65-72. Ref. 1970


SB950.154 1970 Pesticide metabolism. Kaufman, DD In Pesticides in the Soil; Ecology, Degradation and Move Ment P. 73-86. Ref. 1970 075019

SB950.154 1970 Nanbiological degradation of pesticides in soils. Crosby, D G In Pesticides in the Soil; Ecology, Degradation and Move Meal P. 86-94. Ref. 1970 075020

SB950.154 1970 Pesticide retention by soil minerals. White, J L; Mortland, MM In Pesticides in the Soil; Ecology, Degradation and Move Ment P. 95. 100. Ref. 1970 075021

SD425.99 1970 Entry & fate of forest chemicals in streams. Norris, L A; Moore, DG In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Stres M Environment P. 138-158. Ref. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 075022

SD425.59 1970 Effects of forest chemicals on aquatic life. Thut, R N; Haydu, E P In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 159-171. Ref. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 075023

HC60.C65 1968 Effects of molluscicides on microflora & microfauna of aquatic systems.. Shiff, CJ In The Careless Technology; Ecology and laternational Deve Lopment P. 109-153. Map. Ref. 1972 075024

HC60.C65 1968 Toxicity of insecticides used for Asiatic rice borer control to tropical fish in rice paddies. Kok, LT in The Careless Technology; Ecology and Interational Deve Lopment P. 489. 498. Ref. 1972 075025

420 IN23 Estimation of endrin residues in/on bhindi fruits by gas-chromatography. (Okn). Bhalla, J S; Krueger, H R; Bindra, O S; Deshmukh, SN Indian J Entomol 32 (3): 189-193. Sept 1970 (Pub. June 1971) 075026

420 IN23 Dissipation of carbaryl residues from brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) plants. (Eggplant). Deshmukh, S N; Lal, R Indian J Entomol 32 (3): 201-204. Ref. Sept 1970 (Pub. June 1971) 075027

HD9000.1.152 Foods & pesticides; tolerance levels & walysis methods. (Ita) Paccagnella, B; Camoni, ( Indus Aliment (pinerolo) 10 (12): 90-94. Dec 1971 075028

79.8 P432 Degradation of triphenyltin acetate by alora-violet light. Chapman, A H; Price, J W Int Pest Contr 14 (1): 11. 12. Ref. Jan/Feb 1972 075029

79.8 P432 Hlor solvents can influence effectiveness of insecticide aerosols. Tsellin, V M; Bessonova, I V; Zhuk, Y B Int Post Contr 14 (1): 16-19. Jan/Feb 1972 075030

59.9 IN83N Elect of mcpa & Stam F-34 on occurrence of some nutritional groups of bacteria in rice fields of west Bengal. De, B K; Mukhopadhyay, S lar Rice Comm News Lett 20 (3): 35. 40. Sept 1971 075031

464.9 P432 Searching for endrin residue on cotton seed, by gas chromatography method. Daryadel, F; Behboody, M; Teimury, Sinan Inst Rech Entomol Phytopathol Entomol Phytopathol App! 31: 15-16. Sept 1971 075032

475 J824 Purbation & characterization of pesticidal synergists. I. Piperonyl batoride Albro, P W; Fishbein, L; Fukes, I J Chromatography 65 (3): 521-532. Ref. Mar 1, 1972


475 J824 Routine method for identification of pesticide residues of triazine, carbamate, urea, & uracil type compounds by thin-layer chromatography. (Ger) Ebing, W J Chromatography 65 (3): 533-545. Ref. Mar 1, 1972 075034

449.8 J824 Pesticides in water--effects on human health. Huang, JC J Environ Health 34 (5): 501-508. Ref. Mar/Apr 1972 075035

385 K524 Hexachlorobutadiene residues in grapes & products of processed grapes. (Phylloxera, fumigants). (Rus) Gar, K A; Alekseeva, EM Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 25-27. 1972 075036

385 K524 Chlorofos half-life in plants. (Rus) KO yi, E S; Kavetskii, V N Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 27-28. 1972 075037

385 K524 Toxicological study of S, S, S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate residues. [Cotton, defoliants). (Rus) Khaitov, R Kh; Baimuradov, TB Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 37-38. 1972 075038

385 K524 Toxicity of several additives & surfaceactive agents for microorganisms. [Pesticides). (Rus) Shustova, V P; Khokhriakova, V S; Drui, EG Khim Sel'skom Khoz 9 (12): 33-35. 1971 075039

385 K524 Determining residual amounts of soil herbicides in citrus fruits & in soil. (Rus) Khubutiia, R A; Gigineishvili, A A Khim Sel'skom Khoz 9 (12): 44-48. 1971 075040

SF713.K8A3 Basic studies on effects of rodenticides. (Kor) Cho, T H; Cha, Y H Korea (repub) Nongch'on Jin Heung Chung Res Rep Vet 14: 75-89. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 075041

TD881.L3 Field study on problem of groundwater contamination by pesticides. (Ger) Kramer, F Landesanst Immission Bodennutz Landes NordrheinWestfalen Schriftenr 23: 77-81. 1971 075042

106 L352 Effect of plant protection chemical substances on entomophagous insect predators. [Insects, biological control). (Rus) Prieditis, A Latv Sel'skokhoz Akad Tr 29: 165-185. 1971 075043

95.8 L95 Studies of effect of Dalapon on fermentation of musts. (Bul) Tsvetanov, D Lozar Vinar 21 (1): 3941. Jan/Feb 1972 075044

41.8 M463 D dt tolerance in some food products of animal origin. (Pol) Adamczyk, E Med Wet 27 (11): 690-692. Eng. Sum. Nov 1971 075045

41.8 M463 Laboratory diagnostics of honey bees poisoning with methylparathion & fenitrothion. (Pol) Mikolajczak, B; Bohosiewicz, M Med Wet 27 (8): 459460. Aug 1971 075046

41.8 M742 Considerations on bee loss caused by plant protection. (Ger) Bremer, R Monstsh Veterinarmed 26 (22): 856858. Eng. Sum. Nov 15, 1971 075047

41.8 M742 Trichlorophone back washing of cattle & resulting milk residues. (Ger) Fechner, G; Berger, H; Hoernicke, E Monatsh Veterinarmed 26 (22): 858859. Eng. Sum. Nov 15, 1971


41.8 M742 Improved method of thin-layer chromatography & enzymatic determination of trichlorophone & dichlorovos residues in milk. (Ger) Fechner, G; Kretzschmann, F; Ackermann, H; Topfer, H Monatsh Veterinarmed 26 (22): 860-863. Ref. Eng. Sum. Nov 15, 1971 075049

511 M85 Zoocides in extreme conditions. [Tundra, insecticides). (Rus) Shilova, SA; Efron, K M; Sedykh, E L; Denisova, A V Moskov Obshch Ispytatelei Prirody Biul Otd Biol 76 (5): 69-71. Sept/Oct 1971 075050

389.8 N 142 On metabolism of certain selected pesticides. (Food). (Ger) Engst, R Nahrung 15 (8): 815-825. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075051

472 N21 Hydroxylations of carbaryl by soil fungi. Bollag, J M; Shu.Yen Liu, Nature 236 (5343): 177-178. Mar 24, 1972 075052

472 N21 Pollution & worldwide catastrophe. [Organochlorine pesticides). Maddox, J Nature 236 (5348): 433-436. Ref. Apr 28, 1972 075053

472 N21 Changes in organochlorine contamination of marine environment of eastern Britain monitored by shag eggs. (Insecticides). Coulson, J C; Deans, I R; Potts, G R; Robinson, J; Crabtree, A N Nature 236 (5348): 454-456. Ref. Apr 28, 1972 075054

85 376 Side effects of plant protection materials. (Ger) Reich, H Obstbauversuchsring Alten Landes Mitt 26 (5): 179-181. May 1971 075055

308.9 OR3 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency & pesticides. Poss, R A Oreg Essent Oil Growers League Proc 23D: 25-29. Jan 1972 075056

449.8 EX8 Protection of workers from exposure to pesticides. Wolfe, HR Pest Contr 40 (2): 17-18, 20, 38, 40, 42. Feb 1972 075057

449.8 EX8 What makes a palatable warfarin? (Rat control). Bowerman, A M; Brooks, J E Pest Contr 40 (2): 22, 28-29. Feb 1972 075058

423.92 SO2 Insecticide preparation with a base of Phenitrothion. (Bul) Georgiev, G Rast Zashch 19 (10): 36-37. 1971 075059

423.92 SO2 Toxicity assessment of some insecticides. (Bul) Georgiev, G Rast Zashch 19 (8): 33-36. 1971 075060

389.9 R314 Recent applications of mass spectrometry & combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to pesticide residue analysis. Biros, FJ Residue Rev 40: 1-63. Ref. 1971 075061

389.9 R314 Regulation of pesticides in Mexico. Grasso, T Residue Rev 40: 133-152. 1971 075062

389.9 R314 Use of granular pesticides from point of view of residues. Walker, PT Residue Rev 40: 65-131. Ref. 1971 075063

S590.R4 Conversion of ddt to dde by two mite species. (Caloglyphus, Rhizoglyphus). Aucamp, JL; Butcher, J W Rev Ecol Biol Sol 8 (4): 635-638. Oct 1971 075064

SS.R4 Examination of effect of herbicides, fungicides & fertilizers of calcium cyanamide in a rotation laden with grain. (Fre) Vez, A Rev Suisse Agric 4 (1): 18-21. Ref. Jan/Feb 1972


49 P943 Problem of pesticide residues in food of animal origin. (Rum) Dabija, G; Nemteanu, S; Adamescu, G Rev Zootech Med Vet 21 (11): 59-64. Ref. Nov 1971 075066

59.8 R49 Effects of insecticides on biological factors in submerged rice fields. (Ita) Russo, S Riso 20 (4): 331-349. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 075067

S13.562 Toxicity of chemicals to man & environment. (Pesticides). (Slv) Macek, Sodobno Kmetijstvo 4 (9): 423-427. Sept 1971 075068

S13.562 On limited utilization of existing pesticides. (Slv) Rovan, M Sodobno Kmetijstvo 5 (2): 97-99. Feb 1972 075069

S592.7.AIS6 Evolution of 14 co2[carbon dioxide) from soil incubated with dieldrin. 14C[carbon) & action of soil bacteria on labelled dieldrin. Jagnow, G; Haider, K Soil Biol & Biochem 4 (1): 43-49. Ref. Feb 1972 075070

QP901.T3 Metabolic fate & pharmacokinetics of 5. n-butyl-1-cyclohexyl-2,4,6. trioxoperhydropyrimidine ( bcp) in man. (Jap) Yashiki, T Takeda Kenkyusho Takeda Kenkyusho Ho J Takeda Res Lab 30 (4): 801-840. Ref. Dec 1971 075071

44.8 OF2 Pesticide residues in milk. (Fre) Place, M; Dutremee, C Tech Lait 734: 27, 29, 31. Mar 10, 1972 075072

41.8 T445 General toxicological aspects on use of pesticides, especially for weed eradication. [Livestock, toxicity). (Ger) Hapke, HJ Tierarzıl Umsch 26 (4): 149-152. Apr 1, 1971 075073

41.8 V6463 Epileptoid syndroms in heifers following intoxication with dieldrin. (Bul) Tomov, A; Stoianov, Kh; Lisichkov, V Vet Sbirka 68 (9): 35-37. 1971 075074

SB951.W52 Analysis of technical pesticides & their formulations. MacDougall, D WhiteStevens, Robert Pestic Environ 1, Pt. 2: 271-308. Ref. 1971 075075

SB951.W52 Assay procedures for pesticides residues. Van Middelem, CH WhiteStevens, Robert Pestic Environ 1, Pt. 2: 309-409. Ref. 1971 075076

SB951.W52 Toxicology of pesticides to establish proof of safety. Oser, BL WhiteStevens, Robert Pestic Environ 1, Pt. 2: 411-456. Ref. 1971 075077

SB951.W52 Pest resistance to pesticides. Brown, A WA

White-Stevens, Robert Pestic Environ 1, Pt. 2: 458-552. Ref. 1971 075078

421 Z1 Strict observance of pesticide application regulations. (Rus) Poplavskii, V V Zashch Rast 1: 12-13. 1972 075079

385 Z6 From field of organic insecticides; on interaction of substituted benzyl chlorides with dialkyl & trialkyl phosphites. (Rus) Prokof eva, A F; Mel'nikov, N N; Vladimirova, I L; Einisman, LI Zhur Obshch Khim 41 (8): 1702-1706. Aug 1971 075080

41.8 272 Pesticides; need of regulations answering better present necessity. (Ita) Piragino, S Zooprofilassi 26 (11/12): 400-416. Nov/Dec 1971


A281.9 Ag8 No.136 Relationship of temperatures to boll weevil complex populations in Arizona. Fye, R E; Bonham, C DU.S. Agricultural Research Service (washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 14 P. Illus. 1972] 075082

512 W262 Crithidia cimbexi sp. n., a new flagellate parasite of Cimbex americana Leach (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). Lipa, J J; Smirnoff, WA Acad Polon Sci Bull Ser Sci Biol 19 (4): 269-274. Ref. 1971 075083

505 P21 (3) Relations between ultrastructure of cuticular intima & functions of air sacs in Insecta. (Fre) Faucheux, MJ Acad Sci (paris) C R Ser D 274 (10): 1518-1521. Mar 6, 1972 075084

505 P21 (3) Distribution of accumulation of metal & of purine wastes in Calliphora erythrocephala (Diptera, Brachycera). (Fre) Martoja, R; Seureau, C Acad Sci (paris) C R Ser D 274 (10): 15341537. Ref. Mar 6, 1972 075085

505 P21 (3) A study on variation of hemolymph proteins in Nephila madagascariensis Vinson 1863: adult female (Aranea, Argiopidae). (Fre) Rakotovao, L H; Rahandraha, T Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (11): 1715-1718. Ref. Mar 13, 1972 075086

505 P21 (3) Origin of vitelline enclaves in oocyte of insect Petrobius maritimus (Thysanura). (Fre) Cantacuzene, A M; Martoja, R Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (11): 1723-1726. Mar 13, 1972 075087

505 P21 (3) Spectral sensibility in caterpillars of Pieris brassicae (L.) at time of photoperiodic induction of diapause. (Fre) Claret, J Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (11): 1727-1730. Mar 13, 1972 075088

505 P21 (3) Origin & formation of pigmentary granule in larval cuticle of Tyria jacobeae L. (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). (Fre) Barbier, R Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (12): 1839-1842. Ref. Mar 20, 1972 075089

505 P21 (3) Presence of proteic intranuclear & intracytoplasmic crystals in middle intestine of Sympetrum depressiusculum Sel. (Odonata). (Fre) Gouranton, J; Thomas, D Acad Sci (paris) C R Ser D 274 (12): 1843-1845. Mar 20, 1972 075090

505 P21 (3) Geographic parthenogenesis & polyploidy in Neanura muscorum (Templeton), Collembola Neanuridae. (Fre) Cassagnau, P Acad Sci (paris) C R Ser D 274 (12): 1846-1848. Mar 20, 1972


505 P21 (3) Experimental model for behavioral analysis of soil microarthropods at different water regime in their biotope. (Fre) Vannier, G Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (13): 1942-1945. Mar 21, 1972 075092

505 P21 (3) Endocrine cephalic system of Camponotus vagus Scopoli (Hymenoptera Formicidae). Particular disposition of neurosecretory fibers. (Fre) Delye, G Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (14): 2065-2066. Apr 5, 1972 075093

505 P21 (3) Cardiac rhythm in different stages of Locusta migratoria L. (Fre) Roussel, J P Acad Sci (paris) C R Ser D 274 (14): 2071-2073. Apr 5, 1972 075094

505 P21 (3) Effect of mandibular glands implantation on imagoes differentiation in Calotermes flavicollis Fabr. (Fre) Lebrun, D Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (14): 2077-2079. Apr 5, 1972 075095

505 P21 (3) Biometric study of sex differentiation during terminal stage of postembryonal development in house cricket, Acheta domesticus L. (Orthoptera, Gryllidae). (Fre) Lauga, J Acad Sci (paris) C R Ser D 274 (14): 2080-2082. Ref. Apr 5, 1972 075096

505 P21 (3) Epigastric glands of Scodra calceata Fabr. (Orthognatha, Theraphosidae). (Fre) Legendre, R Acad Sci (paris) C R Ser D 274 (4): 542-545. Ref. Jan 24, 1972 075097

505 P21 (3) Effect of nature of host plants on longevity & fecundity of Psylla pyri L. (Insecta, Homoptera, Psyllidae). (Fre) Thanh Xuan, N Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (4): 546-548. Ref. Jan 24, 1972 075098

505 P21 (3) Effect of "gregarization" & of "solitarization" on quantitative & qualitative composition of hemolymph in Locusta migratoria (L.) cinerascens mutant albinos. (Fre) Marty, R; Fuzeau-Braesch, S; Zalta, JP Acad Sci (paris) C R Ser D 274 (4): 556557. Ref. Jan 24, 1972 075099

505 P21 (3) Effect of food absorption & of copulation on ovarian & endocrine cycle in Labidura riparia (Insecta, Dermatoptera). (Fre) Caussanel, C Acad Sci (paris) C R Ser D 274 (4): 560-563. Jan 24, 1972 075100

505 P21 (3) A study of neuroendocrine control in oviposition of Clitumnus extradentatus (Phasmida-Cheleutoptera). (Fre) Mesnier, M Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (4): 564-567. Jan 24, 1972 075101

505 P21 (3) Effect of corpora allata in laying female of Melolontha melolontha L. (Coleoptera, Scarabidae) on migratory behavior of male. (Fre) Stengel, M; Schubert, G Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (4): 568-570. Jan 24, 1972 075102

505 P21 (3) Mechanism in oviposition control of Carausius morosus Br. (Phasmida, Cheleutoptera). (Fre) Thomas, A Acad Sci (paris) C R Ser D 274 (4): 571-574. Jan 24, 1972 075103

505 P21 (3) Antennal regeneration in larvae & adults of Polyxenus lagurus (Diplopoda, Penicillata). (Fre) DuyJacquemin, N Acad Sci (paris) C R Ser D 274 (9): 1323-1326. Feb 28, 1972


505 P21 (3) Langth & weight growth of Avicularia avicularia L., Araneida, Mygalomorphae. (Fre) DrescoDerouet, L; Gros, M Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (9): 1327-1330. Feb 28, 1972 075105

505 P21 (3) Functional cycle of beta neurosecretary cells of protocerebrum of Porcellio dilatatus Brandt (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscoidea) & its modifications caused respectively by removal of molting glands & by ovariectomy. (Fre) Martin, G Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (9): 1331-1334. Ref. Feb 28, 1972 075106

505 P21 (3) Action of ecdysone & of inokosterone on regeneration of an appendage in larva of Blabera craniifer (Insecta Dictyoptera). (Fre) Bulliere, D Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (9): 1349. 1352. Ref. Feb 28, 1972 075107

505 P21 (3) Study, by electrophoresis, of evolution of alkaline phosphatases of hemolymph during terminal stages of postembryonic development by domestic cricket Acheta domesticus 1. (Fre) Lauga, J Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (9): 1357-1360. Feb 28, 1972 075108

505 P21 (3) New techniques of in vitro culture of cells of insects, & their applications. (Fre) Landureau, JC; Grellet, P Acad Sci (paris) C R Ser D 274 (9): 1372-1375. Feb 28, 1972 075109

505 P21 (3) Cross-breeding of experimental neomales in Armadillidium vulgare Latr. (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscoidea). Evidence of an heterogamete female. (Fre) Juchault, P; Legrand, J J Acad Sci (paris) CR Ser D 274 (9): 13871389. Feb 28, 1972 075110

99.8 AC82 Preliminary investigation on ecology of population of anthophilous Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) in Tatra National Park. (Pol) Starzyk, JR Acta Agr Silvestria Ser Lesna 11: 47. 71. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075111

434.8 AC8 A colour anomaly in spider Heteropoda venatoria (Linne) from Japan. Yaginuma, T Acta Arachnologica 23 (2): 21-22. Oct 30, 1971 075112

434.8 AC8 A gynandromorph of spider Zilla sachalinensis (Saito) from Japan. (Jap) Tanaka, H Acta Arachnologica 23 (2): 23-25. Eng. Sum. Oct 30, 1971 075113

434.8 ACS A gynandromorphic spider, Oxytate striatipes L. Koch from Japan. (Jap) Nishikawa, Y Acta Arachnologica 23 (2): 26-28. Eng. Sum. Oct 30, 1971 075114

434.8 AC8 Ecological studies of Pirata subpiraticus (Boesenberg et Strand) (Araneae: Lycosidae). I. (Jap) Hamamura, T Acta Arachnologica 23 (2): 29-36. Eng. Sum. Oct 30, 1971 075115

442.8 AC8 Photopositive responses of Musca domestica & Lucilia sp. to monochromatic lights. Zablocka, T Acta Biol Exp 32 (1): 55-64. Ref. 1972 075116

442.8 AC8 Relation between intensity of light & preference to different wavelengths in Musca domestica & Lucilia sp. Zablocka, T Acta Biol Exp 32 (1): 65. 71. Ref. 1972 075117

QP1.A2 Light sensitivity of compound eye of a moth (Manduca sexta) reared on a retinol deficient diet. Boethius, J; Carlson, S D; Hoglund, G Acta Physiol Scand 84 (3): 289-294. Ref. Mar 1972


SB731.A3 Frequency-dependency & maintenance of polymorphism in insect populations. [Drosophila). Petit, C Acta Phytopathol 6 (174): 137-142. Ref. 1971 075119

SB731.A3 Effect of territorial behavior of microlepidoptera on population density. (Ger) Russ, K Acta Phytopathol 6 (1/4): 147-152. Eng. Sum. 1971 075120

SB731.A3 Ecological studies on arthropod fauna of certain Libyan soils. Hammad, S M; Kolkaila, A M; Makawi, A AM Acta Phytopathol 6 (1/4): 153-164. Ref. 1971 075121

SB731.A3 Role of temperature, photoperiod & food quality in diapause of Grapholitha funebrana Tr. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Saringer, Gy Acta Phytopathol 6 (1/4): 181-184. Ref. 1971 075122

SB731.A3 Effect of temperature & photoperiod on behaviour & development of Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata L. (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). Ali, M Acta Phytopathol 6 (1/4): 185-189. Ref. 1971 075123

SB731.A3 Trophic relations & sex meetings in insects. Lebeyrie, V Acta Phytopathol 6 (1/4): 229-234. Ref. 1971 075124

SB731.A3 Effect of host plants & not host plants on oogenesis a egglaying of sugar beet moth, Scrobipalpa ocellatella Boyd (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). (Ger) Robert, PC Acta Phytopathol 6 (1/4): 235-241. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075125

SB731.A3 Study of factors influencing fecundity & fertility of codling moth (Laspeyresia pomonella L., Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Deseo, K V Acta Phytopathol 6 (1/4): 243-252, Ref. 1971 075126

41.8 V6447 Detection of origin of blood meals in sandflies (Diptera, Psychodidae). [Phlebotomus). Zivkovic, V; Movsesijan, M; Miscevic, Z; Borojevic, D Acta Vet (Beograd) 21 (3): 129-134. 1971 075127

448.3 AC85 Studies with Kemerovo virus in Singh's Aedes albopictus] cell lines. Libikova, H; Buckley, S M Acta Virol 15 (5): 393-403. Sept 1971 075128

420 ADS Variable coloration of acridoid grasshoppers. Rowell, CHF Adv Insect Physiol 8: 145-198. Ref. 1971 075129

420 ADS Mechanisms of insect excretory systems. Maddrell, SHP Ady Insect Physiol 8: 199-331. Ref. 1971 075130

420 ADS Functional organizations of giant axons in central nervous systems of insects: new aspects. Parnas, l; Dagan, D Adv Insect Physiol 8: 95-144. Ref. 1971


385 AGSE Synthesis of compounds with juvenile hormone activity. IX. Analogues of Cecropia juvenile hormone lacking methyl substituent at C-3. Mori, K Agric Biol Chem 36 (3): 442-445. Ma 1972 075132

385 AGSE Some properties of carbamoyl phosphate synthase partially purified from larvae of blowfly, Aldrichina grahami. Abe, A; Miura, K_ Agric Biol Chem 36 (3): 446-450. Ref. Mar 1972


22.5 N682 Studies on Anomala rufocuprea Motschutsky (Scarabaeidae). (Jap) Tamura, S Agric Hortic 47 (2): 343346. Feb 1972 075134

S33.E2 Research insect collection. Washburn, RH Agroborealis 4 (1): 6-7. Apr 1972 075135

442.9 AK18 Variation changes at selection by quantitative characters. [Drosophila melanogaster). (Rus) Kask, V Akad Nauk Est Ssr Izv Ser Biol 20 (3): 262268. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075136

442.9 AK18 On mutagenetic effect of some compound groups contained in shale oll (Drosophila melanogaster). (Rus) Kask, V Akad Nauk Est Ssr Izv Ser Biol 20 (3): 282-283. 1971 075137

511 AK 146 On ecology of Eyprepocnemis plorans (Charp.). (Rus) Abashidze, A T; Abashidze, E D Akad Nauk Gruz Ssr Soobshch 65 (2): 469-471. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 075138

511 AK146 New data on distribution & behaviour of Silvius (Heterosilvius) zaitzevi Olsufjev & description of male of this species. (Rus) Gurgenidze, L N Akad Nouk Gruz Ssr Soobshch 66 (1): 201203. Apr 1972 075139

511 P444A Antoradiographic study of reduplication of polytenic chromosomes of salivary slands; chronology of dna reduplication in case of inversion & in interspecific hybrids. (Drosophila). (Rus) Evgen'ev, M B; Lubennikova, E I; Shapiro, IM Akad Nauk S Ssr Dokl 200 (5): 1215-1217. Oct 1971 075140

511 P444A Course of redaplication of desoxyribonucleic acid in polytenization of chromosomes in oatogeny of Chironomus thummi. (Rus) Vlasova, I E; Kiknadze, I I; Sherudilo, AI Akad Nauk S Ssr Dokl 203 (2): 459-462. Ref. Mar 11, 1972 075141

511 AK193D On biology & effectiveness of Chrysopa septempunctata in Gissar Valley. (Rus) Evdokimova, ZI Akad Nauk Tadzh Sss Dokl 14 (3): 75-77. 1971 075142

20 AK132 Phenology, stationary distribution & fecundity of overwintering generations of Agrotis segetum in Vakhsh Valley of Tadzhikistan. (Rus) Mukhitdinov, S M Akad Nauk Tadzh Ssr Old Biol Nauk Izv 1: 51-58. Ref. 1971 075143

20 AK132 Morphological & biological characteristics of Metaphycus dispar (Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae)-parasite of soft scales. (Lecaniidae). (Rus) Sugoniaev, E S; Babaev, T Akad Nauk Tadzh Sist Ord Biol Nauk Izv 1: 70-75. 1971 075144

20 AK132 On nocturnal night of Tabanidae tovard sources of light. (Rus) Baratov, Sh Akad Nauk Tadzh Ssr Otd Biol Nauk Izv 1: 84-87. 1971 075145

20 AK132 Biolow of two species of cicads, infurions to vegetables in Tadzhikistan. (Rus) Korolevskaia, LL Akad Nauk Tadzh Sst Otd Biol Nauk Izv 1: 88-90. 1971 075146

442.9 AK124 Pensites of Planococcus citri in Tutmeni (Rus) Semianov, V P; Nüazov, O D Akad Nauk Turkm Ssr lav Ser Biol Nauk 2: 59-65. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971


442.9 AK 124 Fauna & areas of propagation of bloodsucking midges (Diptera, Simulidae) in Kopet Dagh. (Rus) Mamednicazov, O Akad Nauk Turkm Ssr Izv Ser Biol Nauk 3: 54-59. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075148

442.9 AK 124 About retardation in development of Litomastix obscurus Nik. (Hymenoptera: Elachertidae) a parasite of Chloridea obsoleta F. (Rus) Bogush, P P; Reshetnikova, KI Akad Nauk Turkm Ssr Izv Ser Biol Nauk 3: 81-82. Eng. Sum. 1971 075149

442.9 AK 124 Description of larva of Prosodes solskyi (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) from Turkmenistan. (Rus) Skopin, N G; Nepesova, MG Akad Nauk Turkm Ssr Izv Ser Biol Nauk 3: 82-86. Eng. Sum. 1971 075150

442.9 AK124 Heavy population of Bulea lichatschovi Hum. on agricultural crops in Turkmenia. (Rus) Tokgaev, TB Akad Nauk Turkm Ssr Izv Ser Biol Nauk 3: 89-90. Eng. Sum. 1971 075151

421 AL2 Easy rearing of Lycaena dispar Haw.; observations on ethology of caterpillar (Lycaenidae). (Fre) Bellenger, J Alexanor 7 (5): 213-218. 1972 075152

421 AL2 Unusual mating (Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae). (Fre) Weiss, JC Alexanor 7 (5): 237-238. 1972 075153

470 AM36 Minor climatic shifts & genetic changes in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. Band, HI Amer Natur 106 (947): 102-115. Ref. Jan/Feb 1972 075154

436.8 AN4 Mutation & fertility studies of Drosophila melanogaster affected by carbaryl. (Ger) Brzeskij, V V;

V Vaskov, VI Angew Parasitol 13 (1): 23-28. Ref. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 075155

436.8 AN4 Color preference of Musca domestica under natural conditions. (Ger) Groth, U Angew Parasitol 13 (1): 35. 50. (Cont'd). Feb 1972 075156

442.8 ANO A contribution to study of regeneration & appendix graft in some insects (Blabera cranifer, Carausius morosus, Sipyloidea sipylus, Agrion virgo & Locusta migratoria. (Fre) Urvoy, J Ann Biol (Ser. 4) 10 (11/12): 591-621. Ref. Nov/Dec 1971 075157

448.9 L75A Cytological maps for practical identification of females of three freshwater species of Anopheles gambiae complex. Green, CA Ann Trop Med Parasitol 66 (1): 143-147. Ref. Mar 1972 075158

448.9 L75A Mermithid parasite of Glossina brevipalpis Newstead. Moloo, SK Ann Trop Med Parasitol 66 (1): 159. • Mar 1972 075159

410 AN79 Electron microscope studies on oocyte differentiation & vitellogenesis in liphistiid spider, Heptathela kimurai. Osaki, H Annot Zool Jap 44 (4): 185. 209. Ref. Dec 1971 075160

421 ANS In memoriam Otto Friedrich Niklas. (Entomologists). (Ger) Franz, J M Anz Schadlingsk Pflanzenschutz 45 (3): 44-45. Mar 1972


93.31 AO52RE Preservation & utilization of natural enemies & useful insects in apple orchard. I ii. ecology of megachilid bee, Osmia cornifroms (Radoszkowski) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) & its uti (Jap) Yamada, M; Oyama, N; Sekita, N; Shirasaki, S; Tsugawa, C Aomori Apple Exp Sta Bull 15, 80 P. Map. Ref. Eng. Sum. Sept 1971 075162

381 AR2 Bioenergetic properties of mitochondria from flight muscle of aging blowflies. (Phormia regina). Bulos, B; Shukla, S; Sacktor, B Arch Biochem Biophys 149 (2): 461-469. Ref. Apr 1972 075163

410 AR27 Some experiments on sex ratio & sex regulation in pteromalid Lariophagus distinguendus. [Sitophilus granarius). Assem, J van den Arch Neer Zool 21 (4): 373-402. Ref. Dec 1971 075164

410 AR27 Tarsal & labellar taste hairs of Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy: Location, sensitivity to NaCl. Oiter, C J den Arch Neer Zool 21 (4): 464484. Ref. Dec 1971 075165

410 AR27 A preliminary report on heat perception in cockroaches. [Leucophaea maderae, Periplaneta americana). Weel, P B van; McDonald, D L Arch Neer Zool 21 (4): 487-490. Ref. Dec 1971 075166

410 AR24 Process of degeneration of male sexual cells of Lithobius forticatus L. (Myriapoda, Chilopoda). (Fre) Descamps, M Arch Zool Exp Gen 112 (3): 439-455. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075167

410 AR24 Details of development & renewal of chondriome in course of activity cycles of molting glands of Petrobius maritimus Leach (Insecta, Apterygota). (Fre) Cassier, P; Fain-Maurel, MA Arch Zool Exp Gen 112 (3): 457-470. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075168

410 AR24 Effects of an analog of juvenile hormone on embryos of three orders of insects. (Musca domestica, Thermobia domestica, Pyrrhocoris apterus). Matolin, S Arch Zool Exp Gen 112 (3): 505-509. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075169

410 AR24 Effects of certain analogs of juvenile hormone on two species of locusts: Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R. et 1.) & Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk). (Fre) Nemec, V Arch Zool Exp Gen 112 (3): 511-517. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075170

410 AR24 History & present state of research on insect hormones with special regard to Czechoslovakian research. (Fre) Novak, V JA Arch Zool Exp Gen 112 (3): 519-551. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075171

410 AR24 Selectivity of effect of certain analogs of juvenile hormone. (Fre) Romanuk, M Arch Zool Exp Gen 112 (3): 553. 563. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075172

410 AR24 Role of molting & juvenile hormones in control of metamorphosis of Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera). (Fre) Sehnal, F Arch Zool Exp Gen 112 (3): 565-577. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075173

410 AR24 Natural & synthetic substances endowed with effects of juvenile hormone in insects. (Fre) Slama, K Arch Zool Exp Gen 112 (3): 579-589. 1971 075174

475 AU73 Volatile constituents of scent gland reservoir of fruit-spotting bug, Amblypelta nitida. Baker, J T; Blake, J D; MacLeod, J K; Ironside, D A; Johnson, I C Australian J Chem 25 (2): 393-400. Feb 1972


475 AU73 Chemistry of metasternal gland secretion of common eucalypt longicorn, Phoracantha semipunctata (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Moore, B P; Brown, WV Australian J Chem 25 (3): 591-598. Mar 1972 075176

410 B393 Reproductive behaviour of Sepsis cynipsea (L.) (Diptera: Sepsidae). I. A preliminary analysis of reproductive strategy & its associated behaviour patterns. Parker, GA Behaviour 41 (1/2): 172-206. Ref. 1972 075177

QR73.B5 Alkaline phosphatase of Drosophila melanogaster. I. Partial purification & characterization. Harper, R A; Armstrong, F B Biochem Genet 6 (1): 75-82. Ref. Feb 1972 075178

QR73.B5 Morphogenic effects of halogenated thymidine analogues on Drosophila. I. Quantitative analysis of lesions induced by 5-bromodeoxyuridine & 5. fluorouracil. Rizki, T M; Rizki, R M; Douthit, H A Biochem Genet 6 (1): 83-97. Ref. Feb 1972 075179

382 B52 Some properties of pyruvate & 2oxoglutarate oxidation by blowfly flight. muscle mitochondria. (Calliphora erythrocephala). Hansford, RG Biochem J 127 (1): 271-283. Ref. Mar 1972 075180

396.8 B52 Effects of black widow spider venom on acetylcholine release from rat cerebral cortex slices in vitro. [Latrodectus mactans tredecimguttatus). Frontali, N; Granata, F; Parisi, p Biochem Pharmacol 21 (7): 969-974. Res. Apr 1, 1972 075181

442.8 B5272 Distribution & migratory behavior of parasitic Hymenoptera. (Ger) Vater, G Biol Rundsch 9 (5): 281-303. Ref. 1971 075182

QLI.B5 Phylogenesis of lymphatic cells of Protostomiae. (Ger) Vostal, z Biol Ser B Zool 26 (11): 805-810. Eng. Sum. 1971 075183

QLI.B5 A qualitative-quantitative analysis of hibernating Heteroptera interrelations. (Slo) Stepanovicova, O; Kovacovsky, P Biol Ser B Zool 26 (2): 115.123. Ref. 1971 075184

QL1.B5 A survey of research work on Slovak Carpathian fauna from 1948 to 1970. (Slo) Feriancova-Masarova, Z; Ferianc, O Biol Ser B Zool 26 (2): 165-176. 1971 075185

QL1.B5 Changes in levels of free amino acids in muscles of field cricket Gryllus campestris L. under extreme conditions of starvation. (Slo) Veselovsky, J; Skrobak, J Biol Ser B Zool 26 (5): 421426. Eng. Sum. 1971 075186

QL1.B5 Alexander Huba 50 years old. [Entomologists). (Slo) Paclı, J Biol Ser B Zool 26 (5): 434-435. 1971 075187

QL1.B5 Further notes on occurrence of mosquito females Culex pipiens. (Ger) Novak, D Biol Ser B Zool 26 (8): 643645. Eng. Sum. 1971 075188

QD241.35 Chemiand bioluminescence of firefly luciferin: an efficient chemical production of electronically excited states. (Photinus pyralis). White, E H; Rapaport, E; Seliger, H H; Hopkins, T A Bioorg Chem 1 (1/2): 92-122. Ref. Sept 1971

Page 3


513 B63 Studies on life history of a predatory pentatomid bug, Andrallus spinidens (Fabr.). Rajendra, M K; Patel, RC Bombay Natur Hist Soc J 68 (2): 319. 327. Aug 1971 075190

513 B63 Some new food plants of Drosicha mangiferae (Green) in Madhya Pradesh (Homoptera: Margarodidae). Saxena, DK Bombay Natur Hist Soc J 68 (2): 476-477. Aug 1971 075191

513 B63 Some observations during oviposition in lemon butterfly, Papilio demoleus L. Vaidya, V G Bombay Natur Hist Soc ] 68 (2): 477-478. Aug 1971 075192

513 B63 Cannibalism in epilachna beetle, Henosepilachna sparsa Herbst. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Edona, I; Soans, AB Bombay Natur Hist Soc J 68 (2): 479. Aug 1971 075193

513 B63 A convenient method of collecting larvae of tiger beetles (order Coleoptera--family Cicindelidae) in field. Soans, A B; Soans, JS Bombay Natur Hist Soc J 68 (2): 479-480. Aug 1971 075194

513 B63 Role of visual & olfactory factors in prey-hunting behaviour of pompilid wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Soans, A B; Soans, JS Bombay Natur Hist Soc J 68 (2): 482-483. Aug 1971 075195

513 363 Absence of colony-specific pheromones in ant, Technomyrmex albipes Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Soans, A B; Soans, JS Bombay Natur Hist Soc J 68 (2): 483-484. Aug 1971 075196

513 B63 A note on Apanteles paludicolae Cameron (Braconidae; Hymenoptera) a parasite of Exelastis atomosa W. Deshpande, B V; Odak, SC Bombay Natur Hist Soc J 68 (2): 484-485. Aug 1971 075197

451 B775 Some effects of grazing on population ecology of cinnabar moth (Tyria jacobaeae L.). Dempster, JP Brit Ecol Soc Symp 11Th: 517-526. Ref. 1971 075198

512 SO2 Supernumery (B) chromosomes & aneuploidy in Anopheles maculipennis M. & Anopheles messeae Fall. (Culicinae, Diptera). Belcheva, R G; Mihailova, P V Bulg Akad Nauk Dokl 24 (9): 1255-1257. Ref. 1971 075199

421 C16 Phototactic action spectrum for whitefly & question of colour vision. (Trialeurodes (Asterochiton) vaporariorum). MacDowall, F DH Can Entomol 104 (3): 299-307. Ref. Mar 1972 075200

421 C16 Aggressive behavior in adult apple maggot (Diptera: Tephritidae). (Rhagoletis pomonella). Biggs, JD Can Entomol 104 (3): 349-353. Mar 1972 075201

421 C16 Factors influencing recognition of nest entrance by returing bumble bee foragers (Hymenoptera: Apidae). (Bombus griseocollis, Bombus occidentalis). Eshelman, C W; Plowright, RC Can Entomol 104 (3): 389-399. Ref. Mar 1972 075202

421 C16 Fecundity & colony size in natural populations of Hyphantria cunea. Morris, RF Can Entomol 104 (3): 399-409. Mar 1972


421 C16 Accumulation of 137Cs (radiocesium] by Aedes aegypti larvae & effect of potassiura concentration. [Radiocesium). Guthrie, J E; Burzynski, A Z Can Entomol 104 (3): 411-416. Ref. Mar 1972 075204

421 C16 Rearing diapause & diapause-free western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on an artificial diet. Lyon, R L; Richmond, CE; Robertson, J L; Lucas, B A Can Entomol 104 (3): 417-432. Mar 1972 075205

421 C16 Chorionic architecture of Zelus exsanguis (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Salkeld, EH Can Entomol 104 (3): 433-442. Map. Ref. Mar 1972 075206

410.9 OT8 Insects collected from toadflax, Comandra umbellata ssp. pallida (Santalaceae), infected by rust, Cronartium comandrae, in southern Alberta. Powell, J M Can Field Natur 86 (1): 81-83. Jan/Mar 1972 075207

410.9 C33 Experimental infections of several species of aphids by specimens of genus Entomophthora. Krejzova, R Cesk Spolecnosti Zool Vestnik 36 (1): 17-22. Ref. Feb 1972 075208

QH345.C5 Differences in cytochrome P-450S from resistant & susceptible house flies. Philpot, R M; Hodgson, E Chem-biol Interactions 4 (6): 399-408. May 1972 075209

442.8 C46 B-chromosomes in Chironomus (plumosus). (Ger) Keyl, H G; Hagele, K Chromosoma 35 (4): 403417. Ref. 1971 075210

464.9 C47 A preliminary study on life history, rearing method of Apanteles plutellae Kurd. & effects of different insecticides on it. (Chi) Fan, S H; Ho, KK Chung-hua Chih Wu Pao Hu Hsuch Hui Plant Prot Bull 13 (4): 156-161. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 075211

464.9 C47 Morphology of Pseudococcus comstocki (Kuwana) (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae). Lin, TH Chung-hua Chih Wu Pao Hu Hsueh Hui Plant Prot Bull 13 (4): 162-166. Dec 1971 075212

444.8 C73 Cuticular lipids of insects. IV. Hydrocarbons of cockroaches Periplaneta japonica & Periplaneta americana compared to other cockroach hydrocarbons. Jackson, LL Compar Biochem Physiol 41 (2b): 331336. Ref. Feb 15, 1972 075213

444.8 C73 Ether-bonded lipids of insects: a quantitative comparison of glyceryl ethers associated with ethanolamine & choline phosphoglycerides. Lambremont, E N Compar Biochem Physiol 41 (2b): 337-342. Ref. Feb 1972 075214

444.8 673 Occurrence of cyclopropane fatty acids in females & eggs of millipede Graphidostreptus tumuliporus (Karsch) (Myriapoda: Diplopoda), as contrasted with their absence in males. Horst, D J van der; Oudejans, R CH M; Zandee, DI Compar Biochem Physiol 41 (2b): 417-423. Ref. Feb 15, 1972 075215

444.8 673 Mycetomal micro-organisms & total lipid & phospholipid in granary weevils, Sitophilus granarius L. (Coleoptera). Yadava, R P S; Musgrave, A J Compar Biochem Physiol 41 (2b): 425-431. Ref. Feb 15, 1972


444.8 673 Effect of synthetic juvenile hormone & citric acid on housefly pupae, Musca domestica L. Herzog, A; Monroe, RE Compar Biochem Physiol 41 (3a): 481486. Ref. Mar 1, 1972 075217

444.8 C73 Ion mechanisms of resting & action potentials in heart of some insect species. [Locusta migratoria migratorioides, Mantis religiosa, Phaneroptera nana). S-Rozsa, K; V. Szoke, I Compar Biochem Physiol 41 (3a): 495-506. Ref. Mar 1, 1972 075218

444.8 C73 Salt & water balance in stonefly naiads, Pteronarcys californica Newport. Colby, C Compar Biochem Physiol 41 (4a): 851-860. Ref. Apr 1, 1972 075219

475 SCI23 Free amino acids in tissues of Scirpophaga nivella (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Insecta). Saxena, A P Cur Sci 41 (6): 220-221. Mar 20, 1972 075220

475 SCI23 Colony foundation in Microcerotermes beesoni Snyder by budding (Insecta: Isoptera: Termitidae). Sen-Sarma, P K; Mishra, SC Cur Sci 41 (7): 257-258. Apr 5, 1972 075221

QH573.C83 Location & fine structure of chloride cells & their porous plates in Callibaetis spec. (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae). Komnick, H; Abel, J H Cytobiologie 4 (3): 467-479. Ref. Dec 1971 075222

QH573.C83 Anal papillae of caddisfly larvae. I. Fine structure & histochemical demonstration of sodium & chloride in Philopotamus montanus Donov. (Ger) Nuske, H; Wichard, W Cytobiologie 4 (3): 480-486. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 075223

QH573.C83 Effect of mode of fixation on formation of extrusions in midgut epithelium of Calliphora. Brunings, E A; Priester, W de Cytobiologie 4 (3): 487-491. Dec 1971 075224

QH573.C9 Developmental changes in pattern of cellular distribution of exogenous tritium-labelled crustecdysone in larval tissues of Caliphora. [Stygia). Thomson, J A; Rogers, D C; Gunson, MM; Horn, DHS Cytobios 2 (6): 79-88. Ref. July 1970 075225

QH573.C9 Nucleic acid & protein variations in relation to ultrastructural changes in developing thoracic muscles of African desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria Forsk. Richard, C; Tanguay, R; Chaudhary, KD Cytobios 3 (10/11): 145-160. Ref. Mar 1971 075226

QH573.C9 Absence of dna in giant centrioles of Neuropteran insect Chrysopa carnea a laser microbeam irradiation study, Friedlander, M; Salet, C Cytobios 4 (15/16): 171-176. Ref. Dec 1971 075227

442.8 C992 Somatic pairing in Dipteran cells in culture. [Aedes aegypti). Nichols, W W; Bradt, C; Dwight, S; Bowne, W Cytogenetics 11 (1): 46-52. Ref. 1972 075228

502 D232 Species differences in ovipository instincts within the Vermileoninae (Diptera Brachycera, Rhagionidae=Leptidae). Hemmingsen, A M; Nielsen, BR Dansk Naturhist For Videnskabelige Meddelelser 134: 149-203. Map. Ref. 1971


509 B64 Infection of different species of bumblee-bees by Sphaerularia bombi Leon Dufour 1837 in vicinity of Bonn, spring 1970. (Ger) Stein, G; Lohmar, E Decheniana 124 (2): 135-140. Eng. Sum. Jan 1972 075230

509 B64 Comparative studies on dependence of aquatic Coleoptera on their environment in Neuss district. (Ger) Koch, K Decheniana 124 (2): 69-112. Map. Eng. Sum. Jan 1972 075231 Eightieth birthday of professor Dr. Hans Hedicke. (Entomologists]. (Ger) Konigsmann, E Deut Entomol Z 18

DOEN (4/5): 387-400. Dec 15, 1971 075232

24 EA74 sleep Light-trap catches of Spodoptera exempta (Walk.) in relation to wind LA DE direction. Haggis, MJ East Afr Agr Forest J 37 (2): 100-108. Map. Ref. Oct 1971 075233

410 EC7 ba dins A niche analysis of Colorado ants. (Formicidae). Culver, D C Ecology 53 (1): 126-131. Winter 1972 075234

410 EC7 Parasitoids utilizing same host: adaptive nature of differences in size & form. (Hymenoptera, Neodiprion swainei]. Price, P W Ecology S3 (1): HET 190-195. Ref. Winter 1972 075235

410 ECT Analysis of insect trophic diversity in two salt marsh communities. [Salicornia pacifica, Spartina foliosa). Cameron, G N Ecology 53 (1): 58-73. Ref. Winter 1972 075236

QH540.E3 Effect of oversintering conditions on reactivation & subsequent development !! of Dendrolimus pini caterpillars. (Rus) Simakova, T P Ekologija 1: 68-79. Ref. 1971 075237

QH540.E3 On biocenotic & population levels of insect adaptation to conditions of existence. (Rus) Konikov, AS Ekologija 1: 80-86. Ref. 1971 075238

QH540.E3 Ecological relationships of insectxylobionts on Alnus japonica. (Rus) Mamaev, B M Ekologija 2: 50-53. 1971 075239

QH540.E3 Changes in heat resistance of muscles of Calliphora erythrocephala larvae as affected by heating cocoon of preceding generation. (Rus) Amosova, IS Ekologija 6: 74-77. 1971 075240

QH540.E3 Seasonal dynamics of ticks (Oribatei) in exhaust peat-bogs of Gorky District. (Rus) Chistiakov, MP Ekologija 6: 78-83. Ref. 1971 075241

421 EN834 Assembling of Oak Eggar moth Lasiocampa quercus (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae). Dawson, MJ Entomol Gaz 23 (1): 16. Mar 1, 1972 075242

421 EN834 Light trap records for 1969 from Farnborough, Hants, (Lepidoptera). Barson, G Entomol Gaz 23 (1): 3-12, Eng. Sum. Mar 1, 1972 075243

421 EN834 Coleopterous fauna of exotic herbivorous & carnivorous mammal dung at Windsor. Bacchus, M E; Hammond, P M Entomol Gaz 23 (1): 61-65. Mar 1, 1972 075244

421 EN834 Further records of fleas from Irish birds & mammals. Fairley,

S; Clark, FL Entomol Gaz 23 (1): 66-68. Mar 1, 1972


QL461.E55 In memory of docent Dr. Stanislaw Bleszynski. [Entomologists). (Ger) Roesler, R U Entomol Nachrichtenbi 23 (1): 33-36. 1971 075246

421 EN89 Larva & pupa of Euchloe ausonia Habaer from Greece (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Coutsis, J G Entomol Rec ) Variation 84 (3): 73. Mar 1972 075247

420 EN86 J.C. Faure-a short biography & appreciation. [Entomologists). Lea, A Entomol Soc Southern Afr J 34 (2): 201-206. Sept 1971 075248

420 EN86 Flight activity & movement of Leucoptera meyricki Ghesq. (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) & its parasites in coffee. Evans, DE Entomol Soc Southern Afr ) 34 (2): 359-368. Sept 1971 075249

420 EN86 Bionomics of South African citrus psylla, Trioza erytreae (Del Guercio) (Homoptera: Psyllidae). 5. influence of host plant quality. Catling, HD Entomol Soc Southern Afr ) 34 (2): 381-391. Ref. Sept 1971 075250

420 EN86 Biology of Diadegma stellenboschense (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a parasitoid of potato tuber moth. Broodryk, S W Entomol Soc Southern Afr ) 34 (2): 413-423. Ref. Sept 1971 075251

420 W27 Parasitism of milkweed beetles, Tetraopes (Diptera: Tachinidae-Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) (Hyalomyodes triangulifer, Loew). Sabrosky, CW; Braun, BH Entomol Soc Wash Proc 74 (1): 129. Mar 1972 075252

420 W27 An unusual habit for a fly of family Ephydridae. (Ditrichophora canifrons). Steyskal, G C Entomol Soc Wash Proc 74 (1): 129. Mar 1972 075253

420 W27 Host plants of Aphids collected at Los Angeles State & County Arboretum during 1966 & 1967 (Homoptera: Aphididae). Leonard, MD; Walker, H G; Enari, L Entomol Soc Wash Proc 74 (1): 95.120. Mar 1972 075254

421 EN85 Biology of Limenitis populi L. (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae. (Ger) Friedrich, E Entomol Z 81 (23): 266269. Dec 1, 1971 075255

421 EN85 Parthenogenesis of Argema mittrei (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae). (Ger) Weiss, M Entomol Z 81 (24): 276278. Dec 15, 1971 075256

421 EN8 Genetic incompatibility between Pararge aegeria & Pararge megera (Lepidoptera, Satyridae). Oliver, CG Entomologist (london) 104 (1302/1303): 316. Nov/Dec 1971 075257

421 EN8 Notes on parasites of Leucoptera spartifoliella Hubner (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) in south-eastern England. Agwu, SL Entomologist (london) 104 (1302/1303): 317-320. Nov/Dec 1971 075258

421 EN8 Ecological studies on Diptera breeding in dead snails. 1. Biology of species found in Cepaea nemoralis (L.). Beaver, R A Entomologist (london) 105 (1305): 41-52. Ref. Feb 1972 075259

421 EN8 A contribution to larval morphology of fenen Platurocypta & Dynatosoma (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). Lastovka, P Entomologist (london) 105 (1305): 59-76. Ref. Feb 1972


421 EN8 A code for insect collecting. Entomologist (london) 105 (1306): 110112. Mar 1972 075261

421 EN8 Structure of female reproductive system in Pteromalidae (Chalcidoidea: Hymenoptera). Copland, MJW; King, P E Entomologist (london) 105 (1306): 77-96. Ref. Mar 1972 075262

421 EN835 Description of Oligosita tominici n. sp. (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) & notes on hosts of Anagrus atomus (L.) & Anaphes autumnalis Foerster (Hymenoptera, Mymaridae). Bakkendorf, O Entomophaga 16 (4): 363-366. 1971 075263

421 EN835 Biology of Pyemotes parviscolyti (Acarina: Pyemotidae). Moser, JC; Cross, E A; Roton, L M Entomophaga 16 (4): 367-379. Ref. 1971 075264

421 EN835 Artificial rearing of codling moth (Carpocapsa pomonella L.) on calcium alginate gels. Navon, A; Moore, Entomophaga 16 (4): 381-387. Ref. 1971 075265

421 EN835 Tingidae for biological control of Lantana camara (Verbenaceae). Harley, K L S; Kassulke, RC Entomophaga 16 (4): 389-410. Ref. 1971 075266

421 EN835 Temperature, a previsional factor of evolutive cycle of Prospaltella perniciosi Tow. (Fre) Benassy, C; Bianchi, H; Milaire, HG Entomophaga 16 (4): 411-420. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075267

QL461.E53 A description of Zygaena ephialtes perodeaui, new subspecies, of western Italian Alps. (Fre) Dujardin, F Entomops 22: 177-178. Aug 30, 1971 075268

QL461.E53 New Geometridae Ennominae of Madagascar. (Ectropis, Herbulotides). (Fre) Viette, P Entomops 22: 179186. Aug 30, 1971 075269

QL461.E53 New contribution to biogeography of Dysmictocarabus solieri Dej. (Fre) Tarrier, M Entomops 22: 187-190. Aug 30, 1971 075270

QL461.E53 Description of Dysmictocarabus solieri caussolsica, new subspecies, & commentary concerning "clairi" Gehin of Tenda Pass. (Fre) Bellon, J Entomops 22: 191-193. Aug 30, 1971 075271

QL461.E53 A new locality for Dysmictocarabus solieri Dej. & description of florettae, new individual form. (Fre) Raffaldi, J Entomops 22: 194. Aug 30, 1971 075272

QL461.E53 Research concerning fauna of forest soils from southeast of France. Teratological notes: Coleoptera. (Fre) Herve, P Entomops 23: 229-233. Ref. Dec 20, 1971 075273

QL461.E53 Teratological events. (Dysmictocarabus solieri, Archicarabus monticola, Carabus). (Fre) Tarrier, M Entomops 24: 246-247. Dec 20, 1971 075274

443.8 EV62 Courtship behavior in semispecies of superspecies Drosophila paulistorum. Koref-Santibanez, S Evolution 26 (1): 108-115. Ref. Mar 1972


443.8 EV62 Further evidence of genetic & increased developmental homeostasis in a Drosophila melanogaster natural population during a minor climatic shift. Band, HT Evolution 26 (1): 116-129. Ref. Mar 1972 075276

443.8 EV62 Selective attraction of male euglossine bees to orchid floral fragrances & its inportance in long distance pollen flow. [Euglossa, Eulaema, Euplusia). Williams, N H; Dodson, CH Evolution 26 (1): 84-95. Ref. Mar 1972 075277

443.8 EV62 Mate selection & balanced polymorphism in tropical nymphalid butterfly, Anartia fatima. Emmel, TC Evolution 26 (1): 96-107. Map. Ref. Mar 1972 075278

475 EX7 Side-chain hydroxylation in biosynthesis of beta-ecdysone (20hydroxyecdysone) in blowfly Calliphora stygia. Galbraith, M N; Horn, DHS; Middleton, E J; Thomson, JA Experientia 28 (3): 264-265. Mar 15, 1972 075279

475 EX7 Coeloconic sensilla on antennae of yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti (L.). Mclver, S B; Hutchinson, SA Experientia 28 (3): 323. Mar 15, 1972 075280

475 EX7 Crystalloid inclusions in connective tissue of spider venom gland. (Loxosceles reclusa). Soloff, B L; Sun, CN Experientia 28 (3): 325-326. Mar 15, 1972 075281

475 EX7 Morphogenic effects of halogenated thymidine analogs on Drosophila. I ii. 5-iododeoxyuridine. (Abnormalities). Rizki, R M; Rizki, T M Experientia 28 (3): 329-332. Mar 15, 1972 075282

475 EXT Diffuse kinetochores in chromosomes of arrhenotokous spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch. Pijnacker, L P; Ferwerda, MA Experientia 28 (3): 354. Ref. Mar 15, 1972 075283

475 EX7 Location of enzyme loci in chromosomes of Drosophila willistoni. Lakovaara, S; Saura, A Experientia 28 (3): 355-356. Ref. Mar 15, 1972 075284

475 EX7 Time saving improvements in Galleria (mellonella) bioassay for juvenile hormone. Loof, A de; Veire, M van de Experientia 28 (3): 366-367. Mar 15, 1972 075285

QD415.54 Primary sequence of phospholipase-A from hee venom. (Apis mellifica]. Shipolini, R A; Callewaert, G L; Cottrell, R C; Vernon, CA F Ebs Lett (fed Eur Biochem Soc) 17 (1): 39. 40. Sept 15 1971 075286

QD415.F4 Effect of adenine nucleotides upon 2oxoglutatate dehydrogenase of blowny flight muscle. (Calli erythrocephala). Hansford, R G F Ebs Lett (fed Eur Biochem Soc) 21 (2): 139-141. Mar 15, 1972 075287

QD415.F4 Multiple forms of DNA-dependent rna polymerase from insect tissue. (Calliphora erythrocephala). Doenecke, D; Pfeiffer, C; Sekeris, CE F Ebs Lett (fed Eur Biochem Soc) 21 (2): 237-243. Ref. Mar 15, 1972 075288

QD415.F4 Molecular weight determination of polypeptide chains of molluscan & arthropod hemocyanins. Salvato, B; Sartore, S; Rizzotti, M; Magaldi, A G F Ebs Lett (fed Eur Biochem Soc) 22 (1): 5-7. Ref. Apr 15, 1972


420 F662 Habits & present distribution in Florida of exotic ant, Pseudomyrmex mexicanus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Whitcomb, W H; Denmark, H A; Buren, W F; Carroll, J F Fla Entomol 55 (1): 31-34. Ref. Mar 1972 075290

420 F662 Seasonal occurrence of click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in Everglades as measured by two types of traps. Genung, W G Fla Entomol 55 (1): 35. 41. Mar 1972 075291

420 F662 Tool using behavior of Pogonomyrmex badius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Morrill, W L Fla Entomol 55 (1): 5960. Mar 1972 075292

420 F662 Observations on foraging behavior of southern harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex badius. Nickle, D A; Neal, TM Fla Entomol 55 (1): 65-66. Mar 1972 075293

420 F662 Dr. William G. Eden receives award from Florida Entomological Society. Adlerz, WC; Callahan, P S; Robinson, F A; Weems, H V Fla Entomol 55 (1): 67-68. Mar 1972 075294

385 F71 Occurrence of glycogen during vitellogenesis in Halys dentata (Hemiptera-Pentatomidae). Pathak, J PN Folia Histochem Cytochem 9 (3): 273-276. Ref. 1971 075295

444.8 G28 A method for in-vitro stimulation of house fly egg development with a juvenile hormone analog. (Musca domestica). Adams, T S; Eide, PE Gen Compar Endocrinol 18 (1): 12-21. Ref. Feb 1972 075296

444.8 G28 Regenerated corpora cardiaca & hyperglycemic factor in Locusta migratoria. Highnam, K C; Goldsworthy, G J Gen Compar Endocrinol 18 (1): 83-88. Ref. Feb 1972 075297

443.8 G28 Selection of oviposition sites by Drosophila pseudoobscura as an indicator of gregariousness. (Spa) Solar, E del Genet Iber 23 (1/2): 1124. Ref. 1971 075298

443.8 G28 Selection of oviposition sites by Drosophila. Coexistence of Drosophila melanogaster & Drosophila funebris. (Spa) Palomino, H; Solar, E del Genet Iber 23 (1/2): 25-33. Ref. 1971 075299

442.8 G28 On genetic control of genes located in sex-chromosome heterochromatin of Drosophila melanogaster. Sandler, L Genetics 70 (2): 261-274. Ref. Feb 1972 075300

442.8 G28 R na synthesis & heterochromatization in early development of a mealybug. (Pseudococcus obscurus). Sabour, M Genetics 70 (2): 291-298. Ref. Feb 1972 075301

442.8 G28 Location of viability genes within a testcross framework. (Drosophila). Chapco, W Genetics 70 (2): 319-330. Ref. Feb 1972 075302

105.1 G 344 Hormonal regulation of reproduction in insects. (Pest control). De Loof, A Ghent Rijkssac Landbouwetensch Meded 36 (3): 858-865. 1971 075303

105.1 G 344 Some recent developments in field of insect pheromones. Ritter, FJ Ghent Rijksfac Landbouwetensch Meded 36 (3): 874-882. Ref. 1971


99.8 G682 Biologic characteristics of red forest ants of family of Formica. (Bul) Kremidchev, M; Ganchev, G; Butov, V; Bobev, R Gorsko Stopanstvo 27 (10): 25-31. Map. Oct 1971 075305

99.8 G682 Accelerating growth of anthills by adding standards. (Bul) Veselinov, G D Gorsko Stopanstvo 27 (5): 24-27. May 1971 075306

99.8 G682 A practical method for assessing number of eggs of Malacosoma neustria. (Bul) Mateeva, A; Ficheva, E Gorsko Stopanstvo 27 (8): 44. Aug 1971 075307

87 G75 Studies on biology & ecological features of Anarsia lineatella Zell. (Bul) Lazarov, A; Ivanov, S; Veselinov, D; Stoeva, R Gradinarska Lozarska Nauk 8 (2): 39-54. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075308

87 G75 Fruit bark beetle--Scolitus (Ecoptogaster) rugulosus Ratz. [Bioecology). (Bul) Ivanov, S Gradinarska Lozarska Nauk 8 (3): 25. 35. Eng. Sum. 1971 075309

443.8 H42 A natural population of Drosophila transferred to a laboratory environment. Anderson, W W; Dobzhansky, T; Pavlovsky, O Heredity 28 (1): 101-107. Ref. Feb 1972 075310

500 IL6 Harlow Burgess Mills, 1906.-1971. [Entomologists). Evers, R A III State Acad Sci Trans 64 (4): 401-405. 1971 075311

QH657.59 1967 Stabilizing mechanisms in insect flight. Wilson, DM In Gravity and the Organism P. 169-176. 1971 075312

QH657.59 1967 Flying insects & gravity. Weis-Fogh, T In Gravity and the Organism P. 177. 184. Ref. 1971 075313

QH657.59 1967 Proprioceptive gravity perception in Hymenoptera. Markl, H In Gravity and the Organism P. 185.194. Ref. 1971 075314

QH657.59 1967 Gravity orientation in insects: role of different mechanoreceptors. Wendler, G In Gravity and the Organism P. 195-201. Ref. 1971 075315

QH657.59 1967 Experiments of Biosatellite ii. (Insects). Saunders, J F; Reynolds, O E; DeSerres, FJ In Gravity and the Organism P. 443-450. Ref. 1971 075316

SB950.154 1970 Scope & direction of contemporary soil arthropod research. Christiansen, K In Pesticides in the Soil; Ecology, Degradation and Move Ment P. 8-24. Ref. 1970 075317

SB931.P45 1971 Insects & man. (History, entomologists). Pfadt, R E In Pfadi. Robert E. Fundamentals of Applied Entomology P. 1-27. 1971 075318

SB931.P45 1971 Insects & their environment. Chiang, HC In Pfade, Robert E. Fundamentals of Applied Entomology P. 137-170. Ref. 1971 075319

SB931.P45 1971 Insect structure & function. Harwood, RF In Pradt, Robert E. Fundamentals of Applied Entomology P. 29-68. Ref. 1971 075320

HC60.265 1968 On irrigation--induced changes in insect populations in Israel. Rivnay, E In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 349-367. Map. Ref. 1972


22 AG831 Effects of food & mating on longevity, fecundity & fertility in Eublemma amabilis Moore (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera). Varshney, R K; Griyaghey, U P; Sundaram, RM Indian J Agr Sci 41 (9): 771.778. Ref. Sept 1971 075322

420 IN23 Parasites of Sylepta derogata Fabr. with three new records from India. Rawat, R R; Modi, BN Indian J Entomol 32 (1): 101-102. Mar 1970 (Pub. June 1970) 075323

420 IN23 Multiple coitus in lac insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr.). Chauhan, N S; Mishra, YD Indian J Entomol 32 (1): 102103. Mar 1970 (Pub. June 1970) 075324

420 IN23 Occurrence of an abnormal male in lac insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr.). Chauhan, NS Indian J Entomol 32 (1): 103. Mar 1970 (Pub. June 1970) 075325

420 IN23 Corcyra cephalonica Stainton, a new predator of lac insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr.) in laboratory culture. Malhotra, C P; Katiyar, R N Indian J Entomol 32 (1): 104. Mar 1970 (Pub. June 1970) 075326

420 IN23 Predation of Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus & Ischiodon scutellaris Fabricius on Aphis craccivora Koch. Saxena, HP; Sircar, P; Phokela, A Indian J Entomol 32 (1): 105-106. Mar 1970 (Pub. June 1970) 075327

420 IN23 New record of Exorista fallax Mg. (Tachinidae: Diptera) as a larval-pupal parasite of Amsacta moorei B. in Gujarat. Patel, V C; Patel, HK Indian J Entomol 32 (1): 106-107. Mar 1970 (Pub. June 1970) 075328

420 IN23 Hem Singh Pruthi. (Entomologists). Prasad, S K Indian J Entomol 32 (1): 109. Mar 1970 (Pub. June 1970) 075329

420 IN23 Boris P. Uvarov. [Entomologists). Agarwala, S BD Indian J Entomol 32 (1): 110. Mar 1970 (Pub. June 1970) 075330

420 IN23 Life-history & habits of Oligotoma greeniana Enderlein, (Oligotomidae: Embioptera) commensal in nest of social spider Stegodyphus sarasinorum Karsch. Bradoo, B L; Joseph, KJ Indian J Entomol 32 (1): 16-21. Ref. Mar 1970 (Pub. June 1970) 075331

420 IN 23 A simple method of mass culturing melon fruit-fly, Dacus cucurbitae Coquillet. Singh, O P; Teoria, TPS Indian J Entomol 32 (1): 28-31. Mar 1970 (Pub. June 1970) 075332

420 IN23 A biometrical analysis of growth in larvae of Dineutes indicus Aube (Gyrinidae: Coleoptera). Rao, M H N; Tonapi, GT Indian J Entomol 32 (1): 39-50. Ref. Mar 1970 (Pub. June 1970) 075333

420 IN23 Histopathological studies on larvae of Chilo zonellus (Swinhoe) infected by an entomogenous fungus Beauveria densa (Link) Picard. Srivastava, R P; Mathur, SB Indian J Entomol 32 (1): 87-88. Mar 1970 (Pub. June 1970) 075334

420 IN 23 First record of incidence of larval phases of acanthocephalan parasites in cockroaches (Periplaneta americana L.) in India. Bhamburkar, BL; Garde, V R; Shastri, UV Indian J Entomol 32 (1): 89. Mar 1970 (Pub. June 1970)


420 IN23 Life history of Myrmeleon celebensis McLachlan (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Bong-Heang, K Indian J Entomol 32 (3): 230-245. Sept 1970 (Pub. June 1971) 075336

420 IN23 New record of Calliandra lambertiana (D. Don) Benth. as a host-plant of lac insect. (Kerria). Varshney, R K; Ganguly, G Indian J Entomol 32 (3): 269. Sept 1970 (Pub. June 1971) 075337

420 IN23 Sex in relation to sequence of larval emergence in lac insects. [Kerria lacca). Chauhan, NS Indian J Entomol 32 (3): 273-275. Sept 1970 (Pub. June 1971) 075338

420 IN23 Record of acidity in the gut of the caterpillar of Holcocera pulverea (Meyr.), a predator of lac insect. [Kerria lacca). Varshney, R K; Sundaram, R M; Griyaghey, UP Indian J Entomol 32 (3): 277-278. Sept 1970 (Pub. June 1971) 075339

QL801.15 A histological study of internal organs of reproduction in Lygaeus sp. (Lygaeidae-Insecta). Ramamurty, PS Indian J Zootomy 11 (2): 67-78. Ref. Aug. 1970 (Pub. Sept. 1971) 075340

QR 1.157 Specific hemagglutinin & a modulator of complement in cockroach hemolymph. (Blabarus craniifer). Anderson, R S; Day, N K B; Good, R A Infect Immun 5 (1): 55-59. Ref. Jan 1972 075341

QL495.A1157 Growth & biochemical adaptation of larvae of beetle Dermestes maculatus to carbohydrate-free diets. Applebaum, SW; Konijn, A M; Menco, B Insect Biochem 1 (1): 1-13. Ref. Mar 1971 075342

QL495.A1157 Selective protein storage by fat-body of angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella. Chippendale, G M Insect Biochem 1 (1): 122-124. Ref. Mar 1971 075343

QL495.A 1157 Synthesis & metabolism of long-chain fatty acids during late developmental stages of Heliothis zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Lambremont, EN Insect Biochem 1 (1): 14-18. Ref. Mar 1971 075344

QL495.A 1157 Microsomal NADPH (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate). cytochrome c reductase from housesly, Musca domestica solubilization & purification. Wilson, T G; Hodgson, E Insect Biochem 1 (1): 19-26. Ref. Mar 1971 075345

QL495.A1157 Vertebrate serum inhibitors of Aedes aegypti trypsin. Huang, CT Insect Biochem (1): 27-38. Ref. Mar 1971 075346

QL495.A 1157 Fat-body & haemolymph lipids of southwestern corn borer, Distraea grandiosella, during metamorphosis. Chippendale, G M Insect Biochem 1 (1): 39-46. Ref. Mar 1971 075347

QL495.A1157 Electrophoretic studies on proteins of haemolymph, saliva, & eggs of cattle tick, Boophilus microplus. Tatchell, R J Insect Biochem 1 (1): 47-55. Ref. Mar 1971 075348

QL495.A 1157 Developmental changes in prophenoloxidases of larval haemolymph in ny. Calliphora. Sin, Y T; Thomson, J A Insect Biochem 1 (1): 56-62. Ref. Mar 1971

075349 A developmental analysis of uptake & release of lipids by fat-body of tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Chang, F;

Friedman, S Insect Biochem 1 (1): 63-

80. Ref. Mar 1971 075350

QL495.A 1157 motor Isocitrate dehydrogenases from fly & cockroach thoracic muscle mitochondria. (Musca autumnalis, Periplaneta americana. Ku, T Y; Cochran, DG Insect Biochem 1 (1): 81-96. Ref. Mar 1971 075351

QL495.A 1157 en Tyrosine side-chain metabolism in

illiset larval & adult cockroaches, Periplaneta Sept americana: post-ecdysial patterns. Hopkins, T L; Murdock, L L; Wirtz, RA Insect Biochem 1 (1): 97-101. Ref. Mar 1971

El mar lipids

ma 075352

QL495.A 1157 2: GM Dietary lipids & lipid composition of fat-body of Locusta migratoria. Beenakkers, A MT; Scheres, J MJC Insect Biochem 1 (2): 125-129. June 1971 075353

QL495.A 1157 Substrate specificity & inhibition of choline & ethanolamine kinases from fat-body of Phormia regina larvae. Shelley, R M; Hodgson, E Insect Biochem 1 (2): 149-156. Ref. June 1971 075354

QL495.A 1157 Phenolic compounds isolated from insect hard cuticle & their relationship to sclerotization process. [Schistocerca gregaria). Andersen, SO Insect Biochem 1 (2): 157-170. Ref. June 1971 075355

QL495.A1157 Microsomal NADPH-cytochrome e reductase from housefly, Musca domestica: properties of purified enzyme. (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate). Wilson, T G; Hodgson, E Insect Biochem I (2): 171180. Ref. June 1971 075356 4-Methyl-3-heptanone: identification & role in opilionid exocrine secretions. (Leiobunum). Blum, MS; Edgar, AL Insect Biochem 1 (2): 181-188. Ref. June 1971 075357

QL495.A 1157 Conjugates of glucosamine in cockroach cuticle. (Periplaneta americana). Lipke, H Insect Biochem 1 (2): 189. 198. Ref. June 1971 075358

QL495.A 1157 Carbohydrate changes during metamorphosis of blowfly Phormia regina. Tate, L G; Wimer, LT Insect Biochem 1 (2): 199-206. Ref. June 1971 075359

QL495.A1157 Interactions of Aedes aegypti (L.) trypsin with its two inhibitors found in bovine serum. Huang, CT Insect Biochem 1 (2): 207-227. Ref. June 1971 075360 N-terminal beta-alanine in puparium of sy Sarcophaga bullata: evidence from kinetic studies of its release by partial acid hydrolysis. Bodnaryk, R P Insect Biochem 1 (2): 228-236. Ref. June 1971 075361

QL495.A1157 Time course of 32P-orthophosphate incorporation into different classes of phospholipids by honogenates of fly, Ceratitis capitata. Castillion, M P: Catalan, R E; Municio, A M; Suarez, A Insect Biochem 1 (2): 237-243. Ref. June 1971 075362

QL495.A 1157 Lipids of female monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, during fall migration. Cenedella, RJ Biochem 1 (2): 244-247. Ref. June 1971


QL495.A1157 Uric acid production in relation to protein metabolism in silkworm, Bombyx mori, during pupal-adult development. Tojo, S Insect Biochem 1 (3): 249-263. Ref. Sept 1971 075364

QL495.A 1157 Metabolism of tyrosine to po hydroxyphenylpropionic acid & tophydroxyphenylacetic acid by baemolympb of american cockroach. Mills, R R; Lake, CR Insect Biochem 1 (3): 264-270. Ref. Sept 1971 075365

QL495.A1157 Mevalonate kinase from larva of Deshlly, Sarcophaga bullata. Goodfellow, RD; Barnes, FJ Insect Biochem 1 (3): 271-282. Ref. Sept 1971 075366

QL495.A 1157 Metamorphic changes in midgut lipids of southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella. Chippendale, GM lasect Biochem 1 (3): 283-292. Ref. Sept 1971 075367

QL495.A1157 Concentration of some intermediates of glycolysis in thorax of mosquito, Aedes aegypti, at rest. (Phormia regina). Birtwisle, D Insect Biochem 1 (3): 293298. Ref. Sept 1971 075368

QL495.A 1157 Composition of sterol fraction from various organs of termite queens. (Macrotermes). Cmelik, S H W Insect Biochem 1 (3): 299-301. Ref. Sept 1971 075369

QL495.A 1157 Characteristics of homologous & beterologous dna-rna hybrids from unfertilized & fertilized eggs of houseflies, Musca domestica. Gadallah, Al; Kilgore, WW; Painter, RR Insect Biochem 1 (3): 302-308. Ref. Sept 1971 075370

QL495.A1157 Biochemistry of development of fly Ceratitis capitata: evolution of fatty acids of individual phospholipids. Castillon, M P; Jimenez, C; Catalan, RE; Municio, AM Insect Biochem 1 (3): 309-315. Ref. Sept 1971 075371

QL495.A1157 Principal lipid classes & fatty acids synthesized during growth & development of beetle Lyctus planicollis. Mauldin, J K; Lambremont, E N; Graves, J B Insect Biochem 1 (3): 316-326. Ref. Sept 1971 075372

QL495.A 1157 Heat-labile & heat-stable betaglucuronidases in embryogenesis, larval growth, & metamorphosis of blowfly, Crysomyia rufiferacis. Varute, A T; Sawant, V A Insect Biochem 1 (3): 327-336. Ref. Sept 1971 075373

QL495.A 1157 Uptake & transport of cholesterol by haemolymph lipoproteins. (Philosamia cyathia). Chino, H; Gilbert, L I Insect Biochem 1 (3): 337-347. Ref. Sept 1971 075374

QL495.A 1157 Phospholipids of Manduca sexta tissues & incorporation, in vivo, of ethanolamine, choline, & inorganic phosphate. Kulkarni, A P; Smith, E; Hodgson, E Insect Biochem I (3): 348362 Ref. Sept 1971 075375

QL495.A 1157 Ribonucleic acid synthesis in nuclei isolated from Musca domestica. Agosin, M Insect Biochem 1 (3): 363372. Ref. Sept 1971 075376

QL495.A1157 Heart poisons (cardiac glycosides) in lymeld bugs Caenocoris nerii & Spilostethus pandurus. Euw, J von; Reichstein, T; Rothschild, M Insect Biochem I (4): 373-384. Ref. Dec


QL495.A 1157 Protein synthesis during insect development. Patel, N G Insect Biochem 1 (4): 391-427. Ref. Dec 1971 075378

QL495.A 1157 Effects of juvenile hormone on rates of protein synthesis in Oncopeltus fasciatus. Bassi, S D; Feir, D Insect Biochem 1 (4): 428-432. Ref. Dec 1971 075379

QL495.A1157 Composition of lipids from frontal gland of major soldiers of Macrotermes goliath. Cmelik, SHW Insect Biochem I (4): 439-445. Ref. Dec 1971 075380

QL495.A 1157 Analysis of lipid during life cycle of house cricket, Acheta domesticus. Lipsitz, E Y; McFarlane, J E Insect Biochem 1 (4): 446-460. Ref. Dec 1971 075381

QL495.A 1157 Anaerobic formation of alanine in metathoracic musculature of Periplaneta americana. Hodkova, M; Kubista, V Insect Biochem 1 (4): 461466. Ref. Dec 1971 075382

QL495.A 1157 Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase catalyses synthesis of gammaglutamylphenylalanine in larva of housefly Musca domestica. Bodnaryk, RP; Skillings, J R Insect Biochemi (4): 467-479. Ref. Dec 1971 075383

QL55.15 Laboratory care & breeding of Rhodnius prolixus (Venezuelan bedbug). Wright, DP Insi Anim Tech

22 (4): 166-168. Dec 1971 075384

64.9 INC Food plants & economical importance of Bombus terrestris (L.) & Bombus lucorum (L.). [Pollination). (Pol) Ruszkowski, A Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 47: 215-250. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075385

64.9 INZ Food plants of Bombus agrorum (F.) & multiplying possibility of this species. (Plants, pollination). (Pol) Ruszkowski, A Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 47: 251-282. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075386

444.8 IN: Radioresistance & longevity of inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster. Westerman, JM; Parsons, PA Int J Radiat Biol 21 (2): 145-152. Ref. Feb 1972 075387

500 1093 A further note on Formica exsectiodes Forel. Quick, K M; Christensen, CL lowa Acad Sci Proc 78 (3/4): 43. Jan 1972 075388

10.5 IR45 A biological & morphological comparison among some isolates of Aphis fabae complex (Homoptera, Aphididae). Dunne, R M Irish Agr Res 10 (3): 341-353. Ref. Dec 1971 075389

444.8 3823 Studies on phosphatases in arachnid muscle. II. Activation pattern of phosphatases. (Heterometrus fulvipes]. Rao, P V; Govindappa, S J Anim Morphol Physiol 18 (2): 127-133. Dec 1971 075390

444.8 3823 On a new gregarine, Sycia arachnoidea, n. sp., from an arachnid host Opalnia sp. Devdhar, MJ; Gourishankar, G J Anim Morphol Physiol 18 (2): 182187. Ref. Dec 1971 075391

444.8 3823 Frequency of heartbeat in immature & adult stages of epilachna beetle Henosepilachna sparsa Herbst (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Edona, V I J Anim Morphol Physiol 18 (2): 203204. Dec 1971


410 J828 Aspects of biology of Psychoda alternata (Say.) & Psychoda severini parthenogenetica Tonn. (Diptera) in a percolating filter. Solbe, J F de L G; Tozer, JS J Appl Ecol 8 (3): 835-844. Ref. Dec 1971 075393

442.8 J828 Electromechanical coupling in tubular muscle fibers. I. organization of tubular muscle fibers in scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus. Gilai, A; Parnas, IĮ Cell Biol 52 (3): 626-638. Ref. Mar 1972 075394

442.8 1828 Orientation of dna within 80-angstrom chromatin fibers. (Chironomus thummi, Amblystoma tigrinum, Spirostormum). Dusenbery, D B; Uretz, RB J Cell Biol 52 (3): 639-647. Ref. Mar 1972 075395

QH301.J6 Physiology & ultrastructure of phasic & tonic skeletal muscle fibres in locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Cochrane, D G; Elder, H Y; Usherwood, PNR Cell Sci 10 (2): 419-441. Ref. Mar 1972 075396

QH301.J6 Biochemical & structural variations in flight muscle mitochondria of ageing blowflies, Calliphora erythrocephala. Tribe, M A; Ashhurst, DE J Cell Sci 10 (2): 443-469. Ref. Mar 1972 075397

442.8 J829 Demonstration of a "tissue factor" acting in morphogenesis of tracheal system in dipteran insects. (Fre) Pihan, J J Embryol Exp Morphol 26 (3): 497-521. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 075398

442.8 J829 Ultrastructural changes during transition of larval to adult intersegmental muscle at metamorphosis in blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala. I. Dedifferentiation & myoblast fusion. Crossley, A CJ Embryol Exp Morphol 27 (1): 43-74. Ref. Feb 1972 075399

442.8 J829 Ultrastructural changes during transition of larval to adult intersegmental muscle at metamorphosis in blowsly Calliphora erythrocephala. II. formation of adult muscle. Crossley, A C J Embryol Exp Morphol 27 (1): 75-101. Ref. Feb 1972 075400

442.8 J829 Cell lines derived from late embryonic stages of Drosophila melanogaster. Schneider, I J Embryol Exp Morphol 27 (2): 353-365. Ref. Apr 1972 075401

442.8 J829 Regeneration, post-embryonic induction & cellular interaction in eye of Periplaneta americana. Hyde, CAT J Embryol Exp Morphol 27 (2): 367379. Ref. Apr 1972 075402

410 J825 Mechanism of puparium formation in flies. (Sarcophaga bullata). Zdarek, J; Fraenkel, G J Exp Zool 179 (3): 315323. Ref. Mar 1972 075403

447.8 J822 Dual sensitivities of cells in wolf spider eyes at ultraviolet & visible wavelengths of light. DeVoe, RD J Gen Physiol 59 (3): 247-269. Ref. Mar 1972 075404

447.8 J822 Rhodopsin of larval mosquito. (Aedes aegypti). Brown, P K; White, RH J Gen Physiol 59 (4): 401-414. Ref. Apr 1972 075405

447.8 J822 Spectral sensitivity of larval mosquito ocelli. (Aedes aegypti). Seldin, E B; White, R H; Brown, PK J Gen Physiol 59 (4): 415-420. Apr 1972


421 3825 A switch phenomenon in compound eye of white-eyed mutant of Drosophila melanogaster. Cosens, D; Briscoe, D J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 627-632. Ref. Apr 1972 075407

421 J825 Dietary requirements & tissue levels of fatty acids in three Noctuidae. (Trichoplusia ni, Autographa californica, Heliothis zea). Terriere, L C; Grau, PA J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 633-647. Ref. Apr 1972 075408

421 J825 Stability of subunit association in Acheta ribosomes. Kaulenas, MS J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 649-673. Ref. Apr 1972 075409

421 J825 Water absorption by columnar serosa in eggs of waterstrider, Gerris paludum insularis. Mori, H J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 675-681. Apr 1972 075410

421 J825 Total amino acies in hydrolysates of olive fruit fly, Dacus oleae, grown in an artificial diet & in olive fruits. Manoukas, A G J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 683-688. Apr 1972 075411

421 J825 In vitro synthesis & release of proteins by fat body & ovarian tissue of Leucophaea maderae during sexual cycle. Wyss-Huber, M; Luscher, M J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 689-710. Ref. Apr 1972 075412

421 J825 6-Alkyl-1,4-naphthoquinones from defensive secretion of tenebrionid beetle, Argoporis alutacea. Tschinkel, W R J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 711-722. Ref. Apr 1972 075413

421 J825 Presence of phytosterols in food of aphid, Myzus persicae. Forrest, J MS; Knights, B A J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 723-728. Ref. Apr 1972 075414

421 J825 Effect of ligation on tanning in larva of a tachinid parasite, Lespesia archippivora. Chang, F J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 729-735. Apr 1972 075415

421 3825 Nad-dependent alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase in housefly, Musca domestica. Rockstein, M; Farrell, G J J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 737-745. Ref. Apr 1972 075416

421 J825 Effect of cations on chymotrypsin from Aedes aegypti larvae. Yang, Y J; Davies, DM J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 747-755. Ref. Apr 1972 075417

421 3825 Dynamics of release & possible identity of bursicon in Locusta migratoria migratorioides. Vincent, J F V J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 757-780. Ref. Apr 1972 075418

421 J825 Chemistry & function of a pheromone produced by male of southern armyworm Pseudaletia separata. Clearwater, JR J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 781-789. Ref. Apr 1972 075419

421 J825 Beta-alanine metabolism in housefly, Musca domestica: concentrations in larvae, pupae, & adults. Ross, R H; Monroe, R E J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 791-796. Ref. Apr 1972 075420

421 J825 Sources of energy utilized by natural populations of mosquito Culex tarsalis, for overwintering. Schaefer, C H; Miura, T J Insect Physiol 18 (4): 797805. Apr 1972


444.8 J826 Tracheae of water mites. [Hydrachnellae). Mitchell, R. J Morphol 136 (3): 327-335. Ref. Mar 1972 075422

444.8 J826 Studies on neurosecretory system & retrocerebral endocrine glands of Nezara viridula Linn. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Awasthi, V B J Morphol 136 (3): 337-351. Ref. Mar 1972 075423

60.18 J82 Diet of walkingsticks on sandhill rangeland in Colorado. (Diapheromera velu). Ueckert, D N; Hansen, R M J Range Manage 25 (2): 111-113. Ref. Mar 1972 075424

440.8 J822 Developmental studies in Drosopilia. II. Ultrastructural analysis of salivary glands of Drosophila pseudoobscura during some stages of development. Harrod, M J E; Kastritsis, C D ] Ultrastruct Res 38 (5/6): 482-497. Ref. Mar 1972 075425

440.8 J822 Genetic control of spermiogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster: an autosomal mutant (ms(2)3R) demonstrating failure of meiotic cytokinesis. Romrell, L J; Stanley, H P; Bowman, JT J Ultrastruct Res 38 (516): 563-577. Ref. Mar 1972 075426

440.8 J822 Genetic control of spermiogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster: an autosomal mutant (ms(2)10R) demonstrating disruption of exonemal complex. Romrell, L J; Stanley, H P; Bowman, JT J Ultrastruct Res 38 (5/6): 578590. Ref. Mar 1972 075427

410.9 L84P Life history & ecology of three paradoxosomatid millipedes (Diplopoda: Polydesmida) in northern Nigeria. Lewis, J G E Zool 165 (4): 431-452. Ref. Dec 1971 075428

442.9 J27 Chromosomal variation in natural populations of Drosophila bifasciata. Yamaguchi, O; Moriwaki, D Jap J Genet 46 (6): 383-391. Ref. Dec 1971 075429

421 K833 Observations on brood development in Bombus ignitus (Hymenoptera, Apidae). I. Egg-laying habits of queens & workers. Katayama, E Kontyu 39 (3): 189-203. Ref. Oct 1971 075430

421 K833 Daily activities of founding queens of two Polistes wasps, Polistes snelleni & Polistes biglumis in soli tary stage (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Yamane, S Kontyu 39 (3): 203-217. Ref. Oct 1971 075431

421 K833 Relative abundance, phenology & flower visits of apid bees in eastern Parana, southern Brazil (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Sakagami, S F; Laroca, S Kontyu 39 (3): 217-230. Ref. Oct 1971 075432

421 K833 Studies on life-history of Tanypteryx priyeri Selys (Odonata, Petaluridae). II. Habitat & habit of nymph. (Jap) Taketo, A Kontyu 39 (3): 299-310. Ref. Eng. Sum. Oct 1971 075433

421 K833 A further study on chromosomes of Callosobruchus chinensis I. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Takenouchi, Y Kontyu 39 (4): 332-337. Dec 1971 075434

421 K833 Sex pheromone of summerfruit tortrix: isolation & identification. [Adoxophyes orana). Tamaki, Y; Noguchi, H; Yushima, T; Hirano, C; Honma, K; Sugawara, H Kontyu 39 (4): 338-340. Dec 1971


421 K833 Environmental factors affecting determination of pupal colour types in cabbage white butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval. II. Seasonal variation of light & temperature effects. (Jap) Kusano, T; Kawai, T Kontyu 39 (4): 378-385. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 075436

421 K833 Studies on larval hemocytes in cabbage white butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval, with special reference to hemocyte classification, phagocytic activity & encapsulative capacity. (Jap) Takada, M; Kitano, H Kontyu 39 (4): 385-394. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 075437

421 K833 Experimental studies on parasitism of Apanteles glomeratus Linne on larvae of Pieris melete Menetries. (Jap) Azuma, K; Kitano, H Kontyu 39 (4): 394-399. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 075438

442.8 K92 Supernumerary chromosomes in species of grasshopper. (Jap) Takizawa, S; Narasawa, T Kromosomo 84: 2679-2683. Ref. Eng. Sum. Sept 1971 075439

500 K41 Observations on birth & postpartum behavior in scorpion Vejovis carolinus Koch. Taylor, RW Ky Acad Sci Trans 32 (3/4): 80-82. Ref. 1971 075440

106 L352 Possible spread of granulose virus disease in Pieris brassicae in nature by means of its natural parasite, Apanteles glomeratus. (Rus) Zarin', I Latv Sel'skokhoz Akad Tr 29: 186-190. 1971 075441

106 L352 Histopathology of nuclear polyhedrosis of Malacosoma neustria L. (Rus) Zarin', 1; Kalninia, L Latv Sel'skokhoz Akad Tr 42: 99-108. 1971 075442

421 L554 Life history of Schinia intrabilis (Noctuidae). [Pluchea sericea). Hardwick, DF Lepidopterists Soc J 26 (1): 24-28. Mar 21, 1972 075443

421 L554 Life history of Schinia pallicincta (Noctuidae). Hardwick, DF Lepidopterists Soc J 26 (1): 29-33. Mar 21, 1972 075444

421 L554 Protective function of sound perception & gregariousness in Hylesia larvae (Saturniidae: Hemileucinae). Hogue, C L Lepidopterists Soc J 26 (1): 33-34. Mar 21, 1972 075445

421 L554 Studies on Catocala (Noctuidae) of southern New England. II. Comparison of collecting procedures. Kellogg, C G; Sargent, T D Lepidopterists Soc ) 26 (1): 35-49. Ref. Mar 21, 1972 075446

421 L554 A possible case of mimicry between lycaenid butterflies (Lycaenidae). Austin, GT Lepidopterists Soc ) 26 (1): 63-64. Mar 21, 1972 075447

421 L554 Use of chloroethane for immobilization of field specimens. (Lepidoptera). Castilonia, R Lepidopterists Soc ) 26 (1): 64. Mar 21, 1972 075448

421 L554 Midges sucking blood of caterpillars (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Wirth, W W Lepidopterists Soc ) 26 (1): 65. Mar 21, 1972 075449

421 L554 Obituary. Percy Heath Hobart Gray, 1891--1971. [Entomologists). Lepidopterists Soc ) 26 (1): 66-67. Mar 21, 1972


99.8 L5622 Overwintering of Chrysopa carnea in Ala Tau Range beyond Ili River. (Rus) Matpaeva, B B Les Khoz 12: 66. Dec 1971 075451

SD1.L4 Minimal dimensions of an autonomous ant-hill Formica s. str. & volume of an artificial layer. (Rus) Zakharov, A A Lesovedenie 6: 62-67. Eng. Sum. Nov/Dec 1971 075452

442.8 L62 Metabolism of juvenile hormone analogue methyl farnesoate, 10, 11. epoxide in two insect species. [Schistocerca gregaria, Rhodnius prolixus). White, A F Life Sci 11 (4): 201-210. Ref. Feb 1972 075453

448.8 M469 On contrasting of ultrathin sections of ovaries of ticks & their symbionts with alcohol solution of plumrous citrate. (Rus) Chebanov, SM Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 4: 499-500. Eng. Sum. July/Aug 1971 075454

448.8 M469 Biology of Turkestan cockroaches (Shelfordella tartara Sauss) under conditions of insectarium. (Rus) Kapanadze, ET Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 595-600. Eng. Sum. Sept/Oct 1971 075455

448.8 M469 Suggestion on new registration forms for work of an entomologist. (Rus) Babenko, L V; Ter-Karapetian, A Z; Oktiabr'skaia, T A; Ovechkina, N A Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 603-607. Sept/Oct 1971 075456

448.8 M469 On detection of breeding places of blood suckling midge Lasiohelea sibirica Bujanova. (Rus) Gornostaeva, V M; Gachegova, T A Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 621-622. Sept/Oct 1971 075457

442.9 M854 Effect of lactose & treonin solutions on taste receptors of mosquito Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera). (Rus) Sinitsyna, EE Moscow Univ Vestnik Ser 6 Biol Pochvoved 5: 20-22. Sept/Oct 1970 075458

450 M99 Immunological studies on fungal genus Smittium (Trichomycetes). (Taxonomy, Diptera). Sangar, V K; Lichtwardt, Ř W; Kirsch, J A W; Lester, RN Mycologia 64 (2): 342-358. Ref. Mar/Apr 1972 075459

450 M99 A new species of Dimeromyces (Laboulbeniales) on subterranean termites. Kimbrough, J W; Morales, MI; Gouger, R J Mycologia 64 (2): 388-393. Ref. Mar/Apr 1972 075460

450 M99 Ceratocystis species associated with aspen ambrosia beetle. (Typodendron retusum). Hinds, T E; Davidson, RW Mycologia 64 (2): 405-409. Mar/Apr 1972 075461

S19.M9 Studies on green muscardine fungus: influence of meteorological factors & inoculum potential on infection of Metarrhizium anisopliae on Oryctes rhinoceros L. George, E; Kurian, C Mysore J Agr Sci 5 (4): 423-430. 1971 075462

QH301.N33 Some responses of tsetse flies to visual & olfactory stimuli. (Glossina morsitans). Gatehouse, A G Nat New Biol 236 (63): 63-64. Ref. Mar 15, 1972 075463

QH301.N33 Postemergence growth in fly Sarcophaga falculata initiated by neurosecretion from ocellar nerve. Schlein, Y Nat New Biol 236 (68): 217-219. Apr 19, 1972


QH301.N33 Insect freezing protection in Pterostichus brevicornis (Carabidae). Baust, J G Nat New Biol 236 (68): 219-221. Apr 19, 1972 075465

QH301.N33 Insect circadian rhythms transmitted by parabiosis: A re-examination. [Acheta domesticus, Periplaneta americana). Cymborowski, B; Brady, J Nat New Biol 236 (68): 221-222. Ref. Apr 19, 1972 075466

QH301.N33 Variability of alcohol dehydrogenase activity in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. Ward, R D; Hebert, PDN Nat New Biol 236 (69): 243-244. Apr 26, 1972 075467

472 N21 Reinterpretation of invalidation of principle of competitive exclusion. [Drosophila). Gilpin, M E; Justice, K E Nature 236 (5345): 273-274, 299301. Ref. Apr 7, 1972 075468

510 G79 Intergeneric copulation of ticks. [Ixodidae). (Ger) Sixl, W Naturwiss Ver Steiermark Mitt 100: 394. 1971 075469

510 G79 Parasite infection of Sitta europea 1. in Steiermark. (Ger) Sixl, W Naturwiss Ver Steiermark Mitt 100: 395-399. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075470

510 G79 Study of phoresy: Macrocheles & Uroseius species (Arachnida, Acari) on Trox scaber 1. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) as transporting host. (Ger) Sixl, W Naturwiss Ver Steiermark Mitt 100: 405-406. 1971 075471

442.8 N22 Pear aphis, Longiungius pyrarius Pass. (Aphididae). (Rus) Klesova, D A Nauch Dokl Vysshei Shkoly Biol Nauk 7: 22-30. Ref. 1971 075472

410 N56 Dragonfly formitories. Gambles, R M Nigerian Field 36 (4): 166-170. Oct 1971 075473

QL750,03 Non-reciprocal cross sterility between ecological races of midge Clunio marinus. (Ger) Neumann, D Oecologia 8 (1): 1-20. Map. Ref. Eng. Sum. Nov 25, 1971 075474

QL750.03 Influence of nutrition in first stage larvae of Myzus persicae (Sulz.) (Aphididae) on their development into winged or wingless morphs. (Ger) Kunkel, H; Mittler, TE Oecologia 8 (1): 110-134. Ref. Eng. Sum. Nov 25, 1971 075475

QL750.03 Catching-net of Plectrocnemia conspersa larva (Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae). (Fre) Tachet, H Oecologia 8 (1): 78-92. Ref. Eng. Sum. Nov 25, 1971 075476

QL750.03 Relation between egg production & food consumption in species of genus Pardosa (Lycosidae, Araneae) under experimental conditions of food. abundance & food-shortage. Kessler, A Oecologia 8 (1): 93-109. Ref. Nov 25, 1971 075477

QL750.03 Influence of temperature on egg diapause & development of mirid bugs (Heteroptera, Miridae). (Ger) Braune, HJ Oecologia 8 (3): 223-266. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 31, 1971 075478

QL750.03 Ecophysiological studies on utilization of food in paddy field grasshopper

velox. Delvi, MR; Pandian, TJ Occologia 8 (3): 267-275. Ref. Dec 31, 1971

Page 4


QL461.E53 Apropos nomenclature related to Chrysocarabus solieri Dejean. (Carabus). (Fre) Bonadona, P

Entomops 24: 257-264. Dec 20, 1971


QL461.E53 Description of Zygaena romeo planeixi 1. ssp. from Payde-Dome. (Fre)

Dujardin, F Entomops 24: 265-266.

Dec 20, 1971 075716

QL461.E53 Observations concerning Aglais urticae ichnusa Hb. in Corsica. (Fre)

Strobino, R Entomops 24: 267-272.

Dec 20, 1971 075717

410 ER3 On tuxonomy & paleoecology of subfossil chronomids (Diptera) in lake

sediments. (Ger) Hofmann, W Ergeb

Limnol 6: 1-50. Ref. Eng. Sum. Oct 1971 073718

443.8 EV62 Distribution patterns of Priochirus species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in Solomon Islands. Greenslade, PJ M Evolution 26 (1): 130-142. Map. Ref. Mar 1972 075719

Cicada, Issus coleoptratus, a new find
in western Norway. (Nor) Greve, L Fauna 24 (3): 193-194. Eng. Sum. 1971 075720

420 F662 New genera & species of West Indian Chironomidae (Diptera). Sublette, J E;

Wirth, W W Fla Entomol 55 (1): 1.

17. Mar 1972 Mar 1972 075721

420 F662 Some Phytoseiidae of colombia (Acarina: Phytoseiidae). Denmark, H

A; Muma, MH Fla Entomol 55 (1):

19-29. Ref. Mar 1972 075722

420 F662 Ticks collected from Indian River County, Florida (Acari: Metastigmata:

Ixodidae). Wilson, N; Kale, H W Fla

Entomol 55 (1): 53.57. Ref. Mar 1972 075723

420 F662 Phlebotomine sand flies from Texas & Florida (Diptera: Psychodidae).

Young. D G Fla Entomol 55' (1): 61-

64. Ref. Mar 1972 075724

QH96.F6 A survey of fauna of streams on Mount Elgon, East Africa, with special reference to Simuliidae (Diptera). Williams, T R; Hynes, H BN

Freshwater Biol 1 (3): 227-248. Ref.

Sepi 1971 073725

411.2 W122 Studies on fauna of Curacao & other Caribbean Islands. 131. Dermaptera of

Caribbean. Brindle, A Hague Stud

Fauns Curacao Carrib Islands 38: 1-75. Ref 1971 073726

410.9 H68 Nest distribution of Formica yessensis Forel in Ishikari Shore, in reference to

plant zonation 1)2). Ilo, M Hokkaido

Univ Fac Sci J Ser Vi Zool 18 (1): 144- 154. Map. Ref. Oct 1971 075727

410.9 H68 Records of ten eriophyid mites associated with plants in Japan.

(Eriophyidae). Huang, T Hokkaido

Univ. Fac Sci J Ser Vi Zool 18 (1): 256- 276. Ref. Oct 1971 075728 Observations on bionomics of some

410.9 H68 neotropical xylocopine bees, with comparative & biofaunistic notes (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae).

Sakagami, S F; Laroca, S Hokkaido

Univ Fac Sci J Ser Vi Zool 18 (1): 57- 127. Rel. Oct 1971 075729

SB931.P45 1971 Classification of insects & their

relatives. Johansen, C In Pfadt,

Robert E. Fundamentals of Applied
Entomology P. 87-136. Ref. 1971


420 IN23 A new record of Boophilus decoloratus (Koch) (Acarina: Ixodidae) from Kashmir (India). Sarma, B D; Das, S M Indian J Entomol 32 (3): 292-293. Sept 1970 (Pub. June 1971) 075731

421 IN77 A revision of tribe Macrosiphini of Japan (Homoptera: Aphididae, Aphidinae). Miyazaki, M Insecta Matsumurana (1), 247 Ref. Dec 1971 075732

504 B835B A contribution to knowledge of Fulgoroides from Nigeria (Homoptera (Collections J.t. Medler 1968-1970). (Fre) Synave, H Inst Roy Sci Natur Belg Bull 47 (39), 34 P. Nov 15, 1971 075733

464.9 P432 Fauna of Iranian Coccinellidae. 1. Naim, A Iran Inst Rech Entomol Phytopathol Entomol Phytopathol Appl 31: 11-14. Sept 1971 075734

410 3828 A preliminary investigation of bottom fauna & invertebrate drift in an unregulated & a regulated stream in Alberta. [Insects). Radford, D S; Hartland-Rowe, R J Appl Ecol 8 (3): 883-903. Map. Ref. Dec 1971 075735

421 K833 A revision of world species of Thecobathra (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae). Moriuti, S Kontyu 39 (3): 230-251. Ref. Oct 1971 075736

421 K833 Two new genera & a new species of Indian Yponomeutidae (Lepidoptera). (Anthonympha, Orencostoma). Moriuti, S Kontyu 39 (3): 251-255. Oct 1971 075737

421 K833 Notes on cockroaches of genus: Eucorydia from Ryukyus, Taiwan, Thailand & Nepal. Asahina, S Kontyu 39 (3): 256-262. Oct 1971 075738

421 K833 Notes on Japanese leaf-miners of genus Pegomya Robineau-Desvoidy, with descriptions of two new species (Diptera: Anthomyiidae). [Pegomya bicolor, Pegomya hyoseyami, Pegomya betae). Suwa, M Kontyu 39 (3): 262272. Ref. Oct 1971 075739

421 K833 Descriptions of two new Gyrinidae from Ryukyu Archipelago (Coleoptera). (Orectochilus yayeyamensis, Gyrinus (Gyrinus) ryukyuensis). Sato, M Kontyu 39 (3): 273-275. Oct 1971 075740

421 K833 New Rhagio-species from Japan. 2. (Diptera: Rhagionidae) (Rhagio morulus, Rhagio puellaris). Nagatomi, A Kontyu 39 (3): 275-279. Oct 1971 075741

421 K833 On genus Bicellaria Macquart from Japan (Diptera, Empididae). Kato, A Kontyu 39 (3): 279-284. Oct 1971 075742

421 K833 A new species of genus Leptopeza (flaviantennalis) Macquart from Japan (Diptera, Empididae). Kato, A Kontyu 39 (3): 284-287. Oct 1971 075743

421 K833 A new species of Fannia (horii) from Japan (Diptera, Mus cidae). Kurahashi, H Kontyu 39 (3): 287-289. Oct 1971 075744

421 K833 A new pine shoot moth of Olethreutinae from Japan (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). (Petrova splendida). Oku, T; Satoh, H Kontyu 39 (3): 289-291. Oct 1971 075745

421 K833 A new species of genus Smidtiola (verna) Mesnil from Japan (Diptera: Tachinidae). Kocha, T Kontyu 39 (3): 292-293. Oct 1971


421 K833 On local variations of Pterostichus (Nialoe) asymmetricus Bates (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Habu, A; Baba, K Kontyu 39 (3): 294-299. Map. Oct 1971 075747

421 K833 Regional differences of butterfly-fauna of Japan & Ryukyu Archipelago. (Jap) Kimoto, S Kontyu 39 (3): 310-319. Map. Ref. Eng. Sum. Oct 1971 075748

421 K833 Morphological & biogeographical relationships of closely related species of genus Amiota (Diptera, Drosophilidae). Okada, T Kontyu 39 (4): 327-332. Map. Dec 1971 075749

421 K833 A new species of caddisfly genus Oligotricha from northern Japan & Sakhalin, with a key to adults of genus (Trichoptera: Phryganeidae). Wiggins, G B; Kuwayama, S Koniyu 39 (4): 340-346. Ref. Dec 1971 075750

421 K833 Genus Brenthia (Lepidoptera: Glyphipterygidae) of Japan. Arita, Y Kontyu 39 (4): 346-352. Dec 1971 075751

421 K833 Japanese species of genus Griselda Heinrich, with descriptions of three new species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Oku, T Kontyu 39 (4): 352-358. Dec 1971 075752

421 K833 A new species of genus Olethreutes Hubner from Japan allied to Olethreutes electana (Kennel) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Oku, T Kontyu 39 (4): 358-360. Dec 1971 075753

421 K833 On larvae of Mycetophagidae occurring in Japan (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea). Hayashi, N Kontyu 39 (4): 361-367. Ref. Dec 1971 075754

421 K833 Three new species of aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) from north west Himalaya, India. (Acyrthosiphon phaseoli, Chaetosiphon (Pentatrichopus) heterotrichus, Uroleucon simlaensis]. Chakrabarti, S; Ghosh, A Raychaudhuri, DN Kontyu 39 (4): 368-372. Dec 1971 075755

421 K833 Two new hypogeic mealybugs of Rhizoecus from Japan (Homoptera: Coccoidea). Takagi, S; Kawai, S Kontyu 39 (4): 373-378. Dec 1971 075756

421 K833 Notes on some elaterid beetles from Japan. X. (Jap) Ohira, H Kontyu 39 (4): 399-402. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 075757

107.6 K995 Subgeneric classification of genus Ceratina Latrielle of Asia & West Pacific, with comments on remaining subgenera of world (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Hirashima, Y Kyushu Univ Fac Agr J 16 (4): 349-375. Map. Ref. Nov 1971 075758

511 R442 Study of gamasid mites of genus Veigaia in Latvia. (Rus) Lapin', I M Latv Psr Zinat Akad Vestis Izv 11: 47. 51. 1971 075759

511 R442 Study of species composition & ecology of spider mites in Latvia. (Lav) Petrov, V Laiv Psr Zinat Akad Vestis Izv 7: 26-32. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 075760

106 L352 Some little known species of garden flea hoppers on territory of Latvia. (Coleoptera, Halticinae). (Lav) Potele, V Latv Sel'skokhoz Akad Tr 42: 76-86. Ref. 1971


106 L352 Garden flea beetles of genera Haltica & Chalcoides in Latvia. (Lav) Potele, V Latv Sel'skokhoz Akad Tr 42: 87-94. Ref. 1971 075762

410.9 L59 Some notes on occurrence of genus Pardosa (Lycosidae, Araneae) in southern France, Spain & Corsica. Vlijm, L Leiden Rijksmus Natuur Hist Zool Mededel 45 (24): 281-287. Ref. Sept 15, 1971 075763

410.9 L59 A new species of Sulcia kratochvil (Araneida, Leptonetidae) from Greece, & a discussion of some Japanese cavernicolous Leptonetidae. DeelemanReinhold, CL Leiden Rijksmus Natuur Hist Zool Mededel 45 (25): 289-301. Ref. Sept 15, 1971 075764

410.9 L59 Notes on types of Gnathoclita vorax (Stoll) (Tettigoniidae, Pterophyllinae). Orthopterological notes. VI. Jong, C de Leiden Rijksmus Natuur Hist Zool Mededel 45 (26): 303-311. Ref. Sept 15, 1971 075765

421 L554 Notes on balanotes (Meyrick) group of Oidaematophorus wallengren with description of a new species (Pterophoridae). Cashatt, E D Lepidopterists Soc 26 (1): 1-13. Mar 21, 1972 075766

421 L554 Annotated list of butterflies of Indiana, 1971. Shull, E M; Badger, FS Lepidopterists Soc ) 26 (1): 13-24. Ref. Mar 21, 1972 075767

421 L554 Three butterfly species (Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, & Heliconiidae) new to Texas & United States. Kendall, RO Lepidopterists Soc J 26 (1): 49-56. Mar 21, 1972 075768

421 L554 More new moths from Tecas (Noctuidae). Blanchard, A Lepidopterists Soc ) 26 (1): 56-63. Mar 21, 1972 075769

100 M28B Water beetles of Maine: including families Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Noteridae, & Hydrophilidae. Malcolm, SE Maine Agr Exp Sta Tech Bull 48, 49 P. Ref. Sept 1971 075770

448.8 M469 Species composition of hide beetles (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) of Moscow. (Rus) Degtiareva, L A; Sudeikina, M V Med Parazitol Parazitarn Bolezni 40 (5): 600-603. Ref. Eng. Sum. Sept/Oct 1971 075771

500 M663 Distribution & habitat preference of Minnesota dragonfly species (Odonata, Anisoptera). II. Hamrum, C L; Anderson, M A; Boole, M Minn Acad Sci ) 37 (273): 93-96. Map. 1971 075772

513 T579 Affinities of three trechid beetles from South America. Ueno, SI Nat Sci Mus Bull 14 (4): 553-569. Ref. Dec 1971


513 T579 Notes on Procrustes (Megodontus) aino Rost with descriptions of new subspecies (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Ishikawa, R Nat Sci Mus Bull 14 (4): 571-577. Ref. Dec 1971 075774

513 T579 Fauna of lava caves around Mt. Fujisan. V ii. Malaconothridae (Acari, Cryptostigmata). Yamamoto, Y; Aoki, JI Nat Sci Mus Bull 14 (4): 579-583. Ref. Dec 1971

Page 5


19 B635 Austrian cattle industry as well motorization & mechanization of the Austrian agriculture, shown on two leaves from map of Austrian Republic. (Ger) Bobek, H; Mras, G Bodenkultur 22 (4): 415-432. Eng. Sum. Nov 1971 076019

69.8 B872 Fixing & planning annual capacity of equipment for curing Virginia tobacco type. (Bul) Petrov, R Bulg Tyutyun 16 (10): 3.5. 1971 076020

60.18 SO8 Sprinkler distribution related to chemical injection. Strohman, R A; Marsh, A W Calif Turfgrass Cult 22 (1): 3-5. Winter 1972 076021

281.9 C332 Estimation of further development in agricultural repairing. [Agricultural mechanics). (Cze) Hruby, J; Svugr, J Cesk Akad Zemed Ustav Vedeckotech Inform Zemed Ekon 17 (6): 383-394. June 1971 076022

304.8 C822 Another look at narrow row cotton: harvesting equipment. Reeves, BG Cotton Gin Oil Mill Press 73 (2): 8-9. Jan 22, 1972 076023

44.8 D1414 Rotary milking goes abreast. Gomery, D Dairy Farmer (ipswich) 19 (4): 1819. Apr 1972 076024

44.8 D1414 New era for clamp silage? Shead, D Dairy Farmer (ipswich) 19 (4): 24-25. Apr 1972 076025

58.8 D482 Questions of topical interest & perspective problems of agricultural machine industry when mechanizing production & processing of grain. (Ger) Thieme, B; Reichel, G Deut Agrartech 22 (3): 101-103. Mar 1972 076026

58.8 D482 Development trends in further mechanization of grain harvest in German D nocratic Republic. (Ger) Thurm, R Deut Agrartech 22 (3): 103. 105. Mar 1972 076027

58.8 D482 Perspectives of mechanized harvesting & after-treatment of grain in U.s.s.r. (Ger) Aniskin, VI Deut Agrartech 22 (3): 106. Mar 1972 076028

58.8 D482 Status & tasks of mechanized grain production in Czechoslovakia. (Ger) Duris, M Deut Agrartech 22 (3): 107. Mar 1972 076029

58.8 D482 Aspects of developing procedures in grain harvesting. (Ger) Listner, G Deut Agrartech 22 (3): 108-110. Eng. Sum. Mar 1972 076030

58.8 D482 Special aspects of operation of grainharvest partial machine system. (Ger) Ramm, R Deut Agrartech 22 (3): 111113. Mar 1972 076031

58.8 D482 Economical-mathematical model for computation of optimal combine harvester complexes & their practical application. (Ger) Kasten, A Deut Agrartech 22 (3): 114-116. Mar 1972 076032

58.8 D482 On availability of plant production machinery. (Ger) Rohde, M; Kurz, C Deut Agrartech 22 (3): 118-119. Mar 1972 076033

58.8 D482 Selection of a favourable maintenance concept for combine harvesters. (Ger) Ihle, G Deut Agrartech 22 (3): 119121. Mar 1972 076034

58.8 D482 Some aspects of designing combine harvesters. (Ger) Gubsch, M Deut Agrartech 22 (3): 122-125. Mar 1972


58.8 D482 Influence of rate of feeding on threshing process. (Ger) Gocz, K Deut Agrartech 22 (3): 125-126. Mar 1972 076036

58.8 D482 Some test results of threshing & separating installations with different drum diameters. (Ger) Georgiev, I N; Vasiljev, D Deut Agrartech 22 (3): 126-128. Mar 1972 076037

58.8 D482 Optimization of height of grain cutting. (Ger) Grosse, W Deul Agrartech 22 (3): 128-130. Mar 1972 076038

58.8 D482 Studies of some problems related to harvesting of winter wheat & summer barley with short stems. (Ger) Otto, R Deul Agrartech 22 (3): 131-132. Mar 1972 076039

58.8 D482 Technological problems of harvesting grain maize in German Democratic Republic. (Ger) Bernhardt, H Deut Agrartech 22 (3): 134-136. Mar 1972 076040

281.8 S073 Agricultural machines & equipment in new Five-Year-Plan. (Rus) Sinitsyn, I Ekon Sel Khoz 12: 6-13. 1971 076041

281.9 F733 Tillage & seeding practices & machines for crop production in semiarid areas. FAOF Ao Agric Dev Pap 92, 53 P. Ref. 1971 076042

S217.A4 Fruit handling & packhouse mechanization. Gt. Brit. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food GB Minist Agric Fish Food Short Term Leafl 132, 17 P. 1971 076043

290.8 G 362 Experiments with implementation of continuous mechanized irrigation. (Rus) Malyshev, V F Gidrotekh Melior 11: 53-55. Nov 1971 076044

290.8 G362 Mechanized picking of small stones from arable layer. (Rus) Zakharov, V P Gidrotekh Melior 11: 76-77. Nov 1971 076045

290.8 G 362 Use of peat digging machines for reclamation works. (Rus) Maliutin, A M; Lushnikov, GI Gidrotekh Melior 8: 53-56. Aug 1971 076046

290.8 G 362 Fregat, new sprinkler irrigation machine. (Rus) Krakuvets, V M; Nikulin, S N; Moskvichev, IU A; Polonskii, A M; Ron'shin, N G Gidrotekh Melior 9: 27-33. Sept 1971 076047

290.8 G362 Etp-171 trench excavator. (Rus) Kop'ev, El Gidrotekh Melior 9: 6164. Sept 1971 076048

345 M562 Pumping equipment in system of irrigation with pressure pipes. (Rum) Caceu, M Hidroteh Gospod Apelor Meterol 16 (2): 63-65. Feb 1971 076049

44.8 H65 Don't guess when buying a used

tractor. Hull, DO Hoards Dairyman

117 (7): 450, 491. Apr 10, 1972 076050

SB931.P45 1971 Insecticide application equipment.

Fronk, W D In Pfadt, Robert E.

Fundamentals of Applied Entomology P. 219-241. Ref. 1971 076051

22 AG831
Design & field performance of tractor. mounted single-row elevator-digger for potato. Verma, S R; Garg, RL

Indian J Agr Sci 41 (8): 666-671. Aug



80 IN3 The harvest of olives on the tree with the shaker apparatus R.S. 12 of the Society of Agricultural Machinery of Florence. (Fre) Morettini, A; Ciatti, B; Bellini, E Inform Oleicoles Int (New Ser.) 54/55: 153-166. Ref. Apr/Sept 1971 076053

S19.J3 Pesticide applicator used by granular boom type blow head. Takenaga, T J Ara ( Agr Res Quarı) 6 (2): 92-96. 1971 076054

58.8 J29 Possible developments in mechanization of viticulture & vintage. (Hun) Bakos, 1 Jarmuvek Mezogazdasagi Gepek 18 (11): 429432. Nov 1971 076055

58.8 J29 Aircraft used in agriculture. (Hun) Bagossy, P Jarmuvek Mezogazdasagi Gepek 18 (5/6): 202-208. May/June 1971 076056

58.8 J29 Equipment for pea harvesting. (Hun) Mikes, G Jarmuvek Mezogazdasagi Gepek 18 (7): 266-269. July 1971 076057

385 K524 Logarithmic converter for knapsack sprayer for garden & orchard. (Rus) Dunskii, V F; Karulin, M V; Sokolov, ES; Shevchenko, I L Khim Sel'skom Khoz 9 (12): 63-64. 1971 076058

58.8 L235 Recent developments in transportation of high-pressure bales. (Ger) Kromer, KH Landtechnik 26 (18): 472-475. Ref. Sept 1971 076059

58.8 L235 Standard tractor in communal use. (Ger) Tolle, W Landtechnik 26 (19): 489-494. Oct 1, 1971 076060

58.8 L235 Use of small equipment om communal level. (Ger) Eicke, U Landtechnik 26 (19): 496-497, 500-501. Oct 1, 1971 076061

58.8 L235 Developments in construction of farm vehicles. (Ger) Scholz, R Landtechnik 26 (20): 528-533. Oct 15, 1971 076062

58.8 L235 Are driver's cabines luxury? [Tractors). (Ger) Jensen, U; Kopper, R Landtechnik 26 (21): 545-549. Nov 1, 1971 076063

58.8 L235 Hydraulic construction components for tractors. (Ger) Hanke, HW Landtechnik 26 (21): 556-559. Ref. Nov 1, 1971 076064

58.8 L235 Development of cooperative agricultural engineering & technic of productive division of labor. (Ger) Isselstein, R Landtechnik 26 (22): 578. 583. Nov 15, 1971 076065

58.8 L235 Problem of wearing out of chains used in manure removal. (Ger) Forster, A G Landtechnik 27 (1/2): 17-19. Jan 15, 1972 076066

73.8 L543 Evaluation of flax culture & mechanization in 1970. (Cze) Binder, M Len Konopi 9: 3-9. Eng. Sum. 1971 076067

73.8 L542 Machines for spring preparation of soil for kenaf. (Rus) Nazirov, Kh N; Adylov, Kh A Len Konoplya 1: 25-28. 1972 076068

99.8 L 5622 A trencher for forest planting & for digging anti-erosion ditches on mountain slopes. (Rus) Aleksandrian, K V; Gevorkian, LA Les Khoz 1: 65. 67. Jan 1972

ALM4623 076069

99.82 L56

1 Choice of design of tension unit of tractor drive system. (Rus) Palilov, V; Shchevlev, IU Les Prom 10: 19-20. Oct 1971

til 16 (12): 1. 076070

99.8 IZ8 Method of calculating slippage of selflubricated wooden bearings. (Corn,

14623 harvesting equipment]. (Rus) Ostrovskii, IUS Les 2h 4: 43-47. Ref. WIE Brtat of 1971

Ixtingu of 076071

99.8 IZ8 Determining resistance force of soil acting on plowshares of forest planting

14 W4623 machines. (Rus) Baranov, A I; Gurov, IT Les Zh 5: 25-31. 1971 076072

99.9 C334 1665) Liming of forest soils by tanker trucks. (Cze) Stolarik, R Lesnictvi 17 (7): 699-705. July 1971 076073

58.8 D81 What kind of equipment for straw collecting in field? (Ger) Heuschen, J 13 May Lohnunternehmen Land Forstwirtsch 26 (5): 178. May 15, 1971 076074 Pneumatic atomizers & medium & low volume. (Ita) Savi, D Lotta Antiparassitaria 24 (1): 3-5. Jan 1972 076075

19 M27 Mechanization of onion cultivation & harvesting. (Hun) Kovacs, P; Jakovac, F Magyar Mezogazdasag 26 (23): 10-11. June 9, 1971 076076

19 M27 Cereal combines & their further development. (Hun) Banhazi, G Magyar Mezogazdasag 26 (41): 11-13. Oct 13, 1971 076077

19 M27 Recent technology in dairy farming. (Hun) Bedo, S Magyar Mezogazdasag 26 (44): 18-19. Nov 2, 1971 076078

100 K13S (1) No.550 Factors that affect country grain elevator efficiency. Fuller, Stephen W Manhattan, Kan. 25 P. Illus. 1972 076079

58.8 M4623 Organization & specialization of repair shops in stations for mechanization of agriculture. (Rum) Cazacu, G Mec Elec Agr 16 (10): 3-5. Oct 1971 076080

58.8 M4623 Studies on increasing resistance to wear & tear of knives with even blades

of cutting appararus of grain combines.

(Rum) Zamfir, G Mec Elec Agr 16 (10): 46-51. Oct 1971 076081 Application of modern methods of distribution in optimization of transports in enterprises for

mechanization of agriculture. (Rum)

Plesoianu, G Mec Elec Agr 16 (11): 3. 12. Nov 1971 076082

58.8 M4623 Grinding machine, loading scooping equipment & vibrating sieve for preparation of soil in greenhouses &

hotbeds. (Rum) Cravcenco, V;

Stefanescu, G; Marinescu, A;
Oprisanescu, M. Mec Elec Agr 16 (11): 36-42. Nov 1971 076083

58.8 M4623 Application of modern methods of repartition in optimization of transportations in enterprises for

mechanization of agriculture. (Rum)

Plesoianu, G Mec Elec Agr 16 (12):
19-24. (Continued) Dec 1971 076084

58.8 M4623 Technology for mechanization of fruit harvesting operations. (Rum)

Ruxandu, CT; Stan, Gh Mec Elec

Agr 16 (12): 46-49. Dec 1971 076085

58.8 M462: Anticorrosive protection of agricultural machines & equipment. (Rum)

Turovschi, V Mec Elec Agr 16 (12):

50-58. Dec 1971

Page 6

076086 58.8 M4623 076103

58.8 M46 Methodological coordinates in

Pressing & baling manure. (Rus) optimization of structure of fleet of Zuev, V A; Losiakov, V P Mekh Elek tractors & agricultural machines.

Sots Sel Khoz 12: 22-25. 1971 (Rum) Marghidanu, N; Ciuca, 1;


58.8 M46 Davidovici, I Mec Elec Agr 16 (12): 718. Dec 1971

Comparative evaluation of feed

distributors. (Rus) Viktorova, N N; 076087

58.8 M4623 Merzliakova, S Mekh Elek Sots Sel Needs & ways of an effective

Khoz 12: 25-27. 1971 implementation of a new assortment of


58.8 M46 works & services for mechanization of agriculture. (Rum) Niculescu, N Mec

Increasing uniformity of distribution of Elec Agr 16 (5): 13-16. May 1971

feeds with mobile machines. (Rus)

Khazanov, E E; Aleksandrov, IK 076088

58.8 M4623 Mekh Elek Sots Sel Khoz 12: 27-28. Technology of harvesting peas for

1971 anning & for consumption. (Rum) Mironescu, A Mec Elec Agr 16 (5):


58.8 M46 17-24. May 1971

Necessary tractional force in ploughing

of heavy soils. (Rus) Rustamov, MT 076089

58.8 M4623

Mekh Elek Sots Sel Khoz 12: 33-34. Mechanization of works for

1971 establishment & exploitation of pastures. (Rum) Manisor, P; Popescu,


58.8 M46 T Mec Elec Agr 16 (5): 25-36. May

Loading shock on wheels of mtz-50 1971

tractor at operation with hay stacker.

(Rus) Kuz'menkov, EV Mekh Elek 076090

58.8 M4623

Sots Sel Khoz 12: 34-35. 1971 New equipment for mechanization of irrigation by sprinklers. (Rum)


58.8 M46 Ivanescu, Gh Mec Elec Agr 16 (5): 37- Speed of transporting organ of 40 May 1971

stationary distributor of feeds to sheep.

(Rus) Krisiuk, V I; Martynov, V M 076091

58.8 M4623

Mekh Elek Sots Sel Khoz 12: 36-37. Bench for running in agricultural

1971 machines & tractor transmissions. (Rum) Mitroi, C Mec Elec Agr 16


58.8 M46 (5): 65-72. May 1971

Ultrasonar cleaning of parts with

application of focusing radiators. (Rus) 076092

58.8 M4623

Tel'nov, N F; Kirillov, IU I Mekh Methods & machines for harvesting & Elek Sots Sel Khoz 12: 37-38. 1971 treshing of seeds of planted grasses. (Rum) Toma, D; Vulpe, 1; Dobrescu,


58.8 M46 C Mec Elec Agr 16 (9): 10-20. Sept Restoration of parts with iron plating 1971

on assymetric industrial current. (Rus)

Ryl', A P; Preisman, V I; Ishchenko, 076093

58.8 M4623

VO; Epshtein, A A Mekh Elek Sots Mechanization of harvesting operations

Sel Khoz 12: 38-40. 1971 of root vegetables. (Rum) Ionescu, M Mec Elec Agt 16 (9): 21-36. Sept


58.8 M46 1971

Complex mechanization of growing

vegetables in greenhouses. (Rus) 076094

58.8 M4623

Lipov, IU N Mekh Elek Sots Sel Khoz Technology of seeding cereals. (Rum)

12: 4-6. 1971 Serf, A Mec Elec Agr 16 (9): 3.9. Sept 1971


58.8 M46

Determination of exploitation 076095

58.8 M4623 Recommendations on utilization of

parameters & indicators of working of

aggregates using probable character of motor mower "Carpatina". (Rum)

investigated quantities. (Rus) Ofinov, Marinescu, A Mec Elec Agr 16 (9):

S A; Mintsberg, BL Mekh Elek Sots 37.44. Sept 1971

Sel Khoz 12: 42-46. 1971 076096

58.8 M4623 076113

58.8 M46 Effective utilization of universal drill

Numerical registration at measuring of sup-21 for hitching. (Rum) Babiciu, I; Trandafir, S Mec Elec Agr 16 (9): 45

agricultural processes with tensiometer.

[Tractors). (Rus) Raikhlin, Kh M; 61. Sept 1971

Korobochkin, I V; Elisman, MI Mekh 076097

58.8 M4623 Elek Sots Sel Khoz 12: 46-48. 1971 Installation for drying of cereals.


58.8 M46 (Rum) Nicsulescu, E Mec Elec Agr

Determination of coefficients of friction 16 (9): 62-70. Sept 1971

of materials at contact with soil. (Rus) 076098

58.8 M4623 Burchenko, P N; Khumarov, R T; Mechanization of packing of mixed Kashaev, BA Mekh Elek Sots Sel feedstuffs & alfalfa meal. (Rum)

Khoz 12: 49-50. 1971 Schobel, K Mec Elec Agr 17 (1): 14.


58.8 M46 18. Jan 1972

Device for statistical investigation of 076099

58.8 M4623 turns of caterpillar tractor. (Rus) Goals of scientific research in

Vladimirov, Al; Voznenko, O P;
mechanization of agriculture in current Odinets, S S; Trot, EA Mekh Elek
Five-Year Plan. (Rum) Toma, D Mec Sots Sel Khoz 12: 50-51. 1971
Elec Agr 17 (1): 3-13. Jan 1972


20 M57 076100

58.8 M46 Industrial technology of producing Improvement of technology & machines podded beans. (Rus) Mikhov, A; for cultivation of cotton. (Rus)

Kumanov, B; Mikhov, M Mezhdunar
Rudakov, GM Mekh Elek Sots Sel Sel'skokhoz Zh 1: 45-49. 1971
Khoz 12: 1-3. 1971


20 M57 076101

58.8 M46

Using electronic computers in future Automation in greenhouses of industrial planning of mechanized agriculture. type. (Rus) Glikman, MT; Klachkov,

(Rus) Borisevich, I; Karpovskii, A A N; Gavrichenko, AI Mekh Elek

Mezhdunar Sel'skokhoz Zh 1: 51-57. Sols Sel Khoz 12: 10-13. 1971

1972 076102 58.8 M46 076118

20 M57 Mechanization of vegetables grown

Specialization & concentration of under plastics. (Rus) Mikaelian, A A repairs & servicing of farm equipment. Mekh Elek Sols Sel Khoz 12: 17-19.

(Rus) Andreev, S Mezhdunar 1971

Sel'skokhoz Zh 1: 57-58. 1972


20 M57 Optimum machine systems & transport flow in plant industry. (Rus) Kasten,

A Mezhdunar Sel'skokhoz 2h 1: 85-

95. 1972 076120

20 M57 Putting production-line harvesting of potatoes into operation. (Rus) Bil'skii,

V; Denienko, P Mezhduna.

Sel'skokhoż Zh 1: 96-98. 1972 076121

20 M57 Effectiveness of using Kirovets K-700 tractors. (Rus) Shtiglitts, E

Mezhdunar Sel'skokhoz Zh 3: 95-98.

1971 076122

20 M57 A new stand for testing reduction gears

& transmissions. (Rus) Akhterberg,

Kh Mezhdunar Sel'skokhoz Zh 3: 98- 100. 1971 076123

100 M69IN A production aid for staked tomatoes & other vegetables. Veal, CD;

Campbell, J A Miss Agr Exp Sta

Inform Sheet 1171, 2 P. Nov 1971 076124

100 M69IN A modified film mulch laying machine.

Moore, EL Miss Agr Exp Sta Inform

Sheet 1172, 3 P. Dec 1971 076125

18 N39 Why are agricultural equipments

bought. (Ger) Buhler, A Miti Deut

Landwirt-ges 87 (12): 289-290. Mar 16, 1972 076126

44.8 M694AC Application of an automatic apparatus in analysis of milk proteins. (Cro) Mackic, M; Majstorovic, S; Bacic, B

Mljekarstvo 21 (11): 259-262. Nov

1971 076127

510 679 Harpyrhynchus rubeculinus spec. nov., a new mite from Steiermark (Arachnida, Acari, Trombidiformes).

(Ger) Cerny, V; Sixl, W Naturwiss

Ver Steiermark Mitt 100: 388-390. 1971 076128

S543.N5N5 Regarding trial manufacture of a device for sampling unhulled rice in a country elevator. (Jap) Yoshida, H; Hasegawa, K; Takano, Y; Morohashi,

J; Endo, T Niigata-ken Nogyo

Shikenjo Niigata-ken Nogyo Shikenjo
Kenky U Hokoku J Niigata Agric Exp
Stn 21: 51-63. Eng. Sum. Oct 1971 076129

290.9 AG8 On clearing cycle-time by Rakedozer. Study of mechanical reclamation. (Jap)

Tozaki, T Nogyo Doboku Gakkai

Trans 38: 1-6. Eng. Sum. Nov 1971 076130

10 N81
Silage making machinery. Northern
Ireland Min Agr Adv Serv Leal 123, 15 P. Oct 1971 076131

100 OR3 Limitations of singleand multi-man platform harvesting aids. Berlage, A

G; Langmo, RD; Yost, G E Oreg

Agr Exp Sta Sta Bull 609, 15 P. Mar 1972 076132

80 OV64 Injectors in artificial nutrition of trees

& fruit cultures. (Cze) Skala, J

Ovocnarstvi Zelinarsivi 64 (9): 282. Sept 1971 076133

304.9 P87 Results of testing of planting machines of domestic & foreign production. (Pol)

Horbulewicz, B Poznan Inst Przemyslu

Wlokien Lykowych Prace 18: 225-239. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076134

423.92 SO2 A device for application of herbicide

Trisluralin. (Bul) Nachev, N. Rast

Zashch 19 (12): 25-27. 1971 076135

423.92 SO2 Mechanical equipment for grapevine

protection. (Bul) Boiadzhiev, V;

Prisadashki, TS Rast Zashch 19 (5): 8. 10. 1971


423.92 SO2 Development prospects for plant protection machines. (Bul) Belogai, I Rast Zashch 19 (8): 3-5. 1971 076137

SS.R4 Report on mechanization in mountains. (Fre) Piccot, F Rev Suisse Agric 4 (1): 34-38. Jan/Feb 1972 076138

59.8 R49 An experimental logarithmic sprayer working with variable concentration. (Herbicides]. (Ita) Castelli, G Riso 20 (4): 321-329. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076139

86 R22 Prospects of mechanized pruning of fruit trees. (Ita) Loreti, F Riv Ortoflorofrutticoltura Ital 55 (3): 214229. Ref. Eng. Sum. May/June 1971 076140

aSD388.A IU5 No.510 Danger of ignition of ground cover fuels by vehicle exhaust systems. Harrison, Rob San Dimas, Calif. 35 P. Illus. 1970 076141

65.8 SE4 Present status of mechanization in sugar beets production in Europe. (Tur) Erbas, S; Bilgin, Y Seker 21 (82): 33-39. Eng. Sum. Jan 1972 076142

65.8 SE4 Influence of tractor wheel tracks on yield & quality of sugar beets. (Tur) Bilgin, Y Seker 21 (82): 9-18. Ref. Eng. Sum. Jan 1972 076143

410.9 SES Caddis & stoneflies of some waters in Sor Varanger, northern Norway (Trichoptera, Plecoptera). (Ger) Tobias, W; Tobias, D Senckenb Biol 52 (3/5): 227-245. Ref. Eng. Sum. Nov 19, 1971 076144

410.9 SE5 Remarks on Thysanoptera. I. (Insecta, Thysanoptera). (Ger) Zur Strassen, R Senckenb Biol 52 (3/5): 247-254. Ref. Eng. Sum. Nov 19, 1971 076145

410.9 SE5 Additional species to Fungivoridae collection of Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a/M. (Diptera, Fungivoridae). (Ger) Plassmann, E Senckenb Biol 52 (3/5): 255. Nov 19, 1971 076146

410.9 SE5 A new Heterosminthurus from north Germany (Collembola). (Ger) Huther, W Senckenb Biol 52 (3/5): 257-261. Nov 19, 1971 076147

410.9 SES Strepsiptera of Senckenberg Museum. I. Myrmecolacidae & Stylopidae. (Insecta, Strepsiptera). (Ger) Kinzelbach, RK Senckenb Biol 52 (3/5): 263-291. Map. Ref. Nov 19, 1971 076148

410.9 SE5 Tribe Mangorini. IV. Mangora group (Arachnida, Araneae: AraneidaeAraneinae). (Ger) Grasshoff, M Senckenb Biol 52 (3/5): 293-311. Nov 19, 1971 076149

280.28 SO7 A contribution to study of utilization of platform "Galetti" at pruning & harvesting of apples in Tetovo Region farms. (Mac) Stamenkovski, M; Minovski, D Soc Zemjod 23 (4/6): 45. 1971 076150

280.28 SO7 Problems of utilization of tractors owned by individual farms. (Mac) Sazdovski, M Soc Zemjod 23 (4/6): 61-75. 1971 076151

S13.562 Supply of farms with machinery in grassland & hay farming. (Slv) Miklic, Z Sodobno Kmetijstvo 4 (11): 487490. Nov 1971 076152

S13.562 Planting maize with pneumatic drills. (Siv) Jencic, R Sodobno Kmetijstvo 4 (9): 405-406. Sept 1971

Page 7


290.9 AG8 Ou nonuniformity of soil moisture content & dry density of poldered paddy field soils in Kojima Bay. fundamental studies on soil sampling in farm land. I. (Jap) Nagahori, K Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Trans 36: 1-7. Eng. Sum. May 1971 076442

290.9 AG8 On nonuniformity of moisture content

dry density of heavy clay soil paddy Beld with creek. fundamental studies en soll sampling in farm land. I ii. (Jap) Kuroda, M Nogyo Doboku Gaktai Trans 36: 14-20. Eng. Sum. May 1971 076443

290.9 AG8 On nonuniformity of moisture content & day density in an alluvial clayey paddy field in Niigata Prefecture. fundamental studies on soil sampling in farm land. IV. (Jap) Tabuchi, T Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Trans 36: 2127. Eng. Sum. May 1971 076444

290.9 AG8 Distribution of moisture content in an alluvial sandy paddy field in Chiba Prefecture, fundamental studies on soil sampling in farm land. V. (Jap) Tabuchi, T; Sato, M Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Trans 36: 28-32. Eng. Sum. May 1971 076445

290.9 AG8 On characteristics of distribution of moisture content & dry density in Kanto Loam rice land. fundamental studies on soil sampling in farm land. VL (Jap) Tokunaga, K; Miyama, K Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Trans 36: 3340. May 1971 076446

290.9 AG8 On method of investigation for moisture content & dry density in Kanto Loam rice land. fundamental studies on soil sampling in farm land. V i. (Jap) Tokunaga, K; Miyama, K Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Trans 36: 4146. Eng. Sum. May 1971 076447

290.9 AG8 On nonuniformity of soil moisture & dry density of field on volcanic ash soil in Hokkaido. fundamental studies on soll sampling in farm land. V üi. (Jap) Macda, T; Marutani, N; lida, Y Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Trans 36: 4753. Eng. Sum. May 1971 076448

290.9 AG8 On nonuniformity of dry density & moisture content of sandy soils. fundamental studies on soil sampling in farm land. IX. (Jap) Nagata, N Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Trans 36: 5459. Eng. Sum. May 1971 076449

290.9 AG8 On nonuniformity of air & water permeability of sandy soils. fundamental studies on soil sampling in farm land. X. (Jap) Nagata, N Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Trans 36: 60-66. Eng. Sum. May 1971 076450

290.9 AG8 On nonuniformity of moisture content & dry density in gravelly sandy loam field. fundamental studies on soil sampling in farm land. XI. (Jap) Nagahori

, K; Sato, K Nogyo Doboku
Gakkai Trans 36: 67-73. Eng. Sum. May 1971 076451

290.9 AG8 Pundamental review of soil sampling operations in farm land. fundamental studies on soil sampling in farm land.

X ii. (Jap) Higashiyama, I Nogyo

Doboku Gakkai Trans 36: 74-77. Ref. Eng. Sum. May 1971 076452

290.9 AG8 Actual state of poldered paddy field in Kojima Bay based on analysis of variance. fundamental studies on soil sampling in farm land. II. (Jap) Nagahori

, K; Ogino, Y Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Trans 36: 8-13. Eng. Sum. May 1971


22.5 N6829 Perspective & progress in soil physics.

1. (Jap) Misono, S Nogyo Gijutsu 26

(8): 389-392. Aug 1971 076454

QH301.03 Evolution of water profiles indicated by neutronic method under some forage plants during dry season. (Fre)

Talineau, JC; Lespinat, PA O Rstom

Cah Ser Biol (off Rech Sci Tech Outre-
Mer) 15: 3-19. Ref. Eng. Sum. Apr 1971 076455

QK901.A103 Seasonal variations of microbiological characteristics of a weakly leached tropical ferruginous soil (Dior), submitted or not to influence of Acacia

albida (Del.). (Fre) Jung, G Oecol

Plant 5 (2): 113-1359 ref. Eng. Sum. 1970 076456

QK901.A103 Litter effect. I ii. Influence of anaerobiosis on production of antimicrobial water soluble compounds. (Fre) Bruckert, S; Dommergues, Y;

Weinhard, P; Boymond, D Oecol

Plant 5 (2): 137-145. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1970 076457

QK901.A103 Immobilization & mineralization of nitrogen in soils of certain alluvial meadow ecosystems. Ulehlova, B;

Tesarova, M; Ostry, I Oecol Plant 5

(2): 147-177. Ref. 1970 076458

QK901. A103 Study of litter fall & its contribution to mineral elements cycling in rain forest of Ivory Coast. (Fre) Bernhard, F

Oecol Plant 5 (3): 247-266. Ref. Eng.

Sum. 1970 076459

QK901.A 103 Mineralization of organic nitrogen in

soils of Alpine zone of Pic du Midi de

Bigorre. (Fre) Labroue, L;
Lascombes, G Oecol Plant 6 (3): 247. 270. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076460

QK901.A103 Influence of anaerobic erobic incubation on composition of water-

extracts of some tropical litters. (Fre)

Jung, G Oecol Plant 6 (4): 297-317. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076461

QK901.A103 Effect of throughfall water under beech & pine on humification process. (Pinus silvestris, Fagus silvatica). (Fre) Bruckert, S; Toutain, F; Tchicaya, J;

Jacquin, F Oecol Plant 6 (4): 329-339.

Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076462

QK901.A103 Restitution of mineral elements in soil by litter & rainfall in four forest

populations in eastern France. (Fre)

Aussenac, G; Bonneau, M; Le Tacon,
F Oecol Plant 7 (1): 1-21. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1972 076463

QK901.A103 Content in mineral nitrogen & microbiological numeration in oak forest on calcareous soil of Virelles (Belgium). (Quercus). (Fre) Remacle,

J; Froment, A Oecol Plant 7 (1): 69.

78. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1972 076464

99.8 P17 Asymbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria--a

review. Bhuiya, ZH Pakistan J Forest

21 (2): 183-192. Ref. Apr 1971 076465

99.8 P17 Most probable number & dilution plate methods for counting Azotobacter in soils of East Pakistan. Bhuiya, Z H;

Hossain, M Pakistan J Forest 21 (2):

193-197. Ref. Apr 1971 076466

442.9 P21 Effect of dryness & temperature rise on some strains of Azobacter isolated from Atlantic littoral soils. (Fre) Fustec-

Mathon, E Paris Soc Biol Compt Rend

165 (1): 172-177. Sept 28, 1971


56.8 P343 Distribution & abundance of Folsomides deserticola (Collembola: Isotomidae) & other micro-arthropods in arid & semi-arid soils in Southern Australia, with a note on nematode

populations. Wood, TG Pedobiologia

11 (6): 446-468. Map. Ref. 1971 076468

22 P693
Tea soils. Harler, CR Planters Chron 67 (1): 17-18. Jan 1, 1972 076469

57.8 P34 Dynamics of water-soluble salts under alfalfa in a rice crop rotation. (Rus)

Reshetniak, NF Pochvovedenie 12:

100-106. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076470

57.8 P34 Diagnostic significance of clay crusts & soil clay in evaluation of podzoland cley formation. (Rus) Ogleznev, A K

Pochvovedenie 12: 12-23. Ref. Eng.

Sum. Dec 1971 076471

57.8 P34 On role of aluminum & iron in diagnosis of recent crust & soil formation. (Rus) Zonn, SV

Pochvovedenie 12: 127-135. Ref. Eng.

Sum. Dec 1971 076472

57.8 P34 Phosphate forms in soils of high- mountain zone of Azerbaijan. (Rus)

Dzhafarov, MI Pochvovedenie 12:

136-140. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076473

57.8 P34 Water properties of some soils of Turkmen ssr. (Rus) Allakov, O;

Baidzhanov, Kh Pochvovedenie 12:

141-145. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076474

57.8 P34 Estimation of changes in soil volume weight of a paddy in evaluation of desalanizing effect of flooding. (Rus) Gazieva, T M; Mirzoev, E M;

Negovelov, SF Pochvovedenie 12:

153-155. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076475

57.8 P34 Some features of Carpathian & North Caucasian Brown Forest soils. (Rus)

Rubilina, NE Pochvovedenie 12: 24-

36. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076476

57.8 P34 Some provinical features of Transvolga terrace Chernozems. (Rus) Almaev, E

N; Durasov, AM Pochvovedenie 12:

3-11. Ref. Dec 1971


57.8 P34 Changes in Chernozem soil structure under effect of forest plantations.

(Rus) Choni, LI Pochvovedenie 12:

37-41. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076478

57.8 P34 Main chemical elements in soils of Belorussian ssr. (Rus) Lukashev, K I;

Petukhova, NN Pochvovedenie 12:

42-54. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076479

57.8 P34 Distribution of cobalt in soils of mountain & submontane zones of Nakhichevan assr. (Rus) Shakuri, BK

Pochvovedenie 12: 55-63. Eng. Sum.

Dec 1971 076480

57.8 P34 Determination of atmospheric nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae under natural conditions. (Rus) Pankratova,

EM; Vakhrushev, AS Pochvovedenie

12: 64.72. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076481

57.8 P34
Effect of soil cultivation & mechanical composition on microflora. (Rus) Rogovaia, V P; Stankevich, N A

Pochvovedenie 12: 73-78. Ref. Eng.

Sum. Dec 1971 076482

57.8 P34 Dynamics of water & mechanical stabilities of newly formed artificial soil structure. (Rus) Potapov, B I

Pochvovedenie 12: 79-86. Ref. Eng.

Sum. Dec 1971


57.8 P34 Content of toxic salts in water extracts & soil solutions of gypseous soils of Golodnaya Steppe. (Rus) Muratova, V S; Margulis, V IU Pochvovedenie 12: 87-99. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076484

57.8 P34 Secondary salinization of irrigated lands of Volga-Don interfluve. (Rus) Varlamov, NE Pochvovedenie 2: 112. 122. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 076485

57.8 P34 Desalinizing action of arboreal plantations on Solonchak & Solonets soils. (Rus) Migunova, ES Pochvovedenie 2: 123-135. Ref. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 076486

57.8 P34 On criteria of soil rating. (Rus) Gavriliuk, F IA; Val'kov, VF Pochvovedenie 2: 14-21. Ref. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 076487

57.8 P34 Design of lysimeters for study of saline soil washing. (Rus) Levkovskii, A K Pochvovedenie 2: 144-147. Feb 1972 076488

57.8 P34 Activity of sodium ions in suspensions of calcareous soils. (Rus) Alzubaidi, A Kh Pochvovedenie 2: 148-151. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 076489

57.8 P34 On interrelation of soil genesis & ecology researches. (Rus) Ehwald, E Pochvovedenie 2: 22-28. Ref. Feb 1972 076490

57.8 P34 Effect of rock composition on development of Podzols in Serbia. (Rus) Antic, M; Jovanovic, B; Avdalovic, V Pochvovedenie 2: 29-33. Ref. Feb 1972 076491

57.8 P34 Materials on genesis & geography of soils with a complicated humus profile. (Rus) Khantulev, A A; Gagarina, E I Pochvovedenie 2: 3-13. Ref. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 076492

57.8 P34 Regional soil-geographical features in Yugoslavia. (Rus) Ciric, M; Filipovsky, G Pochvovedenie 2: 34-38. Map. Feb 1972 076493

57.8 P34 Physico-chemical alterations of peatboggy soils during electroosmosis. (Rus) Bazin, E T; Lishtvan, I I Pochvovedenie 2: 39-43. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 076494

57.8 P34 Nature & properties of interaction products of peat humic acids with several nitrogen-containing compounds. (Rus) Stepanov, V V Pochvovedenie 2: 56-66. Ref. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 076495

57.8 P34 Determination of pyrophosphatase activity of soil. (Rus) Khaziev, F Kh Pochvovedenie 2: 67-73. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 076496

57.8 P34 Nitrogen balance in "soil-plant" system on thick, low in humus Chernozems. (Rus) Zakharchenko, I G; Medvid', G K Pochvovedenie 2: 74-82. Ref. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 076497

57.8 P34 Effect of soil mechanical composition on tenacity & wind-resistance of soil crumbs. (Rus) Shiiatyi, E I; Lavrovskii, A B; Khmolenko, MI Pochvovedenie 2: 88-95. Ref. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972


57.8 P34 Temperature regime of middle taiga soils in Ob' River areas of western Siberia. (Rus) Fedorova, N M Pochvovedenie 2: 96-111. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972

Page 8


100 ALIM Soil fertility experiments with peanuts in 1971. Hartzog, D; Adams, F Ala Agr Exp Sta Progr Rep Ser 99, 4 P. Feb 1972 076672

511 AL6 On study of certain factors having ellect on hiking of solubility of fertilizers of potassium mataphosphate type. (Rus) Serazetdinov, D Z; Evtushenko, GK Alma Ata Akad Nauk Kaz Ssr Khabarshysy Vestn 6: 4248. Ref. June 1971 076673

80 AM329 Surprising success with a little-known fertilizer. (Dendrobium phalaenopsis, Cymbidium). Kock, WE Amer Orchid Soc Bull 41 (4): 338-340. Apr 1972 076674

506 SP12 Nutrition & fertilization of strawberry of Sierra de Francia. Agricultural year 1968-69. II. Foliar diagnostic. (Spa) Sanchez de la Puente, L An Edafol Agrobiol 30 (11/12): 1123-1135. Eng. Sum. Nov/Dec 1971 076675

80 AR2 Results from use of synthetic soil conditioners with several ornamental plant species. (Ger) Kaufmann, H G; Burwieck, J; Richter, G Arch Gartenbau 20 (1): 3-23. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1972 076676

275.29 ARALE Fertilizing & liming grain sorghum (milo). Miley, WN Ark Univ Ext Leal 499, 12 P. Mar 1972 076677

SD1.A72 Results of trials on fertilization of poplar "I. 214" in France. (Populus). (Fre) Barneoud, C; Bonduelle, P Assoc Foret-cellulose Compte Rendu Activ P. 135-188. Eng. Sum. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 076678

56.9 AS7 Effect of potassic fertilization on evolution of exchangeable potassium in brown clayish soils. (Fre) LefebvreDouet, E; Jacquin, M Assoc Fr Etude Sol Bull 5: 49-55. Sept/Oct 1971 076679

23 AU792 Nitrogen fertilizer responses of a Heteropogon contortus & a Paspalum plicatulum pasture in relation to rainfall in central coastal Queensland, Mannetje, L T; Shaw, NH Australian J Exp Agt Anim Husb 12 (54): 28-35. Ref. Feb 1972 076680

23 AU792 Response of annual medic pasture to superphosphate applications & correlation with available soil phosphorus. Rudd, CL Australian J Exp Agr Anim Husb 12 (54): 43-48. Ref. Feb 1972 076681

23 AU792 Fertility studies of pasture soils in wet tropical coast of Queensland. 3. Basaltic soils. Teitzel, J K; Bruce, R C Australian J Exp Agr Anim Husb 12 (54): 49-54. Ref. Feb 1972 076682

23 AU792 Wheat yield responses to various phosphate fertilizers in South Australia. Rudd, C L Australian J Exp Agi Anim Husb 12 (54): 65-69. Ref. Feb 1972 076683

60.19 B773 Lad restoration with pulverized fuel ash. Gillham, EW F; Davies, WM Brit Grassland Soc ) 27 (1): 13-15. Ref. Mar 1972 076684

60.19 B773 Cattle dung patch. 2. Effect of a dung patch on chemical status of soil, & ammonia nitrogen losses from patch. MacDiarmid, B N; Watkin, BR Brit Grassland Soc ) 27 (1): 43.48. Ref. Mar 1972


HC446.B8 Distribution of fertiliser. Kolff, J Bull Indones Econ Stud 7 (1): 56-77. Ref. Mar 1971 076686

100 C12CAG Nitrate concentrations in the unsaturated zone beneath some selected row-crop fields. Adriano, D C; Pratt, P F; Takatori, F H; Holtzclaw, KM; Johanson, J B Calif Agr 26 (2): 8-10. Feb 1972 076687

SD13.C35 Loss of nitrogen by volatilization of ammonia after fertilization of jack pine. (Pinus banksiana). (Fre) Carrier, D; Bernier, B Can J Forest Res Rev Can Rech For 1 (2): 69-79. Ref. Eng. Sum. June 1971 076688

56.8 C162 Response of corn to nitrogen, phosphorus, & potassium. Bishop, R F; Smeltzer, G G; Maceachern, CR Can J Soil Sci 52 (1): 27-42. Ref. Feb 1972 076689

56.8 C162 Effects of topographical positions, soil test values, & fertilizer use on yields of wheat in a complex of Black Chernozemic & Gleysolic soils. Spratt, E D; Mclver, R N Can I Soil Sci 52 (1): 53-58. Feb 1972 076690

281.9 C332 Effectiveness of pastures fertilization with nitrogen. (Cze) Seidenglanz, J; Kolar, I Cesk Akad Zemed Ustav Vedeckotech Inform Zemed Ekon 18 (2): 103-109. Feb 1972 076691

SB245.A1C6 Cotton mineral fertilizing in NorthCameroon. (Fre) Fritz, A Coton Fibres Trop (Engl Ed) 26 (4): 375-384. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076692

304.8 C822 Use of complete liquid fertilizers for cotton, soybeans increases in Tennessee. Mullins, J A; Overton, J R; McCutchen, T Cotton Gin Oil Mill Press 72 (26): 10-13. Dec 25, 1971 076693

22.5 C88 Studies on utilization of organic manures & cropping system. I. Analysis of farmyard manure production. (Jap) Ichinohe, S; Abe, J; Ando, F Crop Sci Soc Japan Proc 41 (1): 83-88. Eng. Sum. Mar 1972 076694

22.5 C88 Studies on utilization of organic manures & cropping system. II. Effect of gulle on yields of annual forage crops. (Jap) Ichinohe, S; Abe, J Crop Sci Soc Japan Proc 41 (1): 89-92. Ref. Eng. Sum. Mar 1972 076695

15 C89 Short analytical study of organic fertilizers. (Spa) Noguera, A Cult Mod 55 (2): 33-35. Feb 1972 076696

281.8 S073 Use of chemicals in agriculture, an important factor in intensification of farm production. (Rus) Abaturin, L Ekon Sel Khoz 11: 17-27. 1971 076697

S19.E8 Fertilizer demonstrations. Chattopadhyay, S Explos Hunger 3 (3): 443-446. July/Sept 1971 076698

HD9016.14F3 Study of trend in fertilizer use in Tamil Nadu. Manickam, TS; Palaniappan, R Farm Fact 5 (12): 7-11. Oct 1971 076699

22 F223 Yield of rain-fed wheat as affected by methods of nitrogen application. Sing, BP; Randhawa, A S; Rathore, DN Farm I (calcutta) 12 (11/12): 25-28. Ref. Sept/Oct 1971 076700

22 F223 Fertilizers need careful storage. Singh, S; Sharma, P Farm J (calcutta) 12 (11/12): 28-29. Sept/Oct 1971


22 F223 Soil test & balanced fertilisation. Sengupta, K Farm (calcutta) 12 (9): 18-20. July 1971 076702

22 F223 Studies on effect of split application of fertilizer & planting density on yield components & yield of high yielding rice ( ir-8) in spring season. Bhattacharya, B; Debnath, PK Farm J (calcutta) 12 (9): 21-23. July 1971 076703

S19.F37 Effect of inorganic fertilizers on sugarcane soils. Mahamuni, I; Ramamoorthy, N; Ahmed, S A; Kadirvel, A K; Ranjan, S Farmer Parliament 6 (10): 17-18. Oct 1971 076704

S19.F37 Better manure your bananas. Shanmugam, T Farmer Parliament 6 (11): 17-18, 31-33. Nov 1971 076705

18 W763 Nutrient & organic substance content of semi-liquid manure under different production conditions in cooperatives & state farms. (Ger) Wedekind, P; Koriath, H Feldwirtschaft 12 (12): 560563. Dec 1971 076706

57.8 F4123 Application of layering granulation technique in Trombay nitrophosphate process. Bhattacharjee, PK Fert News 16 (11): 35-40. Nov 1971 076707

57.8 F4123 Role of fertiliser industry in green revolution. Heredia, FJ Fert News 17 (1): 13-17. Jan 1972 076708

57.8 F4123 A large fertiliser complex takes shape in Goa. Pillai, VS Fert News 17 (1): 25-31. Jan 1972 076709

57.8 SO4 Equipment & manufacturing in liquid revolution". [Fertilizers). Achorn, FP; Balay, HL Fert Solutions 16 (1): 3032, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42-43. Jan/Feb 1972 076710

57.8 SO4 Dealer & liquid revolution". (Fertilizers). McNeill, T Fert Solutions 16 (1): 46-47. Jan/Feb 1972 076711

57.8 SO4 Farmer &" liquid revolution". [Fertilizers). Butcher, R Fert Solutions 16 (1): 48, 53. Jan/Feb 1972 076712

57.8 SO4 How liquids affect plant quality. (Fertilizers). Berger, K C Fert Solutions 16 (1): 54, 56-58. Jan/Feb 1972 076713

57.8 SO4 Quality animal nutrition with liquid fertilizers. Florence, D Fert Solutions 16 (1): 58-60. Jan/Feb 1972 076714

57.8 SO4 Quality liquid fertilizers in research programs. Christiansen, R Fert Solutions 16 (1): 62, 64-65. Jan/Feb 1972 076715

57.8 SO4 liquid revolution"--where are we headed?. (Fertilizers). Matthiesen, G C Fert Solutions 16 (1): 66, 68-70. Jan/Feb 1972 076716

57.8 SO4 Magnesium & sulfur. I ii. Proper fertilizer programs prevent nutritional problems. Dennis, EJ Fert Solutions 16 (1): 84-85. Jan/Feb 1972 076717

57.8 F4122 Fertilization of sugar cane in reunion. Fritz, J Fertilite 39: 17-32. Nov/Dec 1971 076718

57.8 F4122 Response of high-yielding paddy varieties to potassium experiments results from various rice growing countries. Kemmler, G Fertilite 39: 33-47. Ref. Nov/Dec 1971


57.8 F4122 Potassium fertilization for cotton in tropical Africa. Braud, M Fertilite 39: 5-16. Ref. Nov/Dec 1971 076720

19 F75 New forms of organic manuring with special regard to semi-liquid manure. (Ger) Schechtner, G Forderungsdienst 19 (2): 44-50. Feb 1971 076721

19 F75 New results of combined experiments of fertilization & mowing yields in Lower Austria. (Forage plants). (Ger) Reichard, T Forderungsdienst 19 (4): 122-127. Apr 1971 076722

19 F75 Feasibility & strong points of fertilizer advisory service relating to pastures. (Ger) Gruber, P Forderungsdienst 19 (4): 131-134. Apr 1971 076723

381 G27 Incorporation of Sequestrene micronutrient chelates in fluid fertilizers. Geigy Chem Corp Geigy Agr Chem Sequestrene Tech Bull 160, SP. Nov 1971 076724

290.8 G362 Economic effect of application of fertilizers in irrigated farming of Volga River area. (Rus) Eliseev, GN Gidrotekh Melior 11: 85-88. Nov 1971 076725

290.8 6362 Hydraulic type of fertilizer distributors for stationary sprinkler irrigation system. (Rus) Vaneian, SS Gidrotekh Melior 8: 40-44. Aug 1971 076726

99.8 G682 Forest fertilizers in Canada. (Bul) Palashev, 1 Gorsko Stopanstvo 27 (10): 47-49. Oct 1971 076727

99.8 G682 More on fertilization in Bulgarian forests. (Bul) Petkov, P Gorsko Stopanstvo 27 (10): 8-15. Oct 1971 076728

99.8 G682 Some problems on use of fertilizers in forests. (Bul) Donov, V Gorsko Stopanstvo 27 (7): 16-20. July 1971 076729

17 SCH9 Actual topics on fertilization. (Ger) Villiger, A Grune 100 (4): 111-118. Jan 28, 1972 076730

17 SCH9 Utilization of sewage sludge compost in agriculture. (Ger) Muller, B Grune 100 (4): 120-123. Jan 28, 1972 076731

64.8 H66 Investigations on response of three fodder maize varieties to nitrogen fertilization. I. Level of green & dry matter yield. (Pol) Barszczak, Z Hodowla Roslin Aklimatyzacja Nasiennictwo 15 (5): 429-444. Ref. Eng. Sum

1971 076732

80 H7892 Growth responses of radish to nitrogen & phosphorus fertilizers. Nichols, M A Hort Res 11 (3): 156-160. Dec 1971 076733

S633.F42 1971 Economics of fertilizer use. Ibach, D B; Williams, MS In Fertilizer Technology and Use P. 81-104. Ref. 1971 076734

HC60.C65 1968 Problems in the use of chemical fertilizers. [Ecological effects). Phillips, J In The Careless Technology: Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 549-566. Ref 1972 076735

HC60.C65 1968 Nitrate problems and nitrite hazards as influenced by ecological conditions and by fertilization of plants. Schuphan, W In The Careless Technology: Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 577-590. Ref. 1972


56.8 J27 Studies on physiological effect of humic acid. 6. Studies on metal chelating action of nitro-humic acid in solution containing iron & copper ions. [Fertilizer analysis). (Jap) Takenaga, H; Makita, K; Aso, S Jap J Sci Soil & Manure 42 (7): 286-290. Ref. July 1971 076764

87 H78 Studies on soil fertility of apple orchard. IX. relationship between boron deficiency & boron content in soils or leaves. (Jap) Yamazaki, T; Niizuma, T; Taguchi, T Jap Soc Hort Sci J 40 (3): 201-206. Ref. Eng. Sum. Sept 1971 076765

75.8 K147 Effect of fertilizers on yields. (Vegetables, potatoes). (Rus) Samoilenko, B Kartofel Ovoshchi 10: 10-11. Oct 1971 076766

75.8 K147 Effect of fertilizers & lime on potato yields. (Rus) Volod'ko, O Kartofel Ovoshchi 10: 9. Oct 1971 076767

75.8 K147 Potato fertilizing in soils of Vladimir Opolye. (Rus) Bugai, 1 Kartofel Ovoshchi 11: 12-13. Nov 1971 076768

75.8 K147 Calculating fertilizer dosage for planned yields. (Vegetables). (Rus) Zhurbitskii, z Kartofel Ovoshchi 11: 29-30. Nov 1971 076769

75.8 K147 Effectiveness of litter-free manure. (Rus) Filippenko, I; Perepelitsa, V; Zhukova, 1 Kartofel Ovoshchi 11: 9. 11. Nov 1971


22 AG831 Response of tomato to zinc fertilization in a zinc-deficient soil of Maharashtra. Mohapatra, A R; Kibe, MM Indian J Agr Sci 41 (8): 650-654. Ref. Aug 1971 076737

22 AG831 Effect of various soil amendments on wilt of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.). (Fusarium oxysporum corianderii). Srivastava, U S; Sinha, S Indian J Agr Sci 41 (9): 779.782. Ref. Sept 1971 076738

64.9 INZ Influence of manure melioration treatments on physical properties of sandy soil. (Pol) Baranowski, R; Ploszynska, W Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 45: 73-84. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076739

64.9 IN7 Investigations on dates of nitrogen fertilizing of winter cereals. I. Influence of date of nitrogen fertilizing on yield of winter wheat varieties. (Pol) Mackowiak, C; Ruszkowski, M; Ruszkowska, B Insi Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 47: 131-146. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076740

64.9 INZ Investigations on dates of nitrogen fertilizing of winter cereals. II. Influence of date of nitrogen fertilizing on yield of rye varieties. (Pol) Mackowiak, C; Mazurek, J; Ruszkowski, M Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 47: 147-160. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076741

64.9 INZ Different criteria of evaluating the available manganese, molybdenum, and copper content in soils. (Pol) Ruszkowska, M; Lyszcz, S Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 47: 5-31. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076742

64.9 INZ Comparison of urea & ammonium nitrate used for spring fertilizing of winter rape. (Pol) Horodyski, A Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 49: 45-61. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076743

64.9 INZ Fertilizing requirements of poppy. (Papaver). (Pol) Gajek, F Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 49: 77-91. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076744

64.9 IN7 Preliminary investigations on usefulness of methods of Egner-Riehm, Gohler as well as of modified method of Spurway for determination of fertilizing requirements of veget (Pol) Trebski, L; Sroczynski, W; Szot, A; Witkowska, H Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 50: 137-154. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076745

64.9 INO Influence of mineral fertilizing during many years on yields of cultivated plants as well as on some changes in soil properties. I ii. Yield components & chemical composition of plants. (Pol) Gajek, F Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 50: 155-171. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076745

64.9 INC Effectiveness of phosphorus & potassium fertilizing on ground of regional experiments. (Pol) Boguszewski, W; Gosek, S Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 50: 29-41. Eng. Sum. 1971 076747

64.9 INO Results of experiments with high doses of phosphorus & potassium in experiment stations of Institute of Soil Science & Cultivation of Plants. II. (Pol) Boguszewski, W; Gosek, S; Zalewski, T Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 50: 43-52. Eng. Sum. 1971


64.9 INZ Fertilizing with integrated doses of phosphorus & potassium. I. Experiments in experiment stations Osiny & Zelislawki. (Pol) Boguszewski, W; Mackowiak, C; Chojnacki, A; Gryka, J; Parowski, T Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 50: 53-68. Eng. Sum. 1971 076749

64.9 INZ Fertilizing value of peat composts & not composted mixtures. (Pol) Mackowiak, C Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 50: 69-85. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076750

64.9 INZ Fertilizing value of non-leguminous crops cultivated for green manure in stubble aftercrop. (Pol) Klupczynski, Z Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 50: 87-96. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076751

64.9 INC Investigation on causes of yellowing of cereals on very acid light soils. II. Effect of magnesium fertilization. (Pol) Jaskowski, Z Inst Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiet Pulawski 50: 97-115. Eng. Sum. 1971 076752

10.5 IR45 Effects of N fertilizers on yield & nitrogen content of spring wheat (cultivar Quern) in 1967 & in 1969. Gately, T F Irish J Agr Res 10 (3): 323-332. Ref. Dec 1971 076753

49 J82 Effect of potassium fertilization on chemical characteristics, yield & nutritive value of corn silage. (Beef, cattle). Perry, T W; Rhykerd, C L; Holt, D A; Mayo, H H J Anim Sci 34 (4): 642-646. Apr 1972 076754

S19.J32 Effect of different green manuring crops on available nitrogen in soil & yield of wheat. Bansal, K N; Tamboli, PM; Shrivastava, LB J Nkvv Res J 5 (1): 35-38. Mar 1971 076755

S19.J32 Economics of nitrogen application in wheat crop with special reference to high yielding varieties in Madhya Pradesh. Mishra, B L I Nkvv Res 5 (1): 39-42. Mar 1971 076756

S19.J32 Topdressing paddy with nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium. (Rice). Rai, M M; Singh, DK J Nkvv Res J 5 (1): 52-53. Mar 1971 076757

S19.J32 Encouraging residual effect of phosphorus on wheat with one irrigation. Mandloi, K K; Tiwari, KP J Navy Res J 5 (1): 54-55. Mar 1971 076758

S19.J32 Zincated superphosphate as a source of zinc. Rai, M M; Gupta, S K J Nkvv Res J 5 (2): 116-118. Sept 1971 076759

S19.J32 Response of added boron to maize & choice of extractant for boron. Rai, M M; Dighe, J M J Nkuv Res J 5 (2): 120-122. Sept 1971 076760

S19.J32 Response of potassium to wheat in Rewa soil. Rai, M M; Bhargava, B S; Katre, R K J Nkvv Res I 5 (2): 130. Sept 1971 076761

S19.J32 Response of iron application in deep black soils of Madhya Pradesh. Rai, MM; Shitoley, D B; Pal, A RJ Nkvv Res J 5 (2): 90-92. Sept 1971 076762

382 S012 Trace elements in sewage sludges. (Soil additive). Berrow, M L; Webber, I J Sci Food Agr 23 (1): 93-100. Ref. Jan 1972


385 K524 Effect of fertilizers on yield of in fallow-cultivated rotation system in light Chestnut soil. (Rus) Nezhnev, IU N Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 1112. 1972


385 K524 On consumption of water-free ammonia in agriculture of usa & several other countries. (Fertilizers). (Rus) Petriaeva, D A Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 62-66. 1972 076779

385 K524 Application of mineral fertilizers to spring wheat in Kansk forest-steppe region of Krasnoiarsk Territory. (Rus) Andronova, T M; Zamiatkina, L E Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 9-11. 1972 076780

385 K524 Effectiveness of applying potassium fertilizers to spring wheat in gray forest soils of Irkutsk Region relative to soil content of potassium. (Rus) Krest'ianinova, N G; Brovkina, V I; Ugarov, G A; Alekseeva, A A Khim Sel'skom Khoz 9 (12): 10-13. 1971 076781

385 K524 Change in acidity of individual layers of cultivated horizon of soddy-podzolic soils with liming. (Rus) Belokon', V D; Ignatov, V G; Shil'nikov, I A Khim Sel'skom Khoz 9 (12): 14-17. 1971 076782

385 K524 Geographical network of experiments with fertilizers at a new stage. (Rus) Pannikov, V D Khim Sel'skom Khoz 9 (12): 2-7. 1971 076783

385 K524 Yield & quality of sugar beets relative to fertilizer application dates. (Rus) Kurakov, VI Khim Sel'skom Khoz 9 (12): 21-22. 1971 076784

385 K524 Using potassium fertilizers on fixed potato plantings. (Rus) Bugaev, V P; Khlystovskii, A D Khim Sel'skom Khoz 9 (12): 22-25. 1971 076785

385 K524 Application of mineral fertilizers to cabbage crops in Udmurtia. ( ussr). (Rus) Zolotukhina, IU S; Shelemova, TV Khim Sel'skom Khoz 9 (12): 2629. 1971 076786

385 K524 Applicability of Cornfield method for determining soil requirements of nitrogen fertilizers. (Rus) Shkonde, E | Khim Sel'skom Khoz 9 (12): 56-60. 1971 076787

385 K 524 On determining ammonium nitrate in organic fertilizers. (Rus) Perepelitsa, VM Khim Sel'skom Khoz 9 (12): 6062. 1971 076788

275.29 K415 1972 Lime & fertilizer recommendations. Ky Univ Ext Circ 1, 12 P. Oct 1972 076789

100 L935 Costs as related to source & method of application of selected fertilizer materials in Louisiana. Beasley, L W; Woolf, WF La Agr Exp Sta Dae Res Rep 431, 69 P. June 1971 076790

58.8 L235 Technic to handle liquid manure. (Ger) Forster, A G Landtechnik 26 (22): 584-586. Nov 15, 1971 076791

58.8 L235 Removal of liquid manure. (Ger) Riemann, U; Traulsen, H Landtechnik 27 (1/2): 12-16. Jan 15, 1972 076792

73.8 L 543 A contribution to flax varieties manuring. (Cze) Lahola, J Len Konopi 9: 11-25. Eng. Sum. 1971 076793

99.8 L5622 Application of mineral fertilizers in cultivated & natural forest plantations in northwestern taiga belt. (Rus) Stratonovich, A I; Moiko, M F; Markova, I A; Danilina, TG Les Khoz 3: 19-21. Mar 1972


385 K524 Using open-hearth slag for liming soils. (Rus) Dukarevich, B I Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 16-17. 1972 076772

385 K524 Fertilizing Mentha piperita in Krasnodar Territory. (Rus) Gretskaia, RL; Oleinikova, EF Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 17-18. 1972 076773

385 K524 Effectiveness of phosphorus fertilizers on Chernozem soils with different amounts of phosphates & various degrees of mobility. (Rus) Kostrov, K A; Barasheva, V N Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 2-5. 1972 076774

385 K524 Spacial structure of a stationary field experiment on study of fertilizer systems used in crop rotation. (Rus) luzhakov, AT Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 48-51. 1972 076775

385 K524 Amount of organic fertilizers on farms in Omsk Region. (Rus) Zhukov, I N; Kol'tsov, A Kh; Azieva, A G Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 54-56. 1972 076776

385 K524 Economic effectiveness of applying mineral & organic fertilizers to Papaver somniferum in Khmel'nitskii Region of Ukraine. (Rus) Nesterov, N N; Baginskii, O V; Sheberstov, V V Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 56-59. 1972 076777

385 K524 Economic efficiency of lime & phosphate rock in a moist condition. (Rus) Nazarov, S I; Rumiantsev, I V; Chaikov, A A; Kaplan, I G; Osipov, V G Khim Sel'skom Khoz 10 (1): 59-61. 1972


99.8 L5622 Application of fertilizers to fast growing conifer forests in Arkhangelsk Region. (Rus) Parshevnikov, A L; Seryi, V S Les Khoz 3: 22-23. Mar 1972 076795

99.8 L5622 On optimal dates of application of urea to young pine stands. (Rus) Korzhitskij, VD Les Khoz 3: 24-27. Mar 1972 076796

99.8 L5622 Effect of mineral fertilizers on propagation of needles & growth of pine plantations. (Rus) Baglai, A N Los Khoz 3: 27-31. Mar 1972 076797

99.8 L5622 Application of fertilizers to pine plantations in Lithuania. (Rus) Shleinis, RJ; Skarbalius, R V Les Khoz 3: 31-34. Mar 1972 076798

99.8 L5622 Application of mineral fertilizers to culture of spruce seedlings. (Rus) Shumakov, V S; Arshinova, T I Les Khoz 3: 35-38. Mar 1972 076799

99.8 L5622 Growing birch seedlings with application of fertilizers. (Rus) Kosnikov, B I; Kosnikova, R P; Simonenko, AP Les Khoz 3: 38-40. Mar 1972 076800

99.8 IZ8 On use of mineral fertilizers on Pinus stands in mixed forest zones. (Rus) Sliadnev, AP Les 2h 4: 3.5. 1971 076801

SDI.L4 Application of mineral fertilizers in forests. (Rus) Shumakov, VS Lesovedenie 4: 71-79. Eng. Sum. July/Aug 1971 076802

79.8 L91 Organic fertilizer Siapa on sugarbeet. (Ita) Zoppolato, F Lotta Antiparassitaria 24 (1): 6. Jan 1972 076803

95.8 L95 Tests with application of phosphorus fertilizers & their effect on grape fields. (Bul) Mikhailova, S Lozar Vinar 21 (1): 14-18. Jan/Feb 1972 076804

100 M365 Nitrogen fertilization, harvest management, & utilization of "Midland" Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.). Decker, A M; Hemken, RW; Miller, JR; Clark, N A; Okorie, A V Md Agr Exp Sta Bull 487, 71 P. Ref. Sept 1971 076805

S13.M4 Meliorated fertilization with phosphorus. (Cze) Baier, J; Kristan, F; Strnad, P; Prokop, J Metodiky 18, 21 P. Ref. 1971 076806

S13.M4 Late application of ammonia to spring crops. (Cze) Nemec, A Metodiky 19, 20 P. Ref. 1971 076807

20 M57 Some problems of intensive use of mineral fertilizers related to plant industry. (Rus) Lang. G Mezhdunar Sel'skokhoz Zh 4: 35-39. 1971 076808

20 M57 Interaction of mineral & organic fertilizers with their joint application. (Rus) llkov, D; Gruev, TS; Petrov, D; Bratanova. S; Krystanov, Si Dankova, S Mezhdunar Sel'skokhoz Zh 4: 43. 51. 1971 076809

20 M57 Development of production & consumption of mineral fertilizers in Poland & other member countries of comecon (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance). (Rus) Kazimerchak, Z Mezhdunar Sel'skokhoz Zh 4: 51-55. 1971


58.8 M572 Inflatable tents for central fertilizer storage. (Hun) Demes,; Gockler, Mezogazdasagi Tech 11 (10): 14-15. 1971 076811

QK600.M5 Decomposition of bark at composting to obtain fertilizers. (Rus) Grishkova, LA; Tranina, N F Mikol Fitol 5 (6): 508-511. 1971 076812

100 M69IN What is best nitrogen level & stocking rate for winter pasture? Morrison, E G; Edwards, N C Miss Agr Exp Sta Inform Sheet 1163, 3 P. Sept 1971 076813

100 M69IN Effects of nitrogen fertilization & mowing frequency on turf quality of ryegrass. (Lilium perenne]. McWhirter, E L; Ward, C Y Miss Agr Exp Sta Inform Sheet 1170, 3 P. Nov 1971 076814

18 N39 Effects of increase in price of nitrogen fertilizers. (Ger) Unger, H Mitt Deut Landwirt-ges 86 (40): 1026, 1028. Sept 30, 1971 076815

18 N39 Fertilizers--their application fully proven. (Ger) Buchner, A Miti Deut Landwirt-ges 86 (40): 1029-1032. Sept 30, 1971 076816

18 N39 What are advantages of loose mineral fertilizer chain? (Ger) Krinner, L Mitt Deut Landwirt-ges 86 (41): 1050, 1052, 1054. Oct 7, 1971 076817

18 N39 Effects of fertilization & density on yield of wheat. (Ger) Schulz, H; Lobitz, F Mitt Deut Landwirt-ges 86 (41): 1055-1058. Oct 7, 1971 076818

18 N39 Liquid manure--to utilize it or do away with? (Ger) Riemann, U; Traulsen, H Miti Deut Landwiri-ges 86 (47): 11911193. Nov 18, 1971 076819

18 N39 Magnesium supply of arable land & grassland. (Ger) Schmid, R; Spahr, K Mitt Deut Landwirt-ges 87 (13): 324. 326, 328. Mar 23, 1972 076820

100 N465 (1) Burning & nitrogen fertilization of Tobosa grass. (Hilaria mutica). Dwyer, D D N Mex Agr Exp Sta Bull 595, 8 P. Jan 1972 076821

22.5 N6829 Effect of application of rice & wheat straw as manure on paddy field. (Jap) Yoshizawa, T Nogyo Gijutsu 26 (8): 349-351. Aug 1971 076822

10 N81 Lime. (Soil]. Northern Ireland Min Agr Adv Serv Leall 84, 4 P. June 1971 076823

470 N81 Effects of aerial forest fertilization with urea pellets on nitrogen levels in a mountain stream. Malueg, KW; Powers, C F: Krawczyk, DF Northwest Sci 46 (1): 52-58. Map. Ref. Feb 1972 076824

470 N81 Evaluating forest sites for potential growth response of trees to fertilizer. Waring, R H; Youngberg, CT Northwest Sci 46 (1): 67-75. Ref. Feb 1972 076825

77.8 OL2 Response of coconuts to (potassium) chloride in Philippines. (Fre) Uexkull, H R von Oleagineux 27 (1): 13-19. Jan 1972 076826

308.9 OR3 Effect of phosphorus, potassium & lime on yield of peppermint oil in western Oregon. Jackson, TL Oreg Essent Oil Growers League Proc 23D: 35-42. Jan 1972


14 P215BC Twelve years of experiments in peach tree fertilization. (Fre) Gagnard, J; Grolleau, J; Panine, S; Rutten, P Paris Acad Agr Fr Compt Rend Hebd Seances 57 (17): 1500-1514. 1971 076828

294.8 P56 Assessment of phosphate rocks for phosphoric acid ammonium phosphate manufacture. (Fertilizers). Robinson, N Phosphorus & Potassium 57: 31-36. Jan/Feb 1972 076829

S590.P6 Timing & placement of ammonium nitrate on maize. (Bul) llkov, D Pochvozn Agrokhim 6 (4): 51-60. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076830

S590.P6 Timing & placement of urea on wheat. (Bul) Atanasov, S; Atanasov, A Pochvozn Agrokhim 6 (4): 61-68. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076831

S590.P6 Nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium balance-sheets at different levels of nutrition & soil moisture. (Wheat, corn). (Bul) Angelov, A Pochvozn Agrokhim 6 (4): 69-76. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076832

S590.P6 Efficiency of fertilizer application on calcareous Chernozem. (Bul) Lichev, S; Borisov, G; Nikolov, E Pochvozn Agrokhim 6 (4): 87.97. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076833

19.5 P752 Forms of bond of calcium & potassium in furnace dust of cement works. (Fertilizers). (Slo) Kulich, J; Ragas, A Pol'nohospodarsivo 17 (11/12): 973980. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076834

19.5 P752 Agronomic efficiency of method & manuring of corn. (Slo) Spaldon, E; Zuzi, I Pol'nohospodarstvo 18 (1): 313. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1972 076835

19.5 P752 A study of conditions of preparation kcl from domestic kalium trachytes. (Slo) Dobis, A Poľnohospodarstvo 18 (1): 38-44. Eng. Sum. 1972 076836

19.5 P752 Furnace dusts of Banska Bystrica cement works as a potassium & calcium fertilizer. (Slo) Kulich, J Pol'nohospodarstvo 18 (1): 55-62. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1972 076837

19.5 P752 Preparation of low-percentage potassium salt from domestic kalitrachytes. (Fertilizers). (Slo) Dobis, A Pol'nohospodarstvo 18 (2): 109-116. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1972 076838

304.9 P87 Response of monoecious seed hemp to various forms of fertilizing with nitrogen. (Pol) Strzelecki, AW Poznan Inst Przemyslu Wlokien Lykowych Prace 18: 59-72. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076839

304.9 P87 Effect of concentration and data of urea application on flax grown on different soils. (Pol) Lehmann, I; Rutkowska, E Poznan Inst Przemyslu Wlokien Lykowych Prace 18: 7-28. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076840

304.9 P87 Effect of nitrogen fertilization pattern on hemp crop grown on mineral soil. (Pol) Jaranowska, B Poznan Inst Przemysłu Wlokien Lykowych Prace 18: 89-104. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076841

64.8 R18 Effect of fertilizers & irrigation on planting properties of cotton seeds. (Bul) Bozhkova, IU Rastenievud Nauk 8 (6): 31-44. Ref. 1971


9.2 R324 Variation in standards of phosphorus in soil determined by 15 P32, according to fertilization pattern used. (Por) Mello, F A F de; Arzolla, S Rev Agr (Piracicaba) 46 (4): 163-168. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076843

9.2 R324 Effect of simple superphosphate, thermophosphate, castor bean cake & micronutrients in production of sugarcane. (Por) Casagrande, A A Rev Agr (Piracicaba) 46 (4): 169-174. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 0 76844

9 R3222 Response functions & optimal fertilizing rate in sugarcane. (Spa) Llanos, LR Rev Agron Noroeste Argent 8 (3/4): 341-372. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076845

99.8 R 329 Tests in mineral fertilization on a Pinus taeda plantation in Landes district. (Fre) Guinaudeau, J Pav Forest Franc 23 (4): 443-447. July/Aug 1971 076846

99.8 R329 A case of inefficiency in mineral fertilization: results of an experiment in beech regeneration of domanial forests in Ligny-en-Barrois (Meuse). (Fagus). (Fre) Leroy, P; Le Tacon, F Rev Forest Franc 23 (4): 448-450. July/Aug 1971 076847

SB267.A1R4 Effects of incorporating increasing quantities of lime in some of cacao soils of Bahia. (Por) Santana, M B M; Cabala Rosand, FP; Morais, F I de O Rev Theobroma 1 (2): 17-28. Ref. Eng. Sum. June 1971 076848

SB267.AIR4 Development of cacao seedlings using different sources of nitrogen & potassium fertilizers. (Por) Miranda, ER de; Morais, Fl de O Rev Theobroma 1 (2): 29-38. Ref. Eng. Sum. June 1971 076849

64.9 C33 Agronomical aspects of use of power station light ashes. V. Effect of high rates of light ashes on yields of some crops & biochemical changes in soil. (Cze) Lobl, F; Kuldova, M; Petrikova, V Rostlinna Vyroba 17 (11/12): 1165.1178. Ref. Eng. Sum. Nov/Dec 1971 076850

64.9 C33 Effect of nitrogen application time on rye yields. (Cze) Ulmann, L Rostlinna Vyroba 17 (11/12): 1179. 1184. Ref. Eng. Sum. Nov/Dec 1971 076851

64.9 C33 Effect of high rates of fertilization on some physical characteristics of brown soil. (Cze) Facek, z Rostlinna Vyroba 18 (1): 21-34. Ref. Eng. Sum. Jan 1972 076852

64.9 C33 Possibilities of fertilizing winter wheat with anhydrous ammonia. (Cze) Nemec, A; Neuberg, J ostlinna Vyroba 18 (1): 35-42. Ref. Eng. Sum. Mar 1, 1972 076853

64.9 C33 Response of meadow stand to application of a high dose of phosphoric fertilizers. II. Fodder yields. (Cze) Francik, J; Neuberg, J Rostlinna Vyroba 18 (1): 75-78. Eng. Sum. Jan 1972


64.9 C33 Effect of ten-year exposure to higher rates of nutrients on production changes in natural grass stand. (Slo) Habovstiak, J; Tomka, O Rostlinna Vyroba 18 (2): 143-152. Ref. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972


HD1975.A6T4 Experience in fertilization of Chrysanthemum. (Ita) Cocozza, M Terra Pugliese 20 (11): 3-13. Nov 1971 076872

100 T31P Effects of fertilizer on irrigated grain sorghum--Northern High Plains of Texas. Jones, R M; Onken, A B; Sunderman, H D Tex Agric Exp Sin Prog Rep (consol Prog Rep) 2951/2962: 33-39. Aug 1971 076873

26 1754 Comparative study of different types of fertilizer as sources of nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium in pineapple cultivation. Tay, T H Trop Agr (st Augustine) 49 (1): 51-59. Ref. Jan 1972 076874

69.8 T88 Results of foliar application of mineral fertilizers on tobacco productivity in Macedonia. (Ser) Todorovski, J; Pasovski, D Tutun 21 (7/8): 221-226. Eng. Sum. July/Aug 1971 076875

442.8 UZI Application of dymethyl sulfur oxide as a solvent of humic acid. [Fertilizers). (Rus) Dzhumaniiazov, I; Nafasov, R; Baibaev, B Uz Biol Zhur 5: 58-59. 1971 076876

20 V633 Sapropels as fertilizers & a mineralvitamin additive for farm animals. (Rus) Borodina, T P; Khokhlov, B N; Nefedova, VA Vestn Sel'skokhoz Nauk (moscow) 12: 45-50. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971


448.3 C33 (3) Bacteriological & chemical studies in rice straw compost. V. Effect of phosphorus. Zayed, M N; Taha, S M; Azazy, MA Zentralb Bakteriol Parasitenk Infektionskr Hyg Abt 2 Naturw 126 (7): 678-686. Ref. Dec 15, 1971 076886

448.3 C33 (3) Bacteriological & chemical studies in rice straw compost. VI. Effect of calcium. Taha, S M; Zayed, M N; Azazy, MA Zentralb Bakteriol Parasitenk Infektionskr Hyg Abt 2 Naturw 126 (7): 687-693. Ref. Dec 15, 1971 076887

49 26 Effectiveness of system of collecting, storing & processing manure on specialized swine farms. (Rus) Luk'ianenkov, II Zhivotnovodstvo 12: 33-36. Dec 1971


20 M60 Harrowing sugar beets in peat soils. (Bel) Lashkevich, R I; Leuta, I E Akad Navuk B Ssr Vestsi Ser Sel'skahaspad Navuk 1: 38-42. 1971 076897

290.9 AM327 Evaluation of tillage systems for cotton production. Carter, L M; Colwick, R F Amer Soc Agr Eng Trans A Sae 14 (6): 1116-1121. Ref. Nov/Dec 1971 076898

SB13.B Soil management for corn. (Dut) Andringa, JT Bedrijfsontwikkeling Ed Akkerbouw 2 (12): 57-58. Dec 1971 076899

292.9 B8 Melioration of soils with poor waterhousehold. (Hun) Szekrenyi, B Budapest Vizgazdalkodasi Tud Kutato Intezet Beszamolo P. 213-226. 1971 076900

15 C8 Leveling of agricultural land. (Spa) Noguera Pujol, J Cult Mod 55 (2): 32 33. Feb 1972 076901

281.8 SO7 Intra-farm land management in regions of soil erosion by water. (Rus) Kiriukhin, V Ekon Sel Khoz 1: 74-79. Jan 1972



64.9 C33 Response of meadow stand to application of high rates of phosphatic fertilizers. I ii. Some agrochemical changes in soil. (Cze) Francik, J; Neuberg, J Rostlinna Vyroba 18 (2): 153-158. Ref. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 076856

78.9 C330 A study of urease activity in rubber soils of Ceylon. Silva, CG; Perera, A MA Rubber Res Inst Ceylon Quart J 47 (1/2): 30-36. Map. Ref. Jan/Mar 1971 076857

21 P75 Effect of date of application of mineral fertilizer on yields & quality of sugar beet. (Cro) Stanacev, S Savremena Poljoprivreda 19 (10): 25-44. Ref. Eng. Sum. Oct 1971 076858

21 P75 Effect of different rates & ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium fertilizers on yields & quality of winter wheat Bezostaja-1. (Cro) Saric, M; Branka, S; Jocic, B Savremena Poljoprivreda 19 (10): 3-24. Ref. Eng. Sum. Oct 1971 076859

65.8 SE4 Activity of Turkish Sugar Corporation concerning supply, use, distribution, training, research, publications of fertilizer for sugar beets. (Tur) Yavuz, ML Seker 21 (82): 3-8. Eng. Sum. Jan 1972 076860

93.33 SH62B Research on chemical improvement of soil of citrus grove. I. Effects of adding lime & phosphate. (Jap) Takahashi, S; Okada, N; Shirai, T Shizuoka Citrus Exp Sta Bull 9: 63-82. Ref. Eng. Sum. Mar 1972 076861

S13.562 Analysis & regulation of sowing. [Fertilizers, Forage plants]. (Siv) Cencelj, J Sodobno Kmetijstvo 4 (9): 403-404. Sept 1971 076862

S13.56 Effect & application of basic slag in forage plants stands. (Mac) Jekic, M. Sovremeno Zemjod 18 (1): 11-13. Jan 1971 076863

S13.56 Application of basic slag in tobacco production. (Mac) Todorovski, P Sovremeno Zemjod 18 (2): 11-14. Feb 1971 076864

S13.56 Effect & application of basic slag in pastures & meadows. (Mac) Jekic, M Sovremeno Zemjod 18 (3): 11-14. Mar 1971 076865

S13.56 Effect & application of basic slag in pastures & meadows. (Mac) Jekic, M Sovremeno Zemjod 18 (4): 12-13. Apr 1971 076866

S13.56 Utilization of basic slag in cultivated pastures. (Mac) Jekic, M Sovremeno Zemjod 18 (5): 11-13. May 076867

S13.56 Foliar application of fertilizers in fruit growing. (Mac) Jordanovski, B Sovremeno Zemjod 18 (5): 7-8. May 1971 076868

S13.S6 Application of basic slag in vineyards. (Mac) Jekic, M Sovremeno Zemjod 18 (6): 9-10. June 1971 076869

S13.56 Application of basic slag in forestry. (Mac) Jekic, M Sovremeno Zemjod 18 (7): 11-13. July 1971 076870

S13.56 Demonstrative experiments with tobacco. (Fertilizers). (Mac) Beaka, H Sovremeno Zemjod 18 (7): 7. July 1971


41.8 V6494 Investigation on influence of nitrogen rates on improvement of grasslands of Nardetum strictae plant association. (Cro) Ocokoljic, S; Colic, D; Paris, Z; Vujovic, D Veterinaria (Sarajevo) 20 (3): 337-345. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076878

20 V82 Effect of different forms of nitrogen fertilizers on yields & quality of winter wheat. (Ukr) Voichyshyn, I V Visnyk Sil's'kohospodar Nauk 1: 56-58. Jan 1972 076879

20 V82 Productivity of sugar beets during application of complex fertilizers. (Ukr) Lomnyts'kyi, IA IE; Rudnyts'kyi, BO Visnyk Sil's'kohospodar Nauk 12: 36-39. Dec 1971 076880

20 V82 Influence of chalking & mineral fertilizers on yield & quality of spring barley on soddy-podzolic soils. (Ukr) Duka, V 1; Koval'chuk, H M Visnyk Sil's'kohospodar Nauk 12: 39-42. Dec 1971 076881

20 V82 Methods of presowing enrichment of corn seeds with microelements. (Ukr) Vlasiuk, P A; Hnylyts'ka, H B Visnyk Sil's'kohospodar Nauk 12: 46-49. Dec 1971 076882

20 AKI Effect of mineral fertilizers on pasture grasses irrigated with waste water. (Rus) Merzlaia, GE Vses Akad Sel'skokhoz Nauk V I Lenina Dokl 1: 25-26. Jan 1972 076883

281.9 M852 Effectiveness of mineral fertilizers in growing hard wheat. (Rus) Udalova, V V Vses Nauch-issled Inst Ekon Sel Khoz Dokl Soobshch 59760: 143-147. 1971 076884

20 244 Mineral fertilizers & their component ratios. (Rus) IUrkin, S; Barinov, V Zemledelie 1: 29.31. Jan 1972


100 M66 (3) No.283 Fall versus spring plowing & related soil heat balance in western Corn Belt. Allmaras, R R (st. Paul) 22 P. Illus. 1972 076889

385 AG88 Effect of some natural factors & agrotechnical measures on agrochemical characteristics of soil. (Cze) Penk, J Agrochemia (bratislava) 12 (2): 53-57. Maps. 1972 076890

385 AG87 Effect of depth of tillage of pseudogley soils differently fertilized on yields of wheat, maize & red clover. (Cro) Vojinovic, L; Popovic, z Agrohemija 7/8: 247-252. 1971 076891

385 AG89 Change of stock & of availability of soil nitrogen as connected with development of soil erosion. (Rus) Akent'eva, LI Agrokhimiia 1: 17-21. Jan 1972 076892

4 AM34P Microclimate modification by slat-fence windbreaks. Skidmore, E L; Jacobs, H S; Hagen, LJ Agron J 64 (2): 160162. Mar/Apr 1972 076893

26 AG86 Improvement of cultural profile in sandy & sandy-clay soil in West. African tropical barren area & its effect on agriculture (from work of irat [Institute of tropical agronomic research] workers in West Africa. IV. (Fre) Charreau, C; Nicou, R Agron Trop (paris) 26 (11): 1183-1247. Nov 1971 076894

26 AG86 Contribution to study of buffer strip cropping method to control water erosion in West Africa. Experimental observations on field. (Fre) Roose, E J; Bertrand, R Agron Trop (paris) 26 (11): 1270-1283. Nov 1971 076895

442.8 AL6 Soil erosion of agricultural part of Karaganda Region. (Rus) Zonov, G V Akad Nauk Kaz Ssr Izv Ser Biol Nauk 1: 1-6. Jan/Feb 1972


290.8 G36 Reclamation of lands in Bukharsky Oasis. (Rus) Mamarasulov, S M Gidrotekh Melior 8: 63-68. Map. Aug 1971 076903

290.8 G36 Anti-erosion melioration in "Rossiya" Experimental & Model Collective Farm. (Rus) Mikhailov, KS; Perel'muter, E G; Perel'man, M M Gidrotekh Melior 9: 73-77. Sept 1971 076904

290.8 G36 Methods on conservation & restoration of soil fertility when leveling lands. (Rus) Bagrov, M N; Ivanova, L V Gidrotekh Melior 9: 77-79. Sept 1971 076905

290.8 G 36 Optimum distribution of reclamation works. (Rus) Vasil'eva, MM Gidrotekh Melior 9: 91-92. Sept 1971 076906

87 G7 Comparative tests on water-retentive & soil-protecting possibilities of several anti-erosion agronomic measures in sloping vineyards. (Bul) Dundakov, P Gradinarska Lozarska Nauk 8 (2): 93102. Ref. 1971 076907

345 M56 Principles of organization of territory for reclamation of land. (Rum) Nicolau, C; Bold, 1 Hidroteh Gospod Apelor Meterol 16 (1): 1-7. Jan 1971 076908

345 M56 Considerations on levelling of sloping soils for irrigation purposes. (Rum) Bara, C Hidroteh Gospod Apelor Meterol 16 (5): 243-250. May 1971 076909

500 IL Lake shore erosion. Roberts, WJ I State Acad Sci Trans 64 (4): 374-382. 1971 076910

500 IL Stabilization of a gully by natural forest succession. Bullington, RA III State Acad Sci Trans 64 (4): 388-397. 1971 076911

S592.3.06. Effects of tillage on soil compaction. Cooper, A W In Compaction of Agricultural Soils P. 315-364. Ref. 1971 076912

S592.3.06 Management factors & natural forces as related to compaction. Larson, w E: Allmaras, R R In Compaction of Agricultural Soils P. 367-427. Ref. 1971


20 AK1 Using operations research theory for developing a slope with minimum erosion. (Rus) Mirtskhulava, Ts E; Chitishvili, G Sh Vses Akad Sel'skokhoz Nauk V I Lenina Dokl 12: 32-35. Dec 1971 076963

20 244 Increasing fertility of sandy soils. (Rus) Nartsissov, B; Rybakova, N; Shaposhnikov, IU; Kuznetsov, IU Zemledelie 1: 17-19. Jan 1972 076964

20 244 Developing Solonets soils. (Rus) Gal'tsov, V Zemledelie 1: 20-22. Jan 1972 076965

20 244 Prevention of soil runoff. (Rus) Simonian, M Zemledelie 1: 25-26. Jan 1972 076966

20 Z44 Developing reclaimed land in German Democratic Republic. (Rus) Koliadnyi, M Zemledelie 1: 74-77. Jan 1972 076967

20 244 Depth of tillage for rice. (Rus) Andrusenko, V; Khan, R. Zemledelie 12: 15-16. Dec 1971



SD425.59 1970 Principal mass movement processes inluenced by logging, road building, & fire. (Soil erosion). Swanston, D N In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 29-39. Ref. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 076914

SD425.S9 1970 Relative contributions of sediment from source areas, & transport processes. (Forest land use, stream environment]. Anderson, HW In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 55-63. Ref. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 076915

SD425.99 1970 Prevention & control of erosion & stream sedimentation from forest roads. Larse, RW In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 76-83. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 076916

S595.17 Certain theoretical & practical problems of melioration of salinized soils. (Rus) Besednov, NA In Teorija i Praktika Bor'by Zasoleniem Oroshaemykh Zemeľ (Sbornik) P. 719. 1971 076917

HC60.265 1968 Impact of technological developments on soils in East Africa. Russell, EW lo The Careless Technology; Ecology and loternational Deve Lopment P. 567-576. Ref. 1972 076918

99.8 F768 Effects of logging & logging roads on erosion & sediment deposition from steep terrain. Megahan, W F; Kidd, WJ J Forest 70 (3): 136-141. Mar 1972 076919

99.8 F768 Sand dane fixation in Michigan--thirty years later. [Reforestation). Lehotsky, K J Forest 70 (3): 155-160. Ref. Mar 1972 076920

75.8 K147 Spring soil preparation for potatoes. (Rus) Krasheninnikov, N; Chetverikova, Z Kartofel Ovoshchi 11: 4-5. Nov 1971 076921

75.8 K 145 Plant bed preparation for potatoes starts in fall. (Ger) Scholz, B Kartoffelbau 22 (10): 276-278. Oct 1971 076922

GB178.A 1M4 Italian water policies & South. (Irrigation, soils). (Fre) Poncet, J Mediterranee (New Ser.) 2 (576): 465481. Maps. Jan/June 1971 076923

S13.M4 Latensive rolling & minimal soil preparation for spring barley & winter wheat. (Cze) Stranek, A Metodiky 21, 18 P. 1971 076924

18 N39 Ploughing winter grain. (Ger) Teuteberg, W Mitt Deut Landwirt-ges 86 (44): 1119-1121. Oct 28, 1972 076925

442.9 M854 Application of direct current for improving soils of sodium-sulphate salinization. (Rus) Vadiunina, A F; Berezin, P N; Novikov, V N; Shestopalov, A M; Shershnev, AL Moscow Univ Vestnik Ser 6 Biol Pochvoved 5: 68-74. Sept/Oct 1970 076926

100 N465 (1) Soil-management methods in apple orchards under irrigation. Sullivan, D T; Enzie, J V N Mex Agr Exp Sta Bull 591, 12 P. Jan 1972 076927

442.8 N22 Elect of various cultivation systems of soddy-podzolic soil on dynamic of carbon dioxide content in soil air under sunflower. (Rus) Liutts, E G Nauch Dokl Vysshei Shkoly Biol Nauk 12: 105-108. 1971


10 OU8 Nutrient losses from agricultural land. Tomlinson, TE Outlook Agr 6 (6): 272-278. Ref. 1971 076929

57.8 P34 Erosion due to gravity irrigation of some Bulgarian soils. (Rus) TatarovaKrysteva, V S Pochvovedenie 12: 107115. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076930

57.8 P34 Soil reclamation investigations in Polish People's Republic. (Rus) Ostrowski, 1A Pochvovedenie 12: 116. 126. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076931

57.8 P34 Methods of determination of mechanical stability of structure units at study of soil wind erosion. (Rus) Shiiatyi, E 1; Lavrovskii, A B Pochvovedenie 12: 146-152. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076932

57.8 P34 Effect of different methods of tilling soddy-podzolic soils on pine & spruce plantation growth. (Rus) Sorochkin, V M Pochvovedenie 2: 136-143. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 076933

57.8 P34 A physico-chemical model of water rate caculations for washing salinized soils. (Rus) Minashina, N G Pochvovedenie 3: 115-120. Ref. Eng. Sum. Mar 1972 076934

S590.P6 Studies on seed-bed preparation for oats, sunflower & maize on slightly leached Chernozem. (Bul) Simeonov, B; Rangelov, L Pochvozn Agrokhim 6 (4): 117-126. Eng. Sum. 1971 076935

19.5 P752 On some problems of rationalization of work in spring preparation of soil & in vine hoeing. (Slo) Pekarik, S; Hrmo, V; Pazitny, C Pol'nohospodarstvo 18 (1): 79-89. Eng. Sum. 1972 076936

21 R 862 Organization of territory for reclamation of land. (Rum) Bold, I Probl Agr (bucharest) 23 (10): 50-63. Map. Ref. Oct 1971 076937

21 R862 Solution of problems of soil erosion control & regulation of runoffs on slopes in parameters of BaneasaBalintesti, district of Galati. (Rum) Mihai, G G Probl Agr (bucharest) 23 (10): 64-72. Map. Oct 1971 076938

21 R 862 Some aspects of cultivation of soil for spring crops. (Rum) Hulpoi, N. Probl Agr (bucharest) 23 (11): 40-50. Nov 1971 076939

21 R 862 Improvement of pseudogley podzolic soils of lowlands with excessive amount of moisture in zone of Forest Brown reddish soils, by means of cultural practices. (Rum) Dinca, D Probl Agr (oucharest) 23 (11): 9-17. Eng. Sum. Nov 1971 076940

21 R862 Current tasks of scientific research in land reclamation. (Rum) iga, N Probl Agr (Bucharest) 24 (1): 11-15. 1972 076941

21 R 862 New trends in study & planning of land reclamation works. (Rum) Dobre, V Probl Agr (bucharest) 24 (1): 16-21. 1972 076942

21 R862 Development of reclamation of land during 1971-1975 & in long-range up to 1985. (Rum) Sarbu, E Probl Agr (bucharest) 24 (1): 4-10. 1972 076943

21 R 862 Problems & current tasks of control of soil erosion & regulation of torrents. (Rum) Mihai, G G Probl Agr (Bucharest) 24 (1): 45-54 1972


21 R 862 Principal measures for implementation of plan on execution of land reclamation works in 1971-1975. (Rum) Godeanu, S Probl Agr (Bucharest) 24 (1): 55-60. 1972 076945

21 R862 Education of specialists needed for implementation of reclamation of land program in current Five-Year Plan. (Rum) Nicolau, C Probl Agr (oucharest) 24 (1): 79-83. 1972 076946

65.8 SE4 Minimum tillage. (Tur) Bilgin, Y Seker 21 (81): 18-27. Ref. Eng. Sum. Oct 1971 076947

451 S0124 Soil resources. (Argentina). (Spa) Bonfils, CG Soc Argent Bot Bol 11 (Suppl.): 103-109. Maps. Sept 1970 076948

S13.562 New methods of soil cultivation. (Slv) Stupica, T Sodobno Kmetijstvo 5 (3): 120-121. Eng. Sum. Mar 1972 076949

1.6 SO3S Conservation on ski slopes. Allen, F Soil Conserv 37 (7): 150-151. Feb 1972 076950

1.6 SO3S Grass--a friendly base for ski fun. Felker, R H Soil Conserv 37 (7): 152153. Feb 1972 076951

S13.56 Spring tillage & application of fertilizers in fruit stands. (Mac) Krstevski, J Sovremeno Zemjod 18 (4): 8-9. Apr 1971 076952

99.8 SU63 Terracing & its application in establishment of plantations on sloping terrains. (Cro) Kamenovic, S Sumarstvo 24 (11/12): 49-58. 1971 076953

100 T31P Dryland grain sorghum production on conventional & conservation bench terrace systems, & on a bench leveled field. Jones, O R Tex Agric Exp Prog Rep (consol Prog Rep) 2951/2962: 64-73. Aug 1971 076954

451 R92 Developing of desert lands in northern Priaral'ye. (Rus) Ivanov, AI Tr Prikladnoi Boi Genet Selek 44 (2): 634. Ref. 1971 076955

80 T78 Soil sterilization. (Rus) Kuzina, M Tsvetovodstvo 3: 4. 1972 076956

I AG84PRO 2/3 of our land: A national inventory. [Soil conservation). U.S. Soil Conservation Service USD A Pa 984, 19 P. Map. 1971 076957

442.8 UZI Erosion prevention role of natural vegetation on foothills of Ferghana lowlands. (Rus) Ismatov, O: Azimov, KH Uz Biol Zhur 1: 39-41. 1972 076958

20 V633 On minimalization of tillage in zone of common Chernozem soils of North Kazakhstan. (Rus) Sosnin, N A Vesin Sel'skokhoz Nauk (moscow) 1: 58-64. Ref. Eng. Sum. Jan 1972 076959

20 V633 Increasing fertility of sandy & sandy loam soils. (Rus) Buzmakov, V V Vestn Sel'skokhoz Nauk (moscow) 12: 139-141. Dec 1971 076960

20 V633 Effect of different tillage methods on solonetz soils on yield of fodder crops. (Rus) Konstantinov, MD; Esipov, A P Vestn Sel'skokhoz Nauk (moscow) 12: 32-38. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 076961

20 V633 Anti-erosion soil tillage in North Caucasus. (Rus) Zinchenko, IG Vestn Sel'skokhoz Nauk (moscow) 12: 39-45. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971


23 N472 Sprinkler irrigation of bananas. Trochoulias, T Agric Gaz NSW 82 (1): 55. Feb 1971 076969

23 N472 Is furrow irrigated row cropping worthwhile? (Corn, sorghum). Thompson, JA Agric Gaz NSW 83 (1): 57. Feb 1972 076970

331.9 AK12 Structure of water consumption in usa & its territorial features. (Rus) Polovitskaia, ME Akad Nauk Sssr Izv Ser Geogr 1: 77-92. Map. Ref. Jan/Feb 1972 076971

331.9 AK12 Effectiveness of an active influence on water balance of agricultural lands. (Rus) Grin, A M; Savel'eva, T A; Chernyshev, E P Akad Nauk Sssr Izv Ser Geogr 4: 59-66. July/Aug 1971 076972

511 AK193D On loss of water in individual irrigation systems. (Rus) Ibragimov, Kh G Akad Nauk Tadzh Ssr Dokl 14 (5): 43. 46. 1971 076973

20 M66 Effect of drainage work being carried out in waterlogged lands on yield of grasses in dry meadows. (Bel) Mirvis, DA Akad Navuk B Ssr Vestsi Ser Sel'skahaspad Navuk 1: 57-60. 1971 076974

448.3 AP5 Influence of fungicides & irrigation practice on aflatoxin in peanuts before digging. (Aspergillus]. Pettit, R E; Taber, RA; Schroeder, HW; Harrison, AL Appl Microbiol 22 (4): 629-634. Ref. Oct 1971 076975

500 AM322A Ecological dynamics of watersheds. Olsen, S; Chapman, DG Bioscience 22 (3): 158-161. Ref. Mar 1972

Page 9


SD425.89 1970 Rehabilitation problems. (Watersheds]. Magill, A R In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 230-231. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077025

SD425.59 1970 Commentary on Alsea Watershed Study panel. Johnson, RL In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 248-250. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077026

SD425.99 1970 Regimes of streamflow & their modification by logging. Rothacher, J In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 40-54. Ref. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077027

S595.17 Approximation of method of determination of hydro-geological parameters in two-layer milieu at unsettled regime of filtration. (Rus) Khachaturi'an, V Kh In Teorija i Praktika Bor'by Zasoleniem Oroshaemykh Zemel' (Sbornik) P. 102107. 1971 077028

S595.17 Possibility of evaluation of infiltration problem of ground waters by observations of temperatures of aeration zone. (Rus) Baron, V A lo Teorija i Praktika Bor'by Zasoleniem Oroshaemykh Zemel' (Sbornik) P. 178185. 1971 077029

S595.17 Role of drainage in reclamation of salinized lands under rice cultivation. (Rus) Tuliakova, ZF In Teorija i Praktika Bor 'by Zasoleniem Oroshaemykh Zemeľ (Sbornik) P. 235245. Ref. 1971


450 B657 Biological purification of residuary waters from paper making by infiltration in soil. 1. Modifications of waters in course of their passage. (Fre) Marchand, M Botaniste (Ser. 54) (1/6): 235-350. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 076977

292.9 B85 Agricultural water management. (Hun) Perenyi, K. Budapest Vizgazdalkodasi Tud Kutato Intezet Beszamolo P. 110117. 1971 076978

292.9 B85 Flood control, flood fighting. (Hun) Ihrig, D Budapest Vizgazdalkodasi Tud Kutato Intezet Beszamolo P. 118-130. 1971 076979

292.9 B85 Water quality control. (Hun) Szebelledy, Mrs L Budapest Vizgazdalkodasi Tud Kutalo Intezet Beszamolo P. 181-184. 1971 076980

292.9 B85 Application of aerial photography in water management. (Hun) Juhasz, E Budapest Vizgazdalkodasi Tud Kutato Intezet Beszamolo P. 245-261. 1971 076981

292.9 B85 Description of distribution of discharges for water management. (Hun) Domokos, M. Budapest Vizgazdalkodasi Tud Kutato Intezel Beszamolo P. 367-394. Ref. 1971 076982

292.9 B85 Determination of economic efficiency of watershed management. (Hun) Szabo, S Budapest Vizgazdalkodasi Tud Kutato Intezet Beszamolo P. 395-409. 1971 076983

292.9 B85 Water resources management, hydroeconomics. (Hun) Csermak, B Budapest Vizgazdalkodasi Tud Kutato Intezet Beszamolo P. 87-109. Map. 1971 076984

382 M31C Progress in national water management. Fish, H Chem Indus (london) 5: 204-208. Mar 4, 1972 076985 Intrusion of upwelled water in Mandovi & Zuari estuaries. Sankaranarayanan, V N; Jayaraman, R Cur Sci 41 (6): 204-205. Map. Mar 20, 1972 076986

475 SCI23 On classification of Gautami-Godavari estuary. Sarma, D V R; Ganapati, P N Cur Sci 41 (6): 218-220. Ref. Mar 20, 1972 076987

80 D35 Latent unsuitability of fresh irrigation water. Piaget, J; Hugo, J F du T Deciduous Fruit Grower 22 (1): 20-21. Jan 1972 076988

281.8 S073 Utilizing irrigation water & cost accounting system. (Rus) Raskin, G; Shtyka, V Ekon Sel Khoz 12: 33-40. 1971 076989

HD9016.14F3 Agricultural water. Mayalagu, K; Palaniappan, R Farm Fact 6 (2): 1316. Dec 1971 076990

24 S0842 Giant plan to bring rain & stop hail. Snyman, A Farming S Afr 47 (10): 18. 19. Jan 1972 076991

24 S0842 Practical plans for irrigation farmer. Meyer, JGL Farming S Afr 47 (10): 21-27. Jan 1972 076992

413.9 F66F Prospects for comprehensive state-wide land & water use planning in Florida. Scott, H Fla Natur 45 (1): 9.10, 31. Feb 1972


290.8 G362 Irrigated lands of Crimea. (Rus) Kirichenko, NK Gidrotekh Melior 11: 1-6. Nov 1971 076994

290.8 G 362 Experiment with drilling & exploitation of wells for irrigation of pastures on black earth. (Rus) Puras, N F; Taraniuk, GS; Fedorov, N V; Beliakov, V M; Sapozhnikov, N G Gidrotekh Melior 11: 89-92. Nov 1971 076995

290.8 G362 Prognosis of water economy & reclamation development in usa. (Rus) Chuelov, M G; Zonn, IS Gidrotekh Melior 8: 101-109. Maps. Aug 1971 076996

290.8 G362 Asphalt concrete lining of canals. [Irrigation). (Rus) Ganchikov, V G; Panasenko, P D; Glukhov, VM Gidrotekh Melior 8: 20-23. Aug 1971 076997

290.8 G362 Rational water use when growing rice in Lower Volga Region. (Rus) Subbotin, I N; Laptev, VN Gidrotekh Melior 8: 36-40. Aug 1971 076998

290.8 G362 Intensive use of irrigated & drained lands. (Rus) Kozin, MA Gidrotekh Melior 8: 4-12. Aug 1971 076999

290.8 G362 Hydraulic type of fertilizer distributors for stationary sprinkler irrigation system. (Rus) Vaneian, SS Gidrotekh Melior 8: 40-44. Aug 1971 077000

290.8 G362 Irrigation of wheat on experimental plot in Kuluna Steppe. (Rus) Shemiakova, R N Gidrotekh Melior 8: 45.46. Aug 1971 077001

290.8 G362 Drainage & water regulating systems in peat-bogs. (Rus) Zubets, V M; Mikhal'tsevich, AT Gidrotekh Melior 8: 47-52. Aug 1971 077002

290.8 G 362 Hydrogeological observation on drained lands in western regions of Ukraine. (Rus) Tereshchenko, KP Gidrotekh Melior 8: 57-62. Map. Aug 1971 077003

290.8 G362 Ways of normalization of Golodnaya Steppe lands. (Irrigation). (Rus) Khusanov, R Gidrotekh Melior 8: 6872. Aug 1971 077004

290.8 G 362 Efficiency of combined drainage in Turkmenia. (Rus) Saparov, B; Sedov, VS Gidrotekh Melior 8: 73-78. Aug 1971 077005

290.8 G362 Technical perfection & possibilities in reduction of construction work cost. (Irrigation, drainage). (Rus) Alekseev, NA Gidrotekh Melior 8: 79-84. Aug 1971 077006

290.8 G362 Drainage & irrigation for systems Economic basis. (Rus) Lozovoi, VG Gidrotekh Melior 8: 85-90. Aug 1971 077007

290.8 G 362 Hydrotechnical & meliorative past of western Siberia. (Rus) Sherstovoev, N IA Gidrotekh Melior 9: 116-121. Sept 1971 077008

290.8 G362 Moistening of crops on peaty soils in central non-Chernozem zone. (Rus) Maslov, BS Gidrotekh Melior 9: 47. 54. Sept 1971 077009

290.8 G362 Sprinkling irrigation of row crops on shallow peat-bogs. (Rus) Mostinets, N S; Piata, LG Gidrotekh Melior 9: 55. 56. Sept 1971


290.8 G362 Units & stages of works in water economy construction. (Rus) Sergeev, V S; Chatalbashev, PP; Geshele, IU D Gidrotekh Melior 9: 86-90. Sept 1971 077011

290.8 G 362 Mine waters of Donbas & possibilities of their use for irrigation. (Rus) Soboleva, I M Gidrotekh Melior 9: 98101. Sept 1971 077012

345 M562 Application of game theory in determination of dimensions of flood control works in watershed Crisul Alb. (Rum) Vircol, A; Sumilov, G Hidroteh Gospod Apelor Meterol 16 (2): 56-62. Map. Feb 1971 077013

345 M562 Analysis of relationship between underground & surface water in watershed of Arges River. (Rum) Popa, G Hidroteh Gospod Apelor Meterol 16 (2): 75-84. Feb 1971 077014

345 M562 Particularities of organization of territory for reclamation of land. Irrigation. (Rum) Nicolau, C; Bold, I Hidroteh Gospod Apelor Meterol 16 (7): 341-350. Map. July 1971 077015

345 M562 Technico-economic aspects of management of sprinkling system of irrigation. (Rum) lonescu, V; Berar, U Hidroteh Gospod Apelor Meterol 16 (7): 355-357. July 1971 077016

345 M562 On oscillation of level of underground waters. (Rum) Albu, M. Hidroteh Gospod Apelor Melerol 16 (7): 370375. July 1971 077017

345 M562 Method of calculation during planning of land levelling work for irrigation by furrows & by areas. (Rum) Caceu, M Hidroteh Gospod Apelor Meterol 16 (9): 455-456. Sept 1971 077018

281.9 IL61 Effect of supplemental irrigation on income & net worth: a simulation analysis. El-Saadi, M A A; Swanson, ER III Agr Econ 12 (1): 1-5. Jan 1972 077019

281.9 IL61 Potential benefits of weather modification for Illinois agriculture. Swanson, E R; Huff, F A; Changnon, SA III Agr Econ 12 (1): 31-36. Map. Jan 1972 077020

SD425.59 1970 Comparative chemical water quality-natural & disturbed streams following logging & slash burning. Fredriksen, R L In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 125-137. Ref. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077021

SD425.59 1970 Water temperature in small streams as influenced by environmental factors & logging. Brown, G W In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 175-181. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077022

SD425.S9 1970 Programs, policies, & issues in water quality control--environmental protection agency. Agee, JL In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 201-203. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077023

SD425.59 1970 Streamside stripsand management problems. Marlega, RR In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 228-229. 1970 (Pub. 1971)


S595.17 On the problem of justification of the regime of irrigation and parameters of the drainage on salinized and to salinization prone lands. (Rus) Aidarov, IP In Teorija i Praktika Bor'by Zasoleniem Oroshaemykh Zemel' (Sbornik) P. 71-81. Ref. 1971 077031

S595.17 Calculation of leachings & desalinization effect of horizontal drainage. (Rus) Varuntsian, ES la Teorija i Praktika Bor'by Zasoleniem Oroshaemykh Zemel' (Sbornik) P. 8285. 1971 077032

S595.17 Particularities of hydrogeological designs in drainage calculations under conditions of losses. (Rus) Pashkovskij, Is In Teorija i Praktika Bor'by Zasoleniem Oroshaemykh Zemel' (Sbornik) P. 86-95. 1971 077033

S595.17 Determination of distance between drains on irrigated lands. (Rus) Vavilov, AP In Teorija i Praktika Bor'by Zasoleniem Oroshaemykh Zemel' (Sbornik) P. 95.98. 1971 077034

S595.VT Design of working of vertical drainage in state farm no. 5 in Golod steppe. (Rus) Vavilov, A P; Kalinin, V V

In Teorija i Praktika Bor'by Zasoleniem Oroshaemykh Zemel' (Sbornik) P. 99. 101. 1971 077035

HC60.C65 1968 The impact of modern irrigation technology in the Indus and Helmand basins of Southwest Asia. Michel, A A In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 257-275. Map. 1972 077036

HC60.C65 1968 Salinization & water problems in Algerian northeast Sahara. Achi, K

Ir The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 276287. Map. Ref. 1972


HC60.C65 1968 On irrigation-induced changes in insect populations in Israel. Rivnay, E In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 349-367. Map. Ref. 1972 077038

55.9 IN222C Sedimentation studies of Bhakra reservoir. Malhotra, A N; Hoon, RN lodia Cent Bd Irrig Power Irrig Power 28 (1): 37-52. Map. Jan 1971 077039

S5.9 IN222C Drainage coefficient for surface druinage of agricultural land for different parts of country. Gupta, S K; Tejwani, K G; Babu, R India Cent Bd Img Power Irrig Power 28 (1): 53-60. Maps. Jan 1971 077040

55.9 IN222C Evaluation of cumulative infiltration in furrows by volume balance method. Tyagi, N K; Lal, R India Cent Bd Img Power Irrig Power 28 (1): 99-102. Jan 1971 077041

55.9 IN222C Formation of cavity in confined aquifer. Mishra, A P; Anjaneyulu, В India Cent Bd Irrig Power Irrig Power 28 (3): 241-244. July 1971 077042

55.9 IN222C Use of horizontal sand drains to reduce pore water pressures in upstream section of earth dams. Murthy, Y K India Ceni Bd Irrig Power Irrig Power 28 (3): 245-252. July 1971 077043

55.9 IN222C Exaration & treatment of foundations of Beas dam. Malhotra, S V; Khosla, HK India Cent Bd Irrig Power Irrig Power 28 (3): 253-262. July 1971 077044

290.8 IN43 Use of infra-red & colour photographs in studies of Lagunera irrigation district. (Spa) Martinez Farias, F Ingenieria Hidraul Mex Rev 25 (3): 237-244. Eng. Sum. 1971 077045

290.8 IN43 Information about work of Secretary of Hydraulic Resources from Sept. 1, 1970 to Aug. 31. 1971. (Spa) Mexico Secretaria de Recursos Hidraulicos Ingenieria Hidraul Mex Rev 25 (3): 267-336. Map. Eng. Sum. 1971 077046

290.8 IN43 Bases for a rational use of hydraulic resources of Mexico. (Spa) Benassini, O Ingenieria Hidraul Mex Rev 25 (4): 358-398. Map. Eng. Sum. 1971 077047

290.8 IN43 Temperature control in concrete core wall of Amistad Dam. (Spa) Gamboa F. J Ingenieria Hidraul Mex Rev 25 (4): 400-409. 1971 077048

290.8 IN43 A system of obtaining hydraulic fills in zones subject to almost permanent Nooding of region Los Rios, Tabasco & Campeche. (Spa) Meyer Corral, J Ingenieria Hidraul Mex Rev 25 (4): 434-440. Eng. Sum. 1971 077049

64.9 INO Forecast of water utilization in private garden plots. (Pol) Langhamer, L Insı Uprawy Nawozenia Glebozn Pamiel Pulawski 45: 165-170. 1971 077050

S19.178 Irrigation goes automatic. Arlosoroff, s Ist Agric P. 25-33. Spring 1972 077051

292.8 J82 Evapotranspiration from a small clay atchment. Pegg, R K; Ward, R CJ Hydrol (amsterdam) 15 (2): 149-165. Ref. Feb 1972 077052

292.8 J82 Application of analysis of variance to mean areal minfall estimation. Clarke, RT; Edwards, KA J Hydrol (amsterdam) 15 (2): 97-112. Feb 1972


100 K13S (1) Drought in Kansas. Brown, M J; Bark, L D Kans Agr Exp Sia Bull 547, 12 P. Map. Mar 1971 077054

107.6 K995B Studies on runoff characteristics of rivers in Southern Kyushu District from viewpoints of unit hydrograph method. (Jap) Tohara, Y; Shikasho, S Kyushu Univ Fac Agr Sci Bull 25 (374): 233-242. Map. Eng. Sum. Nov 1971 077055

107.6 K995B Studies on methods of calculating flood control of archway dams. (Jap) Suyama, M Kyushu Univ Fac Agr Sci Bull 25 (3/4): 243-326. Nov 1971 077056

282.8 J82 Legal & political conditions of water resource development. Ostrom, V; Ostrom, E Land Econ 48 (1): 1-14. Ref. Feb 1972 077057

99.8 L5622 Drainage of forest areas of Arkhangelsk Region. (Rus) Istomin, GI; Izotov, V F; Chertovskoi, VF Les Khoz 12: 16-19. Dec 1971 077058

99.8 L5622 Drainage of outlaying parts of mountain bogs. (Rus) Orlov, E D Les Khoz 12: 19-21. Map. Dec 1971 077059

99.8 L5622 Drainage of forests of Moscow Region. (Rus) Kokurin, VA Les Khoz 12: 7981. Dec 1971 077060

99.8 L5622 Forest drainage projects. (Rus) Khokhlov, TV Les Khoz 2: 35-38. Feb 1972 077061

99.8 L5622 Projecting forest reclamation canals with use of electronic computer. (Rus) Borisov, G A; Solov'ev, AP Les Khoz 2: 39-41. Feb 1972 077062

99.8 L5622 Surface soil drainage in cutting areas in Vaccinium & grassy-swamp regions. (Rus) Fadin, A; Smolianitskaia, L B; Stadnitsdaia, N T Les Khoz 2: 41-43. Feb 1972 077063

19 M27 Increasing role of water management. (Hungary). (Hun) Feher, L Magyar Mezogazdasag 26 (19): 3-4. May 12, 1971 077064

19 M27 Production water for irrigation & supply. (Hun) Balogh, B Magyar Mezogazdasag 26 (24): 10-11. June 16, 1971 077065

GB178.A 1M4 Italian water policies & South. [Irrigation, soils). (Fre) Poncet, J Mediterranee (New Ser.) 2 (5/6): 465. 481. Maps. Jan/June 1971 077066

345 M56 Application of optimization methods for constructing mathematical models in agrometeorology. (Rus) Sirotenko, OD Meteorol Gidrol 6: 102-110. Ref. Eng. Sum. June 1971 077067

345 M56 Agrometeorological conditions in Volga River area & efficiency of measures for preventing unfavourable hydrometeorological phenomena. (Irrigation). (Rus) Razumova, LA Meteorol Gidrol 6: 27-36. Eng. Sum. June 1971 077068

345 M56 Determination & account of soil freezing depth at calculating & forecasting runoff of thawed waters in zone of inadequate moistening. (Rus) Parshin, VN Meteorol Gidrol 9: 5664. Eng. Sum. Sept 1971 077069

20 M57 On contstruction of water supply system installations. [Irrigation). (Rus) Mel'nikov, V Mezhdunar Sel'skokhoz Zh 1: 90-94. 1971


20 M57 Effect of irrigation methods on yield & water consumption per unit of crop. (Rus) Delibaltov, 1; Zakhariev, T Mezhdunar Sel'skokhoz Zh 1: 99-101. 1972 077071

20 M57 Planning irrigation systems. (Rus) Divish, I Mezhdunar Sel'skokhoz Zh 3: 100-105. 1971 077072

20 M57 Water supply in Mongolia for past 50 years. (Rus) Bars, B Mezhdunar Sel'skokhoz Zh 3: 19-21. 1971 077073

20 M57 Utilization of waste waters in agriculture of German Democratic Republic. (Rus) Shvarts, K Mezhdunar Sel'skokhoz Zh 4: 97-101. 1971 077074

99.81 N812 Quality water from clearcut forest land? Aubertin, G M; Patric, JH N Logger Timber Processer 20 (8): 14-15, 22-23. Mar 1972 077075

100 N465 (1) Impact of declining water supply on economy of Curry & Roosevelt counties. Osterhoudt, FH N Mex Agr Exp Sta Bull 588, 80 P. Ref. Dec 1971 077076

S543.N5N5 Study on cultivation by direct seeding on drained heavy-clay paddy field, chiefly regarding some soil conditions & fertilization. (Rice). (Jap) Takahashi, ! Niigata-ken Nogyo Shikenjo Niigata-ken Nogyo Shikenjo Kenky U Hokoku J Niigata Agric Exp Stn 21: 1-15. Eng. Sum. Oct 1971 077077

290.9 AG8 Studies on utilization of available rainfall in field irrigation. I. (Jap) Yabe, K; Fujioka, Y Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Trans 38: 34-40. Eng. Sum. Nov 1971 077078

290.9 AG8 Method of calculation for hydraulic head at each node of water distribution system with pipe-line & its applications. Fundamental investigation on a reasonable design of a pipe-line irrigation water distribution system. (Jap) Mitsuno, T; Fujioka, Y Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Trans 38: 41-50. Ref. Eng. Sum. Nov 1971 077079

290.9 AG8 Distribution of water from overlapping sprinklers (uniformity coefficient). Theoretical study on sprinkler irrigation. V iii. (Jap) Okamura, S; Nakanishi, K Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Trans 38: 51-58. Eng. Sum. Nov 1971 077080

290.9 AG8 Application of unit graph method of analysis on an underdrain discharge process & prediction about variance over a long period of drainage. Studies on relationship between rainfall & drainage through tile drain in a (Jap) Kimata, 1; Fujioka, Y; Maruyama, T Nogyo Doboku Gakkai Trans 38: 59. 65. Eng. Sum. Nov 1971 077081

55.8 OE8 Application of new calculation methods in water management. (Ger) Lecher, K Oesterr Wasserwirtsch 23 (11/12): 243-251. Ref. Nov/Dec 1971 077082

100 ORJM Measurement of frost protection capability of a sprinkler irrigation system in an orchard. Wolfe, J W; Brooks, R H; Lombard, P B Oreg Agr Exp Sta Spec Rep 346, 45 P. Jan 1972 077083

100 OR3M Multi-disciplinary study of water quality relationships: a case study of Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Stoevener, H H; Stevens, J B; Horton, H F; Sokoloski, A; Parrish, L P; Castle, EN Oreg Agr Exp Sta Spec Rep 348, 135 P. Map. Ref. Feb 1972


99.8 P17 Study of forest influences & watershed management in u.s.s.r. Masrur, A Pakistan J Forest 21 (2): 169-177. Apr 1971 077085

100 P381 Influence of sewage plant effluent irrigation on crown wood & stem wood of red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.). Murphey, W K; Brisbin, R Penn Agr Exp Sta Bull 772, 30 P. Ref. Dec 1970 077086

57.8 P34 Chemical composition of River Vyg basin natural water as related to soil cover of central Karelia. (Rus) Vazhenin, I G; Tsiurupa, I G; Arsen'eva, EI Pochvovedenie 2: 44. 55. Ref. Eng. Sum. Feb 1972 077087

S590.P6 Average rate of watering soil in irrigating Chernozem by furrows. (Bul) Tsonev, 1 Pochvozn Agrokhim 6 (4): 135-140. 1971 077088

304.9 P87 Effect of irrigation with retting effluent on flax crop. (Pol) Kurhanski, M Poznan Inst Przemyslu Wlokien Lykowych Prace 18: 73-87. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 077089

S13.P72 A contribution to evaluation methods in sugar beet irrigation. (Cze) Slavik, L Prague Vys Sk Zemed Fak Agron Sb Rada A Rostl Vyroba P. 95-109. Eng. Sum. 1971 077090

21 R 862 Effective solutions in planning of irrigation works. (Rum) Cazacu, E; Rosca, M Probl Agr (bucharest) 24 (1): 22-28. 1972 077091

21 R862 Principles & solutions in planning of dam & drainage systems on a national planning basis. (Rum) Hirjeu, G Probl Agr (bucharest) 24 (1): 29-35. Eng. Sum. 1972 077092

21 R862 Excessive temporary water in agricultural lands with a poor natural drainage & hydraulic improvement measures for its removal. (Rum) Haret, C; Stanciu, I; Unceanschi, L; Colibas, l; Pop, 1; Sandulescu. T Probl Agr (bucharest) 24 (1): 36-44. Map. Eng. Sum. 1972 077093

21 R 862 Certain problems on exploitation & maintenance of irrigation works. (Rum) Toma, I Probl Agr (Bucharest) 24 (1): 61-67. 1972 077094

21 R 862 Removal of excessive water from surface of soils by drainage works in Ilfov district. (Rum) Raceanu, A Probl Agr (bucharest) 24 (1): 75-78. 1972 077095

64.8 R18 Effect of fertilizers & irrigation on planting properties of cotton seeds. (Bul) Bozhkova, IU Rastenievud Nauk 8 (6): 31-44. Ref. 1971 077096

99.8 R 329 Effect of reforestation on water resources in South Africa. (Fre) Dinard, A Rev Forest Franc 23 (8): 401-406. Ref. May/June 1971 077097

99.8 R327 Considerations on genesis of snow avalanches in watershed of Mraconia, Banat Region. (Rum) Glavan, V; Schmidt, N Rev Padurilor 86 (11): 565-566. Nov 1971 077098

99.8 R 327 Behavior of hydrotechnical works of control of torrents during high floods in 1970. (Rum) Gaspar, R; Apostol, A; Costin, A Rev Padurilor 87 (1): 23-27. Jan 1972


S605.A IZ4 Agriculture & conservation of water resources. (Ger) Wesche, J Z Kulturtech Flurbereinig 12 (6): 321. 338. Ref. Eng. Sum. Nov/Dec 1971 077116

20 244 Irrigation in Tatar assr. (Rus) Sharifullin, L Zemledelie 12: 35-38. Dec 1971





S13.56 Irrigation of grapes. (Mac) Janjic, M Sovremeno Zemjod 18 (6): 15. June 1971 077100

HD1975.A6T4 Research on Gladiolus irrigation in greenhouse culture. (Ita) Cocozza, M Terra Pugliese 20 (10): 3-11. Ref. Oct 1971 077101

100 T31M Recharge of turbid water to Ogallala aquifer through a dual-purpose well. Schneider, A D; Jones, O R; Signor, DC Tex Agr Exp Sta Mp- 1001, 10 P. Ref. Aug 1971 077102

100 T31P Influence of alternate furrow irrigation & time of applications of grain sorghum production. New, L Tex Agric Exp Sun Prog Rep (consol Prog Rep) 2951/2962: 26-32. Aug 1971 077103

451 R92 Agro-hydrological regime of trenches for vegetable crops growing in Priarale Desert. (Rus) Alpat'ev, AM Tr Prikladnoi Bot Genel Selek 44 (2): 245. 256. Ref. 1971 077104

451 R92 Irrigation of agricultural crops by mineralized water in sand deserts of western Kazakhstan. (Rus) Ivanov, A 1; Kozulia, I E Tr Prikladnoi Bot Genel Selek 44 (2): 257-268. Ref. 1971 077105

S671.173 Irrigation & materials. (Fre) Martinet, A G Tracteurs Mach Agric 47 (3): 51-52. Mar 1971 077106

20 V633 Horizontal sedimentation tanks with bottom stream drainage at non-reagent water purification. (Rus) Kvasova, V N Vestn Sel'skokhoz Nauk (moscow) 1: 86-89. Eng. Sum. Jan 1972 077107

20 V633 Irrigation of corn & potatoes with rhodanite waste waters. (Rus) Repetun, SI Vestn Sel'skokhoz Nauk (moscow) 12: 85-88. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 077108

20 V633 Water requirements of potato on peat nood soils. (Rus) Panov, E P; Shishkov, KN Vestn Sel'skokhoz Nauk (moscow) 12: 88-90. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 077109

267 V63 Some results of selective studies on "small-scale" irrigation. (Rus) Demidova, E Vestn Statist 1: 28-35. 1972 077110

20 V82 Drainage as method of regulation of soil moisture. (Ukr) Zabochyna, ZO Visnyk Sil's'kohospodar Nauk 12: 63. 67. Dec 1971 077111

20 V82 Results of investigations of work of pneumatic & pumping systems in one block.plant. [Irrigation). (Ukr) Piven', KZ Visnyk Sil's'kohospodar Nauk 12: 67-71. Dec 1971 077112

20 AKI Automated irrigation system for plants. (Rus) Konstantinovich, K K; Nerpin, SV; Pashchenko, TE Vses Akad Sel'skokhoz Nauk V I Lenina Dokl 10: 41-43. Oct 1971 077113

20 AKI Effect of increasing water dosage in liquid top dressing on sugar beet crops. (Rus) Erin, VT Vses Akad Sel'skokhoz Nauk VI Lenina Dokl 10: 43-45. Oct 1971 077114

20 AK1 Two crops per year of cereals under irrigation. (Rus) Garmashov, V N Vses Akad Sel'skokhoz Nauk VI Lenina Dokl 10: 8-10. Oct 1971


16 B632A Water contamination by plant protection products. (Ita) Paccagnella, B; Prati, L; Foschi, S; Cesari, A Accad Naz Agr Ann 91 (3): 249-255. Ref. Oct 1971 077118

16 B632A Soil contamination by plant protection products. (Ita) Cesari, A; Brunelli, A Accad Naz Agr Ann 91 (3): 257-265. Ref. Oct 1971 077119

20.5 AC8 Toxicity of fluorine to cultivated plants depending on form of nitrogen fertilizers. (Pol) Jurkowska, H Acta Agr Silvestria Ser Agr 11 (1): 19-37. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 077120

23 N472 Modifications to a power driven soil sampler. Agric Gaz NSW 83 (1): 53-54. Feb 1972 077121

22.5 N682 Present condition & control of soil pollution in farm land. (Jap) Masushima, H Agric Hortic 47 (1): 812. Jan 1972 077122

99.8 F762 Exotic New Zealand. (Natural resources). Swift, L W Amer Forests 78 (3): 12-15, 50-51. Mar 1972 077123

99.8 F762 Environmentalism: fad or fixture. Schoenfeld, C Amer Forests 78 (3): 17-19. Mar 1972 077124

99.8 F762 Britain: sceptered or septic isle. Simmons, I G Amer Forests 78 (3): 20-22, 63. Mar 1972 077125

99.8 F762 Wind of death. [Fluoride pollution). Burk, D A Amer Forests 78 (4): 1215, 58-59. Apr 1972 077126

448.3 APS Incidence of prosthecate bacteria in a polluted stream. Staley, JT Appl Microbiol 22 (4): 496-502. Ref. Oct 1971 077127

448.3 AP5 Recovery of small quantities of viruses from clean waters on cellulose nitrate membrane filters. (Sewage, rural runoff). Berg, G; Dahling, D R; Berman, D Appl Microbiol 22 (4): 608-614. Ref. Oct 1971 077128

448.3 APS Rapid recovery of Escherichia coli from estuarine water. (Shellfish). Andrews, WH; Presnell, M W Appl Microbiol 23 (3): 521-523. Mar 1972


99.8 AR14 Effects of herbicides on environment. Johns, HR Arborist's News 37 (4): 81A-86a. Apr 1972 077130

442.8 AR26 Coherent optical spatial filtering of diatoms in water pollution monitoring. Cairns, J; Dickson, K L; Lanza, GR Arch Mikrobiol 83 (2): 141-146. Mar 29, 1972 077131

TD881.A8 Optimal atmospheric emission control in wood pulp industry. Heaney, J P Atmos Environ 6 (2): 93-102. Ref. Feb 1972 077132

QL1.B5 Nature protection--ecological discipline. (Slo) Hanuska, L Biol Ser B Zaol 26 (5): 436-437. 1971 077133

500 AM322A Controlled eutrophication--increasing food production from sea by recycling human wastes. Ryther, J H; Dunstan, W M; Tenore, K R; Huguenin, JE Bioscience 22 (3): 144-152. Ref. Mar 1972 077134

451 B775 Scientific management of animal & plant communities for conservation. Symposium of the British Ecological Society, 11, Norwich, 1970 Brit Ecol Soc Symp lith, 652 P. 1971 077135

451 B775 Eutrophication. (Lakes). Lund, JWG Brit Ecol Soc Symp 11th: 225-240. Map. Ref. 1971 077136

451 B775 Destruction or utilization of a wildlife habitat? Lawton, RM Brit Ecol Soc Symp 11th: 333-336. 1971 077137

451 B775 Size & surroundings of nature reserves. Hooper, MD Brit Ecol Soc Symp 11 Th: 555-561. Ref. 1971 077138

451 B775 Management of Woodwalton Fen: A multidisciplinary approach. Duffey, E Brit Ecol Soc Symp 11Th: 581-597. Map. Ref. 1971 077139

451 B775 Management of plant & animal communities in Tatra Mountains National Park. Lomnicki, A Brit Ecol Soc Symp 11 Th: 599-604. 1971 077140

451 B775 Conservation of ecological diversity of Mediterranean ecosystems through ecological management. Naveh, z Brit Ecol Soc Symp 11th: 605-622. Map. Ref. 1971 077141

TP368.C3 Aerobic treatment of fruit cannery waste water with added nitrogen. MacGregor, D R; Bowen, J F; Smith, ES Can Inst Food Technol 5 (1): 22-24. Jan 1972 077142

470 C16C Epiphytic vegetation of Populus balsamifera & its significance as an air pollution indicator in Sudbury, Ontario. LeBlanc, F; Rao, D N; Comeau, G Can I Bot 50 (3): 519. 528. Ref. Mar 1972


SB245.A IC6 Contribution to study of effects exerted on some elements of wild fauna by organochlorinated insecticides used in cotton growing in Chad. (Fre) Everaarts, J M; Koeman, J H; Brader, L Coton Fibres Trop (Engl Ed) 26 (4): 385-394. Map. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 077146

475 SCI23 Mercury in sea-food from coast off Bombay. Somayajulu, BLK; Rama, Cur Sci 41 (6): 207-208. Ref. Mar 20, 1972 077147

QH540.E2 Man who invented conservation. Russel, WMS Ecologist 2 (2): 14-15. Feb 1972 077148

TD172.E52 Consequences of trace-element contamination of soils. Purves, D Environ Pollut 3 (1): 17-24. Ref. Jan 1972 077149

TD172.E52 D dt & pcb in south Swedish streams. Sodergren, A; Svensson, B; Ulfstrand, S Environ Pollut 3 (1): 25-36. Map. Ref. Jan 1972 077150

413.9 F66F Some observations on soil & climate of east Florida. LeConte, JE Fla Natur 45 (1): 2-8, 31. Feb 1972 077151

99.8 F7723 Airand water pollution caused by wood. chemical processes. (Ger) Schweers, W Forstarchiv 43 (3): 43-49. Ref. Eng. Sum. Mar 1972 077152

105.1 G344 An epidemiological & toxicological study covering 15 years in workers occupationally exposed to aldrin & dieldrin. Jager, K W Ghent Rijksfac Landbouwetensch Meded 36 (3): 11141118. 1971 077153

105.1 G 344 Diagnosis & toxicological control of human organophosphate poisoning. (Ger) Boelcke, G; Erdmann, W D Ghent Rijksfac Landbouwetensch Meded 36 (3): 1132-1136. Eng. Sum. 1971 077154

105.1 G 344 Thin layer chromatography of N. substituted monomethyl carbamate pesticides. Van Hoof, F; Heyndrickx, A Ghent Rijksfac Landbouwetensch Meded 36 (3): 1137-1145. Ref. 1971 077155

105.1 G 344 Herbicides in biosphere. (Ger) Koch, W Ghent Rijksfac Landbouwetensch Meded 36 (3): 814-830. Ref. Eng. Sum. 1971 077156

345 M562 Current problems of purification of waste waters from major complexes of industrial raising of swine. (Rum) Negulescu, CAL Hidroteh Gospod Apelor Meterol 16 (3): 153-158. Ref. Mar 1971 077157

44.8 H65 Good septic tank care avoids problems. Wooding, NH Hoards Dairyman 117 (7): 452-453. Apr 10, 1972 077158

SD118.C4 1970 Preserving a national heritage in Iran. Nayebi, E In Conference on Forestry Development Policy P. 87-91. Map. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077159

TX345.1625 1970 Agricultural waste management. Taiganides, E P In International Congress of Food Science and Technology. Proceedings 3D: 890-894. 1970 (&Ub. 1971) 077160

TX345.1625 1970 Vegetable canning-process wastes. Weckel, K G; Rambo, RS; Veloso, H In International Congress of Food Science and Technology. Proceedings 3D: 895-903. Ref. 1970 (Pub. 1971)


448.8 C162 Bacterial degradation of nitrilotriacetic acid ( nta). [Pollution). Focht, D D; Joseph, HA Can J Microbiol 17 (12): 1553-1556. Ref. Dec 1971 077144

49 C43 Incineration method & facilities for animal excreta disposal. (Jap) Sadamura, T Chikusan Kenkyu 26 (2): 321-323. Feb 1972


TX345.1625 1970 Pollution-abatement control in fruit & vegetable aanning. Mercer, WA In International Congress of Food Science and Technology. Proceedings 3D: 904. 907. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077162

TX345.1625 1970 Economic treatment of dairy waste. Scheltinga, H MJ In International Congress of Food Science and Technology. Proceedings 3D: 908-910. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077163

TX345.1625 1970 Re-ase of waste waters in food production. Webster, MH In International Congress of Food Science and Technology. Proceedings 3D: 911. 925. Ref. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077164

SD425.59 1970 Eflects of logging debris on fish production. Narver, DW In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 100-111. Ref. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077165

SD425.59 1970 Economic & social significance of ipstream aquatic resources on West Coast. Campbell, HJ In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 11-19. Ref. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077166

SD425.99 1970 Logging debris; managing a problem. Froehlich, HA In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 112-117. Ref. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077167

SD425.69 1970 Prevention of debris accumulation in streams by uphill felling. Burwell, D lo Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 118-120. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077168

SD425.59 1970 Entry & fate of forest chemicals in streams. Norris, L A; Moore, DG In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 138-158. Ref. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077169

SD425.S9 1970 Elects of forest chemicals on aquatic life. Thut, R N; Haydu, E P in Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment

159-171. Ref. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077170

SD425.69 1970 Programs, policies, & issues in water quality control-environmental protection agency. Agee, J L In

Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest
Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 201-203. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077171

SD425.59 1970 Programs, policies & issues of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. Spies, KH lo Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land

Uses and Stres M Environment P. 204-207. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077172

SD425.99 1970 Oregon's fishery programs & policies in relation to forest land uses. McKean, J W In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 208-210. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077173

SD425.59 1970 Forest land uses & stream environment Forest Service. Connaughton, CA In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 211-213. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077174

SD425.59 1970 Programs, policies, & issues dealing with forest land uses & stream cavironment-Bureau of Land Management. Craft, A D In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Stres M Environment P. 213-214. 1970 (Pub. 1971)


SD425.S9 1970 Views of industrial forest landowner. Bjorklund, N E In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 218-221. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077176

SD425.59 1970 Total environment--conditions & trends. Francis, G C In Proceedings of a Symposium: Forest Land Uses and Strea M Environment P. 234-237. 1970 (Pub. 1971) 077177

HC60.C65 1968 Impact of agricultural development on aquatic systems & its effect on epidemiology of schistosomes in Rhodesia. Shiff, CJ In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 102-108. Ref. 1972 077178

HC60.065 1968 Effects of molluscicides on microflora & microfauna of aquatic systems. Shiff, CJ In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 109-153. Map. Ref. 1972 077179

HC60.C65 1968 Salt cedar and salinity on the upper Rio Grande. [Tamarix pentandra). Hay, J In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 288-300. Map. Ref. 1972 077180

HC60.265 1968 Anchicaya hydroelectric project in Colombia: design & sedimentation problems. Allen, R N In The Careless

echnology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 318-348. Map. 1972 077181

HC60.C65 1968 Ecological consequences of pesticides used for control of cotton insects in Canete Valley, Peru. Barducci, T B In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 423438. Map. Ref. 1972 077182

HC60.C65 1968 Some ecological implications of two decades of use of synthetic organic insecticides for control of agricultural pests in Louisiana. Newsom, L D In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 439. 466. Ref. 1972 077183

HC60.C65 1968 Ecological aspects of pest control in Malaysia. Conway, G R In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 467. 488. Map. Ref. 1972 077184

HC60.C65 1968 Locust control: ecological problems & international pests. Haskell, PT In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 499. 526. Map. Ref. 1972 077185

HC60.C65 1968 Ecological effects of chemical control of rodents & jackals in Israel. Mendelssohn, H In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 527-548. Ref. 1972 077186

HC60.265 1968 Problems in the use of chemical fertilizers. (Ecological effects). Phillips, J In The Careless Technolog. Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 549-566. Ref. 1972 077187

HC60.265 1968 Nitrate problems and nitrite hazards as influenced by ecological conditions and by fertilization of plants. Schuphan, W In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 577.590. Ref. 1972 077188

HC60.C65 1968 Ecological consequences of sedentarization of nomads. Darling, F F; Farvar, MA In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 671-682. Map. Ref. 1972


HC60.C65 1968 Ecological consequences of Bedouin settlement in Saudi Arabia. Heady, H F In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 683-693. Map. Ref. 1972 077190

HC60.C65 1968 Ecological consequences of rangeland development in Masailand, East Africa. Talbot, L M In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 694-711. Map. Ref. 1972 077191

HC60.C65 1968 Ecological impact of introduction of domestic cattle into wild life & tsetse areas of Rhodesia. West, O In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 712725. Map. Ref. 1972 077192

HC60.265 1968 Tsetse fly: a blessing or a curse? Lambrecht, FL In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 726-741. Map. Ref. 1972 077193

HC60.265 1968 Sheep & saltbush: utilization of Australia's arid lands. Crowcroft, P In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 742752. Map. 1972 077194

HC60.C65 1968 Ecological aspects of protein feeding-case of Peru. Borgstrom, G In The Careless Technology; Ecology and International Deve Lopment P. 753. 789. Ref. 1972 077195

464.8 IN 3 Damage to crops by atmospheric pollution. (Ita) Inform Fitopatol 21 (21/22): 3-6. 15/30 Nov 1971 077196

16 ITI Two categories of ecological problems: natural resources & balances. (Ita) De Fabritiis, C Ital Agr 108: 1083-1092. Dec 1971 077197

16 ITI Ecology, explanatory factor in agricultural problems. (Ita) Bandini, M Ital Agr 108: 1093-1100. Dec 1971 077198

16 ITI Ecological crisis, productivity & animal production. (Ita) Masoero, P Ital Agr 108: 1127-1159. Ref. Dec 1971 077199

449.8 J824 Pesticides in water--effects on human health. Huang, JC J Environ Health 34 (5): 501-508. Ref. Mar/Apr 1972 077200

99.8 F768 Do classical economic concepts lead to environmental degradation? Fortson, J C; Bethune, J E; Hewlett, JD J Forest 70 (3): 152-154. Mar 1972 077201

99.8 F768 Natural resources management: where public interest lies. Glascock, HR J Forest 70 (4): 224-226. Apr 1972 077202

49 N62 Present status of public nuisance of animal industry & how to cope with it. (Waste disposal). (Jap) Fujinuma, I; Nozaki, H Jap Zootech Sci 42 (12): 601-608. Dec 1971 077203

TS932.K45 Polarographic express method of determination of forecasting of biological consumption of oxygen of waste waters of pulp & paper enterprises. (Rus) Aunin'sh, E A; Reizin', RE; Tupureine, A D Khim Drevesiny 10: 143-155. Ref. 1971 077204

TD881.L3 Field study on problem of groundwater contamination by pesticides. (Ger) Kramer, F Landesanst Immission Bodennutz Landes NordrheinWestfalen Schriftenr 23: 77-81. 1971


20 M57 System of state planning & administration in area of socialist transformation & nature conservation. (Rus) Titel, V Mezhdunar Sel'skokhoz Zh 4: 3-6. 1971 077206

18 N39 Agriculture & environmental protection. (Ger) Vetter, H Mitt Deut Landwirl-ges 86 (45): 1144-1146. Nov 4, 1971 077207

SB403.N4 Herbicides & environment. Bing, A N Y State Flower Ind Inc Bull 21: 2. Mar 1972 077208

TD899.F6N3 Production & disposal practices for liquid wastes from cannery & freezing fruits & vegetables. Rose, W W; Mercer, W A; Katsuyama, A; Sternberg, R W; Brauner, G V; Olson, NA; Weckel, K G Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 109-136. 1971 077209

TD899.F6N3 EPA's industrial pollution control program. (U.S. Environmental Production Agency). Greenfield, S M Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 13-19. 1971 077210

TD899.F6N3 Dry caustic peeling of tree fruit to reduce liquid waste volume & strength. Ralls, J W; Mercer, W A; Graham, R P; Hart, M R; Maagdenberg, HJ Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 137-167. 1971 077211

TD899.F6N3 Economic analysis of alternative methods for processing potato starch plant effluents. Stabile, R L; Turkot, V A; Aceto, NC Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 185-201. 1971 077212

TD899.F6N3 Continuous treatment of corn & pea processing waste water with Fungi Imperfecti. Church, B D; Nash, H A; Erickson, E E; Brosz, W Natl Symp Food

Wastes Pr 2D: 203225. 1971 077213

TD899.F6N3 Clean Air Amendments of 1970 & air pollution aspects of food & agricultural processing industry. Shearer, SD Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 21-39. 1971 077214

TD899.F6N3 Cannery waste treatment with rbc (rotating biological contactors) & extended aeration pilot plants. Burm, R J; Cochrane, M W; Dostal, KA Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 227-249. 1971 077215

TD899.F6N3 Cannery waste treatment by lagoons & oxidation ditch at Shepparton, Victoria, Australia. Parker, CD; Skerry. GP Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 251-269. 1971 077216

TD899.F6N3 Biological treatment of citrus processing wastewaters. Eidsness, F A; Goodson, J B; Smith, J J Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 271287. 1971 077217

TD899.F6N3 Treatment of meat packing waste using pvc (polyvinyl chloride) trickling filters. Baker, D A; White, J Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 289-312. 1971 077218

TD899.F6N3 Evironmental quality concerns of food processing industries. Randall, A H Nail Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 3-12. 1971 077219

TD899.F6N3 Dehydration of cattle rumen & whole blood. (Water pollution). Baumann, D J Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 313-335. 1971


500 T25A Lichens: bioassay for air pollution in a metropolitan area (Nashville, Tennessee), Mathis, P M; Tomlinson, G Tenn Acad Sci J 47 (2): 67-73. Ref. Apr 1972 077255

442.8 UZI Role of anthropogenic factors in formation of faunistic complexes in Fergana Valley. (Rus) Ishunin, G I; Pavlenko, TA Uz Biol Zhur 5: 40-42. 1971 077256

280.38 1592 Food packagings: enemies of environment or helpers? (Ger) Heiss, R Verpack-Rundsch 23 (1): 21-22. Jan 1972 077257

99.8 W14 Fences in protecting wildlife. 2. (Ger) Hocevar, M Wald Holz 53 (2): 94114. Ref. Oct 1971 077258

TD420.W3 Acid-iron waste disposal & summer distribution of standing crops in New York Bight. (Phytoplankton, toxicity). Vaccaro, RF; Grice, G D; Rowe, G T; Wiebe, PH Water Res 6 (3): 231256. Ref. Mar 1972 077259

409.6 Z6 Fate of living nature of Hawaiian Islands. (Cze) Spitzer, K Ziva 19 (4): 139-142. July 1971


TD899.F6N3 Removal & recovery of fatty materials from edible fat & oil refinery effluents. Seng, WC Nail Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 337-366. 1971 077221

TD899.F6N3 Biological treatment of high bod (biochemical oxygen demand) yeast wastes. Quirk, TP Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 367-408. 1971 077222

TD899.F6N3 Better whey.-a dilemma. (Dairy products, waste disposal]. Boxer, S Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 409-411. 1971 077223

TD899.F6N3 Activities in managing solid wastes. DeMarco, J Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 41-50. Ref. 1971 077224

TD899.F6N3 Membrane processing of cottage cheese whey for pollution abatement. Goldsmith, R L; Goldstein, D J; Horton, B S; Hossain, S; Zall, RR Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 413-446. 1971 077225

TD899.F6N3 Activated sludge & trickling filtration treatment of whey effluents. Quirk, T P; Hellman, J Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 447-499. 1971 077226

TD899.F6N3 Methane fermentation of whey. Parker, CD Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 501-507. 1971 077227

TD899.F6N3 State of art of dairy food plant wastes & waste treatment. Harper, W J; Blaisdell, J L Nail Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 509-545. Ref. 1971 077228

TD899.F6N3 Pollution abatement & by-product recovery in shellfish industry. Johnson, EL; Peniston, Q P Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 51-73. 1971 077229

TD899.F6N3 Anaerobic-aerobic ponds for treatment of beet sugar wastes. Oswald, W J; Golueke, C G; Cooper, R C; Tsugita, RA Nail Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 547-596. Ref. 1971 077230

TD899.F6N3 State-of-art sugarbeet processing waste treatment. Hungerford, E H; Fischer, JH Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 597-603. 1971 077231

TD899.F6N3 Principles of nutrient control for agricultural wastewaters. Loehr, RC Nail Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 605-615. Ref. 1971 077232

TD899.F6N3 Oxidation ditch treatment of meat packing wastes. Paulson, W L; Kueck, DR; Kramlich, WE Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 617-635. 1971 077233

TD899.F6N3 Solid waste management in food processing industry. Hudson, HT Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 637-654. 1971 077234

TD899.F6N3 Salt reclamation from food processing brines. Lowe, E; Durkee, E L Nati Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 75-83. 1971 077235

TD899.F6N3 Reduction of salt content of food processing liquid waste effluent. Ralls, jW; Mercer, W A; Yacoub, NL Natl Symp Food Process Wastes Proc 2D: 85-108. 1971 077236

472 N21 Pipelines, pollution & prosperity in tundra. (Alaska). Nature 236 (5344): 195-196. Mar 31, 1972


472 N21 Pollution & worldwide catastrophe. (Organochlorine pesticides). Maddox, J Nature 236 (5348): 433-436. Ref. Apr 28, 1972 077238

510 G79 Lichens & air pollution in Graz area. (Ger) Ehrendorfer, F; Maurer, W; Karl, R; Karl, E Naturwiss Ver Steiermark Mitt 100: 151-189. Map. Ref. 1971 077239

308.9 OR3 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency & pesticides. Poss, R A Oreg Essent Oil Growers League Proc 23D: 25-29. Jan 1972 077240

10 OU8 Wildlife as a resource. Sinclair, ARE Outlook Agr 6 (6): 261-266. Ref. 1971 077241

10 OU8 Agriculture & survival of partridges. Potts, GR Outlook Agr 6 (6): 267271. Ref. 1971 077242

10 OUS Agronomic & biological significance of hedgerows. Caborn, JM Outlook Agr 6 (6): 279-284. Ref. 1971 077243

100 P381 Selected characteristics, participation patterns, & attitudes of hunters & fishermen in Pennsylvania. Sofranko, A J; Nolan, MF Penn Agr Exp Sta Bull 770, 40 P. June 1970 077244

57.8 P34 Leaching of strontium-90 from soil by surface water. (Rus) Pisarev, V V; Koloskov, I A; Kuznetsova, V M; TSybizov, IS Pochvovedenie 3: 66-75. Eng. Sum. Mar 1972 077245

304,9 P87 Operation of industrial retting effluent treatment plant of oxidation ditch type. (Pol) Sluchocka, Z; Terpilowska, W; Marciniak, B Poznan Insi Przemyslu Wlokien Lykowych Prace 18: 159-177. Eng. Sum. 1971 077246

49 B462 Feed recycling: A possible solution to problem of poultry droppings. (Fre) Salichon, Y Rev Elevage 27 (305): 31, 33, 35, 37, 39. Feb 1972 077247

99.8 R 329 Introduction to ecologic study of a water course. (Fre) Arrignon, J Rev Forest Franc 23 (5): 491-504. Sept/Oct 1971 077248

99.8 R 329 A week of study of Mediterranean problems (Gembloux--Belgium.. September 13-17, 1971). [Natural resources). (Fre) Quiquerez, F Rev Forest Franc 23 (5): 566-567. Sept/Oct 1971 077249

99.8 R 329 Radio-active pollution, what should be thought of it? (Fre) Lacourly, G Rev Forest Franc 23 (8): 331-343. Eng. Sum. May/June 1971 077250

49 P943 Characteristics of waste waters & possibilities of their purification. (Rum) Tomescu, V Rev Zootech Med Vei 21 (11): 40-44. Ref. Nov 1971 077251

59.8 R49 Effects of insecticides on biological factors in submerged rice fields. (Ita) Russo, S Riso 20 (4): 331-349. Ref. Eng. Sum. Dec 1971 077252

451 S0124 General panorama of fauna & its ecological relations in north-eastern Argentina & in sub-tropical dominion. (Spa) Ringuelet, R A Soc Argent Bot Bol 11 (Suppl.): 175-209. Sept 1970 077253

S13.562 Toxicity of chemicals to man & environment. (Pesticides). (Slv) Macek, J Sodobno kmetijstvo 4 (9): 423-427. Sept 1971


100 Ar4 (2) No.192 Effectiveness of prepared instruction units in teaching principles of internal combustion engine operation & maintenance. Jacobs, Clinton O Tucson 14 P. Jllus. 1972



HI.M6 Effects of "green revolution" in South & South-East Asia. Jacoby, EH Mod Asian Stud 6 (1): 63-69. Ref. Jan 1972

Page 10

ABSCISIC Detection of abscisic acid in scape of Tarax. Studies on abscisic acid. IV. Synthesis of h- Role of abscisic acid & salination in adaptive germination inhibiting effect of abscisic acid

072607 072641 072877 073174

ABERRATION Formation of chromatide aberrations after eChromosomal aberrations induced by maleic P-38 on rate of chromosomal aberrations in at induction of chromosomal aberrations in Aberrant form in Charaxes jasius (NymphalA list of already known aberrant forms of bABIES fir with lapse of years after cutting. (Abies] balsam fir & black spruce. (Abies balsamea, studs (Pinus ponderosa, Abies concolor). Genus Abies. growth after out-planting. (Abies mayriana) Postmaturation of Abies nordmanniana seeds studies of growth in stands. 8. (Picea abies] spruce in north-eastern France. (Picea abies Experiments with cuttings of Picea abies, Pplateaux in eastern France). (Picea abies]. bordered pits. (Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies) after three years water storage. (Picea abies young plants of Norway spruce. (Picea abies) more than "n" chromosomes in Picea abies spruce needles & needle litter. (Picea abies] south Sweden. (Fagus silvatica, Picea abies) plateaux in eastern France). (Picea abies). Karyotype of Abies sibirica in Kazakhstan

ACARINA mangifera Sayed (Eriophyidae: Acarina). pipistrellus in Austria. [Bats, Acarina, Anopfrom nest of a turkey vulture. (Acarina: Cheof Boophilus decoloratus (Koch) (Acarina: lBiology of Pyemotes parviscolyti (Acarina: Two new gall mites from Africa (Acari). a mite pest on grapes (Vitis spec.) (Acari, from nest of a turkey vulture. (Acarina: Chegenus Daidalotarsonemus DeLeon (Acarina: Some Phytoseiidae of colombia (Acarina: Pfrom Indian River County, Florida (Acari: of Boophilus decoloratus (Koch) (Acarina: 1Mt. Fuji-san. V ii. Malaconothridae (Acari, Domestic ticks (Arachnida, Acari). 2.[Austran introduced tick variety (Arachnida, Acari of genus Cenopalpus from Pakistan (Acarina Mononychus vilaricensis n. sp. (Acarina, Tefrom Brazilian fauna (Acarina: TetranychidA review of Caribbeanae group (Acarina: Tenew mite from Steiermark (Arachnida, Acari, bispinosa Neumann, 1897 (Acarina, Ixodidae Red spider mite fauna of Hungary (Acari, TArgas persicus Oken (Acarina--Arachnida). geotactism of Oribatei (Acarina) in Berlese on Tarsonemini fauna (Acari) of Jugoslavia Acariasis in man caused by seed ticks (literUroseius species (Arachnida, Acari) on Trox ACCELERATION Plant responses to chronic acceleration. [W

074763 074900 074919 074930 075263 075594 075636 075680 075687 075721 075722 075730 075774 075779 075783 075790 075811 075812 075814 076127 074913 075824 075556 075487 075826 074935 075470

070774 070593 070908 071493 073264 070846 069194 070711 070752 070849 070941 070943 073226 073231 073303 073304 076536 071865

ABSORPTION studies on amino acids absorption in sheep. of kinetics of process of absorption of alkali Absorption capacity of wood of dried spruce On cellulose absorption of copper from FehlAbsorption of colostral inmunoglobulins by Effect of food absorption & of copulation on Evolution of ability to absorb glucose-14C Relative efficiency of absorption of IgG1, 1Intestinal absorption of amino acids in vitro Intestinal absorption of colza oil; ultrastrucAbsorption of labelled vitamin A in children Digestion & absorption of lactose by pre-ruvariation of a soil by measuring absorption Absorption of microwaves by impure sugar transpiration, waterand nutrient absorption triiodobenzoic acid on nutrient absorption & rhythm & rate of absorption of phosphorus Research into resorption & utilisation of iron Effect of root-absorbed 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic sites of secretion & absorption of seminal afor determining amount of soil absorption. extracted some solvents & absorbed by p. slotted floor & absorbent underneath on grMetabolism & absorption of water by root Water absorption by wheat seeds as influenof insecticide tablets in water absorbed by pWater absorption by columnar serosa in eggs of translocation of water during absorption

069013 070970 070979 071122 068541 075099 072973 069796 068693 068828 067518 068730 076602 068050 072503 072667 073281 068457 072667 069313 076389 076211 068588 072261 072723 074573 075409 076351

075281 070352 070293 068759 075273 071817 075272 074193

ABNORMALITY 1 ii. S-iododeoxyuridine. (Abnormalities). Chromosomic anomalies in veterinary pathoof calves with congenital abnormalities of ccongenital developmental abnormalities obsTeratological events. (Dysmictocarabus soliAbnormalities in morphology of Pyronema southeast of France. Teratological notes: CoAnomalies of styles, anthers & pollen grains ABOMASUM Abomasal acidity & proteolytic enzymes act. Abomasal acidity & proteolytic enzymes act. ABORIGINAL On fetal hemoglobin of aboriginal Yakut catABORTING of vascular elements in pedicels of aborting ABORTION Characterization of Brucella abortus strain Salmonella from an aborted cattle foetus. [. Recent findings in abortion diseases of beef of Salmonella ovis isolated from abortions Listeria as cause of abortion in pigs. Studies on neorickettsial abortion in ewes. in diagnosis of Salmonella abortus ovis infecObservation on pistil abortion in olive. aspects of Salmonella abortions in ewes in pathogenesis of streptococcal abortion in caVibrionic abortion in ewes in South Africa:

ACCOUNTING data processing in agricultural accounting. data processing in agricultural accounting. Internal cost accounting system used on colImproving planning under cost accounting sJustified indices in task of cost accounting sFeatures on complete use of cost accounting state farms to a full state cost accounting sy. Cost accounting in collective farm motor poUtilizing irrigation water & cost accounting farm workers under a full cost accounting sUtilizing irrigation water & cost accounting to production on account of farm economy taking into account fattening method & gen. An account of fungus exsiccati containing mo An account of Hungarian plant associations of record-keeping & accounting on collective Points in accounting & figures in connection records & accounting procedures on large-scMechanization of accounting procedures for Determination & account of soil freezing deInternal cost accounting system used on colplanning under cost accounting system. indices in task of cost accounting system. ( on complete use of cost accounting system farms to a full state cost accounting system

069757 069924 069787 069882 069834 070177 070173 072995 070199 070262 070118

066752 066753 066728 066735 066736 066738 066767 066823 066864 066919 076988 066695 068874 071437 071523 066813 066906 066773 071024 077068 066728 066735 066736 066738 066767

ABRASION in accelerated malting of abraded barley.

071667 070940 071330 071622 073305 073237 067987 070907 073307 073917 073921

ACER Tippecanoe County, Indiana. (Ulmus, Acer, changes in area of ring-cut of acer (platanoiplants--Cypripedium acaule, Acer negundo, Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.). [Ecolby sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) cambial orientation of red maple (Acer rubrum L.) rSap's a runnin'. (Acer saccharum). low grade hard maple logs. (Acer saccharum exudates of sugar maple. (Acer saccharum). sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.). (CysEutypella canker of maple. (Acer saccharum ACERACEAE of generative shoots of maples. (Aceraceae) ACERIA against mango bud mite, Aceria mangifera S. ACETABULARIA of rifampicine in Acetabularia mediterranea ACETALDEHYDE microorganisms by ethanol or acetaldehyde.

determination of free amino acids in honey. I. Antioxidant activity of amino acids & brFree amino acids in ultrasonic vibrations-trResearch on reaction of certain amino acids soy sauce with that of a sugar-amino acid mAmino acid concentrations in some poultry New amino acids formed in hair during unhrelease & metabolism of free amino acids. of a microheterogeneity in amino acid sequeon metabolism of nitrogen & amino acids in in feed rations balanced by amino acid comfodders on concentration of free amino acids Specific characteristics of amino acid compoIntestinal absorption of amino acids in vitro Effect of amino acid supplementation of milQuantitative studies on amino acids absorptAmino acid supplementation of hydrocarbon Effect of amino acids in feed rations on groDistribution of free amino acids between plUtilization of synthetic amino acids in feeds. Amino acid metabolism in gastrointestinal tFree amino acids in ram seminal plasma. from small intestine of amino-acids, carboh. bovine rhinotracheitis virus. I ii. Amino acid Metabolic pool of proteins & amino acids in stage in rice plant. V iii. Free amino acids in Free amino acid responses of Euphorbia pul. Amino acid sequence studies of horseradish Amino acid sequence studies of horseradish Amino acid pool components as regulators of Upiake of amino acids by actidione-treated Uptake of amino acids by actidione-treated Uptake of amino acids by actidione-treated Changes of amino acid content in Libanotis deficiency on content of free amino acids in Amino acids as complementary factors for g. Amino acid balance of proteins of maize & Amino-acid content of some fodder Graminefertilizers on protein & some amino acid coChanges of amino acid composition of peptiAmino acid composition of roots & surface radiation on content of free amino acids in in improving fractional & amino acid content Dynamics of free amino acids in sugar beets Conjugated amino acids in non-cationic fracteffect of a sulfur containing amino acid, S-mParticipation of amino acids in synthesis of Amino-acid composition of white root crops Amino acid composition of euglobulins of w. Free amino acids as affected by light intensiherbicides on content of bound amino acids Changes in levels of free amino acids in muFree amino acids in tissues of Scirpophaga nPyrrhocoridae, Hemiptera). 1. Amino acid r. Changes of content of free amino acids in timethod of extracting amino acids from ionite Amino acid dynamics in ionite substrate with Gas chromatographic analysis of amino acids Biosynthesis of free amino acids by soil michumic acids & their content of amino acids. Production of delta-aminolevulinic acid in ctreated with delta-aminolevulinic acid. rocks for phosphoric acid ammonium phospof proteins based on amino acid analyses. Effects of aromatic acids on tyrosine carboxy of total, active acidity & L-ascorbic acid in Ultrasonic vibrations & ascorbic acid. (CattAscorbic acid status & macerating enzyme pof nitrates, nitrites & ascorbic acid in preseits antioxidation ability to ascorbic acid. (FMutants of acetic acid bacteria used in vineStudies on halotolerant lactic acid bacteria identification of acetic acid bacteria from difAmino acid balance of proteins of maize & Basic acid catalysis of reaction of eliminati. of liver in swine: behaviour of acid-base balControl of butyric acid blowing in hard cheeBiological effect of 3-butylisonicotinic acid. Control of butyric acid blowing in hard chee. Caproic acid in Satyrium flowers: biochemicCarbon acid producted in developed peat soiAmount of carbonic acid gas discharged from Basic acid catalysis of reaction of eliminati. Diffusion extraction of chlorogenic acid from phoenicis, a good producer of citric acid. constants of zinc-humic acid complexes. (SoNew tropical seed oils. IV. Component acids Fatty acids composition of fruit oil of some Correlation between fatty acids composition Fatty acid composition of phrenosine in beef rations balanced by amino acid composition Effect of amino acid composition of pasture characteristics of amino acid composition of of maize oil on fatty acid composition of tis. fatty acids on fatty acid composition of bloEffect of diet on fatty acids composition in Effect of diet on fatty acids composition in lipid components & fatty acid composition of Variation of fatty acid composition in wheat Fatty acids composition changes in rape hy. Changes of amino acid composition of peptiAmino acid composition of roots & surface

067626 067737 067778 067941 067982 068243 068428 068498 068529 068553 068559 068563 068565 068693 068985 069013 069022 069061 069088 069130 069222 069352 069761 069781 070408 071916 072218 072256 072257 072309 072351 072352 072353 072498 072702 072743 072792 072902 072934 072948 072949 072954 072964 072966 072990 073090 073103 073133 073164 073236 074548 075185 075219 075484 075872 076240 076416 076564 076582 076596 072155 072200 076828 067584 072879 068217 068391 074008 067282 067594 067720 068038 068143 072792 070966 069620 067415 072890 067415 073023 076415 076209 070966 068039 072582 076358 067730 068110 068394 068405 068559 068563 068565 068914 068917 069206 069207 071993 072724 072804 072948 072949

Amino-acid composition of white root crops Amino acid composition of euglobulins of wAmino acid concentrations in some poultry quality, acceptability, & amino acid content Fatty acid content & proximate analysis of quality on unsaturated fatty acids content. Changes of amino acid content in Libanotis Amino-acid content of some fodder Gramineon protein & some amino acid content in gr. improving fractional & amino acid content of V viji. importance of malic acid degradation Nucleic acids degrading enzymes from leaves products of dehydroascorbic acid & its antioof crepenynic & dehydrocrepenynic acid. interactions of deoxyribonucleic acid & lysiDeoxyribonucleic acid homology relationshiDeoxyribonucleic acid relatedness among spTheoretical deoxyribonucleic acid homology induction of cellular deoxyribonucleic acid ssome new dithiocarboxylic acid derivatives of reduplication of desoxyribonucleic acid in of method of determination of acid-detergent Determination of alpha acids & their isomerEffect of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on beverages treated with formic acid diethyl eaction of some new dithiocarboxylic acid derDerivatives of methyl dithiophosphoric acid Amino acid dynamics in ionite substrate with Effect of acidity & cation content of nutrient of thermophilic lactic acid enzymes. (Milk, oil due to decreasing share of erucic acid. ethrel" (chloro-2-ethanephosphonic acid). [ active substances on nucleic acid exchange in metabolism & phenylacetic acid excretion in of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fatty acid content & proximate analysis of oils obtained by esterification of fatty acids example for application of fatty acids outside of butter quality on unsaturated fatty acids characteristics & composition of fatty acids Fatty acids composition of fruit oil of some Correlation between fatty acids composition Fatty acid composition of phrenosine in beef causing mobilization of free fatty acid in neFree-fatty acids & glycerol in plasma & tissof lactate as an intermediate of fatty acid fecontrol of synthesis of milk fatty acids by ron lipids of chicken tissues. II. Fatty acid & Fatty acids in rabbit's plasma: ChromatograConcentration of fatty acids & ketone bodies Application of synthetic fatty acid of fraction Influence of maize oil on fatty acid composiin fat or essential fatty acids on fatty acid csteers as related to volatile fatty acid produInfluence of dietary fat on rumen fatty acids for analysis of volatile fatty acids in silage Effect of diet on fatty acids composition in composition in ruminants. II. Fatty acids cof various lipid components & fatty acid coMembrane properties of saturated fatty acid of oil & composition of fatty acids in seeds Variation of fatty acid composition in wheat Fatty acids composition changes in rape hyChromatographic separation of fatty acids of intermediates in conversion of fatty acids inmetabolism of long-chain fatty acids during Ceratitis capitata: evolution of fatty acids of Principal lipid classes & fatty acids synthesrequirements & tissue levels of fatty acids in as an intermediate of fatty acid fermentation Structure of fistulic acid a new colouring maContents of folic acid in selected types of bNew amino acids formed in hair during unhin beverages treated with formic acid diethyl rays of radioactive cobalt on acid forming po Amino acid fortification of foods. to refining. II. Composition of acid fraction of nitrogen in fulvic acid fraction extracted oxidation of humic acids, fulvic acids, & humelectrostatic factor on acidity of functional Amount of carbonic acid gas discharged from Combined acidulation & gibberellic acid tre

lants. I ii. Interaction of gibberellic acid & layers in response to gibberellic acid. cherries as influenced by gibberellic acid. Effect of gibberellic acid & ccc retardant in Effect of gibberellic acid on blooming period Effects of cyclic amp & gibberellic acid on lrequirements determined with glutamic acid factors on determination of acid groups in lioils due to refining. I. High acidity olive oils Deoxyribonucleic acid homology relationshiTheoretical deoxyribonucleic acid homology Studies on physiological effect of humic acid molecular weight of humic acids. (Aspergillus Permanganate oxidation of humic acids, fulvStability constants of zinc-humic acid compof interaction products of peat humic acids of proteolytic enzymes on soil humic acids. Gel filtration on sephadex of humic acids & Studies on physiological effect of humic acid salicylic acid & isonicotinic acid hydrazide

073133 073164 068243 067525 067726 067823 072498 072902 072934 072964 068232 07386 067594 067730 068471 068590 074123 076376 069963 073866 075140 068909 067989 073094 067290 073866 074985 076416 072296 067875 072804 073712 073285 068720 067581 067726 067764 067769 067823 068084 068110 068394 068405 068452 068490 068627 068646 068660 068746 068802 068832 068914 068917 068995 069000 069021 069206 069207 071993 072270 072341 072724 072804 072969 073073 075343 075370 075371 075407 068627 072542 067586 068428 067290 067875 067543 068212 076283 076288 070968 076209 068024 072165 072756 073047 073075 073128 073169 075484 070969 068211 068590 076376 072429 072584 076288 076358 076494 076564 076596 076763 072435

ACID Abomasal acidity & proteolytic enzymes actAbomasal acidity & proteolytic enzymes actbetween indoleacetic acid & abscisci acid on Detection of abscisic acid in scape of Tarax. Studies on abscisic acid. IV. Synthesis of hRole of abscisic acid & salination in adaptive germination inhibiting effect of abscisic acid studies on amino acids absorption in sheep. Mutants of acetic acid bacteria used in vincIsolation & identification of acetic acid bactDynamics of total, active acidity & L-ascorblocalization of phosphatasic acids activity d. Study of acid activity of mycetes of Aspergilnature of products of sugar-amino acid reactof grain: its effect on amino acids & vitamins flour on quality, acceptability, & amino acid Amino acid fortification of foods. Protein nutritive value of amino acid supplvalue of proteins based on amino acid analy.

068934 068938 073155 072607 072641 072877 073174 069013 067720 068143 068217 071683 072252 067260 067391 067525 067543 067570 067584

Mechanism of acidification of soil by Calluna 071542 of growing fiber flax on acid soils in northw- 073524 Chemical characteristics of acid soils of Ma- 076538 on yield & quality of groundnut in acid soils 076626 Nitric base content changes in acid-soluble f- 072670 wood pulp in presence of acid solutions of o- 071123 Ascorbic acid status & macerating enzyme p- 074008 Response of peaches to succinic acid-2,2-di- 073043 Effects of succinic acid--2,2-dimethyl hydraz- 073058 Effect of amino acid supplementation of mil- 068985 Amino acid supplementation of hydrocarbon 069022 nutritive value of amino acid supplemented 067570 of cellular deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis by 069963 Viral ribonucleic acid synthesis by Newcastle 069964 Enzyme system of indoleacetic acid synthesis 072777 Ribonucleic acid synthesis in nuclei isolated 075375 of ribonucleic acid synthesized in vitro from 068472 lipid classes & fatty acids synthesized during 075371 temperature on dissociation of tartaric acid 068163 Tests in using acidified & corn silage for fee- 067864 acidulation & gibberellic acid treatment in a- 068024 of root-absorbed 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid on 072667 of ethylene & 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid on s- 072784 Uric acid production in relation to protein 075363 ACIDOPHILUS piglet intestines. (Lactobacillus acidophilus) 070010 ACORNS On effective grading of acorn.

070800 particularities of acorns of some oak (Querc- 071778

ADAPTATION Effect of latitude on adaptability of barley lGrowth & biochemical adaptation of larvae Adaptive changes of leaf assimilating tissue vs. soybean meal during feedlot adaptation sulfamethazine during feedlot adaptation folmechanisms of helminth adaptation. (Ascaripopulation levels of insect adaptation to coAdaptation to laboratory mouse of rabies-liAdaptive leaf architecture in emergent & floAdaptation of a method of multivariable claAdaptive modernization: case for Lebanon. utilizing same host: adaptive nature of diffeProcessing adaptability of determinate type acid & salination in adaptive response of plAdaptation in spf (specific-pathogen-free) mGrape stock adaptation to nature of soil. Studies on adaptation to white mice of LepiAdaptation & transformation of old buildings Proline accumulation & varietal adaptability

071998 075341 072439 069139 069144 069993 075237 069724 071698 071639 066657 075234 068216 072877 069683 073654 069999 075992 072863

ACREAGE farm organization under acreage allotment in state of farms which changed their acreage Outlook for 1980--cropland acres. Chemical nematode control increases acre v

ADDITIVES Relation between additive declaration as "bComplying with feed additive & drug withdrof thyroxine & thiouracil feed additives on smaking in biological field. (Food additives] This chemical world. (Food additives). Food additives. Use of additives for improvement of food quActive principles, additives & products of mActive principles, additives & products of mActive principles, additives & products of mof fermentation-promoting additives on nutriToxicity of several additives & surface-active Silage additives: Money up chute? [Cattle). elements in sewage sludges. [Soil additive). by biologically highly valuable additives. (S. of calcium salts with various additives on sias fertilizers & a mineral-vitamin additive fo

066785 067128 067248 074392

068112 067455 069755 067289 067345 067458 067304 067461 069160 069162 067527 075038 068924 076762 068859 074338 068265

ADDUCTS sea & weathervane scallop adductor muscle

ACRIDOIDEA cytology of Taiwan grasshoppers (Acridoidea) 075566

of its release by partial acid hydrolysis. acid & to p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid by hagraduated cooking with increasing acidity. Change in acidity of individual layers of cultmovement in geotropism. (Indoleacetic acid, flavonoids on activity of indoleacetic acid oxtransport & distribution of indoleacetic acid Enzyme system of indoleacetic acid synthesis Antagonism between indoleacetic acid & abson soluble ma binding indoleacetic acid in etryptophan synthetase by indoleacrylic acid. Effect of beta-indolylacetic acid on dividing Synthesis of hydroxy-ionylideneacetic acids. Acid-iron waste disposal & summer distributA method for isolation of alpha acids from p-amino-salicylic acid & isonicotinic acid hyproperties of thermophilic lactic acid enzymStudies on halotolerant lactic acid bacteria of yellowing of cereals on very acid light soiOn chemical nature of acidic lignins. (Wood On behavior of lignosulfonic acids during heUprake of linoleic acid by newborn lamb. Incorporation of linoleic acid into tissues of of triterpenoid glucoside, lyofolic acid. in wine. V viii. importance of malic acid deg. Amino acid metabolism in gastrointestinal tPyruvic acid metabolism & ethanol formatiin copolymerization of methacrylic acid with of (betal-hydroxy-(beta)-methylglutaric acid Bacteriological investigation in acid-milk-drsauce with that of a sugar-amino acid model esters of unsaturated monobasic acids. (Cotproperties of saturated fatty acid mutants of Bacterial degradation of nitrilotriacetic acid Interaction between lignin & nitrogen acid: acid. 1. Promotive action of nitrohumic acid Effect of glycine on content of nucleic acids Dynamics of nucleic acids in cow's liver & in thyroxine on content of nucleic acids & proDetermination of nucleic acids in rumen contwo breeds of swine on nucleic acid & sugar Nucleic acids & classification of organisms. oa dynamics of formation of nucleic acids in Dynamics of nucleic acids in shoot apex cells active substances on nucleic acid exchange in Nucleic acids degrading enzymes from leaves Nucleic acid & protein variations in relation Estimation of nucleic acids in Indian honey Oxidations of nucleic acids & their componOxidations of nucleic acids & their componoils due to refining. I. High acidity olive oils on respiration, storage life, & organic acids Organic acid, hydrogen ion concentration & on respiration & metabolism of organic acids Non-volatile organic acids of Phaseolus vulgEffect of low molecular organic acids on amfor application of fatty acids outside soap & on activity of indoleacetic acid oxidase of yeA study of oxidized acids in crude palm oil. kinetic studies of its release by partial acid trans-S-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-pentenoic acids. of hydrogen peroxide & perchloric acid. (Fe. Protein metabolism & phenylacetic acid excsecretion & their acid phosphatase activity. localization of phosphatasic acids activity dpeppers with (2-chloroethyl)phosphonic acid of (2-chloroethyl)phosphonic acid (ethephon Use of high-protein phosphoric acid silage. Phosphoric acid for improvement of farming soil crusting with phosphoric acid to enhance of phosphaie rocks for phosphoric acid amof extractional phosphorus acid. Amino acid pool components as regulators of of 3Huip into an acid precipitable product Carbon acid producted in developed peat soi3 related to volatile fatty acid production a. Uric acid production in relation to protein in preservation of corn with propionic acid. of moist corn with propionic acid. of com cob chaff with propionic acid. of feeding of cows with propionic acid silage Pyruvic acid metabolism & ethanol formatiof products of sugar-amino acid reaction. I. Deoxyribonucleic acid relatedness among spvins. 1 ii. Amino acid requirements for viral Hemiptera). 1. Amino acid requirements deof acid-resistant & non-acid-resistant amylaFree amino acid responses of Euphorbia pulnuclei & characterization of ribonucleic acid phosphorus into ribonucleic acids & accumuof cytoplasmic fractions of ribonucleic acids Viral ribonucleic acid synthesis by Newcastle of transporting ribonucleic acids of cotton. of nibosomal & viral ribonucleic acids with a of plants with viruses, viral ribonucleic acid, Ribonucleic acid synthesis in nuclei isolated activity specific for p-amino-salicylic acid & microheterogeneity in amino acid sequence Amino acid sequence studies of horseradish Amino acid sequence studies of horseradish

cows with propionic acid silage. Use of high-protein phosphoric acid silage.

075360 075364 071120 076781 072375 072669 072744 072777 073155 073172 072406 072347 072641 074426 067612 072435 067875 068038 074366 070893 071129 068722 068896 072524 068232 069222 074124 068042 072878 067435 067982 068082 072270 077143 070974 072429 068551 068687 068776 068830 069538 071435 072684 072941 073285 073867 075225 075870 076609 076610 068211 068119 070319 072348 072976 076401 067769 072669 067753 075360 072314 068841 068720 072558 071683 072217 073040 069078 076622 076659 076828 076655 072309 072291 076415 068995 075363 068053 068250 068252 068844 074124 067260 074123 069781 075484 067711 072218 068472 068555 068560 069964 072950 074157 074163 075375 072435 068529 072256 072257 068844 069078

ADENOHYPOPHYSIS Adenohypophysial control of extrarenal exc


068464 068473 072978 068467 073062

ADENOSINE on ox pituitary content of adenosine 3:5-cyBinding of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosp. A study of adenosine-5'-mono, diand tri-phoprotein in oligomycin-sensitive adenosine irspecificity of adenosine triphosphate sulphuADENOSINETRIPHOSPHATASE detection of adenosinetriphosphatase activity ADENOVIRUSES acid synthesis by bovine adenovirus type 3 in Canine adenovirus respiratory disease: IsolaIsolation of adenoviruses from turkeys.

ACTIN in Physarum polycephalum as F-actin by in 071747 ACTINIDIA Yang-tao or Grosella from China. (Actinidia 073650 ACTINOBACILLUS of an Actinobacillus isolated from sow vagina 069947 typhimurium, Actinobacillus ligniersi).

070137 ACTINOMYCETALES Enumeration of aerobic Actinomycetales in 076550 ACTINOMYCETES Towards study of actinomycete distribution 076244 Studies on ecology of actinomycetes in soil. 076567 Studies on ecology of actinomycetes in soil. 076569 proteases from soil Actinomycetes. I. Comp- 076611 ACTINOMYCIN Effects of actinomycin D on greening of etio. 073170 of East Coast fever with actinomycin D. (T- 069860 of this hypertrophy by actinomycin-D.

074296 ACTIVATION X ix. Activation of zymogen beta-amylase in 072642 Vermiculite & activated carbon adsorbents 074459 Controlling light-activated flavor in milk. 067268 Effect of growth-activating micro-organisms 072438 Mechanical activation & isometric oscillation 075488 Neutron activation techniques for labeling 075532 in arachnid muscle. II. Activation pattern of 075389 Activated sludge & trickling filtration treat- 077225 Activation of thiophante systemic fungicides 073967 Nature of transient activation of soil microo- 074092

ADRENAL in mitochondria of bovine adrenal cortex. noradrenaline by canine adrenal. Adrenal function in cow: Diurnal changes & Response of thyroid & adrenal glands of shfrom bovine & equine adrenal medulla. Dynamics of adrenal response to sustained lobservations on histology of adrenal zona glADRENALECTOMY Influence of adrenalectomy on embryonic mADRENOCORTICAL on specificity of adrenocortical function in ro ADSORPTION added P solution on amounts of P adsorbed. Vermiculite & activated carbon adsorbents disease virus infection: effect on adsorption by homogenized calf kidney adsorption & ceof lipids on thin-layer adsorbents. [Pig-liver, Sorption & leaching of phosphates in soil e. Adsorption of pesticide by humic substances adsorbing roots of plants & soil adsorbent. influencing dispersal & adsorption of spores On problem of sorption of xylan by cellulose

Age changes of some hematological indices of branching as an indicator of age changes Estimates of chronological age in beef cattle On calculation of age of cinquefoil (PotentilGerman Federal Republic age-classes of trotAge & composition of sapropel deposits in On effect of accelerated aging conditions on of fats in cattle in connection with age, level Relationship between age of culture & occur. Determining age of Larix sibirica by externof haemoglobin in ducks of different age. parlor in a group of cows of different age. metabolic functions of sheep different in age metabolic functions of sheep different in age metabolic functions of sheep different in age Hydromorphic & different-aged soils on pinsystem in dogs & cats due to old age. Effect of age on protein synthesis in gourd Age & herd adjustment of first lactation mi. Examination of age of a horse & Polish NoEffect of environmental & age influences on of Northern Italy in late middle ages: 1150ladino clover. V. Relation between leaf age Basis of age of maturation of Pinus sibirica Changes by age of mercapto group in muscle Leghorn cockerels in first month of age. period between 19 & 36 months of age. in tow muscles during post-mortem aging. bulls by testing offsprings of same age by pOptimum age of pullet to change from growParameters of aging in chicken embryo fibrVariation of genetic parameters with age & Dependence of performance on age at first Helminth fauna in relation to age of pigs in Effects of postmortem aging on palatability bulls in tests of progeny of same age by its selection of milch cows. V. Relation of age at of breeding efficiency & relationship of age Hungarian & German Federal Republic ageComing of age of sex hormones in plants. storage tissues induced by slicing & aging. I Hydromorphic & different-aged soils on pincutting methods in uneven-aged stands in foWeaning age & management systems for fall Changes in live weight by age in rams of Liproduction by Pinus pinaster in young age.

068821 073129 068773 072497 068311 076396 071117 068960 072410 070686 068494 068823 070046 070047 070048 076420 068459 073109 069359 068695 069284 066555 072732 070680 068575 068822 068833 067879 069510 069023 068520 069276 069283 070011 067474 069506 069441 069338 068311 072480 073054 076420 070788 068343 068411 070744

AFFORESTATION Afforestation of badly eroded agricultural la- Coastal afforestation in Noakhali District. Standard formation factors in afforestation First experiences with initial afforestation w- technical aspects in massive afforestation. New afforestation methods of waste lands on Physiocoenotic significance of afforestations

070850 070843 070769 070740 070758 070764 071665

ADULTS concentrations in larvae, pupae, & adults. Aggressive behavior in adult apple maggot Immune responses of adult chicken to Newmetabolism in larval & adult cockroaches, Pmori, during pupal-adult development. virus isolations from young & adult ducks. ( finding motives in process of adult education of eggs in ovaries of adult female. Weight gains of adult & young mice after inSakhalin, with a key to adults of genus (Trivirus ( w.e.e.) in adult hamsters with special tocopherolemia in healthy adults. transition of larval to adult intersegmental transition of larval to adult intersegmental to red cell antigens in sera of adult pigs. regeneration in larvae & adults of Polyxenus of some new pesticides to adults of red spidof heartbeat in immature & adult stages of important pesticides to adults of sugarcane bodies in tissues of embryos & adult swine. of oxygen consumption of adult Tribolium cinsecticides to adults of Tribolium castaneum of oxygen consumption of adult Tribolium c

075419 075200 069986 075351 075363 069997 066521 075526 069580 075749 069849 067517 075398 075399 068434 075103 074620 075391 074698 068802 074637 074864 075486

070289 070145 069952 070369

AGAR Modification of Carter's yolk egg agar for sdetermined by immunodiffusion in agar gel.

AGLAIA gametophytes in Aglaia roxburghiana Bedd. AGLAIS Observations concerning Aglais urticae ichn- AGRARIANISM Tasks of agrarian-economic science in ninth Eec--agrarian market policy with uniform a- List of books & articles on agrarian history of adult education. (Agrarian population).

ADVECTION I ii. Bowen ratios & advective energy.

067252 067050 066503 066521

AEDES to hemocele of vector; interpretation. (Aedes differentiating between two species. (Aedes] in Dipteran cells in culture. [Aedes aegypti] of yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti (L.) Vertebrate serum inhibitors of Aedes aegypti Interactions of Aedes aegypti (L.) trypsin win thorax of mosquito, Aedes aegypti, at rest Rhodopsin of larval mosquito. (Aedes aegyp-i) of larval mosquito ocelli. (Aedes aegypti]. cations on chymotrypsin from Aedes aegypti taste receptors of mosquito Aedes aegypti L. of 137Cs (radiocesium] by Aedes aegypti lamosquito cell monolayers. (Aedes albopictus with Kemerovo virus in Singh's Aedes (albo

074903 074904 075227 075279 075345 075359 075367 075404 075405 075416 075457 075203 074887 075127

AEGILOPS of Triticum aestivum x Aegilops longissima material. (Quercus valonea, quercus aegilops AELIA populations in Hungary. (Eurygaster, Aelia] AERATION biological contactors) & extended aeration pDouble lateral aeration "Bacher". (Greenhonitrogen nutrition & aeration of nutrient solof role of photosynthetic aeration in a lake response of plants to reduced root aeration. yield. C. Effects of soil aeration on plant actof temperatures of aeration zone.

AGRICULTURE Harvard Case Method. (Agriculture, leaching instrument for development. (Agriculture). Research & economics. (Agriculture). to their implementation. (agriculture). education of scientific staff. (Agriculture). formation of economic indices. (Agriculture] Agriculture of "common market" countries of technical development. (Agriculture). arising from their formacion. (Agriculture). of primary production funds. (Agriculture). system: a look at future. (Agriculture] Cooperation & trade unionism. (Agriculture] Party of Soviet Union. (Agriculture). new Five-Year-Plan, 1971-1975. (Agriculture) term plan information service? (Agriculture, for Mutual Economic Assistance, agriculture mutual assistance & cooperation. (Agricultu-e] Mongolian People's Republic. (Agriculture] development of a dual economy. (Agriculture) of electrocution accidents in agriculture. data processing in agricultural accounting. data processing in agricultural accounting. Adjustments in agriculture, individual & indwith cadres. (Agricultural administration). signals in agricultural administration & chatraining for advisors in agriculture. Agriculture through ages--ancestor of harvesProblems in aggregate agricultural history. ( Aircraft used in agriculture. from Allahabad Agricultural Institute, u.p., American agriculture, 1790--1840; a symposa symposium on American agriculture, 1790on European erican agriculture. Superiority of American agriculture. 2. News from American agricultural engineerion European & American agriculture. by Soviet Union. (Agricultural assistance). strategy of misato Agricultural Association

066542 06654€ 066603 066609 066608 066630 06664 06666 066710 066916 067186 067188 06720 067204 067205 06720 06721 06721 06722 07596 06675 06675. 06713 06674 066780666007615 06651 07605 07429 0665006650 06651 06657 07595 07662 067219 066950

066511 071832 071041 076176 076180 076235 076112

AERIAL Aerial application of pesticides by electrostEffects of aerial forest fertilization with urea parts. VI. Characteristics of aerial parts & pine from large-scale aerial photographs. (P. Application of aerial photography in water

076012 076823 072742 070592 076980

AEROBE Enumeration of aerobic Actinomycetales in Anaerobic-aerobic ponds for treatment of be- Influence of anaerobic & aerobic incubation

On activities of Bank of Agriculture & Food A scography of agricultural bankruptcy in l. in crop farming, a new branch of agriculture On monkeys, fish, & Brazilian agricultural British agricultural market as European EcNorth Carolina agriculture. Use of agricultural census materials of 1916 insecticide chemicals to certain agricultural Comments on change in agriculture, 1790--1 Comments on measuring agricultural change for geographical study of agricultural change Change in agriculture: relevance of agricultuUse of chemicals in agriculture, an important Agricultural chemicals & citrus industry. [PUse of chemicals in agriculture, an important at stations of agricultural chemistry. Agricultural co-operation in Ireland. of processed agricultural commodities: consProper stacking of agricultural commodities European Community, Common Agricultural prerequisites of competitive agriculture. of sewage sludge compost in agriculture. 10th congress & agriculture. Agriculture & conservation of water resource concrete used in agricultural construction. Agricultural construction in Mongolian PeoCentral Institute for Agricultural Control & Information in agricultural cooperation. Agricultural cooperation & its function in frDevelopment of cooperative agricultural eng. at Unified Agricultural Cooperatives in ZnoFinancing agricultural cooperatives in Japan Agricultural credit information. during growth of some agricultural crops in lichalschovi Hum. on agricultural crops in plant residues of some agricultural crops. Imigation of agricultural crops by mineralizCuratorial agriculture. Integration in Danish agriculture. Where was "great agricultural depression"? its derivatives used in agriculture. populations deriving from agriculture, from fish, & Brazilian agricultural development: Complex development of agriculture in Smoplan for agricultural development in German in technical development of agriculture in forecasts for development of agriculture. problems in development of agriculture & foforecasting of agricultural development. mechanization development in agriculture. Impact of agricultural development on aquatEmployment & wages in dual agriculture. An earlier agricultural revolution. (History] relevance of agricultural economics. years old. (Agricultural economics). years old. (Agricultural economics). long research life in agricultural economics. program in action. (Agricultural economics, Agricultural economy of Thailand. Agricultural economy & trade of Spain. Changes in higher agricultural education & barren area & its effect on agriculture (from basic capital on effectiveness of agriculture of materials & energies in agriculture. from American agricultural enginecring. of damages in agricultural engineering. of cooperative agricultural engineering & teimpact on efficiency of English agriculture in material interest in agricultural enterprises. management of agricultural enterprises. Agriculture & environmental protection. Why are agricultural equipments bought. Afforestation of badly eroded agricultural laapprentice examination in agriculture. Th annual report, Agricultural Experiment Technical design of agricultural experiments Using explosives for agricultural & forest aas perceived by agricultural extension officeof farm planning in agricultural extension pChanges in total u.s. agricultural factor proGendeman farmer & new agriculture: Jeremin shipping systems for farmer agricultural management level of agricultural farms in a A trip in Germany: federal agriculture today of a century in agriculture of Ferrara. deepening cooperation in field of agriculture Financing agricultural cooperatives in Japan Agriculture of Finland. allocation for financial & agricultural firms research on future. (Agricultural forecasting German agriculture, reduced but strong. of waste waters in agriculture of German DWhere was "great agricultural depression"? On analysis of growth of agriculture by indicutting apparatus of agricultural harvesters. Faculty of Agriculture of Hebrew University adoption in Indian agriculture-- high yielding Changes in higher agricultural education & Outdoor museums & historical agriculture. I Problems of agricultural history, 1790--1840 on research & writing in agricultural history Problems in aggregate agricultural history. I

066887 066618 073485 066553 067103 066523 066558 074578 066507 066508 066516 066626 074328 074996 076696 076373 066686 067062 067598 067018 066625 076730 067244 077115 071065 075976 066520 066788 067130 076064 066633 066883 066893 072346 075150 076414 077104 066514 066809 066618 072144 066922 066553 067152 067212 067213 067214 067220 067221 076184 077177 066787 066592 066626 066631 066632 066674 067151 066676 067088 066524 076893 066918 075966 075958 075959 076064 066554 0667; 066789 077206 076125 070850 066543 066591 066517 075917 066537 066699 066841 066506 066938 066697 067197 066501 067211 066883 066616 066683 067250 066529 077073 066618 067126 076163 066550 066565 066524 066515 066509 066510 066511

History of agriculture in northern United S- 066512 of integration in agriculture of Hungary. 066563 weather modification for Illinois agriculture 077019 Tools & implements of agriculture. ( u.s.). 076008 economic implications for agriculture & ind- 067025 in Hungary & its agricultural importance. 076225 Distribution of agricultural income by econ- 066894 Further possibilities to increase agricultural 067245 Innovation adoption in Indian agriculture-- 066565 Thrice industralization of agriculture.

066783 Use of basic capital in agricultural-industrial 066857 of trade between industry & agriculture. 066668 Mechanization--agriculture--industry.

075943 Information & agriculture.

066580 Growth of agricultural information.

066582 Sources for agricultural information & guid- 066601 Termites--a dangerous insect of agriculture. 074594 experimental farm of agricultural institute at 073346 from Allahabad Agricultural Institute, u.p., 074299 effectiveness of intensifying agriculture.

066812 Agriculture in international strategy of social 067196 Problems of Iraq agriculture.

066614 Division of labor in agriculture & process of 066739 socialist division of labor in agriculture.

066774 of mechanical labor in agriculture.

066775 of mechanized cadres. (Agricultural labor). 066821 Agricultural labour in India.

066746 Agriculture in Lampung, Indonesia.

066586 Relief & peculiarities of agricultural land use 066621 Development of agricultural land use of hill 066675 Nutrient losses from agricultural land.

076928 for surface drainage of agricultural land for 077039 of badly eroded agricultural lands--a social 070850 on water balance of agricultural lands.

076971 temporary water in agricultural lands with a 077092 Agriculture & landscape.

066579 techniques in Lebanese agriculture.

066656 High level of agriculture & animal husband- 066606 perspective problems of agricultural machine 076025 construction of agricultural machinery.

075946 Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery.

076155 of chassis of agricultural machinery by met- 076159 Agricultural machines & equipment in new 067155 protection of agricultural machines & equip- 076085 of fleet of tractors & agricultural machines 076086 Bench for running in agricultural machines 076091 of working parts of agricultural machines. 076169 for tractors & agricultural machines.

076172 methods in agricultural management.

066709 methods in agricultural management; syste- 066717 systems for farmer agricultural market cent- 066938 British agricultural market as European Ec- 067103 cooperatives for use of agricultural material 075945 Comments on measuring agricultural change 066508 repairing. (Agricultural mechanics).

076021 development of agricultural mechanization. 075942 Mechanization--agriculture--industry.

075943 of research in agricultural mechanization. 075949 in stations for mechanization of agriculture. 076079 enterprises for mechanization of agriculture 076081 enterprises for mechanization of agriculture 076083 services for mechanization of agriculture, 076087 research in mechanization of agriculture in 076099 formation in mechanized agriculture.

075948 future planning of mechanized agriculture. 076117 of first importance of ministry of agriculture 067447 managing strategy of misato Agricultural As- 066950 of plant protection in modern agriculture. 074317 of weather modification on agriculture in Ill- 072809 at Bambey National Agricultural Research 071883 Changes in agricultural organizations mana- 066707 in efficiently oriented agriculture.

076015 Soil erosion of agricultural part of Karagan- 076895 chemicals to certain agricultural pests.

074578 Agricultural plants. ( u.s.).

071182 for a livestock battle. (Agricultural policies, 067168 Community, Common Agricultural Policy) g. 067018 Agricultural policy in countries signatory to 067150 Some aspects of agricultural policy in u.k. 067240 Insight into Polish agriculture.

066599 use of machine-tractor pools in agriculture. 076177 Projections of world agricultural population 067158 Income of agricultural populations deriving 066922 Property prices in agriculture.

066907 Disparity in agricultural prices of world. 067061 explanatory factor in agricultural problems. 077197 Imports of processed agricultural commoditi- 067062 aspects of food & agricultural processing in- 077213 effectiveness of agricultural production at U. 066633 industrialization of agricultural production. 066671 planning of agricultural production.

066725 concentration of agricultural production at 066810 of increase of agricultural production efficie- 066816 optimal planning of agricultural production; 066829 function must end. (Agricultural production 067030 Criteria for agricultural production level in 067110 Analysis of output of agricultural production 067127 to increase agricultural production.

067245 in councils for agricultural production & food 069614 in different types of agricultural production 074543 automation of agricultural production.

076179 of hiking labor productivity in agriculture. 066786

Agricultural productivity in independent Indssr in raising of agricultural productivity. to price formation. (Agricultural products). determines cost. (Agricultural products). material incentives. (Agricultural products] marketing systems. (agricultural products). standards of agricultural products & its marimprovement of agricultural products. 10. Tin nineteen-thrities. (Agricultural products] used in optimization of agricultural products further development. (Agricultural products, cut u.s. trade in agricultural products with seasonal prices for agricultural products. state purchases of agricultural products. contract negotiations. (Agricultural products of purchase prices of agricultural products. standards of agricultural products & its marlaw & regulation. [Agricultural products). quality class control. (Agricultural products] improvement of agricultural products. 9. tea improvement of agricultural products. 10. Teconomy (Agricultural products). as packing materials. (Agricultural products Use of some agricultural by-products in feedUse of linear programming in agriculture. socialist reconstruction of agriculture. On problems of agricultural regionalization Natural & agricultural regionalization on badevelopment in agricultural repairing. (Agrilink. (Communications, agricultural research in United States. (Agricultural research). Information & agricultural research. of orthogonal arrays. (Agricultural research] at Bambey National Agricultural Research An earlier agricultural revolution. (History] Project revolutionises agriculture on hills. Recent changes in agricultural role of indusof interest to agriculture of Romania. for Stockbridge School of Agriculture. Agricultural schools agree with idea of group by a course of study in agricultural science. cooperation in field of agricultural science. Lenin academy of agricultural sciences acad. All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences of farm economy & of agricultural sector. New credit policy for agricultural sector. On increasing activity of agricultural self-goprogram of Slovenian agriculture for 1971-1 Socialist agriculture & rural management in animal production in socialist agriculture. background of complexes of agricultural soil Ocnerodrilidae (Olig.) from agricultural soils Organisation) & agricultural statistics. [Indterminology in agricultural statistics more pmicroorganisms on some stored agricultural some problems of re-structuring agriculture expectation from job of agriculture students under uncertainty in subsistence agriculture between properties & agricultural suitability Agriculture & survival of partridges. Terms of trade as a tax on agriculture: HunAgriculture & technical investments--a situaradoption of new agricultural techniques in Lon science & technology in agriculture. in adoption of agricultural technology. Policies on agricultural technology. Institute of Agricultural Technology at Rovof different crops in agriculture of terrain of mechanization of the Austrian agriculture, s. Food substitutes--threat to agriculture? Developing ties between agriculture & indusA trip in Germany: federal agriculture today Nuclear tools in agriculture & animal husbaSocialist transformations in agriculture. Agricultural trends affecting foundation seed An optimal program for Tunisian agriculture production at Unified Agricultural Cooperatrape grown on Agricultural University Farm of water-free ammonia in agriculture of usa with complexes of agricultural usefulness of Agriculture of ussr in ninth Five-Year-Plan. Agricultural waste management. nutrient control for agricultural wastewaters Agricultural water management. Agricultural water. of national cadres for agricultural work. (MStudies on fatigue of agricultural worker. Projections of world agricultural population of cultivated plants during agricultural year Insecticides in agriculture of Yugoslavia.

067157 072440 066854 066858 066860 066935 066936 066961 066978 066979 066992 067012 067045 067096 067097 067101 067261 067327 067328 067595 067596 067627 067628 068854 067111 066772 066623 066659 076021 066500 066551 066581 066597 071883 066592 067160 066590 072892 066570 066525 066541 067210 066607 066609 066610 066695 066869 066681 067237 066498 069615 066659 076298 067107 067125 074026 066680 066522 066669 076372 077241 067039 066754 066656 066513 066566 067134 076005 066658 068282 067428 066665 067197 066538 066562 067608 066588 066633 072889 076778 066658 067223 077159 077231 076977 076989 066561 066574 067158 074356 074655

Page 11

066888 068842 076636 068254 069116 076098 07414 074140 074166 07466 07466 074670 073522 07401 07466 06825 07286 068254 07335 07646 07401 068871 07447 073543 07293 0735007268

ALAR dimethyl hydrazide (Alar) or scoring on gr

AGRONOMY Agronomical aspects of use of power station Agronomic & biological significance of hedgself-infertility & agronomic characters in alfAgronomic efficiency of method & manuring of several anti-erosion agronomic measures of Federal Station of Agronomical Research Institute of Tropical Agronomic Research), Biennial report, 1969--71: agronomy seed faAGROPYRON of crested wheatgrass. (Agropyron). in southern Idaho. (Agropyron cristatum, A. Artemisia tridentata, Agropyron desertorum resistance of Agropyron pectiniforme & Agro development in rhizome of Agropyron repens. Agropyron repens L. control with tca pre-e. of Aristida longiseta & Agropyron spicatum wheatgrass to clipping. (Agropyron spicatum) AGROTECHNOLOGY Agrotechnical control of Cephus pygmeus on AGROTIS of digestive tract of Agrotis exclamationis. overwintering generations of Agrotis segetum AID acid-2,2-dimethylhydrazide as an aid in mecLot feeding as an aid to property managemlabor. (Bulgaria, Mongolia, foreign aid prog. Government aid to farming. 1. What gover. Government aid to farming. 2. Assistance reGovernment aid to farming. 3. What goverEtherphon: a post-harvest aid to ripen proc. in forest plantations with aid of herbicides. Catalase iest; an aid in identification of BacA production aid for staked tomatoes & othWith aid of Soviet trade unions. (Forest labIdentification with aid of standard projectio

Economics of growing & feeding alfalfa & cosericea lespedeza, & alfalfa forages. Use of urea in alfalfa grown for seeds. Processing alfalfa hay. cattle fattening with sugarcane, alfalfa hay packing of mixed feedstuffs & alfalfa meal. Alfalfa mosaic virus in lucerne plants & its Efficiency of alfalfa mosaic virus transmissiTransmission of alfalfa mosaic virus by aphiAlfalfa mosaic virus in lucerne plants & its Efficiency of alfalfa mosaic virus transmissiTransmission of alfalfa mosaic virus by aphiPlanting of alfalfa in irrigated culture in sprscoparium by planting alfalfa seedlings in tea germination capacity of alfalfa pollen. Harvesting & preservation of alfalfa. On fertilization process of alfalfa. Processing alfalfa hay. subsequent regrowth of alfalfa (Medicago saDynamics of water-soluble salts under alfalfa scoparium by planting alfalfa seedlings in tea nutritive matter in composite alfalfa silages Control of weeds in alfalfa stands by applicof barley with underseeding of alfalfa. winter hardiness of alfalfa varieties. Yielding characteristic of alfalfa varieties. physiological processes & yields of alfalfa. ALGAE Baltic Sea during summer season. (Algae). Green snow & ice from Antarctica. (Algae). pond in Kalyani, W. Bengal, India. (Algae) fragments of blue-green alga Anabaena variSterols of some Chesapeake Bay algae. a brief note on morphology of certain algal number in certain species of Chara algae of cable theory for cells of algae Characeae. mutants in green alga Chlamydomonas reinResponse of alga Chlorella sorokiniana to 6 parasitism on cells of green alga Chlorella vBory maintained in uni-algal culture on a sH, 2H, & isotope hybrid algal cytochrome, Flocculation of algae with synthetic polymerAlgae flora in rice fields in environs of KocAlgae flora in region of upper Gulcha River On occurrence of fossil alga from Syringothcell. (Caulerpa sedoides & freshwater alga A revision of species of algal genus Porphyra preparations of blue-green alga Gloeocapsa Blue-green alga Scytonema stuposum (Kutz) in taxonomy of some blue-green algae. ribosome deficient mutants in green alga Chbroken cell preparations of blue-green alga in heterocysts of a blue-green alga. Studies on utilization of green algae as food of membrane fragments of blue-green alga parasitism on cells of green alga Chlorella vto collapse vacuoles of blue-green algae. (C. nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae under of IH, 2H, & isotope hybrid algal cytochrophytohormones in red alga Lithothamnion cof organic substances of marine algae by soil Algal & other microbial isolated proteins. Caulerpa sedoides & freshwater alga Nitella Extracellular products of algae in freshwater type species of flagellates & algae published to study of phytohormones in red alga LithoBlue-green alga Scytonema stuposum (Kutz) Effect of inoculation with alga Tolypothrix Gaillon) Bory maintained in uni-algal culture on morphology of certain algal zygospores) ALGEBRA Algebraic models for describing growth of cALGINATES pomonella L.) on calcium alginate gels.

ALCOHOL of reaction of eliminating benzyl alcohol gr. of reaction of elimination of benzyl alcohol volatile nitrosamines in alcoholic beverages. Variability of alcohol dehydrogenase activity in wines during alcoholic fermentation. of ducks during alcoholic intoxication. manufacturing formula for alcoholic liquors. exchange in boiling water-alcoholic mixtures of lactating dairy cow secreting alcohol-test their symbionts with alcohol solution of pl

070966 070967 067600 075466 068144 070408 068145 067708 068662 075453

ALDEHYDES Stoichiometric studies on aryl-aldehyde: na-

07123 07126 07131 07253 07228 07146 07186 07171 07179 07248 07413 07214 07223 07262 07148. 07150 07132 07229. 07145 07226 06737 07139 07179 07226 07241 07243 07253 07413 07456 07648 07223 07214 07624 06766 07229 07230 07134 07214 06737 07623 07214 07146

073043 069080 067222 067232 067233 067234 068193 074SSS 075874 076123 070483 075551

ALDERS European alder (Alnus glutinosa Gaert.). (E- ALDICARB methomyl, & aldicarb for control of root kn- Permeability of nematodes to Aldicarb, a no

AIR with photoperiod, light intensity, & air-humClean Air Amendments of 1970 & air pollut. Fungi in insulating board & in air within miClean Air Amendments of 1970 & air pollut. Efficiency of commercial air filters against of co2 (carbon dioxide) concentration of air temperature rising processe of cooler air m. Air cushioned structure for cultivation of plcomponents in soil. I. Oxidation in air-dried Conversion coefficients for air-dry mass as Active ventilation with air ducts. (Grain). Air, primordial factor of environment. Efficiency of commercial air filters against when they are heated by hot air. of temperature combined with air-humidity rising processes of cooler air mass over land On nonuniformity of air & water permeabiliLeisure in open air: is it possible to evaluate of female Beagles exposed to air pollutants no2 (nitrogen dioxide) polluted air upon ultits significance as an air pollution indicator Lichens & air pollution in Graz area. Lichens: bioassay for air pollution in a metre its significance as an air pollution indicator Air Amendments of 1970 & air pollution as. Lichens & air pollution in Graz area. Lichens: bioassay for air pollution in a metr. of cuticular intima & functions of air sacs in of carbon dioxide content in soil air under s. Air-spora of Mysore. A device for catching fungal spores from air NH3 (Ammonia) content of stall air & its i. of roois & its correlation to air supply. (CoDactylis glomerata L.) stored in air-tight cocompaction on content & transmission of air of pesticides between soil, water & air.

ALEURONE for amylase synthesis by barley aleurone laamylase formation in isolated aleurone laye. Studies on aleurone layer. I. Conventional ALEYRODES on population dynamics of Aleyrodes asar S.

072729 077213 073997 077213 069769 072511 076554 075970 076609 072637 075963 072222 069769 075990 072931 076554 076449 070713 070406 074329 071559 071633 072588 077142 077213 077238 077254 075083 076927 071358 071198 070453 072638 072969 076322 075014

Quaintance & Baker (Aleyrodidae: Hemipte- ALEYRODOIDEA asari Wunn (Homoptera, Aleyrodina).

ALIMENTARY Pionicorn & alimentation of animals for meAlimentary causes in fetus losses. (Livestock Consequences of alimentation mainly componiger. 7. Tests in alimentation of growing po requirements & alimentation levels of dairy insulin secretion & alimentary lipaemia in hrye as corn substitute in mixed alimentation ALIPHATIC Separation of aliphatic amines in dilute aqu

06905 07038 06912 06915 06889 06752 06913

AIRBORNE Inhibition of growth of airborne coliforms & notrogen dioxide) on airborne Venezuelan e.

ALKALI of kinetics of process of absorption of alkali acidity olive oils; neutralization with alkali. spruce wood during processing with alkalis.

07097 06821 07097 072210 072288

of Picea wood during alkali processing. of dityrosine from an alkali-soluble connectiEffect of aqueous solutions of alkalis on xylcontaining cither raw or alkali-treated sugarALKALINE Pinus & Betula during alkaline cooking. of lignin molecule by alkaline hydrolysis. On Alkaline phosphatase of buffalo milk. I. DisEndocrine control of alkaline phosphatase iEffect of hormones on alkaline phosphatase Alkaline phosphatase in cytoplasmic droplet Changes in plasma alkaline phosphatase in calcium, phosphorus & alkaline phosphatase Alkaline phosphatase of Drosophila melanoof evolution of alkaline phosphatases of heod osmotic-tolerance of alkaline & fertile sohumidity on osmotic-tolerance of alkaline & on osmotic-tolerance of alkaline & fertile sohumidity on osmotic-tolerance of alkaline & structure of funoran by alkaline treatment.

071149 070960 067814 068670 068671 069388 069816 070019 075177 075107 072460 072461 076412 076413 072174

072594 072163 072278 072246 073071 072546 072590 068847 072547 072540 072551 072254 072547 072246 073071 073254 073311 072230 072550 072189 072625 072628 072605 072253 0704 16 072627 072251 072605 072628 072230 072601 072499 072232

Influence of alternate furrow irrigation & t- An alternate host plant of Utetheisa pulchel-

ALKALOIDS dew Daphniphyllum (macropodum) alkaloid Alkaloid accumulation in latex. Studies on alkaloids of Annona glabra L. I. Studies on indole alkaloid biosynthesis. (ViMechanisms of indole alkaloid biosynthesis. Thin layer chromatography of alkaloids from of rhazinilam, a new class of alkaloids from with varying degrees of alkaloid content in stage & maturity on gluco-alkaloid content Crystalline alkaloids from Hippeastrum equ. of occurrence of ergoline alkaloids in seeds On alkaloids of Fumaria vaillantti Lois. of fruit stage & maturity on gluco-alkaloid cStudies on indole alkaloid biosynthesis. (Vi. Mechanisms of indole alkaloid biosynthesis. a new indolopyridoquinazoline alkaloid from Structure of evozine, an alkaloid isolated frof 2-benzyl-isoquinoline alkaloid Sendaverine Alkaloids in leaves of Combretum micranthlovestigation of alkaloids of Leontice smirnAlkaloid N-oxides. (Plants). Noxides of oxindole alkaloids rhynchophyllXI. Amphibin-A, a new peptid alkaloid from two new phenanthrene alkaloids from Thalihepatotoxicity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. [Ranalysis of pyrrolizidine alkaloid N-oxides. Alkaloids of representatives of family LeguAlkaloids of Rhamnaceae. XI. Amphibin-A, of oxindole alkaloids rhynchophylline & isoof 2-benzyl-isoquinoline alkaloid Sendaverine. Swazine, a new alkaloid from Senecio swaziphysiology of formation of tropic alkaloids in an alkaloid from Zanthoxylum conspersipun. ALKYDS Composition of dehydrated castor oil alkyds induced by moisture of an alkyd paint systALKYL 6-Alkyl-1,4-naphthoquinones from defensive ALLELE Influence of an allele difference on occurreninteraction between two S alleles in a sporoRecombination between meth A alleles in ASome properties of five non-allelic beta-D-fA third Mele of serum esterases in domestic

Amino acid sequence studies of horseradish Amino acid pool components as regulators of Changes of amino acid content in Libanotis Amino acid balance of proteins of maize & Amino-acid content of some fodder Graminefertilizers on protein & some amino acid coChanges of amino acid composition of peptiAmino acid composition of roots & surface in improving fractional & amino acid content effect of a sulfur containing amino acid, S-mAmino-acid composition of white root crops Amino acid composition of euglobulins of we Pyrrhocoridae, Hemiptera). 1. Amino acidsAmino acid dynamics in ionite substrate with of grain: its effect on amino acids & vitamins determination of free amino acids in honey. acids & browning solutions of amino acids wFree amino acids in ultrasonic vibrations-trResearch on reaction of certain amino acids New amino acids formed in hair during unhrelease & metabolism of free amino acids. on metabolism of nitrogen & amino acids in fodders on concentration of free amino acids index for predicting limiting amino acids of Intestinal absorption of amino acids in vitro Quantitative studies on amino acids absorptEffect of amino acids in feed rations on groDistribution of free amino acids between plabailability of dietary amino acids. Utilization of synthetic amino acids in feedsFree amino acids in ram seminal plasma. from small intestine of amino-acids, carbohMetabolic pool of proteins & amino acids in stage in rice plant. V iii. Free amino acids in Uptake of amino acids by actidione-treated Uptake of amino acids by actidione-treated Uptake of amino acids by actidione-treated deficiency on content of free amino acids in Amino acids as complementary factors for gradiation on content of free amino acids in Dynamics of free amino acids in sugar beets Conjugated amino acids in non-cationic fractParticipation of amino acids in synthesis of Free amino acids as affected by light intensiherbicides on content of bound amino acids Changes in levels of free amino acids in muFree amino acids in tissues of Scirpophaga nChanges of content of free amino acids in tiGas chromatographic analysis of amino acids Biosynthesis of free amino acids by soil michumic acids & their content of amino acids. Total amino acies in hydrolysates of olive frcipc herbicides on content of bound amino aon antioxidant activity of amino-carbonyl reon antioxidant activity of amino-carbonyl reResearch on reaction of certain amino acids Conjugated amino acids in non-cationic fracteffect of a sulfur containing amino acid, S-mto determine abailability of dietary amino amethod of extracting amino acids from ionite Isolation & determination of free amino aciFree amino acids in ultrasonic vibrations-trrelease & metabolism of free amino acids. fodders on concentration of free amino acids N[nitrogen)-metabolites & free aminoacids Distribution of free amino acids between plFree amino acids in ram seminal plasma. stage in rice plant. V ïïi. Free amino acids in Free amino acid responses of Euphorbia pulnutrient deficiency on content of free amino ionizing radiation on content of free amino Dynamics of free amino acids in sugar beets Free amino acids as affected by light intensiChanges in levels of free amino acids in muFree amino acids in tissues of Scirpophaga nChanges of content of free amino acids in tiBiosynthesis of free amino acids by soil micamino-4-imidazolecarboxamide in folate-defi. index for predicting limiting amino acids of Accumulation of 5'-phosphoribosyl-5-aminoby bacteria treatment with 2-amino-purine on activity specific for p-amino-salicylic acid nature of products of sugar-amino acid reactof soy sauce with that of a sugar-amino acid Utilization of synthetic amino acids in feeds4-amino-6-tert. butyl-3-(methylthio) 1,2,4-trTotal amino acies in hydrolysates of olive fr

072257 072309 072498 072792 072902 072934 072948 072949 072964 073090 073133 073164 075484 076416 067391 067626 067737 067778 067941 068428 068498 068553 068563 068605 068693 069013 069061 069088 069096 069130 069352 069761 070408 071916 072351 072352 072353 072702 072743 072954 072966 072990 073103 073236 074548 075185 075219 075872 076564 076582 076596 075410 074548 067737 067738 067941 072990 073090 069096 076240 067626 067778 068498 068563 068937 069088 069352 071916 072218 072702 072954 072966 073236 075185 075219 075872 076582 072991 068605 072991 071876 072435 067260 067982 069130 074497 075410

ALUM Alum-precipitated & sodium-hydroxide-conj. ALUMINUM compounds in migration of iron, aluminum, formation in roots of aluminum-damaged cotFree oxides of iron & aluminium in main soil specificity of localization of aluminum 3+ in assessment of iron & aluminum phosphates On role of aluminum & iron in diagnosis of

076439 072880 076539 073009 076655 076471

071903 071965 071939 072267 069270

ALLERGY with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis Heterogeneity of allergens from, & homocyl. of antigenic & allergenic proteins in pollenALLIUM of veratrine on mitoses in Allium cepa. (Onimdiation of epidermal cells of Allium cepa of different varieties of onion, Allium cepa to acid on dividing cells. (Allium fistulosum). Allium fuscoviolaceum Fom.--as a new source meristematic cells of Allium sativum L. (Ga

071773 071851 074761 072347 072194 072980

AMBROSIA seed dormancy in Ambrosia artemisiifolia. species associated with aspen ambrosia beetin pollen-grain walls of Ambrosia Spp. (ragAMINES Separation of aliphatic amines in dilute aquAMINO nature of products of sugar-amino acid reactflour on quality, acceptability, & amino acid Amino acid fortification of foods. Protein nutritive value of amino acid supplvalue of proteins based on amino acid analysoy sauce with that of a sugar-amino acid mAmino acid concentrations in some poultry of a microheterogeneity in amino acid sequein feed rations balanced by amino acid comEffect of amino acid composition of pasture Specific characteristics of amino acid compoEffect of amino acid supplementation of milAmino acid supplementation of hydrocarbon Amino acid metabolism in gastrointestinal tbovine rhinotracheitis virus. I ii. Amino acid Free amino acid responses of Euphorbia pulAmino acid sequence studies of horseradish

067260 067525 067543 067570 067584 067982 068243 068529 068559 068563 068565 068985 069022 069222 069781 072218 072256

ALLOXAN in tissues of normal & alloxan-diabetic sheep ALLOYS New mixture of hard alloy for coating of woSuinless steel & nickel alloy to avoid corroALLUVIAL of nitrogen in soils of certain alluvial meadcontent & dry density in an alluvial clayey Liny alluvial meadow soils (Kalkpaternia) of moisture content in an alluvial sandy padGrowing rainfed rice on alluvial soils in nor

076457 076443 076593 076444 073359

AMMI On germination of seeds of Ammi majus uninduction of polyembryony in Ammi majus AMMONIA winter wheat with anhydrous ammonia. Late application of ammonia to spring crops Regulatory effects of ammonia on carbon mOn consumption of water-free ammonia in aAction of metallic sodium in liquid ammonia of Pisum phenylalanine ammonia-lyase by Pdevelopment of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase chemical status of soil, & ammonia nitrogen NH3 (Ammonia) content of stall air & its iAmmonia-treated corn silage for dairy cattle of nitrogen by volatilization of ammonia aft

076852 076806 072238 076778 070870 073091 073179 076684 070453 069006 076687

ANALOGS hormone activity. IX. Analogues of Cecropia 075131 Effects of certain analogs of juvenile hormo- 075169 Selectivity of effect of certain analogs of ju. 075171 Effect of some analogues of chlorophos on c- 070004 Digital-analog simulation. (Horticulture). 073784 Chemical elements & analogs (strontium.-90 072303 Effective dosis of juvenile hormone analogues 074570 Effects of a juvenile hormone analogue on a. 074599 development with a juvenile hormone analog 075295 Metabolism of juvenile hormone analogue 075452 Methionine hydroxy analogue for high-prod- 068437 Methionine hydroxy analog for lactating dai- 069002 Value of methionine hydroxy analog as a rat- 069166 Effects of an analog of juvenile hormone on 075168 Production of sterile analogues of winter rye 072109 effects of halogenated thymidine analogues 075178 effects of halogenated thymidine analogs on 075281 Study on analogy of wood of Carelian birch 074244

AMMONIUM rocks for phosphoric acid ammonium phospAdministration of ammonium & sodium phoblood by an improved ammonium chloride chloroethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride on A comparison of ammonium & nitrate nitroAntiseptics containing ammonium tetrafluorOn determining ammonium nitrate in organ: Essentiality of ammonium for cranberry nut. Comparison of urea & ammonium nitrate us. Timing & placement of ammonium nitrate on layer silicates by ammonium oxalate, sodium Regulating role of ammonium in reduction of of utilization of nitrogen of ammonium salts feeding young swine with ammonium sulfate melongena L.). (Ammonium sulphate, urea, AMNIOTIC Fine structure of epithelia of amnion, umbili. AMORPHOPHALLUS of konjac mannan. (Amorphophallus). on konjak plants. (Amorphophallus rivieri)

076828 068959 068657 073136 076662 070973 076787 073045 076742 076829 076287 076252 068571 068972 071825

Multidimensionnal analysis in phytosociolo- Multivariate analysis in black-gram (Phaseo- Analysis of nematofauna structure in compo- A niche analysis of Colorado ants. (Formici- An analysis of odorous constituents produced

Serum enzymes in cattle: Organ analysis &

Analysis of output of agricultural production Partial analysis of internal controls at forest Path analysis of yield components in hybrid Analysis of pattern in Atriplex vesicaria co- Analysis of pesticide residues: immunological Analysis of phosphates in foods. Rapid routine soil & plant analysis without Pollen analysis of post-Glacial sapropel mu- Diptera: Sepsidae). I. A preliminary analysis Electron-probe microanalysis of silicon in ep- An analysis of production process of cultiva- Fatty acid content & proximate analysis of Occurrence & analysis of pyrrolizidine alka- of this technique to quantitative analysis of on Drosophila. I. Quantitative analysis of le- A qualitative-quantitative analysis of hibern- from Apocynaceae, by X-ray analysis. Multiple regression analysis of grain yield in Analysis & regulation of sowing. (Fertilizers Analysis of relationship between undergrou- Analysis of relative area of different crops in used for pesticide residue analysis. Flame detectors for residue analysis by glc. spectrophotometry in residue analysis; spect- Residue analysis of phosphorus & sulphurous spectrometry to pesticide residue analysis. Application of tree-ring analysis. efficiency in cross-sectional analysis of prod- A labor situation analysis of northeastern pr- equipment. I. Routine soil analysis. of multivariate statistical analysis. Method of statistical analysis of spatial dist- Statistical analysis of irradiation-damaged p- Stem analysis of some Casuarina spp. grown An analysis of strip-mining & local taxation Analysis of suint. Analysis of supply functions from production Leaf analysis survey of Pullar's Cling peach Pulpwood production systems analysis--a si- Analysis of technical pesticides & their for- Possible limits of ultramicro analysis. (Pest- in Kojima Bay based on analysis of variance Application of analysis of variance to mean An analysis of vegetative cover of narrow b- farmers. I. Laboratory analysis versus food products encountered on vitamin A analysis. chromatography for analysis of volatile fatty Analysis of yield--determining process & its ANALYZERS Testing analyzers of wood chips for industri- ANAPHES

Anagrus atomus (L.) & Anaphes autumnalis

Distribution of Anaphes flavipes in Europe ANAPLASMA practical plan for controlling anaplasmosis l-

0671 0706 0720 0715 0749 0676 0762 0714 0751 0718 0735 0677 0726 0677 0751 0751 0725 0720 0768 0770 0666 0749 0749 0749 0749 0750 0705 0668 0711 0762 0688 0715 0717 0705 0671 0678 0671 0730 0709 0750 0749 0764 0770 0716 0675 0675 0690 0727

AMPHIBIAN ddt, dieldrin & 2,4-D on amphibian spawn peptid alkaloid from Ziziphys amphibia A. AMPICILLIN Activity of ampicillin in cases of colibacillosAMSACTA a larval-pupal parasite of Amsacta moorei B AMYGDALUS vulgaris Mill. & Amygdalus communis L. in attention & development. (Prunus amygdalus,

ANALYSIS an analysis of achievement to 1967/68.

067200 An analysis of anthocyanidins in certain gla- 073214 of plant groups by association analysis.

071653 Analysis of attributes of insolvent farmers in 066849 A diagram of bacteriological analysis of soft 067862 A diagram of bacteriological analysis of ice 067867 A diagram of bacteriological analysis of a m- 067870 Experimental model for behavioral analysis 075091 Bioecological analysis of meadow flora of C. 071603 Statistical & biometrical analysis of trees pl- 070845 air-dry mass as applied to botanical analysis 072637 Analysis of causes of malformation in Golden 073191 methods: a comparison of chemical analysis 067523 Gas chromatographic analysis of amino acids 076564 Path coefficient analysis of seed yield in lin- 071996 Comparative analysis of farming effectivene- 066923 An analysis of competition between plants of 071367 Principal component analysis on decrease of 067119 Comprehensive analysis of formation of food 067307 Analysis of conditions of hydrolysis & slight- 068010 An analysis of consumers' demand for meat 067065 Use of content analysis in resource decision 070623 Correlation analysis of physical & chemical 072958 Methods of analysis of cost of production of 066910 Cytogenetic analysis of calves with congenit. 070293 A developmental analysis of uptake & relea. 075349 Diallel analysis of earliness in pearlmillet. 072012 Fractional diallel analysis of some quality c- 072021 in biological material by dillution analysis. 072574 Multiple discriminant analysis for studying 066583 An economic analysis of Indian behavior in 066556 Economic analysis of selected low-income fa- 066763 An economic analysis of Indian behavior in 067040 Economic analysis of alternative methods for 077211 Statistical & economical analysis of mechan- 066633 Electrophoretic analysis of ribosomal & viral 074157 Analysis for epuration in beer rectifying ap- 067707 Analysis of exuded plant sap as a means for 072304 A comparison of ileal & faecal analysis to do 069096 cropping system. I. Analysis of farmyard m. 076693 Economic Community for analysis of feed c- 069161 on yield of soybean. II. Analysis of fertility 073516 iron & copper ions. (Fertilizer analysis). 076763 of maritime Alps. 1. Analysis of floristic data 071641 linear programming, cash-flow analysis, & c. 066682 Protein fraction analysis & perspective of its 072806 of certain Salsola species: general analysis, 072545 Genetic analysis of mitochondrial resistance 071967 Geographical analysis of farm-labor in Fujis. 066596 Zoo-geographical analysis of Orthopthera f. 075858 by higher plants: analysis of geotonic data f- 072389 On analysis of growth of agriculture by indi. 067126 Analysis of half-carcass & chemical composi- 067957 Analysis of health problems in calf houses 069678 Hops Advisory Committee: analysis of hops 067702 Immunodiffusion analysis of isolates of Xan- 074115 Analysis of insect trophic diversity in two s- 075235 of Drosophila studied by inversion analysis 075533 A comparative karyological analysis of two 075539 of 24 Istrian farmers. I. Laboratory analysis 067565 Leaf analysis survey of Pullar's Cling peach 073056 of lichens. 87. New analysis of lichens.

072624 Linkage analysis by reciprocal translocation 072049 Analysis of lipid during life cycle of house c- 075380 Luminescent analysis of tubers. (Plant disea- 074377 Analysis of meat efficiency tests in pigs at s- 067958 automatic apparatus for mechanical analysis 076599 Application of unit graph method of analysis 077080 tolerance levels & analysis methods.

067371 Applying agrochemical methods of analysis 076402 national economy: microbiological analysis of 067370 Micrometric analysis of some Teliosporae p- 071712 Analysis of micronutrient content of some p- 072652 electron microprobe analysis of two residual 076290 Electron-microscopic analysis of liposome f. 072443 Electron-microscopic analysis of assimilate 072838 of control methods in analysis of milk & dai- 067421 an automatic apparatus in analysis of milk 076126 of soils for minerological analysis.

076223 Morphometric analysis of anthelminticand 069563

AMYLASES X ix. Activation of zymogen beta-amylase in E, trypsin, chymotrypsin & amylase in pancto herbicide treatment in amylase enzymes Alpha-glucans & amylases in Aspergillus nig. from porcine pancreatic alpha-amylase. acid-resistant & non-acid-resistant amylases Genetic polymorphism of serum amylase in Studies on alpha-amylase & phosphatase of Ferric ion requirement for amylase synthesis inhibition of alpha-amylase synthesis in barI ii. Structure & activity of Taka-amylase A.

072642 068915 072640 072579 068478 067711 068540 072327 072756 072894 072328

ANATOMY on Pleione formosana Hayata. (Anatomy]. Anatomy of arterial supply to hip joint of ox Anatomy of Atriplex leaves. Anatomical changes in developing graft uni- A comparative anatomy of insect head. I j. Several anatomical features of needles of Pi. Effect of ploidy on anatomical features of o- Gross anatomical histological & histochemic- An anatomical & histochemical study of abs- chick embryos. I. Anatomical & histological Effect of foliar sprays on leaf anatomy of br. Micro-anatomy of lymph node of germ-free s disease in fowl. 2. Pathologico-anatomic & Anatomic structure of cucumber leaves with A study of anatomic structure of stem of so-

Anatomical studies in stem & leaf of wheat

An anatomic study of Caragana frutex (L.) by iron nutrition. I. An anatomical study. I

ANACARDIACEAE under different conditions. (Pistacia mutica) On transpiration of Pistacia vera (L.) in seANAEROBES Anaerobic-aerobic ponds for treatment of beseeds stored under anaerobic conditions with Anaerobic formation of alanine in metathorLitter effect. I ii. Influence of anaerobiosis Influence of anaerobic & aerobic incubation dioxide uptake during anaerobic metabolism sporeforming anaerobic microorganisms in c. Infection with anaerobic streptococci (Pept

0718 0685 0717 0717 0755 0718 0718 0686 0717 0687 0718 0684 0700 0718 0718 0718 0718 0717

ANAL Anal papillae of caddissly larvae. I. Fine str.

ANDRENIDAE Andrenidae. (Erythrandrena mentzeliae).

0756 070051 070197 067449 068973 069093 069094 069124 069131 076713 069685 069555 069696 067325 067408 067450 069988 075044 075065 074382 070274 068390 068304 068354 068355 068357 068542 068738 069615 069645 069646 069648 077198 067774 068884 072167 076713 070027 069044 066903 070195 067899 075981 068305 068306 068775 069585 069965 074940 069601 068301 068710 068753 072493 070336 070315 068665 069819 070044 070389

Causes of tumors in domestic animals.

070356 genetic disease in domestic animals.

070358 calculi in herbivorous domestic animals.

070395 Aflatoxin poisoning in domestic animals. 070438 strains isolated from domestic animals.

069702 method & facilities for animal excreta dispo- 077144 A jubilee animal exhibition.

068376 Utilization of formose for animal experiment. 068406 demands of defined experimental animals. 068906 of small experimental animals.

069682 a mineral-vitamin additive for farm animals 068265 on effective temperature for farm animals. I. 068307 on effective temperature for farm animals. II 068663 of plasma thyroxine in farm animals. I i. F- 068664 Increasing productivity of farm animals und- 068797 Urea & its use in breeding of farm animals. 068838 by-products in feeding of farm animals.

068854 of its use in feeding of farm animals.

069215 Investigations on coccidiosis in farm animals 070031 high-producing cattle & other farm animals 070447 a mineral-vitamin additive for farm animals 076876 variants of milk proteins of farm animals in 067783 Modern technique for vegetable & animal fat 067767 Rapseed oil meal in animal feeding. I i. Inf- 068865 Antibiotics in animal feeding.

069212 Rapeseed oil meal in animal feeding. IV. C- 068866 of Salmonella organisms from animal feeds 068264 studies on gonadotrophins in animal. V. Cro- 069965 VI. Cross-reaction of animal gonadotropins 069966 of surface treatments by grazing animal on 073464 Department of Animal Health & Production 069572 Animal health service in Baden-Wurttemberg 069643 On endocrine reaction of host animals to pa- 069944 of environmental hygiene in animal house by 069586 into a conventional animal house.

069683 s disease virus in humans & animals.

070174 unity: Soil, plants, animals & humans.

076576 Veterinarian or animal husbandman?

069624 tools in agriculture & animal husbandry. 066538 High level of agriculture & animal husband-y. 066606 Prospectives for animal husbandry in general 067230 Perspectives for animal husbandry in general 067448 of role behavior. (Animal Husbandry Extens- 068277 Trends of development in animal husbandry 068312 Rise of animal husbandry & tasks of biologi- 068313 Ivanovich Ovsiannikov. (Animal husbandry] 068363 of Ustiurt desert region. (Animal husbandry 068370 its application in animal husbandry.

069263 cattle in independent animal husbandry far- 069317 Design of experiments in animal husbandry. 069319 problem in industrial animal husbandry.

070198 Animal identification; a system using colours 068299 of Japanese cattle in independent animal hu. 069317 Influence of indigenous animals on dynamics 071549 determining role of individual animal species 074940 a basic problem in industrial animal husban- 070198 in production of animal industry products. 066724 discussion of technique of animal industry. 066761 on concentration of animal industry on state 066768 Integration in production of animal industry 066770 for labor productivity of animal industry wo- 066833 Outlook for development of animal industry 067153 Outlook for development of animal industry 067154 status of public nuisance of animal industry 068308 technical progress in animal industry.

068374 Use of phosphates in animal industry. (Feed- 069043 efficiency of using feeds in animal industry. 069062 supplying of equipment to animal industry fo 076188 Complex mechanization in animal industry 076195 control systems in animal industry complex. 076196 status of public nuisance of animal industry 077202 Antibody response in animals inoculated wi- 069914 nitrogen compounds in intensive animal rais- 069044 for conservation of invertebrate animals. 073384 of dermatophytes in animals of Italy.

070171 A jubilee animal exhibition.

068376 Supply & demand of laboratory animals & t- 066980 Animal technician. (Laboratory animals). 068301 environmental factors on laboratory animals 068458 isolated nerve endings. (Laboratory animals] 068706 of microbial content of laboratory animals de 068907 Livestock, laboratory animals).

069383 spermatozoa. (Laboratory animals, rams). 069388 for personal hygiene in laboratory animal b- 069569 transmitted rabies in a laboratory animal co- 069743 of T-virus. (Poultry, laboratory animals). 069808 evaluating cage design. (Laboratory animals 068300 rabies-like strains for laboratory animals. 069725 its use in diagnosis of animal leptospirosis. 070099 Studies on leptospirosis in animals in Croat- 070161 Studies on leptospirosis in animals in Croat- 070162 between hepatitis & animal leukosis viruses 069719 Causes & prevention of young animals losses 070389 its influence on morbidity & animal losses in 070453 Scientific management of animal & plant c- 071540 Brucellosis in meat animals in Calcutta.

067363 Veterinarian & modern animal production: 068354 Veterinarian & modern animal production: 068355 Veterinarian & modern animal production: 068357 Veterinarian & modern animal production: 069645 Veterinarian & modern animal production: 069646 Veterinarian & modern animal production: 069648

application in calves of mother animals with findings in clinically normal animals at slauAnimal nutrition & public health: substances Lignin in animal nutrition. I i. digestibility of single-cell proteins. 1. (Animal nutrition] of single-cell proteins. 2. (Animal nutrition) Animal nutrition & public health: substances of antibiotics in animal nutrition as growth Quality animal nutrition with liquid fertilizEffect of antibiotics on animal organism. biological decomposition of animal organs. I biological decomposition of animal organs. II microbial toxins in food of animal origin. in some food products of animal origin. pesticide residues in food of animal origin. Distribution of Salmonella of animal origin in some food products of animal origin. pesticide residues in food of animal origin. Animal pests of rice fields. in animals. (Peptostreptococcus plagarum-bedifference in study of animal population in tcrisis, productivity & animal production. Veterinarian & modern animal production: Veterinarian & modern animal production: Veterinarian & modern animal production: new science in service of animal production for estimating heat production of animals. [ further intensification of animal production Veterinarian & modern animal production: Veterinarian & modern animal production: Veterinarian & modern animal production: crisis, productivity & animal production. Production of animal products commercially of concentrates & addition of animal protein gossypii. II. influence of animal proteins on Quality animal nutrition with liquid fertilizAnimal rabies in Kielce Province, 1966-1970 compounds in intensive animal raising. [FeeInsurance protection in animal rearing. rays on immunobiologic response in animals well as degree of blood retention of animals. of building, economising, & running animal Support for research in animal sciences. opportunities for animal sciences research. of esterases in experimental small animals. Anaesthetising jar for small animals. gonadotropins in various species of animals determining role of individual animal species as a local anaesthetic in animal surgery. Animal technician. (Laboratory animals). of state of water in plant & animal tissues. peripheric nervous system. (Animal tissues] of state of water in plant & animal tissues. of diseases of digestive tract of animals. vitiligo) in animals & its treatment with "mcount in blood of various animals. Expression of animal virus genomes. Immune response of young animals. Causes & prevention of young animals losses

ANGIOSPERMAE distribution of angiosperms according to Al- 071239 era & history of first angiosperms according &

071240 Chemistry & phylogeny of angiosperms.

072488 ANGLES Application of angle-count plots of Bitterlich 070604 Effect of posterior angle of frame saw teeth 071115 Angle of sharpening cutting knives & quality 071087 ANGORA Substituting boneless Angora goat meat for 067948 Cutability of Angora goat carcasses.

067947 Mohair variation on Angora goat.

067949 conversion of feed to fiber of Angora goat & 069169 A behavioral study of angora goats on west

068647 Nutritional investigations with Angora goats 069170 investigations with sheep & Angora goats. [ 070137 ANHYDRASE denatured bovine carbonic anhydrase.

068470 genetic studies on carbonic anhydrase poly- 069242 ANHYDRIDES on vegelation: sulphurous anhydride.

074308 ANHYDROUS winter wheat with anhydrous ammonia.

076852 ANILINES ground boards treated with furfural-aniline. 071133 ANIMALS regard to effect of solar activity. (Animals). 068412 of pyrantel in five species. (Animals, anthe- 069961 leukosis & its experimental basis. (Animals) 069994 of linear regression. (Plants, animals, ecolo- 071672 running animal accomodation with particular 075981 points in protecting forests against animals 070476 Pionicom & alimentation of animals for me- 069057 Applicability of animal assays to humans. 067550 tests in breeding of fur-bearing animals. 069326 of oxygen by muscles of beef animals & rela- 067922 isolated from human beings & animals.

070169 Carotid body in animals at high altitude. (G. 068633 third scientific meeting, Animal Breeding R. 069098 development of cage animal breeding in usst

069255 on their application to animal breeding. V. 069396 on their application to animal breeding. IV. 069398 Work methods of animal breeding in profit 069425 activity on improvement of animal breeding 069459 Michal seventy years old. (Animal breeding) 069548 Smerha 60 years old. (Animal breeding] 069551 hygiene in laboratory animal breeding

& rea. 069569 of modern technology in animal breeding in- 075941 environmental conditions in animal breeding 075996 distribution & development of cage animal b

069255 resistance of Escherichia coli from animals: 069763 rabies in a laboratory animal colony.

069743 Management of plant & animal communities 077139 are transferred into a conventional animal h- 069683 content of laboratory animals diets.

068907 Animal diseases law concerning infection wi.

067146 On time & origin centers of domestic anima-s 068275 sanitary management of domestic animals. 068290 of erythrocytes in domestic animals.

068442 hormone (parotin) to domestic animals. 1. 068678 bormone (parotin) to domestic animals. 2.

068679 Mineral level in serum of domestic animals. 068681 of female sterility in domestic animals.

069419 of genetic resources in domestic animals. 069434 of decay index. (Domestic animals).

069555 Acaractics for domestic animals & poultry.

069559 in listeriosis of domestic animals in Senegal. 070127 of trace elements in domestic animals & con- 070297

ANNUALS progress report: control of annual bluegrass Fixing & planning annual capacity of equipAn assessment of annual damage to crops by Rhythm of annual development of plants in Rhythm of annual development of plants in Supplementation of dry annual range by irrFifth annual report of Institute of Regional Abstracts of papers presented at first annual preparations in annual flowers. II. Effect of gulle on yields of annual forage of container on growth of F1 hybrid annuals Response of annual medic pasture to superpshort, tuberized roots among annual plants: 84Th annual report, Agricultural Experiment Annual report of Administrative Department G:owth cycle of annual shoots of Quercus r

074480 076019 074319 072476 072479 069017 066584 067705 073194 076694 072214 076680 071675 066591 069572 073294

present distribution in Florida of exotic ant, 075289 Ants of Famenne. II. A zoosociologic study. 07550 of Bacillus thuringiensis on forest ants of F- 074839 Biologic characteristics of red forest ants of 07530 foraging behavior of southern harvester ant, 07529 Isopods, tenants in ant nests in Brazil (Iso- 07549 Absence of colony-specific pheromones in ant, 07519 AONIDIELLA on citrus red scale. Aonidiella aurantii (Ma- 07474

06963 0686306863 06978 06847

ANTAGONISM of fertilizers on developing antagonists of c- Antagonism between indoleacetic acid & abs- Antagonism between potassium, calcium & Assay of antagonistic property of certain soil of dietary copper & its antagonistic trace el. ANTELOPES Malignant oedema in antelopes. (Clostridium ANTENNA Antennal regeneration in larvae & adults of Coeloconic sénsilla on antennae of yellow fe-

on malaria, & on arbovirus antibodies in man of passively acquired colostral antibody on Macrophage-cytophilic antibodies & functioPrecipitating antibody development in birds studies of anti-swine erysipelas antibodies by Dynamics of complement-fixing antibodies. Occurrence of complement-fixing antibodies section, histology, & fluorescence antibody to Fluorescent antibody reactions to Leptospira Studies on reliability of fluorescent antibody indirect technique of fluorescent antibodies barley, including use of fluorescent antibody Neutralizing antibody formation in newborn Antibody formation after experimental Toximmunisation & antibody formation in udder allergens from, & homocytotropic antibody Humoral antibody response & changes of sedistribution of antibodies inhibiting hemaggIso-antibodies to red cell antigens in pigs' sin pigs' sera. 2. incidence of iso-antibodies to associated with induced local antibody secreon strength of neutralization antibodies. Utilization of antibody neutralization test fo Neutralizing antibody formation in newborn virus subtype on neutralizing antibody & resfor demonstration of neutralizing antibodies Precipitating antibody development in birds mv) associated precipitating antibodies in pyoung calves. L. Testing of antibody reaction Fluorescent antibody reactions to Leptospira anti-dinitrophenyl reaginic antibodies of atoHumoral antibody response & changes of sevirus on antibody response against sheep ervirus on antibody response against sheep er. Antibody response in animals inoculated wi. against leptospirosis; antibody response & vwith induced local antibody secretion against reliability of fluorescent antibody technique use of fluorescent antibody technique for ind. histology, & fluorescence antibody test.

074958 070249 069820 069818 069981 070181 070255 070141 069902 070059 070109 074003 069710 069759 070043 069907 068400 069694 068433 068434 069346 070026 074941 069710 069749 070253 069818 069828 070051 069902 070410 068400 069721 069722 069914 070098 069346 070059 074003 070141

AORTA Surgical treatment of aortic embolism in a cells & elastogenesis in chick-embryo aorta Susceptibility of chick-embryo aorta to elas. An aortic occlusion in a dog caused by hearacid synthesized in vitro from swine aortic to APANTELES its natural parasite, Apanteles glomeratus. on parasitism of Apanteles glomeratus Linne its natural parasite, Apanteles glomeratus. A note on Apanteles paludicolae Cameron ( rearing method of Apanteles plutellae Kurd.

07462 07543 07544 07519 07458

071916 072039 073010 074193 071948

ANTHERAEA Chinese tasar silkworm, Antheraea pernyi G capacity of Antheraea polyphemus (LepidopANTHERS rice plant. V iii. Free amino acids in anthers of haploid plant by anther-culture of Setaria in culture of isolated anthers of Lilium cand. Anomalies of styles, anthers & pollen grains of degeneration in anthers tapetum of two ANTHOCYANIDINS An analysis of anthocyanidins in certain glaANTHOCYANINS on developmental changes of anthocyanins in On anthocyanin coloring of leaves of Persian Anthocyanin colour distribution in skin of On anthocyanin containing branched trisaccCranberry yield & anthocyanin content as is Investigations on anthocyanins present in fr. ANTHOMYIIDAE Wood, in Japan (Diptera: Anthomyiidae). Diptera: Anthomyiidae). (Pegomya bicolor, A new species of Fannia (horii) from Japan ANTHOPHORIDAE notes (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae). ANTHRACNOSE Experimental studies on leaf anthracnose of

APHELINIDAE Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae) from India. APHIDIDAE aphid, Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. (Aphididae: Hduring 1966 & 1967 (Homoptera: Aphididae Aphis fabae complex (Homoptera, Aphididae) aphis, Longiungius pyrarius Pass. (Aphididae) of Japan (Homoptera: Aphididae, Aphidinae Takahashi, 1920 (Homoptera: Aphididae). Sulz.) (Aphididae) on their development into Aphididae) from north west Himalaya, India

07476 07525 07538 07547 07573 07584 07547 07575

ANTIGEN in serology of bovine brucellosis antigens & Iso-antibodies to red cell antigens in pigs' sof iso-antibodies to red cell antigens in sera properties of cellulor antigenic substances & Antigenic characteristics of Fungus 4669/9, Antigenic composition of hydatid fluid, extrI ii. Antigenic interrelationships among hor. wall proteins: localization of antigenic & allIX. Competition of two main antigens in excellular resistance in mice by antigens from Isolation of a precipitating antigen in monspermatozoa: Antigenic relationship between Soluble antigens of sheep pox & goat pox viconcentration of specific antigen & antibody of a leptospiral type-specific antigen. (Cattle viruses. 1. Virulence, antigenic specificity & Study on antigenic structure of Vibrio coli. of a complement fixation test antigen of cell

069686 068433 068434 068659 072468 070003 068506 071754 069712 069936 070272 069384 069715 069920 069933 070038 070182 069775

07583 07416 07554 0745C 07478 07525 07471. 07416 07583 0746 07470746 07429 07468 07470 07458 0747 07478 07520 0757 0747 0745 07415 07412 07466 07460 0742 0741 0742 0747 0746 0756

ANTIMYCIN Effect of antimycin A & 2-heptyl-4-hydroxy- ANTIOXIDANTS SEE OXIDANTS


APHIDS sauna of Hungary (Homoptera, Aphidoidea) mosaic virus by aphids Acyrthosiphon pisum Chamaemyiidae), predators of apple aphids analogue on apterous form of bean aphid, ACherry aphid. (Myzus cerasi). Host plants of Aphids collected at Los AngeRecent observations on injurious aphids to pAphid inoculation of plants with viruses, virAphids not known & little known in fauna of Movements of aphids from labeled weeds in granular insecticides against mustard aphid, Aphids or plant lice. virus. I. phenology of aphid populations & eEvolution of aphid populations on winter we virus. I. phenology of aphid populations & eMethods to test aphid-repellent chemicals. An appraisal of aphid resistant tuber-bearing of insecticides for flower thrips, rose aphid, infections of several species of aphids by spThree new species of aphids (Homoptera: A. in Digitaria io yellow sugarcane aphid, Sipha Methods to test aphid-repellent chemicals. lucerne plants & its transmission by aphids alfalfa mosaic virus transmission by aphids lucerne plants & its transmission by aphids alfalfa mosaic virus transmission by aphids Role of Myzus persicae (aphid vector) in trTransmission of Sharka virus by aphids. (Pl. of barley yellow dwarf virus by aphids. Transmission of Sharka virus by aphids. (Pl. Distribution & importance of wheat aphid, Aphids in a yellow water-pan in Haddonfield APHIS Ecology of Aphis craccivora Koch & subterr. scutellaris Fabricius on Aphis craccivora Koapterous form of bean aphid, Aphis fabae S. among some isolates of Aphis fabae complex from cotton to cotton by Aphis gossypii Glospp. for resistance to Aphis gossypii Glover Population dynamics of Aphis gossypii Glov. controlling two cotton pests. (Aphis gossypii from cotton to cotton by Aphis gossypii GloPear aphis, Longiungius pyrarius Pass. (Aph

ANTIBIOTIC Administration of antibiotics in animal nutriAntibiotics in animal feeding. tissue sterilant for bioassay of antibiotics. Content of antibiotics & other growth-inhibiEffect of antibiotics on animal organism. Effect of some antibiotics & chemical drugs Effect of some antibiotics on La Sota strain Anti-fungal antibiotics. II. Mechanism of acAntibiotics in nuirition of poultry in u.s.a. Effect of polyene antibiotics on formation of Using antibiotics in raising broilers. presence of antibiotic residues in homogenizviews on appearance of antibiotic resistance Antibiotic sensitivity of porcine strains of Pof effect of antibiotic staphylomycine in chiEffects of tetracycline antibiotics on plants Medical significance of antibiotic usage in fo ANTIBODIES immunoglobulin G to antibody activity. I. B. immunoglobulin G to antibody activity. II. of neutralizing antibodies against equine rhi. concentration of specific antigen & antibody

069131 069212 071183 067502 069685 070009 070194 070008 069109 072615 069060 067257 070007 069958 069235 074117 067344

0742 0753 0745 0753 0741 0746 07466 0746 0746 0754

069836 069837 070253 069920

Page 12

072851 076126 076599 076163 076182 072441 071699 071823 076172 067314 072840 073069 072781 067707 075487 068345 071682

Soil-management methods in apple orchards 076926 into carbohydrate complex of apple pectin. 068160 post-harvest aid to ripen processing apples 068193 Apple production & trade in Australia & N. 066943 to problems of apple proliferation disease. 074204 Apples ripe for harvesting.

073759 Yield rate of new apple rootstocks in stoolb- 072097 Frozen concentrated apple segments.

068132 implementation of tree shaping of apple. I. 073052 implementation of tree-shaping of apple. II. 073053 Spraying apples & rs.

074312 Panonychus ulmi on different standard apple 074776 acidity & L-ascorbic acid in apples stored in 068217 on storage disorders in Sturmer apples.

074338 Calculation of viscosity of thick apple juice. 068161 observations on young shoots in apple tree 072996 growth of generative buds of apple tree.

073158 of fungicides against mildew on apple tree in 073886 Bark necrosis of apple tree variety Jonadel. 074224 flower initiation of young apple trees.

073058 Water exhange of apple trees during winter 073144 Valuable apple trees in Botanical Garden of 073704 Results of cultivation of apple trees on diffe- 073766 Study of density of planting of apple trees t. 073770 of bog-podzolic soils in planting apple-trees 076658 flower bud formation in young apple trees w- 073036 Modern trends for apple, pear & peach vari- 073778 Studies on utilization of apples. X vi. On pr. 068167 Valuable apple trees in Botanical Garden of 073704 trials between four apple varieties.

072101 Apple varieties in Vermont--1971.

073672 of heat treatment applied to apple varieties. 074219 ulmi on different standard apple varieties in 074776 blossom thinning of Aivania apple variety. 073118 of nitromethyl urea on apple vegetative buds 073151 of rubbery wood virus from apple to cherry 074223 Contamination by latent viruses of apple & 074198 Detection of latent apple viruses.

074199 serology of filamentous apple viruses.

074200 Wild apple (Malus sylvestris Mill.). [Ecolo- 071619 of Bacillus thuringiensis on apple worm. (C- 074731 control blue & gray mold in wounded apples 073899 spur & flower bud formation in young apple 073036 on growth & flower initiation of young apple 073058 APPLICATION of cells of insects, & their applications.

075108 Aerial application of pesticides by electrost- 076012 Application of aerial photography in water 076980 Late application of ammonia to spring crops 076806 Application of analysis of variance to mean 077052 Application of angle-count plots of Bitterlich 070604 Application of antimycotics in therapy of e- 070164 an attempt on their application to animal b- 069396 an attempt on their application to animal b- 069398 Application of an automatic apparatus in an- 076126 Effect & application of basic slag in forage 076862 Application of basic slag in tobacco product- 076863 Effect & application of basic slag in pastures 076864 Application of basic slag in vineyards.

076868 Application of basic slag in forestry.

076869 principles of application of biologically acti- 068950 Attempts of bovine blood application in trea- 070032 Application of new calculation methods in 077081 Effect of urea & ccc application on formation 076634 On application of chlorcholinchloride to pre- 072653 of bleaching & by application of chlorine di- 070888 deep & carpet-like applications of clay-orga- 076651 Studies on clinical application of a salivary 068678 Studies on clinical application of a salivary 068679 years of testing & of clinical application. 069870 Application of column & thin-layer chromat- 067388 pests. XV. Effects of combined applications 074674 Applications of combined gas chromatograp- 074970 of nutrients under application of complete m- 076657 Application of control records of dairy cattle 069332 Biological control--its application in Zambia 074595 of four wheat cultivars to applications of (2- 072704 of new varieties & application of cultural pr- 073738 beets relative to fertilizer application dates 076783 Results of application of different amounts of 076645 Application of direct current for improving 076925 Application of dymethyl sulfur oxide as a so- 076875 Application of Edan-Polfa as a local anaest. 069601 of tree stands with application of electric c- 070655 Application of electrical energy in heating p- 075975 Application of electroplasmolysis for diffusi- 068164 control with tca pre-emergence application 074494 Insecticide application equipment.

076050 a modern example for application of fatty a. 067769 Some results of Fedtpa application in treat- 074339 Food production & fertilizer application. 1. 066519 beets by irrigation & fertilizer application. 073442 Food production & fertilizer application. 1. 076623 sugar beets relative to fertilizer application 076783 Efficiency of fertilizer application on calcar- 076832 Economic effect of application of fertilizers 076724 Application of fertilizers to fast growing con- 076794 Application of fertilizers to pine plantations 076797 seedlings with application of fertilizers.

076799 Spring tillage & application of fertilizers in 076951 A field application of tissue culture attenuat. 069983

of parts with application of focusing radiatoEffects of foliar application of urea on growFoliar application of fertilizers in fruit growResults of foliar application of mineral fertilirradiated rats following application of throimmunity in cattle after application of footFertilizers--their application fully proven. Application of fundamental theory of planniPast, present, & future application of paper Application of game theory in determination irrigation & time of applications of grain soGround application of ultra low volume sprvs. preemergent herbicide application for wA device for application of herbicide Trifluralfalfa stands by application of herbicides. Effect of application of herbicides on weeds Application of herbicides to sugar beet stanof sheep. I. Application of hetolin & thibenof meadow stand to application of high rates of meadow stand to application of a high doof meadow stand to application of high rates Application of impulse method of nuclear mApplications of induced mutagenesis to selecA contribution to application of industrial Insecticide application equipment. in heifers by intravaginal application of proResponse of iron application in deep black fertilizers with their joint application. Application of layering granulation technique On application of leaf discs for studying gas system with pipe-line & its applications. Fuof esthetic prejudice? Application to lines of dressing & maintenance applications. 19641 of calculation. Application to management of Application of mathematical modelling metApplications of membrane ultrafiltration to beet cultivation, its application methods & Application of methyl bromide in weed contMicrowave applications to freeze dehydratiApplication of mineral fertilizers to spring Application of mineral fertilizers in cultivatApplication of mineral fertilizers to culture Application of mineral fertilizers in forests. Effect of date of application of mineral fertilMistblower application of chemicals to contApplication of modern methods of distributiApplication of modern methods of repartitiApplication of mucosin in veterinary practice finishing pig: Application of multivariate staintestine of rats to application of mustard oil by time & level of nitrogen application. Convenient time for applications of nitrogen affected by methods of nitrogen application Economics of nitrogen application in wheat Effect of nitrogen application time on rye yo Application of optimization methods for conOptimizing application of fungicides in foresmare serum) application on ovarian response animals. 1. On application of parotin to horanimals. 2. On application of parotin to old Application of permeation chromatography analysis & perspective of its application to Cronolone vaginal pessary after application Strict observance of pesticide application reliming of soil & application of phosphorus & Tests with application of phosphorus fertilizApplication of 15N in plant biochemical tesin fowl blood plasma & their application. Application of point--centered quarter methPossible application of electronic data procePossible application of herbicide Gramoxone doses & of time of application of potassium of norms of application of potassium fertilizPractical application of research results for Theory & practical application of Matusz vocomplexes & their practical application. on citrus fruit with preharvest applications Act. Regulations, applications, & procedures yield--determining process & its application Synthesis, properties & application of 2,4-dRecent applications of mass spectrometry & Estrus regulation & its application in animal of pesticide application regulations. application methods & application results. Possibility of application of reverse osmosis Effect of application of rice & wheat straw pisi, & their application in screening cultiva. Our experience with application of sedative source & method of application of selected f. Application of shrink-packaging in food indresearch with simultaneous application of dimalathion in relation to site of application loss of blood & application of small particle Studies on effect of split application of fertilMulti-row spray application for coffee diseaComparison of autumn & spring application Method of least squares & its application in pasture to superphosphate applications & coApplication of synthetic fatty acid of fraction Results of studying systematic application of on farm by application of technical equipmeapplication of this technique to quantitative

APPARATUS Characteristics of assimilation apparatus of Application of an automatic apparatus in anExperiences with a new automatic apparatus unified segment of cutting apparatus of agriof basic parameters of cutting apparatus of of photosynthetic apparatus depending on sdevelopment of a filiform apparatus in egg of Centrioles & Golgi apparatus in postmeiotic Unification of hydraulic apparatuses for tracAn apparatus for micro-slide immune diffusiactivity of photosynthetic apparatus. (Tobacof development of photosynthetic apparatus fragmentation of barley pigment apparatus for epuration in beer rectifying apparatus of Acarina) in Berlese-Tollgren apparatus. lard on live pigs with ultraviolet apparatus. Change in vacuolar apparatus of cauline merAPPENDAGES on regeneration of an appendage in larva of APPENDIX to study of regeneration & appendix graft in APPLES Calcium: remedy for cork spot. (Apples). sports of "Delicious" & "Rome" apples. malformation in Golden Delicious. (Apples] of breaking winter rest of variety. [Apples). carlier & prettier than McIntosh. (Apples] Maigold variety. (Apples). by Podosphaera leucotricha. (Apples). grown under adverse conditions. (Apples). Aggressive behavior in adult apple maggot on blossom thinning of Aivania apple variety Chamaemyiidae), predators of apple aphids active substances from apple bark. (Phytopon optimal characteristics of apple. a parasite of caterpillars of apple coddling Frozen concentrated apple segments. of "Cox's Orange Pippin" apple & its darkOn an apple decline in Italy. (Virus diseases characteristics of Golden Delicious apples. of peoliferation disease of apple. (MycoplaGeorgia apple disease & insect control guide of peoliferation disease of apple. (MycoplaProduction & distribution of apples in nort: Ethylene in apple & pear experimental ca [ serology of filamentons apple viruses. Retail demand for fresh apples. Georgia apple disease & insect control guide Plane protection in intensive apple growing. Hudling apples from harvest to market. Galetti" at pruning

& harvesting of apples in Plant protection in intensive apple growing. Calculation of viscosity of thick apple juice. Detection of latent apple viruses. photosynthetic rates in apple leaves treated Seasonal activity of apple maggot, 1965--19 Aggressive behavior in adult apple maggot Apple marketing research in seventies. loternal bark necrosis or apple measles. protection experiment with apple mosaic vi. enemies & useful insects in apple orchard. I Studies on soil fertility of apple orchard. IX enemies & useful insects in apple orchard. I Studies on soil fertility of apple orchard. IX indicator of age changes in apple orchards

076109 073100 076867 076874 069671 070026 076815 066781 074969 077012 077102 074691 074558 076134 074471 074472 074474 070211 072917 076853 076855 073259 071915 073769 076050 069505 076761 076808 076706 073002 077078 070716 076665 070743 072305 067669 074549 074553 067886 076779 076793 076798 076801 076857 074488 076081 076083 069672 068870 068636 072662 076641 076699 076755 076850 077066 074024 069408 068678 068679 074147 072806 069502 075078 073139 076803 072557 068655 071599 066753 074501 076656 076669 068323 070577 076031 073040 067137 072739 070897 075060 069263 075078 074549 067849 076821 074000 069652 066884 067637 070901 074636 068694 076702 073998 074440 070691 076680 068832 074521 066798 067731

072998 073044 073191 073200 073673 073774 073885 071766 075200 073118 075541 073877 071830 074803 068132 073127 074196 072026 074203 074344 074747 066944 068117 074200 067093 074344 074740 068102 076149 074740 068161 074199 073864 074786 075200 067099 074283 074206 073048 073137 075161 076764 073129

076952 070051 076850 069556 070415 070585 077080 076795 071641 068005

Terracing & its application in establishment antibody reaction to tetatoxoid application Effect of nitrogen application time on rye yo intestines with application of tissue adhesivDetermination & application of trace elemeApplication of tree-ring analysis. Application of unit graph method of analysis On optimal dates of application of urea to ecology. Application to vegetation of subalpexperiments for application of vibration-conAPPLICATORS Pesticide applicator used by granular boom APPRAISAL Nigerian farm settlement: an appraisal. An appraisal of aphid resistant tuber-bearing An appraisal of fenitrothion as a promising On methods of forest appraisal & calculation method of measured forest appraisal. pine: a histological & histochemical appraisal. Microbiological appraisal of local cottage cwealth of West Pakistan--an appraisal from

ARALIACEAE Cornaceae & Araliaceae of Peru, their gene- 071283 Effect of juices from Araliaceae plants on in- 074148 ARANEAE

Boesenberg et Strand) (Araneae: Lycosidae) 075114

in Tegenaria atrica C. L. Koch (Araneae, A. 075558 Arachnida, Araneae: Araneidae-Araneinae). 076148 Lycosidae, Araneae) under experimental co- 075476 Pardosa (Lycosidae, Araneae) in southern F- 075762 ARANEIDA

growth of Avicularia avicularia L., Araneida, 075104

A new species of Sulcia kratochvil (Araneida, 075763 Arachnida, Araneae: Araneidae-Araneinae). 076148 ARAUCARIA Foliage plant care-- Araucaria. (Heterophylla 070840 ARBOREAL Desalinizing action of arboreal plantations 076485

066661 074722 074865 070606 070679 070461 067441 073847

determination of optimal leaf area. Soil types in area of Lopushanska Druzhina studies of vegetation of Maryut Area Project for air pollution in a metropolitan area (Nafrom forest roads in mountain areas. of milk quality in moutain areas. Effect of area of nutrition on yield & quality Effect of photosynthetic area on tulip bulb y. making. (Mission Mountains Primitive Area Marketing agreement of producing areas & Silo, storage & production areas of stainless of vegetation of Maryut Area Project. Fauna & areas of propagation of bloodsuckiin Douglas Creek Recreation Area. vegetable production without reducing area Species & area relationship in eastern decidAnalysis of relative area of different crops in of vegetables in Sochi resort area. ( ussr). Histological changes in area of ring-cut of avarieties in Littoral & Sava River area. of middle taiga soils in Ob' River areas of in irrigated farming of Volga River area. conditions in Volga River area & efficiency policy from view point of rural area. yields of fiber flax grown in Samokov area. Number & size of sampling areas in direct for crop production in semiarid areas. harvesting of fodder crops in sloping areas. study of pathology of cattle in a small area method of rice-yield in a small area. administration in area of socialist transformcontributions of sediment from source areas, in poplar cultivation in iron & steel area of forest soils of Vladimir forest-steppe area ( equipment for timber storage areas bordering of soil fertility with regard to surface area of A study of importance of training areas in edomestic cattle into wild life & tsetse areas of trembling aspen roots in three Utah areas of sugarcane varieties for valley areas of HSome Folisols in Vancouver area, British Co

07288 07651 07160 07258 07070 06742 07284 07321 07062 06693 07592 07160 07514 07083 07366 07157: 06665 066919 07094 07379 07649 076724 07706 066540 072897 071644 073410 066832 07010$ 073553 077209 07050 070785 076511 071073 076239 066537 077191 073239 073320 076291

ARECA of leaf & root in arecanut, Areca catechu L two intercrops in arecanut. (Areca cathecu]

ARCHEOLOGY animals in light of contemporary archeology Identification of archaeological & ethnologi- Geological & archaeological investigation of

ARCHIPS vineyards caused by Archips podana sc.

ARGASIDAE tartakovskyi Ol. ticks (Ixoidea, Argasidae). On sauna of Ixodidae & Argasidae of birds of

ARCHITECTURE Chorionic architecture of Zelus exsanguis ( Comments on "Essay on architecture & on Adaptive leaf architecture in emergent & flo.

ARCTIC Heliotropism in some arctic Mowers. phytogeographical review of some arctic & a

ARGIOPIDAE adult female (Aranea, Argiopidae). New species of Peruvian Argiopidae.

ARCTIIDAE plant of Utetheisa pulchella L. (Arctiidae: of Tyria jacobeae L. (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae obliqua Walker (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae).

AREAS in flooded & meadow soils of arid area of C. Diptera: Psychodidae) in Baghdad area, Iraq soil in West-African tropical barren area & Basal area growth of individual black cherry in diameter breast high & in basal areas of pine trees in Bohemian-Moravian border ar-a. A guide to city trees in Boston area. nitrogen in soils of Guajira, Carribbean area Reforestation of conditionally clearcut areas bulb production of narcissus in cold area. 1. bulb production of Narcissus in cold area. 2 of vegetation in conservation areas. associations of natural conservation area of Green Revolution to more crops & areas. seeds & effect on seeding of cutover areas. Surface soil drainage in cutting areas in Vacof agricultural farms in a determined area. of narrow band-like felling area directed fr. Ixodidae) in Kyasanur Forest Disease Area, Nonfatal rabies in a enzootic area: results of cover of narrow band-like felling area direct. on rice yields in Volga-Akhtuba food area. Vegetation of Yenisei River flooding area & Drainage of forest areas of Arkhangelsk Reg. work for irrigation by furrows & by areas. Lichens & air pollution in Graz area. hygiene authority of Greifswald area. Basal area growth of individual black cherry in fermentation of tobacco of Heves area. yield. IV. Optimum leaf area index for corn in agricultural role of industrialized areas. Current efforts in area of international trade Spring wheat culture in non-irrigated areas Phalaris for irrigation areas in New South in belt of spruce forests of Issyk Kul area ( corn growth & yield. IV. Optimum leaf area

076245 074906 076893 070710 070729 070697 071270 076580 070819 073617 073622 071549 071564 067163 070825 077062 066697 071630 074913 069740 071630 072852 071584 077057 077017 071633 069610 070710 068052 072731 066590 067047 073581 073327 070777 072731

ARMYWORMS by male of southern armyworm Pseudaletia

ARACHIS of varieties of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea Variability in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea of a rust on groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L. ARACHNIDA Macrocheles & Uroseius species (Arachnida, A new Mundochthonius (Arachnida, PseudoDomestic ticks (Arachnida, Acari). 2.(Austr. an introduced tick variety (Arachnida, Acari a new mite from Steiermark (Arachnida, AcMangorini. IV. Mangora group (Arachnida, Argas persicus Oken (Acarina--Arachnida). On a new gregarine, Sycia arachnoidea, n. sp

075470 075778 075779 075783 076127 076148 075556 075390

AROMATIC Effects of aromatic acids on tyrosine carboxy of carbohydrates by aromatic diazo compouof some ring-C aromatic diterpenoids. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in heat-trability to transform aromatic hydrocarbons. of carbonyl compounds & aromatic number from analytical data. (Aromatic plants). Diseases & pests of aromatic plants from S. on content of aromatic polycyclic hydrocarb. properties of ether oils & aromatic resins of

072879 067710 072231 067354 076250 067712 073847 074304 067611 072490

ASPHALT Asphalt concrete lining of canals. (Irrigation ASPIDIOTUS Notes on genus Aspidiotus Bouche (Homop-

ARTERY of external & internal ophthalmic arteries in Arteries of pelvic limb of domestic goose (A. Anatomy of arterial supply to hip joint of ox

ASPIRIN of histidine, histamine, & aspirin on sulfur-3

ASEPSIS rice cells cultured under aseptic conditions Methods of aseptic culture of rice plant in by Cymbidiums in aseptic culture. causal agents in aseptic cultures of flax seedASEXUAL system for inducing & observing asexual spoGermination of asexual organs in Mniaceae A method of asexual propagation making use ASHES Dieback of alpine ash as related to changes Range extension of black ash, Fraxinus nigra of flowering plant seedlings on coal ashes. I. Protein, oil, carbohydrate, & ash contents transformations of nitrogen & ash elements European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.). (Ecolashes. V. Effect of high rates of light ashes European mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia L Phosphorus adsorption of volcanic ash soil; dry density of field on volcanic ash soil in

074316 071302 072306 072740 076406 071625 076849 071620 076388 076447

ARTHROPODA for identification of arthropod blood meals. Ecological studies on arthropod fauna of cerblood meals of hematophagous arthropods by of molluscan & arthropod hemocyanins. Isotomidae) & other micro-arthropods in archanges in number of Arthropoda parasites of contemporary soil arthropod research. as an influence on soil arthropods. behavioral analysis of soil microarthropods as an influence on soil arthropods. direction of contemporary soil arthropod reARTICHOKES in tissues of Jerusalem artichoke cultured in Artichoke in flower gardens. (Cynara scolynondormant buds of Japanese artichoke. seeds & seedlings of Jerusalem artichoke ( in sprouts of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthon tissue cultur of Jerusalem artichoke (Helin vitro. (Chickory, Jerusalem artichoke). Artichoke (Cynara scolimus L.).

074896 075120 074893 075288 075795 070005 075316 074605 075091 076332 076337

ASIA in some species of rhubarb in Central Asia. 073206 revolution" in South & South-East Asia. 077261 Notes on coffee trees from south-eastern As-a: 071241 sexual activity in male Asiatic elephant, El- 069391 of genus Ceratina Latrielle of Asia & West 075757 elaterid-beetles from South Asia preserved in 075585 Toxicity of insecticides used for Asiatic rice 074690 Lactose intolerance in Southeast Asia.

067559 South asiatic Tortricidae from Zoological C- 075866

ASSESSMENT Agrochemical assessment of iron & alumin- An assessment of annual damage to crops by Assessment of breeding & technological val- Assessment of dietary vitamin intake of 24 Economic assessment of soil compaction. ratings for assessment equalization among t- hemispherical photographs to assess light cl- some objective methods used to assess meat Studies on assessment of palatability & nutr- Assessment of phosphate rocks for phosphor- An assessment of non-symbiotic nitrogen fix- Example of a farmer's taxation assessment. Toxicity assessment of some insecticides. Toxicological assessment of food colors. Toxicological assessment of foodstuff antiox- Assessment of value of local sorts of Carpat- Studies to assess vitamin supply of poultry. ASSETS of improvement of production of basic assets Utilization of working hours as fixed asset in wear & technical progress of fixed assets in

076655 074319 072074 067565 066877 076430 070462 067912 068979 076828 076566 066842 075059 067349 067350 073319 069076

072982 073814 071718 071973 072978 072986 073089 073775

ARUNDINACEA pratensis Huds. & Festuca arundinacea Sch

072732 072838 072851 073192 072439 072340 072260 072798 072682 072446 072582 072748 072856 068548

ASCARIDIA on cholinesterase of ascaridia of chicken & of muscle cells of Ascaridia galli (Nematoda inhibitors from nematode Ascaridia galli. (Pof helminth adaptation. (Ascaridia galli]. Biological cycle of Ascaridia numidae (LeipASCARIS cosinophilia induced by ascaris body fluid. in mitochondria of helminths. (Ascaris suum Ascaris suum worms causing mechanical jau

070004 069838 069992 069993 070172

ASCITES Immune ascites Ouid for typing foot-and-mo- ASCOBOLUS facultative mutants of Ascobolus immersus.

ASPENS species associated with aspen ambrosia beet. European aspen (Populus tremula L.). (Ecothrough a multilayered largetooth aspen cocarbohydrates of trembling aspen roots in tVariation in decay in aspen stands affected ASPERGILLUS Classification of Koji mold. (Aspergillus). dehydrogenases. (Neurospora, Aspergillus, album, Cladosporium fulvum, Aspergillus, Paecilomyces, Penicillium, Aspergillus]. in peanuts before digging. (Aspergillus). Advances of aspergilli. I ii. Structure & actiNutritional studies of Aspergillus awamori fAspergillosis in chick embryos. (Aspergillus in therapy of experimental aspergillosis in Aspergillus flavus deterioration of grain: its Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Helmialpha positions through Aspergillus flavus. of oestrogen sulfate. (Aspergillus flavus). Self-parasitism in Aspergillus flavus. weight of humic acids. [Aspergillus flavus). Taxonomic study of genus Aspergillus in Racid activity of mycetes of Aspergillus genus effect of strontium on growth of Aspergillus of induced autolysis in mycelium Aspergillus of induced autolysis in mycelium Aspergillus meth A alleles in Aspergillus nidulans. autolysis in mycelium Aspergillus niger. 7. in chick embryos. (Aspergillus niger, Asperg. of strontium on growth of Aspergillus niger of strontium on growth of Aspergillus niger of strontium on growth of Aspergillus niger fermentation of fungus. (Aspergillus niger). swelling & germination in Aspergillus niger glucans & amylases in Aspergillus niger. autolysis in mycelium Aspergillus niger. 6. hydrocarbons produced by Aspergillus niger. pteridine glycoside from Aspergillus oryzae phosphatase of Aspergillus oryzae & Sacchaof Taka-amylase A. (Aspergillus oryzae). in culture media of Aspergillus oryzae. of aflatoxin in Aspergillus parasiticus Speare by a strain of Aspergillus phoenicis, a good of alkaline & fertile soil Aspergilli.

ASSISTANCE by Soviet Union. (Agricultural assistance). Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) in of Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Council for Mutual Economic Assistance]. Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, agCouncil for Mutual Economic Assistance). Council for Mutual Economic Assistance). Council for Mutual Economic Assistance). Council for Mutual Economic Assistance). of Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Council for Mutual Economic Assistance). U.S. foreign assistance programs: impact of socialist mutual assistance. Brotherly mutual assistance & cooperation. aid to farming. 2. Assistance required for fa.

067217 066678 066707 067151 067209 067211 067216 069603 073739 074292 076809 067199 067207 067218 067233

071368 072416 073934 073996 073900 072328 072520 069922 070164 067391 069922 072426 072427 072484 072584 071387 072252 072157 069152 072580 071939 069152 069922 072157 072159 072160 072196 072265 072579 072580 072581 072276 072327 072328 072357 072078 072582 072460

071653 072358 071636 066639 074371 066710 066712 066713 066715 066716 067424 068610 070070 066945

067282 067594 068217 068391 074008

071572 071615 068527 072082 075611 073283 071415 070838 071523 071564 071624 071635 073295 076877 066952 071651 076319 071738 072084 067970 075408

wood-vertical structure in forest association fruit of trees & shrubs in forest associations Molecular weights & association of histones Phenotypic associations among characters at mites living in phoretic associations on maartificial Quercetum-Pinetum associations. Sphaceloma pirinum in association with Physpruce wood in relation to plant association. An account of Hungarian plant associations Plant associations of natural conservation aCharacteristics of plant associations & clima. Plant associations of Rax Plateau. increment of forest plant associations on miof Nardetum strictae plant association. by nobe Highland Reclamation Association of four salt desert shrub associations of Col. Soil associations of Brown County, Illinois. Evidence against somatic association in haxA study of association between yield compodehydrogenase by subcellular associations & Stability of subunit association in Acheta riASTERS leaf disease. (Nicotiana glutinosa, aster, toASTRAGALUS Astragalus gracaninii Micevski, a new specistudy in sheep. (Astragalus lentiginosus). ATHERIGONA resistant against shoot fly, Atherigona varia incidence of shoot fly (Atherigona varia socof sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona varia socca.

AURICULARIA Earwigs. (Forficula auricularia, control]. Microevolution in Auricularia polytricha. AUROTHIOGLUCOSE after administration of aurothioglucose. (Mi- mice after injection of aurothioglucose. AUTECOLOGY Comparative autecology as a guide to plant AUTOGENOUS Existence of autogenesis in mosquito Mans- Studies on experimental free autogenous skin AUTOLYSIS A study of induced autolysis in mycelium A- A study of induced autolysis in mycelium A.

069970 069879 070165 069816 068453 068454 069811 069905 069998 070001 069997 070180 069369 069817 070207 068513 069968 069576 069010 067966 069920 070024

AVIAN blood components in avian coccidiosis caused recreded cases of avian encephalomyelitis in experimental avian encephalomyelitis in chiphosphatase in avian erythroblastosis. (ChiStudies on avian heterophils. I. Cell separatStudies on avian heterophils. II. HistochemStudies on avian heterophils. I ii. Phagocytic Avian infectious larynogotracheitis in ColoOn avian influenza viruses serotype 6. (protvirus in ducks. (serotype 6 of avian influenza) ducks. (serotypes 3 & 4 of avian influenze). test in deterimination of avian leukosis viruA radioimmunoassay for avian luteinizing h. to sa serotype of avian Mycoplasma. Avian mycoplasmosis. K+ (potassium) transport in avian nasal gl. characteristics of avian nephrosis-inducing iAvian ocular diseases. diets on composition of avian pancreatic juistructure of eggs from several avian species. Avian spirochaetosis. 1. Localisation & concof superinfections with avian tuberculosis baAVITAMINOSIS stomach secretory cells in A-avitaminosis. AVOCADOS Avocados. against Colletotrichum sp. on avocado. AWN differing in spike & awn characteristics.

AUTOMATIC Application of an automatic apparatus in an- 076126 Experiences with a new automatic apparatus 076599 Device for automatic conducting of cotton p- 076162 Modelling of automatic control system of m- 068091 Principles of automatic control system cons- 071071 New system in automatic control of enviro- 075996 Concept & use of an automatic controller of 072511 Using automatic drinkers in calf rearing. 076013 plant analysis without automatic equipment. 076299 Irrigation goes automatic.

077050 An automatic moisture control for continuo- 076007 A simple semi-automatic viscosimeter for est- 067843 A semi-automatic veneer-thickness measuring 070917 Automatic system of computing log volumes 070675 Automatic weighing & mixer feed system. 067646

076179 068076 071096 076196 067824 076194 076101 075929 077112 072183 067860 076286 075930

AUTOMATION mechanization & automation of agricultural Continuous control & automation in flour mi- Automated control of pressing extruded boa- problems on installing automated control sy- Automated determination of milk fat in milk Automated grain station. (Processing). Automation in greenhouses of industrial type effectiveness of automation of irrigation wo- Automated irrigation system for plants. Some problems of automation of mineral nu- Present automatization of dairy factories for An automated procedure for nephelometric Automated pumping stations in German De- AUTONOMIC Minimal dimensions of an autonomous ant-h- of Avena coleoptile, its autonomous nature

ATOPY reaginic antibodies of atopic dog.

AZAURIDINE against 6-azauracil & 6-azauridine. AZEOTROPIC Azeotropic distillation drying of wood with AZOTOBACTER soil population & its activity. (Azotobacter] plate methods for counting Azotobacter in sbehaviour of Azotobacter species. microorganisms-stimulators with Azotobacter. by extracts from Azotobacter vinelandii.

076311 076465 074983 072835 076252

AUTOPSIES Effects of postmortem aging on palatability storage temperatures for postmortem aging Molecular properties of postmortem muscle. AUTORADIOGRAPHY general considerations of autoradiography for autoradiographic investigation of cell wall d. in young chick. An autoradiographic study. An autoradiographic study of hyphal growth Autoradiographic study of reduplication of

ATRIUM resting mycelium of Verticillium albo-atrum Dahliae, Verticillium albo-atrum). activity in Verticillium. (Albo-atrum, verticilresting mycelium of Verticillium albo-atrum Mentha piperita, Verticillium albo-atrum mParoxysmal atrial fibrillation & Adam-Stok

BABESIA Ultrastructure of Babesia bigemina. (Cattle] Serologic studies on Babesia (ovis) in sheep. Attempts to transmit Babesia (Nuttallia) mBABIES swine feeding. IV. Feeding pedigreed baby poil-extraction industry in feeding baby pigs pinpoint death causes for baby pigs. from use of coliporc "Dessau”. [Baby pigs, a new lactic product for suckling babies.

075532 071840 068396 072418 075139

071734 071807 072458 073924 074068 070330

06923 06905 069607 070055 067811

AUTOSOMES of characters controlled by autosome genes melanogaster: an autosomal mutant (ms(2) melanogaster: an autosomal mutant (ms(2)1

Seed dormancy in Atropa belladonna L.

BACILLUS on selective media. (Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Isolation of Bacillus anthracis from anthrax identification of Bacillus cereus in foods. Food poisoning caused by Bacillus cereus. of heat resistance in Bacillus cereus spores. an aid in identification of Bacillus larvae. ( foulbrood organism, Bacillus larvae. aeruginosa & other gram negative bacilli. ( Evidence of bacilliform particles of virus asbiological activity of Bacillus thuringiensis properties of Bacillus thuringiensis on apple Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner effects (mixtTortrix viridana with Bacillus thuringiensis Study of action of Bacillus thuringiensis on with avian tuberculosis bacilli on results of

067398 06988€ 06727 067332 067412 07587 07588 06738 074137 07457 074731 074810 074820 074839 070024

074576 075507 075276 074718

AUGERS factors in afforestation using a motor auger

AUXINS Effects of certain auxins on growth & devel- 072243 acid & ccc retardant in content of auxins & 073075 Effect of auxin & kinetin on increase in mat. 072164 Some effects of auxin on orchid seed germin- 072452 Effects of auxin on polyphenol accumulation 073179 Dosage-response curve for auxin-induced cell 072882 Evolution of auxin-oxidase & peroxidase act- 073168 AVALANCHE Plant indicators of snow cover & avalanches 071567 Considerations on genesis of snow avalanch-s 077097

BACKFAT Using sound waves to measure backfat.

AUJESZKY on production of serum against Aujeszky's don inapparent infections caused by Aujeszky

BACON industrial crossing of black bacon & white

BARK active substances from apple bark. (PhytopFruit bark beetle--Scolitus (Ecoptogaster) rChemical composition of bark & wood of spDecomposition of bark at composting to obtInternal bark necrosis or apple measles. On resin secretory system of Larix bark. fungus on poplar, cause of bark lesions. compound isolated from bark of Magnolia oMechanized bark processing. Bark necrosis of apple tree variety Jonadel. Catechin content of bark of oak trees growi. remarks about virus disorders of pear bark. Consequences of bark peeling by deer. of calculating duration of pyrolysis of bark. Effect of bark removal on quality of lumber coefficient of resistance of wood with bark

073877 075308 073293 076811 074283 073296 073961 072275 071012 074224 073221 074194 070575 071126 071008 071040

075840 073819 074765 072072

067610 068020 067527 067701 068011

A diagram of bacteriological analysis of ice A diagram of bacteriological analysis of a mBacterium-like bodies in roots of seedlings fGrapevine bacterial canker control. Bacteriological & chemical studies in rice stBacteriological & chemical studies in rice stin mitochondria, chloroplasts & bacteria. of Hotis' test & classic bacteriological examof airborne coliforms & other bacteria on senitrogen fixing soil bacteria communities of A contribution to bacterial conditions of uriof holding dilutions on counts of bacteria frof suspended meat on culture of bacteria. Fire blight--a dangerous bacterial disease of Bacterial degradation of nitrilotriacetic acid V. Certain patterns of bacterial development Bacteria of digestive tract of Agrotis exclaFire blight--a dangerous bacterial disease of al massive diagnostics of bacterial diseases pathogenic mechanism of bacterial diseases Bacteriological examination & presence of atest & classic bacteriological examinations at More extensive use of bacteria & fungi in pAsymbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria--a review Bacterial flora of udder & number of cellular of Lactovac preparation on bacterial flora of ribonucleic acid of some bacteria of genus AGrapevine bacterial canker control. of some nutritional groups of bacteria in rice population changes of heterotropic bacteria of impaired resistance to bacterial infection Bacterial infection of plant tissues & effect reaction of plants to bacterial infections. possibility of transport of intestinal bacteria Bacteriological investigation in acid-milk-drPossibility of bacteriological investigation for of susceptibility of bacteria isolated from hIdentification of twenty bacterial isolates frBacterial leaf blight disease of paddy. [XanDowson-- pathogen of bacterial leaf blight of Action of dry guava leaves on bacteria, contrecorded from bacteriological meat inspectiBacterial microflora in Chlorella vulgaris cufor enumerating raw-milk bacteria. Bacteriologic & morpho-pathological observSome aspects of bacterial mycolysis. [FusarDistribution of mycolytic bacteria in rhizosBacteriology of Nigerian strains of Dermatformed by strains of nodule bacteria of variof alfalfa bacterized with nodule bacteria. Serological groups of nodule bacteria of alfaHygienic state & number of bacteria in milk antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria. Bacterial penetration of eggs. Antibacterial property of indigenous plants Incidence of prosthecate bacteria in a polluOn synthesis of bacterial protein in rumen of Study on bacteriological quality of ice-cream milk of high sanitary-bacteriological quality as a premise of good bacteriological quality Evaluation of bacteriological quality of raw on halotolerant lactic acid bacteria relating microbiology. IV. Bacteriology of root region Bacterial rot in secd cauliflower. (Pseudomin vitro by pure strains of rumen bacteria. of milk of high sanitary-bacteriological qualiDynamics of bacterial seeding of milk in relC(carbon) & action of soil bacteria on labelFree nitrogen fixing soil bacteria communitiHelically-lobed soil bacteria from fungal spC(carbon) & action of soil bacteria on labelfactors causing resistance of bacterial spores Bacterial studies on thawing of frozen foods Bacteriological studies on soil percolated wicinnamomi by a substance from bacteria & Bacteriological survey of fresh pork sausage Bacteriological test in Cronolone vaginal peA new tomato bacteriosis in France. (Pseudsoybean leaves affected by bacterial toxemia in bacteriophage T4 by bacteria treatment wIdentification of twenty bacterial isolates frProblems of fungal, bacterial & virus diseasBACTERICIDES Bactericidal activity of bovine fetal serum adevelopment of bactericidal activity in serum BACTERIOCINS bovine Micrococcaceae to bacteriocin-like sBACTERIOPHAGES Characterisation of new brucella phages. Bacteriophages & crown-gall. Results & hypBACTERIOSTASIS Bacteriostatic compounds from bean leaves. BACTEROIDES foot rot in sheep. (Bacteroides nodosus). fixing extracts from bacteroids of yellow lup

067867 067870 072672 074133 076885 076886 072316 070012 067398 076246 069976 067395 067493 074119 077143 076380 075540 074119 070012 075904 067257 070012 074427 076464 067259 070010 074106 074133 075030 076386 069812 074110 074108 070022 067435 067489 070169 067386 074120 074121 076607 067423 072168 067396 070110 072456 076583 074962 072843 072949 076394 067818 07000 067431 072395 077126 068550 067366 067500 067847 067850 068038 076379 074132 068392 067500 067264 075069 076246 076562 076563 067303 067445 076386 072262 067277 069502 074130 074118 071876 067386 074335

BAETIDAE Callibaetis spec. (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) BAGASSE Utilization of Egyptian cane-sugar bagasses value & utilization of sugarcane bagasse as fraw or alkali-treated sugarcane bagasse. [CBAGGING Isolation bags fitted with screw-caps to simfor insect control in pollination bags. (Forest BAITS of muskrats by chlorophacinone baits: experUltraviolet light baits in forecasting & alarm Bait shyness of two gerbils, Tatera indica iBAKERS New species of Anomalaphis Baker, 1920 & program for Asparagus plumosus Baker. citriperdus Quaintance & Baker (Aleyrodidgenetical & breeding study of baker quality BAKING oils & trough greases. (Baking industry). of phosphates in cereal & baking industry. on nutritive value of bakery products. extracts & concentrates for bakery products determining milling & baking quality of whBALANCE in swine: behaviour of acid-base balance durAmino acid balance of proteins of maize & Comparison of alteration balances on granitCation-anion balance in relation to arginine Dynamic balance between plant species in Continuous, extremely unbalanced use of silSoil test & balanced fertilisation. spring plowing & related soil heat balance in Common Market--an intermediate balance of in furrows by volume balance method. of nutrients & on nitrogen balance in sows on yield of rice & soil nitrogen balance. Nitrogen balance in "soil-plant" system on Influence of variety on nutrient balance of cpotassium fertilizers on nutrient balance, vi. on digestibility & balance of nutritive matter photorespiration on photosynthetic balance Mate selection & balanced polymorphism in Nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium balancecarbohydrates in feed rations balanced by phosphorus & potassium balance-sheets at dskidder with semi-rigid spring-balance suspefeatures of water balance structure. with semi-rigid spring-balance suspension. infiltration in furrows by volume balance meSalt & water balance in stonefly naiads, Ptesoils & intrazonal features of water balance of an active influence on water balance of aFive years balance in serodiagnosis of leptoBALANOPHORACEAE Balanophoraceae). (Langsdorffia papuana). BALES Pressing & baling manure. in transportation of high-pressure bales. Fungicides for protecting baled rubber. (PaeWild oat seed in baled straw. (Avena fatua) BALSAM shape in openand forest-grown balsam fir & BALSAMEA balsam fir & black spruce. (Abies balsamea,

069620 072792 076205 069009 071546 068873 076701 076888 066989 077040 068889 076230 076496 073046 073199 068877 072508


076831 068559 076831 071137 076590 071137 077040 075218 076590 076971 070129

BARLEY vibration-convectional dehydration. (Barley, genetic effect of irradiation. (Barley]. of field ecosystem of forest steppe. (Barley] stimulators with Azotobacter. (Barley, germhigh sodium chloride concentration. [Barley ethirimol. (Erysiphe graminis hordei, barley bodies in Erysiphe graminis dc. (Barley). in accelerated malting of abraded barley. for amylase synthesis by barley aleurone laCytogenetics of induced asynapsis in barley disc-electrophoresis. [Barley, kidney beans, Original wheat & barley breeding stock for on germination of barley caryopses. structure & activity of barley chloroplasts. of dna replication in barley chromosomes. Growth of barley coleoptile. I. Its relationsfatty acid composition of barley (Hordeum Barley culture in Ferrara Province. given restricted amounts of a barley diet. varietal adaptability to drought in barley: A of untimely sowing of spring barley early in Storage effects in barley after action of ethyl Drought-resistant barley forms in MongoloAssay of fungal mycelium in grains of barley formation of Diamant spring barley grains. Shearing stress of barley halm of variety Simetabolism in mildew-infected barley leaves Study on introduction of barley for brewery in amylase enzymes of barley leaves. in chloroplast content of barley lea infec in amylase enzymes of barley leaves. Studies on hybrids in barley lines with chr. Study on methods of maintaining barley varutilization of wheat, barley & maize in fatteMalting barley & costs of its production. graminis dc. [Barley, powdery mildew]. acid supplementation of miloand barley-bas. conditions of Yugoslavia. 1. Barley & oats. after fragmentation of barley pigment apparof condensed phosphates into barley plants on nutrient uptake in spring barley prior to Method of determining resistance of barley Drought-resistant barley forms in MongoloGrowth of roots of barley in dependence on on tyrosine carboxy-lyase from barley roots introduced & native winter two-row barley of alpha-amylase synthesis in barley seeds. Stage sowing of barley with underseeding of on emergence of spring barley sown before Variety trials with spring-sown barley, wheat on mutation frequency & spectrum in barley crossing of four cultivars of spring barley. characters composing yield in spring barley development & productivity of spring barley on nutrient uptake in spring barley prior to temperature on emergence of spring barley of plants & yield formation in spring barley oxide in overground organs of spring barley oxide in production process of spring barley amino acid content in grain of spring barley regional yielding capacity of spring barley Effect of untimely sowing of spring barley efactors on weed infestation of spring barley Use of urea for spring barley, oats, & meadon formation of Diamant spring barley graion yield & quality of spring barley on soddy minimal soil preparation for spring barley & on potential productivity of spring barley vaquinones in chloroplasts of barley sprouts. on weed infestation of spring barley stands. Barley stripe mosaic virus replicative form Studies on barley & malt amylases. X ix. Acof winter wheat & summer barley with short Effect of supplementary barley upon growth of latitude on adaptability of barley types diproductivity of spring barley varieties. I. Grnative winter two-row barley varieties. on methods of maintaining barley varieties. introduction in culture of winter barley in

068005 072075 072680 072835 072876 073863 073925 068024 072756 072005 072712 072110 072912 072767 071770 072696 071993 073324 068918 072863 073544 071906 072939 074003 076634 072886 073950 073502 072640 074064 074434 071951 073429 068867 066899 073966 068985 073559 072781 072774 072906 074057 072939 072708 072879 072898 072894 073542 072909 073424 071995 072092 072098 072796 072906 072909 072910 072915 072916 072934 073481 073544 074546 076633 076634 076880 076923 072796 072854 074546 074272 072642 076038 068912 071998 072796 072898 073429 073592

076103 076058 073996 074438

BAMBOO Insulated drip proof bamboo baskets for traof photoperiod on growth of bamboo grass, BANANAS subtropical fruit varieties; citrus, bananas, liMovement of banana bunchy top virus in plEffect of thiophanate on banana crown rot. studies in different cultigens of banana (Mulife, & organic acids of green bananas. Sprinkler irrigation of bananas. Better manure your bananas. mellea, a problem in banana plantations. On some banana plants grown in Ethiopia. A manurial trial on banana (Musca cavendi

073195 074151 073929 071894 068119 076968 076704 073952 073217 073099

Page 13

root rot of sesamum & cluster beans caused 074062 of Hill reaction in bean chloroplasts.

074315 off & root rot of sesamum & cluster beans c. 074062 sp. as a serious pest of cluster-bean, Cyanop- 074694 Chemical weed control in beans.

074510 of miscellaneous grain crops & beans (soybe- 066942 receiving raw & heated soya-bean diets. 068915 How to buy dried beans, peas & lentils.

066928 membranes of castor bean endosperm tissue 072606 actinomycin D on greening of etiolated bean 073170 of various origins, on beans for feed.

072843 Catalase activity of fodder bean seeds in aft- 068249 Lens esculenta Moench.) & French bean (P- 074863 of Fusarium solani. (Moldy bean hulls].

070403 acid in etiolated mung bean hypocotyl secti- 073172 properties of certain jack bean proteins by 073135 1. An anatomical study. (Kidney beans). 071705 disc-electrophoresis. (Barley, kidney beans, 072712 physiological significance. (Kidney beans, h- 073061 glycoproteins from red kidney beans (Phase- 073068 of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Kidney beans). 073069 promoting effects of ga3 on kidney bean pla- 073080 from ga3 in leaves of kidney bean plants. 073081 I. An anatomical study. (Kidney beans). 074303 vaporariorum Westwood. (Kidney beans). 074749 D on greening of etiolated bean leaves.

073170 Bacteriostatic compounds from bean leaves. 074107 level on mineral concentration in lima bean 073039 of Tephrosia vogelii Hook F. by lima-bean 074783 Isobutylidene diurea, soya-bean meal & urea 069092 metabolite of Fusarium solani. (Moldy bean 070403 digestibility of long rice. (Mung beans). 067511 growth of etiolated seedlings of mung bean 073105 phytochrome-mediated process. (Mung beans) 073155 indoleacetic acid in etiolated mung bean hy- 073172 envelope in root nodule. (Mungo beans, Rhi- 071809 on circadian leaf movements of pinto beans 073131 effects of ga3 on kidney bean plants.

073080 from ga3 in leaves of kidney bean plants. 073081 Tephrosia vogelii Hook F. by lima-bean pod 074783 technology of producing podded beans.

076116 properties of certain jack bean proteins by 073135 of Sclerotinia (sclerotiorum) rot in beans wi- 073906 Control of rust in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris 073908 concentration in lima bean seedlings.

073039 Firmness of pea & bean seeds under a dyna. 068092 Catalase activity of fodder bean seeds in aft. 068249 lunatus in Puerto Rico. (Sieva beans).

074247 of chicks receiving raw & heated soya-bean 068915 Isobutylidene diurea, soya-bean meal & urea 069092 Variations of lipids in soya beans during ge- 072905 South Spain produces string beans in winter 073677 EC. in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.); 072977 Inheritance of bean yellow mosaic virus resi- 071899

yield & nutritive value of corn silage. (Beef, of oxygen by muscles of beef animals & relamanagement systems for fall born beef calves Rise & fall of beef breeds. Variance of gain of beef bulls in central statWhen you buy beef. systems for fall born beef calves. of urea supplement for wintering beef calves damaged corn silage for growing beef calves maturity & marbling to various beef carcass for estimating cutability of beef carcasses. do you sell your bucket reared beef cattle? Beef cattle management & practice in roughRaising & fattening of beef cattle. 1. Problems of rearing beef cattle in Brazil. Estimates of chronological age in beef cattle Pastures for beef cattle in Piedmont. Pasture research for beef cattle on southern drylot & total performance of beef cattle. II on digestibility of com. (Beef cattle). Wheat-ryegrass pasture for beef cattle prodendosperm types in rumen. (Beef cattle). Beef cattle improvement through breeding. Performance is key. (Beef cattle). Empirical selection indexes for beef cattle. Beef cattle breeding. breeds for feedlot gain. (Beef cattle). findings in abortion diseases of beef cattle. Pasture research for beef cattle on southern horn flies. (Haematobia irritans, beef cattle) Consumer acceptance of beef color. Competitive eating behavior of confined beef House fly control for beef, dairy, poultry, & Analyzing cost of beef. on development of dairy cows for beef in N. measures of productivity in beef cows. lactation on liver vitamin A of beef cows grbermudagrass hay for wintering beef cows in lactation on liver vitamin A of beef cows grmaterials on retail case-life of beef cuts. Dark cutting beef--why? Tenderometer as a tool for evaluating beef to Brazil still faces beef shortage in spite of gComparing systems of finishing beef. damaged corn silage for growing beef calves B-type cytochromes of beef heart mitochond. of submitochondrial particles of beef heart. eating behavior of confined beef heifers. Improving beef tenderness by preventing mboneless Angora goat meat for lean beef in Achromobacter. (Spoilage, beef, poultry me-t] tenderness characteristics of beef muscle as Beef production; when is it profitable? Present condition of beef production & distr. Single-suckled beef production. 1. Influence Single-suckled beef production. 2. Influence Efficiency of beef production. cattle & improvement of production of beef progeny tested for milk & beef production. affecting efficiency of beef production. Growth capacity & beef production. Soil moisture, forage, & beef production benCan beef quality be evaluated? When do you sell your bucket reared beef cProblems of rearing beef cattle in Brazil. Firmness & shear force values of beef rib stLamb & beef roasts cooked from frozen state Brazil still faces beef shortage in spite of gof frozen & refrigerated cooked sliced beef. of frozen & refrigerated cooked sliced beef. composition of phrenosine in beef spinal coperformance & digestibility of beef steers fed Single-suckled beef production. 1. Influence Single-suckled beef production. 2. Influence for prediction of beef tenderness. Mechanical measurements of beef tenderness Improving beef tenderness by preventing mstorage temperature on beef tenderness. as a tool for evaluating beef tenderness. maturity & marbling to various beef carcass Types of urea supplement for wintering beef Coastal bermudagrass hay for wintering beef BEEHIVES Environmental control in beehive.

068996 067923 068343 069288 06860 067284 068343 069149 069150 067482 068772 067078 068237 068289 06835 06877€ 068852 068932 068997 068998 069179 069181 069249 069287 069351 069463 069481 069787 073418 074949 067475 069176 074910 066866 067622 068768 069016 069178 069373 067483 067454 067923 067007 068320 069150 068460 068468 069176 067481 067948 067295 067478 066871 066957 068302 068303 068770 069129 069265 069483 069493 074516 067453 067078 068351 067479 067914 067007 067915 067916 068405 069031 068302 068303 067476 067480 067481 067485 067923 067482 069145 069178

BATS of Pipistrellus pipistrellus in Austria. (Bats, Genus Akaropeltis Bat. & Bez. BATTERIES Effect of various cage batteries on productivin lower floor of multistory cage batteries. between conventional & in battery chicken

BEANS variations of their content. [Beans). gas exchange of photosynthesis. (Beans). grain crops & beans (soybeans, Adsuki beans) analogue on apterous form of bean aphid, grain crops & beans (soybeans, Adsuki beans) chemical measurements in broad bean, Vicia species of Gargaphia lace bug from beans in thermophosphate, castor bean cake & microin subcellular membranes of castor bean enthermophosphate, castor bean cake & micro

072976 073002 066942 074599 066942 072811 075682 076843 072606 076843

BEEF other gram negative bacilli. [Spoilage, beef, evaluation of A 2450 MHz system. (Beef]. radiation on freeze-drying rates. (Beef].

075431 075870 075875 075201 075865 075229 075873 075889 075276 075820 075201 075045 075870 075873 075879 075901 075912 075903 075890 075870 075046 073048 075874 075878 075879 075891 075903 075911 075913 075912 075285 075915 075045 075285 075728

phenology & flower visits of apid bees in eaof nucleic acids in Indian honey bee Apis inBees are botanists. of nest entrance by returing bumble bee forzoogeography of Near East. 3. Bumble bees of different species of bumblee-bees by SphCan hairless honey-bees collect pollen? Renewal housing for displaced bees. Selective attraction of male euglossine bees Bee fauna of southern Transdanubia (Hymeentrance by returing bumble bee foragers ( Laboratory diagnostics of honey bees poisonof nucleic acids in Indian honey bee Apis inCan hairless honey-bees collect pollen? Gel filtration of hemolymph of honey bee ( Laboratory diagnostics of honey bees poisonof lightand darkadapted eye of honey bee. [ on temperatures of working honey bees. (ApBee importations into Central India. acids in Indian honey bee Apis indica F. Considerations on bee loss caused by plant orchard. I ii. ecology of megachilid bee, Os. larvae. (American foulbrood, Apis mellifera) performance in honeybees. (Apis mellifera cof hemolymph of honey bee (Apis mellifera in honeybec colonies 1)2)3). (Apis mellifera of working honey bees. (Apis mellifera). of unreinforced hues. (Apis mellifera). flight maneuver in honeybee. (Apis mellifera) eye of honey bee. (Apis mellifica]. A from bee venom. (Apis mellifica). from testing gray Georgian mountain bee & diagnostics of honey bees poisoning with me. of phospholipase-A from bee venom. (Apis of some neotropical xylocopine bees, with cBEETLES Big poplar beetle Aegeria apiformis in Popuassociated with aspen ambrosia beetle. (TypContributions to study of aquatic beetles (CFruit bark beetle--Scolitus (Ecoptogaster) rbehavior of three carabid beetles (Coleoptera Seasonal occurrence of click beetles (ColeopComplex control of Colorado beetle & weeds reducing populations of Colorado beetles, LComplex control of Colorado beetle & weeds Tachina fly as a predator of Colorado beetle rose aphid, & Japanese beetle control on ou. adaptation of larvae of beetle Dermestes maA list of elaterid-beetles from South Asia pro Notes on some elaterid beetles from Japan. A note on host range of Epilachna beetle ( Cannibalism in epilachna beetle, Henosepiladult stages of epilachna beetle HenosepilaGarden Dea beetles of genera Haltica & Chastages of epilachna beetle Henosepilachna sSpecies composition of hide beetles (ColeopMountain pine beetle influence on lodgepole Japanese beetle (a crop pest not yet in Euro slower thrips, rosc aphid, & Japanese beetle Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on khapra beetle, Tr. Ny as a predator of Colorado beetle larvae. Sualus of cereal leaf beetle. (Oulema melangrowth & development of beetle Lyctus planParasitism of milkweed beetles, Tetraopes Mountain pine beetle influence on lodgepole Big poplar beetle Aegeria apiformis in Popudamages caused by Colorado potato beetle populations of Colorado potato beetle (Lepi. development & reproduction of pulse beetle Fruit bark beetle--Scolitus (Ecoptogaster) rselection in iwo subspecies of beetle. (Eleoddefensive secretion of tenebrionid beetle, Armethod of collecting larvae of tiger beetles Affinitics of three trechid beetles from South Water beetles of Maine: including families Dala on fauna & ecology of beetles-wood boBEETS by slicing & aging. (Turnip, rutabagas, beets of Pegomyia hyoscyami Panzer. (Beets, Pol. yield & quality of carrots & beets. on development & sugar content of beets. in liquid top dressing on sugar beet crops. Creating up-to-date sugar beet cultivation, w. Sugar beet cultivation today. in research works for sugar beet cultivation Herbicide in sugar beet cultivation, its applinew varicties in sugar beet culture. Increasing efficiency of sugar beet culture. Hiking nitrogen content of cat beets by their on yield of corn, winter wheat & feed beets Herbicides in fodder beet. Effect of sodium on sugar beets grown with evaluation methods in sugar beet irrigation. in chloroplasts of sugar beet leaves with var. On transmission of sugar beet mild yellowi. on oogenesis a egglaying of sugar beet moth, for preplanting treatment of mother beets. sugar production by sugar beet plants. of downy mildew on sugar beet plants. (ErySugar beet production.

grown in brown soil of beet production type 073782 of mechanization in sugar beets production 076141 Drying of alfalfa in beet pulp drying plant of 068248 metabolism in cattle at silage-beet pulp feed- 068852 Effect of beet pulp pellets fed steers winteri- 069036 of sheep given molasses sugar-beet pulp. 069090 Effect of ammoniated sugar beet pulp added 068833 schachtii Schmidt (Nematoda) in red beet. 074416 Yield & quality of sugar beets relative to fer- 076783 Water-holding ability of sugar beet root cells 072769 A note on unusual occurrence of beet root 074630 of various types of sugar beet seed in 1970. 073400 beet mild yellowing through sugar beet seed 074310 ripeness on germination of sugar beet seeds 072659 yield & quality of sugar beet seeds.

072963 rumen & metabolism in cattle at silage-beet 068852 of urea on growth & yield of spinach beet ( 073100 of herbicides to sugar beet stands.

074474 Sex inversion in female--sterile beet (Beta v- 071774 Genetical aspects in beet studies.

072107 on harvesting & processing of sugar beets. 066759 of a place for establishment of a beet sugar 066799 on harvesting & processing of sugar beets. 068022 process of growth & storage of sugar beets. 068072 of actual impurities in sugar beets. (Process. 068073 Effect of ammoniated sugar beet pulp added 068833 Combined silage of maize & sugar beets. 068957 contents of sheep given molasses sugar-beet 069090 studies on male sterility of sugar beets (Beta 071979 Breeding of synthetic varieties of sugar beet 072029 of separate fruiting traits. (Sugar beets). 072088 perspectives of selection of sugar beets.

072119 of hybrids & initial forms of sugar-beet & on- 072569 Intake & removal of nutrients in sugar beet 072657 on phosphorus metabolism of sugar beets. 072658 of ripeness on germination of sugar beet see. 072659 Water-holding ability of sugar beet root cells 072769 Effect of sodium on sugar beets grown with 072797 rate & sugar production by sugar beet plants 072798 water table sinking for sugar beets.

072834 nutrition on yield & quality of sugar beets w- 072848 of protein content regulation in sugar beet 072887 Development of leaf rosette of sugar beet & 072888 utilization of nutrients in sugar beet.

072911 processes, yield & quality of sugar beet seeds 072963 Dynamics of free amino acids in sugar beets 072966 plastic cover on growth of sugar beets.

073355 Sugar beet production.

073398 Creating up-to-date sugar beet cultivation, we 073399 Evaluation of various types of sugar beet se- 073400 of seed production of polyploid sugar beet v- 073428 of certain qualitative indices of sugar beets 073442 Sugar beet cultivation today.

073468 planting & new varieties in sugar beet cultu- 073477 Illustration on new varieties of sugar beet, 073507 Preceding crops & sugar beet yield.

073547 methods & productivity of sugar beets.

073548 Separate harvest of sugar beets.

073549 Increasing efficiency of sugar beet culture. 073551 Efforts in research works for sugar beet cult- 073552 rhizomania" disease of sugar beets. (Polym- 073883 in Cercospora beticola control. (Sugar beets 073990 incidence of downy mildew on sugar beet pl. 074040 On transmission of sugar beet mild yellowi- 074310 Some problems on protecting sugar beets fr- 074399 Application of herbicides to sugar beet stan- 074474 Herbicide in sugar beet cultivation, its appli- 074549 of aphids from labeled weeds in a sugar-beet 074681 Injurious noctuids on sugar beets in North 074715 on oogenesis a egglaying of sugar beet moth, 075124 status of mechanization in sugar beets prod- 076141 Yield & quality of sugar beets relative io fer- 076783 publications of fertilizer for sugar beets. 076859 Harrowing sugar beets in peat soils.

076896 to evaluation methods in sugar beet irrigati- 077089 dosage in liquid top dressing on sugar beet 077113 aerobic ponds for treatment of beet sugar we 077229 wheel tracks on yield & quality of sugar bee-s. 076142 Decolorization of beet syrup by anion ab-17 068036 heritable colour deviation in red table beets 071923 pigment content, & firmness of table beet cu- 073038 production of polyploid sugar beet varieties 073428 Beet web-worm (Hymenia recurvalis).

074780 Preceding crops & sugar beet yield.


Competitive eating behavior of confined beef electrophoretic behaviour of chromogranine electrophoretic behaviour of proteins of seeObservations on foraging behavior of southetheir influence on grazing behavior. ammonium chloride on growth behaviour & Behavior of hemicellulose & changes in subolfactory factors in prey-hunting behaviour Behavior of hydrotechnical works of control An economic analysis of Indian behavior in On behavior of lignosulfonic acids during heA study of mating behaviour of rams when jwith notes on its foraging & mating behavior Scarabidae) on migratory behavior of male. Distribution & migratory behavior of parasitBehavior of NADand NADP-dependent gly. calves in terms of behaviour of neutrophil pNucleolar behaviour in Triticum. (Wheat). Behaviour of nucleolus during mitosis in plaA behavioral objective-centered approach to administration on oestrous behaviour in ovar. herbs. II. behaviour of some orchids on pera centrally programmed pattern of behavior. strategy & its associated behaviour patterns of temperature & photoperiod on behaviour of insecticides on physiological behaviour of Behaviour of plastids during meiosis in micrTool using behavior of Pogonomyrmex badi. Observations on birth & postpartum behavi-r Behaviour & production of cattle as influencBehavior of protein fractions of bovine sera Reproductive behaviour of Sepsis cynipsea Behavior of rice varieties cica 4 & ir 22 in other possible determinants of role behavior hormones & sexual behavior in males of do. of tegmen defect affecting sexual behaviour data on distribution & behaviour of Silvius Social behaviour of milch-cows of Slovak Pi. Persistence & behavior of soil insecticides. factors & behaviour of stomata in rice plant. factors & behaviour of stomata in rice plant. factors & behaviour of stomata in rice plant. factors & behaviour of stomata in rice plant. chlorocholine chloride on storing behavior of Social environment: Behaviour & stress in ho A behavioral study of angora goats on west Effect of territorial behavior of microlepidoNotes on behavior of thorium in soil. nutrition on behaviour of three varieties of Behavior of wolves & dogs. Wrinkling behaviour of wool fabrics: effect of by summer dryness, on behaviour of young po

069176 068607 073157 075292 068911 073136 070994 075194 077098 066556 071129 069294 075683 075101 075181 073069 068701 071737 071750 066569 069368 073160 075525 075176 075122 074983 071749 075291 075439 068278 068694 075176 073541 068277 069329 075517 075138 068824 074606 071742 072736 072737 072752 072233 068788 068647 075119 076306 072726 068446 067950 073226

074826 071410 075606 075308 075497 075290 074457 074567 074732 074792 074787 075341 075585 075756 074733 075192 075391 075761 075391 075770 074830 074603 074787 074863 074792 074711 075371 075251 074830 074826 074728 074736 074866 075308 075542 075412 075193 075772 075769 074809

BEGONIAS fertilization experiments in Begonia culture.

073054 074658 067265 073182 077113 073399 073468 073552 074549 073477 073551 068257 074529 074445 072797 077089 072855 074310 075124 076185 072798 074040 073398

BETANIN Detection of betanin in jellied meats contaiBETULA certain interspecific hybrids of birch (Betula) trees. (Drosophila, Betula alleghaniensis, Bstem of yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis) On types of Betula forests of European part of leaves of Arctous alpinus & Betula nana Shelterwood cutting in Picea-Betula stands of dioxane lignin from Pinus & Betula during Ehrh.) & downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehpitting on fruit trees. (Betula verrucosa carr. on rheological properties of Betula wood unBEVERAGES volatile nitrosamines in alcoholic beverages. carcinogen) urethan in beverages treated wiBeverages from whole citrus fruit puree. (O.

073251 073297 073917 071607 073247 070809 071149 071626 074244 071142

Application of 15N in plant biochemical teson physiology & biochemistry of poultry. Physiologo-biochemical principles of meat pPhysiological & biochemical principles of reBiochemical principles of feeding of cows wiBiochemical principles of application of biolsome cytophysical & biochemical processes Quality changes in pork: biochemical results Effect of ploidy on several biochemical featBiochemical & structural variations in flight tasks of physiologo-biochemical studies on hto zootechnical & biochemical studies, its orof 15N in plant biochemical tests of nitrogen BIOECOLOGY Ecoptogaster) rugulosus Ratz. (Bioecology). Bioecological analysis of meadow flora of Cwheat & their bioecological characteristics.

072557 068573 068544 068552 068844 068950 073306 067321 073150 075396 068576 068742 072557

Studies on chlorophyll biosynthesis after fr. on biosynthesis of chondromucoprotein by cin biosynthesis of beta-ecdysone (20-hydroxBiosynthesis of free amino acids by soil micas a key enzyme in biosynthesis of guaiacyl of temperature on biosynthesis of iron transin vivo) of biosynthesis of lactose. Studies on konjak mannan biosynthesis. I. Biosynthesis of pectolytic enzymes by means Biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids & coumardioxide fixation & biosynthetic processes in Effect of prolactin on biosynthesis of protein Biosynthesis of riboflavin by Ashbya gossypii Biosynthesis of sideramines in fungi: MevalStudies on biosynthesis of sym-homospermidBiosynthesis of terpenes in cell-free extracts

072781 068448 075278 076582 070963 067384 068561 072171 072196 074139 068564 068574 072167 072314 073230 073034

BIOSYSTEMATICS Biosystematics of genus Ips (Coleoptera: Sc- BIOTA Dehydro-alpha-curcumene. (Biota orientalis) BIOTIC plus thermostable toxin) on biotic potential BIOTRANSFORMATION SEE TRANSFORMATION

BIOELECTRIC On bioelectrical potential changes in Vicia fo BIOGENESIS phosphorus on biogenesis of Chernozem soils Biogenesis of essential oils in camphor trees Biogenetic-type synthesis of cularine. (DiceCyclization of polyenes. VI. Biogenetic-type BIOGEOCENOSIS migration in forest biogeocoenoses. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY Biogeochemical specificity of gypsophilous pBIOGEOGRAPHY to biogeography of Dysmictocarabus solieri biogeographical relationships of closely rela

BILE Regulation of output of electrolytes in bile

BIOLOGY of application of biologically active substancsome properties of biologically active substBiologic activity of soils in Mediterranean eOn some biologic aspects of spirochetes of sSystematics & biology of Brachymeria bicol. A slime mold as object of cell biology: PhysBiologic characteristics of red forest ants of study & deductions on their biology. Biology of Diadegma stellenboschense (CamOn biology & effectiveness of Chrysopa sepA contribution to biology of flies Leucopis Biology of flowering of Aristida pennata. Some data on biology of flowering of Tulipa forestry research of "forest biology" in past results of division of biology of forest trees. Studies on biology of germination of cereals. grown concentrates by biologically highly vaBiology of Limenitis populi L. (Lepidoptera, Morphology & biology of Peronospora tabacBiology of Pyemotes parviscolyti (Acarina: report of Institute of Regional Biology of S. Reproductive biology of Sinella curviseta (C. Seed biology of Themeda triandra Forsk. in Biology of sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona vaBiology of two species of cicads, injurious to breeding in dead snails. 1. Biology of species of Moscow University Biology Station in ZStudies on biology & ecological features of Biology of Turkestan cockroaches (Shelfordin forest of Moscow University Biology Stat.

BIRCHES Study on analogy of wood of Carelian birch development of plants in birch coppices of Betula verrucosa Ehrh.) & downy birch (BeGrowing birch seedlings with application of of certain interspecific hybrids of birch (Beof bark & wood of spruce, birch & lime-tree fir-wood mixed with lime trees & birches in of artificial injuries of stem of yellow birch BIRDS Birds & biological control of insect pests. A surgical method for devoicing birds. (CocWhy birds dust their plumage. hexachlorocyclohexane in wild bird eggs in Causes of coccidiosis in gallinaceous birds & Alexeief, 1910, from Indian birds. (Chickens antibody development in birds infected with Further records of fleas from Irish birds & Nidulariaceae or bird's nest fungi of HawaiiPassive scarring of rapacious birds & Corvi. Argasidae of birds of Tadzhikistan. virus from eggs laid by birds vaccinated with

068950 073877 076530 070178 075793 071713 075304 071720 074743 075141 075541 072209 073146 070536 073286 072795 068859 075254 074096 075263 066584 075499 072715 074696 075145 075258 074059 075307 075454 074059

074602 069591 068787 074992 070144 069913 069818 075244 071308 070557 075571 069954

BIOLUMINESCENCE Chemiand bioluminescence of firefly luciferin

BINS methyl bromide in farm-type bins of wheat BIOCENOSIS of Gomera (Canary Islands). [Biocenosis). On biocenotic & population levels of insect BIOCHEMISTRY in bovines. I ii. Biochemical activities of deGrowth & biochemical adaptation of larvae Correlation of some biochemical blood serum On biochemistry of cell walls of higher planOn certain biochemical characteristics of raAcute dieldrin toxicity: biochemical changes yields of some crops & biochemical changes Biochemical characteristic of sterile pollen Comparative biochemical characteristics of On certain biochemical characteristics of ra. Comparative biochemical characteristics of radiation effects on biochemical components Biochemical composition of seeds of PennisOn biochemistry of copper proteins in plants Biochemistry of development of fly Ceratitis Biochemical & ecological aspects of plant-pStudy of physiological-biochemical effect of Clinical & biochemical effects of chronic resPhysiology & biochemistry of embryonal dedata about structural & biochemical factors on some physiological-biochemical featrues of ploidy on several biochemical features of Recent immuno-biochemical findings on pigs Biochemistry of fruit tree & vegetable leaves Recent immuno-biochemical findings on pigs some haematological & biochemical indices. coli in pigs. I. Biochemical investigations. ecology on some biochemical mechanisms of Biochemical & morphological picture of bloGenetical approach to biochemical nature of in Satyrium flowers: biochemical origins of treatment of high bod (biochemical oxygen Biochemistry of phenolic compounds, 13th Genetic, biochemical & physiological principsalts on some physiological-biochemical feat. Study of physiological-biochemical effect of Physiologo-biochemical principles of meat po Trends & tasks of physiologo-biochemical stBiochemistry of plant disease resistance: ph. to monochromator. (Plant biochemistry].

068585 075341 068793 073244 072955 074987 076849 072089 072933 072955 072933 068201 067986 072608 075370 072169 072957 069564 068567 067303 072865 073150 070143 073216 070143 067959 070251 069993 068862 072027 073023 077221 072358 069336 072865 072957 068544 068576 072244 072334

BIRTH Observations on birth & postpartum behavior foetal & maternal blood during parturition in Clinical studies on bovine parturition: matecolostral inmunoglobulins by newborn calf. of IgGi, IgG2, IgA & IgM in newborn calf. glucose concentration in newborn calves. antibody formation in newborn colostrum-d. secretion of cow before & after parturition. uterine involution in cows after calving. ventilation in normal & distressed newborn on bluestem pasture. II. Effect on birth & a5d histogenesis of fetal & neonatal feline phistogenesis of fetal & neonatal feline pancrof performance on age at first calving, age, cows. V. Relation of age at first calving to relationship of age at first calving & first laEarly conception & calving of heifers intendhypothermic & hypotrophic newborn rabbits Studies into active immunisation of newborn mice during neonatal immunological unrespnormal & corticoid-induced parturition & poUptake of linoleic acid by newborn lamb. of adipose cells in lambs at birth & during sin normal & distressed newborn lambs; a cProtection of newborn mice during neonatal of oxytocin & neurophysin during parturition Observations on parturition & maternal care Observations on birth & postpartum behaviCalving performance of drylot & pasture coof body measurements of piglets at birth & synthesis of IgA in newborn precolostral pig. in ewes during pregnancy & parturition. hypotrophic newborn rabbits. of sexual season on fertility, birth weight &

075439 069372 069291 068541 069796 068666 069710 069395 069239 068492 069034 068536 068537 069283 069441 069338 069541 068490 070051 069717 069386 068722 068419 068492 069717 069366 069392 075439 069480 068456 069885 068714 068490 069508

seasonal fluctuations of blood sucking activiof microsporidia in larvae of blood-sucking Insect-production of blood-sucking mosquitodisease in cattle. (Dermatitis, blood-sucking Midges sucking blood of caterpillars (Dipteof breeding places of blood suckling midge Blood sugar dynamics in rabbits with experof neutrophils of blood of swine at their vacMethod for determination of total blood amsphinxes. [Poultry, blood transfusions). content of nucleic acids in blood of turkeys of inbreeding of noble warm blood type horUterine blood flow & oxygen consumption in eosinophils count in blood of various animals of inbreeding of noble warm blood type hor. Dehydration of cattle rumen & whole blood. free aminoacids in blood of young bulls fed of luteinizing hormone in blood of Zebu catt

074922 074943 074945 074952 075448 075456 070285 069734 067899 069448 068551 069300 069449 068665 069300 067930 068937 069376

BIURET Comparison of biuret & soybean meal for wEvaluation of feed grade biuret; a new supplBLABERUS graft in some insects (Blabera cranifer, Caran appendage in larva of Blabera craniifer (

BLACK Milk composition of sows of Aksai Black S. Range extension of black ash, Fraxinus nigra industrial crossing of black bacon & white production & egg size in desi, Black Bengal, of Wroclaw Province. I. Black & brown soils Diptera, Brachycera) of Bulgarian Black Sea for forest enterprises in Central Black-Earth from Ah horizons of a Black Chernozem, a Black Solonetzic & Black Chernozemic soils wheat in a complex of Black Chernozemic Basal area growth of individual black cherry on production of seeds of black clover. Planting & care of black currants: cultural Care of plantations of black currants. Response of iron application in deep black on improvement of deteriorated black grama forest enterprises in Central Black-Earth RBlack dies (Diptera, Simuliidae) attacking analysis of two close species of black flies of Friesian cattle ( dsr). (German Black Pied] crossing Jersey cattle with German Black Pdays to 50 per cent flowering in black-gram Multivariate analysis in black-gram (Phaseoon improvement of deteriorated black grama Flora of a Sand Prairie in Black Hawk CouBasal area growth of individual black cherry Copper status of medium-black soils (Indore in quality of housing occupied by black & wto level of milk content of Black Pied cattle production & cost of feeds of Black Pied Lof milch-cows of Slovak Pied & Black-Pied on some efficiency properties of Black-Pied in young

bulls of Slovak & Black Pied Lowl. Friesian cattle ( dsr). (German Black Pied] Jersey cattle with German Black Pied. of using cows of Ayrshire & Black Pied breof cultivation of oak & black poplar in Volga antagonists of causal agents of black rootrot Diptera, Brachycera) of Bulgarian Black Sea Diptera, Brachycera) from Black Sea coast Copper status of medium-black soils (Indore of iron application in deep black soils of Mof a Black Chernozem, a Black Solod, & a fraction extracted from Black Solonetzic & composition of sows of Aksai Black Spotted forest-grown balsam fir & black spruce. (Abability & tannin content on black tea quality Effeces of black widow spider venom on aceBLACKBERRIES potentials of thornless blackberry cultivars Growing blackberries. training. & pruning on blackberry yield. BLACKCURRANTS SEE CURRANTS

068408 071302 069158 068980 076363 075616 070642 076288 076283 076689 070710 073558 073795 073797 076761 073318 070642 074912 075539 069282 069301 071989 071992 073318 071365 070710 076381 066600 067784 068368 068824 068826 069110 069282 069301 069532 070801 074041 075616 075619 076381 076761 076288 076283 068408 070593 067732 075180

075396 075162 075278 075398 075399 075179 075286 075132 075372 075358 074891

BLOCKS pumping systems in one block-plant. (IrrigaShop for processing pulpwood blocks & chips efficient system of processing wood blocks fBLOOD vibrations & ascorbic acid. (Cattle, blood). for determination of total blood amount as Attempts of bovine blood application in treafor identification of arthropod blood meals. Correlation of some biochemical blood serum Attempts of bovine blood application in trea1h & progesterone in peripheral bovine blood effect of three anticoagulants in cattle blood limphogenic action of leucotic cattle blood. of lymphocyte-stimulating blood cell-agglutiamino acids between plasma & blood cells of study of haemocytes (blood cells) of cockrotoxicity: biochemical changes in blood. I ï. Оn aliesterase in chicken blood plasma of organ weight & blood components in avian iron store in liver, some blood constituents fowl. VI. Testicular & muscle blood flow chUterine blood flow & oxygen consumption in piglets at stimulation of blood formation. aminotransferase activities in fowl blood plaStudies on fractionation of fowl blood plasLm, a new blood group factor of L system in of Equidae. A study of blood groups & serum Blood groups in goats. (Sheep). Role & importance of blood groups in selectamino acids in rumen & blood of Karakul sBlood levels of oxytocin during suckling & on fatty acid composition of blood lipids of bovine sera after a remarkable loss of blood Composition of foetal & maternal blood durin confinement & on range with blood meal Detection of origin of blood meals in sandfliIdentification of blood meals of hematophag. for identification of arthropod blood meals. Detection of origin of blood meals in sandflimethod of preparation of monospecific blood domestic fowl. VI. Testicular & muscle blood of lymphocytes in peripheral blood of cliniccollected from bovine peripheral blood by an progestagen levels in peripheral blood plasBlood picture of boars after castration. morphological picture of blood on feed ratioCorrelations between blood picture of sows activities in fowl blood plasma & their applion fractionation of fowl blood plasma protein levels in peripheral blood plasma. I ji. On aliesterase in chicken blood plasma mixture on heart rate & blood pressure of hQuantitative changes of proteins of blood & levels in dogs during regeneration of blood. amount as well as degree of blood retention three anticoagulants in cattle blood samples of preparation of monospecific blood sera. ( Hereditary types of albumins in blood sera Studies on blood serum glycoproteins in sheof some biochemical blood serum qualities to in daily feed on urea level in blood serum & of protein composition of blood serum & indgot, gpt, sodh & af) in blood serum of sheep of inorganic phosphorus in blood serum. chemical studies of proteins of blood serum magnesium concentrations in blood serum of cytological correlation in blood of sheep: exGlucose in blood of sheep at halothan anaesof lymphocyte-stimulating blood cell-aggluti. of nitrogen substances between blood, gastrodisease in cattle. (Dermatitis, blood-sucking

BLOWFLIES muscle mitochondria of ageing blowflies, Calfrom flight muscle of aging blowflies. (Phor. hydroxyecdysone) in blowfly Calliphora stygat metamorphosis in blowfly Calliphora eryat metamorphosis in blowfly Calliphora eryoxoglutarate oxidation by blowfly flight-musdehydrogenase of blowsly flight muscle. (Calpartially purified from larvae of blowfly, Allarval growth, & metamorphosis of blowfly, during metamorphosis of blowfly Phormia rBlowfly--a warning. (Sheep, Lucilia cuprina] BLUE with scald inhibitors, to control blue & gray Cotton "blue disease" in Africa: transmission mercury in common egrets & great blue herBlue-green alga Scytonema stuposum (Kutz) hormogonia in taxonomy of some blue-green in broken cell preparations of blue-green alin heterocysts of a blue-green alga. of membrane fragments of blue-green alga technique to collapse vacuoles of blue-green atmospheric nitrogen fixation by blue-green dioxide gas exchange of maize on blue & red Inheritance of resistance to blue mold (PerProduction of blue pigment by Diatomaceae Blue tongue. (Sheep, goats, cattle). Bovine catarrh (blue-tongue).

073899 074165 075004 067375 071397 072266 072410 072537 074564 076480 072771 071929 072148 069892 070136

068391 067899 070032 074896 068793 070032 069386 069581 069996 073068 069088 075630 074987 068669 069970 068990 068508 069449 068796 068655 068658 069272 068436 068813 069456 068563 068613 068917 068694 069372 068946 074884 074893 074896 075126 068781 068 508 068656 068657 069377 068533 068862 068936 068655 068658 069377 068669 069663 068566 068601 067899 069581 068781 069520 068395 068793 068886 069217 069578 069667 069733 070343 068795 069577 073068 068572 070062

074089 075932 074067 074260

L. Morphology & pathogenicity. (Rice, blast] of drainage canals by means of blasting. Studies on panicle blast damage & its investA polyhedral virus found in rice blast fungus BLASTOCLADIELLA fermination in Blastocladiella emersonii. IV BLASTOMYCES infection with Histoplasma & Blastomyces in

Fat-body & haemolymph lipids of southwestof uptake & release of lipids by fat-body of ethanolamine kinases from fat-body of Phosynthesis & release of proteins by fat body eosinophilia induced by ascaris body fluid. Effects of sodium fluoride on body growth in metabolism at two sites on insect body. Concentration of fatty acids & ketone bodies steroidogenesis in pig corpora lutea. Formation & function of corpus luteum in A. comparative studies of body measurements of on body weight & body measurements of Kolevel as research centres & operative bodies esters & steroidogenesis in pig corpora lutea Role of hormones of pituitary body & thyroKinetics of radiation damage to a plant body brasiliensis (Nematoda) on rabbit body weiRegenerated corpora cardiaca & hyperglycBody shape of Simmental cows of various pmuscle of three large parts (body stem, forelSome aspects of body substance losses in trBody temperature of feedlot cattle. Total body water in Bikaneri (Magra) sheep fostered rats: Variability of body weight with early selection on body weight & body measNematoda) on rabbit body weight. Woronin bodies in Erysiphe graminis dc. [BBOGS Pinus sylvestris L. from bog near Emmen ( chamaemorus L. in Calluna-Eriophorum bog Phytoecological study of bogs of Landes plaplanting of forest trees in mountain bogs. of outlaying parts of mountain bogs. of Leccinum scabrum in alive peat-bog in Cremarks on growth of plants in peat bogs. Ecology of aquatic insects of peat bogs of hiion concentration of spagnum bog peat. water regulating systems in peat-bogs. of row crops on shallow peat-bogs. of ticks (Oribatei) in exhaust peat-bogs of Micro-variegation of bog-podzolic soil & peEffectiveness of liming of bog-podzolic soils pollen diagrams from Peel raised bogs (soutClassification of bog vegetation of southern

BORDETELLA aeruginosa, Bordetella bronchiseptica & My. 070257

BOTTOMLAND A preliminary investigation of bottom fauna sedimentation tanks with bottom stream dra

BOREAL according to specimens from boreal Africa.

BOTULISM of mouse test to demonstrate botulism Cint

071465 071544 071539 070818 077058 071319 071557 075515 076241 077001 077009 075240 076232 076658 071457 071592

BORERS Incidence of brinjal bud borer, Scrobipalpa used for Asiatic rice borer control to tropical Preliminary results of lilac borer control stused for Asiatic rice borer control to tropical genetic control against European corn borer factors influencing European corn borer popInsect enemies of European corn borer. (Osin midgut lipids of southwestern corn borer, pesticides for control of fruit borer, Heliothecology of beetles-wood borers injurious to to vogelii Hook F. by lima-bean pod borer. [Et. of rice varieties to rice stem borer (Chilo suControl of rice stem borer (Tryporyza incerlevels of nitrogen on incidence of stem borer Studies on maize & jowar stem borer, Chilo requirements of sugarcane top borer, ScirpoLife-history, habits & control of trunk-borer BOREUS X vi/6. Further findings of Boreus hyemalis

074779 074690 074785 075024 074661 074708 074709 075366 074762 074809 074783 074673 074695 074697 075697 075483 074758

BOILING Effect of heating to boiling point on colloidal Effect of repeated boiling of milk on its pro- data on heat exchange in boiling water-alco- BOLETUS Gyroporus (Boletus) cyanescens Bull. ex Fr. BOLLS of four terpenoid components of boll weevil Relationship of temperatures to boll weevil BOLTING Bolting. (Flour).

BOMBAX Walker on simul tree, Bombax malabricum

BORON Response of added boron to maize & choice between boron deficiency & boron content in with manganese, boron, zinc & molybdenum Studies on conditions for boron nutrition of components of root secretions & boron in uavailable magnesium & easily soluble boron

076759 073137 071811 072885 072619 076552

BOVINE of glycoproteins from bovine achilles tendon acid synthesis by bovine adenovirus type 3 in in mitochondria of bovine adrenal cortex. I. Artificial immunization against bovine pirprogesterone in peripheral bovine blood dur. Attempts of bovine blood application in trearoles in serology of bovine brucellosis antig. hydrochloride denatured bovine carbonic anCongenital porphyria in a bovine carcase. Bone-muscle relationships in bovine carcass palatability attributes of bovine carcasses. of smooth muscle cells of bovine carotid artBovine catarrh (blue-tongue). of 3H-uridine into bovine cells doubly infectchemical properties of bovine cervical mucus common neoplastic conditions of bovines. History of contagious bovine pleuorpneumonphosphoproteins from bovine cortical bone vtension development & decline in bovine, pofrom mineralizing bovine dentin. infected with virus of bovine diarrhea & a breproduction disturbances in bovines & their microscopical picture of bovine endometrium of bovine diarrhea & a bovine enterovirus. bovine viral diarrhea & a bovine enterovirus dairy performance & enzootic bovine leucosis Spread of enzootic bovine leukosis & of leuBactericidal activity of bovine fetal serum ain amino acid sequence of bovine growth hoadenosine triphosphatase from bovine heart Diaphragmatic hernia in bovines. Bovine herpes mammillitis--a virus infection of a viral agent resembling bovine herpes mpulmonary hypertension in bovine. studies on bovine immunoglobulin M. virus from productively infected bovine kidnStudies of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis vRelease of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis Bovine leptospirosis: experimantal infection performance & enzootic bovine leucosis. 2. Control of bovine leucosis in German DemoSpread of enzootic bovine leukosis & of leuwith three different types of live rinderpest aspects of structure of bovine luteinizing howith antiserum to bovine luteinizing hormoof coagulase-negative bovine Micrococcaceae reactivation of human & bovine milk lysozphosphoprotein from mineralizing bovine de. tract of bulls. (Mycoplasma bovigenitalium] of biomolecules, I j. Native bovine serum asensitivity of coagulase-negative bovine Micof chromogranine obtained from bovine & eon lipid monolayers from bovine olfactory eStudies with a rhinovirus of bovine origin. I Studies with a rhinovirus of bovine origin. Histology & histochemistry of bovine ovaries. An outbreak of bovine paralytic rabies in Thistological study of post-partum bovine ute. Clinical studies on bovine parturition: mateBovine pepsin: preliminary cheesemaking eleukocytes collected from bovine peripheral of lh & progesterone in peripheral bovine blStudies on bovine piroplasmosis. I. Artificial of contagious bovine pleuorpneumonia in KeA survey of bovine pulmonary diseases at an of tuberculin reactions in bovines. hk) to low potassium ( lk) in bovine red celof a viral agent resembling bovine herpes m

068465 069963 068650 069985 069386 070032 069686 068470 070300 068771 067474 068385 070136 069773 069244 070322 069850 068485 068626 068484 069772 070379 069529 069772 069773 070338 070339 069747 068529 068467 070346 069948 070184 070287 068482 069962 069781 069962 069785 070338 070345 070339 069914 068487 069965 068812 067793 068484 069935 068479 068812 068607 068709 069779 069780 068702 069739 069380 069291 067821 068657 069386 069985 069850 069853 070213 068628 070184

075363 075871 075893 075894 075895 075898 075899 075900 075906 075908 075910 075914

BOMBYX metabolism in silkworm, Bombyx mori, duriautosome genes in silkworm. (Bombyx mori) muscle & midgut of silkworm, Bombyx mori proteins in silkworm (Bombyx mori) egg-shdifferentiation in silkworm, Bombyx mori. multirearing of silkworms. (Bombyx mori). Based on existing results. (Bombyx mori). variety Jam 105 x Jam 106. (Bombyx mori] Dynamics of muscular tissue in Bombyx mo-i activity in it. (Bombyx mori]. development of silkworm egg, Bombyx mori productivity of larvae of Bombyx mori. BONDING Forms of bond of calcium & potassium in fuEther-bonded lipids of insects: a quantitative formaldehyde resin bonded particleboards & on cause for variation in plywood bond qualiof protochlorophyll in state of bonding with BONES Salmonella recovery from meat-and-bone mSubstituting boneless Angora goat meat for metabolism in zinc-deficient chick bone. via periodate solubilization of bone collagen Effect of ionizing radiatio5 on bone growth Bone-muscle relationships in bovine carcass

076833 075213 070914 070911 072204

067279 067948 068631 068485 070903 068771

Page 14

Modification of tryptophan residues of bovi-e Studies of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis v. Release of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis on nitrogen metabolism in bovine rumen. rafunctional development of rumen in bovines. of genus Bifidobacterium. (Bovine rumen). Chloral hydrate sedation in bovine: A haemeffect of growth hormone on bovine seminal Behavior of protein fractions of bovine sera activity against strain rs 3x in bovine sera. of biomolecules. I ï. Native bovine serum a. cellulose acelate membrane of bovine serum its two inhibitors found in bovine serum. Bovine sperm cell volume at various intervametabolism of bovine spermatozoa. of alpha-glucosidase from bovine spleen. Studies on bovine transferrin; isolation & paBovine tuberculosis in Madagascar. secretion against sperm in bovine uterine cestudy of post-partum bovine uterus. doubly infected with virus of bovine viral dito experimental infection with bovine virus viral & soluble components of bovine virus d.

068480 069781 069962 068498 068585 068590 069582 069365 068694 069780 068479 068741 075359 069320 069363 068403 068431 070091 069346 069380 069773 069861 069777

by new hypersensible tobacco breeding lines of short & long range livestock breeding. Localized mass breeding of Haemaphysalis opinions on present breeding methods of daiSome observations on breeding of minks in Mutation breeding of Achimenes. Development of breeding perennial grasses infection in ewes. 1. Breeding performance of fluctuation in population & breeding period Pig breeding. of possible relevance to pigeon breeder's disTypes of pigeons breeding & commercializatOn detection of breeding places of blood suL. species from standpoint of plant breeding of mutagenes is in modern plant breeding. Sergei Stepanovich Kanash. (Plant breeding Advances in plant breeding in Bulgaria. [CoPlants. (Institute of Plant Breeding & AcclBreeding potatoes for frost resistance. plans for protection of poultry breeding stoconserving & utilizing for breeding poultry in animal husbandry. 8. Poultry breeding. Problems of poultry breeding on family farm in intensive large-scale poultry breeding. Cove screen shelter in poultry breeding. Critical opinions on present breeding methoin pet shops & professional breeding. [Dogs) Providing breeding bulls with iodine in Beloguinea fowl Essor 72-- queen of breeding at Situation of rabbit-breeding in light of recent Breeding & rearing of Japanese cattle in inmeeting, Animal Breeding Research OrganiOn measurement of breeding results of dairy Laboratory care & breeding of Rhodnius pro. approach to problems of rice breeding. Upland rice breeding in Japan. Using rooted tops in breeding root crops. mastitis in heifers of large scale breeding. [ Effect of environment on breeding season & Pedigreed sheep breeding in Russian Federacorn mutant, a valuable source for breeding Exhibit of young breeding stock in Ruse. Original wheat & barley breeding stock for for protection of poultry breeding stocks. A genetical & breeding study of baker qualiSuccessful breeding of Austrian Simmental of seeds & prospects for breeding sunflowers Modernization of swine breeding & consumin & competitive power of swine breeding in Modernization of swine breeding & consumaspects on development of swine breeding. one need a gene bank in swine breeding? Breeding of synthetic varieties of sugar beet Breeding system & genetic variation in Leaby new hypersensible tobacco breeding lines Transgression breeding in relation to yield of Forest tree breeding in Denmark. Breeding trend is for Brown Alpine cattle b. Tulip breeding. Wheat breeding for disease resitance by into Original material for wheat breeding under of equal gluten level (breeding of winter whHelianthus tuberosus) in breeding work. plants in connection with breeding work. ( Exhibit of young breeding stock in Ruse.

074167 069327 074913 069491 069457 071925 072055 069789 074995 069432 069574 066968 075456 071954 071961 072118 072135 073828 072042 068352 069285 069319 069544 070113 075921 069491 069977 068849 069296 067109 069317 069098 069492 075383 071994 073453 072040 070029 069477 069533 072127 069545 072110 068352 072072 069333 072126 066959 066970 069251 069494 069495 072029 071931 074167 071908 070765 069468 0721 30 072028 072111 071908 071973 075955 069545

BREEDING of control records of dairy cattle. (Breeding) 069332 east Pahang. (Livestock, breeding).

069417 Get most from mum. (Swine, breeding). 069440 analysis of seed yield in linseed. (Breeding] 071996 of grain yield in pearlmillet. [Breeding). 072002 yield characters in Upland cotton. (Breeding) 072006 Combining ability in wheat. (Breeding).

072009 some superior soybean varieties. [Breeding] 072013 on perennial grasses. (Breeding).

072112 grain in soft & hard spring wheat. [Breeding] 072114 of gladiolus (Gladiolus hybr. hort.) breeding 072132 third scientific meeting, Animal Breeding R. 069098 development of cage animal breeding in ussr 069255 on their application to animal breeding. V. 069396 on their application to animal breeding. IV. 069398 Work methods of animal breeding in profit 069425 activity on improvement of animal breeding 069459 Michal seventy years old. (Animal breeding] 069548 Smerha 60 years old. (Animal breeding). 069551 hygiene in laboratory animal breeding & rea- 069569 of modern technology in animal breeding in- 075941 environmental conditions in animal breeding 075996 Assessment of breeding & technological val- 072074 Original wheat & barley breeding stock for 072110 Breeding as basis for improving milk-produc- 069485 Biological basis of breeding fast-ripening co- 072056 Performance tests in breeding of sur-bearing 069326 Recent trends on breeding of broiler chicke. 069316 Breeding of Brown-Swiss cattle in province 069252 Providing breeding bulls with iodine in Belo- 068849 of Latvian Brown cows & breeder bulls.

069410 values of Oberinntal Grey breeding bulls by 069510 substances added to food for calf breeding. 067449 Tasks in cattle breeding & its results as one 066711 yield & that of Italian Friesian cattle bred in 069252 problems of research in cattle breeding.

069266 Beef cattle breeding.

069463 creative search in dairy cattle breeding. 069530 Reserves of cattle breeding farm.

069534 Cattle breeding in Hungary.

069554 Cattle bred in Ferrara is officially safe from 069726 Rationalization in chicken breeding & impr- 066691 Investigations on breeding of citrus trees. I 071857 Investigations on breeding of citrus trees. IV 072100 Present status & measures of corn breeding 071879 effectiveness of selecting cows for breeding 069531 work is facing industrialized cross-breeding. 069543 to study of influence of cross breeding line 071962 Cross-breeding of experimental neomales in 075109 Breeding of cucumbers.

072068 A new oriental species of Culicoides breeding 075862 Breeding deciduous fruits in Bulgaria.

072057 Ecological studies on Diptera breeding in do 075258 conditions & problems on breeding of drug 071880 Forecasting effectiveness of breeding with p- 070790 first lactation yield to breeding efficiency in 069338 testing of pigs in breeding enterprises.

069306 Urea & its use in breeding of farm animals. 068838 Reserves of cattle breeding farm.

069534 On breeding of new grape variety "Takao". 072037 Heterosis breeding in fennel. (Foeniculum v. 072022 Breeding of high-lysine corn.

072121 Breeding Hungarian White swine at Keszth- 069415 Breeding hybrid swine in several European 069421 Beef cattle improvement through breeding. 069249 Questions of breeding improvement in catile 069261 Questions of breeding improvement in pig p- 069262 Breeding for improvement. (Goats).

069290 Test by incestuous breeding to examine gen- 069302 heifer rearing--early income for breeder. 068315 technology in animal breeding industry. 075941 of pathology in intensive breeding in relation 069640 multocida var. ureae) in intensive breeding of 070163 On interrelationships between breeding & fa- 068371 their hybrids in interspecific breeding of po- 072043 to study of influence of cross breeding line 071962

Nutritive value of yellow corn bran & OpaqWheat bran-groundnut cake ration for pouli

073485 067638 069036 072434 071006 073129 070867 071893 071856 072583 073088 068750 066734

BRANCHES in crop farming, a new branch of agriculture of work-organization in certain branches of wintering & finishing rations; Colby Branch On anthocyanin containing branched trisaccProduction reserves of branch-cutter lines. Degree of branching as an indicator of age Epicormic branching. Genetics of branching in cotton. lo study of growth of grape branches. other branches of mathematics. Branching property of morphactin on Prunus Branching of pulmonary vessels in fowls, (c. Classification of branches of work on state fBRANDING is guinca-fowl of South-Western brand? BRASSAVOLA Geaus Brassavola in South America. (OrchiBRASSICA oleracea L. with Brassica compestris L. (Kaseed colour in Brassica juncea. values of forms of Brassica napus L. species of height of stem in Brassica oleracea L. var BRASSICAE cabbage in Belorussia. (Alternaria brassicae) crop pests; a study of Brevicoryne brassicae of cabbage leaf miner, Liriomyza brassicae of granulose virus disease in Pieris brassicae sensibility in caterpillars of Pieris brassicae of granulose virus disease in Pieris brassicae

BREEDS breed & their crosses with Altai breed under of Bohemian Pied & Ayrshire breeds. Rise & fall of beef breeds. belonging to Hungarian Dairy Brown breed of feeds of Black Pied Lowland cattle breed of Kostroma & Swiss Brown cattle breed. "Kouri": A cattle breed from lake chad. I. A native Hungarian & imported cattle breeds albumin in iwo Hungarian cattle breeds. relationships of Austrian cattle breeds. Moyenne & Haute Belgique cattle breeds. "Kouri": A cattle breed from lake chad. I. A Spotted & Rumanian Brown cattle breeds in production of Brown Alpine cattle breed. trend is for Brown Alpine cattle breed. of calves of several domestic cattle breeds & or identity between cattle breeds of MareCombining breeds to increase 180-day calf Combining breeds for feedlot gain. (Beef cal. in Nigerian White Fulani & N'Dama breeds amylase in pigs of two different breeds in Bof milk in dairy cattle of different breeds. Combining abilities of eight breeds of sires. polymorphism in some breeds of Indian cati. Comparison of horses of Polish Konk breed of left kidney in a hen of Leghorn breed. A in laying poultry by line & breed. bulls of Slovak & Black Pied Lowland breed udders & teats in some Indian milch breeds Swine type & breed most suitable for coopeof meat in cows of Czech Pied breed. indices in heifers of Slovak Pied breed. cows of Slovak Pied & Black-Pied breeds. of heifers & cows of Bohemian Pied breed at using cows of Ayrshire & Black Pied breeds

068411 069550 069288 069264 068368 068417 068742 069241 069245 069269 069279 069452 069454 069467 069468 069536 069553 069479 069481 068501 068540 069515 069478 068602 068316 070337 068548 069110 068586 069469 067957 068821 068824 069236 069532

071926 072000 071954 072094

073894 074622 074768 074624 075087 075440

composition of milk of Slovak Pinzgau breed. Malaya Fighter poultry breed. capacities of cocks of Cornish poultry breed Breed, grade & prior treatment related to pEffect of selection breeds on inheritance of fArgentine Lincoln Longwool sheep breed & in rams of Lincoln Longwool sheep breed & study of origin of Sar Planina sheep breed. Heritability in Romanov sheep breed in relaof Suffolk, Targhee & Shropshire breeds of crossing of Slovak Spotted breed with bulls from lake chad. I. A general survey of breed Sussex breed of cattle in nineteenth century of sows of Aksai Black Spotted swine breed Effect of crossing two breeds of swine on numilk secretion of cows of various breeds. wool of newly created fine-wooled breeds. I. BREVICORYNE crop pests; a study of Brevicoryne brassicae BREWING Study on introduction of barley for brewery Institute of Brewing Hops Advisory Commiacid bacteria relating to soy sauce brewing. Utilization of brewer's grains & contents of

067857 069436 069447 069175 069464 068407 068411 069466 069500 069350 069442 068742 069250 068408 069538 068414 067956

of pathogens on foliage & buds of cold-stored Studies on bud development in rhizome of Bud drop of pear. (Virus diseases). Flower bud drop in peaches. Induction of

spur & flower bud formation in gall related substances on bud formation & gall related substances on bud formation & on formation & growth of generative buds of sterile grape vines from single-bud grafts. II. effect of shoot pruning & lateral buds rof removal of growing point, lateral buds, & insecticidal granules against mango bud mite of dna in dormant & nondormant buds of Jnitromethyl urea on apple vegetative buds. studies on rest of mulberry winter buds. (M

07392 07225 07419 07441 07303 07221 07411 07315 07369 07228 07274 07476 07171 07315 07243

calves of Kostroma & Swiss Brown cattle bof various lines of Latvian Brown cattle. Spotted & Rumanian Brown cattle breeds in of Carpathian & North Caucasian Brown Foof exchangeable potassium in brown clayish waste mounds of Moscow brown coal basin of insecticides in controlling brown soft scale Soil associations of Brown County, Illinois. of productivity of Latvian Brown cows & brcows belonging to Hungarian Dairy Brown of exchangable potassium in Brown Earth in of lysimetric waters in loess Brown Earth. Non-enzymic browning of soy sauce; comparEnzymic browning of whole wheat meal flour cobalt in light yellowish brown Forest soils North Caucasian Brown Forest soils. content of lowland non-glutinous brown rice moisture of wilting of Brown gray soils of pevaluation of productivity of Latvian Brown offspring of various lines of Latvian Brown of lysimetric waters in loess Brown Earth. industrial waste mounds of Moscow brown Browning of parsnips. of polyphenoloxidase related to browning in on antioxidant activity of resulting browning content of lowland non-glutinous brown rice of Rumanian Spotted & Rumanian Brown cof insecticides in controlling brown soft scale yield structure of broadbean on brown soil. structure of broadbeans grown in brown soil of cellulose decomposition in a brown soil usome physical characteristics of brown soil. Soil moisture constants in brown soils with activity of resulting browning-solution. activity of amino acids & browning solutions of soy sauce; comparison of browning of soy bulls & calves of Kostroma & Swiss Brown carcass characteristics of Brown Swiss crosBreeding of Brown-Swiss cattle in province during subsequent transition of brown to who copper & cobalt in light yellowish brown Fo

068417 069414 069454 076475 076678 071570 074805 076319 069410 069264 076522 076523 067982 068044 076217 076475 068001 076247 069410 069414 076523 071570 067293 068170 067738 068001 069454 074805 073546 073782 076594 076851 076570 067738 067737 067982 068417 069180 069252 068419 076217

073502 067702 068038 069118

BUFFALO Trypanosoma vivax in Brazil. (Buffalo, sheep results of control. (Sheep, cattle, buffaloes] types of live rinderpest vaccine. [Buffaloes, in mammary gland of a buffalo (Bos bubalus in spinal cord of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Preservation of buffalo-bull semen at room ejaculates of Murrah buffalo-bulls. Indian milch breeds of cattle & buffaloes as of motor neurons in spinal cord of buffalo ( secretion of lactic protein in buffalo cows, Cdegeneration of ovaries in buffalo females. changes in mammary gland of a buffalo (Bos of ovulation in a herd of buffalo heifers. observations on ovary of Indian buffalo. on tuberculosis amongst Indian buffaloes.

whey proteins of cow & buffalo milk. system stability of cow & buffalo milk. Alkaline phosphatase of buffalo milk. I. Disof individual phospholipids. [Buffalo's milk) of successive ejaculates of Murrah buffalo-bRheological study on cow & buffalo rennet Keeping quality of buffalo semen in three diCirclinig syndrome in a buffalo. (Eschrichia gland morphology of Indian water buffalo. breeds of Indian cattle & water buffaloes. First lactation curve of Indian water buffalo of white muscle disease in young buffaloes.

06976 06986 06991 06858 06838 06934 06934 06858 06838 06856 07031 06858 06926 068584 06992 06778 067787 067814 06781 069348 06778€ 069339 069931 068581 068602 068630 070385

BROADBEANS in presence of hydroquinone. (Broadbeans). of experimental data. (Broadbeans). aberrations in Vicia faba L. (Broadbeans). in roots of Vicia faba. (Broadbeans). so 2 (sulfur dioxide) pollution. (Broadbeans) effect of pectinmethylesterase. (Broadbeans) ultrastructure of chloroplasts. (Broadbeans) in Vicia faba leaves at daylight. (Broadbeans Tests in use of broadbean flour (Vicia faba L on yield structure of broadbeans grown in b. on yield & yield structure of broadbean on BROCCOLI Characterization of broccoli necrotic yellows

071677 071776 072090 072709 072760 074110 074329 073085 068900 073782 073546

BRUCELLOSIS in serology of bovine brucellosis antigens & measures for controlling cattle brucellosis & agglutination test in diagnosis of brucellosis Immunofluorescent diagnosis of brucellosis National brucellosis eradication. Brucellosis in meat animals in Calcutta. n.a. (Br 45/20) brucellosis vaccine.

069686 070224 070111 070220 070115 067363 069698

BUILDING Aspects of building, economising, & running affecting wood use in building construction. Program of dam building & drainage works Economical farm buildings are less expensive Building grain silos in Bulgarian People's RGeneva Station's new raw products building influenced by logging, road building, & fire. Development in building silos. transformation of old buildings with a simul

BRUCHIDAE of Bruchidius halodendri (Gebl.) (Bruchidae: Bruchidius multivariegatus (Pic) (Bruchidae chinensis I. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). designations for some Bruchidae described

075981 070913 075984 075980 075962 067745 070503 075925 075992

068478 072980 074553 076002 068480

074618 074693 075433 075676

BROMEGRASS Origin of small component of brome mosaic BROMIDES ordering of cyanogen bromide peptides from Action of ethidium bromide on division of ro Application of methyl bromide in weed cont. methods for ditributing methyl bromide in fo with 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide & wiBROMINE Bromine compounds in food, especially in G. BROMOCRESOL as measured by bromocresol purple indicator BROMODEOXYURIDINE of lesions induced by 5-bromodeoxyuridine

BRUSH Herbage production following brush control Reaction of trees & brush plants to high do- BRYOPHYLLUM involved in root formation. (Bryophyllum). BRYOPHYTA Bryophyta flora of South Yenisei River crest BRYOPHYTES A note on bryophytes of Maltese Islands.

BULK oils for abolition of their sale in bulk-- case Composition of bulk & mobile forms of npk On some bulk-curing problems with Virginia of multiple cropping on bulk density of uplorganic matter content & bulk density. (Soi

BRONCHITIS Immune response to infectious bronchitis vi- nephrosis-inducing infectious bronchitis virus Serious incident of verminous bronchitis in

067035 073248 067992 076214 076597

BULLS on survival rate of spermatozoa. (Bulls, rams Best of bulls. for electronic spermatozoa counting. (Bulls] abilities of eight breeds of sires. (Bulls). of live rinderpest vaccine. (Buffaloes, bulls, sorbitol dehydrogenase) activities in bull's, for improving semen properties of ai bulls. Variance of gain of beef bulls in central statSpotted breed with bulls of Blackspotted loof Latvian Brown cows & breeder bulls. Providing breeding bulls with iodine in Belovalues of Oberinntal Grey breeding bulls by Young bulls Bruno x Modicano-Sardi fed wiPreservation of buffalo-bull semen at room ejaculates of Murrah buffalo-bulls. skin glands in ears of cows, bulls & calves of Gyroporus (Boletus) cyanescens Bull. ex Fr. methods in comparison with fattening bulls.

068785 069325 069427 069478 069914 069315 069284 068603 069442 069410 068849 069510 068903 069342 069348 068417 071421 067953

methods in comparison with fattening bulls. feeding of lactating cows & fattening balls. free aminoacids in blood of young bulls fed protein content for summer feeding of bulls Feedlot bulls & steers treated with diethylstFriesian & White Fulani--Priesian bulls for €88 yolk extender on chilled & frozen bull schanges occuring in frozen bull & ram semen Red Steppe cattle with Santa Gertrudis bulls Brown Swiss crossbred bulls, Hereford bulls Cutaneous streptothricosis in bulls imported Utilization of improved bulls in network of A case of keloid in a bullock. heads of spermatozoa of rabbit, man & bull processes in young purebred & mixed bulls. on semen quality & fertility of pellet bull sfor disposal of A. I. bulls, & physical conditcapacity & meat quality of bullocks. relationship between human, bull & rabbit sUllor-Rex line & imported Danish Red bulls values of Oberinntal Grey reproduction bulls structure of wall of bull scrotum. Bal semen nicotinamide adenine dinucleotiPreservation of buffalo-bull semen at room extender on chilled & frozen bull semen. quality & fertility of pellet bull semen. Evaluating several bulls of Ullor-Rex line & qualities of offsprings of Simmenthal bulls of Production of bull sperm in small plastic tuof morphologic changes in bull sperm. in vitro on dna content of bull spermatozoa Sensitivity of bull spermatozoa to ultralow on post-irradiation changes in bull sperms. Evaluation of bull stud, progeny tested for upon ultimate tendersteaks from bulls & stemilk qualities by daughters of bulls tested. of dihydrotestosterone & testosterone in bull, infection of Trypanosoma theileri in a bull. of infections in genital tract of bulls. (MycoCan semen of bulls vaccinated for foot-andQuality of meat of crossbred young bulls & of fraction C5--C9 in feeding of young bulls. manure. production of heavy young bulls. hematopoiesis in fattening young bulls. in intensive fattening of young bulls. Young bulls Bruno X Modicano-Sardi fed wifree aminoacids in blood of young bulls fed of growth & carcass quality in young bulls of fraction of serum in young bulls after invasi

069187 070332 068937 069232 069142 069499 069406 069418 069522 069180 069829 069458 070323 069267 069523 069407 069527 068443 069384 069412 069506 068534 069281 069342 069406 069407 069412 069517 069484 069513 069292 069546 070902 069265 067477 069409 069365 069925 069935 069878 068782 068832 068855 068882 068884 068903 068937 069110 070255

BUTTERFLIES new sub-species of Spanish apollo butterfly 075574 aberrant forms of butterflies collected from 075785 Regional differences of butterfly-fauna of Ja- 075747 Annotated list of butterflies of Indiana, 197 075766 Butterflies of Isle of Wight. (Satyridae, Ny- 075651 during oviposition in lemon butterfly, Papilio 075191 case of mimicry between lycaenid butterflies 075446 Lipids of female monarch butterfly, Danaus 075362 polymorphism in tropical nymphalid butterf-y, 075277 Three butterfly species (Lycaenidae, Nymp- 075767 colour types in cabbage white butterfly, Pier- 075435 larval hemocytes in cabbage white butterfly, 075436 Butterflies in Yugoslavia, 1971.


BUTTERNUTS A new procedure to develop hybrid butternut 071981

CALCIUM of soils & clay minerals. (Sodium, calcium, in migration of iron, aluminum, calcium, mapomonella L.) on calcium alginate gels. Forms of bond of calcium & potassium in fuEffect of calcium carbonate content on iron Calcium: remedy for cork spot. (Apples). fertilizers of calcium cyanamide in a rotation Vill. under conditions of calcium deficiency. Determination of calcium & magnesium level Effect of calcium, phosphorus & alkaline phEffect of calcium & magnesium on structure Effect of calcium on permeability of roots of in rice straw compost. VI. Effect of calcium Content of exchangeable calcium, available works as a potassium & calcium fertilizer. question of localization of calcium-fixating pphosphorus, potassium & calcium foliar contContent of different forms of calcium & maof sodium, potassium, calcium, & inorganic Effects of soil calcium level on mineral concCalcium & magnesium levels in cervico-vagipotassium, calcium, & magnesium y rye cultbetween potassium, calcium & magnesium in Redistribution of calcium in sheep induced parasitism on retention of calcium & phospEffect of tree sprays of calcium salts with v. Effects of soil calcium level on mineral concLate calcium sprays can do harm. elements & analogs (strontium--90-calcium, Studies on transfer of calcium across ovine Relationships between calcium transport & l. dissolved crystalline vitamin D3 on calcium, CALCULI Carbonate urinary calculi in herbivorous do

076434 076439 075264 076833 076573 072998 073537 072772 067776 070019 072767 072876 076886 076551 076836 068686 073227 076369 070034 073039 069240 072801 072971 068721 070071 074338 073039 074325 072303 068499 068389 070343

067284 066928 076049 066666 067285 066971 066649

075201 075865 075641 075543 075544

CALENDULA in wheat & oats. (Arctotheca calendula).

BUMBLEBEES of nest entrance by returing bumble bee forBumble bees & parasitic bumble bees of AnBumblebee distribution maps scheme guide regulation & foraging in a bumblebee, BomPatterns of endothermy in bumblebee queens, BUNDLE Oxygen inhibits maize bundle sheath photowheat. II. Number of vascular bundles.

073894 073872 073090 076416 074768 074774 074100 076667 075435 075436 073723

BUYING When you buy beef. How to buy dried beans, peas & lentils. Don't guess when buying a used tractor. Buying land in country. When you buy pork. Significance of buying promotion for food wBuying versus renting farmland. CABBAGES Alternariosis of cabbage in Belorussia. (Altecinerea, cabbage, Erysiphe cichoracearum, cL-cysteine sulfoxide, isolated from cabbage. substrate with raising of Khibiny cabbage minsecticides against pupae of cabbage leaf mEffect of trichlorfon on cabbage pests. of clubroot-resistance in cabbage. of microelements on early-ripening cabbage of pupal colour types in cabbage white button larval hemocytes in cabbage white butterline for producing whitehead cabbage. CABLES reliability of steel cables of cable-cranes. General cable theory for cells of algae CharCable-way Lasso-Cabel in operational conditof load on a skyline of a suspended cable syCACALIA Integerrimine from Cacalia hastata L. subsp CACAO Slimy fermentations. (Cacao). Cocoa in Nigeria. (Cacao). cocoa. (Cacao, Tapinanthus bangwensis, PhrCacao & cardamom (Eilettaria cardamomum palmivora (Butl.) Butl. in cacao pods. Characteristics of principal cacao varieties g. CACTUS present in fruit of cactus opuntia. mineral substance in juice of Cactus opuntia

071061 071711 071000 071139

070471 071544 073455 076820 073714 070500

067623 073845 074484 073639 074088 073849

characterization of nuclei in chicken bursal Identification of infectious bursal disease vi.


071544 071556 071542 071541 072065

074488 072301 068180 076191

CADRA investigations on damage potential of Cadra

CALLUNA chamaemorus L. in Calluna-Eriophorum bog Calluna heathlands: Use & conservation in lof acidification of soil by Calluna & Ulex & of plant communities. (Calluna vulgaris). on ecotypic variability in Calluna vulgaris L CALLUS Effect of gamma-rays on callus-formation in on organogenesis & callus growth of Cichoribasicity of proteins during callus induction. for growth & redifferentiation of ride callus CALOGLYPHUS ddt to dde by two mite species. (Caloglyphus, CALORIMETRY Calorimetry of carbohydrates by aromatic do

073074 073089 073094 072743

069255 068330 068372 068283 068300 069126

Origin of "butanol-less” cytokinin in ground

CANADENSIS studies of squamulae of Elodea canadensis; CANARIES Nematofauna of Gomera (Canary Islands). About Madeira & Canary Islands (Rhopaloof Lampromyia Macq. in Canary Islands (Dvolcanic soils from Tenerife (Canary Islands

CANCER by water-soluble cancerogenic compound im- Cancer controlling substances in plants disc- Some thoughts on food & cancer.

CAPILLARY Porous, capillary & colloidal characteristics Origins of lymph capillaries in mammary bl- On diffusion of capillary substances of wood

074327 073752 072519 076717 072730

CALVES rich (Fl) histone preparations. (Calves, rabwith actinomycin D. [Theileriai parva, calves] of nitrogen & amino acids in calves. Cytogenetic analysis of calves with congenitosteopetrosis in Aberdeen-Angus calves. I. warts) in a calf with anthiomaline. Solving calf barn problems. systems for fall born beef calves. of urea supplement for wintering beef calves damaged corn silage for growing beef calves substances added to food for calf breeding. treatment of bronchopneumonia in calves. coli 073; k.:h18 in colibacillosis of calves. ampicillin in cases of colibacillosis in calves Reaction of first-calf cows to conditions of f. Simmental-Hereford cross calves. of 18 months old crossbred calves. Problem of surplus dairy calf. Combining breeds to increase 180-day calf conventional & colostrum-deprived calves. [ Calf diseases in first two weeks. in treating cases of dyspepsia in calves. treatment of dyspepsia in calves. Scours still biggest death factor in calves. carcass value in heavy fattening calves. Salmonella infection in fattening calves at fo Comparative study of veal from calves fed wPancreatic secretion in milk-fed calf. Comparative study of veal from calves fed wPerformance of calves fed chlortetracyclinelevels of proteins & enzymes in fetal calf duReaction of first-calf cows to conditions of f. Action of procortan forte on calves in terms Effect of source of oteins on gain of calves Weaning weight & daily gain of calves on dito prophylaxis of gastroenteritis of calves on of histone kieselguhr. (Calves, thymus gland during grazing season, creep grazing of calf during grazing season, creep grazing of calf of developing rumen in growing calves kept A case of arsenic poisoning in a heifer calf. disease virus: selection by homogenized calf Analysis of health problems in calf houses experimantal infection of calves & pregnant of developing rumen in growing calves kept efficiency of food conversion in calves kept virus: selection by homogenized calf kidney in ears of cows, bulls & calves of Kostroma A 61, xy cell line in a calf with extreme braacid composition of blood lipids of calves. Economics of rearing Hariana male calves. diethylstilbestrol in fattening male calves. Cow & calf management in pampean semiarrations & nitrogen metabolism in calves at uResearch on causes of calf mortality in Lowtetatoxoid application in calves of mother aof free fatty acid in newborn calves. colostral inmunoglobulins by newborn calf. glucose concentration in newborn calves. of IgG1, IgG2, IgA & IgM in newborn calf. Effect of calves nutrition on quality of skin Nutrition of calves during fattening divided Effect of calves nutrition on quality of skin reactivity of organism of calves in relation to Economics of retained ownership of calves calf & double-suckling on calf performance. Post-weaning performance of calves as affecHow to produce more calves in individual cNutritive value of clover in calf production. Calf production of Droughtmaster cows grazon economico-biological qualities of calves. Using automatic drinkers in calf rearing. Response of calves to parainfluenza-3 vacciProphylaxis of ringworm in calves. of infection with strain rs 3x in calves. absorption of lactose by pre-ruminant calf. soya products to pre-ruminant calves. Suitability of calves of several domestic cattSolving calf barn problems. Influence of adding zinc to calf starters. metabolism & mineral substances in calves, on growth rate of Tharparkar calves. EC-number on calf thymus nucleohCircular dichroism studies of calf thymus Ca by a synthetic polyanion in calf thymus nucrich in arginine &'in lysine, of calf thymus. fatty acid composition of tissues of calves wiof nucleic acids & protein in calf tissues. chimerism of heterosexual twin calves. of nitrogen in diets for early-weaned calf. Early weaning of calves for meat production breeds to increase 180-day calf weight. immunisation of newborn & young calves. L. Effect of zinc on calves with hereditary thy. CALVING SEE BIRTH

068471 069860 068553 070293 070294 070324 075939 068343 069145 069150 067449 070032 070183 070226 068331 069401 068364 068274 069479 069748 069626 070383 070384 069974 067954 070263 067938 068729 069113 069144 069312 068331 068701 068887 069177 070397 068609 068302 068303 068585 070414 069938 069678 069785 068585 068912 069938 068417 070320 068917 066881 069209 068340 068971 069855 070051 068452 068541 068666 069796 067942 069072 069163 069217 066720 068303 069037 069474 068835 068899 068962 076013 069746 070225 069779 068730 069097 069536 075939 068885 069220 068588 068441 068476 068486 068381 068914 068776 070351 069103 069127 069479 070051 070283

CANE Sugar-cane diseases of potential importance grapes in relation to disposition of canes. Utilization of Egyptian cane-sugar bagasses Fertilization of sugar cane in reunion. parts & shoot roots of growing young cane. CANINES Canine adenovirus respiratory disease: Isolanoradrenaline by canine adrenal. Studies in Ancylostoma caninum infection in of virus of hepatitis contagiosa canis (RubarCanine dirofilariasis. (Dirofilaria immitis). free autogenous skin grafting in canines. of polio & infectious canine hepatitis viruses resistance against infectious canine hepatitis of use of rigamycins in canine medicine. dogs & cats caused by Microsporum canis. dermatophytic fungus Microsporum canis. Canine reaginic antibody: characterization of Polymorphism of canine serum albumin.

070192 068621 069761 069823 070064 069584 069711 069745 070068 070013 072420 070410 069271

CARABIDAE solieri, Archicarabus monticola, Carabus). in Pterostichus brevicornis (Carabidae). three carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of genus Cychropsis. (Coleoptera, Carabidae Kraatz (Coleoptera, Carabidae). (Carabus). A new variety of Carabidae. (Carabus). carabological fauna of Anatolia. I. (Carabus] to Chrysocarabus solieri Dejean. (Carabus] asymmetricus Bates (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of new subspecies (Coleoptera, Carabidae). nova (Coleoptera, Carabidae), new carabid fspecies (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of genus DuVariability & structure of Carabidae (ColeoCarabus in surroundings of Prague. Harpalini (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of 5th &

075273 075464 075497 075645 075709 075712 075713 075714 075746 075773 075711 075608 075501 075863 075828

An anatomic study of Caragana frutex (L.)

CANNING Coregonus clupeaformis) for canning. a quality defect in canned apricots. (Rhizopof contamination of certain canned food proof sorbitol & xylitol in dietary canned fruits of contamination of certain canned food pronutritive value of fresh, canned, & frozen col. Australia reports large canned fruit pack--suof sorbitol & xylitol in dietary canned fruits of technical evolution in canning industry of Vegetable gardening & canning industry in on vegetable culture & canning industry in Vegetable gardening & canning industry in Australia reports large canned fruit pack--suFundamentals of canned meat & sausage pr. soluble proteins in pasteurized canned meat Report on testing milk cans. of soluble proteins in pasteurized canned mTechnology of harvesting peas for canning & Vegetable canning-process wastes. Technological suggestions for canning & tra.

067615 073954 067369 068183 067369 067513 067014 068183 067756 068136 068153 073676 067014 067894 067926 067839 067926 076088 068140 067903

CAROTENE for coniferous chlorophyll-carotene paste. of some lipids, beta-carotene, & cholesterol Correlation between content of carotene & with high content of beta-carotene. ways of drying on beta-carotene loss in dryi. of new antioxidants--regulators of carotene CAROTENOIDS Ethylene-induced carotenoid accumulation in beta)-methylglutaric acid into carotenoids &

071097 067354 068935 071963 068244 068953

seeds. I. Protein, oil, carbohydrate, & ash cCalorimetry of carbohydrates by aromatic dChanges of carbohydrate & nitrogen compoCarbohydrate changes during metamorphosis Research into carbohydrate complex of apple emphasis on phenol-carbohydrate complexes indices & carbohydrate composition of unblof respiration & content of carbohydrates in Determination of carbohydrates by liquid chEffect of specific carbohydrate diet on metain metabolism of dietary carbohydrates studCarbohydrate digestion & glucose supply in Principles of evaluating carbohydrate-lipid of amino-acids, carbohydrates & fat. from nitrogen & carbohydrates of feedstuffs Dermestes maculatus to carbohydrate-free d. of internal stress in ligno-carbohydrate hotsources of easily hydrolizable carbohydrates intensity on growth & carbohydrate levels of process of obtaining lignin-carbohydrate plaof internal stress in ligno-carbohydrate holPrinciples of evaluating carbohydrate-lipid general analysis, carbohydrates & lipids. Carbohydrate metabolism in domestic fowl. in total nonstructural carbohydrates of trewall with emphasis on phenol-carbohydrate of obtaining lignin-carbohydrate plastics. on utilization of carbohydrate polymers of svariation in carbohydrates of purple nutsedge Effect of specific carbohydrate diet on metabetween rice straw & carbohydrates. metabolism of dietary carbohydrates studied 1. An analytical study on carbohydrates dur. Dielectric properties of carbohydrate-water

072740 067710 072405 075358 068160 071709 071125 068089 067831 068495 068726 068724 068804 069761 068550 075341 071039 068559 073033 071124 071039 068804 072545 068725 073239 071709 071124 068977 072813 068495 072825 068726 072171 067725

CARCASS of blood retention of animals. (Carcasses]. 067899 maturity & marbling to various beef carcass 067482 for estimating cutability of beef carcasses. 068772 palatability attributes of bovine carcasses. 067474 Bone-muscle relationships in bovine carcass 068771 Congenital porphyria in a bovine carcase. 070300 on performance & carcass characteristics of 068763 conversion index, carcass characteristics & 069135 performance & carcass characteristics of Br- 069180 Change in carcass composition due to various 067924 of performance & carcass compositon of Ker- 068986 of lamb chops from carcasses of different us- 067470 grid of classification for carcasses effective 067935 process for objective carcass evaluation with 067281 Cutability of Angora goat carcasses.

067947 Analysis of half-carcass & chemical composi- 067957 Dissectible components of lamb carcasses ve 067463 for increasing tenderness in lamb carcasses 067467 in monetary value between lamb carcasses of 067471 Lamb carcass shrinkage as affected by exte- 067944 among certain indicators of lamb carcass ma- 067946 total fat trim from lamb carcasses.

068350 Lamb carcass shrinkage as affected by exte- 068765 Genetic influence on live carcass & traits of 069428 beef muscle as affected by carcass maturity 067478 certain indicators of lamb carcass maturity. 067946 parameters readily measurable on carcass & 067281 Studies on fattening & carcass performances 068874 to study of growth & carcass quality in you- 069110 morphological characters of carcass quarters 067960 by preventing muscle shortening in carcass 067481 Lamb carcass shrinkage as affected by exte- 067944 shelf-life of steaks from steer carcasses.

067484 measurements in swine carcasses.

067927 treatments on performance & carcass traits 068764 on performance & carcass traits of feedlot l- 069167 Carcass value of young female cattle fattened 067953 on feed performance & carcass value in hea- 067954 Objective estimation of carcass value of call. 067960 on feed performance & carcass value in hea- 069190 Meat efficiency & carcass value of heifers & 069236 components of lamb carcasses varying in us- 067463 Studies on carcass yield of Middle White Y- 069343

CARROTS its cytoplasmic precursor. (Carrots). Psila rosae Fab. during 1963-1970. (Carrots development from protoplasts of carrot cell A new technique for growing early carrots activities of carrot powder & carrot extract Bifidus factor in carrot. I. Bifidobacterium bin male-sterile & male-fertile garden carrot from new methods for growing late carrots Chimerical structure of carrot inflorescences preparation & processing of carrots. Experimental Farm in carrot production & of main growth factors in carrot production derived from isolated protoplasts of carrot. on contamination, yield & quality of carrots Infection of carrot roots by Sclerotinia liberof studying crop qualities of carrot seeds. Genetic studies on male sterility in carrot

073066 074751 073175 073658 067404 067403 071977 073657 071693 066722 066723 073659 073176 067265 073895 073741 071976

CARDIOSPERMUM on tendrils of Cardiospermum halicacabum

CARBONIC Amount of carbonic acid gas discharged from 076209 denatured bovine carbonic anhydrase.

068470 genetic studies on carbonic anhydrase poly- 069242 CARBONIFEROUS from British Upper Carboniferous.

071469 Synchronous floras in Upper Carboniferous 071471 CARBONS discs of Pelargonium zonale L. (Carbon). 072973 Carbon acid producted in developed peat soi- 076415 Vermiculite & activated carbon adsorbents 074459 acid-2-14C (carbon] exogenously applied to

072744 hyalinus using a C14(carbon)-chitin assay. 072481 Carbon dioxide levels in railcars & their eff- 067488 Effects of oxygen & carbon dioxide on respi. 068119 berween processes of carbon dioxide fixation 068564 Measurement of carbon dioxide production 068737 of processes of fixation of carbon dioxide. 068797 Carbon dioxide uptake during anaerobic me- 069363 cerevisiae (Meyen) by carbon dioxide.

071831 responsible for fixation of carbon dioxide in 072206 Carbon dioxide & water vapour exchange in 072360 Vertical transport of co2 (carbon dioxide) & 072501 automatic controller of co2 (carbon dioxide] 072511 laboratory for measuring carbon dioxide & 072514 translocation of 14 co (Carbon dioxide) in l

072732 translocation of 14 c02 (carbon dioxide) in 072748 to raised atmospheric co2 (carbon dioxide) 072760 Carbon dioxide gas exchange of maize on bl. 072771 of C14 of radioactive carbon dioxide into pr- 073004 Homotropic effect of co2 (carbon dioxide) in 073060 Effect of carbon dioxide gas alone or in co

074868 Evolution of 14 co2 carbon dioxide) from so- 075069 for measuring 14 co2 (carbon dioxide) upta

076271 Evolution of 14 co2(carbon dioxide) from so- 076563 podzolic soil on dynamic of carbon dioxide

076927 Effects of carbon to nitrogen ratios in nutri: 072467 products of photosynthetic carbon fixation i- 074274 a mobile laboratory for measuring carbon di- 072514 effects of ammonia on carbon metabolism in 072238 Carbon metabolism in Atriplex leaves.

072363 ecosystems. I. Mineralization of carbon.

076530 Carbon monoxide from engines in warehouse 068116 North Alps. 4. 14C (carbon)-dating of muck 076384 methods of determination of organic carbon 076219 of interrelationship between organic carbon 076357 on continuous com. II. Organic carbon, nitr- 076661 of carly products of photosynthetic carbon f- 074274 Incorporation of Ci4 of radioactive carbon 073004 of total nitrogen, carbon, & reducing sugars 072221 with dieldrin-14C[carbon] & action of soil b- 075069 Influence of some carbon sources on growth 073916 CARBONYLS on antioxidant activity of amino-carbonyl re

067737 on antioxidant activity of amino-carbonyl re

067738 sensivity threshold of carbonyl compounds

067712 of some furan & lignin carbonyl compounds

070897 On changes of carbonyl

groups of dioxane li- 071149

CARDIOVASCULAR Dietary factors & cardiovascular diseases--e- Cardiovascular status of female Beagles exp-

CARDUUS Weed control--thistles. (Cirsium, Carduus, S.

Page 15

breeds for feedlot gain. [Beef cattle). findings in abortion diseases of beef cattle. Pasture research for beef cattle on southern range by irrigated pasture. (Beef cattle). horn flies. [Haematobia irritans, beef cattle) Further investigation on beer cattle fed ratiin Moyenne & Haute Belgique cattle breeds Control of harmful cattle bladder worms--eeffect of three anticoagulants in cattle blood limphogenic action of leucotic cattle blood. yield & that of Italian Friesian cattle bred in Cattle bred in Ferrara is officially safe from of feeds of Black Pied Lowland cattle breed of Kostroma & Swiss Brown cattle breed. "Kouri": A cattle breed from lake chad. I. A Sussex breed of cattle in nineteenth century "Kouri": A cattle breed from lake chad. I. A production of Brown Alpine cattle breed. trend is for Brown Alpine cattle breed. Tasks in cattle breeding & its results as one problems of research in cattle breeding. Beef cattle breeding. creative search in dairy cattle breeding. Reserves of cattle breeding farm. Cattle breeding in Hungary. teats in some Indian milch breeds of cattle native Hungarian & imported cattle breeds albumin in two Hungarian cattle breeds. relationships of Austrian cattle breeds. Moyenne & Haute Belgique cattle breeds. Spotted & Rumanian Brown cattle breeds in of calves of several domestic cattle breeds & or identity between cattle breeds of MareWinter feeding of brood cattle: Concentrate calves of Kostroma & Swiss Brown cattle bof various lines of Latvian Brown cattle. Spotted & Rumanian Brown cattle breeds in measures for controlling cattle brucellosis & of ovulation in a herd of buffalo heifers. ultimate tendersteaks from bulls & steers. Brown Swiss crossbred bulls, Hereford bulls Friesian & White Fulani--Friesian bulls for A case of arsenic poisoning in a heifer calf. Meat quality of once-calved heifers. shelf-life of steaks from steer carcasses. milk yield & that of Italian Friesian cattle of a sample of German Friesian cattle ( dsr) in an experimental herd of Hereford cattle. in F1 cows from crossing Jersey cattle with economic characteristics of cattle by means of calves on eastern Colorado cattle ranches Sanitary norms for cattle commerce in Ferro breeding in Schleswig-Holstein compared to feeders in increasingly competitive cattle feinherited pathological conditions in cattle. adipose tissue & rumen content in cattle. Organizing measures for controlling cattle bUnicar: a proposition for cooperative cattle Study of hair cover of cattle in Bulgaria. II. Studies on hair cover of cattle in Bulgaria. of lactation curve in Holstein Friesian cows Activities of lactating Hereford cows in conf. reproduction efficiency in Hariana cows. Efficiency of Fl Angus-Jersey cows in three Simmental-Hereford cross calves. Some results of crossbreeding of cattle under properties in FI cows from crossing Jersey Effects of crossing Friesian & Red Danish cto etiology of ovarian follicle cysts in cattle to complex mechanization of dairy cattle inalfalfa & corn silage for dairy cattle. Pinpointing profit-makers. (Dairy cattle, miWhy to rear dairy cattle? Intensive rearing of dairy cattle & supply wRumen: a remarkable factory. (Dairy cattle) Some features of immature dairy heifer's mResponses of dairy heifers to crownvetch, seGetting best from grass. (Dairy cattle). restricted-roughage rations. (Dairy cattle). of optimum rations. (Dairy cattle). Ammonia-treated corn silage for dairy cattle alfalfa & corn silage for dairy cattle. protein phosphoric acid silage. (Dairy cattle of forage corn in free choice for dairy cattle acetate in milk production. (Dairy cattle). Meat or milk? (Dairy cattle). Application of control records of dairy cattle. Heat detectors can help. (Dairy cattle, estrof first lactation milk yield. (Dairy cattle). Some features of immature dairy heifer's mherdmate-deviation milk & fat. (Dairy cattle] acetate administration to dairy heifers & prspermatological questions. (Dairy cattle). on present breeding methods of dairy cattle of breeding results of dairy cattle. of components of milk in dairy cattle of diffA massive creative search in dairy cattle brQuality milk without flukes. (Dairy cattle) Fluke & milk quality. [Dairy cattle[. Treating ketosis in dairy cattle. serum enzymes in muscle damage of cattle. of crossing Friesian & Red Danish cattle on

069481 069787 073418 073457 074949 068855 069279 070142 069581 069996 069252 069726 068368 068417 068742 069250 069452 069467 069468 066711 069266 069463 069530 069534 069554 068586 069241 069245 069269 069279 069454 069536 069553 069191 068417 069414 069454 070224 069260 067477 069180 069499 070414 067376 067484 069252 069282 069291 069301 069330 066720 069557 066970 066898 068349 069207 070224 066764 068818 068819 068754 068766 069337 069482 069401 069254 069301 069465 070359 066834 066888 068292 068321 068344 068543 068610 068842 068925 069004 069005 069006 069066 069078 069114 069186 069322 069332 069334 069359 069361 069362 069377 069490 069491 069492 069515 069530 069874 069875 070381 070357 069465

CATECHU of leaf & root in arecanut, Areca catechu L

CATTLE Urea intoxication & meat inspection. (Cattle) 067457 modern animal production: Cattle.

068354 Ultrasonic vibrations & ascorbic acid. (Catt-e, 068391 formed in hair during unhairing. (Cattle). 068428 demonstration of multiple proteins. (Cattle) 068488 soluble connective tissue protein: (Cattle). 068489 conversion of young Hungarian Pied. (Cattle) 068680 system on far north coast. (Australia, cattle] 068836 phosphate & trace elements. (Cattle).

068862 Silage additives: Money up chute? (Cattle). 068924 feeding on length of lactation. (Cattle).

068981 nutritive value of corn silage. (Beef, cattle). 068996 later growing & finishing. (Cattle).

069139 roughages in feedlot rations. (Cattle).

069173 of spastic paresis of hind legs. (Cattle).

069303 Holstein. (Cattle).

069324 Dairy Research Institute Karnal. (Cattle). 069340 in profit making farms. (Swine, cattle).

069425 An opinion on genetic continuity. (Cattle]. 069488 breeding. (Artificial insemination, cattle). 069494 on lactogenic properties of leptaden. (Cattle 069583 on recording of electrocardiograms. (Cattle) 069597 Feedlot herd health program. (Cattle).

069638 needles in mass vaccinations. (Cattle, swine) 069642 modern animal production: Cattle.

069645 strains of different origin. (Swine, cattle). 069700 antibody & resistance to disease. (Cattle). 069749 for controlling anaplasmosis losses. (Cattle) 069786 Bell, Uganda. (Fasciola gigantiica, cattle). 069857 methods & results of control. (Sheep, cattle, 069863 Blue tongue. (Sheep, goats, cattle).

069892 with fractions of immune serum. (Cattle). 069902 Ultrastructure of Babesia bigemina. (Cattle) 069903 of a leptospiral type-specific antigen. (Cattle) 069933 with presence of coagulase. (Cattle, mastitis 070018 of liver fluke. (Fasciola hepatica, cattle). 070022 Concept to ensure udder health. (Cattle, ma- 070057 of facial eczema by fungicides. (Sheep, cattle) 070116 On spread of Salmonella infection. (Cattle, 070233 milk after treatment in dry period. (Cattle) 070275 Give staggers bullet". (Cattle).

070310 its treatment with "meladinine." (Cattle, do- 070315 Spastic paresis & its treatment. (Cattle). 070318 tenella, Sarcocystis hirsuta, sheep, cattle). 070391 disorders in large dairy herds. (Cattle).

070394 of trace elements. (Feed toxicity, cattle). 070415 by means of immunoelectrophoresis. (Cattle 070435 Urea intoxication & meat inspection. (Cattle) 070437 hay farming on territory of Mozirje. (Cattle 073555 District, Mysore State, India. (Cattle).

074913 bovicola in Musca vitripennis. (Cattle).

074929 water-pan in Haddonfield, New Jersey.

075677 nutritive value of corn silage. (Beef, cattle). 076753 affected by processing & type of diet. (Cattle 068259 digestibility of lignin in feedingstuffs. (Cattle 068973 affected by processing & type of diet. (Cattle 069148 against Fasciola gigantica. (Cattle).

070094 Salmonella from an aborted cattle foctus.[ 069924 of streptococcal abortion in cattle. (Strepto- 070262 of carcass value of cattle according to devel- 067960 of central nervous system of cattle afflicted 070340 Vaccination of cattle against leptospirosis; 070098 Internal parasites in Alaskan cattle.

069729 Best milk production of Brown Alpine cattle 069467 Breeding trend is for Brown Alpine cattle b- 069468 Korean cattle female & Aberdeen angus male 069046 of maturing in Hereford & Angus cattle. 069349 Efficiency of F1 Angus-Jersey cows in three 069482 Hereditary osteopetrosis in Aberdeen-Angus 070294 Austrian cattle industry as well motorization 068282 Genetic relationships of Austrian cattle bre- 069269 Austrian cattle industry as well motorization 076018 do you sell your bucket reared beef cattle? 067078 Beef cattle management & practice in rough- 068237 Raising & fattening of beef cattle. 1.

068289 Problems of rearing beef cattle in Brazil. 068351 Estimates of chronological age in beef cattle 068773 Pastures for beef cattle in Piedmont.

068853 Pasture research for beef cattle on southern 068932 drylot & total performance of beef cattle. II 068997 on digestibility of corn. [Beef cattle).

068998 range by irrigated pasture. [Beef cattle). 069017 performance & digestibility of beef steers fed 069031 eating behavior of confined beef heifers. 069176 Wheat-ryegrass pasture for beef cattle prod- 069179 endosperm types in rumen. (Beef cattle). 069181 Beef cattle improvement through breeding. 069249 Performance is key. (Beef cattle).

069287 Empirical selection indexes for beef cattle. 069351 Beef cattle breeding.


CATIONS Cation-anion balance in relation to arginine Effect of cation capacity exchange of soil on liming on exchangeable cation composition Cation concentration in skeletal muscle of pEffect of acidity & cation content of nutrient Effect of cations on chymotrypsin from AedEffect of soil cation exchange capacity on concepts on chemistry of cation exchange bof interrelationship between cation exchange Effect of soil cation exchange capacity on Cation exchange equilibria. II. Na-Ca-Mg sof organic matter in cation-exchange capaci. amino acids in non-cationic fraction of pea s

069009 076203 076601 068426 072296 075416 072145 072182 072287 076206 076434 076518 072990

of gamma-ray radiation on cattle ticks, Ha. Virus isolations from trade cattle, sheep, goimproving milk-production traits of cattle. Feedlot bulls & steers treated with diethylstof Dovenix injections in treatment of cattle eradication of trichomoniasis in cattle. Is there tuberculosis in cattle within territoof tuberculinization in tuberculous cattle. antibody formation in udder of cattle. experimental underfeeding of heifers. strain Rev I as a vaccine for cattle. Cattle vaccines: which to use? Meat efficiency & carcass value of heifers & of Salmonella excretion in various cattle poTrichlorophone back washing of cattle & restudy of White Fulani, Friesian & White FuOutdoor wintering of cattle in Massif Centro of beet pulp pellets fed steers wintering & ffetal hemoglobin of aboriginal Yakut cattle. selecting cows for breeding in cattle yards. type of diet in fatteining of young cattle. different number of feedings to young cattle Comparative fattening of young cattle on full his tasks in rearing young cattle in good heaInfectious diseases of young cattle. potassium metabolism in young cattle with Disorders of liver functions in young cattle. muscular degeneration in young cattle of Sibovine serum protein in healthy Zebu cattle Intensive fattening of Gobra Zebu cattle in luteinizing hormone in blood of Zebu cattle brucei infection in Zebu cattle.

074933 069854 069485 069142 069869 070231 070167 070024 070043 068968 070119 069906 069236 070185 074950 069499 068339 069036 068568 069531 068876 068958 069229 069616 070085 070229 070382 070387 068741 069117 069376 069832

energy level of feeding heifers. (Diary cattle 069224 Dictyocaulosis of cattle. (Dictyocaulus vivip- 070138 Seasonal changes in herbage & cattle diets 069014 roughage replacement in feeder cattle diets. 069138 on etiology of "Wahi" disease in cattle. (De- 070062 Treatment of uterine diseases in cattle with 070354 Metabolic disorders of cattle & sheep.

070347 of calves of several domestic cattle breeds & 069536 impact of introduction of domestic cattle in. 077191 Cattle dung patch. 3. Distribution & rate of 068911 Synecologic study of cattle dung. I. Estival 075498 Cattle dang patch. 2. Effect of a dung patch 076684 Winter dysentery in cattle.

070132 Economical cattle feeding systems are to be 068840 of research results for efficient cattle rearing 068323 an development of embryo in cattle.

068967 Serum enzymes in cattle: Organ analysis & 068756 Agglutination of cattle erythrocytes by plant 068435 more calves in individual cattle farms.

069474 On evaluation of fats in cattle in connection 068960 Carcass value of young female cattle fattened 067953 performance of young female cattle fattened 069187 of nitrogen in rumen of fattening cattle fed 068891 Experiments in cattle fattening with sugarc- 069116 Use of corn in cattle fattening.

069125 Using grain residues for fattening cattle. 069226 Ergot in rations for fattening cattle. (Clavic- 070428 morbidity & animal losses in cattle fattening 070453 Further investigation on beer cattle fed rati- 068855 of nitrogen in rumen of fattening cattle fed 068891 Effect of beet pulp pellets fed steers winteri- 069036 performance & digestibility of beef steers fed 069031 lichen (Evernia prunastri) as cattle feed with 068895 Chlorella in cattle feeà.

069225 as a roughage replacement in feeder cattle d- 069138 in increasingly competitive cattle feeding bu- 066898 Economical cattle feeding systems are to be 068840 Dried potatoes in cattle feeding.

069042 programming in planning of cattle feeding & 069063 Some advice in cattle feeding.

069115 Aspects of problems of feeding of cattle & i- 069129 special regard to problem of cattle feeding. 069157 Effect of energy level of feeding heifers. (Di- 069224 Body temperature of feedlot cattle.

068767 Voluntary salt intake by feedlot steers.

069029 feedbunk management of feedlot cattle.

069149 of year upon performance of feedlot cattle. 069174 a review of problem in feedlot cattle. (Sphe- 069760 Carcass value of young female cattle fattened 067953 reproductive function in female cattle. II. 068833 crossbred between Korean cattle female & 069046 performance of young female cattle fattened 069187 cottonseed meals in lamb & steer finishing 068827 bhybrid sorghum grains for finishing cattle, 069038 in ground ear corn diets for finishing cattle. 069141 a roughage replacement in cattle finishing d. 069143 1972 Cattle nies & lice controls for Idaho d- 074923 Salmonella from an aborted cattle foetus. ( 069924 Epileptoid syndroms in heifers following into 070448 Forecasting cattle market situation.

066932 study of lactation curve in Holstein Friesian 068754 of Kerry x Shorthorn & Friesian steers given 068986 milk yield & that of Italian Friesian cattle 069252 of a sample of German Friesian cattle ( dsr) 069282 Fulani, Friesian & White Fulani--Friesian bu- 069499 of a sample of German Friesian cattle ( dsr) 069282 rafoxanide. I. Fasciola gigantica in cattle in 070122 Efficacy against Fasciola gigantica in cattle 070123 of rumen ciliate protozoa in cattle given res- 068918 Kerry « Shorthorn & Friesian steers given h- 068986 from bloated & nonbloated steers given diffe- 070319 protein synthesis by thyroid gland in cattle 068779 Performance of grazing steers as related to 068995 seeded pastures compared for grazing steers

069039 albumin type in Hungarian Grey cattle. 068432 of linoleic acid into tissues of growing steers 068896 diethylstilbestrol for growing steers fed puri- 069011 or rolled with corn silage in cattle growing-f- 069140 remarks on a program of cattle grub control 074948 Control of harmful cattle bladder worms--e- 070142 silage upon productions & health of cattle. 069123 breeding to examine genetic health in cattle 069302 in Croatia. XI. Clinically healthy cattle as c- 070162 Synchronization of heat in heifers.

069511 substance supply status in cattle herds.

069075 keratoconjunctivitis in large cattle herds on 070055 in an experimental herd of Hereford cattle. 069291 April 1971: nutriton of hil cattle & sheep. 069098 Minerals in nutrition of hill cattle & sheep 069102 study of lactation curve in Holstein Friesian 068754 Flooring of cattle houses & swine houses. 075957 modification or construction of cattle houses

076003 of microclimate in housing for cattle & swine 075991 of serum albumin in two Hungarian cattle b- 069245 for controlling Hypoderma in cattle.

074932 Determination of immunity in cattle after a- 070026 in native Hungarian & imported cattle bree- 069241 Beef aattle improvement through breeding. 069249 for selection & improvement of cattle.

069455 in some breeds of Indian cattle & water buf- 068602 to produce more calves in individual cattle fo 069474 Austrian cattle industry as well motorization 068282

of Fasciola gigantica infection in cattle. 069858 Trypanosoma congolense infection in cattle. 070153 studies on reovirus infections in cattle in Fe- 070258 Infertility in cattle.

069526 Estimation of mineral ingestion by cattle by 069058 fertility of early inseminated heifers in case 069552 in field of artificial insemination of cattle, 069423 conception & calving of heifers intended for 069541 Intensive heifer rearing--early income for br- 068315 Accidental intoxication in cattle by sodium 070409 of Mycoplasma isolated from cattle & horses 069750 its milk yield & that of Italian Friesian catt- 069252 Breeding & rearing of Japanese cattle in in- 069317 fed Boran (Bos indicus) steers in Kenya. 070307 Mineral supply of cattle kept on pasture.

069185 level in serum of healthy Korean cattle. 068681 cattle & crossbred between Korean cattle f- 069046 Activities of lactating Hereford cows in conf- 068766 Pyogenic mastitis in heifers of large scale b- 070029 keratoconjunctivitis in large cattle herds on 070055 of limphogenic action of leucotic cattle blood 069996 On cytogenetics of cattle leukosis.

070219 hematological diagnosis of cattle leukosis. 070222 Problems on epizootiology of cattle leukosis 070223 differential diagnosis in leukosis of cattle. 070353 What is cattle longing for in grassland fodd- 068941 cost of feeds of Black Pied Lowland cattle 068368 with bulls of Blackspotted lowland cattle fr- 069442 Economics of rearing Hariana male calves. 066881 Beef cattle management & practice in rough- 068237 Forecasting cattle market situation.

066932 weight & rate of maturing in Hereford & A- 069349 Danger of infection of men & cattle by cyst. 070041 Digestion in rumen & metabolism in cattle 068852 of septic puerperal metritis in cattle.

069895 hypertrophy in double-muscled cattle.

070295 attempt of treating skin mycosis in cattle w- 070014 body measurements of Korean native cattle. 069403 content from bloated & nonbloated steers gi. 070319 Mineral nutrition of cattle.

069120 Synchronisation of oestrus in heifers by intr- 069505 acid into tissues of growing steers offered a 068896 Panmyelopathia in pastured cattle.

070440 An epidemiologic study of pathology of catt-e 070105 brewer's grains & contents of cattle paunch 069118 treatment related to performance of steers in 069175 to its digestibility & cattle performance. 069182 fattening & carcass performances of heifers 068874 in female cattle. II. Heifers--period between 068833 of intravaginal sponge-pessaries by cattle. 070373 level of milk content of Black Pied cattle & 067784 efficiency properties of Black-Pied cattle. 068826 Occurrence of acute plumbism in cattle. 070426 Mercury poisoning in cattle.

070429 carbonic anhydrase polymorphism of cattle. 069242 Sanitation of cattle population from tubercu. 070238 excretion in various cattle populations.

070185 intoxication in high-producing cattle & other 070447 Behaviour & production of cattle as influenc- 068278 breeding improvement in cattle production. 069261 a proposition for cooperative cattle raising? 066764 Problems of specialization in cattle raising. 066769 of evaluating quality of raising heifers on la- 068319 Tasks of veterinary service in cattle raising 069677 of calves on eastern Colorado cattle ranches 066720 as supplements to feed rations of cattle. 068959 of dairy herd rations in Aberdeenshire.

069019 equine skins & classification of raw cattle sk- 067936 of parallergic tuberculin reactions in cattle 070052 To get ready cattle for grazing.

069073 Economics of rearing Hariana male calves. 066881 Make your heifer rearing pay.

068293 Intensive heifer rearing.-early income for br- 068315 research results for efficient cattle rearing. 068323 Effect of heifers rearing on mountain pastur- 069237 application of sedative Rompun to cattle. 069652 Dehydration of cattle rumen & whole blood. 067930 Factory collective to sanitizing of cattle in 069605 Sarcocystosis in cattle (Sarcosystis fusiform- 069883 of swine breeding in Schleswig-Holstein co- 066970 regional trademark of Schleswig-Holstein. 066971 of blood groups in selection of cattle in Ro. 069456 equine encephalitis viruses in cattle sera fr- 069738 inorganic phosphorus in sera of cattle with 070034 Occurrence of Linguatula serrata in cattle & 069730 of parainfluenza-3 virus in serum of cattle f- 069694 studies of proteins of blood serum of cattle. 069733 Simmental-Hereford cross calves.

069401 against gastro-intestinal para sites of cattle. 070124 skins & classification of raw cattle skins. 067936 of frontal part of skull in cattle.

068578 hematological indices in heifers of Slovak P- 068821 milk performance in German Spotted Cattle 069283 Effect of pre-slaughter starvation in cattle. 068988 of Kerry x Shorthorn & Friesian steers given 068986 Commercial crossing of Red Steppe cattle w- 069522 Selection in cattle stock from managerial po- 069331 Breeding of Brown-Swiss cattle in province 069252 Helminth fauna of cattle of Tadzhikistan. 069732 to breeding efficiency in Tharparkar cattle. 069338 Treatment of thelaziosis in cattle. (Thelazia 070126 of haemolymph, saliva, & eggs of cattle tick, 075347

CELLS Recall of acquired cellular resistance in mice quantitative studies of C-cell activity in parlocalization in adenohypophyscal cells of coMorphology of adipose cells in lambs at birstimulating blood cell-agglutinating glycoproAn interspecific aggregate cell capable of ceGeneral cable theory for cells of algae CharIso-antibodies to red cell antigens in pigs' s. Iso-antibodies to red cell antigens in pigs' sof nucleic acids in shoot apex cells of plants Immunoglobulin-producing cells associated dehydrogenase by subcellular associations & A slime mold as object of cell biology: Physamino acids between plasma & blood cells of study of haemocytes (blood cells) of cockroof lymphocyte-stimulating blood cell-agglutiof 3H-uridine into bovine cells doubly infectof nitrogenase activity in broken cell preparAn interspecific aggregate cell capable of cedevelopment from protoplasts of carrot cell protoplasmic fibrils in cells of Characeae. polynucleotide induction of chick cell interfRous sarcoma virus in chicken cells transfo

069936 068809 068806 068419 073068 071832 071711 068433 068434 072941 069910 067970 071713 069088 075630 073068 069773 072266 071832 073175 071848 070039 069688

074752 075175 075492 075602 075110 075846 075600 075251

CERAMBYCIDAE versteegi (Ritsema) (Cerambycidae: Coleopt. semipunctata (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Serv., 1825 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Laon Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of population of anthophilous Cerambycidae Two new Indo-Australian Cerambycidae in Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Japan. Cerambycidae) (Hyalomyodes triangulifer, CERATITIS by honogenates of fly, Ceratitis capitata. of development of fly Ceratitis capitata: evoCERATOCYSTIS musarum, Ceratocystis paradoxa). Ceratocystis species associated with aspen Ascospore dispersion in Ceratocystis spp. & cingulata & Ceratocystis stenoceras on Erica

Single-cell protein.

067659 Nutritional evaluation of single-cell proteins 069093 Nutritional evaluation of single-cell proteins 069094 gel electrophoresis of cell proteins of Myco- 069750 Ultrastructure of ordinary & Purkinje cells 068595 cobalt on division of cells of radicle merist- 071868 Catalase polymorphism in red cells of horses 068430 Iso-antibodies to red cell antigens in pigs' s- 068433 incidence of iso-antibodies to red cell antige- 068434 to low potassium ( Ik) in bovine red cells. 068628 aggregate cell capable of cell regeneration. 071832 Recall of acquired cellular resistance in mice 069936 Specific resistance of cells to induced foot-a- 070216 of proteins of Rhizobium cells & root nodul- 076251 of nuclear dna in rice cells cultured under a- 071740 of a hydroxyproline-rich cell wall glycoprote: 073066 on sizes of nucleus & nucleolus in root cells 071810 Water-holding ability of sugar beet root cells 072769 of localization of aluminum 3+ in root cells 073009 employed for studies of effect of salts on cell. 072775 of chick glandular stomach secretory cells in 068413 Dual sensitivities of cells in wolf spider eyes 075403 on avian heterophils. I. Cell separation. (Tu- 068453 studies on tumor in dogs. II. Sertoli cell tu- 070326 Process of degeneration of male sexual cells 075166 study of differentiation of sieve cells in Pol- 071802 Quantitative investigations of silica cells in 071706 Single-cell protein.

067659 Nutritional evaluation of single-cell proteins 069093 Nutritional evaluation of single-cell proteins 069094 viscosimeter for estimation of somatic cells 067843 Bovine sperm cell volume at various interva- 069320 Induction of flowering plant sprout cell hyp- 074296 Appearance of differentiated 8-cell stage in 068652 from protoplasts of carrot cell suspension cu- 073175 Polyphenol synthesis in cell suspension cult- 073178 of original swine pox virus in pig testis cell 070244 sarcoma virus in chicken cells transformed 069688 on tumor in dogs. II. Sertoli cell tumor & 070326 Bovine sperm cell volume at various interva- 069320 microscopy of structure of cellular wall of l- 070977 fluorescence microscopy of cell wall with e. 071709 autoradiographic investigation of cell wall d- 071840 Fine-structure of cell wall & plasma membr- 071843 Unusual structures in cell wall of Nitella.[ 071846 Composition of cell wall of Pleurotaenium t. 072228 of crystalline phenol from cell wall of Spha. 072234 of sucrose utilization for cell wall formation 072880 of a hydroxyproline-rich cell wall glycoprote- 073066 mechanical properties of its cell wall.

073169 of sucrose utilization for cell wall formation 074394 composition & ultrastructure of cell walls. 072295 of polysaccharides isolated from cell walls of 072350 On biochemistry of cell walls of higher plan- 073244 for degrading polysaccharides in cell walls of 073858 A 61, xy cell line in a calf with extreme bra. 070320 amino acids by actidione-treated yeast cells. 072351 amino acids by actidione-treated yeast cells. 072352 amino acids by actidione-treated yeast cells. 072353

073929 071410 07141 073963

CERATONIA Carob fruit (Ceratonia siliqua L.)--its compoCERATOPOGONIDAE of caterpillars (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). tree rot cavities (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) from Corsica: Deactivity of three species of Ceratopogonidae CERCERIS with a new subspecies of Cerceris formosa resdescriptions of Cerceris species inhabiting

075448 075862 075596 074916

Location & fine structure of chloride cells & evolution of cellular constituants during spomilk samples with increased cell content. Endophytic fungus in root cortical cells of fof mycotoxins. (Chick embryos, cell culture, Electron microscopy of tissue culture cells i. fixation test antigen of cell culture origin for virus in pig kidney cells culture in 1969-19 calf kidney adsorption & cell culture passage swine pox virus in pig testis cell culture. picornavirus multiplication in cell cultures. of Marek's disease virus in cell cultures of from chicken & turkey kidney cell cultures. induction of cellular deoxyribonucleic acid sContinuous culture of cells derived from pig Model F for size determination of cells. (Poat different stages of development of cells. Appearance of differentiated 8-cell stage in IV. Ion control over cell differentiation. Somatic pairing in Dipteran cells in culture. Subcellular distribution of hydrolase in gerchanges in pattern of cellular distribution of of beta-indolylacetic acid on dividing cells. of beta-propiolactone on cell division in Vic. Inhibition of cell division in Saccharomyces zoospores in Oedogonium. IV. Cell division Cell division & plant development from proSynchronization of cell divisions in fission yKinetics of virus production in cells doubly of 3H-uridine into bovine cells doubly infectflora of udder & number of cellular elements on cell production & cell elongation in roots curve for auxin-induced cell elongation: a reinfluenza virus-infected chick embryo cells. ultraviolet irradiation of epidermal cells of in water exchange of epidermal cells of TarState of plastids in epidermic cells of some Taraxacum officinale Weber epithem cells. of cell wall deposition in fiber cells of MarcHydroxyproline in plant fibre cells. of mutated genes on germ cell formation in In vitro assay of cell-free turkey herpesvirus Bicarbonate fixation by cell-free extracts & Biosynthesis of terpenes in cell-free extracts Effect of mutated genes on germ cell formalinclusions in Nicotiana clevelandii gray cells chlorellavorus parasitism on cells of green a. Mast cell hyperplasia & eosinophilia induced of flowering plant sprout cell hypertrophy by from milk samples with increased cell conteDosage-response curve for auxin-induced cell microscopy of tissue culture cells infected wisolated from persistently infected L cells: ein Nicotiana clevelandii gray cells infected virus (plum pox virus) in infected cells. inflorescences as an indication of initial cell of in vitro culture of cells of insects, & their induction of chick cell interferon. cells of swine embryos & intertwined cells of of rhinopneumonitis virus in pig kidney cells productively infected bovine kidney cells: an virus from chicken & turkey kidney cell culferritin & plastid inclusions in leaf cells of itype 3 in a contact-inhibited mouse cell line A 61, xy cell line in a calf with extreme brain Singh's Aedes (albopictus) cell lines. Cell lines derived from late embryonic stages of mouse & chick embryonic liver cells. Ultrastructure of lymphatic cells in leukcosis Phylogenesis of lymphatic cells of Protosto. of composition of mammary cells in sheep. Mast cell hyperplasia & eosinophilia induced of phospholipids in subcellular membranes of vacuolar apparatus of cauline meristem cells of root & stem top meristem cell population segregated nucleoli in meristematic cells.[ on division of radiculary meristematic cells hirsutum L.) on leaf mesophyll cell microstplaques in mosquito cell monolayers. (Aedes type 3 in a contact-inhibited mouse cell line A study of smooth muscle cells of bovine cafine structure of smooth-muscle cells & elasUltrastructure of muscle cells of Ascaridia go Functional cycle of beta neurosecretary cells I. Its relationship to cell number & length in reproduction of chloroplasts outside cell. (Cglucagon stimulation on parafollicular cells certain serum, plasma & cellular parameters of Beagle liver parenchymal cells. Leukocyte cultures from cells of peritoneal fexogenous interferon on L cells persistently resin in polysaccharide study of plant cell. in mitosis & cytokinesis in plant cells: its silocalization of atrazine in cells of plants. of root & stem top meristem cell population from mouse spleen of cell populations with activity in broken cell preparations of blueSusceptibility of primary cells of swine embof fowl. II. Immunoglobulin-producing cells Effect of temperature on cell production & Extracellular products of algae in freshwater Extracellular proteases from soil Actinomyc

075221 071716 067417 072589 067590 069718 069775 069881 069938 070244 069708 069805 070271 069963 069706 071748 072562 068652 071798 075227 073166 075224 072347 071677 071831 071841 073175 071735 069772 069773 067259 072709 072882 069718 071851 072313 072444 071842 071840 072356 072069 069814 072417 073034 072069 074183 074135 069848 074296 067417 072882 069718 069964 074183 074184 071693 075108 070039 070237 069881 069962 070271 072294 069963 070320 075127 075400 068623 069831 075182 068719 069848 072606 071682 071866 071837 072980 071691 074887 069963 068385 068634 069838 075105 072696 072293 068516 069660 069563 070242 069934 071678 071757 074451 071866 069941 072266 070237 069910 072709 072308 076611

CELLULOSE On cellulose absorption of copper from Fehlon electrophoresis on cellulose acetate memf. tritici (Jens.) Schaff.) by cellulose acetate on quality of sulphate cellulose bleached by of methacrylamide with cotton cellulose. by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. aspects of cellulose-decomposing micromyceCourse of cellulose decomposition in a brown Partial cellulose esters of unsaturated monorate of degradation of cellulose fibers in watStudy of some fibrous celluloses--poplar floss Production of improved cellulose by optimizacid with gamma-irradiated cellulose. (Cottfrom clean waters on cellulose nitrate memI ii. action of oxidants on cellulose as a funcOn problem of sorption of xylan by cellulose. Cellulose yields from decayed wood of west

071122 068741 073974 070887 068080 073156 072465 076594 068082 071162 070885 070888 068042 077127 068058 070997 070881

CERCOSPORA effect of fungicides in Cercospora beticola cCercospora cladosporioides Sacc. (Olives). Aerobiology of Cercospora koepkei Kruger CEREALS without reducing area under cereals. in seasonal activity of cereal bugs & notes on Cereal combines & their further development Weed control in cereals. tissues in leaves of cereal crops. V ii. Effect Influence of tur preparation on cereal crops Liming & digestibility of cereal & leguminoCorn & other cereals drying. Review of drying of cereals & legumes in trInstallation for drying of cereals. of vegetative organs & ears in some cereals stored grain fungi. I ii. Fungi from cereals. Studies on biology of germination of cereals. of lysine fortification of whole cereal grains. of chemically treating seeds of cereal grass Cereal harvest. Status of cereal leaf beetle. (Oulema melanSowing & harvesting of legume-cereal mixtuUse of phosphates in cereal & baking industCereal prices in Indian economy. World cereal production in forecast of Comto estimate grain quality of cereals. Technology of seeding cereals. physiologic forms of loose smut of cereals ( which combines soil tillage & cereal sowing. ability & yield assurance in spring cereals. Chrysanthemum segetum in spring cereals wDistribution of stands of cereals, an importDrying & storage of cereals. Coleoptera), a pest of stored cereals. New cereal varieties for Alaska. of lysine fortification of whole cereal grains. dates of nitrogen fertilizing of winter cereals dates of nitrogen fertilizing of winter cereals World cereal production in forecast of ComTwo crops per year of cereals under irrigation causes of yellowing of cereals on very ac

073662 074659 076076 074540 071739 072938 069200 068061 068086 076097 072776 074071 072799 067524 072845 073401 074711 073543 068020 066929 067241 072806 076094 073974 076176 073517 074496 073589 068085 074864 073342 067524 076739 076740 067241 077114 074366

CEREVISIA consumption by Saccharomyces cerevisiae do of cell division in Saccharomyces cerevisiae oryzac & Saccharomyces cerevisiae. resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

CHEESES natural which deserves protection. (Cheese) J 131), rennet distribution (whey, cheese), cows giving milk used in Emmental cheese Preparation of Emmental cheese. cows giving milk used in Emmental cheese Preparation of Emmental cheese. of dry matter & fat content of cheese & proof Escherichia coli in cottage cheeses. appraisal of local cottage cheese. Membrane processing of cottage cheese whcows giving milk used in Emmental cheese Preparation of Emmental cheese. cows giving milk used in Emmental cheese Preparation of Emmental cheese. of butyric acid blowing in hard cheese makiRationalization possibilities in hard-cheese storage methods in hard-cheese manufacture milk used in Emmental cheese manufacture bacteriological analysis of soft paste cheese. Dariworld process of making cheese. as packing materials for processed cheese. fat content of cheese & processed cheese. Use of phosphates in cheese processing. compositional quality of pickled soft cheese. Cheese whey utilization: frozen punch. Membrane processing of cottage cheese wh-y CHEIRANTHUS problems. (Vinca rosea, Cheiranthus allionii

067863 067840 067864 067866 069121 069122 067841 067413 067441 067854 067864 067866 069121 069122 067415 067833 067834 067864 067862 067827 067801 067841 067806

786 067846 067854

in cattle with Italian chemical compound Crnew substance to new chemical compound. attractant properties of chemical compounds Testing chemical compounds for control of rChemical content of more important cultiva. Studies on chemical control of Ophiobolus g. Chemical control of primary infection by PTrials on chemical control of flax rust. (Mediseases in rice & their chemical control. Use of Bidisin for chemical control of wild Chemical control of Rumex crispus in alfalfa Selective chemical control of Wimmera ryegSelective chemical control of capeweed in wChemical control. [Insects). Chemical control of root flies in stalk vegetcinereus Green & it's chemical control on bof Carpocapsa; tests in chemical control. punctiventris & its chemical control. Chemical control of Zeiraphera diniana. [dEcological effects of chemical control of rod. on use of chemicals for controlling coccidiosChemical derivatization techniques for confischema for virucide chemical desinfectants. Results of research of Division of Chemistry Effect of some antibiotics & chemical drugs Effect of some chemical & physical factors Effect of some chemicals on development of Effect of chemicals & hand-thinning on size, A note on effect of chemical & mechanical of firefly luciferin: an efficient chemical proChemical elements & analogs (strontium--90 distribution of chemical elements in a beech Main chemical elements in soils of BelorussChemical examination of some essential & fembryo development: chemical fariations of Food chemistry in Cuba. Entry & fate of forest chemicals in streams Effects of forest chemicals on aquatic life. Entry & fate of forest chemicals in streams Effects of forest chemicals on aquatic life. Study of physico-chemical forms of moisture Chemistry & function of a pheromone produChemical & genetic characterization of beta in young apple trees with chemical growth rAdvances in hemicellulose chemistry. Chemical, physical & histological muscle pro On determination of hydro-chemical parameinfestans & its chemical identification. Immuno-chemical studies of proteins of bloChemical immunochemical studies on pregn. Effect of chemical improvement on soils in Research on chemical improvement of soil of supplies & means of improving chemicals for products of mineral, chemical & industrial oproducts of mineral, chemical & industrial o. products of mineral, chemical & industrial oInheriting chemical composition of green mdistribution related to chemical injection. Toxicity of insecticide chemicals to certain Chemical interactions between forest ecosysChemical interactions between seeds of coIntraspecific chemical variability of content diseases in cattle with Italian chemical comEffect of light & chemicals on growth & devMain chemical elements in soils of Beloruss. certain physical & chemical measurements in sunflower husks in mechanical-chemical proChemistry of metasternal gland secretion of On perspective of chemical methods in plant A physico-chemical model of water rate cacRadiation-chemical modification of wood. integrifolia. I. Chemical & morphological chwheat, induced by chemical mutagens. (Puccof ionizing radiation & chemical mutagens on in citranges induced by chemical mutagens. Effect of several chemical mutagens on grow. wheat, induced by chemical mutagens. (PuccOn chemical nature of acidic lignins. (Wood Chemical nematode control increases acre vContribution of organic chemistry to synthedetermination of hydro-chemical parameters Chemistry & phylogeny of angiosperms. Chemical & physical changes during food pro Poultry product quality: chemical & physical Chemical & physical characteristics & compStudies of physico-chemical characteristics of treatment of grain on physico-chemical proStudy of physico-chemical forms of moisture oligonucleotides & physico-chemical propert. Physico-chemical alterations of peat-boggy A physico-chemical model of water rate cacfungicides--turning point in chemical plant pChemical plant protection--yesterday, today, Chemical plant protection--a big responsibiliChemistry of Podocarpaceae. X xxvi. RingPoisonous chemicals of common foodstuffs Usefulness of certain chemical preparations Chemical preplant control of Johnsongrass. Chemical preservation of raw milk. pollution caused by wood-chemical processes husks in mechanical-chemical processing. I. luciferin: an efficient chemical production of

070354 074990 074576 074789 072842 073868 073885 074076 074335 074442 074446 074469 074470 074608 074729 074760 074784 074791 074835 077185 069975 074968 069825 073754 070009 070202 072910 073441 074538 075188 072303 073304 076478 072397 068622 067636 075021 075022 077168 077169 068090 075418 072407 073036 070992 067465 076340 074045 069733 069311 076650 076860 074428 067461 069160 069162 072125 076020 074578 071576 072518 072300 070354 072587 076478 072811 068047 075175 074408 076933 070975 071171 071886 071889 071960 073284 073889 070893 074392 067687 076340 072488 067684 067969 068084 067815 068033 068090 072895 076493 076933 073884 074306 074387 072231 067402 067411 074466 067871 077151 068047 075188

CHAFF Preservation of corn cob chaff with propionic CHAGAS in Triatomae vectors of Chagas disease by po CHAINS forest stands in Carpathian chain Beskid M. Synthesis & metabolism of long-chain fatty advantages of loose mineral fertilizer chain Side-chain hydroxylation in biosynthesis of On determination of side chain length & coContributions of heavy & light chains of rabContributions of heavy & light chains of rabLogging chains should be made to last longer Increasing efficiency of lubricating chain saw Tyrosine side-chain metabolism in larval & Polypeptide chain molecular weight of a mweight determination of polypeptide chains Noxide on respiratory chain of submitochoconversion & electron transport chain of phcytochrome fin electron-transport chain of Problem of wearing out of chains used in mCHALCIDIDAE bicolorata new species (Chalcididae; Hymen. CHALCIDOIDEA of Metaphycus dispar (Chalcidoidea, Encyrt. CHALCONE catalysed oxidation of a chalcone & its possCHAMAECYPARIS

070576 075343 076816 075278 070960 069836 069837 071093 071054 075351 068528 075288 068468 072337 073063 076065

CHEMISTRY Agricultural chemicals & citrus industry. [P- 074996 at stations of agricultural chemistry.

076373 Use of chemicals in agriculture, an important 074328 Physico-chemical alterations of peat-boggy 076493 methods: a comparison of chemical analysis 067523 Mistblower application of chemicals to cont- 074488 herbicidal properties of applied chemicals. 072445 Some new concepts on chemistry of cation 072182 Usefulness of certain chemical preparations 067411 Effect of T. M. V. & certain chemicals on rh- 072647 Investigations on effect of certain chemical 073118 Effect of T. M. V. & certain chemicals on rh- 074152 Efficiency of certain chemicals on control of 074753 Studies of physico-chemical characteristics of 067815 Chemical characteristics of pumpkin seeds 068148 fertilization on chemical characteristics, yie- 068996 on some chemical characteristics of Levanti- 072921 Some biological & chemical characteristics of 074010 on some chemical characteristics of Levanti- 074419 Chemical characteristics of acid soils of Ma. 076538 fixation, other chemical characteristics & yi- 076604 fertilization on chemical characteristics, yie- 076753 K. Gedroits & problems of colloid chemistry 076500 Comparative chemical water quality--natural 070500 Change in chemical composition of milk in 067784 Chemical composition of Khoa. (Milk produ- 067813 of half-carcass & chemical composition of m- 067957 Chemical composition & nutritive value of a 068974 Chemical composition & physicochemical pr. 070986 Chemical composition & structure of hemice. 070991 Inheriting chemical composition of green m- 072125 growth substances on chemical composition 072295 Comparative study of chemical composition 072521 climate & variety on chemical composition of 072720 of location on chemical composition of soyb- 072740 Chemical composition, cooking quality & pr. 072793 on development & chemical composition of 072802 fertilizers on yield & chemical composition 072830 Chemical composition of some commercial 1o 072989 Chemical composition of ripe grapes.

073198 Chemical composition of bark & wood of sp- 073293 Changes in chemical composition of tobacco 074479 Chemical composition of rainwater in Hung. 076225 of iron in soils & chemical composition of s- 076374 Chemical composition of River Vyg basin na- 077086 Berkhout. X ii. Chemical composition of pol- 072350 fertilizers. IV. Chemical composition of fod- 072917 Effect of chemical compound tb on intensity 068089

application on calcareous Chernozem. celery variety on carbonate Chernozem soil. its development in central Chernozem belt. under conditions of Central Chernozem zone of tillage in zone of common Chernozem soi"labile" iron in Chernozems & grey forest sof watering soil in irrigating Chernozem by Effect of calcareous chernozem layer fertility of winter wheat on leached Chernozem soil. maize on slightly leached Chernozem. of mineral substratum in modern Chernozem Mountain Chernozems of Bashkiria. Changes in Chernozem soil structure under of winter wheat on leached Chernozem soil. celery variety on carbonate Chernozem soil. Changes in Chernozem soil structure under Potato culture in Chernozem soils. on biogenesis of Chernozem soils under whesubstratum in modern Chernozem soils. Black Solonetzic & Black Chernozemic soils on biogenesis of Chernozem soils under whephosphorus fertilizers on Chernozem soils wtillage in zone of common Chernozem soils deficient southern Solonetz Chernozem soils in properties of Chernozem of steppes due to features of Transvolga terrace Chernozems. conditions of Central Chernozem zone. peaty soils in central non-Chernozem zone

076832 073698 071393 073585 076958 076516 077087 072884 072830 076934 076253 076506 070555 072830 073698 076477 073721 076218 076253 076283 076646 076773 076958 076437 076399 076476 073585 077008

of efficacy of some chemical products in absof grain on physico-chemical properties of technological & chemical properties of tobaStudies of physical & chemical properties of rice. I. influence of chemical properties of vphysico-chemical properties of dna of cotton analysis of physical chemical properties in of fertility elements & chemical properties. Physical & chemical properties of nondialysChemical properties of organic matter extrarice. I. influence of chemical properties of vby use of crop-protecting chemicals. of economic trials on chemical protection of Effect of plant protection chemical substancRadiation-chemical modification of wood. swaziensis Compton: a chemical & X-ray crChemical reconstitution of sorghum grain. ovine leg steaks as related to chemical & hiInfluence of chemical seed & soil treatments Effect of selected chemical & physical agents Selective chemical control of Wimmera ryegSelective chemical control of capeweed in wagalactia: Hematologic, serum chemical, & cEffect of several chemical mutagens on growEffect of a đúng patch on chemic status of Studies on chemical structure & insecticidal Chemical studies on lipids of chicken tissues Immuno-chemical studies of proteins of bloChemical studies in germination metabolites plants. I. Physical & chemical studies. Bacteriological & chemical studies in rice stBacteriological & chemical studies in rice stChemical study of poplar trees of Romania. on effect of certain chemical substances on of plant protection chemical substances on Confirmation by chemical synthesis of strucChemical synthesis of potato cork. (Suberin Testing of chemicals for mutagenic activity Testing chemical compounds for control of rTests of chemical thinning of olive trees on Toxicity of chemicals to man & environment cotton fibre response to chemical treatment different physical & chemical treatments. Intraspecific chemical variability of content a testing schema for virucide chemical desinChemical & in vitro digestion procedures for Comparative chemical water quality--natural Chemical weed control in rain-fed cotton gr. Some problems of chemical weed control. A guide to chemical weed control in tropical Chemical weed control in beans. Chemical weed control in field crops, 1972. Chemical weed control in horticultural & foexperimental contribution to chemical weed nature of acidic lignins. (Wood chemistry). Kurschner 80 years old (Wood chemistry). cleavage of xylans. (Wood chemistry). water pollution caused by wood-chemical prEffect of chemical wool shearing of sheep pThis chemical world. (Food additives). CHEMOPROPHYLAXIS SEE PROPHYLACTIC

073711 068033 068087 069244 072745 072895 072958 073516 076281 076289 076297 067183 070571 074623 070975 072601 068262 067393 073898 072459 074469 074470 070289 073284 076684 074579 068660 069733 072516 074257 076885 076886 070892 073118 074623 073153 073201 071904 074789 073710 075067 067988 072030 072300 069825 069104 070500 074486 074491 074506 074510 074518 074519 074556 070893 070896 070984 077151 067959 067345

CHERRIES system of Rhagoletis cerasi L. (Cherries). Cherry aphid. (Myzus cerasi). of rubbery wood virus from apple to cherry Basal area growth of individual black cherry Cultivation of cherry & sour cherry. pedicels of aborting & developing cherries as of abscission in maturing sweet cherry fruit preparations slow growth of cherries. Prunus avium seedlings. (Mazzard cherries) Study of fertilization process in cherries. some properties of cherry ring mottle virus of sowbane mosaic virus in sour cherry. Handling sweet cherries for fresh market. vitamin C & sugar level in sweet cherries.

074724 074781 074223 070710 073744 073047 071703 073162 073088 073017 074225 074175 068122 073212

of avian leukosis viruses in chicken embryos avian encephalomyelitis in chickens. of sex hormones on endocrines of chickens. of histones of chicken erythrocytes. disease virus & chicken erythrocytes. I. Quof slaughtered & frozen fattened chickens in staphylomycine in chicken fattening. of vitamin B12 on hatchability of hens fed of cattle paunch in laying hen feeding. of histamine in gastric fistula chickens. s diseases in commercial chicken flocks. from cerebrospinal fluid in chickens. of starvation on weight gain of chicken after of uterovaginal sperm-storage glands of hen, effectiveness of raising guinea hen broilers protein norms in feeding of guinea hens. reactions in chickens infected with Newcastagainst respiratory infection of chickens. gallisepticum infection in chickens. in coccidial & Capillaria infection in hen. [Eof Marek disease in intensive chicken produof duck embryo fibroblasts & chicken kidney. batteries on productivity of laying hens. on egg yield & mortality of laying hens in lacute & chronic hypercapnia in laying hens of organs, tissues & eggs of laying hens with zinc sulfate on productivity of laying hens. Value of oats in diets for laying hens. contents of cattle paunch in laying hen feedof its isoenzymes in oviducts of laying hens Selection of superior laying hens by crossing on egg yield & mortality of laying hens in l. lack of left kidney in a hen of Leghorn breed Marek's) infection in Sand K-line chickens loss & binding strength in chicken loaves. a new approach for more chicken meat. aspect & taste of modern chicken. anti-nuclear factors in chickens of obese stra. of proteins in organs of chickens for meat in Dand beta-D-mannosidases from hen oviduct Ovulation in chicken (review). hormone)-induced ovulation in hen. of hybrid Hybro & Peterson chickens in prisozyme pattern of chicken plasma. Plasma albumin polymorphisms in chicken. of antiserums produced in chickens, rabbits, disease in intensive chicken production. (Yuof proventriculus of chickens. conventional & in battery chicken raising pgas-discharging lamps at raising of chickens in vitro with special reference to chicken: a cholesterol in sera of chickens in relation to types of albumins in blood sera of chickens presence in chicken slaughterhouses. D in mucous membrane of chicken small intChemical studies on lipids of chicken tissues of methylnitrophos in chicken tissues & its Infective tremor of chickens as a model in Effect of tremortin A on chickens. (Penicillbetween meat-type & egg-type chickens. Ultrastructure of hen's egg shell membranes to Marek's disease virus from chicken & tudiglucuronide in bile of white Leghorn chicks Uricemia of White Leghorn cockerels in first Immune responses of young chicken to New

07018 07016 06923 06852 06976€ 06748 06923 06902 06911 06842 069980 06842 06845 06938 06836 069112 06997 07014 07014 07025 06989 06980 068336 06837 06851 06880 06884 06908 06911 06924 06940: 07600 07033 06976 06791 06829 06796 06990 06855 06847 06867 06938 068890 06867 06867 06975 06989 070303 069298 07598 068699 068692 069520 067258 068686 068660 07045E 07020€ 070407 06866 067971 07027 06881 068822 069979

CHEMOTHERAPY On chemotherapy of fascioliasis. CHENOPODIACEAE Atriplex--atlantean of atrabilarian? Indicative significance of Atriplex cana assoin southern Arizona. (Atriplex canescens). in Eurotia lanata & Atriplex confertifolia. Population ecology of Atriplex under sheep Cycling of nutrients in a grazed Atriplex vescuttings of saltbush (Atriplex halimus L.). Anatomy of Atriplex leaves. water vapour exchange in Atriplex leaves. Carbon metabolism in Atriplex leaves. Salt relations of Atriplex leaves. relations, growth & metabolism of Atriplex production of Atriplex nummularia & AtriplUtilization of Atriplex species by sheep. Analysis of pattern in Atriplex vesicaria coCHENOPODIUM activity of Chenopodium chlorophyll protein of flowering in Chenopodium rubrum L.

072362 071636 073456 072500 068949 072364 072815 071781 072360 072363 072366 072361 072365 068948 071580

CHICKENS of eggs from several avian species. (Chicken 067966 role in control of glycolysis. (Chickens). 067970 of pulmonary vessels in fowls, (chickens, tu- 068750 availability determination. (Chickens).

068831 replace soybean meal in laying diets? (Hens 068919 Bengal, Naked Neck & Aseels. (Chickens). 068980 of avian pancreatic juice. (Chickens).

069010 against Marek's disease virus. (Chickens, tu- 069769 histopathological lesions. (Chickens).

069801 in avian erythroblastosis. Chickens).

069816 with Marek's disease virus. (Chickens).

069818 Alexeief, 1910, from Indian birds. (Chickens] 069913 to parasitic infection. (Rats, chickens).

069944 Immune responses of adult chicken to New- 069986 on cholinesterase of ascaridia of chicken & 070004 of experimental aspergillosis in chickens. 070164 between conventional & in battery chicken 069298 I ï. Оn aliesterase in chicken blood plasma 068669 of left kidney in a hen of Leghorn breed. 070337 Rationalization in chicken breeding & impr- 066691 program on earnings of broiler chicken busi- 066852 factor] agents on growth of broiler chickens 068921 Opaque-2 corn if feeding broiler chickens. 068947 physiological indices in broiler chickens wh- 069059 of quindoxin on growth of broiler chickens. 069210 trends on breeding of broiler chickens. 3. 069316 kinky back") in broiler chickens in Western 070302 effectiveness of raising guinea hen broilers 068369 characterization of nuclei in chicken bursal 068521 on earnings of broiler chicken business.

066852 Rous sarcoma virus in chicken cells transfo- 069688 in bile of white Leghorn chicks during post- 068811 for controlling coccidiosis in chickens.

069975 Uricemia of White Leghorn cockerels in first 068822 Marek's diseases in commercial chicken flo- 069980 Studies on serological constitution of chicken. 068669 of germfree & conventional chickens to sa s- 069817 liver & ovarian follicles in domestic chicken 068505 muscle triglycerides in domestic chicken (G- 068649 Parameters of aging in chicken embryo fibre 068520 chondromucoprotein by chicken embryonic 068448 I. Reproduction in chicken embryos.


CHICKS during early growth period. (Chicks). groundnut cake ration for poultry. (Chicks] fibroblasts & chicken kidney. (Chicks). glutamate dehydrogenase activity in chick. of diet on disaccharidase activity in chick. liver glutamine synthetase activity in chick metabolism in zinc-deficient chick bone. Broiler chicks--a new approach for more chipolynucleotide induction of chick cell interfgrowth hormone treatment of cultured chick produced by vitimin A deficiency in chicks. sulfur-35 metabolism in zinc-deficient chick soluble elastin from copper-deficient chicks of dna synthesis in developing chick erythrof hydrocarbon yeast chick diet kinoshita, h corticoids in neural retina of chick embryo. in pineal organ of chick embryo. treatment of cultured chick embryo chondroChick embryo development: chemical fariati. Endoderm movements in chick embryo betw. muscle cells & elastogenesis in chick-embryo Susceptibility of chick-embryo aorta to elas. Effects of propranolol on chick embryo heart wsn influenza virus-infected chick embryo ceexcretion patterns of strain chick embryo tenella grown in liver of chick embryo. endocardial cushions in embryonic chick he. properties of mouse & chick embryonic liver Skeletal defects in embryonic chicks induced detection of mycotoxins. (Chick embryos, ces & Grandry's corpuscles. (Chick embryos,

068531 06897€ 069805 068913 068916 069012 068631 06829 070039 068535 070311 068631 068632 068705 069022 06846 068522 068539 068622 068625 068634 068635 068761 06971€ 069937 069946 068418 068623 068760 067590 068612

Page 16

068640 068762 068814 069430 069922 068705 069088 069020 070404 068413 069025 069437 076197 068760 069718 068425 068811 068667 068404 068674 069061 069230 069009 068703 068667 068611 070083 068975 069054 068816 069937 069755 068992 068575 068762 069937 069022 068396

CHLAMYDOMONAS mutants in green alga Chlamydomonas rein

CHLAMYDOSPORES Aleuriospores, Chlamydospores. Chlamydospore formation of Fusarium (oxy- CHLORAL Chloral hydrate sedation in bovine: A haem-

ganglion cultures from chick embryos. i insulin-treated chick embryos. I. Anatomdetection of mycotoxins. (Chick embryos, ceby dimethyl sulphoxide in chick embryos. Aspergillosis in chick embryos. (Aspergillus synthesis in developing chick erythroblasts plasma & blood cells of chicks fasted or fed of feedstuffs. II. Studies on chick feeding wi. invaded com & culture filtrates to chicks & of differentiation of chick glandular stomach Effects of feather meal on growth of chicks of incubation & results of hatching chicks Comparative testing of incubators for chicks defects in embryonic chicks induced by admin A0/ wsn influenza virus-infected chick

eSite of vitamin D action in chick intestine. in bile of white Leghorn chicks during postoxygen consumption in liver of chicks. glycols & their esters in livers of chicks. on thyroid activity of male chicks. in feed rations on growth of meat chicks. zinc on weight development in meat chicks in relation to arginine metabolism in chick. of synpses in cultures of chick neural tube. Studies on lysine nutrition of chicks. Effects dehydrogenase in different organs of chick. oral vaccination against fowl pest of chicks. on evolving economic rations for chicks. proteins in feed rations for chicks. week-old White Plymouth Rock chicks. fecal excretion patterns of strain 93 chick feed additives on susceptibility of chicks to of glycine from threonine in chick. of mercapto group in muscle tissue of chicks Skelelogenesis in insulin-treated chick embchick embryo lethal orphan virus in chicks. supplementation of hydrocarbon yeast chick of yolk cholesterol in young chick. An autorCHICORY in vitro. (Chickory, Jerusalem artichoke). of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on chicory. CHILDREN weight standards for Filipinos. (Children, nuactivity. IX. Analogues of Cecropia juvenile Effective dosis of juvenile hormone analogues Effects of a juvenile hormone analogue on aEffects of an analog of juvenile hormone on of certain analogs of juvenile hormone on to of certain analogs of juvenile hormone. endowed with effects of juvenile hormone in Effect of synthetic juvenile hormone & citric egy development with a juvenile hormone aEffects of juvenile hormone on rates of proto Metabolism of juvenile hormone analogue Role of molting & juvenile hormones in con

CHLORAMPHENICOL In vitro activity of chloramphenicol & strep- Effects of chloramphenicol on chloroplast & cytoplasmically inherited chloramphenicol r- CHLORATE Toxicity of sodium chlorate to dog.

CHLOROPHYLL A, introduced from without, into chlorophyll Accumulation of chlorophyll a & b in post-e. On photochemical activity of chlorophylls in Study of centers of chlorophyll biosynthesis Studies on chlorophyll biosynthesis after frfor coniferous chlorophyll-carotene paste. activity of Chenopodium chlorophyll protein activity in regulation of chlorophyll content. Studies on formation of chlorophylls & effect purpurata Sm. & its chlorophyll free form. of manganese deficiency on leaf chlorophyll Growth, chlorophyll, & phytochrome in Dra. replication, & chlorophyll synthesis. accumulation of various types of chlorophyll CHLOROPHYTA trabecula var. rectum (Chlorophyta).

072676 072859 072203 072472 072781 071097 072532 072841 072762 071430 072873 072983 072695 072185

CHLOROPIDAE Dr. Z. Kaszab in Mongolia. 252. Chloropid-e.

CHLORELLA Neurospora, Aspergillus, Chlorella, Euglena] 072416

Response of alga Chlorella sorokiniana to 6 072487

parasitism on cells of green alga Chlorella v- 074135 Chlorella in cattle feed.

069225 Characteristics of Chlorella culture at transi- 072567 Little investigated race elements in Chlorella. 072437 polymeric flocculants. (Chlorella ellipsoidia] 072623 Radiostimulation of Chlorella grown at diffe- 072562 carbon metabolism in Chlorella pyrenoidosa 072238 w-labelled nitrate reductase from Chlorella. 072531 in fractionating pigment system of Chlorella 072472 Bacterial microflora in Chlorella vulgaris cu- 072168

067580 075131 074570 074599 075168 075169 075171 075173 075216 075295 075378 075452 075172 067553 067552 067518

in feeding studies on children. Feeding trials in children. Absorption of labelled vitamin A in children CHILIS Combar diseases & pests of chillies. CHILO to rice stem borer (Chilo suppressalis Walkstudies on larvae of Chilo zonellus (Swinhoe on maize & jowar stem borer, Chilo zonellus CHILOCORUS summer decline of Chilocorus bipustulatus in CHILOPODA forticatus L (Myriapoda, Chilopoda). forficatus L. (

Myriapoda, Chilopoda).
to its South America congeners (Chilopoda: CHIMERA of free-martinism & leucocytal chimerism of Chimerical structure of carrot inflorescences

CHLORIDES blood by an improved ammonium chloride chloroethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride on interaction of substituted benzyl chlorides wLocation & fine structure of chloride cells & Effect of chlorocholine chloride on storing bchloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride). grown at high sodium chloride concentration Sensitizing effect of mercuric chloride at inStimulating effect of mercuric chloride & silStimulating effect of mercuric chloride & silof sodium chloride poisoning. I ii. Histopatdemonstration of sodium & chloride in Philchloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride) on chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride ( chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride) echloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride & chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride in chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride. chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride). CHLORINE Effectiveness of chlorine-containing potassiby application of chlorine dioxide. Effect of potassium salts of chlorine on pho

068657 073136 075079 075221 072233 073075 072876 072090 073313 073314 070411 075222 072651 072703 072704 072850 072889 072919 073143 073147

071797 071849 072838 072316 072767 072854 074315 072412 074064 072317 072535 072695 072475 072317 071674 072199 072220 073065 072310 071763 072443 073134 072293 071826 071796 072841 073063 073064 072770 072855 072485 073107 072695 074329

CHLOROPLASTS Chaetomorpha. II. chloroplast. of dna from chromoplasts, chloroplasts, mit. of assimilate accumulation in chloroplasts in in mitochondria, chloroplasts & bacteria. structure & activity of barley chloroplasts. quinones in chloroplasts of barley sprouts. of Hill reaction in bean chloroplasts. Effects of chloramphenicol on chloroplast & Decrease in chloroplast content of barley lesatellite of Euglena gracilis chloroplast dna on F-695 emission in chloroplasts. Etioplast-chloroplast transformation in tobaon electrical properties of chloroplast films dna satellite of Euglena gracilis chloroplast of ultrastructure of chloroplasts isolated frphosphorlation in isolated chloroplasts. photo-reactions of isolated chloroplasts of wproton movement by isolated chloroplasts as Chloroplast lamellar proteins of plastid mutOn structure of leaf chloroplasts in winter functional peculiarities in leaf chloroplasts. in resistivity of chloroplast membrane fragreproduction of chloroplasts outside cell. (Cof transmembrane potential of chloroplasts Chloroplast ribosome deficient mutants in gRole of chloroplast at ATP-ase activity in rtransport chain of spinach chloroplasts. to atp synthesis in spinach chloroplasts. deficiency on chloroplast structure & photocompounds in chloroplasts of sugar beet leaChloroplast survival & division in vitro. (Cain soluble proteins of tomato chloroplasts. Etioplast-chloroplast transformation in tobaair upon ultrastructure of chloroplasts. (BroCHLOROSIS France; studies on causes of apricot chlorotic portion of protein of cowpea chlorotic mottle Chlorosis of grapes & measures for its controf results in phenomenon of ir chlorosis. Chlorotic leaf spot virus; contaminations of study of indicator trees of chlorotic leaf spot of volatile oil-bearing rose with chlorosis. CHOCOLATE Chocolate butter. Working chocolate mass in conche machineChocolate & its technological revolution.

CHINCHILLAS Chinchilla; 35.

Water relations of chinchilla Chinchilla lani

074331 074273 074413 074414 074195 074197 074339

CHLORMEQUAT D-7 to fertilization, chlormequat levels & ti- CHLORO Degradation of 4-chloro-4', bis (isopropylam. with "ethrel" (chloro-2-ethanephosphonic ac• properties of chloro-2-trifluoromethyl 5 dip- CHLOROCHOLINE Effect of chlorocholine chloride on storing b-

for processing pulpwood blocks & chips. Measuring moisture in potato chips. chip production at palpwood chipping yards extract from Larix wood chips, for production of technological wood chips. A freight car for hauling wood chips. Production of wood chips for industrial use Processing non-liquid wood for chips. Testing analyzers of wood chips for industri. Wood clips for industrial use from railroad enterprises are producing wood chips. Grab buckets for wood chips. New machinery for processing wood chips. cutting knives & quality of wood chips.

071092 068133 070956 070988 071042 071049 071056 071069 071074 071077 071078 071079 071080 071087

CHLOROETHANE Use of chloroethane for immobilization of fi-

CHLOROETHYL peppers with (2-chloroethyl)phosphonic acid of (2-chloroethyl)phosphonic acid (ethephon chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride) on chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride (

CHOLERA emulsified vaccine in cases of fowl cholera. Transplacental hog cholera infection in immin swine suspected of having hog cholera. [ of tissue culture attenuated hog cholera (1On proof of hog cholera through section, his.

072217 073040 072651 072703

070227 069751 069754 069983 070141 067517

CICER on vernacular names of Cicer arietinum Linn

CHOLESTEREMIA Relationship between cholesterolemia & tocCHOLESTEROL of some lipids, beta-carotene, & cholesterol metabolism of glucose, cholesterol content, Cholesterol esters & steroidogenesis in pig by acetate, mevalonate & cholesterol feeds to Metabolism of cholesterol by Pythium peripcontent of basic phosphatase & cholesterol Uptake & transport of cholesterol by haemoDistribution of yolk cholesterol in young chCHOLINES Substrate specificity & inhibition of choline vivo, of ethanolamine, choline, & inorganic ethanolamine & choline phosphoglycerides.

067354 068795 068525 072548 072457 068696 075373 068396

CICHORIUM like organelles of Cichorium intybus L. & Tcallus growth of Cichorium intybus roots & CICINDELIDAE order Coleoptera--family Cicindelidae) in fie

study on chromosomes of Callosobruchus ch- 075433 B-chromosomes in Chironomus (plumosus). 075209 Chromosome collection of common tomato. 072120 groups corresponding to chromosomes 5, 6, 072049 On chromosomes of Dendroligotrichum den- 071375 enzyme loci in chromosomes of Drosophila 075283 Study of chromosome groups in watermelons 071870 located in sex-chromosome heterochromatin 075299 knobs on maize chromosomes.

071775 Meiotic chromosome rearrangements in trip- 072046 Chromosome number of Utricularia subulata 071373 Chromosome number in certain species of C- 071869 of microspores on number of chromosomes in 072059 Chromosome number in Chinese tasar silk w- 075892 to knowledge on chromosome numbers of p- 071228 Chromosome numbers of some Japanese Co- 071233 of citrus trees. IV. On chromosome numbers 072100 V. Additions to chromosomal phylogeny of p- 075854 with more than "n" chromosomes in Picea 073231 of irradiation-damaged plant chromosomes in 071776 Polytene chromosome relationships in Hawa- 075854 of reduplication of polytenic chromosomes of 075139 acid in polytenization of chromosomes in on- 075140 Meiotic chromosome rearrangements in trip- 072046 Polytene chromosome relationships in Hawa- 075854 Chromosomes & sex chromatin of Indian Z- 068382 control of genes located in sex-chromosome 075299 Chromosome studies in western North Amer- 071260 Chromosome study in different species of Sc- 071855 Supernumerary chromosomes in two species 075438 lines with chromosome translocations.

071951 Chromosomal variation in natural populatio- 075428


Utilization of chopped & pelleted lucerne by

CHORION fusion between adjacent chorioallantoic sacs Chorionic architecture of Zelus exsanguis ( antiserum to human chorionic gonadotropin

CINNAMON Regime of moisture in cinnamon carbonate boron & iron in some cinnamon Forest soils

CHORISTONEURA spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis

CHROMATIN of dna within 80-angstrom chromatin fibers. Chromosomes & sex chromatin of Indian Z

CHRONIC Plant responses to chronic acceleration. (W. Factors affecting chronic hepatotoxicity of Reduction & fixation of chronic coxofemoral in a cat with hydrometra & chronic cystic eSperm production in dogs under chronic gaHistopathology of enzootic chronic polyarthEffects of chronic exposure to ozone on phoStudy of acute & chronic hypercapnia in laycharacter in maize after chronic irradiation mutation rate at low levels of chronic gamma Chronic otitis--a Pseudomonas (aeruginosa) Effect of chronic paramphistomatosis on sobiochemical effects of chronic reserpine admof photosensitization in dogs (chronic solar Chronic vaginal prolapse in a cow: a case re

075465 073131 072138 075545 068427

CIRCUITS Modernization of commercial circuits of oli-

CHRYSANTHEMUMS pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium) 072296 Fungus diseases in Chrysanthemum culture 073987 in fertilization of Chrysanthemum.

076871 from Chrysanthemum flosculosum L. 1.

073202 Control of Chrysanthemum segetum in spri- 074496 diseases & pests of Chrysanthemum sp. & t- 074395

068746 076564 068608 067916 069679 068607 073157 067900 067367 067731 067916 068712 074970 074975 075025 075031 075060 076564 068071 072414 067388 067422 067600 067739 067763 067900 068875 072546 074513 074969 075033 075048 067831 068010 069021 070925 074970 074975 075031 076240 074147 073135 073156 072969 067600

CISIDAE Lampyridae, Ostomatidae, Byturidae, Cisid-e, CISSUS Notes on two cultivated species of Cissus (V-

CHROMATOGRAPHY rabbit's plasma: Chromatographic analysis in Gas chromatographic analysis of amino acids rabbit aortae by column chromatography. between gas chromatographic data & flavor Chromatographic determination of antu (alChromatographic & electrophoretic behavioChromatographic & electrophoretic behavioThin-layer chromatographic evidence of moin/on bhindi fruits by gas-chromatography. aqueous solution by gas chromatography & Relationships between gas chromatographic Gas chromatography of free volatile fatty acof combined gas chromatography--mass specGas chromatographic measurement & identifin/on bhindi fruits by gas-chromatography. on cotton seed, by gas chromatography metcombined gas chromatography-mass spectr. Gas chromatographic analysis of amino acids starch dextrins by gel chromatography. their separation by gell chromatography. [Vof column & thin-layer chromatography to method of thin-layer chromatography & enzA simple thin-layer chromatographic technidivision with thin-layer chromatography. [FThin layer chromatography of some vegetal products. 3. Thin-layer chromatographic evifeeds by thin-layer chromatography. Thin layer chromatography of alkaloids from compounds by thin-layer chromatography. of paper & thin-layer chromatography for dcompounds by thin-layer chromatography. method of thin-layer chromatography & enzof carbohydrates by liquid chromatography: hydrolysate by gas & liquid chromatography procedure of gas-liquid chromatography for waters by gas & liquid chromatography. of combined gas chromatography--mass specGas chromatographic measurement & identifcotton seed, by gas chromatography method Paper chromatographic method of extracting Application of permeation chromatography jack bean proteins by chromatography on tof proteins of pea seeds by chromatography Chromatographic separation of fatty acids of simple thin-layer chromatographic technique CHROMOPLASTS Do chromoplasts contain dna? I. Electron-mDo chromoplasts contain dna? ii. isolation CHROMOSOMES celery (Apium graveolens L.) chromosomes. Chromosomal aberrations induced by maleic P-38 on rate of chromosomal aberrations in at induction of chromosomal aberrations in B) chromosomes & aneuploidy in Anopheles Chromosomic anomalies in veterinary pathoin chromosomes of arrhenotokous spider miof dna replication in barley chromosomes. Behavior of chromosomes in meiosis of hex

CITIES Helping a city choose its trees. sorghum hybrids in field trials at Dell City, cotoneasters are cultivated in city of Frunze agricultural market center in large cities. of regional population by major cities. A guide to city trees in Boston area.

073661 073575 07326 066938 066587 071270

CITRIC phoenicis, a good producer of citric acid. of synthetic juvenile hormone & citric acid CITRULLINE of watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris Schr.) seeCITRUS by some subtropical fruit varieties; citrus, bA handful of seed. (Citrus]. Bionomics of South African citrus psylla, Trof variety on nutrient balance of citrus. I. Studies on citrus canker. II. Pathogenicity associated with stubborn disease of Citrus & of tristeza & greening diseases of citrus in boosts sales of u.s. citrus in Europe & Japan Costs of picking & hauling Florida citrus fruBeverages from whole citrus fruit puree. [ODegreening & abscission on citrus fruit with carotenoid accumulation in citrus fruit rinds

073199 07364€ 074741 073048 07413 074253 07415 067015 06687 068165 073040 073042 067294 067332 067399 067383 067434 067275 067333 070186 067394 067415

direct seeding on drained heavy-clay paddy f- 077076 in relation to deep plowing on Pullman clay 072923 of cultural profile in sandy & sandy-clay soil 076893 Clay & silt mineralogy of some volcanic soils 076264 Evapotranspiration from a small clay catch- 077051 content & dry density of heavy clay soil pa- 076442 significance of clay crusts & soil clay in eva- 076470 of cultural profile in sandy & sandy-clay soil 076893 Change in properties of surface-clayey soils 076305 identification of swelling clay minerals.


of picking & hauling Florida citrus fruits, 1 amounts of soil herbicides in citrus fruits & chemical improvement of soil of citrus grove of Chilocorus bipustulatus in citrus groves of Agricultural chemicals & citrus industry. (PTime of flower-initiation in citrus & mango

on citrus irrigation. II. Effect of irrigon rooting of hard cutting of Citrus karna of inorganic elements in citrus leaves. with structures observed in citrus plants affOn control of insect pests of citrus plant Aleyrodidae: Hemiptera) on citrus plants in characters of polyploidy in citrus. Biological treatment of citrus processing wa. Bionomics of South African citrus psylla, TrStudies on citrus red scale. Aonidiella auranof oils in relation to efficiency on citrus red Serodiagnostic studies on Citrus spp. with rManganese deficiency & toxicity in citrus. Investigations on breeding of citrus trees. I Investigations on breeding of citrus trees. IV against cold damage to citrus trees. I ii. Praprotection against cold damage to citrus tre-s. Analytical study on citrus vinegar. Beverages from whole citrus fruit puree. (OCLADOPHORA Fine structure of swarmers of Cladophora &

066874 074528 076860 074744 074996 073019 073196 073020 073197 074253 074725 074765 071857 077216 074741 074742 074800 073896 074284 071857 072100 074411 074412 068184 068169

CLOSTRIDIA a wild type strain of Clostridium botulinum Ecology of Clostridium botulinum. Factors in survival of Clostridium botulinum An unusual species of Clostridium isolated f. biological properties of Clostridium isolated for growth of Clostridium perfringens. affecting growth of Clostridium perfringens. oedema in antelopes. (Clostridium septicum) Food, contamination, Clostridium sporogenes] cheese making. (Clostridium tyrobutyricum) CLOT SEE COAGULATION


CLEARINGS On clearing cycle-time by Rakedozer. Study woody sprout establishment on cleared, unb

073558 072732 072748 074251 069105 072867 072868 072891 073423 073545 073979 076649 076890 072849 074236 072794 068835 071367 071944 076315

CLAMPS New era for clamp silage?

CLOVER on production of seeds of black clover. of 14 co (Carbon dioxide) in ladino clover. of 14 c02 (carbon dioxide) in Ladino clover. Mycoplasma in etiology of clover phyllody: of drying & communication of red clover on in inland region of japan. (Red clover). from climatic factors. (Red clover). in wild & cultivated red clover. (Trifolium pVariety trials with red clover. climatic conditions on quality of red clover Studies on spread of fungi on red clover see. lime on yield of wheat, maize & red clover on yields of wheat, maize & red clover. of micronutrients on yield of clover seeds. craccivora Koch & subterranean clover stunt Micronutrient uptake by clover from differeNutritive value of clover in calf production. from contrasting soils. [White clover). Meiosis in white clover (Trifolium repens L. repens & Lotus corniculatus. (White clover, CLOVES on components of essential oil of clove (EugCLUBROOT on development of clubroot-resistance in ca.

068311 072590 067328 070928 071152 075361 066894 067327 075371 070682

CLARKIA Origin of allotetraploid Clarkia gracilis. CLASSES German Federal Republic age-classes of trotof rhazinilam, a new class of alkaloids from Quality class law--quality class control. (AgWork in conversion class of forest enterprise of raw wood sorting by diameter classes. incorporation into different classes of phospof agricultural income by economic class of Quality class law & regulation. (Agricultural Principal lipid classes & fatty acids synthesDifferentiated determination of site class & CLASSIFICATION variation, distribution, & classification. Classification of bog vegetation of southern Classification of branches of work on state fon characteristics & classification of a crop Problem of classification of dry lands of Ta. Principles of classifying forest plant conditiPeculiarities & classification of forests of K. changes in classification of forms of ground Classification & genesis of food flavors. On classification of genus Secale L. Rice, its classification & grading in India. Pork: community grid of classification for co special reference to hemocyte classification, Histochemical classification of individual sko Classification of insects & their relatives. Classification of Koji mold. (Aspergillus). of regional planning is land classification. of male genitalia in leafhopper classification On classification of logging roads. On classification, diagnostics & mapping of of a method of multivariable classification by Multivariate classification of some rice (OrNucleic acids & classification of organisms. of some properties for its classification. cattle & equine skins & classification of raw Classification of rubber-growing soils in west Subgeneric classification of genus Ceratina production & classification of sympathetic gClassification of varieties of groundnut (Ara

CLIMATE sowing date as a function of agro-climatic & Glov. on cotton plants grown in arid climate plant associations & climate of Bialowieza sunflower under Polish climatic conditions. Effect of cutting time & climatic conditions in relation to soil & climatic conditions. (PlConsiderations on climate in greenhouses. under conditions of continental climate of KSome observations on soil & climate of east Climate of north-eastern region of Argentine Effect of climatic & weather conditions on s. Effect of climatic & weather conditions on yof quantitative estimating agroclimatic resouevapotranspiration from climatic factors. [Runder conditions of a hot climate. photographs to assess light climate in forest Minor climatic shifts & genetic changes in a natural population during a minor climatic of oil seed sunflower under Polish climatic An agroclimatic probability study of economaspects of relationship between climate & i. estimating agroclimatic resources. population during a minor climatic shift. Minor climatic shifts & genetic changes in a Agroclimatic substantiation for introduction Science support climate in United States. [ Effect of soil, climate & variety on chemical

073395 074669 071624 073445 073545 074242 073699 073706 077150 071662 073515 073516 066560 072868 074945 070462 075153 075275 073445 076212 069867 066560 075275 075153 073738 066551 072720

071333 071592 066734 071380 076256 071671 070542 071571 067663 071498 067291 067935 075436 068668 075729 071368 066673 075841 071026 076507 071639 073447 071435 070069 067936 076549 075757 068640 071335

CLINICAL Pharmaco-clinical activity of bendazac on sContribution to clinical andrology & spermaStudies on clinical application of a salivary Studies on clinical application of a salivary years of testing & of clinical application. Clinical & biochemical effects of chronic resserum chemical, & clinical changes during po Clinical diagnosis of oesophageal invaginatiClinical evaluation of benzydamine action in Clinical & hematological diagnosis of cattle factors; microbiologic, clinical & histologic sin cattle by sodium nitrate--clinical occurreClinical observations on an outbreak of equion electroencephalogram & clinical response Clinical studies on bovine parturition: mate


070349 069514 068678 068679 069870 069564 070289 070436 069695 070222 070309 070409 069900 069562 069291

from a small clay catchment.

content & dry density in an alluvial clayey elements & integrated dark chestnut clay loDiagnostic significance of clay crusts & soil moisture content & dry density of heavy clay to deep plowing on Pullman clay loam.

on drained heavy-clay padintegrated dark chestnut clay loamy soil. Clay minerals in soils of arid open woodlanExperimental Forest. 2. Clay minerals in wClay minerals in soils of middle taiga in PoNa-Ca-M8 sustem of soils & clay minerals. Composition of clay minerals in two cinnaminfluences of different soils & clay minerals identification of swelling clay minerals. under spruce stands on clayey moraines. carpel-like applications of clay-organic man.

076443 077051 076424 076470 076442 077076 072923 076424 076242 076387 076427 076434 076517 076568 076600 076397 076651

COAST phytoplankton on Ivory Coast continental pTreatment of East Coast fever with actinomimproved pasture system on far north coast. content of oak young shoots grown on coast. Sudanian savanna north of Ivory Coast. of Products ( sepc) in Ivory Coast at GregbCharaceae from Ivory Coast. (Nitella). in a pre-forest savanna (Lamto, Ivory Coast cycling in rain forest of Ivory Coast. from Languedoc-Mediterranean coast. Rhodophylloid fungi of Pacific Coast (United genus Porphyra occurring on Pacific Coast upstream aquatic resources on West Coast. Brachycera) of Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Coconut cultivation on southern coast of Sastudies of pasture soils in wet tropical coast Decline of maritime pine on Vendee coast. COATING On development of pollen grain coatings of soils with corrosion preventing coating. (Eq. mixture of hard alloy for coating of working

071646 069860 068836 074357 069855 070877 071245 075501 076458 074883 071434 071450 077165 075616 073648 076681 074407

071813 076168 076169 075836 075843 075844 075849 075859 075101 075760 075230 075642 075498 075610 075584 075193 075243 075501 074693 074870 074882 075627 075846 075193 074864 074646 074647 075815 075816 074871 074618 075634 075606 075251 075110 075739 075827

COATS Seed coat morphology in Cordylanthus (Scrareas of stainless steel without paint coat. Some properites & functions of coat protein development of pericarp & seed coat in RotCOBALT of different sources of copper & cobalt on femanganese & easy soluble copper & cobalt in study of methods used in determining cobalt Distribution of cobalt in soils of mountain & of gamma radiation (60 cobalt) on dry & geEffect of cobalt on accumulation of various Cobalt & nickel. (Plant growth). of cucumber leaves with a cobalt nutrient mto 60Co (cobalt] gamma radiation. Effect of gamma rays of radioactive cobalt seeds with gamma rays of radioactive cobalt Effect of gamma rays of radioactive cobalt Sim), irradiated by gamma rays of cobalt 60 Cobalt in soils of Sumi Region. available potassium & soluble cobalt in some

068888 076217 067498 076479 072024 072185 072515 071811 072487 067875 071868 072947 072985 076587 076551

CODLING fecundity & fertility of codling moth (Laspe- Artificial rearing of codling moth (Carpocap- COELOMOMYCES Ultrastructure of Coelomomyces punctatus

COENZYMES Evidence of acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase between carnitine & coenzyme A esters in to

of Malacodermata in Hungary (Coleoptera) Leconte & Camioleum Lewis (Coleoptera: SGenus Chaetastus Nunberg (Coleoptera: PlaNotes about Anobiidae (Coleoptera). Tribe Noviini in New World (Coleoptera: Cof Melolontha melolontha L. (Coleoptera, S. hoppers on territory of Latvia. [Coleoptera, studies on dependence of aquatic Coleoptera Aquatic Coleoptera of East Sussex. I. Estival growth of Coleoptera biomass as a family Haliplidae (Coleoptera) in Bulgaria. Coleoptera) (49. Palearctic Cantharidae). of tiger beetles (order Coleoptera--family CiColeopterous fauna of exotic herbivorous & Carabidae (Coleoptera) populations

at foot Pic) (Bruchidae: Coleoptera) from Glycine jPhonoreception in some Coleoptera infesting molitor L. (Coleoptera) destroys insulation On three Coleoptera of Neouvielle mountain Coleoptera).[Cylindrepomus nigriceps, N. larvae of tiger beetles (order Coleoptera--faHerbst (Tenebrionidae: Coleoptera), a pest in Peru on basis of Coleoptera Phytophaga. recognition of Coleoptera Phytophaga in Pein Peru on basis of Coleoptera Phytophaga. recognition of Coleoptera Phytophaga in PeSome mutants of stored product Coleoptera Gebl.) (Bruchidae: Coleoptera) from seeds of III. Coleoptera, & Strepsiptera. 3. beetles (Coleoptera). 8. A new subgenus of Tetraopes (Diptera: Tachinidae--Coleoptera: Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) in Tatra NationColeoptera). (Orectochilus yayeyamensis, G. Pythidae. (Coleoptera). Results of zoological COLEOPTILES Circumnutation of Avena coleoptile, its autagents on elongation of Avena coleoptile seGrowth of barley coleoptile. I. Its relationsA new wheat coleoptile section test for natu

COCCIDIOSIS quails: Eimeria uzura sp. nov. (Coccidiosis). blood components in avian coccidiosis caused Causes of coccidiosis in gallinaceous birds & use of chemicals for controlling coccidiosis in Observations on coccidiosis incidence in intInvestigations on coccidiosis in farm animals

069969 069970 070144 069975 070113 070031

COLA on young pine trees in Kola Peninsula & in Biological activity of Kola Peninsula Podzol.

072162 072927 072696 072810

COLEOPTERA Ritsema) (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera).

074758 Trogoderma granarium Everts (Coleoptera: 074863 Tribolium confusum du Val (Coleoptera, Te- 074868 of Dermestes maculatus deg. (Coleoptera: D- 074872 vigintiquatuorpunctata L. (Coleoptera, Cocco 075122 of larva of Prosodes solskyi (Coleoptera, Te- 075149 Phoracantha semipunctata (Coleoptera: Cer- 075175 Henosepilachna sparsa Herbst. (Coleoptera: 075192 of France. Teratological notes: Coleoptera. 075272 occurrence of click beetles (Coleoptera: Ela- 075290 Henosepilachna sparsa Herbst (Coleoptera: 075391 of Callosobruchus chinensis 1. (Coleoptera: 075433 Acari) on Trox scaber 1. (Coleoptera, Scara- 075470 elytra of Colobothea Serv., 1825 (Coleoptera, 075492 in neotropical Pyrophorinae (Coleoptera, El- 075496 behavior of three carabid beetles (Coleoptera, 075497 of Ochthebius Leach. (Coleoptera: Hydraen- 075582 Hydraenidae: Ochtebius III. (Coleoptera. 075583 Natural History Museum. VI. (Coleoptera) 075585 in Mongolia. 254. Phalacridae (Coleoptera) 075586 Expedition to Tanganyika. 15. Coleoptera: 075587 A new Trechisibus (Coleoptera, Trechinae) f- 075599 A new species of genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, 075600 Notes on Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Ceram- 075602 a description of two new species (Coleoptera 075608 Notes on Agabini (Coleoptera, Dystiscidae). 075609 Quedius mesomelinus Marsch. (Coleoptera, 075613 Biosystematics of genus Ips (Coleoptera: Sc- 075631 of genus Cychropsis. (Coleoptera, Carabidae 075645 on some African Hyphydrus (Coleoptera: D- 075661 Erichson from South America (Coleoptera). 075676 Hydroscaphidae from Brazil (Coleoptera, 075695 Species of Dryopomorphus (Coleoptera, El- 075696 Nietner) from Ceylon (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae 075700 Melanophthalma Motschulsky (Coleoptera, 075704 Forest (var): Aurelle Valley (Coleoptera). 075708 subgenus Orinocarabus Kraatz (Coleoptera, 075709 picenus hypochora ssp. nova (Coleoptera, C- 075711 Nialoe) asymmetricus Bates (Coleoptera, C- 075746 occurring in Japan (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) 075753 composition of hide beetles (Coleoptera, De- 075770 descriptions of new subspecies (Coleoptera, 075773 its distribution in upland Graz (Coleoptera, 075777 Cast. & Agrilus Curt. (Insecta, Coleoptera) 075781 already known Dynastinae (Coleoptera, Me- 075825 Harpalini (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of 5th & 075828

COLLATERAL Formation of intrahepatic collaterals after ve COLLECTING A. H. Sperring. (Lepidoptera, collecting). Host plants of Aphids collected at Los AngeCan hairless honey-bees collect pollen? Heteroptera) collected in Bulgaria. aberrant forms of butterflies collected from Erebia collecting in Andorra including descr. in Korea. 1. A report on collecting of first eproducts in vegetables & fruit collected on d. A code for insect collecting. Insects collected from toadflax, Comandra A convenient method of collecting larvae of observations of leukocytes collected from botachinoides West., collected & maintained uOn problem of mechanized collecting of stre Odonata collected in Wyoming, South DakoCaryology of some plants collected during 3 of Trifolium repens L. populations collected II. Comparison of collecting procedures. What kind of equipment for straw collecting Effectiveness of system of collecting, storing Ticks collected from Indian River County, FCOLLECTIONS its realtion to national varieta) collections. from Nigeria (Homoptera (Collections J.t. Chromosome collection of common tomato. Evaluating samples of corn collection for dr. Study of vegetable crop collection. treatmen of results of evaluating collection Collection & evaluation of native fowl germAdditional species to Fungivoridae collection Institute for Fermentation) fungus collection fossil plants from collection of Geologic InstWorld list of germplasm collections--maize. Research insect collection. of field grown tulips in collection of Institute Collection of legislative & regulatory texts

075656 075253 075873 075612 075785 075691 075519 067254 075260 075206 075193 068657 074907 076166 075668 071859 071367 075445 076073 076887 075722

COCKS surgical method for devoicing birds. [Cocks] 069591 reproduction capacities of cocks of Cornish 069447 COCOA Review of production & consumption. (Cocoa) 066982 Mistletoes on West African cocoa. (Cacao, 074484 Cocoa in Nigeria. (Cacao).

073845 sugars in normal young cocoa pods & those 072221 COCONUTS caps to simplify cross-pollination. (Coconuts 073086 Coconut cultivation on southern coast of Sa- 073648 nut production & sex expression in coconut 071997 of first inbred generation of coconut.

072023 Where coconut is a homestead crop.

073649 Production of coconut planting material: Se. 073756 Inheritance of nut production in coconut. 072004 evaluation of coconut protein.

068138 Tender coconut water as a plasma volume e- 069618

072071 075732 072120 073578 073809 072108 068980 076145 071448 071475 072070 075134 073831 070717

075738 075155 075435 072217 072000 072019 073044 072074 068157 068299 067718 075435 071897

Pork: community grid of classification for cdiversity in two salt marsh communities. (Sbracken in forest & meadow communities of within European Economic Community. of phytomass in several plant communities at management of animal & plant communities in relation to stability of plant communities. composition of some plant communities in Dynamic structure of plant communities in management of animal & plant communities on living-structure. (Rural communities). changes in rural communities. European community sets new higher farm of plants in some communities of upland xe. of natural vegetation communities. of pattern in Atriplex vesicaria communities in a grazed Atriplex vesicaria community. Weed communities in different types of agri

067935 075235 071593 067447 071522 071540 071541 071543 071547 077134 066573 066784 067016 072476 071529 071580 072364 074543

COLLECTIVES Collective distribution of food to pigs accordof Filaksija Biological Factory collective to Sociological expedition to collective farm: pincreasing effectiveness of collective farm & as a basis for state farm & collective farm pCost accounting in collective farm motor poExperimental & Model Collective Farm. basis of work payment of collective farmers accounting system used on collective farms productivity of labor on collective farms. keeping & accounting on collective farms & labor efficiency & wages on collective farms of labor productivity on collective farms gr. of basic assets in collective farms. notes for administration on collective farms of forest management in collective farms. utilization of state forest & collective forest Model forest for collective tree farms.

Diptera: Anthomyiidae). (Pegomya bicolor, Color preference of Musca domestica under affecting determination of pupal colour types Red color enhancement of pimiento peppers of pod arrangement & seed colour in Brassiof genes controlling seed colour in Cicer ariIrradiation of color sports of "Delicious" & of hemp hybrids with light colored straw. identification of colouring substances of musAnimal identification; a system using colours Color of tea infusion. affecting determination of pupal colour types Adaptedness of corolla-color variants in expCOLORIMETRIC Ring-colorimetric determination of trace me. Colorimetry of foods. 5. Tang. of catalase of soils by means of colorimetry COLOSTRUM Factor in colostrum causing mobilization of formation in newborn colostrum-deprived gefrom conventional & colostrum-deprived calspecial reference to importance of colostrum Enzyme inhibitors in colostrum & milk of cof suckling piglets in presence of colostrumCOLUMNS Application of column & thin-layer chromatrabbit aortae by column chromatography, Behaviour of dna on columns of histone kieWater absorption by columnar serosa in eggs Columnar, thorn-based new species of ScenCOLZA Intestinal absorption of colza oil; ultrastruc

068869 069605 066559 066641 066726 066823 076903 066911 066728 066737 066813 066819 066820 066843 066913 070644 070651 070646

COMANDRA infected by rust, Cronartium comandrae, in COMBINES Cereal combines & their further development Some aspects of designing combine harvesteof cutting appararus of grain combines. computation of optimal combine harvester cmaintenance concept for combine harvesters of forest enterprise of Combine of Logging A machine aggregate which combines soil tilleafed tobacco in Prilep tobacco combine.

075499 075693 075795 076146 076467 075568 075632 075500 075090

076076 076034 076080 076031 076033 070928 076176 068088

070600 066625 071367 072816 066898 072505 069176 073297 075467 073598 072817 071965 069712 072184 066970 069374

073881 073998 073882 074410 073932 073858

COLLECTORS George B. Hinton, collector of plants in souTentative list of plants for collectors. 31. successful work of logging slash collectors. COLLEGES of plants on Warren Wilson College Campus of Indian veterinary medical colleges & instCOLLEMBOLA biology of Sinella curviseta (Collembola: EnAxelson)--new to German funa (Collembola, of Folsomides deserticola (Collembola: Isot. from north Germany (Collembola). of Folsomides deserticola (Collembola: Isotof Onychiuridae (Collembola) from caves of Collembola fauna of chalky formation caverHandschin, 1942 (Insecta Collembola). Templeton), Colembola Neanuridae. COLLETOTRICHUM of fungicides against Colletotrichum sp. on disease control. (Colletotrichum coffeanum, incisa L. (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides). heveae, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, HeColletotrichum indicum Dast., parasite des virulence of Colletotrichum lagenarium & its COLLOIDS Porous, capillary & colloidal characteristics K. Gedroits & problems of colloid chemistry heating to boiling point on colloidal system COLONIES pneumoniae infection in a colony of albino rColony foundation in Microcerotermes bees. of sand flies from colonies of Great Gerbil. individual number in honeybee colonies 1)2 Using two-queen colonies. (Bees). Requeening colonies. (Bees). Fecundity & colony size in natural populatiAbsence of colony-specific pheromones in ant Why some colonies starve in winter. (Bees) COLOR Delection of added colour in milk & milk pA colour anomaly in spider Heteropoda venAnthocyanin colour distribution in skin of On anthocyanin coloring of leaves of Persian Consumer acceptance of beef color. in pork: topography of colour brightening in Adaptedness of corolla-color variants in expCorrelation between color & some important pigments of microscopical dark-coloured funA heritable colour deviation in red table beeAnthocyanin colour distribution in skin of Relationship between down color at hatching Enect of color on food acceptability. Red color enbancement of pimiento peppers Colorless facultative mutants of Ascobolus Color of Desh & skin of tubers in world collToxicological assessment of food colors. of microscopical dark-coloured fungi. (Dema. A heritable colour deviation in red table bee. value of hemp hybrids with light colored str. of fistulic acid a new colouring matter from species, & its effect on colour of meat. I. O. A contribution to study of color pattern in e

COMMODITIES of processed agricultural commodities: consProper stacking of agricultural commodities good provision in food commodities. COMMUNES Use of small equipment om communal level Standard tractor in communal use.

070067 075220 074937 075891 075884 075883 075202 075195 075882

COMMUNICATION service for farms. (Communications). Direct communications & means of their fur. preservation. Preliminary communication. Effects of drying & communication of red cllink. (Communications, agricultural research COMMUNISM decree of 24th congress of Communist Party of xxiv Congress of ussr Communist Party.

COMPETITION Competitive adventages of state owned foresprerequisites of competitive agriculture. An analysis of competition between plants of Competition between big sagebrush & crestfeeders in increasingly competitive cattle feRoot density & competition for nutrients. Competitive eating behavior of confined beef Competitive exclusion in forest trees. (Drosof principle of competitive exclusion. (Dros. Grassland farming competitions in 1966--19 Influence of competition on response of bluCompetitive interaction between two S allelburneti. IX. Competition of two main antig. Competition between phosphate & plant for Trends in & competitive power of swine breits use in a competitive protein-binding radi. COMPOSITAE to an Illinois flora. No. 4. Compositae. II. ( to an Illinois flora. No. 5. Compositae. I i. Weed control--thistles. (Cirsium, Carduus, S. abscisic acid in scape of Taraxacum albidum review of some arctic & alpine Senecio specin western North American Compositae. (Tof two ecotypes of Sonchus arvensis L. in apomixis of Hieracium aurantiacum L. irradiation on Gl-phase. (Crepis capillaris). New series of genera Senecio L. & Cicerbita of Sartwellia (Compositae Helenieae). from root fragments. (Chondrilla juncea). intybus L. & Taraxacum officinale Weber epof leaf shape of Taraxacum officinale L. of epidermal cells of Taraxacum officinale. economy of grapes in Emilia-Romagna. residues in fruit produced in Emilia-Romag-a of two male-sterile species of Taraxacum. a new alkaloid from Senecio swaziensis Coin leaf cells of iron treated Xanthium (pensy. lavandin in Apennines of Tuscany-Emilia. COMPOSITE of nutritive matter in composite alfalfa silag. A composite arginine glucose medium for ch. COMPOSITION of cottonseed: products, composition, & use oils due to refining. II. Composition of acid Fatty acid composition of phrenosine in beef rations balanced by amino acid composition Effect of amino acid composition of pasture characteristics of amino acid composition of of maize oil on fatty acid composition of tisfatty acids on fatty acid composition of bloVariation of fatty acid composition in wheat Changes of amino acid composition of pepti. Amino acid composition of roots & surface Amino-acid composition of white root crops

071346 071347 074505 072607 071305 071260 072161 071941 072561 071251 071481 074436 071842 072312 072313 066766 067255 071948 072601 072294 073851

066729 066992 069426 069105 066500

067365 075111 073127 073130 067475 067322 071897 068087 072471 071923 073127 068816 067556 072217 071938 072095 067349 072471 071923 072074 072542 067922 075492

COMMUNITIES Management of plant & animal communities a multilayered largetooth aspen community. nitrogen fixing soil bacteria communities of in soil of community of Castanetum sativae II. A plan for rabies control in community. of insect pests found in cultural community guidance in European Economic Community market as European Economic Community olive oil in European Economic Community Methods of European Economic Community of European Economic Community. to change under ec (European Community] markets in ec (European Community) natioRustle of change in European CommunityEuropean community sets new higher farm High ec-cap (European Community, Commprediction in forest communities.

077139 070464 076246 076553 070076 074775 066601 067103 067191 069161 069628 067003 067008 067015 067016 067018 071548

068016 068212 068405 068559 068563 068565 068914 068917 072724 072948 072949 073133

Page 17

of fuzzy cottonseed in high concentrate lamb sulfamethazine in high concentrate lamb ratrolled sorghum grain in high concentrate ratFriesian steers given high-concentrate diets Whey lacticalbumin concentrate. fuzzy cottonseed in high concentrate lamb rsulfamethazine in high concentrate lamb ratTesting a mixture of concentrates with lower Japanese Unshiu orange concentrate. orange juices & orange concentrates with pEffect of pelleting of concentrates & addition Fish protein concentrate. Soy protein concentrates & isolates. in calves fed fish protein concentrate as sole sorghum grain in high concentrate rations fof brood cattle: Concentrate supplement durCONCENTRATION Amino acid concentrations in some poultry at high, external, electrolyte concentrations dioxide) concentrations during exposure of pdifferential growth factor concentrations. (P. in plants in presence of high concentrations Musca domestica: concentrations in larvae, phosphorus, & magnesium concentrations in bishydroxycoumarin plasma concentrations from plasma progesterone concentrations. of pesticides at residue concentrations. Effect of high salt concentrations on plant gdifferent salts of varying concentrations.

069164 069165 069171 068986 067816 069164 069165 069232 068150 068151 068884 067658 068014 069007 069171 069191

068243 072361 072760 072378 072201 075419 070343 069566 069504 074971 072345 072789

COMPOUNDS Formation of insoluble arsenical mpounds 072143 Bacteriostatic compounds from bean leaves. 074107 Bromine compounds in food, especially in G- 068126 by water-soluble cancerogenic compound im- 074296 sensivity threshold of carbonyl compounds 067712 of some furan & lignin carbonyl compounds 070897 Formation of catechol compounds from phe- 068706 Effect of chemical compound tb on intensity 068089 in cattle with Italian chemical compound Cr- 070354 attractant properties of chemical compounds 074576 Testing chemical compounds for control of r- 074789 new substance to new chemical compound. 074990 phosphorus-containing compounds in chloro- 072855 with several nitrogen-containing compounds 076494 Italian chemical compound Crizeometrina. 070354 by aromatic diazo compounds.

067710 Light sensitivity of compound eye of a moth 075117 A switch phenomenon in compound eye of 075406 Identification of volatile flavor compounds f- 068171 mutagenetic effect of some compound groups 075136 water-soluble cancerogenic compound imino 074296 clearance of immobile compounds of sleeves 071106 Influence of indene compound P-38 on rate 072050 Effect of infiltration of some compounds on 072348 Honokiol, a new phenolic compound isolated 072275 Phenolic compounds isolated from insect ha- 075354 of alpha acids & their isomeric compounds in 067989 for using synthetic nitrogen compounds in i. 069044 of carbohydrate & nitrogen compounds with 072405 protein & non-protein nitrogen compounds. 072778 Stability of N-nitroso compounds. (Carcino- 067392 of complex metalliferous organic compounds 076439 Content of phenol compounds in seeds of fi- 072688 factors on extraction of phenolic compounds 068187 Honokiol, a new phenolic compound isolated 072275 Biochemistry of phenolic compounds, 13th 072358 Relation of phenolic compounds to IAA-oxi- 072711 Phenolic compounds isolated from insect ha- 075354 Aspergillus niger. 6. Phosphorated compoun-s. 072580 Polyacetylenic compounds. 205. On constitu- 072271 enzymatic reaction in which compound is in- 072991 ion & some oxidation-reducing compounds u- 070210 Studies on mannan & related compounds. I. 067621 of san-6706 & some related compounds by to 074513 other ether soluble compounds in maize see- 072878 of antimicrobial water soluble compounds. 076456 Photochemical synthesis of compounds with 072598 Synthesis of compounds with juvenile horm- 075131 On tanning compounds from wood of chestn- 070965 Effect of chemical compound tb on intensity 068089 Phenazone on content of thiolic compounds 074530 on biosynthesis of iron transport compounds 067384 carbamate, urea, & uracil type compounds by 075033 Effect of compound xylolin on egg deposits 074814 of feeding with copper & zinc compounds w- 069059 COMPRESSION of Betula wood under compression crosswise 071142 Dynamic compression results in greatly incr- 070915 COMPUTATION Computation of information provided by an 071638 Automatic system of computing log volumes 070675 model for computation of optimal combine 076031 On computing volumes of young Pinus trees 070685 Computation of wood base sandwich boards 070935

Amino acid composition of euglobulins of wFatty acids composition of fruit oil of some Correlation between fatty acids composition Effect of diet on fatty acids composition in in ruminants. II. Fatty acids composition of Fatty acids composition changes in rape hyAntigenic composition of hydatid fluid, extrdiets on composition of avian pancreatic juiSources & composition of basic slag. Biochemical composition of seeds of PennisForage production & botanical composi Composition of bulk & mobile forms of npk indices & carbohydrate composition of unblChange in carcass composition due to various liming on exchangeable cation composition Composition of cell wall of Pleurotaenium tFatty acids composition changes in rape hyChange in chemical composition of milk in Chemical composition of Khoa. (Milk produof half-carcass & chemical composition of mChemical composition & nutritive value of a Chemical composition & physicochemical prChemical composition & structure of hemiceInheriting chemical composition of green mgrowth substances on chemical composition Berkhout. X ii. Chemical composition of polComparative study of chemical composition climate & variety on chemical composition of of location on chemical composition of soybChemical composition, cooking quality & pro on development & chemical composition of fertilizers on yield & chemical composition fertilizers. IV. Chemical composition of fodChemical composition of some commercial tChemical composition of ripe grapes. Chemical composition of bark & wood of spChanges in chemical composition of tobacco Chemical composition of rainwater in Hungof iron in soils & chemical composition of sChemical composition of River Vyg basin naComposition of clay minerals in two cinnamComposition of dehydrated castor oil alkyds Composition & digestibility of long rice. (MChange in carcass composition due to various its effect on composition of duodenal digesta Micronutrient trace element composition of acids, plasma lipid & milk fat composition in characteristics & composition of fatty acids accumulation of oil & composition of fatty aof constituents to flavor composition. Factors controlling floristic composition of nutrients in control of floristic composition Composition of foetal & maternal blood durGrain quality & fractional composition of prkeeping soil samples on composition of fungi Composition of our Gabbroic rocks from poComposition of Greek sesame seeds. Change of group composition of organic matInfluence of composition & properties of fatiron on structure & composition of isolated Lipid composition & triglyceride structure of Determination of composition of mammary Effect of mechanical composition & fertilizeof soil cultivation & mechanical composition Effect of soil mechanical composition on teof strain & of medium composition in photoA study of composition of milk of Slovak PMilk composition of sows of Aksai Black S. Mineral composition of rabbit's milk: VariatMineral composition of organs & tissues of Mineral composition of some calcicolous & nutrition on composition of nitrogenous subsof metabolism & nucleotid composition of cOn composition & nutritive value of maize Composition & nutritive value of dehydrated Changes in composition of ovomucin during Phytoplankton composition at Lake Drumnf productivity & polyphenol composition of Composition of potato protein. On composition & properties of mf-17 & M Study of dynamics of protein composition of on quantitative & qualitative composition of fat content on some compositional quality of milk production & quantitative composition feed with special reference to composition & Effect of rock composition on development Age & composition of sapropel deposits in Japanese North Alps. 3. composition of soil Species composition of genus Pisum L. Species composition & distribution of family Study of species composition & ecology of sSpecies composition of hide beetles (Coleopcereal bugs & notes on specific composition Specific composition of insect pests found in Composition & structure changes occurring Composition & structure changes of vegetabComposition & structure changes of vegetabSubstantial composition of sandy soil-formiII. Fatty acid & triglyceride composition of siliqua L.)--its composition, nutritive value aerobic incubation on composition of water

073164 068110 068394 069206 069207 072804 070003 069010 076618 067986 076664 073248 071125 067924 076601 072228 072804 067784 067813 067957 068974 070986 070991 072125 072295 072350 072521 072720 072740 072793 072802 072830 072917 072989 073198 073293 074479 076225 076374 077086 076517 067749 067511 067924 069085 072814 069000 068084 072341 067664 071543 072716 069372 072764 076422 076525 068068 076589 068031 072755 067966 068719 076395 076481 076497 072138 067857 068408 068438 068845 072502 072633 068560 067562 068251 067973 071311 072678 068101 071121 069217 075098 067786 069515 068895 076490 076396 076383 071500 075610 075759 075770 074659 074775 068210 068211 068212 076440 068660 069215 076460

CONDENSED evidence of mono, pyro, & high condensed pof phosphorus of condensed phosphates into of side chain length & condensed type unit CONDITIONING in maize under conditioning of its different Conditioning of feeding stuffs & perspectives from use of synthetic soil conditioners with CONDUCTIVITY Device for automatic conducting of cotton pelectrical conductivity detectors. Model for planning & conducting field trials On heat conductivity of sunflower seed kerncracks in rice kernel in conductive heating. during differentiation of conducting tissues in moisture pressure & soil water conductivity CONES Cone drop & pollination in Pinus thunbergii Pneumatic equipment for drying of cones. Density effect on cone production by Pinus Storing of cones & production & quality of

076162 074975 073531 068030 068035 071683 076409

073315 070805 070744 070763

CONCENTRATES cows with different amounts of concentrates 068894 Friesian steers given high-concentrate diets 068986 Effect of adding different concentrates on di- 068877 of protein extracts & concentrates for bakery 067701 of proportion of oil meal in concentrate fed 068865 on preservation of fats in feed concentrates 068256 at fattening completely on feed concentrates 068558 in digestible proteins of feed concentrates on 068962 Effect of higher rate of concentrate feeding 068981 of manufactured & farm-grown concentrates 068859

073966 071611 072419 071765 071761

for logging enterprises under construction. 071028 of forest road construction equipment.

071027 Evaluating construction priorities of farm-to 067038 Developments in construction of farm vehicl. 076061 Construction of filtration drainage in green- 075951 Construction of fractional replication of 2mX 066597 study on protected ground constructions cov- 073683 Hydraulic construction components for trac- 076063 Construction & operation of icy logging roa- 071018 Experience on construction of plastic draina. 075931 Evaluating construction priorities of farm-to 067038 prarameters of forest road construction equi- 071027 Year-round construction of logging roads. 071013 buildings with a simultaneous construction of 075992 of automatic control system construction in 071071 on problem of growth tables construction. 070693 regulations for construction of vehicular log- 071020 in reduction of construction work cost. (Irri- 066875

CONIDIUM an alkylarylsulfonate on conidia of Erysiphe factors on conidia of Helminthosporium satiConidium ontogeny in Penicillium. Phialophora radicicola Cain, conidial stage Conidial wall structure & morphology of AlCONIFERAE of production for coniferous chlorophyll-cartheir influence on coniferous forests in Strafrom Larix & mixed coniferous woods. industrial utilization of coniferous needles. vegetative organs of Coniferae in light of telof grafted seedlings for coniferous seed orchirradiation on seeds of several coniferous spfor transplanting of some coniferous species Outlook for coniferous tree culture in Hung

071097 070481 071148 070931 071723 070770 073263 070761 070837

070637 071787 068387 068489 075280 067896 071692

CONSUMERS Consumer acceptance of beef color.

067475 of forecasting of biological consumption of 070972 of swine breeding & consumption & marketi- 066959 peas for canning & for consumption.

076088 evidence of consumption coagulopathy in ac- 070270 consistency of sour cream for consumption. 067819 What deciduous fruit does consumer demand 066988 An analysis of consumers' demand for meat 067065 commodities: consumption determinants. 067062 Feed consumption differences among lactati- 069001 influencing fat consumption economic impli- 067025 Consumer education to minimize abuse of f- 067436 of tractor-skidders by energy consumption. 071110 food prices, consumption, & expenditures. 067084 Factors influencing fat consumption econom. 067025 Feed consumption differences among lactati- 069001 Wheat flour consumption.

066974 rationalization of consumption of fodder. 069128 between egg production & food consumption 075476 Fuel consumption norms for diesel locomoti- 071067 A study of glucide consumption by Sacchar- 068098 of regulation in consumption of materials & 075966 of production & consumption of mineral fert- 076809 crop offsets low stocks--consumption nearly 067017 of fertilizers on consumption of nitrogen, p- 072654 Fuel consumption norms for diesel locomoti- 071067 Consumption of nutrients by winter wheat f- 072656 Growth of consumption of olive oil in France 067036 on colour of meat. I. Oxygen consumption in 067922 Oxygen consumption by liver of conscious s- 068639 on colour of meat. I. Oxygen consumption in 068648 activities in liver & oxygen consumption in l- 068667 Uterine blood flow & oxygen consumption in 069449 Oxygen consumption of uterus & its tissue 069450 M & ddt on rate of oxygen consumption of 074637 methods on yield & water consumption per 077070 1.g.e. on direct sale of poultry to consumer 066969 On tariff for electric power consumed during 075972 of evaluation of consumption of power by C- 076181 about future preferences of consumers.

067448 Review of production & consumption. (Cocoa 066982 in service of consumer protection.

067311 Consumer protection enters adolescence. 067429 of swine raising & consumption & marketing 066960 Consumers' reaction to various peel oil levels 067091 Estimating rice consumption.

066975 with continually rising consumption.

066963 cotton crop offsets low stocks--consumption 06 7017 Consumption of tobacco products in Bulgaria 067990 Present condition & consumption trends of f- 066953 Water consumption by spring wheat.

072972 Consumption of water by some subtropical f- 073195 On consumption of water-free ammonia in a- 076778 Structure of water consumption in usa & its 076970 methods on yield & water consumption per 077070

CONNECTIVE Improving connections between forest manaImperfect-perfect connections in AscomycetConnective skeleton of testis. (Livestock). dityrosine from an alkali-soluble connective Crystalloid inclusions in connective tissue of determination of collagen connective tissues Structure of layer of water connectors. (AqCONSCIOUSNESS Research on qualitative consciousness of crlocal acth infusions in conscious sheep. consumption by liver of conscious sheep. CONSERVATION associations of natural conservation area of of vegetation in conservation areas. on conventional & conservation bench terraplant communities for conservation. Conservation of cut flowers. Conservation of ecological diversity of MediForage conservation. of nature in Poland. (Forest conservation). Conservation of genetic resources in domestcontrol system of moist grain conservation Transformation of hops & their conservation Pionicom a novelty in conservation of humid of grassland for conservation of invertebrate heathlands: Use & conservation in light of s. Hygiene & conservation of margarine. Methods on conservation & restoration of sPlant associations of natural conservation atransformation & nature conservation. in relation to th objectives of conservation. a different twist to orchid conservation. Conservation of plant genetic resources. Problem of conserving & utilizing for breedsystem of moist grain conservation process Challenge of 70's: produce & conserve. (Food Ulex & significance for conservation. Conservation on ski slopes. A national inventory. (Soil conservation). Use of long-term-conserved stallion semen in isolated from food-stuffs under conservation Use of long-term-conserved stallion semen in Agriculture & conservation of water resourcHistorical studies & woodland conservation CONSOLIDATION of covering depth of seed & of consolidation Costs of vineyard consolidation with cultivatCONSTRUCTION concrete used in agricultural construction. conception & construction of agricultural mAgricultural construction in Mongolian Peoaffecting wood use in building construction. for modification or construction of cattle hoHydraulic construction components for tracmethodical questions concerning construction on protected ground constructions covered wreturns in developmental construction. Construction of drainage canals by means of of works in water economy construction.

071564 071549 076953 071540 068185 077140 068263 070725 069434 068091 068159 068051 073384 071556 067603 076904 071564 077205 071547 071185 072067 069285 068091 067661 071542 076949 076956 069487 067434 069487 077115 070590

CONTROL terrestris L. in confined enclosures. (Control] pests of Chrysanthemum sp. & their control vacuoles of blue-green algae. (Control). earwig. (Forficula auricularis, control). Earwigs. (Forficula auricularia, control]. longicaudata, household pest, control]. domestica (Diptera) in Denmark. (Control, Pollution-abatement control in fruit & vegetAdenohypophysial control of extrarenal excPossibilities of genetic control against EuroCentral Institute for Agricultural Control & Agrotechnical control of Cephus pygmeus on practical plan for controlling anaplasmosis lA progress report: control of annual bluegraEffect of controlled atmosphere on growth of pear experimental ca (control atmosphere) Atmosphere control in fruit stores. with & without controlled atmosphere. Automated control of pressing extruded boaproblems on installing automated control syModelling of automatic control system of mPrinciples of automatic control system consConcept & use of an automatic controller of New system in automatic control of envirorose aphid, & Japanese beetle control on ouof fungicides in Cercospora beticola control. cerebral tissue during controlled biological lignorum Harz in biological control of plant in protecting crops. (Biological control). Biological control--its application in Zambia Birds & biological control of insect pests. insect predators. (Insects, biological control pomonella in Latvia. (Biological control). Can biological control of pests be realized? aurantii (Mask.), & its biological control in Results of biological control of leaf-eating iinsect predators. (Insects, biological control treatment of grapevines to control blight & with scald inhibitors, to control blue & gray used for Asiatic rice borer control to tropical Preliminary results of lilac borer control stused for Asiatic rice borer control to tropical Control of bovine leucosis in German Demoof insecticides in controlling brown soft scale Herbage production following brush control application of chemicals to control bush in Control of butyric acid blowing in hard cheeCancer controlling substances in plants disc. Grapevine bacterial canker control. certain chemicals on control of caterpillars Organizing measures for controlling cattle blinked inheritance of characters controlled Studies on chemical control of Ophiobolus g. Chemical control of primary infection by PTrials on chemical control of flax rust. (MeUse of Bidisin for chemical control of wild Chemical control of Rumex crispus in alfalfa Selective chemical control of Wimmera ryegSelective chemical control of capeweed in w. Chemical control. [Insects). Chemical control of root flies in stalk vegetcinereus Green & it's chemical control on bof Carpocapsa; tests in chemical control. punctiventris & its chemical control. Chemical control of Zeiraphera diniana. ( d. Ecological effects of chemical control of rod. virus diseases in rice & their chemical control. Control of Chrysanthemum segetum in spri

074347 074395 074564 074632 074651 074880 074918 068141 068538 074661 066520 074716 069786 074480 067272 068117 068135 068217 071096 076196 068091 071071 072511 075996 074787 073990 069696 074053 074427 074595 074602 074623 074625 074652 074742 074823 075042 074082 073899 074690 074785 075024 070345 074805 074514 074488 067415 072632 074133 074753 070224 075871 073868 073885 074076 074442 074446 074469 074470 074608 074729 074760 074784 074791 074835 077185 074335 074496

CONTAINERS Results of examination of bronze containers Clean containers as a premise of good bactePesticide container disposal problems. Recent advances in rigid metal containers. moisture movement from seedling containers of tea leaves in double tray container. night temperature & type of container on g

068226 067847 074980 067682 070750 067733 072214

071065 075946 075976 070913 076003 076063 070690 073683 075918 075932 077010

CONTAMINATION test (IF). (Food, contamination).

067412 on possibility of contamination of certain c- 067369 Contamination of DDT & hexachlorocycloh- 074992 leaf spot virus; contaminations of different 074195 of trace-element contamination of soils.

077148 of beekeeping equipment contaminated by 075881 consequence of soil fertility contamination. 076378 on problem of groundwater contamination by 075041 Effect of herbicides on contamination, yield 067265 Problem of contamination of human anti-var- 070268 Contamination by latent viruses of apple & 074198 Changes in organochlorine contamination of 075053 Soil contamination by plant protection prod- 074966 Contamination of soil with insecticides.

074991 Soil contamination by plant protection prod. 077118 investigations of contaminated soils. II. Qua- 076613

Modelling of automatic control system of m- Principles of automatic control system cons- Evidence for a complex control system for n- Comments on systematic control of parasites plants in light of systematic control of soil f-

on installing automated control systems in

Agropyron repens L. control with tca pre-e-
Effects of controlled temperature & light in- Weed control--thistles. (Cirsium, Carduuś, S- hydrotechnical works of control of torrents Control of Tortrix viridana with Bacillus th- Diagnosis & toxicological control of human Prevention & control of transmissible diseas- Transport control service--its activities in ve- Latest nematode control trials in tobacco of Life-history, habits & control of trunk-borer with dbcp on control of Tylenchorhynchus e- Fasciola control--voluntary or regulated? in mills & grain warehouses & their control buffer strip cropping method to control wat-r Is there a best method? (Weed control). Flame cultivation. (Cotton, weed control]. Postemergence weed control in soybeans. Cotton weed control in Madagascar: cultural Chemical weed control in rain-fed cotton gr. Some problems of chemical weed control. triazin-5-on for weed control in potatoes. Asulam for weed control in opium poppy (P- Weed control: docks. [Rumex]. Weed control--thistles. (Cirsium, Carduus, S- A guide to chemical weed control in tropical Chemical weed control in beans. Chemical weed control in field crops, 1972. Chemical weed control in horticultural & fo- Weed control in tobacco. Up to date weed control of grain crops. Weed control in cereals. Weed control in peppermint 1971. (Mentha Integrated weed control. of methyl bromide in weed control in garde- Weed control in orchards & vineyards. Advances of knowledge on weed control in fo contribution to chemical weed control in to- herbicide application for weed control in gra- Control of weeds in alfalfa stands by applic- Controlling weeds in narrow-row cotton. Fusarium diseases of wheat & their control

Identifying & controlling wild hemp.

Controlled wintering for avoiding secondary of dimensions of flood control works in wat.

068091 071071 072761 070050 076647 076196 074494 073033 074505 077098 074820 075008 070045 069610 074418 074758 074361 070140 074858 076894 074435 074465 074467 074485 074486 074491 074497 074498 074504 074505 074506 074510 074518 074519 074534 074537 074540 074541 074545 074553 074554 074555 074556 074558 074471 074536 074078 074520 074410 077012

Quality class law--quality class control. (Aguse of chemicals for controlling coccidiosis in on evolution & control of colibacillary enterEvidence for a complex control system for nComplex control of Colorado beetle & weeds alata L.) under controlled conditions. Continuous control & automation in flour migranulated herbicides in control of corn weeControlling cotton insects. of pesticides used for control of cotton insecMethod of control days with recording of cmarketing of non-controlled deciduous fruit of insecticides for control of Dermestes macResearch report on mint disease control. [ in Kangra District & their control. Optimal atmospheric emission control in wEndocrine control of alkaline phosphatase iEndocrine control of insect reproduction, a evaluation by controlled-environment cuvettrice leaves under controlled environment. of rice grains under controlled environment. of rice grains under controlled environment. Control of environmental hygiene in animal Environmental control of net photosynthesis Environmental control in beehive. in water quality control.-environmental prothybrid annuals in controlled environments. Prevention & control of erosion & stream sSolution of problems of soil erosion control Controlled eutrophication--increasing food pExternal control of maturation & senescence Control of facial eczema by fungicides. (SheFactors controlling floristic composition of to citrus trees. IV. Effect of control of fallFasciola control--voluntary or regulated? Nitroxynil in control of fascioliasis: five yea. Some forest pest control features in stands Control of feed intake in ruminants; continuControl & fertilization experiments in Begovideotape system used for fire control. (Foron methods of calculating flood control of aFlood control, flood fighting. of dimensions of flood control works in wat. on methods of calculating flood control of a. Factors controlling floristic composition of Use of nutrients in control of floristic compphotoperiodic timers in control of flowering House fly control for beef, dairy, poultry, & Egg predator insects & control of forest pesOn controlling forest pests. for using insecticides for controlling forest Incidence, epidemiology & control of fruit de important pesticides for control of fruit borControlling fruit mites in orchards. Gain control in retina & retinal dynamics. Controlling gall nematode. (Vegetables). Identification of genes controlling seed coloribicola in Pinus monticola: genetic control Possibilities of genetic control against EuroOn genetic control of genes located in sex-cGenetic control of spermiogenesis in DrosoGenetic control of spermiogenesis in Drosopossible role in control of glycolysis. (ChickA study on control of granary insect pests wControl of grape moth during 1970. Grasshopper control. Greenbug control in grain sorghum. (Schizaremarks on a program of cattle grub control Georgia apple disease & insect control guide Control of harmful cattle bladder worms--ewith systemic fungicides to control head smTrials of helminth control in swine with SuiHormonal control of synthesis of milk fatty Hormonal control of insect pests. Hormonal control of activity in a millipede insecticides for controlling Hypoderma in cHypothalamic control of food intake. high yields & good quality, including control a sporophytically-controlled incompatibility Chemical nematode control increases acre vControl of infectious keratoconjunctivitis in barriers & insecticides in control of insect v. Georgia apple disease & insect control guide a possible basis for insect control. of antifeedant approach to insect control. of chemical compounds. (Insect control). Why pesticides? (Insect control). Autosterilization in insect control. 2. Principles of insect control. horticultural insects. 7. On control of insect barriers & insecticides in control of insect v. A technique for insect control in pollination analogues from point of view of insect contr-l. gracilis & instructions for their control. Integral control of Carpocapsa; tests in cheof strategies for integral control. low volume sprays for integrated control of Integrated control of greenhouse whitefly. ( frame of biological & integrated control of fPartial analysis of internal controls at forest Blastocladiella emersonii. IV. Ion control oPhytochrome involvement in control of leaf

067328 069975 070112 072761 074457 068203 068076 074476 074679 074689 069221 066987 074872 074068 074149 070873 068670 074569 072511 072904 072930 072931 069586 073246 075907 077022 072214 070506 076937 077133 068139 070116 071543 074412 070140 069870 074822 069033 073965 070472 075956 076978 077012 077055 071543 072716 072552 074910 074824 074827 074836 074094 074762 074778 068708 074376 072019 073919 074661 075299 075425 075426 067970 074855 074790 074653 074719 074948 074344 070142 073871 070023 068646 074650 075554 074932 069081 073393 071965 074392 070055 074268 074344 074569 074571 074576 074580 074583 074607 074725 074793 074817 074570 073963 074784 075508 074691 074737 074839 070631 071798 072312

Control leafspot, harvest maximum yields. 074072 1972 Cattle flies & lice controls for Idaho d. 074923 Controlling light-activated flavor in milk. 067268 Locust control: ecological problems & inter- 074611 Effectiveness of vitavax in controlling loose 074015 Insect management & control on crops gro- 074635 Our experience in control of Marek disease 069891 Different forms of mastitis & their control, 070198 Japanese pear tree & its control measures. 074289 of grapes & measures for its control.

074413 Neuro-muscular mechanisms controlling a fl- 075913 hormones in control of metamorphosis of Ga- 075172 Thiuram on effectivity of control method. (P. 073903 Standardization of control methods in analy. 067421 Uniformity of control methods in dairy indu- 067459 selective introduction of control methods ag- 074723 Control of microclimate in housing for cattle 075991 An automatic moisture control for continuo- 076007 Control of muskrats by chlorophacinone bai- 074346 Effect of nematode control preparations on 072921 Chemical nematode control increases acre ve 074392 Latest nematode control trials in tobacco of 074418 Effect of nematode control preparations on 074419 A study of neuroendocrine control in oviposi- 075100 Neurohormonal control of heart of American 075553 Principles of nutrient control for agricultural 077231 production benefits from gambel oak control 074516 Prevention & control of occurence of damp- 073879 Role of seed control officials in implementi- 067143 field tests with Omethoat in controlling two 074671 Field trials for control of onion downy mild- 073976 Know them well in order to control them be- 074627 emersonii. IV. Ion control over cell different. 071798 Mechanism in oviposition control of Caraus- 075102 Studies on control of ovulation in rat.

069393 Study & control of a pathologic complex es- 074391 Control of perennial grasses with 074495 battery chicken raising performance control 069298 Perosis control in a broiler-fattening unit u- 070361 Escherichia coli & perspectives for control 070377 for practical crop protection & pest control 074311 Integrated pest control & its basic concepts 074585 Ecological aspects of pest control in Malays- 074610 Some forest pest control features in stands 074822 of Metation E-50 in storage pest control. 074847 of grain in silos & mills. (Pest control). 074857 Ecological aspects of pest control in Malays- 077183 systems & prospects of pest control by brain 074597 Metabolic & physical control of food intake 069082 Genetic & physiological control of esterases 068775 Phytochrome control of level of extractable 072864 "virus" pneumonia of pigs can be controlled 070135 EPA's industrial pollution control program. 077209 chromatography on controlled-pore glass in 074147 birds & possibilities of controlling it.

070144 Controlling posthitis in wethers.

069727 New pesticides for controlling powdery mil- 074424 Effect of nematode control preparations on 072921 Chemical preplant control of Johnsongrass. 074466 fractures in dogs by use of control pressure 070423 EPA's industrial pollution control program. 077209 Some new aspects of control of quality of so 067418 Nutritional quality control & feedbunk man. 069149 Indian standards & quality control for comp- 076619 policies, & issues in water quality control.-e- 077022 on Philippines. II. A plan for rabies control 070076 including function of host-range control. 074143 makes a palatable warfarin? (Rat control). 075057 Application of control records of dairy cattle 069332 1971 Roach control research.

074879 in Bulgaria: methods & results of control. [ 069863 Control of Rhizoecus cacticans (Homoptera 074752 Control of rice stem borer (Tryporyza incer- 074695 1971 Roach control research.

074879 Meriones hurrianae Jerdon. (Rodent control) 074307 improving chemicals for controlling rodent fo 074428 Studies on rodents & their control. VI. Stud. 074995 Role of control in improvement of milk qual. 067420 methomyl, & aldicarb for control of root kn- 074286 On herbicides for controlling rootstock grass 074502 chemical compounds for control of rose pest 074789 Fruit rot & its control. (Fungus diseases). 074025 Control of rust in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris 073908 of measures on control of salinization of irri- 076342 Control of Sclerotinia (sclerotiorum) rot in 073906 Control of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on chico- 073964 Role of seed control officials in implementi- 067143 Identification of genes controlling seed colo- 072019 Transport control service--its activities in ve. 069610 Controlling soil crusting with phosphoric ac- 076659 Problems & current tasks of control of soil 076943 Present condition & control of soil pollution 077121 Methods of control of sorbitol & xylitol in d- 068183 Control sorghum insects.

074667 tactics to prevent & control special risk to l. 069612 two S alleles in a sporophytically-controlled 071965 Sprayer control of horn flies. (Haematobia i- 074949 sprays of fungicides for control of storage d. 073983 Studies on control & properties of ornithine 072529 r.niformis, il. Studies on control. (Castorbe- 074359 results of lilac borer control studies. (Podos- 074785 Cancer controlling substances in plants disc- 072632

CONVECTION a steady rate of radiation-convection drying CONVERGENCE On convergence of forest stand spatial patteCONVEYORS Strengthening of slopes of conveying canals of poultry into conveyor of slaughtering line COOKERY Pinus & Betula during alkaline cooking. unsupplemented pre-cooked dehydrated oatof selection on cut-out yields, cooked edible wood pulp & bisulfite graduated cooking wiFactors affecting palatability of cooked lamb size on extractable protein, cooking loss & btissue binding strength & cooking loss in poslaughter weight on fatness, cooking losses Evaluation of meals cooked by large-scale A new look at microwave cooking. make-up. II. influence of cooking parameters Chemical composition, cooking quality & pro comparison of frozen & refrigerated cooked comparison of frozen & refrigerated cooked Lamb & beef roasts cooked from frozen state equations of sunflower seed cooking in tub bof hemicellulose during sulfate cooking. of independent variables of sulfate cooking COOL portable liquid-nitrogen-cooled cryosurgery of meat with sauce as a cooled dish. honey to egg yolk extender on chilled & froHypothalamic cooling, heat production & pl. Note on chilling injury in mango (Mangifera Mechanism of chilling injury in sweet potato Milk cooling on farm. Cooling & refrigerating green peas increases Sprinkler use for swine cooling. of preservative-treated cooling tower slats afMale sterility caused by cooling treatment COOLERS temperature rising processes of cooler air m

071149 067570 067913 071120 067929 067917 067918 067378 067523 067573 070891 072793 067915 067916 067914 068025 070995 071125

069665 067893 069406 068692 074358 074393 067803 068179 068360 070918 071916

066633 066883 076064 066710 066712 066713 067424 066715 066716 066758 067424 066879 066764 076705 066751 075945 068755 074502 076199 066763 066757 066924 069595 067222 067029 066549 066923 066756 069469 067186 066708 066598

COOPERATIVES at Unified Agricultural Cooperatives in ZnoFinancing agricultural cooperatives in Japan Development of cooperative agricultural eng. formulation of a cooperative association & d. organization in a cooperative association. of manpower in a cooperative association. in a heavy baconer cooperative association management of cooperative associations. evaluation of cooperative associations & pronew developments in cooperative auditing. low in a heavy baconer cooperative associatChallenges before cooperative banks. Unicar. a proposition for cooperative cattle production conditions in cooperatives & state using network planning in cooperative crop New conditions for developing cooperatives of Montafon cows in cooperative farm "Svetin orchards & vineyards on cooperative farm of fine wool ewes on cooperative farm of Shof selected low-income farmer cooperatives Cooperative farming as a tool of rural devel. effectiveness of state & cooperative farms. by machine & udder health in cooperatives Fruits of cooperative labor. [Bulgaria, Monof management in a cooperative marketing Teaching methods in cooperative member ein state farms & in production cooperatives small farmers & rural cooperatives. type & breed most suitable for cooperatives Cooperative system: a look at future. (AgricTask of cooperative unions in German Demproblems in history writing of cooperatives COPOLYMERS of amylose for graft-copolymerization by eleradical in copolymerization of methacrylic aCOPPER On cellulose absorption of copper from FehlComplexes of copper with acetylglucosamine Contents of copper, iron, manganese & zinc Copper deficeincy of ruminants in German of soluble elastin from copper-deficient chicEffect of dietary copper & its antagonistic tExect of copper & molybdenum fertilizers on Elect of copper on content of radioacitve st. various methods of feeding with copper & ziin solution containing iron & copper ions. [ of copper sulphate on copper metabolism & fungus diseases with copper naphthenate. Prevention of copper poisoning of sheeps. On biochemistry of copper proteins in plants of active manganese & easy soluble copper Influence of different sources of copper & c. Copper status of medium-black soils (Indore physiological indicators of copper supply for Copper toxicity in Phaseolus vulgaris L. as of some elements (copper, manganese & zinc) COPRA Copn crushing industry in retrospect. COPSE Two thinning trials on hornbeam coppice in COPULATION Effect of food absorption & of copulation on Intergeneric copulation of ticks. (Ixodidae). Multiple coitus in lac insect, Kerria lacca Post-coital ultrastructural changes in neuroCORAL in acellular extracts of Nocardia corallina.

Floury-2 corn mutant, a valuable source for of high lysine corn & normal corn-peanut mon yield, soil properties, & nutrients of corn value of yellow corn bran & Opaque-2 corn Dangerous parasite of corn: HelminthosporiReport on eastern Kansas corn performance western Kansas irrigated corn performance Kentucky hybrid corn performance test--19 1971 west Virginia hybrid corn performance Insect pests of corn. status on photosynthetic rate in corn plant. Studies on nutritive-physiology of corn plant watermelons in strips of land planted in corn. Experiences in preservation of corn with prsterile-restorer hybrid seed corn production. Outlook for corn production in Italy, Response of corn to nitrogen, phosphorus, & basis of breeding fast-ripening corn hybrids. of radioactive phosphorus by roots of corn of sterile-restorer hybrid seed corn productiSeed corn harvesting methods & dates in Beof presowing enrichment of corn seeds with of growing & feeding alfalfa & corn silage for Tests in using acidified & corn silage for feemaize & high moisture ear corn silage. yield nutritive value of corn silage. (Beef, Ammonia-treated corn silage for dairy catile of growing & feeding alfalfa & corn silage for Tests in using acidified & corn silage for feecorn fed whole or rolled with corn silage in Drought-damaged corn silage for growing beto forage plants. XXI. Silage corn. as compared with rotations of silage corn & on yield & quality components of silage corn yield & nutritive value of corn silage. (Beef, of pathological neoplasms of smutty corn. haemolymph lipids of southwestern corn boin midgut lipids of southwestern corn borer, Ability of etiolated corn sprout homogenate a & b in post-etiolated corn sprouts infiltratA study on feed value of corn stover cut at Use of rye as corn substitute in mixed alimduring maturation of selected sweet corn culof specific saccharide fractions of corn syrup Experimentally obtained tetraploid corn. of no-tillage & conventionally tilled corn. Ammonia-treated corn silage for dairy cattle Continuous treatment of corn & pea processof sugar beet, pasture grasses, turnip & corn Why corn-urea silage? Some problems of foreign corn varieties. herbicides in control of corn weeds in Srem related soil heat balance in western Corn Bbromide in farm-type bins of wheat & corn. Nutritive value of yellow corn bran & OpaqPutting high-yield corn hybrids into productEffect of iraizine derivatives on yield of corn, Survey of factors determining corn yields in

072127 068993 073348 068947 073878 073459 073460 073466 073597 074684 072822 072823 073718 068053 071901 073451 076688 072056 072675 071901 073366 076881 066888 067864 068856 068996 069006 069066 069121 069140 069150 073377 073519 073888 076753 073891 075346 075366 072676 072859 069048 069133 067390 067727 072129 073356 069006 077212 073507 069071 073535 074476 076888 076002 068947 073594 074529 073427

CORN toxicity of Helminthosporium maydis. (Corn) 067276 convectional dehydration. [Barley, corn). 068005 First plant & life symbol in America. (corn] 071215 developmental & functional state. (Corn, cu- 072322 additional aspects. (Sunflower, corn).

072377 roots & its correlation to air supply. (Corn) 072638 electrophoresis. [Barley, kidney beans, corn 072712 determination of rate of Hill reaction. (Corn) 072780 of proteins of maize & sorghum. (Corn). 072792 fixation in rhizosphere of plant. (Corn, rice) 072871 cell elongation: a reevaluation. (Oats, corn) 072882 toxicity of Helminthosporium maydis. (Corn) 073902 vectors of viruses in redpeppers. (Corn, cow- 074268 of nutrition & soil moisture. (Wheat, corn). 076831 irrigated row cropping worthwhile? (Corn, s- 076969 soil heat balance in western Corn Belt.

076888 genetic control against European corn borer 074661 factors influencing European corn borer pop- 074708 Insect enemies of European corn borer. (Os. 074709 lipids of southwestern corn borer, Distraea 075346 in midgut lipids of southwestern corn borer, 075366 Nutritive value of yellow corn bran & Opaq- 068947 Present status & measures of corn breeding 071879 Digestibility of mint silage & corn cannery 069107 contents in a germinating corn caryopsis. 072860 Use of corn in cattle fattening.

069125 Corn & other cereals drying.

068061 Preservation of corn cob chaff with propionic 068252 of irradiated starch pulp, corn cob meal & s- 074874 Evaluating samples of corn collection for dr- 073578 effect relative to yield components in corn 072086 of organic residues on continuous corn. I. Yi- 076237 of organic residues on continuous corn. II. 076661 maturation of selected sweet corn cultivars. 067390 Corn culture in relation to renewal crops. 073338 Drought-damaged corn silage for growing be- 069150 chemical characteristics of damaged corn. ( 074010 nutrients in soil under corn depending on c- 076588 Survey of factors determining corn yields in 073427 source & roughage on digestibility of corn. 068998 Effect of artificially dried corn on feeding so 068879 conditions for precision-drilling of corn. 073601 Drying of com.

068054 rolled maize & high moisture ear corn silage 068856 of protein supplements in ground ear corn d- 069141 Shipment of corn earworm pupae through u. 074846 Ability of etiolated corn sprout homogenate 072676 of chlorophyll a & b in post-etiolated corn 072859 of genetic control against European corn bo- 074661 Several factors influencing European corn b- 074708 Insect enemies of European corn borer. (Os- 074709 of nitrogenous substances excreted by corn 072633 Dry & high-moisture corn fed whole or roll- 069140 Floury-2 corn mutant, a valuable source for 072127 Ensilage of forage corn in free choice for da- 069114 Some problems of foreign corn varieties. 073535 Characterization of oils from corn germ. 068066 Oil formation in corn germ during ripening 072643 of substances contents in a germinating corn 072860 novelty in conservation of humid corn grain 068051 Method of use of dry grain corn in feeding of 069119 IV. Optimum leaf area index for corn grain 072731 of activity of urea when growing corn during 076632 ecological studies on corn growth & yield. IV 072731 A note on regional culture in corn harvest. 073331 Seed corn harvesting methods & dates in Be- 073366 late developmental stages of Heliothis zea 075343 ni, Autographa californica, Heliothis zea). 075407 a novelty in conservation of humid corn gra. 068051 quantity factors of nutrition of hybrid corn. 072970 Kentucky hybrid corn performance test--19 073466 1971 west Virginia hybrid corn performance 073597 basis of breeding fast-ripening corn hybrids. 072056 Performance tests of corn hybrids grown in 073394 Putting high-yield corn hybrids into product- 073594 yield components & selection index in corn 072084 of Helminthosporium maydis-invaded corn 070404 Report on western Kansas irrigated corn pe- 073460 Irrigation of corn & potatoes with rhodanite 077107 1972 Report on eastern Kansas corn perfor- 073459 Corn losses from insects.

074707 High-lysine corn.

068019 Lysine supplementation of high lysine corn 068993 Breeding of high-lysine corn.

072121 Soil management for corn.

076898 efficiency of method & manuring of corn. 076834 selection index in corn (Zea mays L.).

072084 to yield components in corn (Zea mays L.) 072086 system isolated from maize roots (Zea mays 072711 Yields of maize (Zea mays L.) in four Carib- 073583 Applicability of Cornfield method for deter- 076786 Technique of preservation of moist corn with 068250 Dry & high-moisture corn as affected by pro 068259 Dry & high-moisture corn fed whole or roll- 069140 Dry & high-moisture corn as affected by pro 069148

071122 072339 072907 070360 068632 068829 072446 072836 069059 076763 069995 067741 070419 072608 076217 068888 076381 072398 071705 067795

075099 075468 075323 068808

CORCYRA Corcyn cephalonica Stainton, a new predatCORD of motor neurons in spinal cord of buffalo ( of phrenosine in beef spinal cord. of epithelia of amnion, umbilical cord & skin CORES muds in an eastern Mediterranean core. availability using standard pasture cores. Care samplers & wall friction. (Soils). CORIANDER soil amendments on wilt of coriander (CoriCORIANDRUM SEE UMBELLIFERAE

CORTEX phosphoproteins from bovine cortical bone vEndophytic fungus in root cortical cells of frelease from rat cerebral cortex slices in vit

CORIXIDAE Corixidae of some inland saline lakes in Ch-

CORTICARINA Some members of genera Corticarina Reitter

CORTICOIDS pregnancy, normal & corticoid-induced partA soluble receptor for corticoids in neural rCORTICOSTERONE variation in plasma cortisol & corticosterone CORTICOTROPHIC in adenohypophyseal cells of corticotrophic CORTICOTROPIN Release of corticotrophin-releasing factor ( CORTISOL SEE HYDROCORTISONE


070894 071629 073225 070766

CORYLACEAE of hornbeam wood (Carpinus betulus L.). European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.). Killing hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) with common hornbeam (Carpinus) on formation CORYLUS Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.). (Ecology). Prunus amygdalus, Corylus avellana). CORYNEBACTERIUM gland infections of Corynebacterium bovis. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis). ability of Corynebacterium pyogenes strains necrophorus, Corynebacterium pyogenes, Psscale breeding. (Corynebacterium pyogenes] Klebsiella aerogenes & Corynebacterium sp Corynebacterium suis in pigs.

069951 074960 069702 069760 070029 074116 070060

COUNTY Managerial activities of county & district veat Los Angeles State & County Arboretum flora of Bluff Mountain, Ashe County, North Soil associations of Brown County, Illinois. among townships in Eddy County. of a Sand Prairie in Black Hawk County, lof Buttonwillow virus in Kern County, Califfor veterinary institutes on county level as ro in Lake Red Haw, Lucas County, Iowa. other on marble, in Peterborough County, Ticks collected from Indian River County, Fwoodlot sites in Tippecanoe County, Indiana

Nearly one-third of 1972 u.s. cotton crop al- 067010 Record world cotton crop offsets low stocks- 067017 A study of preceding crops of cotton.

073532 Verticillium dahliae Kleb. on cotton crops. 074046 of Verticillium dahliae Kleb. on cotton crops 074051 machines for cultivation of cotton.

076100 in roots of aluminum-damaged cotton seedli. 072880 cotton & diethylaminoethylated cotton as bu- 068083 Cotton "blue disease" in Africa: transmission 074165 Secondary dormancy in cotton.

072926 Some new Egyptian cotton strains free of g. 071892 of results of cotton experimentation in Khuz- 073395 U.S. cotton exports by custom districts.

067124 of polyethylenimines on cotton fabric.

068081 unsaturated monobasic acids. [Cotton fabrics] 068082 physiological-biochemical featrues of cotton 072865 Chemical weed control in rain-fed cotton gr- 074486 Potassium fertilization for cotton in tropical 076719 of potassium fertilizers for cotton in relation 076669 Use of complete liquid fertilizers for cotton, 076692 in germinating seeds of fine-fibered cotton. 072684 of different organs of fine-fibered cotton. 072687 compounds in seeds of fine-fibered cotton of 072688 on technological indicators of cotton fibers 072947 Evaluation of cotton fibre response to chem- 067988 in phytopharmaceutic trials in field cotton. 074677 on nitrogen metabolism in cotton fruit orga- 072779 Ribonuclease activity in fruit of cotton duri- 072942 Cotton fruiting studies.

072925 on collective farms growing cotton in Azerb- 066820 weed control in rain-fed cotton growing (Tr- 074486 insecticides used in cotton growing in Chad 074997 chromosomes in meiosis of hexaploid cotton 071959 intervarietal hybridization of cotton.

072115 Cotton industry of Northern Italy in late mo 066555 Cotton insect pests. XV. Effects of combined 074674 Controlling cotton insects.

074679 pesticides used for control of cotton insects 074689 Water use by irrigated cotton in Sudan. I ii. 072808 Cotton in Israel.

073449 Moisture content of cotton leaves & petioles 072924 as a function of time. (Cotton linters).

068058 Cotton lipids: a preliminary survey.

068045 of cells of radicle meristems of cotton.

071868 Cotton mineral fertilizing in North-Camero- 076691 from leaves into fruit organs of cotton.

072682 phosphorus uptake patterns by cotton & so- 074455 1972 Cotton pest management program.

074668 Stocking arsenal against cotton pests.

074664 Omethoat in controlling two cotton pests. [ 074671 Insect pests of cotton.

074686 for automatic conducting of cotton picking 076162 Pima cotton variety testing in Texas & New 073573 Effects of salt treatments of cotton plants ( 071691 of Aphis gossypii Glov. on cotton plants gr- 074669 of potassium fertilizers under cotton plants. 076656 Yield probabilities for cotton & grain sorgh- 073349 Current status of cotton & cotton--product 067095 factors influencing production of cotton in 073563 of tillage systems for cotton production. 076897 Protecting cotton from wilt. (Verticillium d. 073892 Produce high yields of quality cotton.

073392 characteristics of radiomutants of cotton. 072955 means of increasing yield of raw cotton. 073596 growth inhibitors on water regime of cotton 072686 mycolytic bacteria in rhizosphere of cotton. 076583 Controlling weeds in narrow-row cotton. 074536 Another look at narrow row cotton: harvest- 076022 Hill section cotton variety tests.

073488 Searching for endrin residue on cotton seed, 075031 of aluminum-damaged cotton seedlings.

072880 of free amino acids in cotton seedlings.

072954 of aluminum-damaged cotton seedlings.

074394 lateral surfaces of seeds of cotton.

072116 fragments of 7 S-globulin of cotton seeds at 072948 groups in proteins of cotton seeds as influen- 074042 on planting properties of cotton seeds.

076841 irradiation on generative sphere of cotton & 072953 chemical properties of dna of cotton sprouts 072895 Nutrition of cotton stainer, Dysdercus fasci- 075484 Current status of cotton & cotton--product 067095 Some new Egyptian cotton strains free of g. 071892 Comparison of sulfonoethylated cotton & di- 068083 disease" in Africa: transmission from cotton 074165 ginning & fibre characters in Upland cotton 072003 ability for yield characters in Upland cotton 072006 of yield characters in Upland cotton.

072018 of interspecific hybrid of cotton Vakhsh 1. 071694 of embryo & endosperm in cotton varieties 072944 on yields of several varieties of cotton, El P. 074720 Hill section cotton variety tests.

073488 Results from Delta cotton variety tests.

073496 Pima cotton variety testing in Texas & New 073573 Cotton weed control in Madagascar: cultural 074485 Effect of Verticillium wilt of cotton on its p- 074098 Record world cotton crop offsets low stocks- 067017 affect stands & yields of cotton.


06961 07525 07130 07631 07643 07136 07489 06961 07240 07629 07572 07166

COST development; social-economical effects, costs competitive cattle feeding business. (Costs, Internal cost accounting system used on colImproving planning under cost accounting s. Justified indices in task of cost accounting sFeatures on complete use of cost accounting state farms to a full state cost accounting sy. Cost accounting in collective farm motor poUtilizing irrigation water & cost accounting farm workers under a full cost accounting sUtilizing irrigation water & cost accounting Cost analyses of semi-mechanical extraction Analyzing cost of beef. to reduce sugarcane cultivation costs. Cost determination in timber drying. Profitability determines cost. [Agricultural Policy) grain prices increase feed costs for Milk production & cost of feeds of Black Pifor state farm workers under a full cost accInternal cost accounting system used on colStudy of cost of managerial personnel in sta. distributed to old people. I. Normal cost. (V. Costs of picking & hauling Florida citrus fruOn methods of planning cost of production Cost of production of olive oil in Tunisia. Malting barley & costs of its production. Methods of analysis of cost of production of carcass characteristics & production cost of Seed production costs for radiata pine seed Costs as related to source & method of applCosts & returns for maize production. (ZamCosts & returns from vegetable crops in Flotransforming state farms to a full state cost A comparison of storage costs for structures Supply costs for public forest land recreation Costs of vineyard consolidation with cultivatin reduction of construction work cost. [Irri.

066672 066898 066728 066735 066736 066738 066767 066823 066864 066919 076988 066896 066866 066870 070900 066858 067018 068368 066919 066728 066909 067566 066874 070663 066882 066899 066910 069135 070588 066884 066872 066873 066767 066904 070704 066920 066875

COVERS Effect of covering depth of seed & of consolRole of floral cover in attracting insects pollDanger of ignition of ground cover fuels by Study of hair cover of cattle in Bulgaria. II. between milk productivity & hair cover. trellises & research for covering materials. Effect of moss cover on mycorrhization in PRadioactive strontium in soil & plant cover forms of npk in above-ground plant cover, liEffect of transplanting & plastic cover on 8. seedlings in hotbeds with cover of plastics. conditions & accumulation of snow cover on Effect of snow cover on survival & growth of Plant indicators of snow cover & avalanches infiltration value & properties of soil cover. basin natural water as related to soil cover toxicological study covering 15 years in worof main components of vegetation cover of Recent evolution of vegetation cover in HauBasic results of study of vegetative cover of An analysis of vegetative cover of narrow bRole of Zygophyllaceae in vegetative cover COWPEAS of viruses in redpeppers. (Corn, cowpeas). portion of protein of cowpea chlorotic mottle Work on cowpea improvement (Vigna unguiSeed transmission of cowpea mosaic virus. of intercropping of mung & cowpeas in cottof proteins of secds of some cowpea varieties

0728 07550 07 06881 0688 0744 07330 0727 0732 0733 0708 0705 0705 0715 0762 0770 0750 0716 0716. 0715 0716 0716

COTTON Domestic shipments of u.s. cotton, 1970--71 with gamma-irradiated cellulose. (Cotton). its conversion to 5,6-celluloseen. (Cotton). Gossypium barbadense in Argentina. [Cotton] in plant breeding in Bulgaria. (Cotton, varievarieties of Gossypium hirsutum. [Cotton). on spodoptera littoralis Boisd. [Cotton). leucotreta (Meyr.) in Senegal. (Cotton, pests of transporting ribonucleic acids of cotton. Stocking arsenal against cotton pests. Effects ofmanipulation of cotton agro-ecosysPerformance of rainfed American cotton (G. in meiosis of hexaploid cotton amphidiploid Genetics of branching in cotton. of methacrylamide with cotton cellulose. of mutability of cotton characteristics. Flame cultivation. [Cotton, weed control). Controlling cotton insects. in Africa: transmission from cotton to cotton intercropping of mung & cowpeas in cotton

067094 068042 068079 071485 072135 072726 074660 074676 072950 074664 071595 073454 071959 071893 068080 072117 074465 074679 074165 073370

Page 18

Milk productivity of cows as a complex herChronic vaginal prolapse in a cow: a case reanalyses of heredity & properties in F1 cows Studies on whey proteins of cow & buffalo Variability of proteins in cow's serum & theof energetic value of feed ration on cow's mimeal compared in wintering rations for cows cover between Iskur & Danish Red cows. prepartum milking on milk secretion of cow into mammary secretion of cows. beta-melanotrophic secretions in cow, sheep, Economic effectiveness of selecting cows for of total milking time in selection of cows for concentrations in blood serum of cows with Body shape of Simmental cows of various ppoint on colloidal system stability of cow & Histomorphology of ovaries of sterile cows Rheological study on cow & buffalo rennet of udder & milk secretion of cows of various of biuret & soybean meal for wintering cows Feeding high-yielding cows. On fertility & performance of young cows klactic protein in buffalo cows, cows & zebu.

069411 070317 069301 067785 068444 068883 069032 068818 069395 069795 068806 069531 069275 070343 068783 067787 069256 067788 068414 069034 069184 069486 068569

COXIELLA of antigenic structure of Coxiella burneti. IX infection. (Rickettsia akari, Coxiella burneti Localization of Coxiella burneti & rickettsiae

effectiveness of using cows of Ayrshire & Blof studying slotted floors in cow barns. measures of productivity in beef cows. lactation on liver vitamin A of beef cows grbematological costant behavior in cows with on milk yield of Fi & F2 cows belonging to value of heifers & cows of Bohemian Pied bComparison of efficiency of first-born cows. of productivity of Latvian Brown cows & brsecretion of lactic protein in buffalo cows, CReaction of first-calf cows to conditions of f. Cow & calf management in pampean semiarmicroflora on reproductive capability of cows. into depot gestagen chlormadinon for cows. plasma lipid & milk fat composition in cow of inheriting milk fat content in cows. Synchronization of estrous cycle in cows by composition of meat in cows of Czech Pied techniques on development of dairy cows for 1. Effective temperature for dairy cows. Earmarking of dairy cows by udder tatooing conditions of management of dairy cows on analogue for high-producing dairy cows. effect on physiology of dairy cows. 2. M8 (magnesium) level of lactating dairy cow alimentation levels of dairy cows in relation of oil meal in concentrate fed to dairy cows unbalanced use of silage in dairy cow feeding hydroxy analog for lactating dairy cows. value of roasting soybeans for dairy cows. to improve fertility & health of dairy cows. Practical note on dairy cow feeding. Next step in feeding more dairy cows. requirements of pregnant dairy cows. fertility & milk production in dairy cows. treatment for mastitis in dairy cows. 2. Metabolic disorders in dairy cows with presparlor in a group of cows of different age. Mammary gland diseases in cows. production & reproduction disorders in cows Call production of Droughtmaster cows grazInfluence of feeding dry cows with different On feeding of dry cows. development of skin glands in ears of cows, treatment of latent endometritis in cows. for objective carcass evaluation with cows. Addition of minor elements to cows fed duriacidified & corn silage for feeding cows givi. Biochemical principles of feeding of cows wi. use of silage in dairy cow feeding over severeconomic aspects of feeding cows during pasacidified & com silage for feeding cows giviPractical note on dairy cow feeding. control days with recording of cow feeding in Ovarian response of cows following pregnant Adrenal function in cow: Diurnal changes & of haylage on reproductive function of cows Adrenal function in cow: Diurnal changes & com silage for feeding cows giving milk used production of Drought master cows grazing a on liver vitamin A of beef cows grazing pan. production of Drought master cows grazing a on liver vitamin A of beef cows grazing pan. indicator of Streptococci of group B in cow' models for describing growth of cows. Activities of lactating Hereford cows in confNutrition of hill cow. over several lactations. Influence on cow's ptransmit it to artificially inseminated cows. Artificial insemination of cows with deep frfunction & uterine involution in cows after Efficiency of FI Angus-Jersey cows in three losses caused by infertility of cows kept in lfertility & performance of young cows kept nuclei of mammary gland of lactating cows differences among lactating cows. on utilization of urea by lactating cows. due to faults in feeding of lactating cows & solution on estrous cycle length of cow. Ethology of milch-cows in a herringbone parSocial behaviour of milch-cows of Slovak Pi. Presuppositions to selection of milch cows. Variations of cow milk protein in freeze drychanges of proteins of blood & milk of cows inhibitors in colostrum & milk of cows. canal of udder of mechanically milke cows. in real canal in udder of cows milked with content in milk obtained in milking cows by A study of exterior of Montafon cows in colevels in cervico-vaginal mucus of cows durimuscle of paretic & nonparetic cows. Winter nutrition of cows. performance of drylot & pasture cows over Feeding & fertility in high performance cow function disorders of Hungarian Pied cows milkability in Slovak Pied & Pinzgau cows. in tissues of pregnant cows & their fetuses. of estrogens from urine of pregnant cows. Response of pregnant cows to experimental infection of calves & pregnant cows with Lein osteomalacia of high-producing cows. Increasing milk production of cows.

073027 073045 068097 073635

069532 075977 068768 069016 070298 069264 069236 069549 069410 068569 068331 068340 069501 069309 069000 069413 069498 067957 067622 068307 068322 068402 068437 068504 068662 068858 068865 068873 069002 069008 069077 069134 069137 069360 069525 069871 070386 068823 070232 069507 068899 068894 069156 068417 070159 067281 069204 067864 068844 068873 069055 069121 069134 069221 069364 068604 069216 069358 067864 068899 069016 069295 069373 070241 068769 068766 069101 068873 069878 069535 069239 069482 066886 069486 068545 069001 069003 070332 069497 068823 068824 069441 067794 068566 068799 070399 070417 068314 068755 069240 068426 069035 069480 069188 070327 068820 068688 069528 069861 069785 070376 068347

CRANBERRIES period & flower development in cranberry. of ammonium for cranberry nutrition. water treatments on spoilage of cranberries Cranberry yield & anthocyanin content as i

CROPS Grain crop quality, 1971 crops. Rodent problem of India. [Crops, damage). for protecting vegetable crops against freeziduring growth of some agricultural crops in lichatschovi Hum. on agricultural crops in plant residues of some agricultural crops. Irrigation of agricultural crops by mineralizone-third of 1972 u.s. cotton crop already soeggs, larvae & plants within crops attacked in liquid top dressing on sugar beet crops. studies on wind around crop canopies. I. On Energy exchange within crop canopy of Toon yield of some kinds of catch crop: Italian tissues in leaves of cereal crops. V ii. Effect Influence of tur preparation on cereal crops Study of vegetable crop collection. Herbicides vs oat companion crops for alfalSaturation of farm-connected crop rotations Effect on yields in continuous crops as comrhizosphere of pea in continuous cropping & using network planning in cooperative crop Nearly one-third of 1972 u.s. cotton crop alRecord world cotton crop offsets low stocksVerticillium dahliae Kleb. on cotton crops. of Verticillium dahliae Kleb. on cotton crops connected crop rotations by cultivated crops value of non-leguminous crops cultivated for Various problems in crop cultivation. Its revVarious problems in crop cultivation. 5. Its study of perennial leguminous crop culture in Field crop culture in Volga region. Cool-weather damage to crops in Hokkaido An assessment of annual damage to crops by Damage to crops by atmospheric pollution. Analysis of relative area of different crops in Fodder crop experiments on southern tablel. content in seeds of different farm crops. herbicides on quality of several farm crop yiworking hours as fixed asset in crop farming regarding multi-shift work in crop farming. planning in cooperative crop farming. Success in crop farming, a new branch of agFoliar feeding of crops. work quality, available days. (Field crops). productivity & price level on large field crop phosphorus & potassium in main field crops 1971 Field crops variety trials. international variety trials. [Field crops). problems of cultural practices for field crops List of registered field crop varieties for cultList of field crop varieties for Yugoslav condrotations by cultivated crops. (Field crops). Rotation of field crops in Bashkiria. Field crop culture in Volga region. Chemical weed control in field crops, 1972. Greenhouse pests of field crops. from experimental data for some field crops to predict future yield data. (Field crops, fecropping & rotational cropping fields. [Fungi irrigation with retting effluent on flax crop. Insect & other pests of floricultural crops. Fodder crop experiments on southern tablelon solonetz soils on yield of fodder crops. Genetic improvement of crop foods. for prediction of digestiblity of forage crops in natural pastures & rotated forage crops. Forage crops on Solonets soils. Improving natural forage crop land. of gulle on yields of annual forage crops. economic evaluation of forest crops in Murof some commercial temperate fruit crops. demand of miscellaneous grain crops & beans Grain crop quality, 1971 crops. Up to date weed control of grain crops.

067487 074334 074384 072346 075150 076414 077104 067010 074702 077113 071658 072646 073345 071739 072938 073809 073353 073602 073519 074013 066751 067010 067017 074046 074051 073602 076750 073333 073337 073486 073607 074287 074319 074364 066658 073325 072331 074524 066748 066750 066751 073485 073321 066701 066703 072807 073426 073483 073527 073559 073560 073602 073606 073607 074518 074717 076428 076663 074013 077088 074757 073325 076960 072064 069104 072965 073603 073604 076694 070648 072989 066942 067487 074537

076275 076470 076570 076471 076659

CRUSTECDYSONE of exogenous tritium-labelled crustecdysone CRUSTS on formation of calcareous crusting. Diagnostic significance of clay crusts & soil in brown soils with limestone crust in Ebro iron in diagnosis of recent crust & soil formControlling soil crusting with phosphoric acCRYOGENIC Long-term cryogenic storage of Neurospora CRYOSURGERY A portable liquid-nitrogen-cooled cryosurgery CRYPTOPHLEBIA Cryptophlebia leucotreta (Meyr.) in Senegal CRYPTOSTIGMATA ii. Malaconothridae (Acari, Cryptostigmata)

069543 071962 075109 069401 069522 071041 071043 071047 071088 071914 072092 069538 069344 069465 069401 071047 069158 069543 069405 069301 067950 071041 072101 073086 069442 074206 069942 069965 069966 075473 067574 074612 072051 071043 066847 073086 075473 072001 071882

of nitrogen application in wheat crop with splowing into paddy rice plants whose crop development of vernalized winter crops planIs furrow irrigated row cropping worthwhile emergence, root growth & crop yield. Increase in crop yield through solar radiatiGood yields with some new crops on Southeon quality of several farm crop yields. rates of light ashes on yields of some crops CROSS work is facing industrialized cross-breeding. to study of influence of cross breeding line Cross-breeding of experimental neomales in Simmental-Hereford cross calves. Commercial crossing of Red Steppe cattle wOptimal driving gear of log cross-cutting ag. Sawmilling--cross-cutting shop of lumber en. Improving cross-cutting units with longitudiof mechanizing operation of cross-cutting tiof muskmelon varieties in a diallel cross. of some characters in diallel crossing of four Effect of crossing two breeds of swine on nuUniformity of cross-fostered rats: Variability Effects of crossing Friesian & Red Danish CSimmental-Hereford cross calves. Improving cross-cutting units with longitudihybrids of multiracial industrial crossing of Pedigreed work is facing industrialized cross laying hens by crossing of introduced fowl. properties in F1 cows from crossing Jersey fabrics: effect of annealing & cross-linking. Optimal driving gear of log cross-cutting agCross-pollination trials between four apple with screw-caps to simplify cross-pollination to study of productivity crossing of Slovak Cross protection experiment with apple moamong herpesviruses: cross-reaction between gonadotrophins in animal. V. Cross-reaction gonadotropins in animal. VI. Cross-reaction Non-reciprocal cross sterility between ecoloNutrition services of American Red Cross. castaneum (Herbst). II. Cross-resistance chfertilization at crossing of Ribes nigrum L. Sawmilling.-cross-cutting shop of lumber enallocative efficiency in cross-sectional analysbags fitted with screw-caps to simplify cross Non-reciprocal cross sterility between ecoloTop-cross studies for grain yield & its compprotein in a hard red winter wheat cross. CROSSBREEDS Crossbreeding & binding capacity of seeds at Milk efficiency of crossbreds of Bohemian P. of Brown Swiss crossbred bulls, Hereford bof 18 months old crossbred calves. for fattening Korean cattle & crossbred betSome results of crossbreeding of cattle under as compared to those of crossbreds. populations of ducks & their crossbreeds. density in crossbreeds of F1 generation. (Sh. by means of interspecific crossbreeding. sheep breed & their crossbreed progeny undindices of hair follicles of crossbreed sheep. Crossbreeding of swine. Quality of meat of crossbred young bulls & CROSSLINKING Replacement of type of aldimine crosslinks CROTALARIA Arctiidae: Lepidoptera). (Crotalaria buhea).

074810 071842 075089 072601 068094

Use of herbicides in grain crops. treating seeds of cereal grass crops on incrematerial & ways of melon crop growing. of trenches for vegetable crops growing in Pmanagement & control on crops grown for so fertilization pattern on hemp crop grown on transplanting crisis in herbaceous crops. Where coconut is a homestead crop. Committee: analysis of hops of 1971 crop. soil micro-organisms to increase crop produVegetable crop insects. A case for intensive cropping. diseases & on yields of irrigated crops of Tr. on qualitative consciousness of crop labor at Improving natural forage crop land. Overall study of perennial leguminous crop Fertilizing value of non-leguminous crops cutemperature, nutrient supply & crop load. Effect of different green manuring crops on Initial material & ways of melon crop growto study of buffer strip cropping method to Soil temperature & microclimate of crops in Moistening of crops on peaty soils in central Influence of multiple cropping on bulk densiclassification of a crop named "wangul" (CyCrops which need attention & development. in tropical & subtropical fruit & nut crops in Protecting oat crops from Oscinella frit. Record world cotton crop offsets low stockswith inoculant on yield of pea crop. (RhizobTwo crops per year of cereals under irrigatiphytotoxic reactions of perennial crops. Japanese beetle (a crop pest not yet in EurHedges. VI. Habitat diversity & crop pests; physiological activity of crop plant root. of vernalized winter crops planted in spring of cultural practices for field crops planted germination of pollen of some crop plants. of gibberellin metabolism in crop plants. I. of gibberellin metabolism in crop plants. II. injurious effects of toxic gases on crop plants. Effectiveness of using coc on potato crops in infestans D By. on potato crops. that are important for practical crop protectA study of preceding crops of cotton. Preceding crops & sugar beet yield. practices & machines for crop production in micro-organisms to increase crop production food production by use of crop-protecting cuse of bacteria & fungi in protecting crops. food production by use of crop-protecting care important for practical crop protection Results of studying crop qualities of carrot Grain crop quality, 1971 crops. Sulfur as a plant nutrient & quality of сгорѕ On quality of crop. (Grain). Recommended crop varieties for Kentucky. Corn culture in relation to renewal crops. Research), Reunion, fodder crops research, Extending Green Revolution to more crops soluble salts under alfalfa in a rice crop rotUsing rooted tops in breeding root crops. Amino-acid composition of white root crops comparative efficiency of crop rotation grouRotation of crops & productivity of sandy soSelected pasture fields for crop rotation--a New trend in rotation of crops. Rotation of crops, an efficient means of incrCrop rotation & grain production. in relation to tis place in crop rotation. application of herbicides in crop rotation. salts under alfalfa in a rice crop rotation. fertilizers to supply in crop rotation system of fertilizer systems used in crop rotation. continuous cropping & rotational cropping fSaturation of farm-connected crop rotations Is furrow irrigated row cropping worthwhile Sprinkling irrigation of row crops on shallow Use of pelleted seed in crop & pasture estabStudying of sorghum crops in Priaral' Desert of evolution in winter & spring crops. Late application of ammonia to spring crops of cultivation of soil for spring crops. summer distribution of standing crops in N. to study of buffer strip cropping method to Results of studying crop qualities of carrot plant growth in sugarcane & other crops. of organic manures & cropping system. I. A. of organic manures & cropping system. II. Taking care of hail-damaged tobacco crops. systemic fungicides on some tropical crops. yield & water consumption per unit of crop Variability of crop & morphological propertRecommended crop varieties for Kentucky. List of registered field crop varieties for cult. List of field crop varieties for Yugoslav cond1971 Field crops variety trials. Costs & returns from vegetable crops in FloStudy of vegetable crop collection. irrigation for protecting vegetable crops agaVegetable crop insects. regime of trenches for vegetable crops grow

074551 072845 073808 077103 074635 076840 073729 073649 067702 076307 074754 066797 074101 066779 073604 073486 076750 073126 076754 073808 076894 076257 077008 076214 071380 073652 074506 074706 067017 073215 077114 074452 074603 074622 072429 072846 073527 072396 073080 073081 074323 073147 074034 074311 073532 073547 073410 076307 067183 074427 075012 074311 073741 067487 072893 073608 073467 073338 073361 067163 076469 072040 073133 073365 073367 073509 073556 073596 073610 073719 074521 076469 076670 076774 074013 073602 076969 077009 073431 073582 072052 076806 076938 074426 076894 073741 072874 076693 076694 074850 074005 077070 071835 073467 073559 073560 073426 066873 073809 074384 074754 077103

072115 069550 069180 068364 069046 069254 068586 068416 069464 069330 068407 068798 069471 068782

CRYSTALS effects (mixture of spore crystal complex plinclusion found in "crystal-containing bodies intranuclear & intracytoplasmic crystals in Compton: a chemical & X-ray crystal study relating to crushing of crystal sugar. CTENOLEPISMA Silverfish. (Ctenolepisma longicaudata, housCUCUJOIDEA occurring in Japan (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) CUCUMBERS functional state. (Corn, cucumbers, peas). sulphide by plant tissue. (Cucumbers). cabbage, Erysiphe cichoracearum, cucumbers] in causal agent of ascochitosis of cucumbers Breeding of cucumbers. respiration rate in cucumbers cultivated in g with greenhouse culture of cucumbers, tomaDamage to cucumbers by powdery mildew. Nutritional deficiencies of cucumber, diagnoon lesion development in cucumber downy Anatomic structure of cucumber leaves with biological manifestations of cucumbers. New host of cucumber mosaic virus in Iran tobacco leaf infected with cucumber mosaic physiological peculiarities of cucumbers. Growing pickling cucumbers. for stable seed production of cucumbers. Root-cutting of cucumber seedling & method fast neutron irradiation of cucumber seeds on Resistance of cucumber varieties to powdery

072322 073098 07387 074060 07206 073192 07314 07410 07311 07407 07181 07311 07423 07425 07312 07372 07361 07361 07314 07410

CRUSHING Copra crushing industry in retrospect. Examinations relating to crushing of crystal Review of literature on effect of crushing & optimization of crushing processes in food p- Resistance to abrasion, crushing strength &

CRUSTACEA of Porcellio dilatatus Brandt (Crustacea, Is

injury to shade tobacco cultivars developed of leaf rust of wheat in local cultivars Giza their implications for cultivar improvement. economic characteristics of newest cultivars on both level of nutrition & of cultivar. in world collections of potato cultivars. What cultivars should be produced for fresh content of spring wheat (cultivar Quern) in their application in screening cultivars for sin diallel crossing of four cultivars of spring labacina Adam) in two cultivars of tobacco Sensitivity of tomato cultivars to ozone. New caltivars of tomatoes with brief periods from two Solanum tuberosum cultivars. (StrResponse of four wheat cultivars to applicat

074294 074002 071900 073557 072657 072095 066986 076752 074000 072092 071929 074301 073613 074114 072704

Lavender: cultivation & results of two year 073852 Cultivation of rice in Uzbekistan.

073526 of salinized lands under rice cultivation.

077029 lands of Sarpa lowlands in cultivation of rice 076355 Cultivation of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi in i- 074890 technology in cultivation of roses.

073818 Nitrogen: its role in rubber cultivation. (He- 072575 calcium, & magnesium y rye cultivated for g- 072801 result obtained from large scale cultivation 073497 Effect of soil cultivation & fertility on grow- 072946 systems of management. [Soil cultivation). 073702 Effect of soil cultivation & mechanical com- 076481 Some aspects of cultivation of soil for spring 076938 New methods of soil cultivation.

076948 populations of intensively cultivated soils. 074095 Biodynamics of cultivated soils.

076532 Soyabean--its cultivation & future scope in i. 073323 Notes on two cultivated species of Cissus (V. 071274 Study on cultivation by direct seeding on dr- 077076 implements to reduce sugarcane cultivation 066870 Effect of various cultivation systems of soddy 076927 a variety & site-related cultivation technic in 073755 sorghum. 3. Yields of cultivated tetraploids. 071927 Sugar beet cultivation today.

073468 pericarp" character in cultivated varieties of 073540 registered field crop varieties for cultivation 073559 Effect of various cultivation systems of soddy 076927 soil temperature for vegetable cultivation. 073620 varieties & types in vegetable cultivation. 073743 soil temperature for vegetable cultivation. 075916 tuberosus L. Var. D 19) cultivated in vitro. 072978 Cultivation of woody willows. (Salix].

070864 larch trees of high yields under cultivation. 070803

CULTIVATION Results of cultivation of apple trees on diffeCreating up-to-date sugar beet cultivation, wSugar beet cultivation today. in research works for sugar beet cultivation Herbicide in sugar beet cultivation, its applievolutionary studies on cultivated Cannas. V Coltivation of cherry & sour cherry. mulch as alternative for clean cultivation in Coconut cultivation on southern coast of Saconsolidation with cultivation of common viorchards under dry conditions of cultivation to reduce sugarcane cultivation costs. wild growing cotoneasters are cultivated in cmachines for cultivation of cotton. of genus Cistus L. cultivated in Crimea. Various problems in crop cultivation. Its revVarious problems in crop cultivation. 5. Its connected crop rotations by cultivated crops value of non-leguminous crops cultivated for respiration rate in cucumbers cultivated in go camphora Sieb. cultivated under different dcultivation of Entomophthoraceae fungi. Cultivation of fall mixed forage plants. of mineral fertilizers in cultivated & natural in chicken embryo fibroblasts cultivated in vFlame cultivation. (Cotton, weed control). of domestic & cultivated flowering plants. Cultivation of fowl plague virus at low tempfor soilless greenhouse cultivation. Diagnostics of virgin & cultivated grey-cinnMycorrhizas of wild & cultivated herbaceous of individual layers of cultivated horizon of I. Features of F1 hybrids between cultivated content of more important cultivated perennseed production as influenced by cultivation, populations of intensively cultivated soils. Cultivation of Kalanchoe. growth of Siberian larch under cultivation in Cultivation of lavender & lavandin in ApennNoies on cultivated Liliaceae. 8. Ledebouria cultures of Conium maculatum cultivated in Rejection of hybrid maize cultivation in PuPrimulaceae) cultivation as a major farm pro of grasses on cultivated meadows & pastures sandy soils relative to method of cultivation On caltivation methods & economics of groof one of molds of cultivated mushrooms. Characteristics of cultivation of oak & black Cassias commonly occurring or cultivated in About cultivation of oil seed sunflower under Cultivation of olive trees in Algeria. Mechanization of onion cultivation & harvesIsolation & cultivation of original swine pox of basic slag in cultivated pastures. of more important cultivated perennial grasCharacteristics of cultivation of pine seedlin. potassium in pineapple cultivation. management in ornamental plant cultivation in chloroplasts in tobacco plant cultivation of

new varieties of cultivated plants. Genetics applied to cultivated plants. investigations on wild & cultivated plants in of production process of cultivated plants in of Soil Science & Cultivation of Plants in P. Toxicity of fluorine to cultivated plants depon state of health of cultivated plants during Dymid on some wild & cultivated plants. cushioned structure for cultivation of plants fertilizers & yields of some cultivated plants many years on yields of cultivated plants as of Soil Science & Cultivation of Plants. II. Toxicity of fluorine to cultivated plants depGrouping of polymorphous cultivated potato Results in poplar cultivation in iron & steel Grouping of polymorphous cultivated potato Contracts for potato cultivation in Austria fCultivation of potato in Finland. Planting & cultivating potatoes. Effect of presowing cultivation on seeds in sdevelopment of a cultivation program for A. Cultivation of Pseudotsuga menziesii on varProvenances & cultivation of Pseudotsuga mCultivation & quality of spinach. characteristics in wild & cultivated red clovBeses for a variety & site-related cultivation

073766 073399 073468 073552 074549 071936 073744 073780 073648 066920 073129 066870 073268 076100 072490 073333 073337 073602 076750 073192 072172 072470 073478 076793 068520 074465 071634 069887 075968 076504 074090 076781 071881 072842 073350 074095 073811 070777 073851 071272 072521 073368 073618 073347 076403 073787 074136 070801 071285 073445 073827 076075 070244 076866 072842 070816 076873 066690 072838 071895 072025 072514 073514 073831 074280 074356 074509 075970 076647 076745 076747 077119 071497 070785 071497 073462 073463 073749 072865 073819 070738 070739 073785 072891 073755

CULTURES Fusarium, Penicillium, Verticillium, cultures zones in Trichothecium roseum Fr. culture. Relationship between age of culture & occurAlfalfa culture. Bory maintained in uni-algal culture on a sItalian almond culture in modern production of haploid plant by anther-culture of Setaria in tissues of Jerusalem artichoke cultured in Methods of aseptic culture of rice plant in causal agents in aseptic cultures of flax seedapplication of tissue culture attenuated hog isolated axilla or of parts of axilla cultured of suspended meat on culture of bacteria. Barley culture in Ferrara Province. new varieties in sugar beet culture. Increasing efficiency of sugar beet culture. fertilization experiments in Begonia culture. palynological materials from cultural burial Culture of carp in rice paddies of Western of mycotoxins. (Chick embryos, cell culture, picornavirus multiplication in cell cultures. fixation test antigen of cell culture origin for calf kidney adsorption & cell culture passage swine pox virus in pig testis cell culture. naturally infected piglets in cell culture. from chicken & turkey kidney cell cultures. Electron microscopy of tissue culture cells ivirus in pig kidney cells culture in 1969.-19 of nuclear dna in rice cells cultured under aSomatic pairing in Dipteran cells in culture. Effect of certain cultural practices on produgrowth hormone treatment of cultured chick formation of synpses in cultures of chick neCharacteristics of Chlorella culture at transiFungus diseases in Chrysanthemum culture of insect pests found in cultural community Effect of cultural conditions on protein cont. Effect of cultural conditions on fine structure Effect of cultural conditions on protein contFruit trees under dry conditions of culture. Continuous culture of cells derived from pig Corn culture in relation to renewal crops. study of perennial leguminous crop culture in Field crop culture in Volga region. Improving social, cultural & daily service of Cultural & economic factors influencing food Culture of edible mushrooms. their effect on cultural efficiency. Isolation, culture & electron microscopy of Cultural estimation of yeasts on seaweeds. Experiment with culture of European larch of clover phyllody: culture & experimental tBedeleu & possibilities of extending culture management of strawberry culture facilities. management of strawberry culture facilities. cling peaches in relation to cultural factors. Main features of culture & economy of grapmaydis-invaded corn & culture filtrates to cin Volvox globator by culture filtrates from maydis-invaded corn & culture filtrates to cof bast & its quality in fiber flax culture in Evaluation of flax culture & mechanization of mixing standards for forage culture. Experiments in forage culture in Southern lfor growing seedlings & forced cultures. Results of tests on culture of forest trees frMorphological & cultural forms in different

072456 072469 072410 073528 072148 067079 072039 072982 072741 074039 069983 072979 067493 073324 073477 073551 073965 071204 073584 067590 069708 069775 069938 070244 070247 070271 069718 069881 071740 075227 073558 068539 068703 072567 073987 074775 067984 071119 073334 073705 069706 073338 073486 073607 066534 067536 073747 071605 074253 071534 070795 074251 070851 066693 066694 073032 066766 070404 072462 073901 072827 073471 073538 073567 075969 070786 074046

related cultivation technic in fruit culture. endotherapic fungicides in fruit culture. artificial nutrition of trees & fruit cultures. of sympathetic ganglion cultures from chick Varieties & culture of garden trees & shrubs Varieties & culture of garden trees & shrubs rate of illumination with greenhouse culture Gladiolus irrigation in greenhouse culture. variety Red Misket for a culture of high stseedlings grown in hydroponic culture. Tobacco planting, an important cultural mePruning of grapes as an important cultural to yield-prediction & culture improvement of Planting of alfalfa in irrigated culture in sprMicrosporogenesis in culture of isolated antKerria lacca (Kerr.) in laboratory culture. Entomobryidae) in laboratory culture. special features of cultural landscape. Culture of larch in Akshuat forestry of Ul'iCulture of lavender at Naarden-Leepen. Leukocyte cultures from cells of peritoneal fintertwined cells of spev culture line to entecanariensis cv. Gloire de Marengo culture. A simple method of mass culturing melon frplanting, an important cultural measure. of grapes as an important cultural measure. Selection of culture media based on milk for of proteases occurring in culture media of AStandardization of culture media for in vitro Toxic effects of culture medium filtrates of intensity & components of culture medium Effects of light & culture medium on adventEffect of toxic filtrates of culture medium of A simple method of mass culturing melon frOn meristem cultural method of preventing for carnations from meristematic cultures. On meristem cultural method of preventing Efficiency of serologic & cultural methods in Roth) Cederg, cultured in monochromatic r. on increase in material of mycelial culture in Role of olive culture in economic & social liLibyan olive culture & its economic probleof results obtained in onion culture from sets Use of organ cultures for propagation of polfixation test antigen of cell culture origin for kidney adsorption & cell culture passage. changes of anthocyanins in cultured petals of Studies on cultures of Piricularia oryzae Cav on environment regulating for plant culture. Populus culture in Czechoslovakia. Pot culture of orchids. Potato culture in Chernozem soils. Methods of cultural practices, increasing yieVarieties, cultural practices change, yields iEffect of cultural practices on production of Current problems of cultural practices for fiEffect of some cultural practices on yield & Effect of certain cultural practices on produvarieties & application of cultural practices Effect of some cultural practices on yield stcare of black currants: cultural practices. reddish soils, by means of cultural practices Improvement of cultural profile in sandy & between aerodynamic & cultural properties Taphrina cerasi (Fuck.) Sad. in pure culture A note on regional culture in corn harvest. Culture & reproduction of Primula denticulaRice culture in deep water in Mali. Rice culture in Kyzyl Kum Massif in southeSystematization of rice culture by use of rice Short rotation culture of sycamore: a status enzymes in sugarcane raised in sand culture Several features of seed culture of alfalfa in helianthi Novot. in a semiartificial culture: food laws & regulations. I. cultural & social Soilless culture of Amaryllis. of some liquid nutrients in soilless culture of of rice seedlings in direct-sowing culture. IV of rice seedlings in direct-sowing culture. V. of rice seedlings in direct-sowing culture. VI from continual direct sowing culture. I. Effeembryos & intertwined cells of Experiment with culture of spruce see ngs of mineral fertilizers to culture of spruce sein heat-sterilized soil. I. Sterile culture. management of strawberry culture facilities. management of strawberry culture facilities. of carrot cell suspension cultures. synthesis in cell suspension cultures of Paul activity in darkgrown suspension cultures of Cultural & taxonomical studies on genus Act. Production & cultural-technical level of forecontrol in Madagascar: cultural techniques, evolution of cultural techniques. Electron microscopy of tissue culture cells iof Newcastle disease virus in tissue culture. A field application of tissue culture attenuatthrough passages in tissue cultures. of chemical composition in tissue cultures of in Nicotiana bigelovii tissue cultures: differetobacco leaves & tobacco tissue cultures. (Trays on susceptibility of tissue culture of non

073755 073972 076132 068640 073615 073624 073145 077100 073734 072784 073562 073798 072739 073522 073010 075325 075499 066622 070796 073850 070242 070237 074752 075331 073562 073798 067848 072357 072396 070424 072751 073025 074128 075331 074241 073830 074241 070125 072983 072164 067192 067194 073643 069711 069775 069938 073022 074089 073332 070768 073736 073721 073474 073510 073523 073527 073546 073558 073738 073782 073795 076939 076893 070825 072154 073331 073840 073357 073593 076009 070784 072873 073484 072153 067355 073816 076648 072727 072749 072750 073397 070237 070815 076798 072630 066693 066694 073175 073178 073179 071447 070522 074485 075944 069718 069956 069983 070175 072521 072528 074139 074262 067388

of potato X-virus in tissue culture of tobacco Machine-transplanting culture of seedling & Outlook for coniferous tree culture in HungFoliar diagnosis applied in fruti-trees culture research on facilities for vegetable culture. Industrialization of vegetable culture in WaContracting & fruit & vegetable culture in uSome information on vegetable culture & caequipment in vegetable culture among memIn vitro culture--a useful method for obtainiNew techniques of in vitro culture of cells of microflora in Chlorella vulgaris culture. plants under conditions of water culture. Spring wheat culture in non-irrigated areas Origin & introduction in culture of winter b

074263 073335 070837 073183 066688 066689 066822 068153 073739 071946 075108 072168 072774 073581 073592

CUTTING materials on retail case-life of beef cuts. Concentration of cuts in state forests & its Palatability attributes of lamb cuts as a funon retail acceptability of lamb cuts.

067483 070863 067464 067469

075167 068473 073169 070172 076129 076458 075099 069260 069364 069497 069498 075266 075105 073316 072495 070035 073294 072223 068549 069497 069833 072393 075380 071566 068464 076210 071819 072364 069367 073096 073097 072713 069689 069240 069444 075411 076129

CYCLAMATES sweeteners in foods. (Saccharin, cyclamate, CYCLAMEN Development of cyclamen (Primulaceae) culresistance factor in Cyclamen species. (BotrCYCLE of chondriome in course of activity cycles of Binding of eyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophospEffects of cyclic amp & gibberellic acid on lBiological cycle of Ascaridia numidae (LeipOn clearing cycle-time by Rakedozer. Study its contribution to mineral elements cycling of copulation on ovarian & endocrine cycle Estrus, estrous cycle & time of ovulation in during two successive estrous cycles. injection of iodine solution on estrous cycle Synchronization of estrous cycle in cows by a previsional factor of evolutive cycle of ProFunctional cycle of beta neurosecretary cells On generative cycle of Turkmen juniper. (J. Adonis vernalis L.) during great cycle of deGrowth cycle of avirulent strains of NewcasGrowth cycle of annual shoots of Quercus ro Hydraulic cycle of some xerotherm lichens. Certain particularities of internal cycle of niof iodine solution on estrous cycle length of Contributions to life cycle of Sarcosporidia. Life cycle of Stemonitis herbatica. I ii. Phys. Analysis of lipid during life cycle of house cSalt spray & mineral cycling in two Califorof adenosine 3:5'-cyclic monophosphate & rNitrogen cycle in soil. Nuclear cycle & spore discharge in EndemoCycling of nutrients in a grazed Atriplex vesin plasma of goat during oestrous cycle & ptransport in cyclic photophosphorylation. [ inhibition of cyclic photophosphorylation.[ Cyclization of polyenes. VI. Biogenetic-type Effect of interferon on replication cycle of rvaginal mucus of cows during sexual cycle. of synchronization of sexual cycle of gilts by of Leucophaea maderae during sexual cycle On clearing cycle-time by Rakedozer. Study CYCLOHEXIMIDE Uptake of amino acids by actidione-treated Uptake of amino acids by actidione-treated Uptake of amino acids by actidione-treated CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE Study on effect of cyclophosphamide on expperformed by means of cyclophosphamide on CYDONIA japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. (Cydonia japonica CYLINDER Vibration cleaning of thin-wall cylinders frCYLINDROCLADIUM Detection of Cylindrocladium scoparium by

CUTTINGS driving gear of log cross-cutting aggregates. 071041 knives with even blades of cutting appararus 076080 unified segment of cutting apparatus of agri- 076163 of basic parameters of cutting apparatus of 076182 Surface soil drainage in cutting areas in Vac- 077062 Nontariff barriers cut u.s. trade in agricultu- 067012 Dark cutting beef--why?

067454 Hiking nitrogen content of cut beets by their 068257 with yeast extract, of cuttings of carna tion 072985 for single-blade circular cutting machines. 071114 Effect of clear cutting on river runoff.

070514 Optimal driving gear of log cross-cutting ag- 071041 Sawmilling--cross-cutting shop of lumber en. 071043 Improving cross-cutting units with longitudi- 071047 of mechanizing operation of cross-cutting ti- 071088 Dark cutting beef--why?

067454 chloride & of different cutting methods on g. 072889 on warp of hard maple dimension cuttings. 070922 of several parameters of end-cutting machin- 071143 New regulations for final cutting in forests 070649 Trials in rooting of Douglas-fir cuttings by a 070748 Production & shipping of cut-flower carnati- 066955 Conservation of cut flowers.

068185 angle of frame saw teeth on cutting force & 071115 Effect of knots on cutting forces in sawmilli- 070882 On chip-free cutting of wood.

071113 Cutting & freezing salmon & steelhead at h- 067578 fescue & bluegrass rank high in frequent-cut 073343 Optimization of height of grain cutting. 076037 grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) hardwood cuttings 073629 Studies of rooting of cuttings of Hydrangea 073076 cherry trees following improvement cutting. 070710 Mechanization of improvement cutting in fo- 070793 Calculating rate of improvement cutting in 070820 Improvement cutting, a supplemental source 071076 pine plantations after improvement cuttings. 074021 of mechanized improvement cuttings in Nor- 070658 Improving cutting methods in uneven-aged so 070788 force characteristics of cutting instrument f- 071145 Angle of sharpening cutting knives & quality 071087 cutting instrument for longitudinal cutting of 071145 several parameters of end-cutting machines. 071143 for single-blade circular cutting machines. 071114 Mathematical model of cutting mechanism of 071141 Mechanized cutting in alpine forest basins. 070789 Improving cutting methods in uneven-aged s- 070788 Navel & Late Valencia orange cuttings, as a- 073126 of Douglas-fir cuttings by a paired-cutting t- 070748 Rooting of picea cuttings in plastic tubes. 070749 Experiments with cuttings of Picea abies, P- 070752 On work of picker of cuttings at accelerated 076161 of thickness of piezothermoplastics of cut-up 071144 seedling & method of planting its cuttings. 073616 New regulations for principal cutting in fore- 070787 Histological changes in area of ring-cut of a- 070940 Root-cutting of cucumber seedling & method 073616 Rooting cuttings of saltbush (Atriplex hali- 072815 Pork loins: effects of selection on cut-out yi. 067913 Angle of sharpening cutting knives & quality 071087 snow cover on sectors of shelterwood cutting 070530 Shelterwood cutting in Picea-Betula stands 070809 efficiency of two-stage shelterwood cutting in 070826 Sawmilling--cross-cutting shop of lumber en- 071043 Improving records for small-size cut wood. 071075 A study on feed value of corn stover cut at 069048 of respiratory rates & losses in cut swards of 072717 fir cuttings by a paired-cutting technique. ( 070748 bluegrass rank high in frequent-cut test. (Fe- 073343 operation of cross-cutting timber into lengths 071088 Effect of cutting time & climatic conditions 073545 Improving cross-cutting units with longitudi. 071047 Selection & storage of walnut cuttings for g- 073799 Improving records for small-size cut wood. 071075 on coefficient of friction in cutting wood. 071100 of Todo-fir with lapse of years after cutting. 070774 CYANAMIDE fertilizers of calcium cyanamide in a rotation 073537

CURRENTS in mechanization of agriculture in current Fstrawberry varieties in current commercial considerations on current contributions to pApplication of direct current for improving Current efforts in area of international trade mass in conche machine-an ever current proCurrent growth increment of forest plant asplating on assymetric industrial current. opportunity & taxpayer equity: current local of agricultural production at current phase. Current problems of cultural practices for fiof reclamation of land program in current FRegulation of reactive current & voltage with Current regulations & their effect on purchaCurrent state of genetics in world & in YugCurrent state & outlook for developing sheep Current state of production of protein extraCurrent state, problems & perspectives of iCurrent state of forest protection & means of Current status of cotton & cotton--product Current status of paralytic shellfish poisoniCurrent status & outlook for developing forNotes on current strawberry tests in CamerCurrent survey on development of tobacco pCurrent tasks of activity on improvement of Current tasks of scientific research in land Problems & current tasks of control of soil Current views on appearance of antibiotic r

076099 073675 066695 076925 067047 067699 073295 076110 066528 066810 073527 076945 075973 067419 066594 067215 067701 069503 070516 067095 067343 071003 073627 067120 069459 076940 076943 070007

CYMBIDIUM Dendrobium phalaenopsis, Cymbidium). on adventious root formation by Cymbidiums

CURRY water supply on economy of Curry & Roose

CUSCUTA alkaloids in seeds of Cuscuta monogyna Vahl

CYNODON Midland" Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon CYPERACEAE non-legumes. (Rice, Gramineae, Cyperaceae) species of Scirpus (Cyperaceae) & related gCYPERUS Cyperus iwasakii M. & Cyperus glomeratus of purple nutsedge. (Cyperus rotundus].

CYANIDES Reversible cyanide inhibition of spinach (Sp-

CUTICULAR of glucosamine in cockroach cuticle. (PeriplCorrelation between cuticular & stomatal trcompounds isolated from insect hard cuticle between ultrastructure of cuticular intima & of pigmentary granule in larval cuticle of Ty. Cuticular lipids of insects. IV. Hydrocarbons morphological characters of cuticular wax d.

CYPRESS Italian spreading cypress in Azerbaijan. [C- CYSTEINE

amino acid, S-methyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide, i-

CYSTICERCOIDS Presence of cysticercoid of Hymenolepis br- CYSTICERCOSIS

Hydatidosis & cysticercosis. 5. Some probl-

Immunological study of rabbit cysticercosis. CYSTS in a cat with hydrometra & chronic cystic e.

075357 073258 075354 075083 075088 075212 071680

Studies on cystic degeneration of ovaries in 10 etiology of ovarian follicle cysts in cattle desulphuration of methionine & cyst(e)ine. technique for recovery of their ova or cysts CYTOCHEMISTRY A cytochemical & autoradiographic investigCytochemical characteristics of sporulating Cytochemical & cytophotometric studies on Cytochemical investigations of fertilization elegans Link. I. Cytochemical & phase contCytochemical studies of squamulae of Elodea Cytochemical & ultrastructural studies on n

071840 072469 075559 071767 071850 072558 071837

Can problem of surplus dairy products be somarketing milk & dairy products. Milk & dairy products marketing in Slovenia methods in analysis of milk & dairy products. on milking & processing of dairy products. 2 temperature pasteurization. (Dairy products streptococci. A review. (Dairy products). Trends in production of dairy products. Better whey--a dilemma. [Dairy products, wlactic acid enzymes. (Milk, dairy products) Better whey--a dilemma. [Dairy products, we Why to rear dairy cattle? retrieval system for a Dairy Research Center herd at National Dairy Research Institute Slovenian dairy industry looks toward a prUse of production capital on state dairy farCan problem of surplus dairy products be soProblem of surplus dairy calf. Various problems in urban dairy farming. 2. DAIRYING international trade agreements in dairying. Some results of applied dairying research in Profitability of pigs as a sideline to dairying

067048 067049 067053 067421 067798 067826 067830 067837 067853 067875 077222 068321 067805 069340 067236 066917 067048 068274 066718

071799 071696 072023 068795 071726 075157 071977 071802 075566 071850

DAIRIES House fly control for beef, dairy, poultry, & 074910 Successful cubicle housing. (Dairy barns). 075924

Great Britain--dairy industry & economy; in- 067869

cows belonging to Hungarian Dairy Brown 069264 Problem of surplus dairy calf.

068274 to complex mechanization of dairy cattle in- 066834 Pinpointing profit-makers. (Dairy cattle, mi- 068292 Why to rear dairy cattle?

068321 Intensive rearing of dairy cattle & supply w- 068344 Rumen: a remarkable factory. [Dairy cattle] 068543 Getting best from grass. [Dairy cattle).

068925 fat on yield & quality of milk. (Dairy cattle] 068999 restricted-roughage rations. (Dairy cattle). 069004 Ammonia-treated corn silage for dairy cattle 069006 protein phosphoric acid silage. (Dairy cattle 069078 of forage corn in free choice for dairy cattle 069114 acetate in milk production. (Dairy cattle). 069186 Meat or milk? (Dairy cattle).

069322 Application of control records of dairy cattle. 069332 Heat detectors can help. (Dairy cattle, estr. 069334 of first lactation milk yield. (Dairy cattle). 069359 herdmate-deviation milk & fat. (Dairy cattle] 069362 spermatological questions. (Dairy cattle). 069490 on present breeding methods of dairy cattle 069491 of breeding results of dairy cattle.

069492 of components of milk in dairy cattle of diff- 069515 A massive creative search in dairy cattle br- 069530 Quality milk without flukes. (Dairy cattle) 069874 Fluke & milk quality. (Dairy cattle[.

069875 Treating ketosis in dairy cattle.

070381 in collation & distribution: Dairy Center of 067072 Mg (magnesium) level of lactating dairy cow 068662 unbalanced use of silage in dairy cow feeding 068873 Practical note on dairy cow feeding.

069134 techniques on development of dairy cows for 067622 I. Effective temperature for dairy cows. 068307 Earmarking of dairy cows by udder tatooing 068322 conditions of management of dairy cows on 068402 analogue for high-producing dairy cows. 068437 effect on physiology of dairy cows. 2.

068504 alimentation levels of dairy cows in relation 068858 of oil meal in concentrate fed to dairy cows 068865 hydroxy analog for lactating dairy cows. 069002 value of roasting soybeans for dairy cows. 069008 to improve fertility & health of dairy cows. 069077 Next step in feeding more dairy cows.

069137 requirements of pregnant dairy cows.

069360 fertility & milk production in dairy cows. 069525 treatment for mastitis in dairy cows. 2.

069871 Metabolic disorders in dairy cows with pres- 070386 Milk for millions: India's dairy development 067164 Dairy factories "key in hand", for what pur- 067069 Present automatization of dairy factories for 067860 Modernization of a dairy factory.

067859 farming. 2. An example from dairy farm ope- 066718 consciousness of crop labor at dairy farm m- 066779 Various problems in urban dairy farming. 2. 066718 Recent technology in dairy farming.

076077 aspects of managing labour on dairy farms. 066796 of production capital on state dairy farms. 066917 State of art of dairy food plant wastes & wa- 077227 Dairy foods: trends, research, & development 067201 Some features of immature dairy heifer's m. 068610 Responses of dairy heifers to crownvetch, se- 068842 acetate administration to dairy heifers & pr. 069377 A survey of dairy herd rations in Aberdeens- 069019 Spread of udder infections in dairy herds. 070040 reproductive disorders in large dairy herds. 070394 F2 cows belonging to Hungarian Dairy Bro- 069264 Some features of immature dairy heifer's m- 068610 Business activity of dairy industry in Croatia 066777 Economics of dairy industry & marketing mi: 067049 action of State. (Dairy industry).

067068 Information science in dairy industry; case s- 067072 Time will teach us a lot. (Dairy industry). 067149 Dairy industry in future.

067228 Slovenian dairy industry looks toward a pro 067236 of control methods in dairy industry.

067459 Dairy industry in New Zealand & Australia 067790 Set to serve industry. [Dairy industry).

067799 of reverse osmosis in dairy industry.

067849 Great Britain--dairy industry & economy; in- 067869 housing free barn system for intensive dairy 068309 Mg (magnesium) level of lactating dairy cow 068662 hydroxy analog for lactating dairy cows. 069002 reproductive disorders in large dairy herds. 070394 of technical indicator in dairy management. 066761 in Tharparkar herd at National Dairy Rese- 069340 Dairy outlook & management implications. 067198 correlations between dairy performance & e- 070338 energy requirements of pregnant dairy cows 069360 hydroxy analogue for high-producing dairy 068437 of a new unit in dairy production.

067861 barn system for intensive dairy production in 068309 Dairy products & eec.

066985 World supply of dairy products tight in 197 067011

CYTOKINESIS demonstrating failure of meiotic cytokinesis Variation in mitosis & cytokinesis in plant CYTOKININS Origin of "butanol-less" cytokinin in ground Evidence of substances of cytokinin type sy. CYTOLOGY Cytology of ascus in Achaetomium globosum Cytological behavior in teosinte-maize hybrCytological behaviour of first inbred generaltotal proteins & cytological correlation in bCytological & histological changes induced Cytological maps for practical identification Cytological studies on microsporogenesis in Cytological study of differentiation of sieve Taxonomy & cytology of Taiwan grasshoppeCytology of Thamnidium elegans Link. I. CCYTOMORPHOLOGY Cytomorphology of arborescent Moraceae. CYTOPATHOLOGY Comparison of cytopathic effects of a classiCYTOPHOTOMETRY Cytophotometric characterization of nuclei Cytophotometric investigation of dna content Cytochemical & cytophotometric studies on CYTOPLASM myxoviruses. I. Nucleo-cytoplasmic changes intranuclear & intracytoplasmic crystals in Alkaline phosphatase in cytoplasmic droplet composition of cytoplasmic fractions of riboevidence of cytoplasmic inclusions in Nicotion nuclearly & cytoplasmically inherited chA cytoplasmic molecule active on membranar of silkworm cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus. wall glycoprotein & its cytoplasmic precurs-r. CYTOTAXONOMY Floristic & cytotaxonomic notes on flora of Cytotaxonomic relationships within mesophCytoteconomical studies on genus Basella. CYTOTOXIC therapy of their cytotoxic effect. (Livestock) of novel bufadienolides, cytotoxic principles DACRYDIUM Diterpenes of Dacrydium kirkii. A synthesis DACTYLIS of pasture species. (Dactylis glomerata, Lolielatius (L.) p.6., & Dactylis glomerata L.) sDACUS test for melon fly, Dacus caudatus F. (Trypeculturing melon fruit-fly, Dacus cucurbitae hydrolysates of olive fruit ny, Dacus oleae, of eggs laid by Tepa-treated Dacus oleae feDAHLLAS in Verticillium. (Dahliae, Verticillium albo-aSuppression of Verticillium dahliae Kleb. inpopulations of Verticillium dahliae Kleb. on incidence of Verticillium dahliae Kleb. on co

DAMAGE Rodent problem of India. (Crops, damage). Snails & slugs. (Plants, damage]. formation in roots of aluminum-damaged cotAn assessment of annual damage to crops by Studies on panicle blast damage & its investAbout damage caused by mildew in some vidiseases & how to minimize damage caused of defoliation of potatoes & damages caused Studies on causes of cold damage to mulberStudies on protection against cold damage to Studies on protection against cold damage to Drought-damaged corn silage for growing bechemical characteristics of damaged corn.( in roots of aluminum-damaged cotton seedliDamage to crops by atmospheric pollution. Damage to cucumbers by powdery mildew. Drought-damaged corn silage for growing bewinter wheat on weediness & damage due to Effect of cool-summer damage due to floral winter wheat on weediness & damage due to of control methods against foliage damaging Results of two-years tests in grain damage Taking care of hail-damaged tobacco crops. Damages in Hungarian vineyards caused by Effects of simulated insect damage to squares Statistical analysis of irradiation-damaged pDamaged maize kernels & moldiness. Damages of Mamestra oleracea L. on asparvarieties resistant to mechanical damage. diseases & how to minimize damage caused of serum enzymes in muscle damage of cattle Ozone damage to ponderosa pine: a histologDamage to Phlox drumondii Hook from Apanalysis of irradiation-damaged plant chrominvestigations on damage potential of Cadra Prevention of damages in agricultural engin. Kinetics of radiation damage to a plant body Genetic X-radiation damage & its mofificatiDamage done to Scots pine (Pinus silvestris Processing & storage damage to nutritional Effect of cool-summer damage due to floral Taking care of hail-damaged tobacco crops. Damage by vole, Pitymys savii, on some horCool-weather damage to crops in Hokkaido

074334 074420 072880 074319 074067 074080 074332 074728 074378 074411 074412 069150 074010 072880 074364 074105 069150 074101 074288 074563 074723 074282 074850 074798 074720 071776 074091 074797 074374 074332 070357 070461 074396 071776 074851 075959 072563 075530 074841 067540 074288 074850 074363 074287

069718 075089 069388 068560 074183 076280 072316 075896 073066

074738 075331 075410 074750

071807 074032 074046 074051

Page 19

077190 consequences of rangeland development in

072944 Development rate of embryo & endosperm in

Recent developments in food-dehydration te- 067678 a ethylethylenimine (EEI)/DEAE-dextran v- 070276 Some recent developments in field of insect 075303 parenterally applied ferrous dextran.

070342 Recent developments in transportation of hi- 076058 application of small particle dextran.

068694 Developing reclaimed land in German Dem- 076966 of land reclamation & development.

066862 DEXTRINS Development of reclamation of land during 076942 kilning of malt starch & on dextrin content 067703 water economy & reclamation development 076995 weight distributions of maize starch dextrins 068071 reallocation of land to regional development 066672 cells as related to their developmental & fu- 072322 DIABETES Roxb.) with development & reproduction of 074866 in tissues of normal & alloxan-diabetic sheep 068463 vegetative & reproductive development of fr- 073053 Resistance development of phytopathogenic 073869 DIACETYL conditions of water resource development. 077056 Diacetyl & acetoin production by Lactobacil- 067604 Development of respirometry as a method f- 070916 Reverse development.-a different twist to or- 071185 DIADEGMA Iransformation of rhythm of development. 072968 Biology of Diadegma stellenboschense (Cam- 074743 Development of rice grains under controlled 072930 Development of rice grains under controlled 072931 DIAGNOSIS affece plant establishment, root development 072367 animals in Croatia. X. Anamnestic diagnosis 070161 affect plant establishment, root development 072368 biflexa Rufino: its use in diagnosis of animal 070099 affect plant establishment, root development 072369 Foliar diagnosis applied in fruti-trees culture 073183 affect plant establishment, root development 072370 agglutination test in diagnosis of brucellosis 070111 affect plant establishment, root development 072371 Clinical diagnosis of oesophageal invaginati- 070436 affect plant establishment, root development 072372 Diagnosis & differential diagnosis of Marek' 070054 allect plant establishment, root development 072373 A contribution to differential diagnosis in le- 070353 fertility on growth & development of roots 072946 An early diagnostic of free-martinism & leu- 070351 Biochemical activities of developing rumen 068585 Enzyme diagnosis in diseases of pancreas. ( 070305 farming as a tool of rural development.

066757 antibodies in diagnosis of experimental trich- 070109 On development of sarcocysts. (Sarcocystis 070391 Foliar diagnosis applied in fruti-trees culture 073183 of studying rhythms of seasonal development 072477 Clinical & hematological diagnosis of cattle 070222 Development of seed testing in Zambia. 073419 histopathological diagnosis.

069905 Germination & seedling development of Ens- 073083 Immunofluorescent diagnosis of brucellosis 070220 correlations in developing Selaginella spora.

071697 clinical occurrence & laboratory diagnosis. 070409 Development of Septoria spots on celery pl.

074049 Laboratory diagnostics of honey bees poison- 075045 Current state & outlook for developing sheep 067215 with nutrients by method of leaf diagnosis. 073011 following with development of silkworm egg

075910 on Mastirapid use in diagnosis of mammary 070033 Development of silviculture in former Telc e. 070834 On classification, diagnostics & mapping of 076507 Particularities of development of skin glands

068417 examinations at massive diagnostics of bact- 070012 as connected with development of soil erosi- 076891 in relation to diagnosis of mastitis.

070243 of potassium & sodium in soils developed fr- 076362 Use in microbiological diagnostics of goat i- 067412 of calcium & magnesium in soils developed f- 076369 Microbiological diagnosis.

069568 Developing Solonets soils.

076964 Diagnosis of mineral nutrition of seedlings of 073219 on growth & development of sporogonies in

074060 Aetiology & diagnosis of mycoplasmosis in po 070049 relative to their stage of development.

072858 Diagnosis of pregnancy & of number of foet. 069504 sheep of different developmental stages:

068807 Diagnostic problems concerning biological do 069555 Correlation of stages of development with c.

072811 Diagnostic problems concerning biological do 069696 its dynamics by stages of development under

074423 Elements for a radiological diagnostic of ra- 069632 fatty acids during late developmental stages

075343 trauma: Contribution to X-ray diagnosis in 070418 differences in development of stem tissue.

074169 of aluminum & iron in diagnosis of recent c- 076471 Development of stock/scion tissues of "Star. 071766 of cucumber, diagnosis & remedy.

073112 structure & development of stomata & chalk 071715 reactions in diagnosis of Salmonella abortus 070173 index as applied to developmental studies of

071733 Investigations on diagnosis of sheep tubercu- 070025 Development of studies on systemic fungicid

074077 Diagnostic significance of clay crusts & soil 076470 Developmental study on tendrils of Cardios- 071791 Techniques for long-term diagnosis & predic. 071548 New developments of study of influence of 074177 Diagnosis & toxicological control of human 075008 behaviour & development of Subcoccinella v.

075122 Diagnosis & treatment of latent endometritis 070159 on reactivation & subsequent development of

075236 Diagnostics of virgin & cultivated grey-cinn. 076504 Developing & using superior shade trees.

073638 Possibility of virus diagnosis by disc electro- 074209 New aspects on development of swine breed

069494 Systematic development of a cultivation pro

073819 DIALDEHYDES Economic problems of technical development. 066664 Important tasks in technical development of

I. Structure of a sesquiterpene dialdehyde f- 072592

067213 Impact of technological developments on soi- 076917 DIALKYL Development of technology for artificial ins. 069402 Development tendencies on feed market.

of substituted benzyl chlorides with dialkyl 075079 Tendencies of development in modern plant

067052 Some dialkyl ketones as possible intermedia- 073073 muscle. Isometric tension development & de

074342 on effect of sowing term on development, fl

068626 DIALLELS K. K Gedroits & development of theoretical

073117 Diallel analysis of earliness in pearlmillet. 072012

076505 changes in developing thoracic muscles of A.

Fractional diallel analysis of some quality c- 072021 Developing ties between agriculture & indus

075225 of muskmelon varieties in a diallel cross. 071914

066665 of some characters in diallel crossing of four 072092 Possibilities for development of tourism in f. development of tobacco p- 067120

070723 DIANTHUS developments in cooperative aDeveloping transport systems for dense fore.

066758 Carnation systematics & hybrids. (Dianthus) 072131 Development trends in microbiological indu. 071017 from meristematic cultures. (Dianthus).

073830 067635 obtaining virus-free plants. (Dianthus).

074264 Development trends in further mechanizati

068312 Lychnis chalcedonica L., Dianthus barbatus 073150 temperature on development of Trialeurodes

076026 flower carnations. (Dianthus caryophyllus). 066955 of Hebrew University--development & chall.

074749 of carna tion (Dianthus caryophyllus L., cv. 072985 Development of urbanization & changes in

066550 different varieties of Dianthus aryophylly 073805 Developmental variation in carbohydrates of

066595 carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus v. semper. 073829 072813 067138 DIAPAUSE

067139 Influence of temperature on egg diapause & 075477

073835 Rearing diapause & diapause-free western s. 075204 072974 food quality in diapause of Grapholitha fune- 075121 072846 time of photoperiodic induction of diapause 07 5087

069230 of wheat fungus diseases in irro 074104 on their development into winged or wingle

DIAPHRAGM on 075474 Diaphragmatic hernia in bovines.

070346 growth, development & wintering of wint. Nutrition, growth, development & yield of g.

072889 Hiatal diaphragmatic hernia & tricholithiasis 070366 date on growth, development & yields of fib

073820 Strangulated diaphragmatic hernia in a horse 070370 072897 microscope studies of ventral diaphragm of 075549

DIAPORTHE A heritable colour deviation in red table bee- of mature equivalent & herdmate-deviation

071923 Diaporthe citri & Phomopsis citri--a correct. 071413 069362


infected with virus of bovine diarrhea & a b- 069772 of reduplication of desoxyribonucleic acid in 075140 A case of diarrhoea in a young dog associat. 070375

Trends of development in animal husbandry

U sda policies on varietal development, ger. policies affecting varietal development, ger.

New ornamental plant varieties developed in

L Buisson fleuri variety during development on growth & development of vernalized win. Effect of zinc on weight development in me.

DIETS to determine abailability of dietary amino a. content of laboratory animals diets. Tortricidae) on an artificial diet. fly, Dacus oleae, grown in an artificial diet given restricted amounts of a barley diet. of miloand barley-based diets on performan-

receiving raw & heated soya-bean diets.

of sorbitol & xylitol in dietary canned fruits Effect of specific carbohydrate diet on meta. in metabolism of dietary carbohydrates stud-

Seasonal changes in herbage & cattle diets

roughage replacement in feeder cattle diets. of hydrocarbon yeast chick diet kinoshita, h

069096 068907 075204 075410 068918 068985 068915 068183 068495 068726 069014 069138 069022 068202 068203 068204

Page 20

in Mongolia. 256. Simuliidae III. (Diptera) Chloropidae. I. Oscinellinae (Diptera). Duda & Elachisoma Rond. (Diptera: SphaerNotes on Culicoides (Diptera, CeratopogoniA contribution to Diptera fauna (Diptera, BMuscidae (Diptera, Brachycera) from Black of Prosimulium from Alberta (Diptera: SimuMacq. in Canary Islands (Diptera: Rhagionof Muscidac from Ethiopian region (Diptera Culex (culex) univittatus Theobald (Diptera: synonym of Janetiella siskiyou Felt (Diptera: Hendel), new combination (Diptera: Tephritof West Indian Chironomidae (Diptera). sand nies from Texas & Florida (Diptera: Pwith special reference to Simuliidae (Diptera) descriptions of two new species (Diptera: A. New Rhagio-species from Japan. 2. (Diptera Bicellaria Macquart from Japan (Diptera, Macquart from Japan (Diptera, Empididae) verna) Mesnil from Japan (Diptera: Tachinrelated species of genus Amiota (Diptera, D. in western United States (Diptera). of Lonchacidae family in Peru (Diptera: Acafrom Hawaii. II. (Drosophilidae, Diptera). breeding in tree rot cavities (Diptera: CeratMuseum, Frankfurt a/M. (Diptera, Fungivowastes in Calliphora erythrocephala (Diptera behavior in adult apple maggot (Diptera: T. seguyi, n. gen., n.sp., African Diptera Myce. Ecological studies on Diptera breeding in d. horii) from Japan (Diptera, Mus cidae). Tetraopes (Diptera: Tachinidae--Coleoptera: Musca domestica (Diptera) in Denmark. (C. of Mydidae (Diptera), with description of t. A contribution to Diptera fauna (Diptera, B. of subfossil chronomids (Diptera) in lake sefallax Mg. (Tachinidae: Diptera) as a larval gen., n-sp., African Diptera Mycetophilidae Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) in northeastern on existence of myiasis-producing Diptera in Chironomidae, Diptera) in river Danube. Newstead (Culicidae, Diptera) in southern Asilidae (Diptera) from western Stara PlanDIQUAT radicals in reactions of herbicide diquat.

075589 075590 075591 075596 075616 075619 075629 075633 075662 075666 075671 075672 075720 075723 075724 075738 075740 075741 075742 075745 075748 075786 075817 075852 075862 076145 075084 075200 075565 075258 075743 075251 074918 075601 075616 075717 075327 075565 074916 074920 075604 075664 075617

spray application for coffee disease control. 073998 Research report on mint disease control. [ 074068 control of occurence of damp-off disease (Rh- 073879 for treatment of diseases of digestive tract of 070336 Edema disease in pigs in Argentina: its verif- 070350 of virus associated with enation disease of al- 074137 cardiovascular diseases--epidemiological stud- 067548 Diseases of exocrine pancreas of dogs.

070328 Restricting susceptibility of flax to diseases 074380 beware of this deadly foreign disease.

070158 Ixodidae) in Kyasanur Forest Disease Area, 074913 epidemiology & control of fruit diseases of 074094 of textile fabrics from fungus diseases with 067741 beech & spruce. (Fagu Picea, fungus disease] 070477 Populus tremuloides, fungus diseases).

073918 beech & spruce. (Fagu Picea, fungus disease] 073955 Fungus diseases in Chrysanthemum culture 073987 are in danger. (Platanus, fungus diseases). 073988 of damaged corn. [Fungus diseases).

074010 Fruit rot & its control. [Fungus diseases). 074025 upon infestation rate. [Fungus diseases). 074083 weediness & damage due to fungus diseases 074101 Development of wheat fungus diseases in irr- 074104 weediness & damage due to fungus diseases 074563 Fusarium diseases of wheat & their control 074078 Congenital & genetic disease in domestic an- 070358 Diseases of gladioli.

074421 use in diagnosis of mammary gland disease 070033 Mammary gland diseases in cows.

070232 Occurrence of tristeza & greening diseases of 074153 II. Sertoli cell tumor & Hodgkin's disease. 070326 diffusion studies on African horse sickness v- 069916 Most important diseases & pests of Chrysan- 074395 Economically important diseases & pests in 074398 equipment in reducing incidence of sickness. 071063 activity & incidence of disease in plants. 072190 in treatment of some infectious diseases of l. 070020 Infectious diseases of young cattle.

070085 Disease investigations with sheep & Angora 070137 Johne's disease in goats; comparison of sero- 070061 Animal diseases law concerning infection wi- 067146 plants affected by legume little leaf disease. 074117 bovine leukosis & of leukaemic diseases of 070339 Mango diseases.

074336 Particles of herpes type of Marek's disease 069687 in vaccination against Marek disease with h- 069889 in vaccination against Marek disease.

069890 Our experience in control of Marek disease 069891 on avaian leukosis & Marek's diseases. I. S- 069980 differential diagnosis of Marek's disease in 070054 Storage & market diseases of fruit. IX.

074340 Storage & market disease of fruit. X.

074341 of anti-foot-and-mouth disease measures. 070221 1971 Research report

mint disease contr- 074068 of pigs against foot-and-mouth disease.

069699 in cell cultures. (Foot-and-mouth disease). 069708 fixing activity of foot-and-mouth disease vir- 069723 Foot-and-mouth disease vaccine: influence of 069749 Pyran) on foot-and-mouth disease virus infe- 069774 dextran ( deae-d) foot-and-mouth disease va. 069776 stimulation of foot-and-mouth disease virus 069778 bulls vaccinated for foot-and-mouth disease 069878 on an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in 069927 Foot-and-mouth disease virus: selection by 069938 after application of foot-and-mouth disease 070026 characteristics of a fool-and-mouth disease v. 070175 efficiency of anti-foot-and-mouth disease me- 070221 vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease (F. 070276 with bovine virus diarrhoea-mucosal disease 069861 morphology in cases of white muscle disease 070385 Plastids evolution in Mycoplasma-diseased 074254 studies with two Mycoplasma diseases. (Vin- 074255 control of: insects, diseases & nematodes. 073393 differentiation of diseases of nervous system 070301 Hemolytic interaction of Newcastle disease 069766 Hemolytic interaction of Newcastle disease 069767 Newcastle disease in Paraguay.

069809 Research into Newcastle disease virus to di- 069825 persistently infected with Newcastle disease 069934 Vaccine (r2b) strains of Newcastle disease 069956 acid synthesis by Newcastle disease virus m- 069964 in chickens infected with Newcastle disease 069971 of young chicken to Newcastle disease by u- 069979 of adult chicken to Newcastle disease by use 069986 of avirulent strains of Newcastle disease vir- 070035 Isopycnic separation of Newcastle disease v. 070036 of strains of Newcastle disease virus which 070037 Comparative studies of Newcastle disease vi- 070038 Newcastle disease has spread throughout Eu- 070096 Effect of Newcastle disease virus tcnd strain 070147 some myxoviruses. 1. (Newcastle disease, info 070176 on La Sota strain of Newcastle disease virus 070194 Epizootiologic studies on Newcastle disease 070200 of poultry against Newcastle disease.

070228 of NDV-neuraminidase. (Newcastle disease 070250 listeroisis. Listeriosis, a nutritional disease. 070102 Avian ocular diseases.

069576 Nine disease outbreaks associated with myx. 070155 Enzyme diagnosis in diseases of pancreas. [ 070305 in Central America. Disease pattern & vacc- 069741 on dissemination of peoliferation disease of 074203 Diseases & pests of aromatic plants from S. 074304

DIROFILARIASIS Canine dirofilariasis. (Dirofilaria immitis).

Two forms of Phoma disease of potatoes. A new Phytophthora disease of cardamom About diseases in pigs caused by Escherichia Present status of Prunus stem pitting disease to biochemical nature of plant disease resistBiochemistry of plant disease resistance: phHarz in biological control of plant disease cNew records of plant diseases in New South analysis of tubers. (Plant diseases, pests). evolution in Mycoplasma-diseased plants: yeA new disease of pomegranates in Crimea. cases & experimental production of disease of accidents & professional diseases. to problems of apple proliferation disease. Pullorum disease. (Poultry). investigation to detect pullorum disease in A survey of bovine pulmonary diseases at an neutralizing antibody & resistance to disease nature of plant disease resistance. Biochemistry of plant disease resistance: phWheat breeding for disease resitance by into Canine adenovirus respiratory disease: Isolaoutbreak & duration of respiratory diseases Prophylaxis of respiratory diseases in pouleSheep diseases. Incidence of interdigital skin diseases in floResponse of spike disease of sandal to benlaMarble spleen disease in ring-necked pheasA leaf spot disease of Artocarpus incisa L. koepkei Kruger causing yellow-spot disease structures associated with stubborn disease concerningthe "rhizomania" disease of sugar Sugarcane diseases & how to minimize dampiglets infected per os with Teschen disease bacterial conditions of urinary tract diseases control of transmissible diseases in industria. experimental transmission of disease in Japexperimental transmission of disease. (Euscefor foot-and-mouth disease transmit it to artticks & tick-born diseases transmitted by tia well-known but underestimated disease of Treatment of uterine diseases in cattle with Fool-and-mouth disease vaccine: influence of of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine type C aceffect of new castle disease vaccine against deae-d) foot-and-mouth disease vaccines; info mode of spreading of Marek's disease virus. infected per os with Teschen disease virus. activity of foot-and-mouth disease virus. interaction of Newcastle disease virus & chi. interaction of Newcastle disease virus & chiPyran) on foot-and-mouth disease virus infe. stimulation of foot-and-mouth disease virus of infectious bursal disease virus in Mexico. of a classical isolate of Marek's disease virus Research into Newcastle disease virus to dibovine virus diarrhoea-mucosal disease virus studies on African horse sickness virus (type infected with Newcastle disease virus. Foot-and-mouth disease virus: selection by reaction between Marek's disease virus & pIsolation of New-Castle disease virus from r2b) strains of Newcastle disease virus in tiacid synthesis by Newcastle disease virus minfected with Newcastle disease virus. avirulent strains of Newcastle disease virus separation of Newcastle disease virus on sucof strains of Newcastle disease virus which Effect of Newcastle disease virus tcnd strain caused by Aujeszky's disease virus in humans of a fool-and-mouth disease virus, type C, atattenulated Marek's disease virus vaccine. La Sota strain of Newcastle disease virus & neuraminidase. (Newcastle disease virus). isolates related to Marek's disease virus frVirus diseases of vegetables in Kangra Distrdisease in New South Wales. (Virus diseases] rose "yellow mosaic"--a new virus disease of Bud drop of pear. (Virus diseases). Observations on some pear virus diseases: vOn an apple decline in Italy. [Virus diseases] Virus diseases of fruit trees in Ukraine. vector) in transmission of virus diseases. [P. in specific Spanish varieties. (Virus diseases report of a recent meeting. (Virus diseases] apple tree variety Jonadel. (Virus diseases] A virus disease causing necrosis on Prunus iResearch on a probable virus disease: "virueof preventing virus X & virus S diseases in Virus diseases in sim carnations & obtaining Virus & virus diseases in grapevines. of fungal, bacterial & virus diseases in rice vector) in transmission of virus diseases. (P. Possible spread of granulose virus disease in applied to apple varieties. (Virus diseases). Records of fruit tree virus diseases in Europe studies of Newcastle disease viruses. 1. Viruof pea varieties to top yellows disease in NDISINFECTION of virucidal effect of disinfectants on foot-and Study of effect of disinfection of eggs with

074014 073936 070377 074170 072027 072244 074053 074285 074377 074254 074037 070192 070720 074204 069876 069915 069853 069749 072027 072244 072028 070192 070355 070380 070431 069791 073934 069807 073882 073982 074253 073883 074332 069710 069976 070045 069972 074251 069878 074921 074023 070354 069749 070026 070146 069776 069701 069710 069723 069766 069767 069774 069778 069799 069805 069825 069861 069916 069934 069938 069942 069954 069956 069964 069971 070035 070036 070037 070147 070174 070175 070193 070194 070250 070271 074149 074150 074166 074191 074192 074196 074215 074216 074217 074220 074224 074226 074227 074241 074264 074266 074335 074592 074624 074219 074221 070038 074150

DISEASE Some data on a potato (virus) disease. Recent findings in abortion diseases of beef Aleutian disease of mink: prevention of lesiAnimal diseases law concerning infection wiGeorgia apple disease & insect control guide Ixodidac) in Kyasanur Forest Disease Area, of serum against Aujeszky's disease. (Swine) at massive diagnostics of bacterial diseases Fire blighi-a dangerous bacterial disease of pathogenic mechanism of bacterial diseases on protecting sugar beets from diseases & pBacterial leaf blight disease of paddy. (Xan. Cotton "blue disease" in Africa: transmission with some Turkish ticks & tick-born diseases Prevent seed borne diseases by treating seerelevance to pigeon breeder's disease. Diseases of Bulgarian peaches during water Identification of infectious bursal disease viCall diseases in first two weeks. Sugar-cane diseases of potential importance Dietary factors & cardiovascular diseases--e. Isolation of New-Castle disease virus from Protective effect of new castle disease vaccion etiology of "Wahi" disease in cattle. (Dein biological control of plant disease causal A virus disease causing necrosis on Prunus ;in Triatomac vectors of Chagas disease by prow spray application for coffee disease con. Combat diseases & pests of chillies. Influence of a disease complex on yield & q.

074248 069787 069736 067146 074344 074913 070028 070012 074119 075904 074399 074120 074165 074921 073912 069574 074055 069799 069626 074327 067548 069954 070146 070062 074053 074226 075508 073998 074333 073888

071118 072712 074209 072973 069623 073002 071102 076182

DISKS Geometry of disc cutters for beveling logs. Doppel disc-electrophoresis. [Barley, kidney of virus diagnosis by disc electrophoresis. (PC (U) during survival of foliar discs of Pelain treatment of intervertebral disc protrusion On application of leaf discs for studying gas resistance of rotation of saw discs. parameters of cutting apparatus of disc type DISPERSION Ascospore dispersion in Ceratocystis spp. & properties of fibrous collagen dispersions fr. Dispersion & deposition of timothy pollen fo Dispersion & ecology of Aptilotus paradoxus soil. V. Some factors influencing dispersal & with a novel dispersal mechanism. of pig hepatocysts; rotatory optic dispersion On problem of dispersal of sand flies from DISPLACEMENT Renewal housing for displaced bees. Water displacement method; a fast & accuradirect measurement & by water displacement.

068413 068546 070379 076263 070500

071411 067920 072644 075775 076569 071303 068379 074937

DISTURBANCE On disturbance of differentiation of chick glof milk at disturbed functional activity of mFertility & reproduction disturbances in bov. of moisture content on soil disturbance & d. water quality--natural & disturbed streams fDITERPENES Diterpenes of Dacrydium kirkii. A synthesis DITERPENOIDS of some ring-C aromatic diterpenoids.

DISPOSAL Pesticide container disposal problems. facilities for animal excreta disposal. Performance of septic tank disposal fields in Production & disposal practices for liquid wReasons for disposal of A. I. bulls, & physica dilemma. (Dairy products, waste disposal] how to cope with it. (Waste disposal). Waste disposal in pig fattening installations how to cope with it. (Waste disposal). a dilemma. (Dairy products, waste disposal) Acid-iron waste disposal & summer distributDISSEMINATION on dissemination of peoliferation disease of A selective dissemination of information ( sd

074980 077144 076410 077208 069527 067853 068308 075974 077202 077222 074426

Distribution of diurnal fluctuations in stem 073234 Distribution of eggs, larvae & plants within 074702 release, & seed distribution-experiment stati- 067139 Observations on distribution of external & i- 068386 Species composition & distribution of family 075610 uniformity of distribution of feeds with mobi- 076105 Distribution of fertiliser.

076685 Distribution of floral production in different 073805 vitamin A deficiency following distribution of 067558 Distribution of free amino acids between pl. 069088 Frequency distributions; interpretation of go 069273 Geographic distribution of Micropezidae in 075786 Senegal: Ecology, geographical distribution 070095 in relation to geographical distribution in p- 072020 Senegal: Ecology, geographical distribution 074953 rationalization of grapes & its distribution. 066948 Distribution & habitat preference of Minne- 075771 Distribution & importance of wheat aphid, 074678 Distribution & improvement of agricultural 066961 chicken breeding & improving distribution of 066691 on transport & distribution of indoleacetic a. 072744 Insect distribution maps scheme progress re- 075698 Distribution of insects related to railway e- 075654 Distribution of iron in soils & chemical com- 076374 distribution of its isoenzymes in oviducts of 069243 morphology, & distribution, & with a key to 075864 testaceum Kraatz & its distribution in upla- 075777 Distribution of larch in experimental forest 070851 Data to distribution of Leptoceridae (Trich- 075821 Content & distribution of macroand microel- 076363 Influence of malathion distribution on prote- 074867 Bumblebee distribution maps scheme guide 075641 Insect distribution maps scheme progress re- 075698 of modern methods of distribution in optimi- 076081 Distribution of methylnitrophos in chicken t- 070452 Distribution & migratory behavior of parasit- 075181 of buffalo milk. I. Distribution in milk.

067814 Content & distribution of mineral elements 073148 Distribution of moisture content in an alluv- 076444 On characteristics of distribution of moisture 076445 Distribution, frequency & morphology of ne- 068752 Distribution of mycolytic bacteria in rhizos- 076583 Nest distribution of Formica yessensis Forel 075726 Distribution of nitrogen in fulvic acid fracti. 076283 of verification normality of distribution in a- 072108 Notes on distribution & ecology of Leucojum 071511 On a solution to optimum distribution of sil- 070808 Optimum distribution of reclamation works 076905 Root-distribution pattern of some wheat var- 071794 rationalization of peaches & its distribution 066947 rationalization of pears & its distribution. 066946 meals on wheels" distributed to old people. 067566 Distribution of pesticides between soil, water 075014 Crandallite, a natural phosphate distributed 076202 autecology as a guide to plant distribution. 071545 Present distribution condition of imported f- 066940 Habits & present distribution in Florida of 075289 Problems of distribution & development of 069255 condition of milk production & distribution 066956 condition of beef production & distribution 066957 Are production & distribution of "Kasesalami 067319 Basic problems in distribution of productive 067204 Distribution of professionals of veterinary so 069598 Studies on quantitative distribution of prote. 068000 Distribution of radioisotopes in soil system, 076302 Cattle dung patch. 3. Distribution & rate of 068911 areas & distribution rationalization.

066939 New distribution records for three vascular 071330 Distribution & regeneration of Pinus peuce 070767 Plantations - regularities of distribution & s- 066622 Sprinkler distribution related to chemical in- 076020 labelling with J 131), rennet distribution ( 067840 Distribution of root mass of oak stands ori to 071695 Root-distribution pattern of some wheat var- 071794 Root distribution & respiration in a Carolina 072872 Effect of tree spacing on root distribution of 073634 Distribution of Salmonella of animal origin 069988 Seasonal distribution of Plecoptera (Insecta 075529 exchange & release, & seed distribution as a- 067138 exchange & release, & seed distribution-exp. 067139 Effect of stigma removal on seed distribution 072325 seedbed environment. II. Seed distribution, 072665 Notes on distribution of Sesamum mulayan- 071291 of fiberboard. II. Particle size distribution of 070958 Estimation of pore size distribution from te- 076597 Observations on spatial distribution & relat- 070594 of statistical analysis of spatial distribution 071521 in edaphic factors & species distribution in 071647 Sprinkler distribution related to chemical in- 076020 Distribution of stands of cereals, an import- 073589 Phenology, stationary distribution & fecundi- 075142 Distribution of stomata & apicuticular wax 073037 Subcellular distribution of hydrolase in ger. 073166 iron waste disposal & summer distribution of 074426 future courses in rice supply & distribution 066941 Distribution, mechanisms of synthesis & me- 068753 at each node of water distribution system wi. 077078 handling, & distribution in technologically l- 067330 stands in relation to distribution of tree spe- 073279 Distribution of trees in spruce biogcocenoses 071528 report). Distribution of unmetabolized iaa-2 072744 of nematodes & their vertical distribution in 076553

DISSIPATION Dissipation of carbaryl residues from brinjal DISSOCIATION Pressure-induced dissociation of ribosomes High pressure dissociation of lactic dehydro- of temperature on dissociation of tartaric ac- DISTAL reduction repair of fractures of distal shaft of DISTANCE Determination of distance between drains on fragrances & its inportance in long distance Distance between loose hausing-barn & flat New trends in planting distances of fruit tr-

077033 075276 075979 073776

DIVISION Working results of division of biology of forInhibition of cell division in Saccharomyces zoospores in Oedogonium. IV. Cell division Cell division & plant development from proof beta-propiolactone on cell division in Vicof radioactive cobalt on division of cells of rResults of research of Division of Chemistry Education division of vulhm & its tasks. Effectiveness of division & specialization of Electrophoretic division of sarcoplasma proto Division of labor in agriculture & process of of fraction of lipides after their division with Suppression of generative nucleus division in 50 Years of forest protection division at vul. ethidium bromide on division of radiculary temperature resistance at reduction division Marketing & Nutrition Research Division, activities of research division. (Forestry, Cz. relating to international socialist division of Chloroplast survival & division in vitro. (CaDOCKING Searing iron for tail docking lambs.

073286 071831 071841 073175 071677 071868 073754 070534 066834 068817 066739 067739 072289 070533 072980 072739 067486 070532 066774 072485

DISTILLERIES Significance of potato distilleries. DISTRIBUTION Agricultural products, distribution). concerning supply, use, distribution, training Distribution & abundance of Folsomides des. Distribution of accumulation of metal & of Towards study of actinomycete distribution southwest of France. 1. Actual distribution of Distribution of agricultural income by econ. of Alpine plants. I. Distribution of Alpine sDistribution of Anaphes flavipes in Europe evolution & distribution of angiosperms accIncidence & distribution of antibodies inhibi. Production & distribution of apples in nortLumbricidae) distribution & biomass in six Bumblebee distribution maps scheme guide catalase in milk. 2. Distribution of catalase changes in pattern of cellular distribution of New data on distribution of certain poplar production & distribution of chemical elemevariation, distribution, & classification. Distribution of cobalt in soils of mountain & case study in collation & distribution: Dairy Collective distribution of food to pigs accordAnthocyanin colour distribution in skin of Present distribution condition of imported fo New data on distribution & behaviour of Sildistribution, structure & development of st. Description of distribution of discharges for

066992 076859 075795 075084 076244 071538 066894 071656 075706 071239 069694 066944 071667 075641 067856 075224 075570 073304 071333 076479 067072 068869 073127 066940 075138 071715 076981

DOCTORS Professor Doctor Jerzy Lipanowicz. (Veteriof death of Professor Doctor Jozef Zwierz. Professor Doctor Tadeusz Kowalczyk. (VeteDOCUMENTATION information & documentation center serving Trends of mechanised documentation in food of improvement in system of documentation

DOGS glutamic oxalacetic transaminase. (Dogs). at high altitude. (Guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs) strong, courageous: Newfoundland. (Dogs). with application of tissue adhesives. (Dogs] Root canal filling of a non-vital tooth. (Dogs] a survey & evaluation of techniques. (Dogs) in pet shops & professional breeding. (Dogs) diagnosis in diseases of pancreas. [Dogs). capillaries in mammary blastoma. (Dogs). treatment with "meladinine." (Catile, dogs]

068511 068633 069453 069556 069657 069740 069977 070305 070306 070315

diseases of nervous system of domestic fowl Arteries of pelvic limb of domestic goose (A. urinary calculi in herbivorous domestic aniObservations of equines, humans & domestic potassium salt from domestic kalitrachytes. of preparation kcl from domestic kalium traof testing of planting machines of domestic fruits & vegetables in domestic markets. Phenology of domestic & cultivated floweriTrematoda: Heterophyidae) in domestic pigs Toxoplasma infection in domestic rabbits. Fascioliasis of domestic ruminants. (Fasciola Suitability of calves of several domestic cattDomestic shipments of u.s. cotton, 1970--71 Syngamosis of domestic & wild ruminants. Domestic ticks (Arachnida, Acari). 2.(AustrComparison of domestic varieties of spring

070301 068580 070395 069742 076837 076835 076133 066940 071634 069967 069759 069862 069536 067094 070093 075779 073444

DORSAL Fusion of dorsal & ventral endocardial cushi-

in thorax & abdominal region. (Dogs). Syntocinon: a treatment for agalactia in dog aeruginosa) infection in an Alsation dog. cerebral angiography in dog. Contribution to brain angiography in dogs. of dog. V iii. Pulmonary artery of dog. case of diarrhoca in a young dog associated reaginic antibodies of atopic dog. artery after lung autograft in a dog. On postrenal azotaemia in dogs. protein fractions in normal Beagle dogs. clinical response of Beagle dog. An aortic occlusion in a dog caused by hearagainst nematodes & cestodes of dogs. Toxicity of sodium chlorate to dog. conditions of urinary tract diseases of dogs Hip dysplasia in dog. Normal & abnormal electrocardiogram of d-g. Results of X-ray examination of 103 dogs for Functional hepatic exploration in dog by B. Reduced urine concentration in dogs exposed of finding Salmonella in faeces of dogs & ca. infectious canine hepatitis in dogs fed a high to feed pelletised standard fodder to dogs. treatment of femoral fractures in dogs by use among horse & dog gammaG globulins. arccoline hydrobromide when given to dogs Present problems of immunization of dogs. in Ancylostoma caninum infection in dogs. I normal & isolated small intestine of dogs. diagnosis of leptospirosis in dogs on Croatian dermatomyositis with bony lesions in a dog Megakaryocytic leukosis of dog. Serum enzyme levels in dogs during regenerA case of microsporidiosis in dogs & cats careserpine administration in mongrel dogs. Histoplasma & Blastomyces in mongrel dogs. note on examination of native dogs for micrDiscases of exocrine pancreas of dogs. On application of parotin to old dogs. A case of photosensitization in dogs (chronic Partial purification of dog pituitary glycoprmacrophages during pregnancy in bitch. Sperm production in dogs under chronic gaof intervertebral disc protrusion in dog. encephalitis virus from brain of a sick dog in experimental treatment of snakebite in dogs Incidence of spirocercosis in dogs. oesophageal invagination of stomach in dog studies on physical structure of dog. V iii. P. Cranio--facial growth studies using dogs. Adam-Stokes syndrome in a dog. Changes in central nervous system in dogs of Salpha-dihydrotestosterone by dog testis. Method for thromboelastography in dogs. on parasollicular cells of dog thyroid. in parenchymal organs of dogs treated with Practical surgical treatments for dogs. 21. Pathological studies on tumor in dogs. II. S. Typical & abnormal urination by dogs. Vaccinations of dogs; comparison between so Behavior of wolves & dogs. A case of diarrhoea in a young dog associat

070418 070369 069955 069561 069589 068713 070375 070410 069622 070341 068786 069562 069788 069744 070445 069976 070296 070393 070334 069625 068422 070245 069745 069074 070423 068506 070133 069978 069761 068394 070161 070282 070331 068601 070013 069564 070125 070077 070328 068679 070433 068618 068512 069451 069623 069716 070444 069921 070436 068713 068589 070330 068459 068424 069590 068516 070443 069573 070326 068700 070066 068446 070375

DOSAGE soybean flour in vitro & disinfestation dose 074874 Calculating fertilizer dosage for planned yie. 076768 phosphorus fertilizers applied in heavy doses 076617 of intramuscularly administered high doses 070343 of trees & brush plants to high doses of min- 072494 Results of experiments with high doses of p- 076747 meadow stand to application of a high dose 076853 Effect of increased doses of mineral fertilize- 072658 influence of route of inoculation & dose of a. 069776 Fertilizing with integrated doses of phospho- 076748 Maximal doses of silage at different number 068958 of density of sowing & of doses of nitrogen fo 072999 Optimum doses & proportions of nutrients 076657 Efficacy of single oral doses of ticarbodine 069744 of therapeutic & prophylactic doses of copp- 069995 of different amounts & ratios of some doses 076218 Absolute minimum X-ray doses for sterilizing 074876 Dosage-response curve for auxin-induced cell 072882 Dose responses with subcutaneous infusion of 068420 Doses of sperm & quantity of spermatozoa 069518 Kelfizin, sulfamidic of low dosage.

070206 Effectiveness of various doses & of time of 076656 Effect of increasing water dosage in liquid t- 077113

075978 074191 074415 073315 069388

DOLLARS Dollars & decisions in tree planting.

DROP Technical methods to heat dropping boxes. Bud drop of pear. (Virus diseases). Flower bud drop in peaches. Cone drop & pollination in Pinus thunbergii Alkaline phosphatase in cytoplasmic droplet DROSOPHILA in insect populations. (Drosophila). in interspecific hybrids. (Drosophila). within a testcross framework. (Drosophila). of competitive exclusion. (Drosophila). trees. (Drosophila, Betula alleghaniensis, Bthymidine analogs on Drosophila. I ii. 5-iod. natural populations of Drosophila bifasciata Taxonomy of Drosophila bipectinata species melanogaster & Drosophila funebris. species group of Drosophila. species group of Drosophila. of optic lobes in Drosophila jambulina. activation techniques for labeling Drosophila characters. (Drosophila melanogaster). in shale oil. (Drosophila melanogaster). population of Drosophila melanogaster. fertility studies of Drosophila melanogaster phosphatase of Drosophila melanogaster. I. homeostasis in a Drosophila melanogaster n. Coexistence of Drosophila melanogaster & heterochromatin of Drosophila melanogaster of inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster stages of Drosophila melanogaster. eyed mutant of Drosophila melanogaster. spermiogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster: spermiogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster: population of Drosophila melanogaster. its mofification in Drosophila melanogaster of superspecies Drosophila paulistorum. Selection of oviposition sites by Drosophila. in Hawaiian species of Drosophila. V. Additof cardini group of Drosophila studied by inin semispecies of superspecies Drosophila pnatural population of Drosophila transferred in chromosomes of Drosophila willistoni. New picture-winged Drosophila from Hawaii

DOMESTIC On time & origin centers of domestic anima-s sanitary management of domestic animals. of erythrocytes in domestic animals. hormone (parotin) to domestic animals. 1. hormone (parotin) to domestic animals. 2. Mineral level in serum of domestic animals. of female sterility in domestic animals. of genetic resources in domestic animals. of decay index. (Domestic animals). Acaractics for domestic animals & poultry. strains isolated from domestic animals. in listeriosis of domestic animals in Senegal. of trace elements in domestic animals & conCauses of tumors in domestic animals. genetic disease in domestic animals. calculi in herbivorous domestic animals. Anatoxin poisoning in domestic animals. on osteosynthesis in domestic carnivora. 1. of calves of several domestic cattle breeds & impact of introduction of domestic cattle inliver & ovarian follicles in domestic chicken muscle triglycerides in domestic chicken (Gdevelopment by domestic cricket Acheta doReview of literature

(foreign & domestic) on actions of cadmium in rat & domestic fowl. studies on meat production of domestic fowl studies on meat production of domestic fowl studies on meat production of domestic fowl studies on meat production of domestic fowl Carbohydrate metabolism in domestic fowl. in chewing muscles of some domestic fowl. Nitrogen requirements in domestic fowl. allele of serum esterases in domestic fowl & sexual behavior in males of domestic fowl (

Steiermark. X vi/8. Dragonfly findings of i- 075782 Dragonfly formitories.

075472 habitat preference of Minnesota dragonfly s- 075771 DRAINAGE construction work cost. (Irrigation, drainage 066875 lands of wooded district adjoining drained s. 073295 designs in drainage calculations under condi. 077032 Construction of drainage canals by means of 075932 Drainage coefficient for surface drainage of 077039 Efficiency of combined drainage in Turkmen- 077004 Determination of distance between drains on 077033 Construction of filtration drainage in green- 075951 Drainage of forest areas of Arkhangelsk Reg. 077057 Forest drainage projects.

077060 Drainage of forests of Moscow Region.

077059 by direct seeding on drained heavy.clay pad- 077076 desalinization effect of horizontal drainage. 077031 in connection with drainage improvement w. 076261 of peat soils under influence of draining & u- 076589 Drainage & irrigation for systems Economic 066876 Intensive use of irrigated & drained lands. 066647 Hydrogeological observation on drained lan-s 077002 Laying out of drains by sloping level line of 075933 Laying drain pipes not in ditches is much fa. 075960 Drainage as method of regulation of soil mo- 077110 lands with a poor natural drainage & hydrau- 077092 Drainage of outlaying parts of mountain bogs 077058 variance over a long period of drainage. Stu- 077080 Laying drain pipes not in ditches is much fa- 075960 on construction of plastic drainage by trenc- 075931 Forest drainage projects.

077060 Role of drainage in reclamation of salinized 077029 Use of horizontal sand drains to reduce pore 077042 Surface soil drainage in cutting areas in Vac- 077062 tanks with bottom stream drainage at non-r- 077106 Drainage coefficient for surface drainage of 077039 district adjoining drained swampland.

073295 of conveying canals of a drainage system. 075928 in planning of dam & drainage systems on a 077091 of leaching by means of vertical drainage. 076348

068275 068290 068442 068678 068679 068681 069419 069434 069555 069559 069702 070127 070297 070356 070358 070395 070438 069630 069536 077191 068505 068649 075107 069975 068 508 068682 068683 068684 068685 068725 068752 068901 069270 069329

075118 075139 075301 075467 073297 075281 075428 075856 075298 075531 075851 075555 075532 075135 075136 075153 075154 075177 075275 075298 075299 075386 075400 075406 075425 075426 075466 075530 075274 075298 075854 075533 075274 075309 075283 075852

072703 077053 076436 072110 072937 073204 073578 073587 072939 071675 073013

067270 069637 070009 069621 070275 073848 067451 071880 072544 070151 068875 069973 067455 073951

water use, harvestable dry matter production 072922 Strontium content in dry matter of peas in 073139 treatment for long period on dry matter pr- 074323 fertilization. I. Level of green & dry matter 076731 lands on yield of grasses in dry meadows. 076973 radiation properties of freeze-dried meats. 067910 moisture in green tea by oven-drying method. 067735 estimating moisture content of dried milk p- 067842 enzymes activity in lambs fed on dried milk. 068934 "multiphase drying"--a new method for dryi- 068154 properties of freeze-dried mushrooms.

068168 of moisture in green tea by oven-drying met- 067735 Calving performance of drylot & pasture co- 069480 in milk after treatment in dry period. (Catt- 070275 Drying of alfalfa in beet pulp drying plant of 068248 Dried potatoes in cattle feeding.

069042 cattle fed rations containing dried poultry 068855 drying. I ii. A principle of predicting drying 070957 process of wood fiber for dry processing of f- 070958 process of wood fiber for dry processing of f- 070964 Stand of pulp drying & production of mixed 068241 Drying of alfalfa in beet pulp drying plant of 068248 Rice cracking in high rate drying.

068037 of gamma radiation on freeze-drying rates. 067921 level & source of roughage in drylot rations 069168 flaked, popped, reconstituted & dry rolled s- 069031 Comparison of reconstituted & dry rolled so- 069171 for feeder lambs: comparison of dry rolled, 069172 B12 vitamin content in italian dry sausages 067563 under some forage plants during dry season 072870 restraint to remove warp in dried softwood 070908 in soil. I. Oxidation in air-dried soil samples 076609 Serotyping of fresh and/or dried soybean ro- 076606 of parameters influencing drying speed of fe- 067962 Absorption capacity of wood of dried spruce 070979 beef roasts cooked from frozen state by dry 067914 Irtysh River floodplain soils in dry steppe 2- 076501 Drying & storage of cereals.

068085 ii. A principle of predicting drying stresses. 070957 during spring, followed by summer dryness, 073226 Cost determination in timber drying.

070900 supplementation on pasture, drylot & total 068997 Effect of different ways of drying on beta-ca- 068244 Increase in dry weight & decrease in moistu- 072819 On memory effect of wood during drying. I 070957

DWARFISM Ruminants & Kata in West African Dwarf go some properties of raspberry bushy dwarf viDevelopment of dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobspecies of Neoborella from dwarf mistletoe Effects of gibberellin A3 on dwarf mutants of physiological studies on dwarf mutants of riEffects of gibberellin A3 on dwarf mutants of physiological studies on dwarf mutants of riof transmission of barley yellow dwarf virus of Marquillo x Kenya Farmer wheat dwarf 1 DYERS Dyers woad--search & destroy. (Isatis tinctoDYES from undyed top to industrially dyed top & Leather dyeing for clothes. Dimers of isoeugenol by dye-sensitized photo

070156 074172 074482 075688 072047 072048 072832 072833 074243 071726

ccc) & presowing drought hardening on groDrought in Kansas. of moisture in soil & plants during drought. brecding stock for resistance to drought. On drought resistance of Agropyron pectini. grounds of watermelon drought-resistance uof corn collection for drought resistance & rLaboratory evaluation of drought resistance Drought-resistant barley forms in MongoloInduction by drought of short, tuberized rooof grapes to high temperatures & drought in DRUGS program of Food & Drug Administration. ( pharmacology. 4. biotransformation of drugs Effect of some antibiotics & chemical drugs Quantitative evaluation of effects of drugs uDrug-inhibiting substances in milk after treCatha edulis, a little known drug plant. Toxicity in natural drugs of plant origin; acproblems on breeding of drug plants. in Tibetian medicine. (Drug plants). Drug-resistance in Trypanosoma evansi. Identification of sulfa drugs in medicated feits prophylaxis-by various drugs (review). with feed additive & drug withdrawal periods Wonder drug. (Grapes, Plasmopara viticola, DRYING of organic liquids used as drying agents. (FoConversion coefficients for air-dry mass as components in soil. I. Oxidation in air-dried ori beta-carotene loss in drying alfalfa using Drying of alfalfa in beet pulp drying plant of Supplementation of dry annual range by irrEffect of artificially dried corn on feeding so value of naturally & artificially dried maize How to buy dried beans, peas & lentils. Experimental results with drying Burley & How to buy dried beans, peas & lentils. Drying up of Carex physodes & Carex pachDry caustic peeling of tree fruit to reduce li. Corn & other cereals drying. Review of drying of cereals & legumes in trInstallation for drying of cereals. Effect of freeze-drying conditions on quality Fruit trees under dry conditions of culture. in apple orchards under dry conditions of cuPneumatic equipment for drying of cones. on beer cattle fed rations containing dried pa steady rate of radiation-convection drying Drying of corn. Effect of artificially dried corn on feeding s. Influence of feeding dry cows with different On feeding of dry cows. additive declaration as "brut, dry & demi sec of soil moisture content & dry density of poof moisture content & dry density of heavy of moisture content & dry density in an alluof moisture content & dry density in Kanto for moisture content & dry density in Kanto of soil moisture & dry density of field on voOn nonuniformity of dry density & moisture of moisture content & dry density in gravelly Azeotropic distillation drying of wood with Effect of dryness & temperature rise on soEffects of drying & communication of red clof certain hardwoods & effects on drying. II a ration supplement to lambs fed in drylot. Influence of feeding dry cows with different On drying out of floodplain Quercus forests Effect of freeze-drying conditions on quality Future of food industry lies in freeze-drying Effect of freeze-drying conditions on quality Thermal radiation properties of freeze-dried Effect of gamma radiation on freeze-drying Thermal properties of freeze-dried mushrooFreeze-drying of kh3j vaccine strain of Mycof cow milk protein in freeze drying. 1. radiation (60 cobalt) on dry & germinated s. mathematical modelling of grain drying. redistribution of maize grain in drying & he. Method of use of dry grain corn in feeding of moisture control for continuous grain dryers Action of dry guava leaves on bacteria, cont. Consumptive water use, harvestable dry matdrying"--a new method for drying heat-sensiDry & high-moisture corn as affected by prDry & high-moisture corn fed whole or rollDry & high-moisture corn as affected by pro of optimal of parameters influencing drying irrigation. II. Effect of irrigation & drying B1, B2, & B12 vitamin content in italian dry Kiln-drying of southern pine poles: results of Problem of classification of dry lands of Ta. loss in drying alfalfa using drier Ikb. value of naturally & artificially dried maize Conversion coefficients for air-dry mass as method for determination of dry matter & po between content of carotene & dry matter in Dry matter content & hydrogen ion concentleaf area index for corn grain & dry matter

071147 072637 076609 068244 068248 069017 068879 069049 066928 067993 066928 072302 077210 068061 068086 076097 067286 073705 073129 070805 068855 071112 068054 068879 068894 069156 068112 076441 076442 076443 076445 076446 076447 076448 076450 070939 076466 069105 070945 069166 068894 070511 067286 067704 067887 067910 067921 068168 069851 067794 072024 068026 068029 069119 076007 076607 072922 068154 068259 069140 069148 067962 073196 067563 070904 076256 068244 069049 072637 067841 068935 069079 072731

DYNAMICS of genetic population. 1. Dynamics of weight Amino acid dynamics in ionite substrate with Dynamics of adrenal response to sustained l- Dynamics of bacterial seeding of milk in rel- Dynamic balance between plant species in of soddy-podzolic soil on dynamic of carbon ovis) in sheep. I ii. Dynamics of complement. Dynamic compression results in greatly incr- Dynamics of development of forest fund in growth & dynamics of development of some Ecological dynamics of watersheds. Dynamics of exchangable potassium in Bro- Dynamic extinguishing of vibrations in whee- growth substances on dynamics of formation Dynamics of free amino acids in sugar beets Phytoindication of glacier dynamics & ecolo- Essay on architecture & on growth dynamics chicken tissues & its dynamics of isolation in Dynamics of live weight & features of meta- of pea & bean seeds under a dynamic load. studies on longitudinal dynamics of motive Dynamics of muscular tissue in Bombyx mo- Dynamics of nucleic acids in cow's liver & in Dynamics of nucleic acids in shoot apex cells Dynamics of polyphenols in process of stra- Population dynamics of Aphis gossypii Glov. Studies on population dynamics of Evetria c- Investigations on population dynamics of Al- Dynamic properties of pigment matrix of p- Study of dynamics of protein composition of Dynamics of reserve glucides & nutritive po- Dynamics of resin secretion of Pinus sylvest- Gain control in retina & retinal dynamics. Fauna of nematodes of rice & its dynamics On seasonal dynamics of forest fires. Seasonal dynamics of ticks (Oribatei) in ex- Dynamic structure of plant communities in Dynamics of substances contents in a germi- Blood sugar dynamics in rabbits with exper-

Dynamics of survival & growth of seedlings

Dynamics of total, active acidity & L-ascorb-
Dynamics of trace elements in flooded & m- Dynamics of tree growth & several methods animals on dynamics of vegetation in conser- of forms of ground vegetation dynamics. Dynamics of water-soluble salts under alfalfa Dynamics of water & mechanical stabilities

069506 076416 068421 067264 071546 076927 070181 070915 070726 070754 076975 076522 076175 072684 072966 071573 070736 070452 069523 068092 071108 075906 068687 072941 073104 074669 075537 075552 072338 069217 072268 070933 068708 074423 070529 075240 071547 072860 070285 070771 068217 076245 070598 071549 071571 076469 076482

DUCKS of salt glands of Anas domesticus. (Ducks). 068515 Grandry's corpuscles. (Chick embryos, ducks] 068612 in fowls, (chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks). 068750 virus isolations from young & adult ducks. ( 069997 White Pekin ducklings against duck virus h- 069798 test of haemoglobin in ducks of different age 068494 disease virus in cell cultures of duck embryo 069805 control of extrarenal excretion in duck (Anas 068538 of sodium fluoride on body growth in ducks 068908 proteins & amino acids in muscles of ducks 070408 associated with myxoviruses among ducks in 070155 Cardiac output of ducks during diving.

068509 parentally immune White Pekin ducklings. 069800 of different populations of ducks & their cro- 068416 metabolic pool of liver proteins in ducklings 068495 Serum proteins of ducklings under different 068496 Influenza virus in ducks. (serotype 6 of avian 070001 DUCKWEED for sugar inhibition of duckweed flowering. 072534 damage to a plant body (small duckweed). 072563

DYNASTIDAE New & already known Dynastinae (ColeoptDYSDERCUS of cotton stainer, Dysdercus fasciatus SignoDYSENTERY Therapeutic tests in hemorrhagic dysentery Colibacillosis or common swine dysentery. Winter dysentery in cattle. DYSPLASIA Hip dysplasia in dog. examination of 103 dogs for dysplasia of hip DYSTOCIA parturition: maternal causes of dystocia & st. DYSTROPHY phytol on incidence of muscular dystrophy in

EARS rolled maize & high moisture ear corn silage of protein supplements in ground ear corn ddevelopment of skin glands in ears of cows, of drought during spindling, ear formation & Jew's ear (Hirneola auricula judae) in DenAn evaluation of modified mass & ear-to-row Methods of ear-to-row selection in wheat. contraction velocity of middle ear muscles in time of motor units of middle ear muscles in Growth rate of vegetative organs & ears in in cor germ during ripening of ear. Patter of grain set within ears of wheat.

068856 069141 068417 072899 073957 071891 072099 068397 068398 072776 072643 072700

On certain ecological aspects of plant devel- 071570 Ecology of Chaco. (Plants).

071661 Ecological characteristics of Aristida longise- 072757 Ecology of Clostridium botulinum.

067332 relation to weather & ecological conditions. 072302 Desf. under various ecological conditions. 072782 Ecological consequences of sedentarization of 066546 Ecological consequences of Bedouin settlem- 066547 Ecological consequences of pesticides used fo 074689 Ecological consequences of sedentarization of 077188 Ecological consequences of Bedouin settlem- 077189 Ecological consequences of rangeland devel- 077190 Ecological crisis, productivity & animal pro- 068304 On ecology of desmids. I. Desmids & water 071526 On ecology of desmids. I. Desmids & water 071527 Ecological determination of height of winter 072908 Nature protection--ecological discipline. 077132 Senegal: Ecology, geographical distribution 070095 Conservation of ecological diversity of Medi- 077140 Ecological dynamics of watersheds.

076975 in light of some ecological effects of manag. 071556 Ecological effects of chemical control of rod- 077185 On ecology of Eyprepocnemis plorans (Cha- 075137 Ecology, explanatory factor in agricultural 077197 Effect of ecological factors upon seed format- 073251 Effect of some ecological factors on dehydro- 076544 Studies on biology & ecological features of 075307 degrees of complexity. [Forest ecology). 071562 Ecological framework for deer management 070626 Generalizing ecological information using m- 074818 Ecological impact of introduction of domestic 077191 Generalizing ecological information using m- 074818 Ecology of lactic streptococci. A review. (D- 067830 Notes on distribution & ecology of Leucojum 071511 ecosystems through ecological management 077140 in apple orchard. I ii. ecology of megachilid 073048 Ecology of milk packaging.

067829 Ecological niches of sympatric phytoplankt- 071531 Ecological note on Lycopodium inundatum in 071557 of literature & ecological observations.

071652 biochemical studies, its origins & ecology. 068742 Ecological & phenological characteristics of 071612 On influence of phylogeny & ecology on so- 069993 Physiological ecology of Cyanidium caldari- 072415 Ecology of phytoplankton of Volta Lake. 071578 analysis in phytosociology & ecology. Appli- 071641 India according to F. Blasco. (Plant ecology 070455 S. Govorukhin (1903--1970). (Plant ecology) 071199 Research in field of plant ecology & geobot. 071568 white-fronted geese in winter. (Plant ecology) 071598 classification by similitude to plant ecology 071639 Population ecology of Atriplex under sheep 068949 investigation on ecology of population of an- 075110 effects of grazing on population ecology of c- 075197 Locust control: ecological problems & inter- 074611 provided by an ecological profile & indicator 071638 On ecological properties of Salix alba in D- 071604 Nature protection--ecological discipline. 077132 cross sterility between ecological races of m- 075473 of glacier dynamics & ecological regimes of 071573 cana association in relation to its ecology. 071636 panorama of fauna & its ecological relations 077252 Ecological relationships of insect-xylobionts 075238 Ecological research of beech, at low altitude 071538 of tensiometers in ecological researches. 071574 of soil genesis & ecology researches.

076489 ecology of Scolopendromorpha of Peru. 075810 of lichen thalli & its ecological significance. 072260 of species composition & ecology of spider 075759 Ecological studies in plankton of certain fre- 071577 Ecological studies of Alpine plants. I. Distr- 071656 Physiological & ecological studies on corn g- 072731 Ecological studies of Pirata subpiraticus (B- 075114 Ecological studies on arthropod fauna of cer- 075120 Ecological studies on Diptera breeding in d- 075258 Introduction to ecological study of prostrate 071537 Ecological study of a hillside marsh in east- 071579 An ecological study on yellow rust mite, Ac- 074587 Introduction to ecologic study of a water co- 077247 barley forms in Mongolo-Tibet ecological gr- 072939 durum Desf. under various ecological condit- 072782

Technico-economic aspects of management of Economic assessment of soil compaction. Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) in Council for Mutual Economic Assistance]. Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, ag. Council for Mutual Economic Assistance). Council for Mutual Economic Assistance]. of Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Council for Mutual Economic Assistance). Council for Mutual Economic Assistance]. of Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Council for Mutual Economic Assistance). of Council for Mutual Economic Assistance irrigation for systems Economic basis. Economic basis for intensification of forestry irrigation for systems Economic basis. Economic & biological features of Belta tetrof technical & economic calculation to netwbiological & economic characteristics of cattMorphological & economic characteristics of of agricultural income by economic class of Do classical economic concepts lead to enviguidance in European Economic Community market as European Economic Community olive oil in European Economic Community Methods of European Economic Community of European Economic Community. Do classical economic concepts lead to envi. Effect of natural & economic conditions on Economic conditions of farmers of West Bestudies on economic consequences & heredity influencing fat consumption economic impliRole of olive culture in economic & social liEconomics of dairy industry & marketing miEconomic development of lebanon. Economic development of Jordan. Economic development of Egypt. Economic development of Iraq. Economic development of Syria. problems of economic development of Saudi Economic development problems of Israel, strategy of social & economic development. of local currencies in economic development s 10-year plan of economic development, 19 husbandry in general economic development husbandry in general economic development trade & Russian trade: economic diplomacy Economic education of scientific staff. (AgriEconomic effect of application of fertilizers effect on economic effectiveness of agricultuOn economic effectiveness of production & Economic effectiveness of selecting cows for Economic effectiveness of using cows of AyrOn economic effectiveness of automation of water resources & its economic effectiveness Economic effectiveness of applying mineral Economic efficiency of anti-foot-and-mouth On economic efficiency of two-stage shelterEconomic efficiency of lime & phosphate roDetermination of economic efficiency of watTeaching of economic entomology. More economic use of equipment. guidance in European Economic Community agricultural market as European Economic Future of olive oil in European Economic C. Methods of European Economic Community in framework of European Economic CommEconomic evaluation of cooperative associat. Forestry & economic evaluation of forest crStudies on evolving economic rations for chiEconomic factors in Alaska milk marketing Cultural & economic factors influencing food probability study of economics of fallow-seeCanadian farm economics; spring outlook 1 Economics of fertilizer use. Objectives, constraints & economics of forest An important reserve in economics of forest for animal husbandry in general economic dfor animal husbandry in general economic dEconomics of growing & feeding alfalfa & cocultivation methods & economics of growing fat consumption economic implications for aSocial-economic importance of intensive 200of some oilseeds of economic importance. Technical & economic index numbers in larof work & technical & economic indicators of conditions on formation of economic indices. Economic indices of production for coniferoEconomics of intercropping of mung & cowEconomics of irrigated pastures. Economic justification of mechanized care of Problems on economics of land reclamation Estimation of economic losses caused by infEconomics & management of strawberry culEconomics & management of strawberry culUse of economic-mathematical methods in Use of economic-mathematical methods in alands--a social & economic measure of major of sev (Council for Mutual Economic Assistcountries of Council for Mutual Economic A. economics, Council for Mutual Economic Aswork. (Council for Mutual Economic Assist

077015 066877 066678 067151 067209 067211 067216 067302 069603 073739 074292 076809 066707 066876 070633 077006 073364 075934 069330 073557 066894 077200 066601 067103 067191 069161 069628 077200 066630 066745 069303 067025 067192 067049 066650 066651 066652 066653 066654 066655 067174 067196 067199 067200 067230 067448 066978 066608 076724 066633 066915 069531 069532 075929 076407 076776 070221 070826 076777 076982 074648 066755 066601 067103 067191 069161 069628 066716 070648 068975 066962 067536 076212 067147 066878 070616 070667 067230 067448 066888 073787 067025 067242 068046 066831 070658 066630 071097 073370 066863 070641 066862 066886 066693 066694 066709 066717 070850 066678 066707 067151 067209

ECDYSIS Larral ecdysis in five pests of stored grains Saltatoria, Gryllidae). IV. Ecdysis of short ECDYSONE in biosynthesis of beta-ecdysone (20-hydroxAction of ecdysone & of inokosterone on reECHINOCHLOA of Sayan Mountains foothills. (Echinochloa) in barnyard millet (Echinochloa crus-galli ( ECHINOCOCCOSIS Echinococcosis in Utah. ECHINOCOCCUS membranes of larvocyst of Echinococcus. [SECLOSION Silk moth eclosion: hormonal triggering of a ECOLOGY Ehrh = Quercus sessislora Salisb.). (Ecology) aspen (Populus tremula L.). (Ecology). Scotch elm (Ulmus scabra Mill.). (Ecology) Wid apple (Malus sylvestris Mill.). [Ecolo-y] ish (Sorbus aucuparia L.). (Ecology). linden (Tilia cordata Mil.). (Ecology). maple (Acer platanoides L.). (Ecology). buckthom (Frangula alnus Mill.). [Ecology] ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.). (Ecology). oder (Alnus glutinosa Gaert.). [Ecology). Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.). (Ecology), hombeam (Carpinus betulus L.). (Ecology): linear regression. (Plants, animals, ecology) birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.). [Ecology). Studies on ecology of actinomycetes in soil. Studies on ecology of actinomycetes in soil. Ecology of Aphis craccivora Koch & subterrConcept of integration in applied ecology. Dispersion & ecology of Aptilotus paradoxus Ecology of aquatic insects of peat bogs of hiEcological aspects of protein feeding -- case On certain ecological aspects of plant develBiochemical & ecological aspects of plant-pEcological aspects of pest control in MalaysEcological aspects of protein feeding-- case Data on fauna & ecology of beetles-wood boEcological & biological characteristics of la

071616 071617 071618 071619 071620 071621 071622 071623 071625 071627 071628 071629 071672 071626 076567 076569 074236 071560 075775 075515 067560 071570 072169 074610 077194 074809 073149

ECONOMICS Tasks of agrarian-economic science in ninth relevance of agricultural economics. years old. (Agricultural economics). years old. (Agricultural economics). long research life in agricultural economics. program in action. (Agricultural economics, Some agro-economic problems in production Agro-economic study on certain methods of Economics of alternative drought strategies An economic analysis of Indian behavior in Economic analysis of selected low-income fa- An economic analysis of Indian behavior in Economic analysis of alternative methods for Some economic aspects of irrigation. (India) Fatty substances: some economic aspects. I Political, social, & economic aspects of food Biological & economic aspects of feeding co- Economic aspects & marketing in forestry & Technical & economic aspects of sprinkling

067252 066626 066631 066632 066674 067151 066998 073695 066840 066556 066763 067040 077211 066844 066966 067184 069055 070612 075935

Page 21

06885 07706 06799 06923 06676 06923 06955 07209 07244 06680 07601 06672 0668 06681 07069 06882 07480 0691€ 06979 0693 07012 0669 07109 07382 06799 0706 0667€

agriculture. [Council for Mutual Economic cooperation. (Council for Mutual Economic countries of Council for Mutual Economic A. services. (Council for Mutual Economic Assiof sev. (Council for Mutual Economic Assiststates of Council for Mutual Economic Assiof comecon (Council for Mutual Economic Economics of nitrogen application in wheat Economic organization of producers & mark. Potential economic values of weather modifiEconomic problems of technical development Social & economic problems in industrializaEconomic problems of introducing technical Some agro-economic problems in production olive culture & its economic problems. must end. (Agricultural production economi-s] Regional economic program: 1971 in comparBiological & economic properties of introduBiological & economic properties of certain A test of hypothesis of economic rationality Studies on evolving economic rations for chiEconomics of rearing Hariana male calves. Economic reform & increase in efficiency of Regional economic program: 1971 in comparEffectiveness of economic regulators today in Research & economics. (Agriculture). Some results in economic research. (Forestry Some economic results in forestry of Sofia Economics of retained ownership of calves Tasks of agrarian-economic science in ninth in oilseeds, oils & fats; selected economic & Social-economic importance of intensive 200production; its technico, economic & social Economic & social significance of upstream Economic state of farms which changed their Agro-economic study on certain methods of Glasshouse lettuce; an economic survey in L. Drainage & irrigation for systems Economic Technico-economic aspects of management of Making economic terminology in agricultural its effect on some economic traits in TharpaResults of economic trials on chemical protEconomics of upland & inland valley swamp of technical & economic utilization of farm principles of methods of economic valuation Potential economic values of weather modifi.

Improvement of efficiency of manufactured Volga River area & efficiency of measures fo Analysis of meat efficiency tests in pigs at sMeat efficiency & carcass value of heifers & of harvesting work--efficient method of redupastures on their future milk efficiency. Milk efficiency of crossbreds of Bohemian P. Mutational efficiency of fast neutrons in Leas factors of mineral nutrition efficiency. Management, man, & efficiency of operation of mechanization in efficiently oriented agriEfficiency of pork production on specialized increase in efficiency of production of state of agricultural production efficiency. Increasing production efficiency in forestry on some efficiency properties of Black-Pied I. Properties of oils in relation to efficiency Relative efficiencies of conversion of feed to Relative efficiency of absorption of IgG1, I. of production & reproduction efficiency in Efficiency of serologic & cultural methods in a study of sources of efficiency. An efficient system of processing wood blocof palmette orchards. efficient technology of Analysis of meat efficiency tests in pigs at sEfficient utilization of state forest & collectof execution of harvesting work--efficient meEFFLUENT Influence of sewage plant effluent irrigation for processing potato starch plant effluents. from edible fat & oil refinery effluents. Effect of irrigation with retting effluent on fOperation of industrial retting effluent treaof food processing liquid waste effluent. filtration treatment of whey effluents.

EDDIES among townships in Eddy County.

067211 067216 067302 069603 073739 074292 076809 076755 067080 072818 066664 066671 066826 066998 067194 067030 067148 072898 072901 066762 068975 066881 066811 067148 067043 066603 070688 070608 066720 067252 066996 067242 075940 077165 067128 073695 066885 066876 077015 067125 069340 070571 073435 066832 066679 072818

EDEMA Edema disease in pigs in Argentina: its verif- 070350 Malignant oedema in antelopes. (Clostridium 070186 of benzydamine action in udder edema of info 069695

0711 07721 07722 0770€ 07724 0772€ 07722

EDUCATION agriculture & animal husbandry. (Education] finding motives in process of adult education Changes in higher agricultural education & Consumer education to minimize abuse of f. Education division of vulhm & its tasks. Economic education of scientific staff. (Agriof training areas in extension education as income tax system for financing education in Education of food technologists in some Eas. Some problems of forest education in light of Forestry education & public relations in Paworld consultation on forestry education & Audio-visual techniques in forestry education methods in cooperative member education. Can a case be made for nutrition education New regulation of occupational education & Education policy from view point of rural afor future-oriented reserves in education & f. Technical & scientific education at service of Directory of post-secondary education in agr. Education of specialists needed for impleme. Educating technical people for food industry On practice of training & education in farm

066606 066521 066524 067436 070534 066608 066537 066528 067688 070566 070492 070507 070559 066549 067557 066543 066540 069615 067690 066567 076945 067689 066564

ECONOMY Agricultural economy of Thailand. Agricultural economy & trade of Spain. Statistical & economical analysis of mechan. Economical aspect of procedures in produciBusiness economy of marketing change, 179 Economical cattle feeding systems are to be of works in water economy construction. water supply on economy of Curry & RooseIV. mangerial economical discussion of techshadow prices in dual economy. growth & development of a dual economy. development; social-economical effects, costs under aspect of environmental economy (Ag. to production on account of farm economy Economical farm buildings are less expensive Main features of culture & economy of grap-s Food plants & economical importance of BCereal prices in Indian economy. Great Britain--dairy industry & economy; inReliability & economy of loading & unloadiGame management & economy. Mangerial economical discussion of techniq. Economical-mathematical model for computEconomy of member countries of sev (Councof milkisg & its effect on economy of milk Woodcutters in modern economy: evolution of development of national economy of Latvto public health & national economy: microbResults from meeting on olive economy. note on bionomy & economical significance to regional development; social-economical cPrognosis of water economy & reclamation Units & stages of works in water economy ECOSYSTEMS ofmanipulation of cotton agro-ecosystems on cycling in two California coastal ecosystems acid bacteria from different ecosystems. (Fr. Study of determining factors in ecosystem as in biological productivity of field ecosystem migration process in forest ecosystems. interactions between forest ecosystems & thFungi in ecosystems. trampling on a chalk grassland ecosystem. soils of certain alluvial meadow ecosystems of soils in Mediterranean ecosystems. I. Miof soils in Mediterranean ecosystems. II. Mdiversity of Mediterranean ecosystems thro

EFFICIENCY Factors affecting efficiency of beef producti- 069483

Agronomic efficiency of method & manuring 076834

Efficiency of alfalfa mosaic virus transmissi- 074146 On estimating allocative efficiency in cross- 066847 Efficiency of Fl Angus-Jersey cows in three 069482 Anthelmintic efficiency of parbendazole aga. 070121 Efficiency of beef production.

068770 Inheritance of breeding efficiency & relatio- 069338 of research results for efficient cattle rearing 068323 Efficiency of certain chemicals on control of 074753 of firefly luciferin: an efficient chemical pro- 075188 Efficiency of combined drainage in Turkmen- 077004 Efficiency of commercial air filters against 069769 Productivity & comparative efficiency of cr- 073365 their effect on cultural efficiency.

071605 Economic efficiency of anti-foot-and-mouth 070221 On economic efficiency of two-stage shelter- 070826 Economic efficiency of lime & phosphate ro- 076777 Determination of economic efficiency of wat- 076982 study of its impact on efficiency of English 066554 protein on liveweight gains & feed efficiency 068884 of native fowl germplasm: Efficiency of feed 068980 Increase of efficiency of feed utilization on 069205 Feed base & efficiency of using feeds in ani- 069062 Comparative yield & fertilizer efficiency of 073356 Efficiency of fertilizer application on calcar- 076832 Efficiency in field of labor protection, preve- 070720 Comparison of efficiency of first-born cows. 069549 barley upon growth & efficiency of food con- 068912 Hiking efficiency of centralized supply of el- 071044 crop farming & ways to improve efficiency. 066748 How to increase efficiency of forest roads. 071095 How to increase efficiency of soil fumigation 074628 Reserves for increasing efficiency of swine r. 068276 Increasing efficiency of lubricating chain saw 071054 Increasing efficiency of sugar beei culture. 073551 of crops, an efficient means of increasing yie. 073596 Studies on insecticidal efficiency & phototox: 074800 ratio of rate of growth of labor efficiency & 066819 Efficient loading of cars with packed mine p- 071072

EGGS negative bacilli. (Spoilage, beef, fish, eggs). Modification of Carter's yolk egg agar for sEgg albumen as a foaming agent in manufachexachlorocyclohexane in wild bird eggs in of haemolymph, saliva, & eggs of cattle tick, Problems with cracking in eggs. Effect of compound xylolin on egg deposits stimulation of house fly egg development wi. of temperature for development of eggs in oInfluence of temperature on egg diapause & Study of effect of disinfection of eggs with Distribution of eggs, larvae & plants within ultra-violet irradiation on eggs of Ephestia Egg in epidemiology of toxoplasmosis; tentahybrids from unfertilized & fertilized eggs of for in-vitro stimulation of house fly egg deveEgg grading manual. stage in process of cleavage of hamster eggs Heat-sterilization of helmith eggs & oocysts of Common Market expansion for joint egg of New-Castle disease virus from eggs laid Development of eggs laid by Tepa-treated of organs, tissues & eggs of laying hens with Hymenoptera, Apidae). I. Egg-laying habits assessing number of eggs of Malacosoma neMarket expansion for joint egg market. Bacterial penetration of eggs. of a filiform apparatus in egg of Plumbago cfor long term storage of poultry eggs. 3. Seaprinciples of differentiation of poultry eggs Integration of poultryand egg-production in Egg predator insects & control of forest pesoperational re-organization of egg producing improving distribution of egg production. of analysis of cost of production of eggs. improving distribution of egg production. A shadow on egg production new crisis in viIntegration of poultryand egg-production in of feed conversion, egg production & egg size hormonal regulation in egg production. Relation between egg production & food conmori L. 2. Reflection properties from egg uSeasonal changes in interior quality of eggs study of sperm penetration into rabbit egg aabstracts on poultry & egg research in Westof eastern Britain monitored by shag eggs. ( Ultrastructure of hen's egg shell membranes in silkworm (Bombyx mori) egg-shells. following with development of silkworm egg of seed conversion, egg production & egg size composition & triglyceride structure of eggs of ovomucin during liquefaction of thick egg growth between meat-type & egg-type chickby columnar serosa in eggs of waterstrider, during liquefaction of thick egg white. of lighting insensity increase on egg yield &

0673€ 07001 06762 07499 0753 06729 07481 0752 07552 07547 0694 07470 0748 0672 07530 07529 06797 0686 0698 0669 06995 0747 06880 0754 07530 0669 0674 0716 0679 0693 0682 07482 0667 0666 0669 0669

6714 06828 06898 06940754 0759 0679 06926 06748 07509 06797 07589 0759 06898 067906797 0686€ 07540 06797

between contents of mineral elements, total fall & its contribution to mineral elements Restitution of mineral elements in soil by liAddition of minor elements to cows fed duriof plant nutrients by means of elements. properties & elements of productiveness of Little investigated race elements in Chlorella Elements for a radiological diagnostic of raon seeds in solutions of trace-element salts Presence & proportion of trace elements in Survey of trace elements in food. IV. MangTrace elements content in foodstuffs of Kirgproduct rich in vitamin C & trace elements. copper & its antagonistic trace elements conat feeding with salts of trace elements. desluorinated phosphate & trace elements. Influence of some trace elements on gain, fecontent of separate trace elements in MoniRequirements of trace elements in domestic application of trace elements. (Feed toxicity determination of trace elements in plants. of quantitative variations in trace elements Requirements of trace elements in plants & Effect of trace elements on some physiologiMicronutrient trace element composition of on seeds in solutions of trace-element salts Dynamics of trace elements in flooded & mMineral substances & trace elements--their of npk in combination with trace elements Trace elements in sewage sludges. [Soil addiConsequences of trace-element contamination chelates, containing trace elements, on planDifferentiation of vascular elements in pediof effects exerted on some elements of wild

076241 076458 076462 069204 076639 072077 072437 069632 072865 067516 067569 067775 068229 068829 068845 068862 068882 069995 070297 070415 072170 072224 072225 072685 072814 072865 076245 076576 076627 076762 077148 072556 073047 074997

ELECTRONS copolymerization by electron-accelerator. [ 067983 of pesticide residues with electron capture, 074975 Electron donor-specificity observed in photo- 072537 Effect of high-energy electrons on seeds of 072569

Micromorphology & electron microprobe an. 076290

An electron microscopal study of Eimeria t- 069946 Electron microscope observations on myosin 072413 Electron microscope examination of Bdellov- 074135 Electron microscope studies on oocyte diffe- 075159 Electron microscope studies of ventral diap- 075549 transmission electron microscopes.

071464 An electron microscopic study of sperm pen- 069268 bovine kidney cells: an electron microscopic 069962 contain dna? I. Electron-microscopic investi- 071836 Electron-microscopic analysis of liposome fo 072443 Electron-microscopic analysis of assimilate 072838 Electron microscopic evidence of cytoplasmic 074183 Electron microscopic study of some ultrastr- 074184 Electron-microscopical picture of bovine en- 069529 shell membranes by electron microscopy. 067971 Electron microscopy of lymphocytes in peri- 068656 implantation: Light & electron microscopy of 069379 Electron microscopy of tissue culture cells i- 069718 Investigations with electron microscopy of s- 070977 Scanning electron microscopy of achene epi. 071673 Electron microscopy of phialoconidiogenesis 071701 Electron microscopy of stage i V sporangiop- 071808 method for scanning electron microscopy of 071872 Electron microscopy of potato meristem tips 074237 Isolation, culture & electron microscopy of 074253 viewed by transmission electron microscopy 076272 Changes in microsomal electron transport of 073054 of mosses, by means of electron paramagnet-c 072156 Electron-probe microanalysis of silicon in ep- 071833 Scanning electron microscopy of achenc epi- 071673 A fixation method for scanning electron mic- 071872 with scanning & transmission electron micr- 071464 of soil as viewed by transmission electron m- 076272 xanthophyll conversion & electron transport 072337 Changes in microsomal electron transport of 073054 Characterization of electron transport in tu- 073055 cytochrome f in electron-transport chain of 073063 chemiosmotic coupling of electron transport 073064 On pathway of electron transport in cyclic 073096 ELECTROOSMOSIS of peat-boggy soils during electroosmosis. 076493

071111 067920 068892 076183

ELEPHANTS Tree survival in absence of elephants in Akof corpus luteum in African elephant, Loxodsexual activity in male Asiatic elephant, Elof annual damage to crops by elephants in

ELDERLY implications of nutritional needs of elderly health-screening services for elderly.

071596 069390 069391 074319

070716 070655 070656 074975 075975 068641 073505 075972 072475 068757 071044

073974 074157 068607 073157 074126 072712 074209 068817 075107 069750 067981 068481 073135 076251 072679 067783 068741 075347 067878

ELECTROPHORESIS Schaff.) by cellulose acetate electrophoresis Electrophoretic analysis of ribosomal & viral electrophoretic behaviour of chromogranine electrophoretic behaviour of proteins of see- Electrophoretic characteristics of cytoplasm- Doppel disc-electrophoresis. (Barley, kidney of virus diagnosis by disc electrophoresis. [P- Electrophoretic division of sarcoplasma prot- Study, by electrophoresis, of evolution of al- Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of cell p- in some rice varieties by gel electrophoresis Electrophoretic mobility & isoelectric point Modification of electrophoretic properties of Electrophoresis of proteins of Rhizobium cel- Changes of electrophoretic spectra of seed Electrophoretic studies of inherited variants Studies on electrophoresis on cellulose acet- Electrophoretic studies on proteins of haem- Electrophoretic study of milk proteins of re- ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY Electrophysiology of afferent innervation of ELECTROSTATIC Investigation of effect of electrostatic factor orientation of grain in an electrostatic field. of pesticides by electrostatic spraying.


ELECTRICITY transport in mountainous zone. (Electricity) with application of electric computer Minsk plantations by means of electric computers. microcoulometric, & electrical conductivity Application of electrical energy in heating preleasing factor (crn) following electrical stDevelopment of electric measuring mcthod On tariff for electric power consumed during of some factors on electrical properties of cof synapses in electrically stimulated superiefficiency of centralized supply of electricity ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY Normal & abnormal electrocardiogram of dElectrocardiographic changes following influRemarks on recording of electrocardiograms ELECTROCUTION Prevention of electrocution accidents in agriELECTRODES streets of Hamburg with gypsum electrodes of wines by means of electrode indicator. Micro-electrode measurements of transmemELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY pentylenetetrazol on electroencephalogram Studies on electroencephalogram in ruminanELECTROKINETICS acids on amount of electrokinetic potenitial ELECTROLYTES at high, external, electrolyte concentrations Regulation of output of electrolytes in bile Seram electrolyte & protein levels in eriELECTROMAGNETIC fields & of weak electromagnetic fields on s. Electromagnetic method for preventing scale ELECTROMECHANICAL Electromechanical coupling in tubular muscELECTRONICS Mathematical methods & electronic comput-r A contribution to use of electronic computer canals with use of electronic computer. process on electronic computers. Using electronic computers in future planniElectronic data processing in agricultural acPossible application of electronic data proceproduction of electronically excited states. Evaluation of an electronic instrument for eA portable electronic multichannel dendrog. An electronic recording instrument for mea.

ELONGATION action of nitrohumic acid on elongation & pCase of elusive author. (Arocera elongata). osmotic agents on elongation of Avena coleon cell production & cell elongation in roots curve for auxin-induced cell elongation: a reCorrelation between elongation of first maize acid on lettuce hypocotyl elongation & mecof leaves & that of elongated internodes on in stimulation of mesocotyl elongation by hiStudies on peg elongation of peanut plant. culture. IV. Strength of plumule--elongation

072429 075686 072927 072709 072882 072778 073169 072821 072750 072735 072727

ELEMENTS transformations of nitrogen & ash elements flora of udder & number of cellular elements Chemical elements & analogs (strontium--90 distribution of chemical elements in a beech Main chemical elements in soils of BelorussMicronutrient trace element composition of of trace-element contamination of soils. Trace elements content in foodstuffs of Kirg. A study of content of some elements (copper its antagonistic trace elements content on pits contribution to mineral elements cycling Fauna elements of Malacodermata in Hung. Faunistic elements in Peru on basis of Colesoybean. II. Analysis of fertility elements & Working of some elements of grain contractdetermination method of inorganic elements elimination of local elements in pollen spectof fractions of mechanical elements & integconcentration of elements of mineral nutriti. Content & distribution of mineral elements

076406 067259 072 303 073304 076478 072814 077148 067775 067795 068829 076458 075836 074646 073516 067102 073197 071463 076424 073108 073148

066730 071151 077061 068091 076117 066752 066753 075188 071195 070597 067796

corticoids in neural retina of chick embryo. in pineal organ of chick embryo. treatment of cultured chick embryo chondros & Grandry's corpuscles. (Chick embryos, Chick embryo development: chemical fariatiEndoderm movements in chick embryo betwmuscle cells & elastogenesis in chick-embryo Susceptibility of chick-embryo aorta to elasganglion cultures from chick embryos. Effects of propranolol on chick embryo heart in insulin-treated chick embryos. I. Anatomdetection of mycotoxins. (Chick embryos, ceby dimethyl sulphoxide in chick embryos. wsn influenza virus-infected chick embryo ceAspergillosis in chick embryos. (Aspergillus excretion patterns of strain 93 chick embryo tenella grown in liver of chick embryo. Parameters of aging in chicken embryo fibrI. Reproduction in chicken embryos. of cultured chick embryo chondrocytes. Chick embryo development: chemical fariatisubstances on development of embryo in catLate ovule & early embryo development in disease virus iri-cell cultures of duck embryo Late ovule & early embryo development in of aging in chicken embryo fibroblasts cultiin cell cultures of duck embryo fibroblasts of propranolol on chick embryo heart. patterns of strain 93 chick embryo lethal orhormone on embryos of three orders of insechorioallantoic sacs in early pig embryo. Development rate of embryo & endosperm in Dichotomy in embryos of spider Tegenaria of primary cells of swine embryos & intertwacids & ketone bodies in tissues of embryos

068461 068522 068539 068612 068622 068625 068634 068635 068640 068761 068762 068814 069430 069718 069922 069937 069946 068520 069887 068539 068622 068967 071700 069805 071700 068520 069805 068761 069937 075168 069378 072944 075557 070237 068802

ENRICHMENT as measured by 15N (nitrogen) enrichment. Amino acid fortification of foods. mechanics of lysine fortification of whole ceMineral fortification of foods & food producMethods of presowing enrichment of com sfollowing distribution of non-fortified skim leaching of phosphates in soil enriched with Effect of type of enrichment & duration of iVitamin fortification of foods. Vitamin fortification & nutrified foods.

076238 067543 067524 067542 076881 067558 076524 067279 067541 067545

ENDOMETRITIS hydrometra & chronic cystic endometritis. Diagnosis & treatment of latent endometritis

ENDOMETRIUM microscopical picture of bovine endometrium 069529 Luteolytic effects of endometrial extracts in 069356 Endometrial glands of pregnant sheep: an ul- 068600 ENDOMYCES

Endomyces geotrichum a perfect state of G. 071407

ENDOPHYTES Endophytic fungi of Rhynia gwynne-vaughan. 071720 Endophytic fungus in root cortical cells of f. 072589

069772 069773 070237 069752

ENDOSPERM membranes of castor bean endosperm tissue Development rate of embryo & endosperm in studies in development of hybrid endosperm Digestibility of sorghum endosperm types in ENDOTHELIUM infected mice after res (reticulo-endothelial

ENTEROTOXINS of purified staphylococcal enterotoxins. ENTEROVIRUSES of bovine diarrhea & a bovine enterovirus. bovine viral diarrhea & a bovine enterovirus cells of spev culture line to enteroviruses. pigs for typing of porcine enteroviruses. ENTOMOBRYIDAE Collembola: Entomobryidae) in laboratory co ENTOMOLOGISTS Otto Friedrich Niklas. [Entomologists). Huba 50 years old. (Entomologists). professor Dr. Hans Hedicke. (Entomologists] Dr. Stanislaw Bleszynski. (Entomologists). biography & appreciation. (Entomologists). Burgess Mills, 1906--1971. [Entomologists] Insects & man. (History, entomologists). Hem Singh Pruthi. (Entomologists). Hobart Gray, 1891--1971. (Entomologists). B. Mills (1906--1971). [Entomologists). of Wolfgang Karl Weyrauch. [Entomologists Anti-Locust Research Centre. (Entomologists] V. Szekessy, 1907-1970. [Entomologists). forms for work of an entomologist.

ENDOTHIA bark. (Phytophthora, Endothia parasitica).

ENDRIN Searching for endrin residue on cotton seed,

Estimation of endrin residues in/on bhindi f.

074648 073395 075293 075333

ENTOMOLOGY Teaching of economic entomology. of agro-climatic & entomological factors. receives award from Florida Entomological infected by an entomogenous fungus BeauveENTOMOPHAGOUS substances on entomophagous insect predatImpact of entomophagous insects in plant pENTOMOPHTHORACEAE cultivation of Entomophthoraceae fungi. by specimens of genus Entomophthora.

ENERGY I i. Bowen ratios & advective energy. Experimental study on energy capacity of so- of tractor-skidders by energy consumption. Localization of a site of energy coupling be- Application of electrical energy in heating p- Effect of high-energy electrons on seeds of On use of values of energy exchange for eva- Energy exchange within crop canopy of To- Modification of energy exchange in Triticum Energy exchanges between a pasture & atm- lipid metabolism & energy features in rumi- period as well as germination energy


capVI. Effect of feeding high energy grower dieEffect of high-energy electrons on seeds of Effect of energy level of feeding heifers. (Di. in consumption of materials & energies in a. Patterns in use of metabolic energy of ratiospecial reference to metabolisable energy for Metabolism of energy in suckling piglets at Metabolizable energy requirements of pregby method of minimum of potential energy. Metabolizable energy requirements of pregApplication to lines of energy transport in Sources of energy utilized by natural populaEnergy value of naked oats for pig. Energy values of cottonseed meals in lamb Photogreening of wool--energy of formation

072808 070681 071110 073063 075975 072569 068365 072646 072772 072645 068804 072795 069027 072569 069224 075966 069227 068974 068796 069360 076159 069360 070716 075420 068872 068827 067952

ENVIRONMENT kali tenuifolia) & microenvironmental moniInfluence of abiotic environmental factors on I. Environmental, genetical & biological stuland uses & stream environment--Bureau of of aquatic Coleoptera on their environment to sex & environmental conditions. control of environmental conditions in animTotal environment--conditions & trends. Environmental control of net photosynthesis Environmental control in beehive. in water quality control.-environmental prothybrid annuals in controlled environments. evaluation by controlled-environment cuvett. rice leaves under controlled environment. of rice grains under controlled environment. of rice grains under controlled environment. Environment of Costa Rican forest. by controlled-environment cuvettes. Concept concepts lead to environmental degradation in relation to depth & environment. pork: genetic & environmentally-determined

07266 068458 070333 070619 075230 068865 07599€ 077176 07324€ 075907 077022 072212 07251. 07290 072930 072931 07156.S 07251 077200 076380 067320

ENGINEERING from American agricultural engineering, 075958 of damages in agricultural engineering.

075959 of cooperative agricultural engineering & te. 076064 of foundations on piling. (Forest engineering] 070661 in layered materials. (Forest engineering). 071111

067627 071576 068504 069284 069477 067773 070597 072222 068402 068458 070501 071611 071742 072736 072737 072752 075435 077021 069305 074463 074539 077129 077207 069586 068338 074477 072666 075318 075309 066575 070698 075067 075053 071639 071562 072612 072478 070618 077209 068284 075055 077022 077206 077239 077171 068285 068286 073332 076379 072664 072665 073576 068788 070505 070618 076914 077173 070619 070485 068696 077176 076356

chromatography & enzymatic determination 067422 Enzyme development in digestive tract of s- 068871 Enzyme diagnosis in diseases of pancreas. [ 070305 Glycolytic enzyme pattern & constant prop- 072322 Preparation & use of immobilized enzymes. 067744 Enzyme inhibitors in colostrum & milk of c- 068799 of chlorophylls & effect of enzyme inhibitors 072762 Changes of soluble proteins & iso-enzymes in 074259 O-Methyltransferase as a key enzyme in bi- 070963 Serum enzyme levels in dogs during regener- 068601 properties of a sheep liver enzyme that cata. 068440 Location of enzyme loci in chromosomes of 075283 Ascorbic acid status & macerating enzyme p- 074008 An enzymic method for determination of sk- 067599 Changes in nucleolytic enzymes in virus-infe- 074141 Glycolytic enzyme pattern & constant prop- 072322 Biosynthesis of pectolytic enzymes by means 072196 Pectolytic enzymes of fungi causing fruit rots 074033 of hexose phospaates to enzyme. (Sheep). 068473 An enzyme in pigeon droppings, of possible 069574 acid status & macerating enzyme production 074008 in plasma levels of proteins & enzymes in fe- 069312 Abomasal acidity & proteolytic enzymes act- 068934 Abomasal acidity & proteolytic enzymes act- 068938 secretion of a proteolytic enzyme complex 072420 kinetic properties of proteolytic enzymes of 072677 Short-term assays of soil proteolytic enzyme 076560 acids from action of proteolytic enzymes on 076564 Isolation & partial purification of enzyme. 072710 domestica: properties of purified enzyme. [ 075355 deficient pea seedlings & enzymatic reaction 072991 Ferricyanideand fumarate-reducing enzymes 068429 on activity of enzymes of respiratory chain 076417 activity of enzymes responsible for fixation 072206 Serum enzyme levels in dogs during regener- 068601 Serum enzymes in cattle: Organ analysis & 068756 On condition of serum enzymes in muscle d- 070357 effect of L-proline on several enzymes of Te- 068038 Functional role of enzymatic system in bony 068547 Effect of zinc on activity of enzyme system 072768 Enzyme system of indoleacetic acid synthesis 072777 A review of enzymatic techniques used for p- 074973 Effect of antemortem enzyme treatment up- 067477 Isolation by enzymatic treatment of a homo- 072136 of thyroid activity on enzymes of vitamin A 068591

under aspect of environmental economy (Agforest ecosystems & their environment. Nutrition & environmental effect on physiolBlect of environmental & age influences on Effect of environment on breeding season & Food packagings: enemies of environment or dendrograph & environmental factor recordiAir, primordial factor of environment. of effect of some environmental factors & cInfluence of abiotic environmental factors on as influenced by environmental factors & loEffect of some environmental factors on conRelationship between environmental factors Relationship between environmental factors Relationship between environmental factors Relationship between environmental factors Environmental factors affecting determinatias influenced by environmental factors & loon interactions of genotype & environment Effects of herbicides on environment. Herbicides & environment. Effects of herbicides on environment. Herbicides & environment. Control of environmental hygiene in animal Importance of environment in poultry prodLower Austria as indicator of environment. Environmental influences on leaf temperatuInsects & their environment. transferred to a laboratory environment. on reorganization of living environment. protection & creation of living environment. Toxicity of chemicals to man & environment contamination of marine environment of easto plant ecology in natural environment. II. Comparisons of environmental ordinations wof exogenous oscillators of environment on Influence of phytocoenotic environment on land uses & stream environment policy-u.s. program. (U.S. Environmental Production Proper environment for raising of broilers. 2 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency & pquality control--environmental protection agAgriculture & environmental protection. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency &

PDepartment of Environmental Quality. Germ-free swine raising & its environment. Germ-free fowl raising & its environment. 2 Outlines on environment regulating for plant xerophyte in relation to environment. in relation to seedbed environment. I. Tempin relation to seedbed environment. II. Seed varictal performance in several environments. Social environment: Behaviour & stress in hForest land use, stream environment]. Forest land uses & stream environment poliForest land use, stream environment]. Forest land uses & stream environment poliwith forest land uses & stream environmentof forests on surrounding environment. in relation to environmental temperature. Total environment--conditions & trends. soils in distinct tropical environments: soutENVIRONS attacking horses in environs of Bratislava. flora in rice fields in environs of Kocani. on Oligocene flora from environs of village ENZOOTIC Nonfatal rabies in a enzootic area: results of dairy performance & enzootic bovine leucosis Spread of enzootic bovine leukosis & of leu. Histopathology of enzootic chronic polyarthEazootic cutaneous leishmaniasis in eastern Haemoglobin types & geeldikkop-enzootic iForensic study of enzootic myoglobinuria in Enzootic pneumonia in swine. (Mycoplasma

070199 070223 069864 070265 069707 070200 070063

EPIZOOTIC vertebrates during 1969 equine epizootic & Epizootic pasteurellosis (infection with Past- Epizootic Venezuelan equine encephalomyel- EPIZOOTIOLOGY Epizootiologic aspects of Salmonella aborti- Problems on epizootiology of cattle leukosis Epizootiological & prophylactic aspects of f- Epizootiological significance of sawdust bed- A study of epizootiologic situation of rabies Epizootiologic studies on Newcastle disease Occurrence & epizootiological surveys of inf- EPOXIDES farnesoate, 10, 11-epoxide in two insect spec. EQUATOR rocks in temperate & equatorial zones. [Soils EQUIDAE Comparative investigations of Equidae. A st- EQUILIBRATION

of glycerol addition & equilibration time & it

EQUILIBRIUM Cation exchange equilibria. II. Na-Ca-Mg s-

Physics of gravity & equilibrium in growing

content relative humidity equilibrium, at dis- Short-run equilibrium & shadow prices in d- EQUINES SEE HORSES

076434 072376 068046 067058

069740 070338 070339 070148 074908 070292 070364 070006

074094 067548 069857 077177 074187 069927 070105 075007 067256 074236

EPIDEMIC equine epizootic & epidemic of Venezuelan EPIDEMIOLOGY Incidence, epidemiology & control of fruit dcardiovascular diseases--epidemiological studField epidemiology of fascioliasis in Port Beits effect on epidemiology of schistosomes in Several aspects of epidemiology of Sharka vUttar Pradesh. I. Epidemiological studies. An epidemiologic study of pathology of catiAn epidemiological & toxicological study coEgg in epidemiology of toxoplasmosis; tentaof aphid populations & epidemiology of virus EPIDERMAL Acantholimon epidermis: distribution, structelectron microscopy of achene epidermis in ultraviolet irradiation of epidermal cells of in water exchange of epidermal cells of TarState of plastids in epidermic cells of some Structure & development of epidermis in shquantitative characteristics in leaf epidermis microanalysis of silicon in epidermis of rice aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, StreptoEPILACHNA A note on host range of Epilachna beetle ( Cannibalism in epilachna beetle, Henosepiladult stages of epilachna beetle Henosepila

071715 071673 071851 072313 072444 068651 071688 071833 069952

ENZYMES of thermophilic lactic acid enzymes. [Milk, assays of soil proteolytic enzyme activities acidity & proteolytic enzymes activity in laacidity & proteolytic enzymes activity in lahalothan anaesthesia on enzyme activity ( g. fever & detection of enzymatic activity in i. Enzymatic activity of spherules of Emmonsia their ionic strength on enzyme activity. extracts upon activity of some enzymes from chrysantemi upon activity of some enzymės to herbicide treatment in amylase enzymes Effect of antemortem enzyme treatment upNon-enzymic browning of soy sauce; compar. Eazymic browning of whole wheat meal flour Enzymes from carnivorous plants (Nepenthof heterogeneity of cellulolytic enzymes of an leaf chlorophyll & certain enzymes in suOn enzymatic cleavage of xylans. (Wood chsecretion of a proteolytic enzyme complex industrial processes for enzymic conversion Enzymes of conversion of succinate to glut

on enzymatic degradation of Nucleic acids degrading enzymes from leaves

EQUIPMENT of turning of machines. (Forestry, equipment] of diametral ventilators. (Equipment, parts] of mineral & organic fertilizers. (Equipment corrosion preventing coating. [Equipment]. Insecticide application equipment. plant analysis without automatic equipment. Gas sterilization of beekeeping equipment cOn parameters of cableway equipment. planning annual capacity of equipment for cof forest road construction equipment. of beekeeping equipment contaminated by tendency in development of equipment, techpreparations for disinfectio5 of equipment in More economic use of equipment. Forum discussion on farm equipment pools Tasks & farm equipment. III. of repairs & servicing of farm equipment. excavator with bulldozer. (Forest equipment Freezing equipment influence on weight lossof machines & equipment of handling lines. at narrow row cotton: harvesting equipment of green kenaf. (Harvesting equipment). Freezing equipment influence on weight lossWhat kind of equipment for straw collecting of voluminous fodders on line equipment for of easily igniting liquid. [Logging equipment Agricultural machines & equipment in new Machines & equipment for timber storage aAgricultural machines & equipment in new of agricultural machines & equipment. Equipment & manufacturing in " liquid revoMechanical equipment for grapevine protect. New equipment for mechanization of irrigatUse of small equipment om communal level Equipment for pea harvesting. Pneumatic equipment for drying of cones. Important points on equipment for increasiForum discussion on farm equipment pools Equipment for processing logging residues. Pumping equipment in system of irrigation Role of new equipment in reducing incidence machine, loading scooping equipment & vibrSkidding equipment for non-clearcut sites. Use of small equipment om communal level Complex supplying of equipment to animal farm by application of technical equipment.

071109 076160 076164 076168 076050 076299 075881 070657 076019 071027 075881 071107 067411 066755 076016 076017 076118 071058 067667 071153 076022 076165 067667 076073 066800 071033 067155 071073 076040 076085 076709 076135 076090 076060 076056 070805 073620 076016 071048 076048 071063 076082 071060 076060 076188 066798

067875 076560 068934 068938 069578 070272 072269 073167 074127 074128 072640 067477 067982 068044 072323 072613 072873 070984 072420 067672 068 502 070937 073867

EPILOBIUM wall form. (Aegiceras, Nuphar, Epilobium). EPINEPHRINE on metabolic response to adrenaline in newof X-irradiation on secretion of adrenaline &

ETHERS comparison of glyceryl ethers associated wi. Influence of divinyl ether-maleic anhydride Antimicrobial properties of ether oils & arTesting effects of polysorbate-80 & ether on acid into carotenoids & other ether soluble

07521 06977 07249 07017 07287

ERGOT Ergot in rations for fattening cattle. (Clavic- ERICACEAE

Ceratocystis stenoceras on Erica gracilis &

Growth of common spruce on ericaceae-hea-h Studies on constituents of Lyonia ovalifolia Ericaceae): morphological variation, distribu- ERIOPHYIDAE mite, Aceria mangifera Sayed (Eriophyidae: with plants in Japan. 1. (Eriophyidae).

073963 070742 072524 071333

ESCHERICHIA Vaccination against Escherichia coli enteritis Inhibition of growth of airborne coliforms & Rapid recovery of Escherichia coli from est. presence of Salmonellae & Escherichia coli. of pathogenic serotypes of Escherichia coli smooth & rough strains of Escherichia coli. colostrum-deprived calves. (Escherichia coli] susceptibility of chicks to Escherichia coli iantimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli f. of hemolytical strains of Escherichia coli isoon quantity & quality of Escherichia coli & Dessau". (Baby pigs, Escherichia coli). Escherichia coli 073: k.:h18 in colibacillosis Studies on Escherichia coli in pigs. I. BiochStudies on Escherichia coli in pigs. II. Seroof neurotoxin of Escherichia coli. I. Neutraldiseases in pigs caused by Escherichia coli purine before infection. (Escherichia coli). Rapid recovery of Escherichia coli from est

070191 067398 067278 067380 067413 069747 069748 069755 069763 069888 070009 070053 070183 070251 070259 070264 070377 071876 077128

ESOPHAGUS diagnosis of oesophageal invagination of st.

ETHYLENE Ethylene in apple & pear experimental ca [ Effect of ethylene & 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid Ethylene-induced carotenoid accumulation in Ethylene production, tissue senescence & lo- Ethylene in sterilized soil: its significance in ETHYLENEGLYCOLS of fatty acids with ethyleneglycol. ETIELLA by lima-bean pod borer. (Etiella zinckenella

ESSENCES Essence of rose.

068208 Essence of a taxon & problems of infraspecif- 071398

ERMINES Insect predators of ermine moth in BelorussEROSION Afforestation of badly eroded agricultural laof several anti-erosion agronomic measures forest planting & for digging anti-erosion diAnti-erosion melioration in "Rossiya" Experpossibilities of several anti-erosion agronomAnti-erosion soil tillage in North Caucasus. Afforestation of badly eroded agricultural ladiagnostics & mapping of eroded coarse-textPrevention & control of erosion & stream sSolution of problems of soil erosion control planting & for digging anti-erosion ditches Erosion due to gravity irrigation of some BuAnti-erosion melioration in "Rossiya" Exper. Erosion prevention role of natural vegetation of logging & logging roads on erosion & sed. Lake shore erosion. logging, road building, & fire. (Soil erosion] Soil erosion & health situation of Pinus nig. connected with development of soil erosion. Soil erosion of agricultural part of Karaganland management in regions of soil erosion logging, road building, & fire. (Soil erosion] Solution of problems of soil erosion control current tasks of control of soil erosion & reAnti-erosion soil tillage in North Caucasus. cropping method to control water erosion in structure units at study of soil wind erosion ERUCIC oil due to decreasing share of erucic acid.

070850 076906 076068 076903 076906 076961 070850 076507 070506 076937 076068 076929 076903 076957 070954 076909 070503 074355 076891 076895 076901 076913 076937 076943 076961 076894 076931

ETIOLATION actinomycin D on greening of etiolated bean Ability of etiolated corn sprout homogenate of chlorophyll a & b in post-etiolated corn acid in course of etiolated Euglena turning ribonuclease activity in etiolated hypocotyls binding indoleacetic acid in etiolated mung red light on growth of etiolated seedlings of

068775 069396 069398 069270

07317 07267 07285 07215 07286 07317 07310

067881 068082 068525 068463 067290 068404

ETIOPLASTS Etioplast-chloroplast transformation in toba-

ERWINIA ethanol formation in Erwinia amylovora. of pomaceous fruits. (Erwinia amylovora). Research on production of anti-Erwinia ser. of culture medium of Erwinia chrysantemi umedium filtrates of Erwinia chrysanthemi u. Effect of Erwinia chrysanthemi toxic extracof Erwinia & between Erwinia species & otproteins from some species of Erwinia.

ESTIVATION study of cattle dung. I. Estival growth of Co

074124 074119 069606 074128 070424 074127 074123 074126

ERYSIMUM development of Erysimum cheiranthoides L

07326 07517 07431 07074 07098 07084

ESTROGEN ovariectomy & administration of estrogen. Effect of repeated oestrogen administration oestradiol receptor for phyto-oestrogens & iQuestion of estrogens in livestock feeding. to ensure optimum recovery of estrogens fr. Microbial formation of oestrogen sulfate. (A. of offspring with oestrogen supplementation

068518 069368 069374 068863 069528 072427 069381

ERYSIPELAS swine at their vaccination against erysipelas studies of anti-swine erysipelas antibodies by A case of erysipelas in turkeys. ERYSIPELOTHRIX Erysipelothrix infection in swine suspected among Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae strains ERYSIPHACEAE cinerea, cabbage, Erysiphe cichoracearum, con sugar beet plants. (Erysiphe communis). On specilization of Erysiphe communis Fr. Triticum carthlicum. (Erysiphe graminis tritethirimol. (Erysiphe graminis hordei, barley different resistance to Erysiphe graminis dc Woronin bodies in Erysiphe graminis dc. (BTriticum carthlicum. (Erysiphe graminis tritinfected barley leaves. (Erysiphe graminis hon conidia of Erysiphe graminis dc. (Barley, of systemic fungicides on Erysiphe graminis mildew on Gramineae (Erysiphe graminis dc infected with mildew (Erysiphe graminis DC of host after infection by Erysiphe graminis infection by Podosphaera leucotricha. (Applin field conditions. (Podosphaera leucotricha ERYTHROBLASTOSIS phosphatase in avian erythroblastosis. (Chi

073872 074040 074036 071920 073863 073874 073925 073945 073950 073966 073968 074085 074097 074075 073885 073886

EUGLOSSA in long distance pollen flow. (Euglossa, Eul- EULOPHIDAE Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) in northern Eng.

ETHANOLAMINE incorporation, in vivo, of ethanolamine, chol. ethers associated with ethanolamine & choli

Page 22

Cation exchange equilibria. II. Na-Ca-Mg sstudy of gascous exchange evaluation by conGas exchange in cases of feed poisoning in Carbon dioxide gas exchange of maize on blof leaf discs for studying gas exchange of phTheoretical study of gaseous exchange evaluvarietal development, germplasm exchange varietal development, germplasm exchange of experimental data on heat exchange in boup plants on basis of ion-exchangeable mateEffects of isocaloric exchange of dietary sucbasis of various ion-exchangeable materials. Evidence for Na-H exchange in rabbit pancNitrogen, phosphorus, & potassium exchange supply of soil with exchangeable potassium on evolution of exchangeable potassium in bL.) nitrate reductase & non-exchangeability Exchange of root secretions in artificial QuCarbon dioxide & water vapour exchange in carbon dioxide & water vapour exchange. Exchange of virus tested fruit tree varieties Influence of phytochrome in water exchange

076434 072511 070421 072771 073002 072511 067138 067139 067708 076233 067521 076233 068704 068848 076669 076678 073095 073283 072360 072514 074222 072313

EXPORTS Production of export beams & props. tobacco products in Bulgarian exports. U.S. cotton exports by custom districts. s oilseed output high--exports expected to fashould be produced for fresh export? of fresh vegetables & fruit for export. Mediterranean horticulture & export to norTasks of Soviet lumber export. Exports of oilseeds & their products--retrosHandling pears for export. member & problem of Polish exports. Quarantine requirements for exported & imEXPOSURE of Burley tobacco as affected by exposure to Effects of chronic exposure to ozone on phoExposure of germfree & conventional chickconcentrations during exposure of plants to at low levels of chronic gamma-ray exposur-s Protection of workers from exposure to pestEffect of ten-year exposure to higher rates of

071064 066973 067124 067009 066986 067031 066981 071035 067056 068131 067103 074397

072868 076213 077051 072661

072929 073252 069817 072760 072038 075056 076854

EXCRETION metabolism & phenylacetic acid excretion in 068720 method & facilities for animal excreta dispo- 077144 control of extrarenal excretion in duck (Anas 068538 Age-associated changes in fecal excretion pa- 069937 Excretion of penicillin from normal & masti- 070058 Changing patterns of Salmonella excretion 070185 Sulphur metabolism & excretion studies in 068450 Sulphur metabolism & excretion studies in 068451 of nitrogenous substances excreted by corn 072633

EVERGREENS Evergreen apiaries. gradiflora L. a new evergreen species for allof Mediterranean woody evergreens. EVERNIA Oak lichen (Evernia prunastri) as cattle feed EVOLUTION Evolution of ability to absorb glucose-14C by electrophoresis, of evolution of alkaline Evolution of aphid populations on winter wEvolution of auxin-oxidase & peroxidase actEvolution in use of chisel in France. Evolution of 14 co2[carbon dioxide) from soof flagellar crypt & evolution of its content Mechanization & evolution of cultural techna previsional factor of evolutive cycle of Procenter of origin, evolution & distribution of Studies on evolving economic rations for chifertilization on evolution of exchangeable poof fly Ceratitis capitala: evolution of fatty aGenetic-evolutionary studies on cultivated CConcept of genus & evolution: an unusual caHaptoglobin evolution: Polymeric forms of Virus infections with slow evolution. 1. ScraObservations on evolution & control of coliInhibition of oxygen evolution in Volvox glPlastids evolution in Mycoplasma-diseased Polyplodis in evolution & selection of plants Role of polyploidy in evolution & selection evidence concerning possible evolution of waNature & means of process of evolution in w. Recent evolution of vegetation cover in Hauvariations & evolutionary relationships in mArtificial insemination & evolution of short in modern economy: evolution of social laws Genetic-evolutionary studies on cultivated CA study of evolution in morphological charaTechnical evolution; development of enterprSome aspects of technical evolution in cannEvolution trends in formation of biotypes of Ultrastructural evolution of cellular constitEvolution of water profiles indicated by neuof course of evolution of wheat.

EXHAUSTS dynamics of ticks (Oribatei) in exhaust peat cover fuels by vehicle exhaust systems. EXHIBITS A jubilee animal exhibition. after 42nd Internation Exhibition of AgriculExhibit of young breeding stock in Ruse.

072973 075107 074680 073168 076154 075069 071679 075944 075266 071239 068975 076678 075370 071936 071218 068624 070104 070112 072462 074254 071888 071983 071841 072052 071632 075531 069327 070712 071936 071680 067068 067756 074562 071716 072870 072062

EXTRACTION Extraction of albuminous substances of sunfmethod of extracting amino acids from ionite substrates. II. complete extraction & separaDiffusion extraction of chlorogenic acid from of nitrogen in fulvic acid fraction extracted Extracting & fractionating hemicellulose frFungal extractives. I. Structure of a sesquit. humic acids, fulvic acids, & humins extracted Extraction & identification of colouring subsUse of by-products of oil-extraction industry Effect of solvents on extractability of lipids of nondialysable organic matter extracted frproperties of organic matter extracted from Cost analyses of semi-mechanical extraction A comparison of extraction methods for Me. Extractives of ohyonire, Ulmus laciniata MUse of by-products of oil-extraction industry of some essential & fatty oils extracted from factors on extraction of phenolic compounds Specific activities of phosphates extracted by of meat particle size on extractable protein, Extraction & purification of IH, 2H, & isoi. in carrot production & extraction of raw juicontrol of level of extractable ribonuclease quality in process of rose extraction under dof heat processing on extractability of salt-sTomato seed extraction. Experiments with solvent extraction of glanExtraction of an urease-active organo-compl

068028 076240 072173 068039 076283 068048 072592 076288 068157 069056 072517 076281 076289 066896 076298 070961 069056 072397 068187 076211 067917 072237 066723 072864 067715 067918 073701 067999 076558

EXANTHEMA Exanthema in herpesvirus infected horses. EXCAVATION Excavation & treatment of foundations of BEXCELSIOR European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.). [Ecolof vessels in wood of Fraxinus excelsior L. EXCHANGE active substances on nucleic acid exchange in Content of exchangeable calcium, available Effect of soil cation exchange capacity on between cation exchange capacity of leaf & Effect of cation capacity exchange of soil on Effect of soil cation exchange capacity on organic matter in cation-exchange capacity Effect of soil cation exchange capacity on concepts on chemistry of cation exchange bof interrelationship between cation exchange Effect of soil cation exchange capacity on Cation exchange equilibria. II. Na-Ca-Mg sof organic matter in cation-exchange capaciEffece of liming on exchangeable cation coOn use of values of energy exchange for evaEnergy exchanges between a pasture & atmEnery exchange within crop canopy of ToModification of energy exchange in Triticum

073285 076551 072145 072287 076203 076206 076518 072145 072182 072287 076206 076434 076518 076601 068365 072645 072646 072772

EXPENDITURES food prices, consumption, & expenditures. Lowering expenditures for cleaning grain. EXPLOITATION Correct exploitation of hydraulic felling weDetermination of exploitation parameters & establishment & exploitation of pastures. Certain problems on exploitation & mainteof Society for Exploitation of Products ( sewith drilling & exploitation of wells for irri. EXPLORATION Functional hepatic exploration in dog by B. Exploration of pesticide conditions in Lake Plant exploration in n.e. Brazil.

071032 076112 076089 077093 070877 076994

EXTRACTS steroid reductase in acellular extracts of Noof nitrogen & acetylene by extracts from A. Arabogalactan extract from Larix wood chips activities of carrot powder & carrot extract Luteolytic effects of endometrial extracts in for obtaining nitrogen-fixing extracts from bBicarbonate fixation by cell-free extracts & Biosynthesis of terpenes in cell-free extracts isolation of alpha acids from hop extracts. Utilization of hop extracts. of cattle erythrocytes by plant extracts. state of production of protein extracts & cosuccinate to glutamate in extracts of rumen of hydatid fluid, extracts of scoleces & germdetermination of sulfate in soil extracts. of Erwinia chrysanthemi toxic extracts upon Toxicity of extracts from mycelium of Blakeactivity in a water extract of maize pollen. incubation on composition of water-extracts Content of toxic salts in water extracts & soA whippable extract from glandless cotionsRadiorestoration, with yeast extract, of cutt

072151 076252 070988 067404 069356 072763 072417 073034 067612 067697 068435 067701 068502 070003 076286 074127 072622 072881 076460 076483 068040 072985

FALL wheat bulb fly Leptohylemyia coarctata (Fa-l. 074702 Rise & fall of beef breeds.

069288 age & management systems for fall born beef 068343 oilseed output high--exports expected to fall 067009 in fruit of cotton during formation & falling 072942 wintering for avoiding secondary leaf fall. [ 074410 Study of litter fall & its contribution to min- 076458 maculipennis M. & Anopheles messeae Fall. 075198 Danaus plexippus, during fall migration. 075362 Cultivation of fall mixed forage plants.

073478 Spring-fall silkworm variety Jam 105 x Jam 075900 bed preparation for potatoes starts in fall. 076921 trees. IV. Effect of control of fall-twigs by go 074412 Fall versus spring plowing & related soil he. 076888 Role of natural enemies of fall webworm ( 074566

FAMILY Family no. 40, Casuarinaceae, family no. 41, forms of hp in Bovidae & Cervidae families. order Coleoptera--family Cicindelidae) in fieplants: Cruciferae & some other families. unusual habit for a fly of family Ephydridae

a Family fare. of working condition in family farm. of poultry breeding on family farm. of red forest ants of family of Formica. of mites of superfamily Gamasoidea (Parasitof Maine: including families Gyrinidae, Haldistribution of family Haliplidae (Coleoptera Nematoda of family Heteroderidae on plants of representatives of family Leguminosae, cRevision of species of Lonchaeidae family in Nuts in family meals. a new species of family Mycobatidae (OribaLeguminosae. 3. Subfamily Papilionoideae ( descriptive notes & subfamily position (OrtStaff-shared, family-style luncheon in a men

071336 068624 075193 071675 075252 067589 066576 069544 075304 074914 075769 075610 074297 072251 075817 067503 075818 071350 075860 067512

Investigations on coccidiosis in farm animals high-producing cattle & other farm animals a mineral-vitamin additive for farm animals Arrangement of farmstead. Reserves of cattle breeding farm. Economical farm buildings are less expensive infection in fattening calves at farm. Canadian farm economics; spring outlook 1 of calves on eastern Colorado cattle ranches more calves in individual cattle farms. activity in spermatozoa of certain farm aniincome by economic class of farm: United SSociological expedition to collective farm: pincreasing effectiveness of collective farm & as a basis for state farm & collective farm paccounting system used on collective farms productivity of labor on collective farms. keeping & accounting on collective farms & labor efficiency & wages on collective farms of labor productivity on collective farms grCost accounting in collective farm motor poof basic assets in collective farms. notes for administration on collective farms Experimental & Model Collective Farm. of forest management in collective farms. utilization on large-scale commercial farms. Grassland farming competitions in 1966--19 Saturation of farm-connected crop rotations Milk cooling on farm. Cooperative farming as a tool of rural develeffectiveness of state & cooperative farms. of Montafon cows in cooperative farm "Svetin orchards & vineyards on cooperative farm of fine wool ewes on cooperative farm of Shprice level on large field crop farms in Nethworking hours as fixed asset in crop farming regarding multi-shift work in crop farming. planning in cooperative crop farming. Success in crop farming, a new branch of agherbicides on quality of several farm crop yicontent in seeds of different farm crops. Various problems in urban dairy farming. 2. consciousness of crop labor at dairy farm maspects of managing labour on dairy farms. of production capital on state dairy farms. Recent technology in dairy farming. Farm development through purchase and/or Principles of farm development. On iodine content in seeds of different farm Economical farm buildings are less expensive Canadian farm economics; spring outlook 1 to production on account of farm economy practice of training & education in farming. Comparative analysis of farming effectivene-s Comparison of farming effectiveness of state of labor factor of farming effectiveness in stmethod applied to farm enterprise managemForum discussion on farm equipment pools Tasks & farm equipment. III. of repairs & servicing of farm equipment. Instructional & Experimental Farm in carrot of spring oats on experimental farm of agricof working condition in family farm. of poultry breeding on family farm. numbers in large scale pig fattening farms of between breeding & fattening farms. (LivestAmount of organic fertilizers on farms in Farm financing by commercial banks. Intercollective forest farms--a progressive foGrassland farming competitions in 1966--19 productivity on collective farms growing cot. of efficiency of manufactured & farm-grown Investment & income growth on farms. Health problems in grassland & hay farming with machinery in grassland & hay farming European community sets new higher farm of specialization of horticultural farms. in independent animal husbandry farms in Effect of flooding on farm income. Means of increasing farm labor productivity counseling to improve individual farm plann. resources of labor force at individual farms Evaluation of number of individual farms wiof tractors owned by individual farms. Development of farm-industrial complexes Assistance required for farming industry. I of equipment to animal industry farms. Is legislation for farm inheritance actual? production & vertical integration in farming, Intra-farm land management in regions of sapplication of fertilizers in irrigated farming Geographical analysis of farm-labor in FujisMeans of increasing farm labor productivity of agriculture & productivity of farm labor. Farm labour problem. I. Principles of labour Farm labour problem. 2. Managing farm labFarm labour problem. 3. Practical aspects of studies on soil sampling in farm land. I. studies on soil sampling in farm land. I i. studies on soil sampling in farm land. IV. studies on soil sampling in farm land. V. studies on soil sampling in farm land. VI.

07003 07044 07687 075998 06953 075986 07026 06714 06672 06947 06931 06689 06653 06664 06672 06672 06673 06681 06681 06682 06682 06684 06691 07690 0706406920 07359 07360 06780 06675 06692 06875 07450 07619 06670 06674 06675 06675 07348 07452 07233 06671 06677 06679 06691 07607 06662 06677 07233 07598 06714 06669 06656 06692 06692 06692 06679 07601 07601 07611 06672 07334 06657 06954 06683 06837 07677 06688 07064 07359 06682 06885 06684 07355 07615 06701 06682 06931 06683 06673 0666& 06680 06712 07615 06663 06723 07618 06722 06708 07690 07672 06659 06673 06691 06679 06679 06679 07644 07644 07644 07644 07644

FAGACEAE forests in Ligny-en-Barrois (Meuse). (Fagus size of false heartwood in beech (Fagus). Quercus valonea, quercus aegilops, Quercus County, Indiana. (Ulmus, Acer, Quercus, Fashoots in Haute-Ardenne (Belgium). (Fagus) as an agent of form development. (Quercus] Leafed & leafless phenophases. (Quercus). Lepidoptera: Incurvariidae). (Quercus). soil of Virelles (Belgium). (Quercus). County, Indiana. (Ulmus, Acer, Quercus, Fa. forests in Ligny-en-Barrois (Meuse). (Fagus distribution of beech in Aquitaine. [Fagus). material. (Quercus valonea, quercus aegilops Growth features of young belts of Quercus. shoots grown on coast. (Quercus dentata). Quercus ecoiypes & their effect on cultural On drying out of floodplain Quercus forests silvicultural stock in Quercus forests of Norembryo development in Quercus gambelii. southewestern Colorado. (Quercus gambelii] picloram pellets. (Quercus havardii). of Oak Eggar moth Lasiocampa quercus (LiVolga Delta. (Quercus, Populus nigra). Quercus robur L.=Quercus pedunculata Eh. polyphenoloxydase in Quercus pedunculata control of leaf-eating insect pests of Quercus nature of properties of Quercus rhizospheric English oak (Quercus robur L.= Quercus peFruit-bearing of Quercus robur L. in Lipetzk cycle of annual shoots of Quercus robur & improved northern red oak. (Quercus rubra) shoots of Quercus robur & Quercus rubra. Quercus sessilis Ehrh.= Quercus sessiflora of acorns of some oak (Quercus sessiliflora Ehrh.) & durmast oak (Quercus sessilis Ehrh forest in south Sweden. (Fagus silvatica, Pi. increment tables for stands of Quercus in so valonia tann material. (Quercus valonea, FAIRWAYS of crested & fairway wheatgrasses in southe

070847 070895 070965 071667 073276 073290 073300 074819 076463 076575 076846 071538 070965 070683 074357 071605 070511 070813 071700 074516 074517 075241 070801 071616 073256 074823 076404 071616 073289 073294 070841 073294 071616 071778 071616 073304 070684 070965

FARMERS Farmer &" liquid revolution". (Fertilizers] in shipping systems for farmer agricultural Fruit & Vegetable Farmers' Association in conditions of farmers of West Bengal; a cobasis of work payment of collective farmers of selected low-income farmer cooperatives Taxation & farmer. 4. Example of a farmer's Experimental farmer's lung in guinea-pigs. Farmer & farmer's market. Relative position of farmer-feeders in increaFinance for farmers--5--where to seek it. Gentleman farmer & new agriculture: Jeremfeed costs for most West German farmers. analysis of selected low-income farmer coopAnalysis of attributes of insolvent farmers in wealth, savings & investments for farmers in dietary vitamin intake of 24 Istrian farmers. young shoots of Marquillo x Kenya Farmer How farmer goes to market. or greening revolution & farmers. Problems of small farmers under changing to Green revolution, small farmers & rural cooSmall farmers & their future. (Credit). for vegetables benefits small farmers. techniques in structure of farmer's forestry Taxation & farmer. 4. Example of a farmer's Taxation & farmer: taxes on income. Taxation & farmer--taxes on capital. shoots of Marquillo x Kenya Farmer wheat

076711 066938 066945 066745 066911 066763 066842 069960 067075 066898 066902 066506 067018 066763 066849 066897 067565 071726 066999 066518 066744 066756 066867 066995 070861 066842 066891 066890 071726

FARMS Principles of labour management. (Farm). management level of agricultural farms in a Government aid to farming. 1. What goverGovernment aid to farming. 2. Assistance reGovernment aid to farming. 3. What govervariants of milk proteins of farm animals in a mineral-vitamin additive for farm animals on effective temperature for farm animals. I. on effective temperature for farm animals. II of plasma thyroxine in farm animals. I i. F. Increasing productivity of farm animals undUrea & its use in breeding of farm animals. by-products in feeding of farm animals. of its use in feeding of farm animals. in spermatozoa of certain farm animals.

066794 066697 067232 067233 067234 067783 068265 068307 068663 068664 068797 068838 068854 069215 069314

069539 069439 069470 069286

FARROWING Influence of sows farrowing ability on effectTrouble-free farrowing. Effect of frequency of farrowing on size of Effect of sequence of farrowing of Large WhFASCIOLA derivative of salicylanilide against Fasciola gwith rafoxanide. 2. Efficacy against Fasciola Fasciola control--voluntary or regulated? Radioimmunoassay of Fasciola gigantica infFasciola hepatica, Fasciola gigantica). at Nandan Kanan Zoo. (Fasciola gigantica) Trials with rafoxanide. 1. Fasciola gigantica in Port Bell, Uganda. (Fasciola gigantiica, chelminths. (Ascaris suum, Fasciola hepatica) by molluscicides. (Fasciola hepatica). forms of liver fluke. (Fasciola hepatica, cattfor recovery of immature Fasciola hepatica f. FASTING plasma & blood cells of chicks fasted or fed of dietary sucrose & starch on fasting serum

070094 070123 070140 069858 069862 069928 070122 069857 068429 069866 070022 070187

FATAL A case of fatal infection of Trypanosoma the.

069413 072900 067800 068999 069000 068917 068902 077220 068917 068960 067944 067547 067549 067662 068452 068490 067780 069745 067025 069010 068210 077220 069218 067786 067824 068646 068718 069000 069413 069362 066996 067645 072397 067581 068256 067767 068031 067619 069218 069745 069000 072270 067649 066966 068718 068832 068350 067823 068677 068712 068995 067378 072173

FATIGUE Studies on fatigue of agricultural worker.

studies on soil sampling in farm land. V ii. studies on soil sampling in farm land. V iii studies on soil sampling in farm land. IX. studies on soil sampling in farm land. X. studies on soil sampling in farm land. XI. of soil sampling operations in farm land. fustudies on soil sampling in farm land. II. latra-farm land management in regions of s. control of soil pollution in farm land. of young animals losses in large farms. procedures on large-scale livestock farms. economic utilization of farm machines in haPrimulaceae) cultivation as a major farm prFarm management standards, 1971-72. of rate of production. (Farm management). cost accounting system. (Parm management) of crop labor at dairy farm management in Foro management & technology in lake regof production. (Farm management). Improving structure of farm management & More about farm managers. II. Farm labour problem. 2. Managing farm labsystem. I. Analysis of farmyard manure proImpact of farm mechanisation on employmeParm mergers from organizational viewpoint Cost accounting in collective farm motor poWestern Nigerian farm settlement: an appra. from agriculture, from non-farm occupation of Lopushanska Druzhina co-operative farm, Organization farm plan (Orgkhozplan) & 0A study of changes in farm organization unproblems to intesify pasture farming. capital in individual peasant farms. Individual peasant farms & manpower deficit to age of pigs in a swill feeding pig farm. Organization farm plan (Orgkhozplan) & 0to improve individual farm planning. Role of farm planning in agricultural extensof growing hazelnuts in farm plantations. [ Farming potential of Canadian Northwest. Bnzil's untamed cerrado: potential farms. organization of egg producing poultry farms of adoption: a review. (Farm practices). on breeding of minks in state farm Prejmer community sets new higher farm prices. Evaluating construction priorities of farm-to Improving wages for farm produce. cultivation as a major farm produce in mouof collective farm & state farm production. for slate farm & collective farm production Cadres, a decisive factor in farm production method of programing farm production. progress into small scale farm production sy. factor in intensification of farm production. with an increase in rate of farm production. factor in intensification of farm production. formation of price policy for farm products in processing of farm products on farms. of animal breeding in profit making farms. of a simplificd method of programing farm Problem of rationalization on farm by applibarvesting of apples in Tetovo Region farms Guidelines for farm rental agreements. Leasing on California rice farms. microclimate & state of sanitation on farms Village & farm sanitation. in mechanization of small scale farming in technical progress into small scale farm proof raising heifers on large-scale farms. report, 1969--71: agronomy seed farm. Organizing a dispatcher service for farms. I Western Nigerian farm settlement: an appra. herbicides on quality of several farm crop yiacid for improvement of farming soils. 1. On of pork production on specialized farms. of calves on specialized farms. effectiveness of collective farm & state farm solving in management of State Farm at Br. Overall indices as a basis for state farm & c. of branches of work on state farms of Rostov use of cost accounting system on state farms On a means of transforming state farms to of animal industry on state farms of Poland State farms & socialist reconstruction of agro in efficiency of production of state farms. accounting on collective farms & state farms Relationships of state farms with their serviproblems of labor relations on state farms. infertility of cows kept in large state farms. cost of managerial personnel in state farms Sources of material incentives for state farm of farming effectiveness in state farms & in of farming effectiveness in state farms. commercial products of state farms. Economic state of farms which changed their infertility of cows kept in large state farms. on breeding of minks in state farm Prejmer determining com yields in State Farm of K. Mechanization in seed producing state farms. conditions in cooperatives & state farms. of working of vertical drainage in state farm Norway's farm structure & imports--now one

076446 076447 076448 076449 076450 076451 076452 076901 077121 070389 066773 066832 073618 066696 066733 066736 066779 066782 066803 066814 066791 066795 076693 066684 066685 066823 066661 066922 076514 066740 066785 073422 066828 066921 070011 066740 066682 066699 073787 066527 066643 066719 066700 069457 067016 067038 066859 073618 066641 066726 066771 066824 066826 074328 076259 076696 067076 075972 069425 066824 066798 076149 066892 066850 069674 075922 066762 066826 068319 066778 066729 066661 074524 076622 066727 070397 066641 066706 066726 066734 066738 066767 066768 066772 066811 066813 066817 066825 066886 066909 066919 066923 066925 067098 067128 069420 069457 073427 076173 076705 077034 067003

FATS some economic aspects. (Oils, fats). Fatty acid content & proximate analysis of Fatty acid composition of phrenosine in beef causing mobilization of free fatty acid in neof lactate as an intermediate of fatty acid feon lipids of chicken tissues. II. Fatty acid & digestion in fowls. II. On volatile fatty acid chromatography of free volatile fatty acid in Application of synthetic fatty acid of fraction Influence of maize oil on fatty acid composiin fat or essential fatty acids on fatty acid cof various lipid components & fatty acid coMembrane properties of saturated fatty acid Variation of fatty acid composition in wheat of polyunsaturated fatty acids. oils obtained by esterification of fatty acids example for application of fatty acids outside of butter quality on unsaturated fatty acids characteristics & composition of fatty acids Fatty acids composition of fruit oil of some Correlation between fatty acids composition Free-fatty acids & glycerol in plasma & tisscontrol of synthesis of milk fatty acids by so Fatty acids in rabbit's plasma: ChromatograConcentration of fatty acids & ketone bodies of diets low in fat or essential fatty acids on Influence of dietary fat on rumen fatty acids for analysis of volatile fatty acids in silage Effect of diet on fatty acids composition in Effect of diet on fatty acids composition in of oil & composition of fatty acids in seeds Patty acids composition changes in rape hyChromatographic separation of fatty acids of intermediates in conversion of fatty acids inmetabolism of long-chain fatty acids during Ceratitis capitata: evolution of fatty acids of Principal lipid classes & fatty acids synthesrequirements & tissue levels of fatty acids in Effect of adding fat to feedlot rations. Modern technique for vegetable & animal fat Role of body fat, accumulated during pregnSelective protein storage by fat-body of angFat-body & haemolymph lipids of southwestof uptake & release of lipids by fat-body of ethanolamine kinases from fat-body of Phosynthesis & release of proteins by fat body of amino-acids, carbohydrates & fat. Synthesis & metabolism of long-chain fatty Patty changes in mammary gland of a buffa. as affected by external fat characteristics. acids, plasma lipid & milk fat composition in Factors influencing fat consumption economEffect of pasteurization & milk fat content determination of dry matter & fat content of Further investigations into "low fat content Change in milk yields & fat content in milk

stability of inheriting milk fat content in cA study on protein & fat content of local mStudies on automatized determination of fat amount & degree of saturation of dietary fat Influence of dietary fat on rumen fatty acids Effects of diets low in fat or essential fatty Integration with fats of different origin in mrecovery of fatty materials from edible fat & Effects of diets low in fat or essential fatty On evaluation of fats in cattle in connection carcass shrinkage as affected by external fat Food fat & human health: feeding studies in Comments on Symposium: Food fat & human Industrial feasibility of modifying food fat. colostrum causing mobilization of free fatty Free-fatty acids & glycerol in plasma & tissStudies on fat globules in milk. canine hepatitis in dogs fed a high-fat ration Factors influencing fat consumption economEffect of fat level in isonitrogenous diets on changes occurring in fatty materials during Removal & recovery of fatty materials from Relation of fattening & meat-fat qualities of Effect of pasteurization & milk fat content Automated determination of milk fat in milk Hormonal control of synthesis of milk fatty limiting utilization of glucose for milk fat srumen fatty acids, plasma lipid & milk fat cof evaluating stability of inheriting milk fat equivalent & herdmate-deviation milk & fat. action on world trade in oilseeds, oils & fats Blending of edible oils & fats. examination of some essential & fatty oils ePhysiopathology of polyunsaturated fatty acEffect of antioxidants on preservation of fats for vegetable & animal fat processing. of composition & properties of fatty product indications in world-wide production of fats Relation of fattening & meat-fat qualities of hepatitis in dogs fed a high-fat ration. Influence of dietary fat on rumen fatty acids Membrane properties of saturated fatty acid Studies on glyceride structure of fats & oils. Fatty substances: some economic aspects. [ utilization of glucose for milk fat synthesis Application of synthetic fatty acid of fraction Equations for predicting total fat trim from of butter quality on unsaturated fatty acids digestion in fowls. II. On volatile fatty acid Gas chromatography of free volatile fatty acof grazing steers as related to volatile fatty of castration & slaughter weight on fatness, Fat in yeast growing on hydrocarbon substr. FATTENING taking into account fattening method & genRaising & fattening of beef cattle. 1. Perosis control in a broiler-fattening unit umethods in comparison with fattening bulls. methods in comparison with fattening bulls. feeding of lactating cows & fattening bulls. carcass value in heavy fattening calves. Salmonella infection in fattening calves at ftransaminase activity & fattening capacity Carcass value of young female cattle fattened of nitrogen in rumen of fattening cattle fed Experiments in cattle fattening with sugarcUse of corn in cattle fattening. performance of young female cattle fattened Using grain residues for fattening cattle. Ergot in rations for fattening cattle. (Clavicmorbidity & animal losses in cattle fattening on slaughtering & fattening characteristics of staphylomycine in chicken fattening. of slaughtered & frozen fattened chickens in Comparative fattening of young cattle on full lysine & methionine at fattening completely Nutrition of calves during fattening divided numbers in large scale pig fattening farms of between breeding & fattening farms. [Liveste carcass value in heavy fattening calves. animal losses in cattle fattening houses. Waste disposal in pig fattening installations calving of heifers intended for fattening. gains & feed efficiency in intensive fattening Pied Lowland breed in intensive fattening. Intensive fattening of Gobra Zebu cattle in of young female cattle fattened intensively of young female cattle fattened intensively of feeding potato silage for fattening Korean of wheat, barley & maize in fattening lamb Aspects of lamb fattening in intercooperative linseed oil meals for fattening lambs & preg. qualities to results of fattening Landrace swuse of diethylstilbestrol in fattening male ca. of lysine & methionine in fattening on full-vtaking into account fattening method & genBody development & fattening performance in sedation of pigs during fattening period & index numbers in large scale pig fattening fability on effectiveness of pig fattening. Waste disposal in pig fattening installations

066966 067726 068405 068452 068627 068660 068677 068712 068832 068914 068917 071993 072270 072724 067581 067764 067769 067823 068084 068110 068394 068490 068646 068746 068802 068917 069000 069021 069206 069207 072341 072804 072969 073073 075343 075370 075371 075407 069030 067767 068732 075342 075346 075349 075353 075411 069761 075343 068582 067944 069000 067025 067786 067841 067901 068314

068874 068289 070361 067953 069187 070332 067954 070263 068443 067953 068891 069116 069125 069187 069226 070428 070453 068878 069235 067489 069229 068558 069072 066831 068371 067954 070453 075974 069541 068884 069110 069117 067953 069187 069046 068867 069132 068866 068793 069209 069064 068874 069187 069681 066831 069539 075974 068886 068893 069153 062158 068880 069041 069218 068874 069158 069051 069228 075961 070361 070355 068892 068882

06892 06904 06892 06915. 06824

blood serum & weight gain of fattening pigs Effect of method of fattening pigs on results of microorganisms in fattening of pigs. bacon & white meat pigs under fattening up value of Opaque-2 maize in fattening of pigs Fattening with potatoes is now as ever regiRelation of fattening & meat-fat qualities of Studies on fattening & carcass performances Study of fattening & slaughtering values of of maize cob silage for fattening swine. using grass meal & silage in fattening swine Technology of swine fattening. (Structures) Perosis control in a broiler-fattening unit udiseases of lambs in fattening units. on elasticity of results in fattening White mhematopoiesis in fattening young bulls.

FAUNA Fauna & areas of propagation of bloodsucki- Ecological studies on arthropod fauna of cer- Bee fauna of southern Transdanubia (Hyme- A preliminary investigation of bottom fauna new Schizotetranychus from Brazilian fauna Regional differences of butterfly-fauna of Ja- Systematic revision of carabological fauna of research work on Slovak Carpathian fauna f- Faunal changes in a swamp habitat in Niger-

Coleopterous fauna of exotic herbivorous &

Collembola fauna of chalky formation caver- factors in formation of faunistic complexes in Research concerning fauna of forest soils fr- Studies on fauna of Curacao & other Caribb- Data on fauna & ecology of beetles-wood bo- A contribution to Diptera fauna (Diptera, B- Faunistic elements in Peru on basis of Cole- Fauna elements of Malacodermata in Hung- Plecoptera (Insecta) fro fauna of Bulgaria. Helminth fauna of cattle of Tadzhikistan. Helminth fauna in relation to age of pigs in known little known in fauna of Hungary Fauna of Iranian Coccinellidae. 1.

On fauna of Ixodidae & Argasidae of birds of

Fauna of lava caves around Mt. Fuji-san. V

Roles of microflora & fauna in soil systems.

Red spider mite fauna of Hungary (Acari, T- Fauna of mites of food storehouses of differ- On fauna of nematodes of vegetables of Tas- Fauna of nematodes of rice & its dynamics

Faunistic news from Steiermark. X vi/6. Fu-

Faunistic news from Steiermark. X vi/7. Re-
Faunistic news from Steiermark. X vi/8. Dr.
Faunistic news from Steiermark. X vi/9. H- Development of Odonata fauna of Lake Fau- geographical analysis of Orthopthera fauna General panorama of fauna & its ecological Faunistic recognition of Coleoptera Phytop- Changes in soil fauna of rhizosphere of heal- Research on soil fauna of Esterel Forest (var A survey of fauna of streams on Mount Elg. Third contribution to faunistic study of Culi- Several additions to fauna of Taiwan Droso- sp. n., & some data on Tarsonemini fauna ( Paunistic tasonomic studies of Hungarian P- exerted on some elements of wild fauna by Fauna & zoogeography of Near East. 3. Bu-

075147 075120 075820 075734 075812 075747 075713 075184 074909 075243 075632 077255 075272 075725 074809 075616 074646 075836 075607 069732 070011 075830 075733 075571 075774 076334 075824 074875 074422 074423 075780 075781 075782 075783 075637 075858 077252 074647 074348 075708 075724 075597 075567 075826 075835 074997 075865

ammoniated sugar beet pulp added to feed 068833 Complying with feed additive & drug withdr- 067455 of thyroxine & thiouracil feed additives on s. 069755 organization & coordination of feed advisory 068940 utilization of sugarcane bagasse as feed.

068238 of various origins, on beans for feed.

072843 on yield of corn, winter wheat & feed beets 074529 Feedlot bulls & steers treated with diethylst. 069142 from nitrogen & carbohydrates of feedstuffs 068550 Body temperature of feedlot cattle.

068767 lichen (Evernia prunastri) as cattle feed with 068895 feedbunk management of feedlot cattle. 069149 of year upon performance of feedlot cattle. 069174 Chlorella in cattle feed.

069225 a review of problem in feedlot cattle. (Sphe- 069760 Mast cell hyperplasia & eosinophilia induced 069848 of steers in a commercial feedlot.

069175 Community for analysis of feed components. 069161 on preservation of fats in feed concentrates 068256 at fattening completely on feed concentrates 068558 in digestible proteins of feed concentrates on 068962 Feed consumption differences among lactati- 069001 trace elements on gain, feed conversion & h- 068882 on gain of calves & on feed conversion.

068887 germplasm: Efficiency of feed conversion, egg 068980 plans on weight gain, feed conversion index, 069135 Relative efficiencies of conversion of feed to 069169 Policy) grain prices increase feed costs for 067018 of sources of proteins in daily feed on urea l. 068886 of carotene in dehydradated feedstuffs.

068953 Comparative evaluation of feed distributors. 076104 protein on liveweight gains & feed efficiency 068884 Feed base & efficiency of using feeds in ani- 069062 with temporary experimental underfeeding of 068968 in relation to age of pigs in a swill feeding po 070011 Combining breeds for feedlot gain. (Beef cat- 069481 Evaluation of feed grade biuret; a new suppl- 068837 between nutrition with ensiled green feed & 070102 age of pullet to change from grower feed to 069023 Feedlot herd health program. (Cattle).

069638 Policy) grain prices increase feed costs for 067018 Veterinarian rationing in feed industry.

068982 from animal feeds & feed ingredients.

068264 with gamma-irradiated feed ingredients. 069020 from animal feeds & feed ingredients.

070157 Digestibility & feed intake investigations at 068927 Control of feed intake in ruminants; continu- 069033 Ways of intensifying feed production.

068267 Intensifying feed production; innovations in 069203 on chick feeding with gamma-irradiated feed 069020 carcass traits of feedlot lambs.

069167 to change from grower feed to laying feed. 069023 Effect of feed lysine on full value of protein 068951 Development tendencies on feed market. 067052 to determine payment of milk for feed.

069221 concentrations in some poultry mixed feed. 068243 with fats of different origin in mixed feed for 068902 of packing of mixed feedstuffs & alfalfa meal 076098 Automatic weighing & mixer feed system. 067646 of utilization of nutrients of feedstuffs.

068576 chemical & industrial orgin in feedstuffs. 067461 chemical & industrial origin in feedstuffs. 069160 development in meat chicks & feed payment 069230 A method to feed pelletised standard fodder 069074 of maintenance on feed performance & carc- 067954 Feedlot performance & digestibility of beef 069031 Feedlot performance & carcass characteristi- 069180 of maintenance on feed performance & carc- 069190 Gas exchange in cases of feed poisoning in 070421 desiccated with Reglone preparation as feed 068983 Ways of intensifying feed production.

068267 planning of cattle feeding & feed production 069063 Intensifying feed production; innovations in 069203 in animal industry & feed production.

076195 Effect of energetic value of feed ration on c. 068883 state of proteins in feed ration.

069222 hydrolizable carbohydrates in feed rations b- 068559 of methionine & lysine in feed rations.

068575 amounts of iodine in their feed rations.

068848 vitamin-mineral supplements of feed rations 068850 picture of blood on feed rations, enriched wi- 068862 rumen of sheep at feeding with feed rations 068955 phosphates as supplements to feed rations of 068959 Digestibility of feed rations & nitrogen met. 068971 Effect of adding fat to feedlot rations.

069030 vitamins, minerals & proteins in feed rations 069054 Effect of amino acids in feed rations on gro- 069061 Ammoniated roughages in feedlot rations. [ 069173 Feed recycling: A possible solution to probl- 077246 Production of right feed for ruminants on p- 068942 Feed situation.

067089 Voluntary salt intake by feedlot steers.

069029 Effect of feed supplements of zinc sulfate on 068846 Once more on vitamin D3 (Feed supplemen-s] 069111 programs of restricted daily supply of feed 069026 Automatic weighing & mixer feed system. 067646 Influence of thyroxine & thiouracil feed add- 069755 Top feed can relieve green feeding problem 068928 application of trace elements. (Feed toxicity 070415 Radiation treatment of feedstuffs. II. Studies 069020 Radiation treatment of feedstuffs. I. Digesti- 074874 Increase of efficiency of feed utilization on 069205

Nutritive value of feed with streptomycin aA study on feed value of corn stover cut at Best winter feed for young Merino ewes: maNutritive value of last year's feedstuffs. standardization of protein yeasts for feed. FEEDING bulls with iodine in Belorussia. (Feeding). highly valuable additives. (Swine, feeding). chickens in production of broilers. (Feeding] in deflourinated phosphate. (Swine, feeding] of phosphates in animal industry. (Feeding] in intensive animal raising. (Feeding). Economics of growing & feeding alfalfa & coRapseed oil meal in animal feeding. I ii. InfRapeseed oil meal in animal feeding. IV. CAntibiotics in animal feeding. of oil-extraction industry in feeding baby pifood intake level upon feeding behaviour & Urolithiasis in stall fed Boran (Bos indicus) in rumen of fattening cattle fed bound or crbran & Opaque-2 corn if feeding broiler chiresults of its use in broilers feeding. free aminoacids in blood of young bulls fed competitive cattle feeding business. (Costs, Pancreatic secretion in milk-fed calf. Comparative study of veal from calves fed wdue to vitamin E deficiency in calves fed fish Comparative study of veal from calves fed wPerformance of calves fed chlortetracyclineEcological aspects of protein feeding.- case Economical cattle feeding systems are to be Further investigation on beer cattle fed ratiof nitrogen in rumen of fattening cattle fed Dried potatoes in cattle feeding. programming in planning of cattle feeding & Some advice in cattle feeding. Aspects of problems of feeding of cattle & ias a roughage replacement in feeder cattle dspecial regard to problem of cattle feeding. of feedstuffs. II. Studies on chick feeding wiPerformance of calves fed chlortetracyclineof proportion of oil meal in concentrate fed Effect of higher rate of concentrate feeding of sheep in relation to conditions of feeding Dry & high-moisture corn fed whole or rollChemical weed control in rain-fed cotton gr. use of silage in dairy cow feeding over severPractical note on dairy cow feeding. control days with recording of cow feeding in Biochemical principles of feeding of cows wieconomic aspects of feeding cows during pasAddition of minor elements to cows fed duriusing acidified & corn silage for feeding cows grower diets & of alternative day feeding. line under conditions of different feeding. infectious canine hepatitis in dogs fed a high Vitamin A deficiency in drought-fed sheep. Influence of feeding dry cows with different On feeding of dry cows. agricultural by-products in feeding of farm possibility of its use in feeding of farm animRelative position of farmer-feeders in increaplasma & blood celis of chicks fasted or fed Feeding & fertility in high performance cow to vitamin E deficiency in calves fed fish pro Foliar feeding of crops. utilization for predicting forage feeding valuLiver steatosis of force-fed geese as influencExperiments for young geese feeding with gLiver steatosis of force-fed geese as influencTop feed can relieve green feeding problem Effect of group-feeding on food requirements of energo-protein norms in feeding of guinea Effect of energy level of feeding heifers. (Diof cattle paunch in laying hen feeding. of vitamin B12 on hatchability of hens fed meat-type pullet. VI. Effect of feeding high Feeding high-yielding cows. due to faults in feeding of lactating cows & proteolytic enzymes activity in lambs fed on analog as a ration supplement to lambs fed Processing sorghum grain for feeder lambs: Effect of level of feeding on growth & develof calves in relation to level of feeding. to production purpose & level of feeding. Technique of ad libitum feeding. (Swine, hoI ii. digestibility of lignin in feedingstuffs. [ Question of estrogens in livestock feeding. cutting units with longitudinal log feeding. Lot feeding as an aid to property managemPigs; their management & feeding. affected by longstem hay & method feeding. chickens when various methods of feeding wmeat as effected by methods of feeding. calves fed with natural milk & of those fed Pancreatic secretion in milk-fed calf. calves fed with natural milk & of those fed genus & new species of a plant-feeder mite fsp., African Diptera Mycetophilidae feeding of silage at different number of feedings to use of silage in dairy cow feeding over sever

06884 06885 06889 06898 06904 06904 06688 06886 06886 06921 06905 06886: 07030 06889 06894 06883 06893 06689 06872 06793 06900 06911: 06914 06756 068840 06885 06889 06904 069067 069112 069129 069138 06915 069020 069144 06886 06898 068778 069140 07448€ 068875 069134 069221 068844 06905 069204 06786 069021 06920€ 069745 068897 068894 06915€ 068852 069215 066898 069088 069188 069007 073321 06886 070284 068905 07028 068928 069086 069112 069224 069118 069024 069027 069184 070332 068934 069166 069172 068578 069217 069218 069189 068973 068863 071047 069080 068930 069037 069059 069211 067938 068729 069113 075784 075565

FEED nitroso compounds. (Carcinogens, food, feed Chick embryos, cell culture, food, feed). by their treatment with nitrogen. (Feed). Storing high moisture grain. [Feed). Chick embryos, cell culture, food, feed). potato slices are not yet known? (Feed). of nutritive value in fish flour protein. (Feed] hydrogen peroxide & perchloric acid. (Feed] of synthetic amino acids in feedstuffs. vs. soybean meal during feedlot adaptation sulfamethazine during feedlot adaptation fol

067392 067590 068257 068260 068814 069040 069154 068841 069130 069139 069144

FENNEL Heterosis breeding in fennel. (Foeniculum v- FENS Management of Woodwalton Fen: A multidi-

069231 069036 069024 070011 075784 069046 068904 068928 069026 069077 067560 074998 077194 068852 069011 068960 074486 076699 076035 069069 068855 068888 068903 075979 068897 068944 068955 071598 069119 069097 070307 075914 069031 069011 069031 069036 069137 067547 067553 067650 068923 070011 068845 068879 068923 069049 069202 069231 068967 068840 067552 068972 068866 069008 069038 068864 076699 069140 069191 068832 068972

FERMENTATION in microbiological industry. [Fermentation) Fluctuation in effects of fermentation ability as an intermediate of fatty acid fermentation in wines during alcoholic fermentation. cerevisiae during fermentation. [Wine). enzymes by means of deep fermentation of fFermentative digestion of ruminant protein of rough fodder by means of fermentation wby Lactobacillus casei. (Food fermentation) of i.f.o. (Institute for Fermentation) fungus Malolactic fermentation in wine. V viii. impMethane fermentation of whey. effect of Dalapon on fermentation of musts. Influence of polymers on fermentative & ot. Influence of products of fermentation & impInfluence of fermentation-promoting additivSlimy fermentations. (Cacao). Causes & removal of non-fermented sugar in A chamber for fermentation of tobacco under Improvement in fermentation of tobacco of different lengths of in vitro fermentation. upon their in vitro fermentation & utilization H2S (hydrogen sulfide) in wine fermentation.

067635 067732 068627 068144 068098 072196 069183 068258 067604 071448 068232 067855 068188 072401 068034 067527 067623 068219 067991 068052 068995 069084 067427

in swine feeding. IV. Feeding pedigreed baby Effect of beet pulp pellets fed steers winteriB12 on hatchability of hens fed petroleum yrelation to age of pigs in a swill feeding pig New genus & new species of a plant-feeder Effects of feeding potato silage for fattening Sorghum grain in poultry feeding. Top feed can relieve green feeding problem type pullet. II. Effects of feeding programs Proper feeding to improve fertility & health Ecological aspects of protein feeding- case protein labelling in liver of protein-fed & pro Ecological aspects of protein feeding- case in cattle at silage-beet pulp feeding. for growing steers fed parified diets. with age, level & quality of feeding. Chemical weed control in rain-fed cotton gr. Yield of rain-fed wheat as affected by methlafluence of rate of feeding on threshing pr. Possibilities for rationalizing feeding in restinvestigation on beer cattle fed rations contof copper & cobalt on feeding of ruminants. Young bulls Bruno x Modicano-Sardi fed wihausing-barn & flat silo with self feeding. Vitamin A deficiency in drought-fed sheep. Cymbopogon sp.) in growing sheep feeding metabolism in rumen of sheep at feeding wiSelection of feeding site by white-fronted geuse of dry grain corn in feeding of slaughter Effects of feeding soya products to pre-rumiUrolithiasis in stall fed Boran (Bos indicus) Effect of feeding standards on growth & prodigestibility of beef steers fed steam flaked, diethylstilbestrol for growing steers fed puridigestibility of beef steers fed steam flaked, Effect of beet pulp pellets fed steers winteriNext step in feeding more dairy cows. Food fat & human health: feeding studies in Ethical considerations in feeding studies on Conditioning of feeding stuffs & perspectives Swine feeding suggestions & rations for Souin relation to age of pigs in a swill feeding pof organs & tissues of swine at feeding with of artificially dried corn on feeding swine for Swine feeding suggestions & rations for Souartificially dried maize in feeding of swine. lysine & methionine in swine feeding. non-pelleted mixes in swine feeding. IV. Fe. Study of effect of feeding synthetic nitrogen Economical cattle feeding systems are to be Feeding trials in children. sulfate at concentrated type of feeding. study of palatability & feeding value of rapeFeeding value of roasting soybeans for dairy Feeding value of four different bhybrid sorg. for predicting forage feeding values. Yield of rain-fed wheat as affected by methDry & high-moisture corn fed whole or rollWinter feeding of brood cattle: Concentrate acid of fraction C5.-C9 in feeding of young Results of feeding young swine with ammonFELINE Radiographic appearance of ecotopic feline Peline infectious peritonitis. Studies on feline infectious peritonitis ( fip). asd histogenesis of fetal & neonatal feline phistogenesis of fetal & neonatal feline pancr. Isolation of a feline virus. Description of s. FELT new synonym of Janetiella siskiyou Felt (Dobservations on loose wool felting together FEMALE madagascariensis Vinson 1863: adult female of eggs in ovaries of adult female. Cardiovascular status of female Beagles expo degeneration of ovaries in buffalo females. Carcass value of young female cattle fattened reproductive function in female cattle. II. crossbred between Korean cattle female & fattening performance of young female cattle on occurrence of mosquito females Culex pipidentification of females of three freshwater Evidence of an heterogamete female. in sera & pituitaries of female lambs followiEffect of corpora allata in laying female of Lipids of female monarch butterfly, Danaus laid by Tepa-treated

Dacus oleae females. I content on metabolism of female rabbits. histology of male & female reproductive org. Ser inversion in female--sterile beet (Beta vmartinism as one of forms of female sterility development of female stinglessbee Trigona

FERTILIZATION beet by irrigation & additional fertilization. Soil test & balanced fertilisation. More on fertilization in Bulgarian forests. in fertilization of Chrysanthemum. some soil conditions & fertilization. (Rice). meadow after different fertilization. of pseudogley soils differently fertilized on y. Fertilization dressing & maintenance applicWilld. cv. Eckespoint D-7 to fertilization, cExamination of effect of fertilization on winEffects of fertilization & density on yield of hybrids from unfertilized & fertilized eggs of of combined experiments of fertilization & Control & fertilization experiments in Begoof combined experiments of fertilization & accumulation of meadow forage fertilized at Effects of aerial forest fertilization with urea seed hemp to various forms of fertilizing widna-rna hybrids from unfertilized & fertiliz. countries, fertilizing industry will still suffer Fertilizing with integrated doses of phosphoin loess under intensive fertilizing with minof ammonia after fertilization of jack pine. Fertilizing & liming grain sorghum (milo). soils. II. Effect of magnesium fertilization. Meliorated fertilization with phosphorus. Fertilizing Mentha piperita in Krasnodar Tof nitrogen & nitrogen fertilization methods Level of mineral fertilization & intensity of A case of inefficiency in mineral fertilization Cotton mineral fertilizing in North-CameroInfluence of mineral fertilizing during many Tests in mineral fertilization on a Pinus taeA case of inefficiency in mineral fertilization Effect of nitrogen fertilization on nitrogen cNitrogen fertilization, harvest management, Seed density & nitrogen fertilization in spriof different levels of nitrogen fertilization on Effect of nitrogen & nitrogen fertilization mmaize varieties to nitrogen fertilization. I. on dates of nitrogen fertilizing of winter ceron dates of nitrogen fertilizing of winter cerNitrogen fertilization, harvest management, Effects of nitrogen fertilization & mowing frBurning & nitrogen fertilization of Tobosa g. Effect of nitrogen fertilization pattern on hgradually increased nitrogene fertilizing on Response functions & optimal fertilizing rate Effectiveness of pastures fertilization with no Effect of nitrogen fertilization pattern on hby nitrogen & phosphorus fertilization. Process of pollination & fertilization at crosResults of trials on fertilization of poplar "I Effect of potassic fertilization on evolution Effect of potassium fertilization on chemical Potassium fertilization for cotton in tropical of phosphorus & potassium fertilizing on grEffect of potassium fertilization on chemical Potato fertilizing in soils of Vladimir Opolye investigations of fertilization process & early On fertilization process of alfalfa. Study of fertilization process in cherries. Response functions & optimal fertilizing rate Effect of high rates of fertilization on some Fertilizing requirements of poppy. (Papaver determination of fertilizing uirements of results of two year research on fertilization culture of seedling & its fertilization. (rice). of experiments with sodium-fertilizing in Cz. regime of sod-podzolic soils fertilized for a ammonium nitrate used for spring fertilizing Studies on fertilization in archegoniate planFertilization of sugar cane in reunion. with use of urea in system of fertilizing. Actual topics on fertilization. of experiments in peach tree fertilization. Fertilizing value of peat composts & not coFertilizing value of non-leguminous crops cuPossibilities of fertilizing winter wheat with Response of tomato to zinc fertilization in a

072887 076701 076727 076871 077076 076594 076890 076665 072218 076652 076817 075369 073421 073965 076721 076660 076823 076838 075369 067083 076748 076520 076687 076676 074366 076805 076772 076642 066830 070847 076691 076745 076845 076846 073122 073480 073534 076616 076642 076731 076739 076740 076804 076813 076820 076840 073345 076844 076690 076840 076664 072051 076677 076678 068996 076719 076746 076753 076767 071767 072866 073017 076844 076851 076743 076744 073852 073335 076640 076262 076742 071746 076717 076630 076729 076827 076749 076750 076852 076736

069289 069950 069972 068536 068537 070069

FERROUS using orally & parenterally applied ferrous FERTILITY Characterization of self-fertile capacity of sinfluencing fecundity & fertility of codling Fecundity & colony size in natural populaticonsequence of soil fertility contamination. Effect of soil cultivation & fertility on growwheat grains on soils with different fertility Growth, development, & fertility of early insoybean. II. Analysis of fertility elements & Soil fertility experiments with peanuts in 1 mating on longevity, fecundity & fertility in Feeding & fertility in high performance cow mating on longevity, fecundity & fertility in in male-sterile & male-fertile garden carrot on ovarian response & fecundity of goats. rats. I. verification of non-fertility of hydroProper feeding to improve fertility & health Fertility improvement in autotetraploid sorIncreasing fertility of red soils utilized for tIncreasing fertility of sandy & sandy loam sIncreasing fertility of sandy soils. Study of factors influencing fecundity & fertFertility in Israel, & economist's interpretatof calcareous chernozem layer fertility on rgrains on soils with different fertility level. in male-sterile & male-fertile garden carrot distribution & fecundity of overwintering geFertility patterns & their determinants in Aeffect on semen quality & fertility of pellet On fertility & performance of young cows kmethods to measure phosphatic fertility of sRestoration of pollen fertility in wheat hybrplants on longevity & fecundity of Psylla pyto study of relations between fertility & milk Fertility & reproduction disturbances in bovsterile maintainers & fertility restorers. Preliminary plant spacing & fertility results inseminated out of sexual season on fertility Characterization of self-fertile capacity of sosmotic-tolerance of alkaline & fertile soil Studies on soil fertility of apple orchard. IX Comparative estimate of soil fertility with r. basis as consequence of soil fertility contamwaters in increase of soil fertility. osmotic-tolerance of alkaline & fertile soil of formation of low moor soil & its fertility light of systematic control of soil fertility. Soil fertility experiments with peanuts in 1 Studies on soil fertility of apple orchard. IX conservation & restoration of soil fertility on osmotic-tolerance of alkaline & fertile soMutation & fertility studies of Drosophila Fertility studies of pasture soils in wet tropProceedings of Society for Study of Fertility field trials on soils with fertility varying do

072987 075125 075202 076378 072946 072861 069552 073516 076671 075321 069188 075321 071977 069408 069431 069077 071927 076585 076959 076963 075125 067173 072884 072861 071977 075142 067172 069407 069486 076211 071909 075097 069525 070379 072109 073495 069508 072987 072461 073137 076239 076378 076398 076413 076545 076647 076671 076764 076904 072460 075154 076681 069383 073531

075085 075526 070406 070316 067953 068833 069046 069187 075187 075157 075109 068518 075101 075362 074750 068926 075485 071774 069419 075603

FERTILIZERS in " liquid revolution". (Fertilizers). Dealer & liquid revolution”. (Fertilizers] Farmer & liquid revolution". (Fertilizers] How liquids affect plant quality. (Fertilizers where are we headed?. (Fertilizers). of usa & several other countries. (Fertilizers phosphate manufacture. (Fertilizers). furnace dust of cement works. (Fertilizers). from domestic kalitrachytes. (Fertilizers). experiments with tobacco. (Fertilizers). oxide as a solvent of humic acid. (Fertilizers] future yield data. (Field crops, fertilizers). strong points of fertilizer advisory service reiron & copper ions. (Fertilizer analysis). Food production & fertilizer application. 1. on effect of split application of fertilizer & Economic effect of application of fertilizers

076709 076710 076711 076712 076715 076778 076828 076833 076837 076870 076875 076663 076722 076763 066519 076702 076724

Page 23

of high rates of phosphatic fertilizers. IV. C- 072917 of high rates of phosphatic fertilizers. I i. 076855 of a high dose of phosphoric fertilizers. II. 076853 Effects of trifluralin on fertilizer phosphorus 074455 on effectiveness of phosphorus fertilizers. 076216 on cffect of phosphorus fertilizers applied in 076617 nutritive value of some phosphorus fertilizers. 076644 radish to nitrogen & phosphorus fertilizers. 076732 Effectiveness of phosphorus fertilizers on C- 076773 with application of phosphorus fertilizers & 076803 of sowing. (Fertilizers, Forage plants).

076861 of phosphorus & potassium fertilizers.

073139 of phosphatc & potassium fertilizers on nutr- 073199 time of application of potassium fertilizers 076656 of chlorine-containing potassium fertilizers 076666 norms of application of potassium fertilizers 076669 Applying phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to 076670 of solubility of fertilizers of potassium mata- 076672 of applying potassium fertilizers to spring 076780 Using potassium fertilizers on fixed potato 076784 nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium fertilizers 076858 Some problems on use of fertilizers in fores- 076728 sulfur. 1 . Proper fertilizer programs preve- 076716 A comparison of projections of fertilizer use 067247 Magnesium & sulfur. I ii. Proper fertilizer 076716 training, research, publications of fertilizer 076859 1972 Lime & fertilizer recommendations. 076788 of intensive use of mineral fertilizers related 076807 by potatoes in relation to fertilizers.

073016 Sapropels as fertilizers & a mineral-vitamin 068265 method of application of selected fertilizer 066884 Organic fertilizer Siapa on sugarbeet.

076802 by winter wheat from soil & from fertilizers 072656 Review of literature on sulfur as fertilizer. 076653 experiment on study of fertilizer systems us- 076774 N--P.-K. simpler terms for fertilizers. (Nitr- 076620 Foreign trade in fertilizers.

067090 growth response of trees to fertilizer.

076824 Study of trend in fertilizer use in Tamil Na- 076698 study of different types of fertilizer as sourc. 076873 Investigations on fertilizer value of ureaform 076615 quality of sugar beets with various fertilizer 072848 soil test values, & fertilizer use on yields of 076689

FIBERS of conversion of feed to fiber of Angora goat Unification of standards for bast fiber testing of cell wall deposition in fiber cells of MarcHydroxyproline in plant fibre cells. rate of degradation of cellulose fibers in watStudy of some fibrous celluloses--poplar floss Genetics of ginning & fibre characters in Upof dna within 80-angstrom chromatin fibers. visco-elastic properties of fibrous collagen dEvaluation of cotton fibre response to chemon technological indicators of cotton fibers wood under compression crosswise to fibers Crude fiber, form of ration, type of silage & of determination of acid-detergent fibre on iMuscle fibre diameter in Hungarian YorkshA note on changes in wool fibre diameter frof semi-mechanical extraction of fiber from f. scutching intensity on change of flax fiber pon yield of bast & its quality in fiber flax cugrowth, development & yields of fiber flax g. to technology of growing fiber flax on acid I. On particle size of ground fiber. A contribution to technology of growing fib-r New varieties of flax & hemp for fiber. Keratin fibres. VI. Mechanism of Allworden Relationship of fiber length & specific graviMuscle fibre diameter in Hungarian Yorkshtypes of multiply-innervated muscle fibre in of individual skeletal muscle fibers in sheep. coupling in tubular muscle fibers. I. organizof phasic & tonic skeletal muscle fibres in ldisposition of neurosecretory fibers. ethnological specimens of fibre-plant materiHydroxyproline in plant fibre cells. intensity on change of flax fiber properties Effect of solar radiation on fiber quality of Evaluation of cotton fibre response to chemprovenance by primary & secondary fibers of of standards for bast fiber testing methods. Fiber tracheid length & wood specific gravity A method for separation of fiber types from size distribution of ground wood fiber. Studies on handling process of wood fiber for of waves of tension along wood fibers. A note on changes in wool fibre diameter fr

069169 067444 071840 072356 071162 070885 072003 075394 067920 067988 072947 071142 069005 068909 067880 067883 066896 068063 072827 072897 073524 070964 073524 073521 067888 071174 067880 068643 068668 075393 075395 075092 071188 072356 068063 068049 067988 073588 067444 071758 067909 070958 070964 071134 067883

sugar beets relative to fertilizer application Application of fertilizers to fast growing conApplication of fertilizers 10 pine plantations seedlings with application of fertilizers. Fertilizers--their application fully proven. Efficiency of fertilizer application on calcarFoliar application of fertilizers in fruit grow. Spring tillage & application of fertilizers in beets by irrigation & fertilizer application. on effect of phosphorus fertilizers applied in of sugar beets with various fertilizer bases wfungicides & fertilizers of calcium cyanamide works as a potassium & calcium fertilizer. Calculating fertilizer dosage for planned yie. advantages of loose mineral fertilizer chain quality control for complex fertilizers. A large fertiliser complex takes shape in G. of mechanical composition & fertilizers on bFertilizer demonstrations. Distribution of fertiliser. Hydraulic type of fertilizer distributors for Calculating fertilizer dosage for planned yieEconomics of fertilizer use. Effect of fertilizers on consumption of nitroEffect of fertilizers on barylcy yield, on gra. Effect of fertilizers on accumulation of nutriEffect of fertilizers on yield of bast & its quEffect of fertilizers on yield & chemical coEffect of fertilizers & limc on phosphorus nEffect of fertilizers on yields. (Vegetables, Effect of fertilizers & lime on potato yields Effect of fertilizers & irrigation on planting Effects of fertilizers on developing antagoniVirus & fertilizer effects on growth of young Effects of N fertilizers on yield & nitrogen Effects of fertilizer on irrigated grain sorghComparative yield & fertilizer efficiency of network of experiments with fertilizers at a micronutrient chelates in fluid fertilizers. Forest fertilizers in Canada. Importance of fertilizers in improving fracticonsequent effects of industrial fertilizers on Role of fertiliser industry in green revolution Effect of inorganic fertilizers on sugarcane success with a little-known fertilizer. (DendA large fertiliser complex takes shape in G. in development of liquid fertilizers in SlovaUse of complete liquid fertilizers for cotton, animal nutrition with liquid fertilizers. Quality liquid fertilizers in research progra. of complex micronutrient fertilizer Lumosol of application of selected fertilizer materials Fertiliser mechanism of uptake of nutrients Effect of complex micronutrient fertilizer LEffect of manure & of mineral fertilizers on of increased doses of mineral fertilizers on y. Effect of basic mineral fertilizer & top dress. Effect of mineral fertilizers on yield & qualiEffect of mineral fertilizers on protein & sof drought, irrigation & mineral fertilizers on Study of influence of mineral fertilizers upon intensive fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Effect of mineral fertilizers on soil microfloof different amounts of mineral fertilizers to Utilization of mineral fertilizers & yields of application of complete mineral fertilizer. Application of mineral fertilizers to spring Application of mineral fertilizers in cultivatEffect of mineral fertilizers on propagation Application of mineral fertilizers to culture On use of mineral fertilizers on Pinus stands Application of mineral fertilizers in forests. of intensive use of mineral fertilizers related consumption of mineral fertilizers in Poland are advantages of loose mineral fertilizer chof date of application of mineral fertilizer on of foliar application of mineral fertilizers on Influence of chalking & mineral fertilizers Effect of mineral fertilizers on pasture gras. Effectiveness of mineral fertilizers in growi. Mineral fertilizers & their component ratios plants to high doses of mineral fertilizers. Seed mixtures & fertilisers for lawns & playEffect of copper & molybdenum fertilizers on Fertilizers need careful storage. Effect of some forms of nitrogen fertilizers Effect of various forms of nitrogen fertilizers of sowing & of doses of nitrogen fertilizers soil requirements of nitrogen fertilizers. of increase in price of nitrogen fertilizers. of different forms of nitrogen fertilizers on yof bark at composting to obtain fertilizers. action of mineral & organic fertilizers. (EquEffect of mineral & organic fertilizers & lime Short analytical study of organic fertilizers Amount of organic fertilizers on farms in of applying mineral & organic fertilizers to ammonium nitrate in organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizer Siapa on sugarbeet. Interaction of mineral & organic fertilizers Grazing, fertilizers & pesticides in manage. responses to various phosphate fertilizers in

076783 076794 076797 076799 076815 076832 076867 076951 073442 076617 072848 073537 076836 076768 076816 076619 076708 076395 076697 076685 076725 076768 066878 072654 072689 072691 072827 072830 073015 076765 076766 076841 074041 074208 076752 076872 073356 076782 076723 076726 072964 072911 076707 076703 076673 076708 076638 076692 076713 076714 073182 066884 072326 073182 072655 072658 072690 072829 072934 072960 073212 076520 076643 076645 076647 076657 076779 076793 076796 076798 076800 076801 076807 076809 076816 076857 076874 076880 076882 076883 076884 072494 073806 072446 076700 072802 072828 072999 076786 076814 076878 076811 076164 076649 076695 076775 076776 076787 076802 076808 073380 076682

FETAL Bactericidal activity of bovine fetal serum alevels of proteins & enzymes in fetal calf du. Salmonella from an aborted cattle foetus. ( Composition of foetal & maternal blood dur. in tissues of pregnant cows & their fetuses. Effect of locoweed on fetal development: Pr. appearance of ecotopic feline fetal mummifiof European swine fever in foetuses & neonaOn fetal hemoglobin of aboriginal Yakut catMorphology a5d histogenesis of fetal & neoMorphology & histogenesis of fetal & neonaNutrient stores in human foetal livers. of effects of drugs upon foetal intestine. 1. acids in cow's liver & in their fetuses. Development of liver in fetus in connection Nutrient stores in human foetal livers. Alimentary causes in fetus losses. (Livestock of ecotopic feline fetal mummification. of pregnancy & of number of foetuses in shein serum of developing pig foetus. Bactericidal activity of bovine fetal serum a. development of epidermis in sheep fetuses. amnion, umbilical cord & skin in fetal sheep incorporation into foetal skeleton. between blood picture of sows & fetuses in lagglutination test for vibriosis. (Vibrio fetus, Africa: Preliminary report. (Vibrio fetus). with sheep & Angora goats. (Vibrio fetus, S.

069747 069312 069924 069372 068688 070290 069289 070246 068568 068536 068537 067519 069621 068687 068968 067519 070388 069289 069504 068691 069747 068651 068807 068499 068936 069880 070118 070137

FEVER Isolation of agent of Q-fever from AlectorobTreatment of East Coast fever with actinomof Rocky Mountain spotted fever group in to in guinea-pigs by material hyperthermia durcostant behavior in cows with milk fever or on antennae of yellow fever mosquito, Aedes Paraclinical symptoms of swine fever. their susceptibility to African swine fever. [ modifications of European swine fever in foecoagulopathy in acute swine fever. form from infected pancreas in swine fever Kidney lesions in European swine fever.

FIELDS Coleoptera--family Cicindelidae) in field. cooperation in field of agricultural science. deepening cooperation in field of agriculture A field application of tissue culture attenuatCooperation in field of artificial insemination from labeled weeds in a sugar-beet field. Decision making in biological field. (Food a. Recent advances in field of biological researOn calculating field temperature during tharespiration in a Carolina old field. (Grasses) of equipment for straw collecting in field? mildew on apple tree in field conditions. [P. of Loess grounds under field conditions in Model for planning & conducting field trials in phytopharmaceutic trials in field cotton. free amino acids in muscles of field cricket productivity & price level on large field crop List of registered field crop varieties for cultList of field crop varieties for Yugoslav condField crop culture in Volga region. cropping & rotational cropping fields. (Fungi work quality, available days. (Field crops). phosphorus & potassium in main field crops 1971 Field crops variety trials. international variety trials. (Field crops). problems of cultural practices for field crops rotations by cultivated crops. (Field crops). Rotation of field crops in Bashkiria. Chemical weed control in field crops, 1972. Greenhouse pests of field crops. from experimental data for some field crops to predict future yield data. (Field crops, feof soil moisture & dry density of field on voSoil disinfection in field. Performance of septic tank disposal fields in pricked-out tomato seedlings for early field in biological productivity of field ecosystem

075193 067210 067211 069983 069423 074681 067289 071196 071105 072872 076073 073886 076344 073531 074677 075185 066703 073559 073560 073607 074013 066701 072807 073426 073483 073527 073602 073606 074518 074717 076428 076663 076447 074345 076410 073695 072680

074944 069860 074885 070325 070298 075279 070204 070242 070246 070270 070272 070273

FILARIASIS on transmission of Bancroftian filariasis in Transmission of filariasis: Limitation of pas

FIRES Wilderness fires allowed to burn more natuFire blight--a dangerous bacterial disease of Spontaneous combustion as cause of fires.[ of maxima of forest fire combustion. videotape system used for fire control. (Forfaster aircraft tested. (Forest fire detection] tracking system.(Forest fire detection). logging, road building, & fire. (Soil erosion] Methods of evaluating fire-retardant treatmExtinguishing of fires with artificial rain. Forest fires. Standby of forest clerks. Forest fire research in Warsaw, Forest fires in southern France. On seasonal dynamics of forest fires. helicopter in protection of forests from fire Influence of fire on soil nutrients in a pondThemeda triandra Forsk. in relation to fire. Fire safety regulations in forests of ussr.

070471 074119 067742 070517 070472 070470 070473 070503 070909 070519 070468 070475 070478 070529 070569 070469 072715 070518

070593 070852 070748 070740 070751 070780 073234 073235 071631 070856 070774

fields & of weak electromagnetic fields on sorientation of grain in an electrostatic field. Field epidemiology of fascioliasis in Port BeField experience from mycoplasmosis sanitawheat with ccc under field experiment condiusing translocations: a first field experiment structure of a stationary field experiment on improvement on soils in experimental field heavy doses in four-years field experiments mosquitoes using translocations: a first field Forestry field in new regions put on a contof food in paddy field grasshopper Oxya velVariety evaluation of field grown tulips in cPasteurellosis in field hares & wild rabbits. Immunization field trials in susceptible WhiSome recent developments in field of insect Experiment with field investigations of migr. winter wheat & feed beets in irrigated fields of available rainfall in field irrigation. I. character in two of forty-three field isolates Efficiency in field of labor protection, preveof productivity & price level on large field cfor growing early carrots on large fields. terrace systems, & on a bench leveled field. dry density in gravelly sandy loam field. fuEffect of permanent magnetic fields & of wephosphorus & potassium in main field crops aced of service in field mechanical works & of pathogenicity of mycoplasma field strains trees for detection of Sirex noctilio in field. Africa. Experimental observations on field. Some studies related to field occurrence. Enclosure of open fields: preface to a study From field of organic insecticides; on interaplanning for substitute lots on paddy fields. lots, as an example to paddy fields at Hasastudies on utilization of food in paddy field dry density of poldered paddy field soils in dry density of heavy clay soil paddy field widry density in an alluvial clayey paddy field content in an alluvial sandy paddy field in Actual state of poldered paddy field in Kojseeding on drained heavy-clay paddy field, crice & wheat straw as manure on paddy field. Selected pasture fields for crop rotation--a Heterosis in field pea. On harvest date of field pea grown for green Design & field performance of tractor-mounchemicals for controlling rodent field pests. Research in field of plant ecology & geobotMutual Economic Assistance in field of plant Some problems of field planting of nutmeg. fertilisers for lawns & playing fields. genetics & selection in field of production of lomato scedlings for early field production. Inheritance of field reaction to stem rust in List of registered field crop varieties for cultResearch in forestry & related fields in Iran Present status of forestry & related fields in Studies on field resistance of strawberry varField resistance of potato varieties to virus Algae flora in rice fields in environs of KocAnimal pests of rice fields. outritional groups of bacteria in rice fields of biological factors in submerged rice fields. nutritional groups of bacteria in rice fields of biological factors in submerged rice fields. chemicals for controlling rodent field pests. dry density of poldered paddy field soils in from soybean & sorghum fields. for immobilization of field specimens. (LepiSpacial structure of a stationary field experof pathogenicity of mycoplasma field strains "lands" or relict strip fields in South Austrapoles

: results of laboratory & field studies. Field study on problem of groundwater contA field survey of mites infesting stored sugar Problems of selectivity in field of systemic fvariation of evapo-transpiration on tea field On calculating field temperature during tha. Results from bield tests with Omethoat in cefficacy of mebendazole: A field trial in horprocessing data from veterinary field trials. Immunization field trials in susceptible WhiObservations on field trials with an experiModel for planning & conducting field trials Field trials for control of onion downy mildprocedures & results from field trials. Model for planning & conducting field trials of "Ironuke" & "Kubiore" in field tulip. Source & degree of soil variation in field. Field vegetation in Lower Austria as indicatin processing data from veterinary field triain formation of biotypes of field weeds. applied in heavy doses in four-years field exFILAMENTS serology of filamentous apple viruses. electron microscopy of filamentous fungi. FILARIA of larvac of Dictyocaulus filaria.

068785 072967 069857 070056 072649 074951 076774 076650 076617 074951 071091 07547 073831 070235 069798 075303 076343 074529 077077 069782 070720 066703 073658 076953 076450 068785 072807 066851 070269 074813 076894 076309 066554 075079 066780 066781 075478 076441 076442 076443 076444 076452 077076 076821 073509 072007 073530 076051 074428 071568 074292 073844 073806 071895 073695 072033 073559 070490 070494 073948 074239 071483 074382 075030 075066 076377 077251 074428 076441 072661 075447 076774 070269 066619 070904 075041 074854 073860 072430 071105 074671 069824 069593 069798 070193 073531 073976 075011 076526 074372 076200 074477 069593 074562 076617

FIRS shape in openand forest-grown balsam fir & Douglas fir Christmas tree grown in nursery Trials in rooting of Douglas-fir cuttings by a storage & transportation of Douglas fir planof spring-lifted, mud-packed douglas-fir seedDouglas-fir seed orchard problems--a progrein stem circumference of douglas-fir. [PseudAbsence of "rest" in cambium of douglas-fir. On parcel structure of a hairy-sedged fir-woOn certain mixed stands of fir & oak trees in stump-pulling resistance of Todo-fir with FISH gram negative bacilli. (Spoilage, beef, fish, texture of goldeye (Hiodon alosoides). (Fish On monkeys, fish, & Brazilian agricultural Mercury in Canadian fish. analysis of triand dimethylamine in fish. of Western Fergana Region & effect of fish to vitamin E deficiency in calves fed fish prFish flesh--a nutritious food for man. intermediate moisture, deep-fried fish flesh. Determination of nutritive value in fish flour Phospholipids or five Indian food fishes. baskets for transportation of fresh fish with of intermediate moisture, deep-fried fish sleof radiation sterilized fish items. on freshwater plankton of a fish-pond in KaEffects of logging debris on fish production Fish protein concentrate. E deficiency in calves fed fish protein conceStability of fish sausage at low temperature Supply of fresh sea fish in Tananarive: Study type E spores through fish smoking process Development of radiation sterilized fish iteCanadian Northwest Territories fish & mafor Asiatic rice borer control to tropical fish of protein isolates from whole fish. FISHERIES Oregon's fishery programs & policies in rela

067382 067617 066553 067292 067731 073584 069007 067530 067722 069154 067640 067755 067722 067606 071312 070497 067658 069007 067723 067446 067399 067606 067614 074690 067724

FINES of sheep wool of newly created fine-wooled acids in germinating seeds of fine-fibered coof different organs of fine-fibered cotton. of phenol compounds in seeds of fine-fibered On nitrite injury of excised tea fine root & Fine structural studies on "poroconidium" fFine-structural observations on necrotic adv. chick heart: a study in fine structure. Relation between fine structure of smoothFine structure of epithelia of amnion, umbilion drying. II. Differences in fine structure of of cultural conditions on fine structure of wOn fine structure & nomenclature of microsFine structure of wheat scutellum before geFine structure of annellophores. I ii. MonotFine structure of resting mycelium of VerticFine structure of swarmers of Cladophora & Fine-structure of cell wall & plasma membrFine structure of resting mycelium of VerticLocation & fine structure of chloride cells & of caddisfly larvae. I. Fine structure & histoFine structure of sensory hairs on cerci of GFine structure of sensory hairs on cerci of GOn nitrite injury of excised tea fine root & Machine milking of fine wool ewes on coopcreated fine-wooled breeds. I. Fine-wooled b

067956 072684 072687 072688 074373 071789 071847 068418 068634 068807 070945 071119 071676 071710 071729 071734 071797 071843 073924 075221 075222 075547 075548 074373 076199 067956

FIXATION Bicarbonate fixation by cell-free extracts & of processes of fixation of carbon dioxide. enzymes responsible for fixation of carbon dproducts of photosynthetic carbon fixation iReduction & fixation of chronic coxofemoral II. Development of a complement fixation to of infection & complement fixation titres. of slow wave of contraction after fixation by processes of carbon dioxide fixation & biosySand dune fixation in Michigan--thirty years calcium carbonate content on iron fixation in A fixation method for scanning electron micEffect of mode of fixation on formation of eResults of studies of free nitrogen fixation affecting asymbiotic nitrogen fixation in soils of atmospheric nitrogen fixation by blue-gre. of non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation in some loess amelioration on potassium fixation, ot. Non-symbiotic fixation of nitrogen in rhizos.

072417 068797 072206 074274 069659 069775 069790 075549 068564 070781 076573 071872 075223 076220 076238 076480 076566 076604 076529

068320 069141 069143 069140 070523 068870 068984 069139 068827 069036

069723 070255 066748 067634 076464 070181 072763 076574 076246 076019 076784

FLEXIBILITY tea. 1. Storage tests of flexible packaged tea Effect of flexible twisting action of a bunch

FIXING determination of complement fixing activity Occurrence of complement-fixing antibodies Utilization of working hours as fixed asset in wear & technical progress of fixed assets in Asymbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria--a review sheep. I ii. Dynamics of complement-fixing for obtaining nitrogen-fixing extracts from bon peatlands without necessity of fixing thFree nitrogen fixing soil bacteria communitiFixing & planning annual capacity of equipUsing potassium fertilizers on fixed potato FLAGELLATE Formation of flagellar crypt & evolution of iof Oxyuroidea & intestinal flagellates in labcimbexi sp. n., a new flagellate parasite of Cof new genera & type species of flagellates FLAKING of yam (Dioscorea alata L.) flakes. reconstituted, popped & steam-flaked grain. digestibility of beef steers fed steam flaked,

071679 070139 075082 071345

Algae flora in region of upper Gulcha River Bacterial flora of udder & number of cellular of Lactovac preparation on bacterial flora of Bryophyta flora of South Yenisei River crest L. & Cicerbita Wallr. of Caucasian flora. Flora costaricensis. Family no. 40, Casuarincombinations of European flora especially in statement for three species of French flora: Successive fungal flora on sterilized leaves in Fungi flora of Rhineland. 2. Mildews, rusts soil samples on composition of fungi flora of Contributions to an Mlinois flora. No. 4. C. Contributions to an Illinois flora. No. 5. CDactylis glomerata, Lolium multiflorum, Tricrop: Italian ryegrass. (Lolium multiflorum] a new species in flora of Macedonia. cytotaxonomic notes on flora of Maltese IslBioecological analysis of meadow flora of Cof Europe & mesophilous flora of Ostrava-KFirst information on Oligocene flora from eOn Late Pliocene flora of village Dvorets on of food protein & urea into ruminal fora prrare species of plants of flora of Ryazan' RFlora of a Sand Prairie in Black Hawk CouFlora of Septoria Fr. fungi & its developmeGenus Satureia S. L. in flora of Skopje VallNew data on sora of Steiermark. lii. Synchronous floras in Upper Carboniferous Flora of tropical Sahara-Libya according to Additions to Duthie's Flora of Upper GangeVascular flora of Bluff Mountain, Ashe CouPlant world. I. Flora & vegetation of Sahara of genus Thymus L. in flora of Yakutia.

07150 06725 07001 07135 07125 07133 07122 07153 07164 07132 07642 07134 07134 07283 07334: 07148. 07122 07160 07147 07125 07125 06840 07143 07136 07139 07148 071426 07147 07123 071286 071309 071471 071399

FLIES Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) on record frBlack flies (Diptera, Simuliidae) attacking analysis of two close species of black flies of within crops attacked by wheat bulb fly Lep1972 Cattle flies & lice controls for Idaho d. Biochemistry of development of fly Ceratitis House fly control for beef, dairy, poultry, & Isocitrate dehydrogenases from fly & cockrfor in-vitro stimulation of house fly egg deveAn unusual habit for a fly of family EphydrMechanism of puparium formation in flies. method of mass culturing melon fruit-fly, Dof larval haemolymph in fly. Calliphora. of phospholipids by honogenates of fly, CeraSprayer control of horn flies. (Haematobia iof blood sucking activity of horse-flies in SaHouse fly control for beef, dairy, poultry, & S from resistant & susceptible house Nies. method for in-vitro stimulation of house fly attacked by wheat bulb fly Leptohylemyia cA contribution to biology of flies Leucopis of insecticidal test for melon sly, Dacus cauA preliminary report on flies that reared on Chemical control of root flies in stalk vegetOn problem of dispersal of sand flies from Phlebotomine sand flies from Texas & Floribeta-alanine in puparium of fly Sarcophaga Postemergence growth in fly Sarcophaga fal. on sorghum lines resistant against shoot fly, Seasonal incidence of shoot fly (Atherigona Biology of sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona vaPortable trap for synanthropic flies. Tachina fly as a predator of Colorado beetle Tsetse fly: a blessing or a curse? Research on fungal pathogens of tsetse Nies: Some responses of tsetse flies to visual & ol. Labelling of tsetse flies by radioisotopes. (G. Tsetse ly: a blessing or a curse? in United States by African Tumbu fly, Cor

FLAT on soil disturbance & draft of flat chisels. between loose hausing-barn & flat silo with

071340 074912 075539 074702 074923 075370 074910 075350 075295 075252 075402 075331 075348 075361 074949 074922 074910 075208 075295 074702 075541 074738 074920 074729 074937 075723 075360 075463 072791 074692 074696 074898 074792 074928 074954 075462 075506 077192 074894

FLAVINES H-flavoprotein (1H-flavin mononucleotide).

FLORICULTURE Insect & other pests of floricultural crops.

FLAVOBACTERIUM yellow pigmented rods. (Flavobacterium, meFLAVONES Salvigenine & a new natural flavone from bTwo new flavones from Tephrosia polystachFLAVONOIDS Effect of some flavonoids in experimentally significance of formation of flavonoids in plCapparis species: lipids & flavonoids. ammonia-lyase by Pisum flavonoids. [Peas) Effect of several flavonoids on activity of in

070079 072186 072543 073091 072669

FLOTATION in emergent & floating Sparganium. FLOUR Bolting. (Flour). Reflections on sifting. (Flour). Adjustment of scratch system. (Flour). of p,p' DDT-resistant strain. (Flour). Tests in use of broadbean flour (Vicia faba L Wheat flour consumption. Floury-2 corn mutant, a valuable source for Influence of glandless cottonseed flour on qextract from glandless cottonseed flour. Determination of nutritive value in fish flour Manufacture of flours for pastes. browning of whole wheat meal flour. control & automation in flour mills. Soybean flours & grits. starch pulp, corn cob meal & soybean flour Wheat flour & its different uses.

FLIGHTS Flight activity & movement of Leucoptera oxoglutarate oxidation by blowfly flight-musdehydrogenase of blowfly flight muscle. (CalStabilizing mechanisms in insect flight. mechanisms controlling a flight maneuver in of mitochondria from flight muscle of aging structural variations in flight muscle mitochOn nocturnal light of Tabanidae toward so

FLOCCULATION Flocculation of algae with synthetic polymer-

FLOW linear programming, cash-flow analysis, & cfowl. VI. Testicular & muscle blood flow chUterine blood flow & oxygen consumption in of leaf blade at various flow conditions. A continuous flow system for inducing & ob

windbreak in two-dimensional flow. water-alcoholic mixtures in flowing film on Slaughter result information flow in a heavy its inportance in long distance pollen flow. organic matter in fast-flowing streams in ScOptimum machine systems & transport flow

066682 068508 069449 072340 071732 070456 067708 067424 075276 072354 076119

FLAX Processing of seeds for planting. (Flax). for bast fiber testing methods. (Flax, hemp) irrigation with retting effluent on flax crop. of bast & its quality in fiber flax culture in Evaluation of flax culture & mechanization of assimilation apparatus of different flax va. trimethylammonium chloride) effect on flax mechanical extraction of fiber from flax & hscutching intensity on change of Nax fiber pon yield of bast & its quality in fiber flax cugrowth, development & yields of fiber flax gto technology of growing fiber flax on acid development & yields of fiber flax grown in new Czechoslov improvements of flax during Flax & rapeseed 1971. Trials on chemical control of fax rust. (Meagents in aseptic cultures of flax seedlings. Restricting susceptibility of flax to diseases apparatus of different flax varieties. New varieties of flax & hemp for fiber. A contribution to flax varieties manuring. Quality of straw of flax variety T-10. increasing yields & quality of flax variety 1Use of Afalon against seed weeds in flax. phases & morphogenesis of winter flax (Lin

073472 067444 077088 072827 073471 072851 072850 066896 068063 072827 072897 073524 072897 072053 067995 074076 074039 074380 072851 073521 076792 073473 073474 074533 072805

FLOODS oak & black poplar in Volga-Akhtuba flood on rice yields in Volga-Akhtuba flood area. Vegetation of Yenisei River flooding area & Studies on methods of calculating flood cont. Flood control, flood fighting. of dimensions of flood control works in wat. on methods of calculating flood control of awhose crop was given up due to floods oEffect of flooding on farm income. evaluation of desalanizing effect of flooding Dynamics of trace elements in flooded & m. of control of torrents during high floods in Water requirements of potato on peat flood

070801 072852 071584 075956 076978 077012 077055 073503 066839 076474 076245 077098 077108

FLOWERING Biology of flowering of Aristida pennata. treatment for bulbous flowering plants. genetics of days to 50 per cent flowering in photoperiodic timers in control of flowering of domestic & cultivated flowering plants. Flowering dates for Tilia on east European long day or a single short day for flowering for sugar inhibition of duckweed flowering. Effect of flowering & berry formation on tu. Unusual flowering habit in Aranda hybrids. between micromycetes & higher flowering pradiation on growth & flowering of Inula rh. red & far-red light on flowering of long-day Survival & flowering of some perennial herbs Physiology of flowering in rice plants. V. P. germination & formation of flowering plant Induction of flowering plant sprout cell hypmicromycetes & higher flowering plants in of domestic & cultivated flowering plants. treatment for bulbous flowering plants. Growth & flowering responses of Lilium lonSeasonal rhythm of flowering & ripening of term on development, flowering & seed yield

072209 073621 071989 072552 071634 073317 073154 072534 073082 072451 071613 072207 072530 073160 072747 072306 074296 071613 071634 073621 073031 073269 073117

FLOWERS ccosystems. (Fruits, vegetables, flowers). preparations in annual flowers. Heliotropism some arctic flowers. loduction of spur & flower bud formation in Flower bud drop in peaches. Flower balb production of narcissus in cold Flower bulb production of Narcissus in cold Storage of Power bulbs. shipping of cut-Ilower carnations. (Dianthus micronutrients on yields of flower clusters Floral contribution from Attergau & from Role of Doral cover in attracting insects pollProduction & shipping of cut-flower carnatiConservation of cut flowers. Floral development of Alisma triviale. Rest period & flower development in cranbePorest flowers of High Taur. studies on growth & flower formation of AnStudies on nower formation of Welsh onions euglossine bees to orchid floral fragrances & Artichoke in Dower gardens. (Cynara scolysummer damage due to foral impotency on capacity of stone-fruits by flower index. effect on photoperiodic floral induction. Paphiopedilum orchids in flower industry. of culture medium un flower initiation in hiTime of Power-initiation in citrus & mango or scoring on growth & flower initiation of consumption trends of flowers marketin. selected terminal wholesale flower markets of some insecticides on flower opening & geof male euglossine bees to orchid floral fragof pigmentation in flower parts. V iii. effect 47 & their effect on photoperiodic floral inrationalization of potted floral plants & its diseases & pests in seed-producing flowers. Distribution of floral production in different of fatty acids into paraffins in rose flowers Caproic acid in Satyrium flowers: biochemicimported seeds & flower seedings. passage from vegetative to floral stage. chemical substances on blossom thinning of Evaluation of insecticides for flower thrips, abundance, phenology & flower visits of apid in selected terminal wholesale flower markeK-selection: evidence from wild flowers & s

068143 073194 072255 073036 074415 073617 073622 068231 066955 072447 071427 075507 066955 068185 071730 073027 071520 071863 072994 075276 073814 074288 072987 072747 073764 072751 073019 073058 066953 067092 074665 075276 073022 072747 066954 074398 073805 073073 073023 074397 071682 073118 074787 075431 067092 071896

FODDER Cataluse activity of fodder bean seeds in aftHerbicides in fodder beet. of value of local sorts of Carpathian fodder IV. Chemical composition of fodder. rationalization of consumption of fodder. Fodder crop experiments on southern tablelfarm machines in harvesting of fodder crops Agronomic Research], Reunion, fodder crops farm machines in harvesting of fodder crops on solonetz soils on yield of fodder crops. acid content of some fodder Gramineae of is cattle longing for in grassland fodder? arjuna Bedd) tree leaves as fodder for sheep on response of three fodder maize varieties pulp drying & production of mixed fodders. amino acid composition of pasture fodders on content of some peat soils & fodder plants g. of some properties of peas as protein fodder Boosting nutritive value of rough fodder by of local sorts of Carpathian fodder rye when A method to feed pelletised standard fodder in processing of voluminous fodders on line of root region of a fodder xerophyte in relatmutagenesis to selection of fodder yeasts. of phosphoric fertilizers. II. Fodder yields.

068249 074445 073319 072917 069128 073325 066832 073361 076193 076960 072902 068941 068978 076731 068241 068563 072652 068956 068258 073319 069074 066800 076379 071915 076853


Mixing as a process requirement. (Food). Challenge of 70's: produce & conserve. (Food] mixtures at microwave frequences. (Food). with thin-layer chromatography. (Food]. of certain selected pesticides. (Food]. of mold on synthetic media & fruit. (Food, causing resistance of bacterial spores. (Food mycotoxins. (Chick embryos, cell culture, fo-d Effect of food absorption & of copulation on experimental conditions of food-abundance education to minimize abuse of foods. other oral functions to food acceptability. Effect of color on food acceptability. Food acceptance in a changing world--chairpublic health: substances added to food for making in biological field. (Food additives] This chemical world. [Food additives]. Food additives. microbial toxins in food of animal origin. of pesticide residues in food of animal origin of 1970 & air pollution aspects of food & agViral hepatitis associated with foods. Take-away foods. Safety of irradiated food--biological aspects. An annotated list of books on edible & otheof contamination of certain canned food pro identification of Bacillus cereus in foods. I. Food chemistry in Cuba. Colorimetry of foods. 5. Tang. Toxicological assessment of food colors. good provision in food commodities. synthesis of new foods & food components. phosphates & individual food components; iBromine compounds in food, especially in Gbetween egg production & food consumption between packaging & germ content of food. Studies of convenience foods. II. Frozen entupon growth & efficiency of food conversion of selection on cut-out yields, cooked edible Genetic improvement of crop foods. Dairy foods: trends, research, & development State of art of dairy food plant wastes & waRecent developments in food-dehydration teCollective distribution of food to pigs accordEffects of food & mating on longevity, fecunproportion of trace elements in food & drinSurvey of trace elements in food. IV. MangHydrocolloids in fabricated foods. Food fat & human health: feeding studies in Comments on Symposium: Food fat & human Industrial feasibility of modifying food fat. recovery of fatty materials from edible fat & by Lactobacillus casei. [Food fermentation] Phospholipids of five Indian food fishes. Classification & genesis of food flavors. Forest food of tribal population of Andaman Vitamin fortification of foods. Mineral fortification of foods & food producAmino acid fortification of foods. Bacterial studies on thawing of frozen foods Aspects of packaging deep-frozen food & siquality preservation in frozen foods. summer squash, a new Alaskan frozen food. economic factors influencing food habit pattZoonotic implications of human food poisonImproved food production by use of crop-prIncreasing food by reducing waste. Controlled eutrophication--increasing food pProblems in indexing food science & technoPhospholipids of five Indian food fishes. between phosphates & individual food compraw-material-acceptance for food industries alloy to avoid corrosion in food industries. Antiparassitic defence of food industries. of shrink-packaging in food industries. in certain branches of food industries. education at service of food industries. agricultural production & food industries. of Bank of Agriculture & Food Industry. (EConception of development of food industry documentation center serving food industry. Food industry in developing countries. Situation food industry in south America development of agriculture & food industry Challenge of catering to food industry. progress of fixed assets in food industry. highly qualified specialists for food industry Educating technical people for food industry manufacture of phosphates. (Food industry] Technological forecasting in food industry. Future of food industry lies in freeze-drying Adjuvants for food industry; a modern examCultural & economic factors influencing food Medicine & information on food. International food information service. slide immune diffusion. (Food inspection). Influence of live weight & food intake level Hypothalamic control of food intake. Metabolic & physical control of food intake changes affecting voluntary food intake in ro International food information service. Safety of irradiated food--biological aspects.

067644 067661 067725 067739 075050 067272 067303 067590 075099 075476 067436 067555 067556 067535 067449 067289 067345 067458 067325 067450 077213 067340 067326 067352 071189 067369 067274 067636 067616 067349 067243 067687 067807 068126 075476 067267 067587 068912 067913 072064 067201 077227 067678 068869 075321 067516 067569 067743 067547 067549 067662 077220 067604 067640 067663 067561 067541 067542 067543 067445 067597 067680 068108 067536 067439 067183 067181 077133 067653 067640 067807 067302 067372 067373 067637 067638 067690 069614 066887 067156 067176 067182 067185 067220 067526 067634 067674 067689 067694 067700 067704 067769 067536 067515 067651 067314 068868 069081 069082 069083 067651 067352

FOLIAGE of control methods against foliage damaging Effects of foliar application of urea on growFoliar application of fertilizers in fruit growResults of foliar application of mineral fertilphosphorus, potassium & calcium foliar contFoliar diagnosis applied in fruti-trees culture C (U) during survival of foliar discs of PelaFoliar feeding of crops. of soil moisture stress on foliar nutrients of characteristics of pathogens on foliage & buFoliage plant care--Araucaria. (Heterophylla of tetraploid potatoes: foliar resistance to ovEffect of foliar sprays on leaf anatomy of brInfluence of foliar sprays of growth-regulation phenomena of foliage yellowing in Pinus

074723 073100 076867 076874 073227 073183 072973 073321 073267 073920 070840 071898 071825 073125 074320

FLUES photosynthetic products between flue-cured 072738 chemical composition of flue cured tobacco 072802 FLUIDS Immune ascites fluid for typing foot-and-mo- 070217 Fluidized beds in food processing.

067668 cosinophilia induced by ascaris body fluid. 069848 of molecules from cerebrospinal fluid in chi- 068423 micronutrient chelates in fluid fertilizers. 076723 Antigenic composition of hydatid fluid, extr- 070003 cultures from cells of peritoneal fluid & their 070242 Digestion of fresh forage in ramen fluid.

068843 content in several embryonic tissues & fluids 069538 FLUKES Flake or liver rot in sheep.

069894 bacteria by migrating forms of liver sluke. I 070022 Quality milk without flukes. (Dairy cattle] 069874 Flake & milk quality. (Dairy cattlel.

069875 effective against stronglosis sluke & tapewo- 070086 FLUORESCENCE indirect technique of fluorescent antibodies 070109 Fluorescent antibody reactions to Leptospira

069902 Studies on reliability of fluorescent antibody 070059 section, histology. & fluorescence antibody t- 070141 barley, including use of fluorescent

antibody 074003 Correlations between formol sluorescence & 068599 Fluorescence microscopy. (Plants):

071192 1. Conventional & Iluorescence microscopy of 071709 system in generation of post-fluorescence of 072491

FLUORIDES Fluoride inhibition of Hill reaction in bean Wind of death. (Fluoride pollution). Effects of sodium fluoride on body growth in

International Union of Food Science & TecFood science & technology in Europe, CanaCork, July 13 & 14, 1971 on food science & Institute of Food Science & Marketing. Folacin in wheat & selected foods. documentation center serving food industry. of food-abundance & food-shortage. in Bacillus cereus spores. (Food spoilage). Food standards for world (Codex AlimentarFauna of mites of food storehouses of differMicrobiological & serological studies of foo-s of Clostridium isolated from food-stuffs undFood substitutes--threat to agriculture? Food supplies to West Berlin. to detection of artificial sweeteners in foods. organic chemistry to synthesis of new foods analysis & calculation from food tables. I. Laboratory analysis versus food tables. Education of food technologists in some Eas. thoughts on creation of texture in foods. Some thoughts on food & cancer. aromatic hydrocarbons in heat-treated foods Caseins as true food proteins. studies on utilization of food in paddy field storage damage to nutritional value of foods farmers. I. Laboratory analysis versus food changes affecting voluntary food intake in rNutritional specifications for weaning foods

067670 067675 067705 067746 067510 067176 075476 067414 067358 074875 067318 067434 067428 067021 067388 067687 067523 067565 067688 067685 067438 067354 067585 075478 067540 067565 069083 067544

N (nitrogen) accumulation of meadow forage Cultivation of fall mixed forage plants. Improving natural forage crop land. from Nevada, with notes on its foraging & 1972 List of recommended forage plant variLeaf protein. (Forage plants). Some properties of raw forage plants from neutronic method under some forage plants Contributions to forage plants. XXI. Silage yields in Lower Austria. (Forage plants). Cultivation of fall mixed forage plants. Value of forage plants in rotation. neutronic method under some forage plants yields in Lower Austria. (Forage plants). of sowing. (Fertilizers, Forage plants). application of basic slag in forage plants stautilization for predicting forage feeding valuForage production & botanical composition pelleting on milling of raw forage. Some properties of raw forage plants from 1972 List of recommended forage plant variof temperature regulation & foraging in a bplants in natural pastures & rotated forage Wholesale prices of forage seeds. Fusarium root rot complex of selected forage Forage selectivity by goats on lightly & hea. Forage & woody sprout establishment on clFORCE Forces causing soil compaction. teeth on cutting force & centrifugal force in Calculating geometry & force characteristics Force & contraction velocity of middle ear Forcing of Convallaria. for growing seedlings & forced cultures. Effect of knots on cutting forces in sawmilliLiver steatosis of force-fed geese as influence Quantification of resources of labor force at Management factors & natural forces as relPreparing parsley for forcing. problems in distribution of productive forces Determining resistance force of soil acting Firmness & shear force values of beef rib stNecessary tractional force in ploughing of hfor turnover of forestry working force in So

07666 07347 07360 07568 07353 06824 06896 07287 07337 07342 07347 07353 07645 07672 07686 07686 06886 07666 06826 06896 07353 07554 07296 06697 07407 06901 07242

07632 07111 07114 06839 073811 07596 07088 07028 06680 076912 07372 06720 07607 06747 07610 07067

Food irradiation: progress, problems & prospositive Staphylococcus isolated from food in protein" recently admitted by Italian food r. Food laws & their influence on international Symposium on food laws & regulations. I. cNutritional & safety aspects of food laws. Food laws & their influence on international administration & enforcement of food laws I. cultural & social foundations of food laws Kasesalami" forbidden by food legislation? industrialized countries. (Food marketing). on utilization of green algae as food material. Microwave food processing: a new frontier. Industrial feasibility of modifying food fat. Culture of edible mushrooms. of Escherichia coli in edible mussels & relatVitamin fortification & nutrified foods. Fish flesh--a nutritious food for man. circuits of olive oil & other food oils for abo. Blending of edible oils & fats. investigating safety-in-use of food packaging Protective properties of food packaging matImpact of plastics on food packaging & presFood packagings: enemies of environment or Vibrio parahaemolyticus food poisoning in J. Foods & pesticides; tolerance levels & analyhealth aspects of use of phosphates in foods Analysis of phosphates in foods. State of art of dairy food plant wastes & waSome new food plants of Drosicha mangiferFood plants & economical importance of BFood plants of Bombus agrorum (F.) & mult. Food poisoning caused by Bacillus cereus. of Staphyloccus aureus & its food-poisoning Vibrio parahaemolyticus food poisoning in J. implications of human food poisoning outbrRecent changes in food policy. on cut-out yields, cooked edible portion yield Food potential of leaf protein. Outlook for food prices, consumption, & exGrowing population & food problem. Nitrate problems in foods. of water quality in food processing. Fluidized beds in food processing. membrane ultrafiltration to food processing Advances in food processing--a progress repMicrowave food processing: a new frontier. physical changes during food processing. quality concerns of food processing industries Solid waste management in food processing Salt reclamation from food processing brines Reduction of salt content of food processing Considerations for food product development Food production & fertilizer application. 1. Improved food production by use of crop-preconomic aspects of food-production problem Outlook for food production in Czechoslova. of antibiotic usage in food production. of crushing processes in food production. industry on protein food production. Re-use of waste waters in food production. Improved food production by use of crop-pro Food production & fertilizer application. 1. eutrophication--increasing food production fo Re-use of waste waters in food production. problems of foodstuffs & food products. of certain canned food products with nitrosmicrobiological analysis of food products. D dt tolerance in some food products of an. in determining cobalt level in food products. fortification of foods & food products. Use of phosphates in food products; starch of certain canned food products with nitroscalcium & magnesium level in food products amounts of iodine in food products by silver on biological conditions of food products in D dt tolerance in some food products of an. aromatic number of food products. Milk & food program of Food & Drug AdmSignificance of buying promotion for food wshear & stress to textural properties of food Protecting food from deterioration during st. of petroleum industry on protein food produvitro studies on conversion of food protein Caseins as true food proteins. individual animal species in providing food f. in heat-treated foods--pyrolysis of some lipiof additives for improvement of food quality analysis of formation of food quality in 1970 water as related to keeping quality of foods On descriptive testing of food quality & its of temperature, photoperiod & food quality admitted by Italian food regulations. Effect of group-feeding on food requirements of laws & regulations on food research & te70's--challenge & change for food science. Role of food science in development of devemechanised documentation in food science & Problems in indexing food science & technosdl) program for food science & technology in Japanese periodicals on food science & te. Food science & technology & developing co

067683 067409 067564 067027 067355 067356 067357 067359 067355 067319 067022 072435 067679 067662 073747 067380 067545 067530 067035 067645 067353 067643 067681 067773 067339 067371 067362 067695 077227 075190 075384 075385 067334 067335 067339 067439 067132 067913 067572 067084 067235 067430 067361 067668 067669 067676 067679 067684 077218 077233 077234 077235 067026 066519 067183 067184 067208 067344 067671 067677 067691 075012 076623 077133 077163 066993 067369 067370 067408 067498 067542 067692 067698 067776 067777 067850 075044 067712 067270 066971 067666 067330 067677 068401 067585 074940 067354 067304 067307 067331 067433 075121 067564 069086 067360 067178 067180 067534 067653 067654 067655 067657

FOOT on active immunization of pigs against footVaccination against foot rot in sheep. (BactEEI)/DEAE-dextran vaccine against foot-aDetection of foot-and-mouth virus in livestoAnti foot-and-mouth immunity in vaccinated immunization of pigs against foot-and-mouth multiplication in cell cultures. (Foot-and-moof complement fixing activity of foot-and-mFoot-and-mouth disease vaccine: influence of ether-maleic anhydride (Pyran) on foot-and dextran ( deac-d) foot-and-mouth disease vaSpermidine stimulation of foot-and-mouth diCan semen of bulls vaccinated for foot-andStudies on an outbreak of foot-and-mouth diFoot-and-mouth disease virus: selection by virucidal effect of disinfectants on foot-andin cattle after application of foot-and-mouth on plaque characteristics of a foot-and-mouth resistance of cells to induced foot-and-mouth Immune ascites fluid for typing foot-and-moDetection of foot-and-mouth virus in livestoEconomic efficiency of anti-foot-and-mouth DEAE-dextran vaccine against foot-and-mouAnti foot-and-mouth immunity in vaccinated Economic efficiency of anti-foot-and-mouth Coleoptera) populations at foot of bramble Cubic-foot tree volume equations used in Ve. Specific resistance of cells to induced foot-a. Soil--borne fungi inducing foot & root rot in in flocks of sheep free of virulent foot-rot. I Vaccination against foot rot in sheep. (BactCubic-foot tree volume equations used in Ve. Immune ascites fluid for typing foot-and-moin flocks of sheep free of virulent foot-rot. (

069699 070114 070276 067494 069691 069699 069708 069723 069749 069774 069776 069778 069878 069927 069938 070021 070026 070175 070216 070217 070218 070221 070276 069691 070221 075501 070734 070216 074027 069791 070114 070734 070217 069791

FORECAST Green revolution--achievements & prospects Prospect of activities of State Veterinary InActual prospects of use of rigamycins in canresearch on future. (Agricultural forecasting a method of agrometeorological forecasting Ultraviolet light baits in forecasting & alarm of determination of forecasting of biological Prospects of using Bordeau mixture in vineForecasting cattle market situation. of foodstuffs & for forecast of their changes. of foodstuffs & for forecast of their changes. World coffee prospects in 1970's: Brazilian production in forecast of Commonwealth. Prospects for comprehensive state-wide land Development prospects for plant protection Forecasting effectiveness of breeding with p of agriculture: Prospects within European Ec Future prospects of sterile-restorer hybrid sAn inertial forecast of soil water resources Prospects of mechanized pruning of fruit trForecasting multiplication of forest tree truStudies on forecasting occurrence of arrowhStudies on forecasting occurrence of arrowhneurosecretory systems & prospects of pest Forecasting pig market situation. Prospects & problems of economic developirradiation: progress, problems & prospects. Forecasting profitability in relation to price Scientific-technical progress & prospects for Plant protection forecasting & information method in case of regional forecasting. Forecasting mean regional yielding capacity their products--retrospects & prospects. depth at calculating & forecasting runoff of On problem of forecasting salt regime of grmaximum oil content of seeds & prospects fForecasting spring hatch of Nematodirus baTechnological forecasting in food industry. basis for long-term forecasting of agricultural tasks of improvement of forecasting water & Forecast of water utilization in private gardFormation of forecast of yields of rye on terFORELIMBS SEE LIMBS

06716 06967 070068 067250 073482 074640 07097€ 074081 066932 067747 06774 067226 06724 066642 076136 070790 067447 07190 076407 073777 074834 075526 075527 074597 066932 066655 067682 066854 076184 074401 066585 073481 067056 077068 076350 072126 070189 067700 067221 076353 077049 073470

FORAGE II. Effect of gulle on yields of annual forage entrance by returing bumble bee foragers ( Soil moisture, forage, & beef production benObservations on foraging behavior of southeof nutritional value of coarse forage for sheForage conservation. Ensilage of forage corn in free choice for da. Improving natural forage crop land. for prediction of digestiblity of forage crops in natural pastures & rotated forage crops. Forage crops on Solonets soils. of gulle on yields of annual forage crops. of mixing standards for forage culture. Experiments in forage culture in Southern lof procedures in producing cured forage. utilization for predicting forage feeding valuaccumulation of meadow forage fertilized at Index of fibrousness of forages: Its significaDigestion of fresh forage in rumen fluid. of indigestible substances in forage grasses. for young geese feeding with green forage. for crop rotation--a way to increase forage proot rot complex of selected forage legumes

076694 075201 074516 075292 069126 068263 069114 073604 069104 072965 073603 076694 073538 073567 069050 068864 076660 068864 068843 072096 068905 073509 074073

Page 24

Forests of Algeria. Utilization of primary funds in alpine forest Mechanized cutting in alpine forest basins. for agricultural & forest amelioration. of Bacillus thuringiensis on forest ants of FBiologic characteristics of red forest ants of On methods of forest appraisal & calculation method of measured forest appraisal. Drainage of forest areas of Arkhangelsk Regwood-vertical structure in forest association fruit of trees & shrubs in forest associations expenses of forest assortments. some implications for Australian forest poliMechanized cutting in alpine forest basins. of larch in experimental forest Bedeleu & POn phytocenology of limestone beech forests On types of Betula forests of European part migration in forest biogeocoenoses. forestry research of "forest biology" in past of herb layer biomass in forest. of maritime pines of Bouconne Forest (HauRole of western bracken in forest & meadow Administration of a complex forest brigade. cobalt in light yellowish brown Forest soils North Caucasian Brown Forest soils. More on fertilization in Bulgarian forests. Optimum structure of Carpathian forest entin uneven-aged stands in forests of central Entry & fate of forest chemicals in streams Effects of forest chemicals on aquatic life. Entry & fate of forest chemicals in streams Elects of forest chemicals on aquatic life. boron & iron in some cinnamon Forest soils Principles of classifying forest plant conditiQuality water from clearcut forest land? Forest fires. Standby of forest clerks. photographs to assess light climate in forest utilization of state forest & collective forest prediction in forest communities. Administration of a complex forest brigade. of soils of several forest complexes of Khasof fertilizers to fast growing conifer forests their influence on coniferons forests in Straof nature in Poland. (Forest conservation]. On controlling forest pests. for using insecticides for controlling forest Reducing losses by creating forest shelterbeeconomic evaluation of forest crops in Mur. of improvement cutting in forests of north. ( Cyprus forests & Cypriot forestry. relationship in eastern deciduous forest. transport systems for dense forest regions. of forest reserves in densely-forested regions Ixodidae) in Kyasanur Forest Disease Area, stands of fir & oak trees in forest district of with Bacillus thuringiensis in forest district Forest drainage projects. degrees of complexity. (Forest ecology). migration process in forest ecosystems. interactions between forest ecosystems & thSome problems of forest education in light of of foundations on piling. (Forest engineering) of soil-mixing machines. (Forest engineering in layered materials. (Forest engineering]. of calculating demand for forest engineers. in district of Chemi Osum forest enterprise. of internal controls at forest enterprise in cstructure of Carpathian forest enterprise sysdevelopment of tourism in forest enterprise pinc at Ordzhonikidze forest enterprise. (PWork in conversion class of forest enterprise operational conditions of forest enterprise complexes of Khaskovo Forest Enterprise. On tractors for forest enterprises in Central machine-tractor pools in forest enterprises. wildlife & hunting in forest enterprises. state forest & collective forest enterprises. excavator with bulldozer. (Forest equipment Research on soil fauna of Esterel Forest (var Evaluating forest sites for potential growth Distribution of larch in experimental forest soils in Takakuma Experimental Forest. 2. Intercollective forest farms--a progressive foEffects of aerial forest fertilization with urea Forest fertilizers in Canada. problems on use of fertilizers in forests. Application of mineral fertilizers in forests. Duminating & finishing forest workers quarPinnish forest. scanner, faster aircraft tested. (Forest fire din aircraft cracking system.(Forest fire detePorest fire research in Warsaw. Wive distribution of maxima of forest fire cForest fires. Standby of forest clerks. Porest fires in southern France. On seasonal dynamics of forest fires. Forest flowers of High Taur. Forest food of tribal population of Andaman Parents & forestry of Cuba. Dynamics of development of forest fund in surface structure of narrow-gauge forest raiWooden shields for narrow gauge forest rai

070547 070666 070789 075917 074839 075304 070606 070679 077057 071572 071615 071172 070876 070789 070851 071536 071607 071608 070536 071644 074406 071593 070659 076217 076475 076727 070671 070788 075021 075022 077168 077169 076552 071671 070546 070468 070462 070651 071548 070659 076314 076794 070481 070725 074827 074836 070574 070648 070793 070564 071575 071017 070660 074913 070856 074820 077060 071562 071569 071576 070566 070661 070681 071111 070524 070605 070631 070671 070723 070802 070928 071000 076314 070642 070647 070650 070651 071058 075708 076824 070851 076387 070644 076823 076726 076728 076801 070523 070463 070470 070473 070475 070517 070468 070478 070529 071520 067561 070480 070726 071052 071053

discussion on problems of forest genetics, se- 070755 fertilizers to spring wheat in gray forest soi- 076780 Forest grazing.

070708 Forest green spaces: five years achievement 070718 Forms of phosphates in grey forest soils of 076231 sodium along profile of grey forest & solodi- 076439 Water regime of a grey forest loamy soil in 076509 Agrochemical characteristics of grey forest 076511 "labile" iron in Chernozems & grey forest s- 076516 Crown shape in openand forest-grown bals- 070593 soils & their relation to forest growth.

076279 from Attergau & from Hausruck Forest. 071427 forest regeneration work in heavily forested 070810 its role in problem of increasing forest prod- 070682 Views of industrial forest landowner.

070621 marketing in forestry & forest industries in 070612 overfulfillment of plan. [Forest industries). 070665 of primary funds in alpine forest industries. 070666 in labor productivity. [Forest industries). 070670 marketing in forestry & forest industries in 070947 supply of electricity. (Forest industries]. 071044 On way to progress. [Forest industries]. 071059 incidence of sickness. (Forest industries]. 071063 system construction in forest industries. 071071 put into operation. (Forest industries).

071083 on a contemporary basis. (Forest industries] 071091 used as drying agents. (Forest industries). 071147 Forest industries of Pennsylvania.

071155 term plan of development of forest industry 071002 Forest industry enterprises are producing w- 071078 On influence of forests on surrounding envir- 070485 in decission to leave (Forest influences]. 070502 Study of forest influences & watershed man- 070554 Ultra Low Volume method in forest insect 074821 integrated control of forest insect pests.

074839 model of rainfall interception in forests. I. 070457 Intercollective forest farms--a progressive fo- 070644 of systematic sampling. [Forest inventory). 070594 Forests of Japan: mystique & realism.

070459 of steppe groupations of Kan Forest steppe. 071590 fertilizers to spring wheat in Kansk forest-s- 076779 classification of forests of Kazakhstan high 070542 forest complexes of Khaskovo Forest Enterp- 076314 Acarina, Ixodidae) in Kyasanur Forest Dise- 074913 With aid of Soviet trade unions. (Forest lab-r] 070483 Factors affecting injuries. (Forest labor). 070520 formation of incentive funds. (Forest labor] 070662 of material incentive fund. (Forest labor]. 070664 gauge railway engineers. (Forest labor).

070673 Supplying forest labor with power saws. 070722 Forest labour--review & preview.

070706 areas, & transport processes. (Forest land u- 070505 Quality water from clearcut forest land? 070546 constraints & economics of forest land man- 070616 policies in relation to forest land uses.

070617 Forest land uses & stream environment poli- 070618 policies, & issues dealing with forest land us- 070619 Supply costs for public forest land recreation 070704 areas, & transport processes. (Forest land u- 076914 Quality water from clearcut forest land? 077074 policies in relation to forest land uses.

077172 Forest land uses & stream environment poli- 077173 policies, & issues dealing with forest land us- 077174 Views of industrial forest landowner.

070621 A circular-impact sampler for forest litter. 070586 flora on sterilized leaves in litter of forests. 071648 Water regime of a grey forest loamy soil in 076509 of motive components of forest logging truc- 071108 Further improvem nt of forest management 070634 typological basis for forest management pro- 070635 connections between forest management & 070637 a progressive form of forest management in 070644 growth tables used by Forest Management 070694 growth tables used by Forest Management 070695 Forest management & provenance of pine tr- 070697 Change of model of forest management. 070731 look at their use in forest management.

074481 reserve in economics of forest materials. 070667 Photographic method of measured forest ap- 070679 of Biterlich's method. (Forest measurement] 070602 New forest mercury vapour light records for 075655 throughfall in three Minnesota forests.

070553 Essential oils from minor forest wealth of 073847 Viability of mixed forest stands in relation 073279 fertilizers on Pinus stands in mixed forest z- 076800 Model forest for collective tree farms.

070646 Modern forest tractors.

070724 as wood destroyers in forest of Moscow Uni- 074059 Drainage of forests of Moscow Region.

077059 of seasonal development in forest mosses. 072477 hybridization of oak in mountainous forests 073290 fertilizers in cultivated & natural forest pla- 076793 Stabilization of a gully by natural forest suc- 076910 of some common Newfoundland forest soils 076279 of Picea stand in northeastern forests of M- 070677 of mechanized processes in forest nurseries. 070757 of turkterebinth pistache in forest nurseries 070804 seedlings in small plots. (forest nurseries). 070822 Forest nursery production in Denmark.

070756 conditions of xerotherm oak forests of Perm 071532 microbiological numeration in oak forest on 076463 Crown shape in openand forest-grown bals- 070593

Crimean pine at Ordzhonikidze forest enterstands in district of Cherni Osum forest entadventages of state owned forests vis-a-vis pForest & people. Some forest pest control features in stands corrections. [Porthetria dispar, forest pests] predator insects & control of forest pests. On controlling forest pests. insecticides for controlling forest pests. Pine forests of Shishina River Basin. features of a stand of complex Pinus forest. Forest planning in relation to management Principles of classifying forest plant conditiCurrent growth increment of forest plant asstructure under effect of forest plantations. of mechanized care of forest plantations. on weed control in forest plantations with astructure under effect of forest plantations. in cultivated & natural forest plantations in A trencher for forest planting & for digging soil acting on plowshares of forest planting in studying properties of forest podzolic soils dialogue contineues. (Forest policies). Forest policies in action. ( u.s.). implications for Australian forest policy. cover in attracting insects pollinating forest by litter & rainfall in four forest populations State needs in forest practices. at foot of bramble palm in a pre-forest savaof structure of layouts for forest production in problem of forest productivity. in problem of increasing forest productivity comparisons of trade in forest products & sResonant wood supplies. (Forest products). defense of estimated prices. (Forest products] unloading machines. (Forest products). Projecting forest reclamation canals with use Crucial points in protecting forests against Protecting forests from insect pests in Ukra. Current state of forest protection & means of 50 Years of forest protection division at vulaircraft & helicopter in protection of forests Antiseptics for forest protection in Sweden. Supply costs for public forest land recreation On drying out of floodplain Quercus forests silvicultural stock in Quercus forests of Norstructure of narrow-gauge forest railway. shields for narrow gauge forest railway spurs to mineral elements cycling in rain forest of Projecting forest reclamation canals with use Role of national parks & forest recreation in Biologic characteristics of red forest ants of Further development of forest regeneration of forest reserves in densely-forested regions work in heavily forested regions of European transport systems for dense forest regions. Regulating forest utilization in Novgorod RRelationship between forests & people in 20 Development of forest research in Pakistan calculating utilization of forest reserves in dFlowering shrubs in parks & forest reserves Resolving forest use conflicts. Structure of forest resources & outlook for fPennsylvania's forest resources. functional management of forest resources. Environment of Costa Rican forest. of surface-clayey soils of Ob River forest-tuSimple methods of forest road stabilization Several prarameters of forest road constructstream sedimentation from forest roads. concerning snow removal from forest roads How to increase efficiency of forest roads. stream sedimentation from forest roads. of bramble palm in a pre-forest savanna (Lenvironment policy-u.s. Forest Service. characteristics of soils of several forest comlosses by creating forest shelterbelts. of age of maturation of Pinus sibirica forests Evaluating forest sites for potential growth Research concerning fauna of forest soils frLiming of forest soils by tanker trucks. cobalt in light yellowish brown Forest soils Forms of phosphates in grey forest soils of of some common Newfoundland forest soils North Caucasian Brown Forest soils. characteristics of grey forest soils of Vladimiron in Chernozems & grey forest soils in diboron & iron in some cinnamon Forest soils to spring wheat in gray forest soils of Irkut. attracting insects pollinating forest species. under cultivation in belt of spruce forests of structure by mountainous spruce forests in Tin a beech & a planted spruce forest in south of soils of southern taiga spruce forests of Tin Tian-Shan mountainous spruce forests. On convergence of forest stand spatial patteincrement of selected types of forest stands Viability of mixed forest stands in relation Efficient utilization of state forest & collectMechanization of state forests in Lower SaConcentration of cuts in state forests & its of steppe groupations of Kan Forest steppe.

070802 070605 070600 070535 074822 074818 074824 074827 074836 071591 070824 070636 071671 073295 070555 070641 074555 076477 076793 076068 076071 076402 070579 070625 070876 075507 076462 070580 075501 070640 070638 070682 070876 071050 071051 071086 077061 070476 074825 070516 070533 070569 074022 070704 070511 070813 071052 071053 076458 077061 070614 075304 070810 070660 070810 071017 070668 070540 070491 070660 073812 070622 070527 070545 070719 071565 076305 070699 071027 070506 070701 071095 076915 075501 070618 076314 070574 070680 076824 075272 076072 076217 076231 076279 076475 076511 076516 076552 076780 075507 070777 071609 073304 076304 076406 070709 070576 073279 070651 070703 070863 071590 071602 072479 072680 074526 076779 076910 070722 070591 070627 073248 076438 072479 070678 071150 071668 071180 070724 070510 070765 074834 070557 070747 070786 070818 073278 073286 073297 074817 070488 072301 073247 076305 070635 074526 070518 070649 070787 070527 070668 070672 071021 070561 070600 076511 073847 070558 071001 071161 070523 070712 073249 070567 076800

of microclimate of forest steppe oak stands in birch coppices of Tashtypsk forest-steppe of field ecosystem of forest steppe. (Barley) moisture zone of Ukrainian forest-steppe. to spring wheat in Kansk forest-steppe regiof a gully by natural forest succession. Supplying forest labor with power saws. of nonrandomness index. (Forest surveys). tables vs. dendrometers for forest surveys. litter & in soil of northern taiga forests of of matrix on soil formation in taiga forest of plants in birch ices of Tashtypsk forest tables of growth increment. (forest taxation] Results of forest technology program. Big Thicket forest of East Texas. Storage of timber in forest. Modern forest tractors. Studies on buttressed-tree-forest in Isl. TokForest tree breeding in Denmark. Forecasting multiplication of forest tree truof rapacious birds & Corvidae. (Forest trees in genetical improvement of forest trees in Results of tests on culture of forest trees frExperiment with planting of forest trees in cleaning of winged seeds. (Forest trees). results of division of biology of forest trees. Competitive exclusion in forest trees. (Droscontrol in pollination bags. (Forest trees). Tropic forests of Africa. mass of shrubs & bushes of forest-tundra reg. alpinus & Betula nana in forest 'tundra. clayey soils of Ob River forest-tundra region Forest typological basis for forest managemunstable moisture zone of Ukrainian forest-sFire safety regulations in forests of ussr. for final cutting in forests of ussr. for principal cutting in forests of ussr. resources & outlook for forest utilization in Regulating forest utilization in Novgorod Ra basis for dimensions of forest utilization. Winter operation of forest vehicles without Forest view for touring cyclist. adventages of state owned forests vis-a-vis po of grey forest soils of Vladimir forest-steppe Essential oils from minor forest wealth of Some observations on forests of western Iran Forest wheel tractor Ikt from point of view saws: a health hazard for forest worker. Illuminating & finishing forest workers quarevolution of social laws for forest workers. needles of Larix in relation to forest zonal ebalneological importance of forest zones. on Pinus stands in mixed forest zones.

Economic basis for intensification of forestry Interrelationships between forestry & commEconomic aspects & marketing in forestry & for developing forestry mechanization. Research Institute of Forestry Mensuration Simulation methods & their use in forestry. Forestry operations in mountainous regions: People in forestry. of working processes in forestry. Puckerbrush forestry. information recording in forestry. Panel 1--industrial relations in forestry. Research in forestry & related fields in Iran 50 Years of forestry research in Czechoslovof basic Czechoslovak forestry research of ” of scientific research in forestry. application in biometric forestry research. On utilization of labor resources in forestry education: experience of School of Forestry Development of forestry science & research an important link in scientific forestry work Training scientific forestry cadres in new Fisociological aspects of forestry settlements. Application of basic slag in forestry. Some economic results in forestry of Sofia Present status of forestry & related fields in Status of forestry in Pakistan. Turkish forestry in general. in structure of farmer's forestry type. an important link in scientific forestry work On forestry work in Bulgaria. cultural-technical level of forestry workers. Reasons for turnover of forestry working foAspects of labour in New Zealand forestry.

070633 070512 070612 071003 070654 070539 070714 070550 070700 070581 070732 070705 070490 070531 070536 070570 070691 070632 070559 070536 070521 070525 070549 076869 070608 070494 070495 070496 070861 070521 070544 070522 070674 070707

Studies on fractionation of fowl blood plasemulsified vaccine in cases of fowl cholera. Studies on cecal digestion in fowls. II. On diagnosis of Marek's disease in fowl. 2. Patactions of cadmium in rat & domestic fowl. studies on meat production of domestic fowl studies on meat production of domestic fowl studies on meat production of domestic fowl studies on meat production of domestic fowl Carbohydrate metabolism in domestic fowl. in chewing muscles of some domestic fowl. Nitrogen requirements in domestic fowl. allele of serum esterases in domestic fowl & diseases of nervous system of domestic fowl sexual behavior in males of domestic fowl ( French guinea fowl Essor 72.- queen of breeOdor of fowl feces & methods of removing it observations on appearance of fowl ferritin Germ-free fowl raising & its environment. 2 evaluation of native fowl germplasm: EfficieWhere is guinea-fowl of South-Western braFrench guinea fowl Essor 72-- queen of breein hemohybridization of guinea fowl. capacity of Siberian white guinea fowl. On influenza of guinea fowl. numidae (Leiper, 1908) in guinea fowl (Numof ordinary & Purkinje cells of fowl heart. Paratyphoid infection in fowls with special On innervation of large intestine in fowls. laying hens by crossing of introduced fowl. Collection & evaluation of native fowl germpattern of plumage in Gifu native fowl. aerosol & oral vaccination against fowl pest Cultivation of fowl plague virus at low tempresistant to aminoadamantane fowl plague vFowl plague: beware of this deadly foreign d. of vesicular stomatitis virus with fowl plague Germ-free fowl raising & its environment. 2 on secretory immunological system of fowl. Branching of pulmonary vessels in fowls, [c

068658 070227 068677 070054 068508 068682 068683 068684 068689 068725 068752 068901 069270 070301 069329 069296 068288 068514 068286 068980 068335 069296 069424 069519 070000 070172 068595 069959 06867069405 068980 069397 070083 069887 069991 070158 069720 068286 069910 068750

FOXES methods for reducing fox population.

FORMIC in beverages treated with formic acid diethyl

068212 068832 076283 072806 072990 068560 069902 070255 067739 067825 076424 076501 068694 068786 071343 068379 067727 072670 069201

FOXTAILS Mouse foxtail (Alopecurus myosuroides). FRACTION to refining. II. Composition of acid fraction of synthetic fatty acid of fraction C5.-C9 in of nitrogen in fulvic acid fraction extracted Protein fraction analysis & perspective of its amino acids in non-cationic fraction of pea scomposition of cytoplasmic fractions of ribopomona) with fractions of immune serum. [ antibodies in immunoglobulin fraction of serof determination of fraction of lipides after Hydrolysis of lipoprotein fractions of milk structure of fractions of mechanical elements of coarser than 0.01 mm fractions of Irtysh Behavior of protein fractions of bovine sera Hemogram & certain serum protein fractions Differentiation of protein fractions in species of different ribosomal fractions of pig hepatContribution of specific saccharide fractions base content changes in acid-soluble fraction Digestibility of woody fraction of straw after FRACTIONATION Studies on fractionation of fowl blood plasFractionation of nitrogen in soils of Guajira, Protein fractionation in some rice varieties Fractionation & purification of cellulases frFRACTURES Pathology & therapy of accidental fractures Cleavage fracture in timber. Open reduction repair of fractures of distal Repairing of experimental fractures: A study Experimental treatment of femoral fractures membranes by freeze-etch & freeze-fracture FRAGARIA to productivity components in Fragaria. apomixis in strawberries (Fragaria sp.). Torulopsis fragaria species nova, a yeast fr

068987 073767 072918 069460 074579 066710 076367 075074 076352

068658 076580 067981 072719


070442 070875 069664 069634 070423 071755

FOSSIL paleoecology of subfossil chronomids (Diptedendrochronological study of subfossil Pinus On some properties of subfossil sporo-pollen

FORESTRY from Central African Republic. (Forestry). effectiveness of scientific research. (Forestry] activities of research division. (Forestry, Czresearch in Czechoslovakia. (Forestry). departmental research in Slovakia. (Forestry] hitching unit sun-3. [Tractors, forestry). in paid wages of fifth tax district. (Forestry] Some results in economic research. (Forestry) Czechoslovak growth tables. (Forestry). creation of living environment. (Forestry). Oct. 15 & dec. 1, 1971. (france, forestry). yield point of turning of machines. (Forestry Culture of larch in Akshuat forestry of Ul'i. its application in biometric forestry research Training scientific forestry cadres in new FiForestry--a challenge. regions: notes on forestry colloquy of KrasnBulgarian Commercial Forestry Enterprise Forests & forestry of Cuba. Cyprus forests & Cypriot forestry. evaluation of basic Czechoslovak forestry repolicies--Oregon Department of Forestry. status & outlook for developing forestry meWays of development of forestry in light of Forestry & economic evaluation of forest cr. Forestry education & public relations in Paworld consultation on forestry education & Audio-visual techniques in forestry education Bulgarian Commercial Forestry Enterprise production efficiency in forestry enterprises Scale of intensity of forestry of European nForestry field in new regions put on a contapplication of fungicides in forestry. of foreign workers in German forestry. Interesting pages from forestry history. proposals to improve image of forestry.

070487 070526 070532 070537 070538 070643 070653 070688 070689 070698 070717 071109 070796 070691 070525 070493 070714 070484 070480 070564 070536 070620 071003 070702 070648 070492 070507 070559 070484 070639 070513 071091 074024 070601 070486 070548

072781 072537 073134 072948 074436

FROZEN Diced summer squash, a new Alaskan frozen egg yolk extender on chilled & frozen bull schanges occuring in frozen bull & ram semen value of fresh, canned, & frozen collard greA quality comparison of frozen & refrigeratA quality comparison of frozen & refrigeratpeel oil levels in frozen concentrated orange Frozen concentrated apple segments. Aspects of packaging deep-frozen food & siinsemination of cows with deep frozen sperm Research on differentiation between frozen of convenience foods. II. Frozen entrees for quality of slaughtered & frozen fattened chiBacterial studies on thawing of frozen foods quality preservation in frozen foods. Cheese whey utilization: frozen punch. of freezing melted water in frozen soil. beef roasts cooked from frozen state by dry storage, freezing & frozen storage. FRUCTIFICATION SEE FRUIT

068108 069406 069418 067513 067915 067916 067091 068132 067597 069535 067905 067587 067489 067445 067680 067846 076408 067914 067721

FREEZING protecting vegetable crops against freezing. probe unit of high freezing capacity. sugar beet root cells in freezing conditions. in prevention of spring freeze damage; prelof strawberry varieties for deep freezing. heads of boar spermatozoa in deep freeze pMicrowave applications to freeze dehydrati-naccount of soil freezing depth at calculating Thermal radiation properties of freeze-dried Thermal properties of freeze-dried mushrooEffect of freeze-drying conditions on quality Future of food industry lies in freeze-drying of cow milk protein in freeze drying. 1. Effect of freeze-drying conditions on quality Effect of gamma radiation on freeze-drying Preeze-drying of kh3j vaccine strain of MycEllest of freezing & storage at --20 C on surEffect of freezing on dehydrogenase activity Elects of freezing & thawing of some grasslPreezing equipment influence on weight lossof mitochondrial membranes by freeze-etch denticulata Breb. after freeze-etching. membranes by freeze-etch & freeze-fracture refrigerated storage, freezing & frozen storawastes from cannery & freezing fruits & vegcryosurgery probe unit of high freezing capaLasect freezing protection in Pterostichus bmodel to problems of freezing melted water spermatozoa in deep freeze preservation. PrInsect freezing protection in Pterostichus bPreezing ram semen at low temperatures. Cutting & freezing salmon & steelhead at hWet showing & freezing & their influence on Determination & account of soil freezing deSpot heaters in prevention of spring freeze movement in woody stems during freezing. after fixation by freeze substitution. Preezing of Vienna & other pastry products FREIGHT A freight car for hauling wood chips. FREQUENCY of soil moisture on frequency of cyanogenic Frequency-dependency & maintenance of poFrequency distributions; interpretation of go Effect of frequency of farrowing on size of Frequency of heartbeat in immature & adult Distribution, frequency & morphology of neof nitrogen fertilization & mowing frequency induced sterility on mutation frequency & sFrequency in occurrence of morphologic chaStudies on frequency of parasitic microorganRespiratory frequency of normal indigenous Prequency & size of false heartwood in beech gastric ulcers in swine & their frequency. FRESHWATERS cell

. (Caulerpa sedoides & freshwater alga Extracellular products of algae in freshwater studies in plankton of certain freshwater poStudies on freshwater plankton of a fish-poof females of three freshwater species of AnFRICTION time of slippage on coefficient of friction in of coefficients of friction of materials at conStudy of coefficient of friction of seeds of ceCoefficient of friction of stalks of green kenCore samplers & wall friction. [Soils).

074384 069665 072769 074370 068230 069426 067886 077068 067910 068168 067286 067704 067794 067887 067921 069851 069952 072283 076559 067667 071755 071843 071755 067721 077208 069665 075464 076408 069426 075464 069521 067578 070481 077068 074370 072284 075549 067757

FRUIT bacteria from different ecosystems. (Fruits, for drying heat-sensitive substances. (Fruit, properties of Orthonil (p.s.b. 8). [Fruit, veReplanting in interrow spaces. [fruit, grapes as basis for advisory services. (Fruit). of "Beauty" plum (Prunus salicina L.) fruit Fruit bark beetle--Scolitus (Ecoptogaster) rFruit-bearing of Quercus robur L. in Lipetzk of endrin residues in/on bhindi fruits by gas pesticides for control of fruit borer, Heliothin prevention of moulds on fruit boxes. on anthocyanins present in fruit of cactus oAustralia reports large canned fruit pack--suof sorbitol & xylitol in dietary canned fruits Aerobic treatment of fruit cannery waste wain normal & whitewashed cantaloupe fruits. Carob fruit (Ceratonia siliqua L.)--its compoPectolytic enzymes of fungi causing fruit rots of abscission in maturing sweet cherry fruit of picking & hauling Florida citrus fruits, Beverages from whole citrus fruit puree. (ODegreening & abscission on citrus fruit with amounts of soil herbicides in citrus fruits & carotenoid accumulation in citrus fruit rinds products in vegetables & fruit collected on dContracting & fruit & vegetable ture in uPollution-abatement control in fruit & vegetControlling fruit mites in orchards. Fruits of cooperative labor. [Bulgaria, Monon nitrogen metabolism in cotton fruit orgaCotton fruiting studies. Ribonuclease activity in fruit of cotton durirelated to tomato fruit cracking. hydrogen ion with tomato fruit cracking. of some commercial temperate fruit crops. cause of cottony--leak in cucurbit fruits. related cultivation technic in fruit culture. endotherapic fungicides in fruit culture. artificial nutrition of trees & fruit cultures. methods against foliage damaging fruit tree marketing of non-controlled deciduous fruit What deciduous fruit does consumer demand Breeding deciduous fruits in Bulgaria. Dehydration of fruits & vegetables. Storage & market disease of fruit. X. epidemiology & control of fruit diseases of Storage & market diseases of fruit. IX. enzyme production in fruits of Emblica officQualitative & commercial evaluation of fruit method of mass culturing melon fruit-fly, Damino acies in hydrolysates of olive fruit fly wastes from cannery & freezing fruits & vegStudies on packing of fresh fruits & vegetabon growth & fruiting of grapevines. Fruit growing in Latin America. application of fertilizers in fruit growing. Effect of light on fruit growth of Satsuma oin process of strawberry fruit growth. shape on yield capacity, fruiting & growth of Fruit handling & packhouse mechanization Walnut harvesting & handling of fruits on l. Fruit handling & packhouse mechanization for mechanization of fruit harvesting operatSelection of healthy fruit trees in specific SSathgudi (sweet orange) fruits can be held l. production & marketing of certain hill-fruits distribution condition of imported fruits & v. Use of individual fruit (intraplot) variance as storage stability of irradiated fruit & vegetaFruit juice--quo vadis? On preheating & evaporation of fruit juice Standardization of natural fruit juices. intensification in production of fruit juices.

Jujube fruit--a product rich in vitamin C & effect of abscisic acid on Lactuca fruits by sdevelopment of fruiting laterals. Price & marketing of fruits & vegetables. today in vegetable & fruit marketing. growth of mold on synthetic media & fruit. Controlling fruit mites in orchards. Standardization of natural fruit juices. Fatty acids composition of fruit oil of some products in abscission of olive fruits. grown in an artificial diet & in olive fruits. Mandarin oranges taken by Onsen Fruit & substance in juice of Cactus opuntia fruit. yield & quality of Satsuma orange fruits. example on modernization of fruit orchard for clean cultivation in fruit orchards. nutrients from leaves into fruit organs of conitrogen metabolism in cotton fruit organs. Australia reports large canned fruit pack--suPre-packaging of fruits. (Marketing). in correctly planted palmetto fruit trees. as a technique to evaluate peach fruit unifomethod for determining volume of pear fruit Peculiar fructification of Macrolepiota procfor discrimination between fruits of Phleum Use of phosphates in fruit & vegetable indusNew type of fruit plantation. bacterial disease of pomaceous fruits. (Erwi. on antiparasitic residues in fruit produced in efficient technology of fruit production. Cold sterilization of fruit products. Promoting fruit-set & yield in sweet orange Beverages from whole citrus fruit puree. [OMangifera indica L.) fruits in refrigerated sTree fruit resources in Turkey. carotenoid accumulation in citrus fruit rinds Fruit rot Nectria galligena Bres. Fruit rot & its control. (Fungus diseases). Studies on fruit rot of papaya caused by Rhenzymes of fungi causing fruit rots & their of maturation & senescence of fruits. Heritability of separate fruiting traits. (Sug. Promoting fruit-set & yield in sweet orange squash relatively stable for fruit shape. branched trisaccharide found in fruit skin of Insect pests of small fruits. of moisture condition of leaf on fruit species of scent gland reservoir of fruit-spotting bug Effect of fruit stage & maturity on gluco-alkindicator of quality of fruit standardization. New pest of fruit stands in Macedonia. [Maapplication of fertilizers in fruit stands. of self-fertile capacity of stone-fruits by floof a virus from pome & stone fruits. between ring spot viruses of stone fruits. future of transporting & storage for fruits & of respiration rate in stored fruits. Atmosphere control in fruit stores. of polyphenols in process of strawberry fruit Cotton fruiting studies. of water by some subtropical fruit varieties; Sex pheromones of summer fruit tortrix mobasis for producing & supplying fruit & vegeof some commercial temperate fruit crops. Exchange of virus tested fruit tree varieties carbaryl, n.a.a. & n.a.d. as fruit thinning sprvarieties. 2. Adaptability of tomato fruits for transpiration related to tomato fruit cracking Sex pheromones of summer fruit tortrix moof formation & care of training fruit trees on Heritability of separate fruiting traits. (SugBiochemistry of fruit tree & vegetable leaves Tree fruit resources in Turkey. Fruit tree virus research & post-entry quaraRecords of fruit tree virus diseases in Europe Exchange of virus tested fruit tree varieties methods against foliage damaging fruit tree Insect pests of tree fruits. Dry caustic peeling of tree fruit to reduce liVariability of leaves & fruit of trees & shruin course of hardening. (Fruit trees). integral radiation in crowns of fruit trees of Studies on pruning of peach trees for fruiting. Fruit trees under dry conditions of culture. of formation & care of training fruit trees on trends in planting distances of fruit trees. of mechanized pruning of fruit trees. Studies on pruning methods for fruit trees: f in correctly planted palmetto fruit trees. sporulation of agent of canker in fruit trees, occurrence of several viruses on fruit trees. Virus diseases of fruit trees in Ukraine. Selection of healthy fruit trees in specific S. comparison with stem pitting on fruit trees. Adoxophyes reticulana Hb. On fruit trees. of mechanized pruning of fruit trees. technique to evaluate peach fruit uniformity of water by some subtropical fruit varieties; Fruit & vegetable processing in first half of transportation of fresh vegetables & fruit for

068143 068154 073115 073651 073754 073441 075308 073289 067367 074762 068197 072248 067014 068183 077141 073041 069215 074033 071703 066874 068169 073040 074528 073042 067254 066822 068141 074778 067222 072779 072925 072942 073136 074371 072989 073960 073755 073972 076132 074723 066987 066988 072057 068100 074341 074094 074340 074008 067037 075331 075410 077208 068104 073692 073644 076867 072993 073104 073684 068134 073801 076042 076084 074217 068127 066998 066940 073637 068194 067033 068167 067406 068164

076315 075118 069273 069470 075391 068752 076813 071995 069513 074026 068733 070895 070363

068229 073174 073053 066937 067043 067272 074778 067406 068110 073711 075410 066945 072249 073196 066692 073780 072682 072779 067014 067060 073794 073637 073680 072241 071871 068142 073773 074119 067255 073821 067426 073059 068169 074358 073771 073042 074018 074025 074070 074033 068139 072088 073059 071981 072434 074756 073051 075174 072547 067496 074801 076951 072987 074279 074205 068103 068213 068135 073104 072925 073195 075524 066721 072989 074222 073640 068216 073136 075524 073767 072088 073216 073771 074218 074221 074222 074723 074755 077210 071615 073110 073211 073687 073705 073767 073776 073777 073779 073794 074019 074207 074215 074217 074244 074788 076139 073637 073195 068155 067031

072293 072308 071577 071312 075157

071100 076114 070853 076165 076592

FRITILLARIA of gravimorphism. (Fritillaria meleagris). FRONT of moisture migration on a wetting front. (S. FRONTAL on growth & development of frontal part of FROST twigs by growth retardant over frost-injury Measurement of frost protection capability Breeding potatoes for frost resistance. Studies on frost resistance of wheat. V ii. EfPeculiarities of growth & frost-resistance of plants to increase their frost-resistance in cProst resistance of grapes in relation to durof winter-hardiness & frost-resistance of woProst resistant potato species & their use in Osmotic potential, & frost tolerance in Khar

074412 074390 072042 072635 073102 073110 073120 073259 072105 072722

FURAN dinitrophenylhydrasones of some furan & li

FRYING of intermediate moisture, deep-fried fish file- FUELS Fuel consumption norms for diesel locomoti- Danger of ignition of ground cover fuels by Possibilities in transport of fuel wood & wo- FUMARIA Ferricyanideand fumarate-reducing enzymes On alkaloids of Fumaria vaillantti Lois.

077102 077087 077040 076969 077017

FURROWS Influence of alternate furrow irrigation & tsoil in irrigating Chernozem by furrows. of cumulative infiltration in furrows by volIs furrow irrigated row cropping worthwhile levelling work for irrigation by furrows & by FUSARIUM aspects of bacterial mycolysis. (Fusarium, Pby treating seeds. [Pythium, Fusarium, RhiFusarium diseases of wheat & their control Chlamydospore formation of Fusarium (oxyVerticillium dahliae, Fusarium oxysporum). Spherotheca fuliginea, Fusarium oxysporum sativum L.). (Fusarium oxysporum corianderFusarium populations of intensively cultivatInheritance of Fusarium resistance in a joinResistance to Fusarium & Verticillium wilts Fusarium root rot complex of selected forage a toxic metabolite of Fusarium solani. (Molethanol or acetaldehyde. (Fusarium solani pbetween some Fusarium species by serologicFusarium wilt of tomato. Fusarium wilt of strawberries.

072456 073912 074078 072527 073892 073977 073984 074095 071921 073962 074073 070403 074092 074029 073971 074048

067255 073976 074022 074964 074989 074674 073868 073881 073886 074024 073864 073825 070116 073990 074572 074877 073981 073972 073537 073900 074017 074100 073996 067928 073876 073983 073866 073860 073862 073864 073868 073869 073871 073884 073887 073905 073967 073968 073970 074005 074077 074230 073907 073884

Antigenic characteristics of Fungus 466979, 072468 Type studies in clavarioid fungi. IV. Specim- 071338 oak stands caused by parasite fungus Clithris 073975 Institute for Fermentation) fungus collection 071448 of microscopical dark-coloured fungi. (Dema- 072471 of free radicals in wood decomposed by fungi. 073943 of cellulose-decomposing micromycetes. 072465 Mycoflora decomposing plant residues of s- 076414 enzyme complex by dermatophytic fungus 072420 of Septoria Fr. fungi & its development in c- 071393 beech & spruce. (Fagu Picea, fungus disease] 070477 of textile fabrics from fungus diseases with 067741 Populus tremuloides, fungus diseases).

073918 Fungus diseases in Chrysanthemum culture 073987 are in danger. (Platanus, fungus diseases). 073988 of damaged corn. (Fungus diseases).

074010 Fruit rot & its control. (Fungus diseases). 074025 upon infestation rate. (Fungus diseases). 074083 weediness & damage due to fungus diseases 074101 Development of wheat fungus diseases in irr- 074104 weediness & damage due to fungus diseases 074563 Fungi in ecosystems.

071366 effect of an ectomycorrhizal fungus against 073922 Fungal ememies of Populus alba Linn in We- 074069 Endophytic fungi of Rhynia gwynne-vaughan- 071720 Endophytic fungus in root cortical cells of f- 072589 infected by an entomogenous fungus Beauve- 075333 cultivation of Entomophthoraceae fungi. 072470 Experiments on fungistatic & systemic action 073865 An account of fungus exsiccati containing m- 071437 Fungal extractives. I. Structure of a sesquit. 072592 by means of deep fermentation of fungus. ( 072196 electron microscopy of filamentous fungi. 071872 Fungi flora of Rhineland. 2. Mildews, rusts 071328 Successive fungal flora on sterilized leaves in 071648 soil samples on composition of fungi flora of 076422 An influence of a mycorrhiza forming fungus 071810 differs from other species of fungi of genus 071278 Immunological studies on fungal genus Smit- 071405 Studies on stored grain fungi. I ii. Fungi fr- 074071 study of hyphal growth of some fungi.

072418 Growth of fungi in wood. (Trametes versicol- 073243 Two rare fungi Hericium erinaceum (Fr.) P. 071419 Study of micromycetes of Iezer-Papusa Mas- 071386 Pleomorphism in fungi imperfecti. (Taxono- 071353 Ascomycetes as Fungi Imperfecti.

071357 waste water with Fungi Imperfecti.

077212 Fungi as indicators of micronutrient deficie- 072629 antibody technique for individual fungal spe- 074003 Soil--borne fungi inducing foot & root rot in 074027 Fungi in insulating board & in air within mi- 073997 interrelationships between micromycetes & 071613 roots by Sclerotinia libertiana fungus & con- 073895 by dermatophytic fungus Microsporum canis 072420 Micromycetes of Moldavia, new Romania 071385 in peas inoculated with fungus Monilinia fru- 073913 Studies on green muscardine fungus: influen- 075461 Assay of fungal mycelium in grains of barley 074003 Nidulariaceae or bird's nest fungi of Hawaii- 071308 Parasitic fungi occurring in southeastern & 074050 Fungi of ornamental trees & shrubs of oases 073893 Contributions to fungi of West Pakistan. XI 071282 young oak stands caused by parasite fungus 073975 "chalaropsis sp." a new parasitic fungus on 073961 Parasitic fungi occurring in southeastern & 074050 Research on fungal pathogens of tsetse flies: 074954 Host plants of fungus Peronospora humuli 073995 of soybeans with Peronospora fungus.

074038 development of phytopathogenic fungi again- 073869 Effect of fungus Plasmopara helianthi on s- 074028 Pileate pore fungi of Illinois.

071348 Problems of fungal, bacterial & virus diseas- 074335 Rust fungi producing aecia on Berberidaceae 074044 Two rare fungi Hericium erinaceum (Fr.) P. 071419 Studies on rhizosphere fungi. I. (Chaetomi- 071359 Influence of rhizosphere fungi on variability 074031 Rhodophylloid fungi of Pacific Coast (United 071434 Role of fungi in decomposition of wood of L- 073944 New Micromycetes in Romania.

071384 Root fungus in pine plantations after impro- 074021 metabolism of pine affected with root fungus 074066 characterization of xylanase from rot fungus 072400 Rust fungi producing aecia on Berberidaceae 074044 Biosynthesis of sideramines in fungi: Meval- 072314 of antagonistic property of certain soil fungi 072422 Hydroxylations of carbaryl by soil fungi. 075051 New & uncommon fungal species in stock po 071394 technique for individual fungal species.

074003 A device for catching fungal spores from air 071198 lobed soil bacteria from fungal spores. (Coc- 076562 Studies on spread of fungi on red clover see- 073979 of xylanase from rot fungus stereum sangui- 072400 A contribution to study of mycoflora in Zad. 071317 Successive fungal flora on sterilized leaves in 071648 Testing fungistatic & systemic effect of prep- 073977 Notes on tomentelloid fungi. IV. Tomentella 071416 New & uncommon fungal species in stock p- 071394 vulgaris L.) caused by fungus Uromyces pha- 073908 Viruses of fungi (Penicillium, Sclerotium, O. 074252 Development of wheat fungus diseases in irr- 074104 Fungi as wood destroyers in forest of Mosc- 074059

FUNGICIDES produced in Emilia-Romagna. (Fungicides, i. destructor (Berk.) Casp.) with fungicides. for forest protection in Sweden. (Fungicides produced in Emilia-Romagna. (Fungicides, i. Action of fungicides (Thiuram, Vapam) on dof insecticides with a fungicide added. Sacc. I. Testing systemic fungicides against Bioassay of fungicides against Colletotrichum studies on activity of fungicides against milOptimizing application of fungicides in forestreated with systemic fungicide benomyl. Effect of certain fungicides on development Control of facial eczema by fungicides. (Shestudies on side effect of fungicides in CercoEffect of fungicides & insecticides on biologiEffect of fungicide, thiram, on Sitophilus orEffects of fungicides on microbial populatioefficacy of certain endotherapic fungicides in effect of herbicides, fungicides & fertilizers Influence of fungicides & irrigation practice Effect of several of latest fungicides on deveEffect of organic fungicides on development Fungicides for protecting baled rubber. (PaeAntifungal protection of leather & leather go Cyclamin, an antifungal resistance factor in Pre-harvest sprays of fungicides for control Synthesis & antifungal action of some new dof selectivity field of systemic fungicides metabolism of a new systemic fungicide, N, apple leaves treated with systemic fungicide Sacc. I. Testing systemic fungicides against fungi against systemic fungicides. Experiments with systemic fungicides to conSystemic fungicides.-turning point in chemiNew systemic fungicides. Synthesis of relatives of systemic fungicide Activation of thiophante systemic fungicides to mode of action of systemic fungicides on benomyl & some other systemic fungicides in Potential of systemic fungicides on some trof studies on systemic fungicides. Some effects of systemic fungicides on virus in Ustilago maydis by fungicide triarimol. Systemic fungicides--turning point in chemi. FUNGUS taxonomic groups of higher plants. (Fungi). Discussions on terminology. (Fungi). New Micromycetes. 1. size determination of cells. (Pollen, fungi). Annellophores. (Fungi). Sympodula & sympodioconidium. (Fungi). meristem arthroconidia. (Fungi). Basauxic conidiophore. (Fungi). Porospores. (Fungi). Phialide. (Fungi). cropping & rotational cropping fields. (Fungi, of fruit diseases of papaya in Hawaii

. (Fungi) cropping & rotational cropping fields. (Fungi, of phytopathogenic fungi against systemic feffect of an ectomycorrhizal fungus against A new species of agaric fungi in Transcauca. non-acid-resistant amylases of fungi. Anti-fungal antibiotics. II. Mechanism of acmedia on growing aphyllophorous fungi. Aquatic fungi of Iceland: Chytriomyces Karlfrom Bryopsis plumosa. (Aquatic fungi). Mycoflora of archive deposits from different More extensive use of bacteria & fungi in pby an entomogenous fungus Beauveria densa Soil--borne fungi inducing foot & root rot in Specialties of Brazilian mycoflora. A device for catching fungal spores from air Pectolytic enzymes of fungi causing fruit rots stored grain fungi. I ii. Fungi from cereals.

GAINS Variance of gain of beef bulls in central statEffect of source of proteins on gain of calves Gain control in retina & retinal dynamics. Weaning weight & daily gain of calves on diInfluence of some trace elements on gain, feCombining breeds for feedlot gain. (Beef cat. Temperatures & net heat gain in normal & Gains from joint lumber & chip production of animal protein on liveweight gains & feed Effect of starvation on weight gain of chick. on urea level in blood serum & weight gain Use of selenium for increasing weight gain of different rationing plans on weight gain, on fertility, birth weight & weight gain of lWeight gains of adult & young mice after inof infection & influence on weight gains.

068603 068887 068708 069177 068882 069481 073041 070956 068884 068455 068886 069045 069135 069508 069580 070046

071275 071354 071383 071748 071783 071784 071785 071786 071788 071790 074013 074094 074125 073869 073922 071392 067711 070008 072467 071332 071728 071390 074427 075333 074027 071418 071198 074033 074071

GASTROINTESTINAL Gastrointestinal parasites in pigs raised on between blood, gastrointestinal system & live acid metabolism in gastrointestinal tract of GAUGE surface structure of narrow-gauge forest raiWooden shields for narrow gauge forest raiSafety provisions for narrow gauge railway

GAMETES selective survival & function of gametes on on occurrence of unreduced gametes. (PrimuGAMETOGENESIS Gametogenesis & gametophytes in Aglaia roof its content during male gametogenesis in GAMETOPHYTES development of gametophytes in Hypolytrum as affected by X gametophytic factor. development of female gametophyte. Gametogenesis & gametophytes in Aglaia roof gametophyte of Haplomitrium rotundifoliinteresting observations on gametophytic & of phosphatases in young gametophytes of GANGLIA ACHE) staining in superior cervical ganglion stimulated superior cervical ganglia of cat. of sympathetic ganglion cultures from chick GARDENING bromide in weed control in gardening. Vegetable gardening & canning industry in

071745 071921 071814 071743 072587 071744 072559

075751 075761 072492 075631 075860 075564 071333 075572 075742 071269 071283 071345 071343 071362 071423 071506 071374 071612 071269 075500 071250 071512 075752 075749 075850 075476 075762 075738 075600 071500 075259 071450 071404 071673 075855 075615 071484 072538 071498

Japanese species of genus Griselda Heinrich Garden flea beetles of genera Haltica & Chaof some species of genus Hedysarum L. Biosystematics of genus Ips (Coleoptera: ScSouth American katydid genus Acanthacara: of world with a key to genera (Orthoptera, Genus Leiophyllum (Ericaceae): morphologihymenopterous insects of genus Leptanusia A new species of genus Leptopeza (flaviantA revision of neotropical genus Lisianthius Araliaceae of Peru, their genera & list of spA list of new genera & type species of flagel. in species & varieties of genus Lupinus with Genus Madhuca gmelin in Bombay. Memoir of genus Mastigophora Nees. Panicoideae) & new genus Mildbraediochloa Status of Jubulopsis, a monotypic genus of characteristics of Mycena genus. A revision of neotropical genus Lisianthius A review of genus Neotropiella Handschin, Representatives of genus Ocotea in SarmatiOrchids of genus Odontoglossum H. B. et k A new species of genus Olethreutes Hubner A new species of caddisfly genus Oligotricha Sub-genus Parabagous Schilsky. (Bagous ibconsumption in species of genus Pardosa (LSome notes on occurrence of genus Pardosa on Japanese leaf-miners of genus Pegomya A new species of genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Species composition of genus Pisum L. larval morphology of genera Platurocypta & revision of species of algal genus Porphyra Systematics of genus Prototheca with a desof Scirpus (Cyperaceae) & related genera. Male genitalia of some representative genera of several species of genus Rhyacophila (RhGenus Satureia S. L. in flora of Skopje VallMethods of screening genus Trigonella for s. On classification of genus Secale L. New series of genera Senecio L. & Cicerbita A new species of genus Smidtiola (verna) studies on fungal genus Smittium (Trichomyquercivora, a new genus & species of moth itrinidadensis, a new genus & species of cave New genera & species of West Indian ChiroTwo new genera & a new species of Indian New genus & new species of a plant-feeder New genus & a new species of family MycoTwo new genera & species of Oriental Cicawith a discussion of genus Sphaerostephanos Revision of genera. Sporormia & Sporomiella Studies of genus "Seirospora". Systematic revision of genus Styx Norton et Sub-genus Parabagous Schilsky. (Bagous ibNew species of genus Thymus L. in flora of confused species of genus Tithymalus Gaertn Species of genus Torulopsis isolated from piMethods of screening genus Trigonella for sFour new species of genus Tuckerella from Numerical taxonomy of various genera of yStudy of gamasid mites of genus Veigaia in species of black flies of genus Wilhelmia End

GELATIN determined by immunodiffusion in agar gel. pomonella L.) on calcium alginate gels. starch dextrins by gel chromatography, A note on gel diffusion studies on African hin some rice varieties by gel electrophoresis Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of cell pGel filtration of hemolymph of honey bee ( Gel filtration on sephadex of humic acids & low-concentration polyacrylamide gels. (Tobby chromatography on tanned gelatin.

069715 075264 068071 069916 067981 069750 075879

6596 074157 073135

073841 071207 071214 071695 073704 075822 074297 071977 074503 075760 075761 073814 071184 073691 077049 072571 076057 071803 073615 073624

075745 071405 074819 075681 075720 075736 075784 075818 075841 071792 071304 071298 071470 075850 071399 071277 071280 072538 075791 071369 075758 075539

071845 072980 073820 073590

GARDENS Castle park & American garden in Chudenice Central Botanical gardens of Turkmen RepBiennial report on Botanical Garden & Boioak stands on territory of botanical garden Valuable apple trees in Botanical Garden of VIII. Gall insects in Botanical Garden of V. Heteroderidae on plants in Botanical Garden in male-sterile & male-fertile garden carrot certain herbicides towards different garden Some little known species of garden flea hoGarden flea beetles of genera Haltica & ChaArtichoke in dlower gardens. (Cynara scoly. Gardens & orchid collection of University of Effect of sowing term on yield of garden pea of water utilization in private garden plots. clary sage (Salvia sclarca L.) & garden sage converter for knapsack sprayer for garden & differentiation in garden strawberries. Varieties & culture of garden trees & shrubs Varieties & culture of garden trees & shrubs GARLIC metabolically derived from famesol. (Garlic) cells of Allium sativum L. (Garlic). growth, development & yield of garlic. date of removal of scapes on yields of garlic GASEOUS Theoretical study of gaseous exchange evaluChromatographic analysis in gaseous phases Effects of gaseons pollutants on vegetation: GASES Amount of carbonic acid gas discharged from Effect of carbon dioxide gas alone or in coin vacuum & protecting gas atmosphere. Gas chromatographic measurement & identifGas chromatographic analysis of amino

acids Relationships between gas chromatographic aqueous solution by gas chromatography & Gas chromatography of free volatile fatty acof combined gas chromatography--mass specon cotton seed, by gas chromatography met combined gas chromatography-mass spectro in/on bhindi fruits by gas-chromatography. Applications of combined gas chromatograpof mass spectrometry & combined gas chroCarbon dioxide gas exchange of maize on blEffect of carbon dioxide gas alone or in coAmount of carbonic acid gas discharged from Luminiscent ges-discharging lamps at raising Gus archange in cases of feed poisoning in Carbon dioxide pas exchange of maize on blof leaf discs for studying gas exchange of phvolatile components of hydrolysate by gas & activities in soil near natural gas leaks. Rapid procedure of gas-liquid chromatograpLminiscent gas-discharging lamps at raising Microbial activities in soil near natural gas Packaging in vacuum & protecting gas atmoGas sterilization of beekeeping equipment Co On application of leaf discs for studying gas mechanism of injurious effects of toxic gases turpentine) in waste waters by gas & liquid

GENERA A new genus, Stenaspilatodes (Lepidoptera: 075678 Genus Abies.

071493 South American katydid genus Acanthacara: 075860 taxonomical studies on genus Actinopelte. 071447 Sakhalin, with a key to adults of genus (Tri- 075749 Dystiscidae). I. genera Agametrus Sharp, L- 075609 of some bacteria of genus Agrobacterium. [ 074106 Genus Akaropeltis Bat. & Bez.

071403 A revision of species of algal genus Porphyra 071450 On some interesting species of genus Aloe L 071517 American genera of Mydidae (Diptera), with 075601 of closely related species of genus Amiota ( 075748 A two species from genus Ascochyta Lib. on 074056 On typification of genus Ascophanus Boud. 071314 New species of genus Ascophanus Boud. (P. 071315 Taxonomic study of genus Aspergillus in R- 071387 acid activity of mycetes of Aspergillus genus 072252 Notes on genus Aspidiotus Bouche (Homop- 075663 Cytotaxonomical studies on genus Basella. 071422 On genus Bicellaria Macquart from Japan 075741 among species of genus Bifidobacterium. (B- 068590 other species of fungi of genus Botrytis Fuck 071278 Genus Brassavola in South America. (Orchi- 071443 Genus Brenthia (Lepidoptera: Glyphipteryg. 075750 A new species of caddisily genus Oligotricha 075749 Genus Candida Berkhout. X ii. Chemical c- 072350 new species of mites of genus Cenopalpus fr- 075790 Subgeneric classification of genus Ceratina 075757 New species of genus Cerconota Meyrick ( 075804 Species assigned to genus Ceroplastodes (H- 075842 Genus Chaetastus Nunberg (Coleoptera: Pla- 075844 Two new species of genus Chilomastix Alexe- 069913 resins of some species of genus Cistus L. cul- 072490 Genus Cleora Curtis (Lepidoptera: Geometr- 075845 Concept of genus & evolution: an unusual ca. 071218 A monograph of genus Conopholis (Oroban- 071480 I ii. (tribe Heliantheae. II. genus Coreopsis) 071347 findings of species in genus Coroebus Cast. 075781 Some members of genera Corticarina Reitter 075704 known representative of genus Cychropsis. 075645 A review of genus Daidalotarsonemus DeLe- 075687 in representatives of genus Delphinium I. 071772 with description of three new genera & two 075601 Coleoptera, Carabidae) of genus Duvalius. 075608 Two new species of genus Elasmus Westwo. 075794 by specimens of genus Entomophthora.

075207 new cave millipeds of genus Epanerchodus f- 075598 Notes on cockroaches of genus Eucorydia fr- 075737 On formation of genera in Lepidoptera. 075819 Immunological studies on fungal genus Smit. 071405 Genera of Germaniaceae in southeastern Un- 071266

GENERATION on formation & growth of generative buds of density in crossbreeds of Fl generation. (ShOn generative cycle of Turkmen juniper. [JGenerative development of trees in first year chronic irradiation of Fi hybrid generation. behaviour of first inbred generation of cocoI ji. Inheritance modes of F2 generations in Suppression of generative nucleus division in indices of vegetative & generative organs of fecundity of overwintering generations of Agphotosynthesis system in generation of postby heating cocoon of preceding generation. of Ist instar larvae on 3rd generation. for sterilizing first & second generations of of formation of generative shoots of maples. Effect of irradiation on generative sphere of on gametophytic & sporophytic generations

073158 069464 073316 073223 072093 072023 071980 072289 071806 075142 072491 075239 075527 074876 073271 072953 071744

075468 071966 072028 071402 075684

GENES of characters controlled by autosome genes Does one need a gene bank in swine breediA study on genes-carriers of hybrid necrosis Identification of genes controlling seed coloof "major" genes: Experimental data. (PoulSelective value of dulcis gene in hybrid & me On genetic control of genes located in sex-cGenic male sterility found in Beta maritima Combination of mutated genes. [Peas). Effect of mutated genes on germ cell formato biochemical effect of Opaque 2 gene in isog. utilizing for breeding poultry gene stocks.

075871 069495 071911 072019 069273 071956 075299 072034 071907 072069 072957 069285

Page 25

GENITALS remarks on significance of male genitalia in Male genitalia of some representative genera changes established in genital organs. serology of infections in genital tract of bulls GENOMES 3'-termini of genome rna segments of silkwoExpression of animal virus genomes. GENOTYPES Genotypical differences in thermostability of study on interactions of genotype & enviroaccount fattening method & genotypic origin Danish Red bulls by genotypic properties. Genotypical specificity of localization of al

072766 069305 068874 069412 073009

073232 072161 072795 072664 072665 067394 073174 073205 072572 072165 072670 072671 072409 070003 072516 073623 071820 072831 073166 073111 073161 071681 072571 072733 071710 072306 072452 073261 073285 072215 072665 073083 072024 072210 072513 072621 072684 072730 074544 072529 072659 072265 072152 072606 072227 072396 072677 071798 072512

GEOBOTANY Detailed geobotanical zoning of part of Altai in field of plant ecology & geobotany at sciof investigations at Chu River geobotanical

Germination & development of lodgepole pimoisture on germination of two ecotypes of period as well as germination energy & capGermination & establishment of Salsola [kali Germination & establishment of Salsola (kali of alanine-induced germination of pa 3679 nEnhancement of germination inhibiting effect Inhibiting germination in onions by radiation Germination & inhibition in five species of of gibberellic acid & light on germination & acid-soluble fraction of germinating lupine sactivity of swelling & germinating lupine seof lysosomes in macroconidia germination. of scoleces & germinative membranes of larChemical studies in germination metabolites Common use of germination nursery bed for Germination of oospores in Sclerospora graof consolidation on germination of pasture sdistribution of hydrolase in germinating pea Variation in germinability of pear seeds. vs. actual germination percentages. research on sporic wall & germinative pore Intensiveness of germination process & groRelationship between germination rate of riof wheat scutellum before germination. Notes on seed germination & formation of feffects of auxin on orchid seed germination in protein components in seed germination of acid exchange in Picea seed germination. Germination & seedling response of Atlantic Seed distribution, germination, & seedling &Germination & seedling development of Enscobalt) on dry & germinated seeds of NicotiOn germination of seeds of Ammi majus uncoccineum L. seeds during germination. developmental phases of germinating seeds of nucleic acids in germinating seeds of fineStudies on set germination & early growth of of Gramoxon prior to sowing & germination transcarbamylase in germinated spores of Gdegree of ripeness on germination of sugar on spore swelling & germination in AspergilInhibitory factor in germination of Tamus cbean endosperm tissue during germination. metabolism in germinating uredospores of Pof culture media for in vitro germination of proteolytic enzymes of germinating wheat. Zoospore germination in Blastocladiella emplants. II. Germination of Zygophyllum cocGERMPLASM World list of germplasm collections--maize. varietal development, germplasm exchange varietal development, germplasm exchange evaluation of native fowl germplasm: EfficieResearch Institute] rice germplasm project;

GENETICS Genetic action, heredity & selection in toma- Evidence against genetic self-incompatibility Genetic analysis of mitochondrial resistance Genetics applied to cultivated plants. Genetical approach to biochemical nature of A discussion of genetic aspects of weight, m- Genetical aspects in beet studies. I. Environmental, genetical & biological stu- Genetics of branching in cotton. A genetical & breeding study of baker quali- Minor climatic shifts & genetic changes in a Chemical & genetic characterization of beta virus)-infection & genetic constitution. An opinion on genetic continuity. (Cattle). ribicola in Pinus monticola: genetic control Possibilities of genetic control against Euro- On genetic control of genes located in sex-c- Genetic control of spermiogenesis in Droso- Genetic control of spermiogenesis in Droso- Study on heritabilities, genetic correlations Combining ability & genetics of days to 50 through sugar beet seed. (Genetic defect). Genetic differer:ces in Scotch pine resistance Genetical discontinuity in populations of Fe- Congenital & genetic disease in domestic an- mungo Roxb.). (Genetic divergence). Genetic divergence in relation to geographic- criteria in radiosensibility & genetic effect of changes in pork: genetic & environmentally- Genetic evaluation of productivity of Latvian Further evidence of genetic & increased dev- Genetic evidence for "Darwinian" selection Genetic-evolutionary studies on cultivated C- by incestuous breeding to examine genetic h- interpretation of genetic factors governing t- studies on effects of genetic factors in Rhini- discussion on problems of forest genetics, se- Genetics of ginning & fibre characters in Up- semen characteristics in five genetic groups breeding to examine genetic health in cattle Genetically improved northern red oak. (Qu- First works in genetical improvement of for- Genetic improvement of crop foods. Genetic incompatibility between Pararge ae-

Genetic influence on live carcass & traits of

Genetic isolation of two variants of Trichine- Achievements of modern genetics & selection V iii. Variation of genetic parameters with Phenotypic & genetic parameters for milk p- month as well as on genetic parameters of Genetical pattern of plumage in Gifu native Genetic & physiological control of esterases Genetic, biochemical & physiological princip- Genetical & physiological studies on dwarf Genetical & physiological studies on dwarf Genetical & physiological studies on dwarf Genetical & physiological studies on dwarf Plant genetics & selection. Conservation of plant genetic resources. Genetic polymorphism of serum amylase in Population genetic studies on carbonic anhy- Genetic & population parameters of Rumani- parameters of genetic population. 1. Dynam-

method & parametres of population genetics

Estimated of quantitative genetic properties Genetic X-radiation damage & its mofificati- Genetic relationships of Austrian cattle bre- Conservation of genetic resources in domest- Conservation of plant genetic resources. Evidence against genetic self-incompatibility Current state of genetics in world & in Yug. On genetic status of maternals induced by Papaver dubium. I ii. genetics of stigmatic ro breed in relation to their genetic structure. Population genetic studies on carbonic anhy. Genetic studies on male sterility in carrot Genetic studies on quantitative characters in Genetical studies on male sterility of sugar Genetic studies on quantitative characters in Genetic studies of diploid & tetraploid Pela- Genetic studies on quantitative characters in Viral-genetic theory of leukosis & its exper. in tobacco plants of genetically tumorous & A study of genetic variability of some indices Genetic variants of serum albumin in two H. Genetic variation in a population of tetraplo- Breeding system & genetic variation in Lea. Genetic variation in a population of tetraplo- Viral-genetic theory of leukosis & its exper- Genetics of yield characters in Upland cott-

066618 066596 075858 071665 070095 072020 074953 075786 076492 076782 075090 076421 076491 066516 071485

GEOCHEMISTRY Geochemical transformations of nitrogen & from point of view of geochemical valuation GEOGRAPHY depression"? A geography of agricultural ba- Geographical analysis of farm-labor in Fujis. Zoo-geographical analysis of Orthopthera f- under natural geographic conditions of Pola- Senegal: Ecology, geographical distribution in relation to geographical distribution in p- Senegal: Ecology, geographical distribution Geographic distribution of Micropezidae in Regional soil-geographical features in Yugos- Geographical network of experiments with f- Geographic parthenogenesis & polyploidy in scientific work of Chair of Soil Geography,

Materials on genesis & geography of soils w.

Suggestions for geographical study of agricu-

Geographic variation & origin of Gossypium

GEOLOGY Geological & archaeological investigation of

072085 071932 071967 072025 072027 069349 072107 070333 071893 072072 075153 072407 074140 069488 073919 074661 075299 075425 075426 069403 071989 074310 074837 071875 070358 071992 072020 072075 067320 069410 075275 076280 071936 069302 069273 069304 070755 072003 069277 069302 070841 070747 072064 075256 069428 070002 071895 069276 069282 069283 069397 068775 069336 072047 072048 072832 072833 072063 072067 068540 069242 069454 069506 069510 071900 075530 069269 069434 072067 071932 066594 071926 071969 069500 069242 071976 071978 071979 071980 072134 072783 069994 072639 069443 069245 071898 071931 074734 069994 072018

072070 067138 067139 068980 072071

GERMS Effect of mutated genes on germ cell formatbetween packaging & germ content of food. Characterization of oils from corn germ. Oil formation in corn germ during ripening in newborn colostrum-deprived germfree pigExposure of germfree & conventional chickGerm-free swine raising & its environment. Germ-free fowl raising & its environment. 2 Micro-anatomy of lymph node of germ-free digestive tract of conventional & germ free nutritive value of maize germs. Plant germ plasm resources & utilization. on phosphoric metabolism in plant germs. utilization of sorghum germ-plasm. tuber-bearing Solanum germ plasm.

GEOPHILOMORPHA congeners (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha: SchGEOTRICHUM a perfect state of Geotrichum candidum. germinated spores of Geotrichum candidum GEOTROPISM A case against statoliths. (Geotropism, plan. Hormone movement in geotropism. (Plants) On hormone movement in geotropism. (IndHormone movement in geotropism: additionits interference with geotropic reaction. Aspects of geotropic stimulus in plants. under phototropic & geotropic turning. (PlaGERBILS of sand flies from colonies of Great Gerbil. Bait shyness of two gerbils, Tatera indica i

072069 067267 068066 072643 069710 069817 068285 068286 068497 068744 067562 071984 072438 071917 074722

072390 072374 072375 072377 072162 072383 072235

GERMINATION Germination, transpiration, waterand nutrieCarthamus tinctorius L.) during germination of seed types in 1970. [Germination, sugarbwith Azotobacter. [Barley, germination). peanuts-potential vs. actual germination perin Taiwan. I ii. ascospore germination of LeGermination of asexual organs in Mniaceae on germination of barley caryopses. of lipids in soya beans during germination. Winter wheat capable of germination from to prevent lowering of germination capacity on flower opening & germination capacity of Studies on biology of germination of cereals. of substances contents in a germinating corn silver nitrate on dark germination of pine s.

072503 072668 072753 072835 073161 073930 071800 072912 072905 072714 073278 074665 072795 072860 073314

GIBBERELLIC Combined acidulation & gibberellic acid treplants. I ii. Interaction of gibberellic acid & layers in response to gibberellic acid. cherries as influenced by gibberellic acid. Effect of gibberellic acid & ccc retardant in Effect of gibberellic acid on blooming period Effects of cyclic amp & gibberellic acid on lOryza sativa L.). IV. amounts of gibberellin plants. V. Persistence of applied gibberellin Effect of gibberellin & natural ultraviolet raOryza sativa L.). I ii. Effects of gibberellin meanings of gibberellin metabolism in crop meanings of gibberellin metabolism in crop of first maize leaf stimulated by gibberellin

068024 07216 072750 073042 07307 07312 07316 07204 07274 07220 07204 07308 07308 07277 070537 069273 069629 066681 067007

073068 068618 068465 068395 073066

GINGER Ginger pays dividends. (Zingiber officinalis) GLACIAL Phytoindication of glacier dynamics & ecolo- Pollen analysis of post-Glacial sapropel mu- GLADIOLUS of anthocyanidins in certain gladiolus (Glad- Diseases of gladioli. History of gladiolus (Gladiolus hybr. hort.) Research on Gladiolus irrigation in greenho-

GLYCOPROTEINS blood cell-agglutinating glycoproteins from of dog pituitary glycoprotein hormones. Isolation of glycoproteins from bovine achilStudies on blood serum glycoproteins in shea hydroxyproline-rich cell wali glycoprotein GLYCOSIDES Changes of glycoside content in above grouFlavonic glycosides of Galium verum L. (RuStructure of pteridine glycoside from Aspergof Pteroside A & C, glycosides of Pteridium

073214 074421 072132 077100

072495 072141 072276 072274

Alpha-glucans & amylases in Aspergillus nig. 072579 GLUCIDES A study of glucide consumption by Sacchar- 068098 Dynamics of reserve glucides & nutritive po- 072268 GLUCOSAMINE Conjugates of glucosamine in cockroach cuti- 075357 GLUCOSES Evolution of ability to absorb glucose-14C 072973 solutions of amino acids with glucose.

067737 of fruit stage & maturity on gluco-alkaloid c- 072547 A composite arginine glucose medium for ch- 067382 Glucose in blood of sheep at halothan anaes- 069577 injection of plasma glucose concentration in 068666 Plectonema boryanum, in dark on glucose. 072264 Effect of glucose, galactose & sorbitol on ga- 068736 Anomeric configuration of alpha glucose free 068380 Glucose metabolism in ruminant.

068727 Changes in pattern of glucose metabolism in 068728 pancreatectomy on metabolism of glucose, c- 068795 Investigation of glucose metabolism in germ- 072227 clay minerals on activity of glucose oxidase 076568 Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase from s- 073167 Capacity for removal of glucose from small 068715 acid on Lactuca fruits by sucrose & glucose. 073174 Carbohydrate digestion & glucose supply in 068724 reaction-condition of tryptophan & glucose 067738 Factors limiting utilization of glucose for mi- 068718

GLANDS Response of thyroid & adrenal glands of shof differentiation of chick glandular stomach Influence of glandless cottonseed flour on q. of glandless & glanded cottonseed. whippable extract from glandless cottonseed use in diagnosis of mammary gland disease Mammary gland diseases in cows. system & retrocerebral endocrine glands of Endometrial glands of pregnant sheep: an ulEpigastric glands of Scodra calceata Fabr. with solvent extraction of glandless & glandapplication of a salivary gland hormone (paapplication of a salivary gland hormone (paEffect of mandibular glands implantation on Locus of mammary gland infections of Coryof protein by nuclei of mammary gland of lafunctional activity of mammary gland. organelle of tissue of mammary gland of lacFatty changes in mammary gland of a buffaof isolated guinea-pig mammary gland. milk fatty acids by rabbit mammary gland. on development of mammary gland & milkChange in microstructure of mammary gland Locus of mammary gland infections of Coryuse in diagnosis of mammary gland disease Immunity of mammary glands. Mammary gland diseases in cows. Unusual location of mammary glands in vulEffect of mandibular glands implantation on Chemistry of metasternal gland secretion of of bacterial diseases of milk glands. respectively by removal of molting glands & course of activity cycles of molting glands of Sweat gland morphology of Indian water bupotassium) transport in avian nasal gland. of radioiodine by sheep parotid gland after hormone from porcine pituitary glands. Volatile constituents of scent gland reservoir Comparative morphology of salivary glands on clinical application of a salivary gland hon clinical application of a salivary gland hof polytenic chromosomes of salivary glands of protein synthesis in salivary glands of Chbutyryl-cholinesterase content of salt glands Volatile constituents of scent gland reservoir Chemistry of metasternal gland secretion of Particularities of development of skin glands of differentiation of chick glandular stomach of uterovaginal sperm-storage glands of hen, Sweat gland morphology of Indian water bupreparations. (Calves, rabbits, thymus gland of histone kieselguhr. (Calves, thymus gland hormones of pituitary body & thyroid gland Activity of thyroid gland, protein metao3lism S)thiocyanate metabolism in thyroid gland of sheep with exteriorized thyroid glands to of protein synthesis by thyroid gland in cattin connective tissue of spider venom gland.

068645 068413 067525 067999 068040 070033 070232 075422 068600 075096 067999 068678 068679 075094 069951 068545 068546 068574 068582 068637 068646 068675 068801 069951 070033 070107 070232 070372 075094 075175 070012 075105 075167 068581 068513 068619 068620 075174 068399 068678 068679 075139 075538 068515 075174 075175 068417 068413 069385 068581 068471 068609 068554 068569 068615 068638 068779 075280

GOATS Breeding for improvement. (Goats). properties of leptaden. (Cattle, goats). Blue tongue. (Sheep, goats, cattle). On Capillaria caprae n. sp. from goats. Cutability of Angora goat carcasses. Mohair variation on Angora goat. A behavioral study of angora goats on west conversion of feed to fiber of Angora goat & Nutritional investigations with Angora goats investigations with sheep & Angora goats. [ Substituting boneless Angora goat meat for of milk-ejection reflex in mid-brain of goat. Cutability of Angora goat carcasses. Johne's disease in goats; comparison of seroKata in West African Dwarf goats. hyperketonemia on eeg in goats. Myofer by forestomach epithelium in goat. on ovarian response & fecundity of goats. Blood groups in goats. (Sheep). larval Multiceps gaigeri over heart of goat. microbiological diagnostics of goat immune frequency of normal indigenous goat in East Luck of goat in world. Substituting boneless Angora goat meat for lactose & K+ (Potassium] in milk of goat. during suckling & hand-milking in goat with vasopressin & neurophysin in goat. neurophysin during parturition in goat. Performance of goats in triple choice delayconcentration in plasma of goat during oestof enzootic chronic polyarthritis of goats in Soluble antigens of sheep pox & goat pox viForage selectivity by goats on lightly & heamammary glands in vulval lips of she-goats. values in relative measures in sheep & goat. conjunctivae sp. n. from sheep & goats with from trade cattle, sheep, goats & swine at I

069290 069583 069892 069929 067947 067949 068647 069169 069170 070137 067948 068617 067947 070061 070156 068654 068810 069408 068813 069923 067412 068733 068337 067948 068606 068613 068614 069366 068388 069367 070148 069715 069015 070372 068535 069939 069854

GOITER in feeds in regions of endemic goiter in Uzb

GLUTARALDEHYDE of papain by treatment with glutaraldehyde

GLUTEN breeding in relation to yield of equal gluten GLYCERIDES oils. I ii. Studies on glyceride structure of s

Evaluation of governmental & industrial resinterpretation of genetic factors governing to state of harmonizing of laws governing veteractivity of agricultural self-government. (Pofaces beef shortage in spite of government aGRADIENTS Effect of moisture gradient on growth & nuton their own temperature gradient. use of method of low-gradient viscosimetry.

GRADING Grading in arecanut & species. Evaluation of feed grade biuret; a new supplRice, its classification & grading in India. On effective grading of acorn. Egg grading manual. of works in market halls for grading & stancomponents from medium & low grade hard as influenced by addition of graded levels of Cleaning, grading & packing of table grapes suggested improvements in grading of pale cBreed, grade & prior treatment related to pas a function of usda yield & quality grades. carcasses of different usda yield grades. of lamb carcasses varying in usda yield grade. from carcasses of different usda yield grades

067283 068837 067291 070800 067979 068190 070907 069018 068218 067768 069175 067464 067471 067463 067470

GRAMA on improvement of deteriorated black grama GRAMINEAE of Muhlenbergia filipes Curtis (Poaceae). Gramineae. Extent of Melinideae (Gramineae, Panicoidtropical non-legumes. (Rice, Gramineae, Cy. acid content of some fodder Gramineae of Coccidae (Homoptera) jamaging Gramineae of counting stomas on leaves of gramineae. in powdery mildew on Gramineae (Erysiphe of silicon in epidermis of rice (Oryza sativa dwarf mutants of rice plants (Oryza sativa dwarf mutants of rice plants (Oryza sativa method in rice plants (Oryza sativa l.). II. Effect of bacterization of rice (Oryza sativa dwarf mutants of rice plants (Oryza sativa dwarf mutants of rice plants (Oryza sativa classification of some rice (Oryza sativa L.) in cultivated varieties of rice (Oryza sativa) Two new species of Gramineae from Libya Gramineae) according to specimens from boGRAMOXON Use of Gramoxon prior to sowing & germinGRAMOXONE Possible application of herbicide Gramoxone GRANARIES A study on control of granary insect pests wsecond generations of rice & granary weevil.

071331 071337 071506 076529 072902 075823 071828 074085 071833 072047 072048 072049 072788 072832 072833 073447 073540 071507 071878

Fertilizing & liming grain sorghum (milo). 076676 On use of lupine grains with varying degrees 068847 Moisture redistribution of maize grain in dr- 068029 physico-chemical properties of maize grain s- 068033 on protein synthesis in ripening maize grain 072773 problems of harvesting grain maize in Germ- 076039 chemical composition of green mass & grain 072125 rye when utilized for green mass & grain in 073319 Status & tasks of mechanized grain product- 076028 roots & amount of microorganisms on grain. 072845 Supply & demand of miscellaneous grain cr- 066942 Separation of binary mixture of grains in he- 068027 Separation of grain mixtures based on mois- 076174 of automatic control system of moist grain 068091 physico-chemical forms of moisture in grain 068090 Storing high moisture grain. (Feed).

068260 storage by fat-body of angoumois grain moth 075342 On theory of orientation of grain in an elec- 072967 of wheat to important stored grain pests. (S- 074852 allergenic proteins in pollen-grain walls of 071754 Mode of growth of inner layer of pollen-gra-n 071756 On development of pollen grain coatings of 071813 On development of coats of pollen grains in 071816 Growing haploid plants from pollen grain. 072455 Effect of fw-450 on viability of pollen grains 072914 Anomalies of styles, anthers & pollen grains 074193 Common Agricultural Policy) grain prices i. 067018 production & processing of grain.

076025 Sorghum production for grain or silage.

073373 condition of increasing production of grain. 073589 Crop rotation & grain production.

073610 tasks of mechanized grain production in Cz- 076028 traits associated with grain productivity. 072823 of fenitrothion as a promising grain-protect. 074865 Technological properties of grain in soft & 072114 fenitrothion as a promising grain-protectant. 074865 Protection of grain in silos & mills. (Pest c- 074857 High protein grain from interior Alaska. 067985 of nitrate reductase activity, grain protein, 071882 Grain quality & fractional composition of pr. 072764 of its application to estimate grain quality of 072806 One-year record in grain: 46,24 quintals pro- 067108 Using grain residues for fattening cattle. 069226 Development of rice grains under controlled 072930 Development of rice grains under controlled 072931 Pattern of grain set within ears of wheat. 072700 Building grain silos in Bulgarian People's R- 075962 Insect pests of small grains.

074683 Chemical reconstitution of sorghum grain. 068262 Sorghum grain in poultry feeding.

068904 reconstituted & dry rolled sorghum grain. 069031 of four different bhybrid sorghum grains for 069038 of reconstituted & dry rolled sorghum grain 069171 Processing sorghum grain for feeder lambs: 069172 Particle size of reconstituted sorghum grain 069182 Lines of grain sorghum & their general com- 072128 nitrogen uptake by irrigated grain sorghum, 072922 Grain sorghum response to preplant & seas- 072923 probabilities for cotton & grain sorghum gr. 073349 1972 Report on Kansas grain sorghum perfo- 073461 on 31 varieties of grain sorghum.

073490 Grain sorghum hybrid performance at Bushl. 073569 Response of grain sorghum hybrids of differ. 073570 row spacings of irrigated grain sorghum see- 073571 Dryland grain sorghum production on Nort. 073572 Performance of commercial grain sorghum 073575 Greenbug control in grain sorghum. (Schiza- 074719 Fertilizing & liming grain sorghum (milo). 076676 of fertilizer on irrigated grain sorghum--Nor- 076872 Dryland grain sorghum production on conve- 076953 application for weed control in grain sorgh-m. 074558 some amino acid content in grain of spring 072934 chemical properties of maize grain starch. 068033 Automated grain station. (Processing).

076194 for improving grain storage & marketing in 067001 Grain storage in halls.

068003 for improving grain storage & marketing in 068008 Considerations for grain storages.

068236 Lindane content of stored grain.

067299 Studies on stored grain fungi. I ii. Fungi fr- 074071 Larval ecdysis in five pests of stored grains 074856 Stored grain insects.

074860 Lindane content of stored grain.

075000 varieties of wheat to important stored grain 074852 of hydro-thermal treatment of grain on phys- 068033 harvesting & after-treatment of grain in U.s. 076027 allergenic proteins in pollen-grain walls of 071754 products in mills & grain warehouses & their 074858 on yield & quality of winter wheat grain in 072655 of winter wheat & spring wheat grains on S- 072829 protein accumulation in winter wheat grains 072861 content of protein in winter wheat grains u. 072964 distribution on protection of wheat grain ag. 074867 on yield & quality of spring wheat grains. 072828 Ploughing winter grain.

076924 Top-cross studies for grain yield & its comp- 072001 Multiple regression analysis of grain yield in 072002 drought hardening on growth & grain yield 072703 leaf groups for formulation of grain yield in 072918 Triticale in California. (Grain yields).


GRAINS adoption of high yielding varieties. (Grain). On quality of crop. (Grain). Active ventilation with air ducts. [Grain). on protection of wheat grain against insect storage by fat-body of angoumois grain moth Automated grain station. (Processing). Assay of fungal mycelium in grains of barley formation of Diamant spring barley grains. Utilization of brewer's grains & contents of on yield & quality of buckwheat grains. Building grain silos in Bulgarian People's R. of lysine fortification of whole cereal grains. Lowering expenditures for cleaning grain. On development of pollen grain coatings of Performance of commercial grain sorghum of styles, anthers & pollen grains connected control system of moist grain conservation fertilizers on baryley yield, on grain content moisture control for continuous grain dryers of some elements of grain contracting system novelty in conservation of humid corn grain Method of use of dry grain corn in feeding of IV. Optimum leaf area index for corn grain Grain crop quality, 1971 crops. demand of miscellaneous grain crops & beans Up to date weed control of grain crops. Use of herbicides in grain crops. Optimization of height of grain cutting. Results of two-years tests in grain damage World prognoses of demand for grain to 19 Aspergillus flavus deterioration of grain: its during ripening on grain development. during ripening on grain development. characteristics of grain of diploid wheats. grain sorghum seeded with grain drills. Method of use of dry grain corn in feeding of moisture control for continuous grain dryers mathematical modelling of grain drying. Dryland grain sorghum production on NortDryland grain sorghum production on convegrowth of inner layer of pollen-grain exine in reconstituted, popped & steam-slaked grain. conditions on formation grain in winter Studies on stored grain fungi. I ii. Fungi frin further mechanization of grain harvest in Special aspects of operation of grain-harvest of developing procedures in grain harvesting Technological problems of harvesting grain Eastern Europe may cause grain imports to recommendations for improving grain storage Stored grain insects. protein content of F3 grain of intervarietal nitrogen uptake by irrigated grain sorghum, Narrow row spacings of irrigated grain sorg. Effects of fertilizer on irrigated grain sorgh1972 Report on Kansas grain sorghum perfo

073369 073608 075963 074867 075342 076194 074003 076634 069118 072962 075962 067524 068004 071813 073575 074193 068091 072689 076007 067102 068051 069119 072731 067487 066942 074537 074551 076037 074282 067104 067391 072930 072931 072933 073571 069119 076007 068026 073572 076953 071756 069172 072913 074071 076026 076030 076029 076039 067004 067001 074860 071975 072922 073571 076872 073461

GRAPES Replanting in interrow spaces. (fruit, grapes of rootstocks suitable for grafting. (Grapes] pellucens in Bacs-Kiskun comitat. (Grapes, of transportation of boxes. (Grapes). Grape assortment should be adapted to requof cuticular wax during life of grape berry. Yield of Bhokri grapes in relation to disposito study of growth of grape branches. Chlorosis of grapes & measures for its contrfor control of storage decay in grape (Vitis Misket--a new, very early dessert grape variof viability of pollen of different grape varieMain features of culture & economy of grap-s Initiation & development of grapes growing Wine & Grape-growing Institute of Pleven. trellis for mechanical harvesting of grapes. Grape hybrid Voivodinovo 2. resistance in interspecific hybrids of grapes. Mechanized method of inspecting grapes. ( Irrigation of grapes. Method of preparation of grape juice. Microflora of grape juices in Nitra vine reg. Control of grape moth during 1970. of musts with hard parts of grapes on quality rooting medium on performance of grapes ( oliveri nov. spec., a mite pest on grapes (Vitregarding reconstruction of present grape vain grapes & products of processed grapes. I On affinity of several prospective grape vari. Pruning of grapes as an important cultural Test wine qualities of new grapes. Raising grape varieties resistant to Oidium Production rationalization of grapes & its diHexachlorobutadiene residues in grapes & pResistance of grapes to high temperatures &

07365 07382 074799 07617 07379 071680 07375 07185 07441 07398 07373 07320 06676 06669 06820 07363 07373 07311 07480 07709 06822 06812 07479 0681& 07362 07563 07372 06740 07365 07379 06819 07410 06692 06740 07301

Frost resistance of grapes in relation to durChemical composition of ripe grapes. Investigation of hydrogenation of grape-seed Spraying grapes. Technique of raising sterile grape vines from Grape stock adaptation to nature of soil. dimethoate & trichlofon on sugars in grapes Rootstock trials for sultana grapes on light Must yeasts of some table grapes & wine frgrading & standardization of table grapes. Cleaning, grading & packing of table grapes modem aspects of producing table grapes. Wine grape varieties for British Columbia. of pollen of different grape varieties by metof several prospective grape varieties with ro with some not-so-early & late grape varieties characteristics of wine grape varieties in LitRaising grape varieties resistant to Oidium from wine made from grape variety Mavrud On breeding of new grape variety "Takao". a new, very early dessert grape variety. reconstruction of present grape variety Red Technique of raising sterile grape vines from development & productivity of grape vines. Wonder drug. (Grapes, Plasmopara viticola, of yeasts associated with wine grapes of BoWine grape varieties for British Columbia. of vineyards on territory of red wine grapes technological characteristics of wine grape vof presence of aflatoxin Bl in grape wines. of malic acid degradation in grape wines. moisture on accretion & yields of grapes. fertilizers & their effect on grape yields.

073120 073198 068109 074313 073693 073654 073210 073057 068106 068190 068218 073742 068123 073208 073694 073732 073791 074103 068187 072037 073730 073734 073693 073825 073951 068118 068123 073788 073791 067501 068232 073824 076803

nitrogen fertilization of Tobosa grass. (Hilar- 076820 intake by sheep of six tropical grasses.

068898 of proteins in perennial grass varieties relat- 072858 for controlling rootstock grass weeds in orc- 074502 out in waterlogged lands on yield of grasses 076973 GRASSHOPPERS Grasshopper control.

074653 of food in paddy field grasshopper Oxya vel- 075478 Dietary overlap of grasshoppers on sandhill 075479 chromosomes in two species of grasshopper. 075438 cytology of Taiwan grasshoppers (Acridoidea 075566 GRASSLANDS Effect of trampling on a chalk grassland eco- 071597 control of floristic composition of grassland 072716 Grassland farming competitions in 1966--19 073598 is cattle longing for in grassland fodder? 068941 supply of arable land & grassland.

076819 of farms with machinery in grassland & hay 076151 pesticides in management of grasslands. 073380 Management of grassland for conservation of 073384 with seed mixtures for grassland.

073425 on improvement of grasslands of Nardetum 076877 feed for ruminants on permanent grassland. 068942 modification on Great Plains grasslands. 072818 Health problems in grassland & hay farming 073555 cattle diets on sandhill grassland.

069014 Agarwal & Sahni from grassland soils of Ja- 071324 manipulation of South Texas grassland. 073455 thawing of some grassland topsoils on oxyg. 076559

GRAVITY Flying insects & gravity. Erosion due to gravity irrigation of some Bu- Gravity orientation in insects: role of differ- Proprioceptive gravity perception in Hyme- Physics of gravity & equilibrium in growing Growth responses of plants to gravity. Gravity receptors in lower plants. Gravity receptors in phycomyces. Responses to gravity in plants: a summary. from butterfat content & specific gravity in Specific gravity for estimating cutability of Wood specific gravity of eleven species of p- of fiber length & specific gravity in wood of tracheid length & wood specific gravity of s- Determination of specific gravity of hydrog- in plants under gravitational stimulation. of unilateral gravitational stimulation on tr- Susception of gravity by higher plants. Susception of gravity by higher plants: anal- Effect of net zero gravity on circadian leaf

075312 076929 075314 075313 072376

2384 072386 072387 072385 067789 068772 070906 071174 071758 076591 072382 072744 072388 072389 073131

GRAPHOLITHA in diapause of Grapholitha funebrana Tr. (LGRASSES respiration in a Carolina old field. (Grasses) New Alaskan grasses excel in winterhardineof photoperiod on growth of bamboo grass, of chemically treating seeds of cereal grass of Korean native grasses determined in in viits relationship with digestibility of grasses New Alaskan grasses excel in winterhardineof indigestible substances in forage grasses. Grasso a friendly base for ski fun. Getting best from grass. (Dairy cattle). Mechanization of grass harvesting in HungaPreliminary note on use of lemon grass hay A new grass host for Pyricularia oryzae cav. Research on grass infected with mildew (Erfertilizers on pasture grasses irrigated with Natural grass lands. New directions a5d fiSal biological characteristics of lawn grasses in leading role as herbicide for lawn grasses. digestibility of cereal & leguminous grasses Preliminary note on use of lemon grass hay in soil under lucarne & grasses. effectiveness of using grass meal & silage in nitrogen fertilization methods on grass. Gross mulch as alternative for clean cultivaton digestibility of Korean native grasses detNatural grass lands. New directions a5d fiSal on production changes in natural grass stand a Townsville stylo-spear grass pasture. new improved strains of pasture grasses for electric measuring method for pasture grass for measuring yields of pasture grasses. new varieties of sugar beet, pasture grasses, of mineral fertilizers on pasture grasses irriDevelopment of breeding perennial grasses Investigations on perennial grasses. [BreediN (nitrogen) levels of perennial grasses as aof plant development for perennial grasses. more important cultivated perennial grasses makeup of proteins in perennial grass varietControl of perennial grasses with of seeds of planted grasses. of carbohydrate polymers of some grasses & Results of production of grasses on cultivatmethod for pasture grass production. berbicides for controlling rootstock grass w. Grass seed production as influenced by culticows grazing a Townsville stylo-spear grass of fatty acids of three grass species (Festuca Production changes in natural grass stand. cutting areas in Vaccinium & grassy-swamp

GREEN Blue-green alga Scytonema stuposum (Kutz) ribosome deficient mutants in green alga Chbroken cell preparations of blue-green alga in heterocysts of a blue-green alga. of membrane fragments of blue-green alga parasitism on cells of green alga Chlorella vin taxonomy of some blue-green algae. Studies on utilization of green algae as food to collapse vacuoles of blue-green algae. [Cnitrogen fixation by blue-green algae under life, & organic acids of green bananas. Blue-green alga Scytonema stuposum (Kutz) hormogonia in taxonomy of some blue-green in heterocysts of a blue-green alga. of membrane fragments of blue-green alga atmospheric nitrogen fixation by blue-green in broken cell preparations of blue-green altechnique to collapse vacuoles of blue-green plants of Hemaspidoproctus cinereus Green against Hemaspidoproctus cinereus Green of fresh, canned, & frozen collard greens. accurate method of determining green voluEffect of different green manuring crops on Occurrence of tristeza & greening diseases of between nutrition with ensiled green feed & of actinomycin D on greening of etiolated bExtending Green Revolution to more crops between nutrition with ensiled green feed & Top feed can relieve green feeding problem for young geese feeding with green forage. Forest green spaces: five years achievement Relationship of seed size in green gram (Pharomatic polycyclic hydrocarbons in green of friction of stalks of green kenaf. (Harvestto nitrogen fertilization. I. Level of green & of Drosicha mangiferae (Green) in Madhya crops cultivated for green manure in stubble Effect of different green manuring crops on chemical composition of green mass & grain on yields of flower clusters & green mass of fodder rye when utilized for green mass & g. date of field pea grown for green mass. of a nitrification inhibitor on green matter ymagnesium y rye cultivated for green matter Studies on green muscardine fungus: influenpalatability & nutritive value of green panic concentrated proteins from green peas. Cooling & refrigerating green peas increases diseased plants: yellows & green petals probof winter wheat green pigments. Pinus silvestris) by Matsucoccus pini Green of post-fluorescence of green plants. Cooling & refrigerating green peas increases Top feed can relieve green feeding problem Green revolution or greening revolution & fGreen revolution, small farmers & rural cooGreen Revolution in perspective. Extending Green Revolution to more crops Green revolution--achievements & prospects India & "green revolution". in developing countries. (Green revolution). of fertiliser industry in green revolution. Effects of "green revolution" in South & SoGreen snow & ice from Antarctica. (Algae). Forest green spaces: five years achievement Studies on packaging of green tea. 1. Storage Determination of moisture in green tea by oin course of etiolated Euglena turning green, accurate method of determining green volu-e

067375 071796 072266 072410 072537 074135 071397 072435 074564 076480 068119 067375 071397 072410 072537 076480 072266 074564 074760 074767 067513 070923 076754 074153 070102 073170 067163 070102 068928 068905 070718 074866 067611 076165 076731 075190 076750 076754 072125 072447 073319 073530 072800 072801 075461 068979 068146 068179 074254 072766 074841 072491 068179 068928 066518 066756 067161 067163 067166 067206 067246 076707 077261 071263 070718 067734 067735 072155 070923

072872 072648 072533 072845 069047 068909 072648 072096 076950 068925 076186 068944 073938 074097 076882 073403 073149 074437 069200 068944 076375 069228 076642 073780 069047 073403 076854 068899 073437 073505 073506 073507 076882 072055 072112 072662 072759 072842 072858 074495 076092 068977 073347 073505 074502 073350 068899 072969 076854 077062

GRAY grains in Zygadenus sibiricus A. Gray. values of Oberinntal Grey breeding bulls by moisture of wilting of Brown gray soils of palbumin type in Hungarian Grey cattle. inclusions in Nicotiana clevelandii gray cells of virgin & cultivated grey-cinnamonic soils inclusions in Nicotiana clevelandii gray cells Diagnostics of virgin & cultivated grey-cinnForms of phosphates in grey forest soils of sodium along profile of grey forest & solodiWater regime of a grey forest loamy soil Agrochemical characteristics of grey forest "labile" iron in Chernozems & grey forest s. fertilizers to spring wheat in gray forest soiResults from testing gray Georgian mountain Obituary. Percy Heath Hobart Gray, 1891an unusual albumin type in Hungarian Grey breeds of Maremma & Hungarian Gray. scald inhibitors, to control blue & gray mold of hereditary values of Oberinntal Grey repof hereditary values of Oberinntal Grey brevalues of Oberinntal Grey reproduction bulls latest fungicides on development of gray rot moisture of wilting of Brown gray soils of pResults from testing gray Georgian mountain

071816 069510 076247 068432 074183 076504 074183 076504 076231 076439 076509 076511 076516 076780 075915 075449 068432 069553 073899 069506 069510 069506 074017 076247 075915

GRAZING of surface treatments by grazing animal on Cycling of nutrients in a grazed Atriplex ves. their influence on grazing behavior. Influence of burning & grazing on growth & To get ready cattle for grazing. production of Droughtmaster cows grazing a on liver vitamin A of beef cows grazing pan. production of Droughtmaster cows grazing a on liver vitamin A of beef cows grazing panrate during grazing season, creep grazing of rate during grazing season, creep grazing of daily gain of calves on different grazing treaSome effects of grazing on population ecoloForest grazing. by goats on lightly & heavily grazed ranges conversion in calves kept at high grazing inInfluence of grazing intensity on improvemOptimum grazing interval at high stocking vitamin A of beef cows grazing pangolagrass Grazing, fertilizers & pesticides in manage

073464 072364 068911 071544 069073 068899 069016 069295 069373 068302 068303 069177 075197 070708 069015 068912 073318 069136 069016 073380

GROUND Ground application of ultra low volume sprMoisture conditions of ground boards treated study on protected ground constructions covDanger of ignition of ground cover fuels by types of protein supplements in ground ear I. On particle size of ground fiber. butanol-less" cytokinin in ground kohlrabi tInequality of ground load under caterpillar of determining above-ground mass of shrubs Ground-nut.- almond of poor. mobile forms of npk in above-ground plant potassium fertilizing on ground of regional Ground seeds of sunflower desiccated with of glycoside content in above ground shoots classification of forms of ground vegetation of infiltration problem of ground waters by II. Particle size distribution of ground wood

074691 071133 073683 076140 069141 070964 073070 071109 072301 068074 073248 076746 068983 072495 071571 077028 070958

A new technique for growing early carrots 073658 Economics of growing & feeding alfalfa & co- 066888 of efficiency of manufactured & farm-grown 068859 productivity on collective farms growing cot- 066820 A contribution to technology of growing fib-r 073524 Variety evaluation of field grown tulips in c- 073831 Lysine requirement of growing-finishing pig: 068870 on performance of growing-finishing pigs. 068984 with corn silage in cattle growing.finishing d. 069140 development & yields of fiber flax grown in 072897 Crown shape in openand forest-grown bals- 070593 Fruit growing in Latin America.

073644 application of fertilizers in fruit growing. 076867 Wine & Grape-growing Institute of Pleven. 068207 Initiation & development of grapes growing 066698 Some characteristics of groundnut-growing 076359 Growing haploid plants from pollen grain. 072455 of mineral fertilizers in growing hard wheat 076883 New views & results of growing hazelnuts, 073786 methods & economics of growing hazelnuts 073787 Performance tests of corn hybrids grown in 073394 Wine & Grape-growing Institute of Pleven. 068207 Grow ir-8-288-3 variety of paddy. (Rice). 073414 appropriate schemes for growing Kurtovska 073696 nitrogen supplements for growing lambs. 069092 pelleted lucerne by growing lambs.

069106 of calcium & phosphorus by growing lambs. 070071 during feedlot adaptation & later growing & 069139 Growing linden trees under conditions of N. 070775 Artificial nutritive media to grow up plants 076233 results from new methods for growing late c- 073657 tissues of "Starking"/ mm 104 when grown 071766 Present situation of mushrooms growing in 073750 of net photosynthesis in naturally growing P- 073246 case of Portugal & other olive growing coun- 067035 On harvest date of field pea grown for green 073530 numbers of phanerogams growing in Hunga- 071228 Growing pickling cucumbers.

073726 photosynthesis in naturally growing Pinus p- 073246 of gravity & equilibrium in growing plants. 072376 of some peat soils & fodder plants grown in 072652 on permeability of roots of plants grown at 072876 On some banana plants grown in Ethiopia. 073217 Mercury content of plants grown on Monte 074290 Aphis gossypii Glov. on cotton plants grown 074669 of some peat soils & fodder plants grown in 076226 Sphaerotheca fuliginea) grown in plastic film 074102 VI. Effect of removal of growing point, late- 072748 Growing population & food problem.

067235 When is potato growing still rewarding? 066889 Tests in alimentation of growing poultry. 069152 on certain methods of growing pricked-out t- 073695 of death duties on wool-growing properties 066846 Growing rainfed rice on alluvial soils in nor- 073359 wintering of winter rape grown on Agricultu- 072889 supplements of feed rations of growing, pre- 068850 results from various rice growing countries. 076718 Rational water use when growing rice in L- 076997 Classification of rubber-growing soils in west 076549 Growing seed potato in Himachal Pradesh. 073668 Growing seed potatoes in peat soils.

073717 On growing of seedlings in peat briquettes. 070759 culture of forest trees from seedlings grown 070786 acid on soybean seedlings grown in hydropo- 072784 Lignin of eucalypt ramets & seedlings grown 073265 with artificial lighting for growing seedlings 075969 hay (Cymbopogon sp.) in growing sheep fee. 068944 water content of oak young shoots grown on 074357 characteristics of groundnut-growing soils of 076359 Classification of rubber-growing soils in west 076549 for cotton & grain sorghum grown under dry- 073349 Growing space & spread of individual trees. 073262 Nitrate accumulation in spinach grown under 073028 Effect of species, growing stages & location 069047 of linoleic acid into tissues of growing steers 068896 diethylstilbestrol for growing steers fed puri- 069011 When is potato growing still rewarding? 066889 potassium exchange in growing swine with v- 068848 corn-peanut meal diets for growing swine. 068993 microscopal study of Eimeria tenella grown 069946 of table beet cultivars with growing time & 073038 Tomato growing.

073647 Douglas fir Christmas tree grown in nursery 070852 content of bark of oak trees growing in Geo- 073221 Variety evaluation of field grown tulips in c- 073831 of fruit oil of some olive varieties grown in u 068110 of principal cacao varieties grown in Bahia. 073849 mechanization also in vegetable growing. 073735 Growing vegetables in beds in Amur Region 073715 Mechanization of vegetables grown under p- 076102 test establishments in growing Virginia toba- 073387 Problems of growing of virus-free seed pota- 074246 Growing watermelons in strips of land plant- 073718 Some wild growing cotoneasters are cultivat- 073268 effects of death duties on wool-growing pro- 066846 Significance in growing Yang-tao or Grosella 073650 Fat in yeast growing on hydrocarbon substr- 072173 parts & shoot roots of growing young cane. 072730 GROWTH Features of development of oak regrowth. 070607 soil temperatures & subsequent regrowth of 073352

GROWTHS Growth, development, & fertility of early inbetween micro-organisms & plants. [Growth Growth, chlorophyll, & phytochrome in Drabetween micro-organisms & plants. (Growth Accelerating growth of anthills by adding st. of different categories according to growth Effect of growth-activating micro-organisms Factors affecting growth of Clostridium perfGrowth of agricultural information. obtained during growth of some agricultural On analysis of growth of agriculture by indiInhibition of growth of airborne coliforms & of standarized soils on growth of Anthurium Structure & growth of apical meristem of 1. Basal area growth of individual black cherry effect of strontium on growth of Aspergillus of strontium on growth of Aspergillus niger of strontium on growth of Aspergillus niger Effects of certain auxins on growth & develEffects of photoperiod on growth of bamboo Effect of supplementary barley upon growth Growth of barley coleoptile. I. Its relationsammonium chloride on growth behaviour & Growth & biochemical adaptation of larvae Effects of sodium fluoride on body growth in Effect of ionizing radiatios on bone growth in amino acid sequence of bovine growth hoat different stages of growth of Brachiaria rgrowth factor) agents on growth of broiler Effect of quindoxin on growth of broiler chion organogenesis & callus growth of CichoriGrowth capacity & beef production. study on carbohydrates during growth on kGrowth characteristics of crested & fairway in young apple trees with chemical growth rEffect of light & chemicals on growth & devpreparations slow growth of cherries. Effects of feather meal on growth of chicks aspen stands affected by their clonal growth defined medium for growth of Clostridium pcarbon sources on growth of Cochliobolus saGrowth of common spruce on ericaceae-heanitrogen compounds with growth in tea plant by tree species in concurrent growth. Growth of consumption of olive oil in France ecological studies on corn growth & yield. IV as a factor of manifesting growth correlation Current growth increment of forest plant asRelationships among growth curve parameteGrowth cycle of avirulent strains of NewcasGrowth cycle of annual shoots of Quercus ro Czechoslovak growth tables [Forestry). for elaboration of Czechoslovak growth tablfor elaboration of Czechoslovak growth tablEffect of planting date on growth, developmGrowth & degeneration of motor end-plates Algebraic models for describing growth of cGrowth & development of Karakul lambs of Different growth under phototropic & geotr. Interception of rainfall at different growth smechanisms establishing differential growth mineral fertilizer & top dressings on growth II. Effect of irrigation & drying on growth, Essay on architecture & on growth dynamics Soil humidity, growth & dynamics of develoof aldimine crosslinks during early growth pStudies on set germination & early growth of low temperature & subsequent early growth Effects of shading treatment at early growth Characteristics of embryonal growth & deveof phytocoenotic environment on growth & study of cattle dung. I. Estival growth of Coof red & far red light on growth of etiolated Cranio--facial growth studies using dogs. commercial ugf (unidentified growth factor] Study of requirements of growth factors for acids as complementary factors for growth Optimal organization of main growth factors Growth features of young belts of Quercus. sugar beet pulp added to feed on growth & Effect of level of feeding on growth & develof soil cultivation & fertility on growth & dGrowth & flowering responses of Lilium lonsoils & their relation to forest growth. Effect of light on fruit growth of Satsuma oin process of strawberry fruit growth. Growth of fungi in wood. [Trametes versicolrogor on formation & growth of generative Effect of moisture gradient on growth & nutOrigin & gradual growth of polysaccharide A contribution to study of growth of grape Influence of burning & grazing on growth & characters in soybean. II. On growth habit. presowing drought hardening on growth & g. release of growth hormone. acid sequence of bovine growth hormone. of sulfate incorporation by growth hormone in bull, & effect of growth hormone on bovitype of container on growth of Fl hybrid aAn autoradiographic study of hyphal growth

069552 072585 072983 076565 075305 070821 072438 067333 066582 072346 067126 067398 073833 072974 070710 072157 072159 072160 072243 072533 068912 072696 073136 075341 068908 070903 068529 068927 068921 069210 073089 069493 072171 072812 073036 072587 073162 069025 073918 067275 073916 070742 072405 073281 067036 072731 072759 073295 068768 070035 073294 070689 070694 070695 072897 068593 068769 068410 072235 072746 072378 072690 073196 070736 070754 068531 072730 072733 072734 068416 072478 075498 073105 068589 068921 071391 072743 073659 070683 068833 068578 072948 07303 076279 07299 073104 07324 07315 07327 07213 071850 07154 07197 07270 06846 06852 06853 06936 07221 07241

GROWING Stem analysis of some Casuarina spp. grown Use of urca in alfalfa grown for seeds. nutrient media on growing aphyllophorous fPlant protection in intensive apple growing. in some soils where arecanut is grown in Infruit fly, Dacus oleae, grown in an artificial Crown shape in openand forest-grown bals-m Drought-damaged corn silage for growing be-f Effect of sodium on sugar beets grown with Growing birch seedlings with application of Growing blackberries. on yield structure of broadbeans grown in b. of developing rumen in growing calves kept or rolled with corn silage in cattle growing-fbiological peculiarities of celery grown for l. Radiostimulation of Chlorella grown at diffemass of Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium grown in of manufactured & farm-grown concentrates of varietal peculiarities, growing conditions of fertilizers to fast growing conifer forests of activity of urea when growing corn during Some wild growing cotoneasters are cultivaton collective farms growing cotton in Azerbweed control in rain-fed cotton growing (Trinsecticides used in cotton growing in Chad results from various rice growing countries. material & ways of melon crop growing. fertilization pattern on hemp crop grown on management & control on crops grown for sof irenches for vegetable crops growing in P

070578 076636 072467 074740 076357 075410 070593 069150 072797 076799 073836 073782 068585 069140 073121 072562 072447 068859 073106 076794 076632 073268 066820 074486 074997 076718 073808 076840 074635 077103

Page 26

Modifications in growth rhythm induced by 074207 soil as an edaphic factor in rice growth. 072903 Root growth of rangeland chenopods: morp- 072365 on seedling emergence, root growth & crop 072371 mineral fertilizers on growth of root system 072960 Growth of roots of barley in dependence on 072708 council" encourages rural growth.

066535 hydrazide (Alar) or scoring on growth & fl- 073058 fellings on length of growth season in young 070833 Seasonal growth of leaf plates in surface by 073288 orchid seed germination & seedling growth. 072452 distribution, germination, & seedling growth 072665 Low blueberry seedling growth as affected 073079 Dynamics of survival & growth of seedlings 070771 light on germination & growth of seedlings 072165 grass crops on increase in growth of shoots 072845 on acclimatization & growth of Siberian lar- 070777 properties of various soil on growth & palat- 072745 Effect of sorghum on growth & productivity 069233 national income by sources of growth.

066908 treatment at early growth stage on growth 072734 of rainfall at different growth stages by can- 072746 Effect of feeding standards on growth & pro- 075914 in animal nutrition as growth stimulants. 069131 conditions of nursery stock on growth after 073264 on form & growth of streptomycetes in soil 076567 Cranio--facial growth studies using dogs. 068589 in Japan; materials for studies of growth in 069194 Morphological studies on growth & flower f- 071863 A contribution to study of growth & carcass 069110 Effect of growth substances on chemical co- 072295 Studies on natural growth substances in see- 072411 Effect of growth substances on dynamics of 072684 section test for natural growth substances. 072810 Reciprocal effect of some growth substances 072986 orange using plant growth substances.

073059 Preparation 500) (Growth substances, potat- 073142 plastic cover on growth of sugar beets.

073355 A survey of growth & survival of shelterbelts 070839 Growth & survival of Rhizobium phaseoli at 076227 added & its effect on growth of swine.

068922 Quantitative studies on growth of syncytia i- 074367 fatty acids synthesized during growth & dev- 075371 Czechoslovak growth tables. (Forestry). 070689 concerning construction of growth tables of 070690 Notes on problem of growth tables construc- 070693 elaboration of Czechoslovak growth tables u- 070694 elaboration of Czechoslovak growth tables u- 070695 conditions & rating system of growth tables 070696 On effect of terracing on growth & fruiting 073692 chemical mutagens on growth of Tilia corda. 073284 of snow cover on survival & growth of tree 070573 Dynamics of tree growth & several methods 070598 of tables of course of growth of tree stands 070655 of water table sinking on growth of trees. 073275 Characteristics of growth of turkterebinth p- 070804 of commercial ugf (unidentified growth factor 068921 of foliar application of urea on growth & yie- 073100 nursery bed for growth of vegetable seedling 073623 benzyladenine on vegetative growth & tuber 073026 regulating materials on vegetative growth of 073125 Growth of Washington Navel & Late Valenc. 073126 of protein levels on growth of weanling & y. 068991 Langth & weight growth of Avicularia avicu- 075104 Growth & yield of rice plants in low phosp- 073452 Nutrition, growth, development & yield of g- 073820 Virus & fertilizer effects on growth of young 074208

074758 072451 067536 071978 075429 072528 075432 075330 075289 075252

HAIL Taking care of hail-damaged tobacco crops. Giant plan to bring rain & stop hail.

Studies on growth of some important natural Incentive for growth in labor productivity. Investment & income growth on farms. for constructing tables of growth increment. Growth increment tables for stands of QuerCurrent growth increment of forest plant asof antibiotics & other growth-inhibiting subsEffect of growth inhibitors on water regime Effect of growth inhibitors on root-knot nePlant growth inhibitory lactones from PodoMode of growth of inner layer of pollen-gratemperature & light intensity on growth & Effect of gamma-ray irradiation on growth yield capacity, fruiting & growth of Italian analyzing ratio of rate of growth of labor effFactors relating to growth of labor productienzymes activity in lambs during growth at in embryogenesis, larval growth, & metamophotosynthetic balance during leaf growth. on flowering & growth of Lilium longiflorum upon stimulation of growth of Listeria monoof testicles & longitudinal growth of seminifEffect of supplements of L-lysine on growth, Optimal organization of main growth factors Light as a factor of manifesting growth corracids in feed rations on growth of meat chicin pattern of glucose metabolism in growth, lon relations, growth & metabolism of Atripof different cutting methods on growth, deveof culture media based on milk for growth Influence of moisture on growth & developof controlled atmosphere on growth of mold Comparison of muscle growth between meat Studies on natural growth substances in seecoleoptile section test for natural growth suGrowth of oak seedlings in hotbeds with coGrowth of onion plant & infection by Peronwater temperature on growth of paddy rice Observations on growth of Passiflora mollisGrowth pattern of Burley 21 tobacco & assaffected by their clonal growth pattern. [PoGrowth patterns of slash & Caribbean pine of peat on nodulation & growth of pea (PisPeculiarities of growth & frost-resistance of in sheep during period of growth, pregnancy crosslinks during early growth period. (ChiGrowth, of a photoautotroph, Plectonema bon propagation of needles & growth of pine Growths of Pinus heldreichii Christ. var. leucarly in ontogeny on growth of Pinus resinoEffect of fluorine on plant growth & uptake Influence of certain plant growth regulators of high salt concentrations on plant growth. Cobalt & nickel. (Plant growth). Plant growth in heat-sterilized soil. I. SteriPlant growth in heat-sterilized soil. II. MoEffect of plant growth regulators & micronuPlant growth regulators in viticulture. Effect of plant growth regulators on rooting yield in sweet orange using plant growth suPlant growth inhibitory lactones from PodoInfluence of certain plant growth regulators crops in phytotron, on plant growth. on leaf nutrient content & plant growth in ssoils on pine & spruce plantation growth. in Correze; & remarks on growth of plants viability of pollen grains & growth of plants Population growth & development of a dual Postemergence growth in fly Sarcophaga falfowl. IV. Comparison of postnatal growth of fowl. V. Comparison of postnatal growth of of domestic fowl. II. Postnatal growth of sk. of nitrogen, phosphorus & potash on growth Evaluating forest sites for potential growth Non-sugars in process of growth & storage of of germination process & growth at secondaI Growth, development & productivity of sfactor in carrot. II. Growth promoting activ

crop plants. I. Growth promoting effects natural ultraviolet radiation on growth & flInfluence of near uv radiation on growth & absorbent underneath on wth rate of ThaGrowth rate of vegetative organs & ears in Record growth of vanaspati industry. of foliar sprays of growth-regulating materiastatus of endocrine regulation of growth & dharvest treatments with growth regulators on Studies on effect of growth regulators on seSimultaneous use of growth regulators & heInfluence of certain plant growth regulators of wheat. V ii. Effect of growth regulators on Effect of plant growth regulators & micronuPlant growth regulators in viticulture. Effect of plant growth regulators on rooting Influence of certain plant growth regulators Simultaneous use of growth regulators & heforest sites for potential growth response of Growth responses of plants to gravity. Growth responses of radish to nitrogen & pof control of fall-twigs by growth retardant trees with chemical growth retardants. Effect of immersion rhythm on growth & pr.

070733 070670 066848 070678 070684 073295 067502 072686 074302 073255 071756 073033 072846 073684 066819 066820 068938 075372 072508 073030 070210 068805 069220 073659 072759 069061 068728 072361 072889 067848 074060 067272 068661 072411 072810 070817 073978 072824 073641 072928 073918 073253 073152 073102 068395 068531 072264 076796 070832 073233 072158 072212 072345 072515 072630 072631 072963 072988 073020 073059 073255 074113 072346 072874 076932 071557 072914 067225 075463 068684 068685 068682 073099 076824 068072 072571 072796 067404 073080 072207 072697 068588 072776 067750 073125 075895 068111 072180 072181 072212 072635 072963 072988 073020 074113 074448 076824 072384 076732 074412 073036 072509

HAIR on phase variation in jute hairy caterpillar, Study of hair cover of cattle in Bulgaria. II. between milk productivity & hair cover. Changeability of indices of hair follicles of cNew amino acids formed in hair during unhCan hairless honey-bees collect pollen? absorption of water by root hairs. inhibitors on water flux in root hairs of Ave. On parcel structure of a hairy-sedged fir-woFine structure of sensory hairs on cerci of G. Fine structure of sensory hairs on cerci of Gof afferent innervation of sinus hairs, includray exposures in Tradescantia stamen hairs.

075482 068818 068819 068798 068428 075873 072261 072721 071631 075547 075548 068642 072038

GRUBS remarks on a program of cattle grub control 074948 GRYLLIDAE Acheta domesticus L. (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) 075095 bimaculatus Deg. (Saltatoria, Gryllidae). I ii 075547 bimaculatus Deg. (Saltatoria, Gryllidae). IV 075548 muscles of field cricket Gryllus campestris L 075185 GRYLLODES susceptibility of Gryllodes sigillatus Wlk. to 074636

HAMSTERS virus ( w.c.e.) in adult hamsters with special stage in process of cleavage of hamster eggs interstitial tissue of rabbits, hamster & mice Light & electron microscopy of hamster, guHAND in milk obtained in milking cows by hand. Lyonia ovalifolia Drude var. elliptica Hand. Dairy factories "key in hand", for what purof oxytocin during suckling & hand-milking Effect of chemicals & hand-thinning on size,

068314 072524 067069 068613 073441

HAPLOIDS Growing haploid plants from pollen grain. a useful method for obtaining haploid plants Production of haploid plant by anther-cultu- Scab resistance of haploids from two Solan-

GULLIES Stabilization of a gully by natural forest suc-

072455 071946 072039 074114

072218 068111 073801 072929 067301 076038 066765

HARDINESS Cold hardiness of Mediterranean woody eve- Hardiness & downy mildew resistance in in- Potential hardiness of main winter wheat va. Water regime & winter hardiness of alfalfa echo) for determination of winter-hardiness

chlormequat levels & tissue harvest date. Effects of post-harvest treatments with growWalnut harvesting & handling of fruits on lby exposure to weather during harvesting. Quality of wheat harvest 1971. problems related to harvesting of winter whpreparation of execution of harvesting work. HARVESTERS cutting apparatus of agricultural harvesters. through ages--ancestor of harvester. Gallic foraging behavior of southern harvester ant, computation of optimal combine harvester cmaintenance concept for combine harvesters aspects of designing combine harvesters. HATCHING on weight gain of chicken after hatching. of incubation & results of hatching of chicks between down color at hatching & live weigEffect of vitamin B12 on hatchability of hens Forecasting spring hatch of Nematodirus ba

073298 073113 072892 072936 073259

076163 076156 075292 076031 076033 076034

HARDNESS New mixture of hard alloy for coating of woof butyric acid blowing in hard cheese makiRationalization possibilities in hard-cheese storage methods in hard-cheese manufacture compounds isolated from insect hard cuticle growth regulators on rooting of hard cutting components from medium & low grade hard of mineral fertilizers in growing hard wheat sawing methods on warp of hard maple dimof maceration of musts with hard parts of go Hard pvc platcs mini-undulated "Hishi-Nami grain protein, & straw protein in a hard red properties of grain in soft & hard spring wh. study of solubility in water of some hard to HARDWOODS fine structure of certain hardwoods & effects grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) hardwood cuttings Pentosan determination in hardwood by der. Pentosan determination in hardwood by pol. can we use our log quality hardwood logs? s. growth of some important natural hardwood Hardwood seedling production trends in sou

076169 067415 067833 067834 075354 073020 070907 076883 070922 068186 075988 071882 072114 076644

068455 069437 068816 069024 070189

075553 068460 068468 068467 068418 068761 068595 068469 068477 075217 068649 069923 068473 069663

HAULING Costs of picking & hauling Florida citrus fruReduction of noise in cabins of log hauling to of intermediate support shoes. (Log hauling, of tension on skylines. (Log hauling, cablewof a suspended cable system. [Log hauling] A freight car for hauling wood chips.

HEART Neurohormonal control of heart of American B-type cytochromes of beef heart mitochondof submitochondrial particles of beef heart. adenosine triphosphatase from bovine heart cushions in embryonic chick heart: a study of propranolol on chick embryo heart. of ordinary & Purkinje cells of fowl heart. in folding of cytochrome c. (Horse heart). membrane: a spin label study. (Horse heart] action potentials in heart of some insect speStructures of adipose tissue & heart muscle of larval Multiceps gaigeri over heart of goat Studies on heart phosphofructokinase. Bindacepromazine mixture on heart rate & blood HEARTWOODS Frequency & size of false heartwood in beech C & E, & lacinilene A & B from heartwood. of Nothofagus fusca sapwood & heartwood. creosote retention in spruce heartwood. derivatives from heartwood of Zelkova serraHEARTWORMS occlusion in a dog caused by heartworms.

066874 071034 071084 071085 071139 071049

070945 073629 070898 070899 071159 070733 070782

070895 070961 070945 070915 070962

HAY Effect of adding hay & silage to concentrated Processing alfalfa hay. cattle fattening with sugarcane, alfalfa hay Coastal bermudagrass hay for wintering beef Health problems in grassland & hay farming with machinery in grassland & hay farming Preliminary note on use of lemon grass bay should sorghum-sudan be harvested for hay of calves as affected by longstem hay & met. Preparation of hay in lined trenches. Cassia torra Linn) hay with special reference mtz-50 tractor at operation with hay stacker.

068876 068254 069116 069178 073555 076151 068944 073487 069037 068970 068974 076107

HARVEST Etherphon: a post-harvest aid to ripen procmulti-man platform harvesting aids. Handling apples from harvest to market. Galetti" at pruning & harvesting of apples in Management of campaign on harvesting & pCereal harvest. Separating & washing coffee harvested with A note on regional culture in corn harvest. Seed corn harvesting methods & dates in Be. of onion cultivation & harvesting. chlormequat levels & tissue harvest date. On harvest date of field pea grown for green bases with different harvesting dates. Problem of dwindling harvests with continu. at narrow row cotton: harvesting equipment of green kenaf. (Harvesting equipment]. of farm machines in harvesting of fodder crfor mechanization of fruit harvesting operat. in further mechanization of grain harvest in of developing procedures in grain harvesting Special aspects of operation of grain-harvest Technological problems of harvesting grain Mechanization of grass harvesting in Hunga. of new wine law for 1971 harvest. Sowing & harvesting of legume-cereal mixtuPutting production-line harvesting of potatoMethods & machines for harvesting & treshNitrogen fertilization, harvest management, Control leafspot, harvest maximum yields. as an aid in mechanical harvesting. new wire & trellis for mechanical harvesting Preparation tests for mechanical harvesting new wire & trellis for mechanical harvesting Perspectives of mechanized harvesting & aft. Seed corn harvesting methods & dates in Bemechanization of fruit harvesting operations Mechanization of harvesting operations of r• aspects of operation of grain-harvest partial Equipment for pea harvesting. Technology of harvesting peas foi canning & of singleand multi-man platform harvesting Effects of post-harvest treatments with growEtherphon: a post-harvest aid to ripen procof cereals. V iii. Length of post-harvest restPre-harvest sprays of fungicides for control Harvesting & preservation of alfalfa. cereals. V ïïi. Length of post-harvest resting Rice harvesting at Tuol Samrong (Cambodia Apples ripe for harvesting. bean seeds in after-harvesting ripening & st. Quality of rye harvest 1971. Time of harvest of rye. Separate harvest of sugar beets. Pre-harvest sprays of fungicides for control When should sorghum-sudan be harvested for

068193 076131 068102 076149 066759 073401 067754 073331 073366 076075 072218 073530 072848 066963 076022 076165 066832 076084 076026 076029 076030 076039 076186 068114 073543 076120 076092 073480 074072 073043 073633 073712 076014 076027 073366 076084 076093 076030 076056 076088 076131 068111 068193 072795 073983 068253 072795 073358 073759 068249 067300 073498 073549 073983 073487

068734 071129 075990 076888 071039 074945 075239 069987 068035 068030 069334 067728 075978 068154 067787 068738 068167 067708 073041 075990 067826 075372 073041 067766 068097 071039 075975 067918 068692 068738 067414 075239 076418 068154 071735 076888 068915 074370 072532 075372 068152 069826 072630 072631 069511 073689 076323 067354 071106 068029 074219 068097

HEALTH tocopherolemia in healthy adults. Department of Animal Health & Production Animal health service in Baden-Wurttemberg Public health aspects of use of phosphates in of flock on productivity & health of broilers reference to incidence of healthy carriers. ( silage upon productions & health of cattle. tasks in rearing young cattle in good health in Croatia. XI. Clinically healthy cattle as cin peripheral blood of clinically healthy hor. animals in Croatia. XI. Clinically healthy ca. of cyclophosphamide on health conditions & conditions on state of health of cultivated pto improve fertility & health of dairy cows. Selection of healthy fruit trees in specific S. breeding to examine genetic health in cattle Power saws: a health hazard for forest worFeedlot herd health program. (Cattle). peripheral blood of clinically healthy horses Food fat & human health: feeding studies in on Symposium: Food fat & human health. Pesticides in water--effects on human health Isolation of a public health importance Salon mineral level in serum of healthy Korean New occupational safety & health law as it Livestock health. of natural resistance & health of piglets. mesenteric lymph nodes of healthy pigs slaMain problems of poultry health in German Analysis of health problems in calf houses Health problems in grassland & hay farming Feedlot herd health program. (Cattle). Public health aspects of use of phosphates in

HEAT on response to intra-abdominal heating in eof lignosulfonic acids during heating. when they are heated by hot air. spring plowing & related soil heat balance in of internal stress in ligno-carbohydrate hot. under conditions of a hot climate. larvae as affected by heating cocoon of preccomparison of efficacy of heat concentrated cracks in rice kernel in conductive heating. On heat conductivity of sunflower seed kernHeat detectors can help. (Dairy cattle, estrquality of soybeans by dielectric heating. Technical methods to heat dropping boxes. drying"--a new method for drying heat-sensiEffect of heating to boiling point on colloidal A new method for estimating heat productiapples. X vi. On preheating & evaporation of of experimental data on heat exchange in boTemperatures & net heat gain in normal & in greenhouses when they are heated by hot Steam infusion heater for ultra high-temperHeat-labile & heat-stable beta-glucuronidases Temperatures & net heat gain in normal & regard to changes of oils during heating. Effect of postharvest hot-water treatments stress in ligno-carbohydrate hot-pressed chiof electrical energy in heating processes. Effect of heat processing on extractability of Hypothalamic cooling, heat production & plnew method for estimating heat production on development of heat resistance in Bacillus Changes in heat resistance of muscles of Cal. Self-heating & spontaneous combustion of po a new method for drying heat-sensitive subspombe, using heat shocks. versus spring plowing & related soil heat baof chicks receiving raw & heated soya-bean Spot heaters in prevention of spring freeze Heat stability of phototransforming activity Heat-labile & heat-stable beta-glucuronidases Heat sterilization of potatoes. IV. Studies on Heat-sterilization of helmith eggs & oocysts Plant growth in heat-sterilized soil. I. Steri. Plant growth in heat-sterilized soil. II. MoSynchronization of heat in heifers. Effect of sowing term & heating in polyethyon content & transmission of heat in soils. aromatic hydrocarbons in heat-treated foods compounds of sleeves made of heat-treated pof maize grain in drying & heat treatment. Results of heat treatment applied to apple Effect of postharvest hot-water treatments HEATHS Growth of common spruce on ericaceae-hea-h Obituary. Percy Heath Hobart Gray, 1891of sheep grazing on limestone heath vegetat. HEDERA Homoptera) in Hedera canariensis cv. Gloire tetrazolium chloride. (Hedera helix).

HELIANTHEAE No. 4. Compositae. II. (tribe Heliantheae. I No. 5. Compositae. I ï. (tribe Heliantheae. HELIANTHUS Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus intybus roots & Helianthus tuberosus tubers

HERBARIUMS fungi. IV. Specimens from herbarium Fries

HELICOPTERS Role of aircraft & helicopter in protection of

074893 068568 068494 070292

HEMOGLOBINS arthropods by hemoglobin crystallization mOn fetal hemoglobin of aboriginal Yakut catThermic denaturizing test of haemoglobin in Haemoglobin types & geeldikkop-enzootic i. HEMOLYMPHS acid by haemolymph of american cockroach of complement in cockroach hemolymph. (Bqualitative composition of hemolymph in LoGel filtration of hemolymph of honey bee ( in prophenoloxidases of larval haemolymph Fat-body & haemolymph lipids of southwestof cholesterol by haemolymph lipoproteins. of alkaline phosphatases of hemolymph duriA study on variation of hemolymph proteins studies on proteins of haemolymph, saliva,

075364 075340 075098 075879 075348 075346 075373 075107 075085 075347

069922 067276 070404 073878 073888 073901 073902 071611

HELMINTHOSPORIUM niger, Aspergillus flavus, Helminthosporium) of toxicity of Helminthosporium maydis. [Cof toxicity of Helminthosporium maydis-invparasite of corn: Helminthosporium maydis Phyllosticta, Helminthosporium maydis). of toxicity of Helminthosporium maydis-invof toxicity of Helminthosporium maydis. (Con conidia of Helminthosporium sativum. HELMINTAS mechanisms of helminth adaptation. (AscariSome helminths of bushbuck, waterbuck & sTrials of helminth control in swine with SuiHelminth fauna of cattle of Tadzhikistan. Helminth fauna in relation to age of pigs in enzymes in mitochondria of helminths. (AscHEMAGGLUTINATION Haemagglutinating ability of CorynebacteriComparison of indirect bemagglutination & Passive bemagglutination inhibition techniq. echer on sensitivity of hemagglutination with Specific hemagglutinin & a modulator of co

069993 069852 070023 069732 070011 068429

HEMORRHAGE Therapeutic tests in hemorrhagic dysentery

HERBICIDES phenoxyalcanecarboxamides. (Herbicides). Isophos, a new herbicide. with variable concentration. (Herbicides). Madagascar: cultural techniques, herbicides by thin-layer chromatography. (Herbicides] Selective herbicide activity of N(isopropyl-4 Herbicide activity in relation to soil type. in forest plantations with aid of herbicides. of autumn & spring application of herbicides alfalfa stands by application of herbicides. Effect of application of herbicides on weeds Application of herbicides to sugar beet stanstudying systematic application of herbicides vs. preemergent herbicide application for wof tests with some new herbicides applied to Applying herbicides to potatoes in peal soils Herbicides in biosphere. of innovation. I ii. bipyridyl herbicides. Selectivity of certain herbicides towards diffEffect of cdaa & cipc herbicides on content How herbicide combinations affect stands & Effect of complex herbicides on quality of sOn herbicides for controlling rootstock grass Herbicides: a critical look at their use in foradicals in reactions of herbicide diquat. of using spraying dispenser for herbicides. Study of effectiveness of herbicide Dymid on Effect of herbicides on contamination, yield Examination of effect of herbicides, fungicid. Comparison of herbicide effect of N,N-diisoEffect of herbicides on content of mobile nit. Effect of herbicides on contamination, yield Examination of effect of herbicides, fungicidEffectiveness of herbicides in orchards locatEffects of herbicides on environment. Herbicides & environment. Herbicides in fodder beet. Use of herbicides in grain crops. Possible application of herbicide Gramoxone Tests with micro-granulated herbicides in cTowards better usage of herbicide mixtures Observations on use of herbicides. movement, & persistence of herbicides in waPresent & perspective use of herbicides in vA study of effect of herbicide Phenazone on hybrids to postemergence herbicides. Preplant vs. preemergent herbicide applicata microbial degradation product of herbicide grafts relative to herbicidal properties of apuse of growth regulators & herbicides. with different resistance to this herbicide. agent playing a leading role as herbicide for Selective herbicide activity of N(isopropyl-4 from partially selective herbicides. Principles of selectivity of herbicidal action residual amounts of soil herbicides in citrus Spraying of herbicides in plantations. Herbicide in sugar beet cultivation, its appliSelectivity of certain herbicides towards diffChanges due to herbicide treatment in amyl. betulus L.) with herbicides using tree injectVapam) on degradation of triazine herbicides for application of herbicide Trifluralin. resistant to mcpa & 2,4 D type herbicides in general results on utilization of herbicides in Herbicides vs oat companion crops for alfal

074431 074454 076138 074485 074513 074432 074508 074555 074440 074471 074472 074474 074521 074558 074450 074522 074500 074483 074503 074548 074535 074524 074502 074481 074490 076010 074509 067265 073537 074449 074453 074456 075064 074526 074463 074539 074445 074551 074501 074476 074547 074433 074458 074444 074530 074559 074558 074462 072445 072181 074493 074437 074432 074459 074531 074528 074552 074549 074503 072640 073225 074989 076134 074447 074550 073353

069702 069765 074896 070176 075340

HEMP for bast fiber testing methods. (Flax, hemp] 067444 tdk 2 produced by Societ Union. (Hemp). 068062 nitrogen fertilization pattern on hemp crop 076840 characteristics of hemp of different provena- 073588 of some monoecious & dioecious hemp variet- 071835 New varieties of flax & hemp for fiber.

073521 Experiments on hemp hybrids.

072073 technological value of hemp hybrids with li- 072074 Response of monoecious seed hemp to vario- 076838 Hemp varieties.

073475 Identifying & controlling wild hemp.


HIP Hip dysplasia in dog. Anatomy of arterial supply to hip joint of ox of 103 dogs for dysplasia of hip joints.

HERDS Age & herd adjustment of first lactation mitime of ovulation in a herd of buffalo heifers substance supply status in cattle herds. keratoconjunctivitis in large cattle herds on A survey of dairy herd rations in AberdeensSpread of udder infections in dairy herds. reproductive disorders in large dairy herds. Feedlot herd health program. (Cattle). with regard to order of lactation & of herd. organizational possibilities for large herds of Tested herds team up for sales. (Swine). on some economic traits in Tharparkar herd

069359 069260 069075 070055 069019 070040 070394 069638 068825 068281 067064 069340

HETEROMETRUS of phosphatases. (Heterometrus fulvipes). 075389 HETEROPHYLLY Foliage plant care--Araucaria. (Heterophylla) 070840 tinctoruium Tsuga heterophylla).

070881 pine, & western larch. (Tsuga heterophylla, 074482 HETEROPTERA by Aradus cinnamomeus Panz. (Heteroptera 074811 glands of Nezara viridula Linn. (Heteroptera: 075422 bug, Coridius janus (Fabr.) (Heteroptera: D- 075485 flavidipes kumaunensis Stys (Heteroptera: 075789 development of mirid bugs (Heteroptera, M- 075477 of insect Notonecta glauca L. (Heteroptera, 075560 Tingis ampliata (Heteroptera) in Britain. 075480 Heteroptera) collected in Bulgaria.

075612 analysis of hibernating Heteroptera interrel- 075183

HEREDITY Results of comparative analyses of heredity

Study of heritability of certain biological &

A heritable colour deviation in red table bee. productivity of cows as a complex hereditary Correlation & heritability in kodo-millet (P- Conflicts between heritability estimates of Heritability estimates in five sugarcane hyb. Preserving a national heritage in Iran.

Heritability of number of leaves & of height

Hereditary osteopetrosis in Aberdeen-Angus Variation & heritability of some quantitative Heritability in Romanov sheep breed in rela-

Genetic action, heredity & selection in toma-

Heritability of separate fruiting traits. (Sug. consequences & heredity of spastic paresis of Heritability of swelling on chalazal & lateral of zinc on calves with hereditary thymus hy- Hereditary types of albumins in blood sera Studies of hereditary values of Oberinntal Examination of hereditary values of Oberin-

069301 069330 071923 069411 071987 069362 072083 077158 072094 070294 072015 069500 072085 072088 069303 072116 070283 069520 069506 069510

HETEROTROPHY Heterotrophy by plankton in three lakes of

HERMETIC Mastic for hermetically sealing glass barriers

HISTOLOGY Some observations on histology of adrenal 2Gross anatomical histological & histochemicPatho-histological changes of liver & myocaHistological changes in area of ring-cut of aCytological & histological changes induced Pathologico-anatomic & histological criteria demonstrated by histological differences in through section, histology, & fluorescence apine: a histological & histochemical appraisal Histology & histochemistry of bovine ovaries Functional morphology & histology of male Chemical, physical & histological muscle prI. Anatomical & histological observations, wSome histological observations on LithospeA sequential histological study of post-partHistological structure of wall of bull scrotum microbiologic, clinical & histologic studies. Histological studies of neural structures of A histological study of internal organs of reHistological & tenderness characteristics of as related to chemical & histological traits. pheasants: histology & ultrastructure.

068789 068629 069579 070940 071726 070054 074169 070141 070461 068702 075485 067465 068762 071707 069380 068534 070309 075556 075339 067478 067393 069807

HERNIA Diaphragmatic hernia in bovines.

Hiatal diaphragmatic hernia & tricholithiasis

Strangulated diaphragmatic hernia in a horse Unusual content of umbical hernia in a pig.

HERONS in common egrets & great blue herons. HERPES Bovine herpes mammillitis--a virus infection of a viral agent resembling bovine herpes mlaw concerning infection with equine herpes of cell culture origin for equine herpes-1 (rh. law concerning infection with equine herpes Particles of herpes type of Marek's disease against Marek disease with herpes virus of

068486 068527 072639 068609 068471 068381

HISTONES rna synthesis: selective binding of histones weights & association of histones of chicken rna, total protein & histone investigations in of dna on columns of histone kieselguhr. (C. acid & lysine-rich (F1) histone preparations. Primary structure of histone rich in arginine HISTOPATHOLOGY histopathological diagnosis. Histopathologic differentiation of diseases of chemosterilant & histopathological effects of Histopathology of enzootic chronic polyarthHistopathological & histochemical investigat. I ii. Histopathological & histoenzymatic stuvirus infection, & histopathological lesions. Histopathology of nuclear polyhedrosis of Histopathological reactions in chickens infeHistopathological studies on larvae of Chilo histopathology of Trypanosoma congolense HISTOPLASMA related to Histoplasma capsulatum. in detection of infection with Histoplasma HOEING Effect of hoeing & date of removal of

scapes spring preparation of soil & in vine hoeing.

HILLS Project revolutionises agriculture on hills. dimensions of an autonomous ant-hill Formi. communis) from a biotope of hills & marshes on vegetation of chalk downland at Box Hill April 1971: nutriton of hill cattle & sheep. Minerals in nutrition of hill cattle & sheep in production & marketing of certain hill-fruNutrition of hill cow. of forests of Kazakhstan high hilly plains. problem during severe winter in Kulu hills.

067160 075451 072268 071551 069098 069102 066998 069101 070542 068928

HETERODERIDAE Nematoda of family Heteroderidae on plants

HOLES Boring deep holes in southern pine. HOLOCENE Some Late-Holocene pollen diagrams from

HOMARUS in precooked lobster (Homarus americanus)

HOME Occasional home-invading pests. Sanitation of rural homes. freezing salmon & steelhead at home. Home storage of vegetables.

integrated control of sugarcane leaf-hopper, pesticides to adults of sugarcane leaf-hopper HOPS humuli (Miy. et Tak.) Skal. [Hops]. humuli (Miy. et Tak.) Skal. [Hops]. Institute of Brewing Hops Advisory CommiOtiorhynchus ligustici, a dangerous hop pest isolation of alpha acids from hop extracts. Utilization of hop extracts. in North America. Hopping's groups iv & X Correlation of properties in hop hybrids. First Slovenian hop varieties. Bitter substances of hops & their conversion Transformation of hops & their conservation limiting Streptomycin uptake by hops. (Pse

074878 075923 067578 068200

073994 073995 067702 074638 067612 067697 075631 072122 073855 067713 068159 073870

HORNS Sprayer control of horn flies. (Haematobia i-

HORNWORMS of lipids by fat-body of tobacco hornworm,

HORDEUM composition of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

HORSEBEANS phosphorus by roots of corn & horsebeans fHORSERADISH significance. (Kidney beans, horseradish). sequence studies of horseradish peroxidase. sequence studies of horseradish peroxidase.

HOMING Homing of pigeons after extirpation of their

HOMOPTERA perpusilla Walker (Lophopidae: Homoptera) Trioza erytreae (Del Guercio) (Homoptera: erysimi Kalt. (Aphididae: Homoptera). of Psylla pyri L. (Insecta, Homoptera, PsyllGreen) in Madhya Pradesh (Homoptera: Mcomstocki (Kuwana) (Homoptera: Coccoidea Troza erytreae (Del Guercio) (Homoptera: Arboretum during 1966 & 1967 (Homoptera isolates of Aphis fabae complex (Homoptera und Aleurolobus asari Wunn (Homoptera, A. of certain poplar gall aphids (Homoptera, Pon genus Aspidiotus Bouche (Homoptera: Dof tribe Macrosiphini of Japan (Homoptera: of Fulgoroides from Nigeria (Homoptera (CThree new species of aphids (Homoptera: Aof Rhizoccus from Japan (Homoptera: CoccMelichar from East Pakistan (Homoptera: known in fauna of Hungary (Homoptera, Aof Strophingia Enderlein (Homoptera: PsyllNeophyllaphis Takahashi, 1920 (Homoptera in leafhopper classification (Homoptera: Ciassigned to genus Ceroplastodes (Homoptera: Coccidae (Homoptera) jamaging Gramineae Rhizoccus cacticans (Homoptera) in Hedera

074698 074741 074764 075097 075190 075211 075249 075253 075388 075552 075570 075663 075731 075732 075754 075755 075792 075830 075837 075840 075841 075842 075823 074752

HORSES evaluation in Nicaragua, 1969-1970. [Horses components of three rhinoviruses. (Equine, of normal & leukemic subjects. (Horses, sheTuberculosis of skin of abdomen in a horse, obtained from bovine & equine adrenal medon gel diffusion studies on African horse sicof neutralizing antibodies against equine rhiExamination of age of a horse & Polish NoMore care needed for raising Arabian horses flies (Diptera, Simuliidae) attacking horses An indwelling venous catheter for horses. Mycoplasma isolated from cattle & horses. polymorphism in red cells of horses. Use of long-term-conserved stallion semen in Treatment of ovarian dysfunctions in mares Western & Venezuelan equine encephalitis v. attenuated Venezuelan equine encephalitis vPathogenesis of western equine encephalitis with Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis vwith Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis vVenezuelan equine encephalomyelitis in CenVenezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus. on an outbreak of equine encephalomyelitis vertebrates during 1969 equine epizootic & ferritin & its comparison with horse ferritin of blood sucking activity of horse-flies in SaFocal equine myelitis; a case study & literalperipheral blood of clinically healthy horses in folding of cytochrome c. [Horse heart]. membrane: a spin label study. (Horse heart] tranquilization on equine hemogram. diaphragmatic hernia in a horse. law concerning infection with equine herpes of cell culture origin for equine herpes-1 (rhlaw concerning infection with equine herpes Equine herpesvirus type 1; L-character in to of natural history of equine herpesvirus. I. spermadsorption of equine herpesviruses. Studies on equine herpesviruses. II. DeveloStudies on equine immunoglobulins. I ii. AntExanthema in herpesvirus infected horses. on Dermatophilus infections in horses. Antigenic interrelationships among horse & Lower forelimb lameness of horse. acetylpromazine maleate in horse. Focal equine myelitis; a case study & literatParalytic myoglobinuria of horses in veterinstudy of enzootic myoglobinuria in horses. Observations of equines, humans & domestic absolute thirst on organism of horse under d. absolute thirst on organism of horse under d. absolute thirst on organism of horse under dOn application of parotin to horses. papilliferum of glans penis in a horse. cortisol & corticosterone in pigs & mares. in cases of feed poisoning in horses. Comparison of horses of Polish Konk breed of laying hens & pmsg-[Pregnant mare serproof of pms in serum of pregnant mares. response of cows following pregnant mare sEffect of pms (pregnant mare serum] applicon heart rate & blood pressure of horse. Detached retina in a colt. antibodies against equine rhinopneumonitis identification of an Equine Rhinovirus strain of accidental fractures of ribs in horses & tUse of long-term-conserved stallion semen in laying hens & pmsg-[Pregnant mare serum of cows following pregnant mare serum gonEffect of pms (pregnant mare serum] applicdiffusion studies on African horse sickness v. of presentation raw cattle & equine skins & weight change in thoroughbred swine & their of mebendazole: A field trial in horses. inbreeding of noble warm blood type horses of free volatile fatty acid in horse urine. of infection with Venezuelan equine encephaof infection with Venezuelan equine encephaInhibitors of Western & Venezuelan equine

HOMOSPORY self-incompatibility in homosporous fern PtHOMOTROPY Homotropic effect of co2 (carbon dioxide) in HONEY determination of free amino acids in honey. Armillaria mellea, a problem in banana planof nucleic acids in Indian honey bee Apis inGel filtration of hemolymph of honey bee ( of lightand darkadapted eye of honey bee. [ Laboratory diagnostics of honey bees poisonCan hairless honey-bees collect pollen? Laboratory diagnostics of honey bees poisonon temperatures of working honey bees. (Apaminomethane, catalase, & honey to egg yolk Comparative susceptibility of honey mesquite Sequel to: Holy Bible: a honey testimonial HONEYBEES individual number in honeybee colonies 1)2 Wasps as enemies of honeybees. Discrimination learning in honeybees: avoidcontrolling a flight maneuver in honeybee. on learning performance in honeybees. (Apis HOOKS roots of Angelica dahurica Benth. et Hook. Damage to Phlox drumondii Hook from ApPanicum elegantissimum Hook. f. from India period in Portulaca grandiflora Hook. caused to seed of Tephrosia vogelii Hook F. HOPLOCAMPA of larvae of Hoplocampa testudinea & Carp

069741 070236 070281 069705 068607 069916 070253 068695 068375 074912 069661 069750 068430 069487 069524 069738 069771 069849 069721 069722 069741 069768 069900 069742 068514 074922 070313 068656 068469 068477 068699 070370 067146 069775 069830 069782 069949 069709 069775 068506 069877 069793 068506 070430 069565 070313 070362 070364 069742 068790 068791 068794 068678 070335 068427 070421 068316 069243 069280 069364 069408 069663 070367 070253 069783 070442 069487 069243 069364 069408 069916 067936 069537 069824 069300 068712 069721 069722 069738

HORMONES of compounds with juvenile hormone activity. 075131 development with a juvenile hormone analog 075295 Effects of a juvenile hormone analogue on a- 074599 Metabolism of juvenile hormone analogue 075452 Effective dosis of juvenile hormone analogues 074570 to plasma adh (antidiuretic hormone, 17-hy- 068422 Some aspects of artificial hormonal regulati- 069445 prospects of pest control by brain hormones 074597 Hormonal control of synthesis of milk fatty 068646 Hormonal control of insect pests.

074650 Hormonal control of activity in a millipede 075554 Effect of hormones on alkaline phosphatase 068671 application of a salivary gland hormone (pa- 068678 application of a salivary gland hormone (pa- 068679 of dog pituitary glycoprotein hormones. 068618 animals. IX. Influence of gonadal hormones 068775 release of growth hormone.

068464 acid sequence of bovine growth hormone. 068529 of sulfate incorporation by growth hormone 068539 Effective dosis of juvenile hormone analogues 074570 Effects of a juvenile hormone analogue on a. 074599 of compounds with juvenile hormone activity 075131 Effects of an analog of juvenile hormone on 075168 of certain analogs of juvenile hormone on t- 075169 of certain analogs of juvenile hormone.

075171 Role of molting & juvenile hormones in con- 075172 endowed with effects of juvenile hormone in 075173 Effect of synthetic juvenile hormone & citric 075216 egg development with a juvenile hormone a- 075295 Effects of juvenile hormone on rates of prot- 075378 Metabolism of juvenile hormone analogue 075452 of Cecropia juvenile hormone lacking methyl 075131 effect of sheep beta-lipotropic hormone (bet- 068389 of structure of bovine luteinizing hormone. 068487 Levels of Ih (luteinizing hormone) in sera & 068518 purification of luteinizing hormone from por- 068620 LH (luteinizing hormone) release & ovulati- 069355 for avian luteinizing hormone.

069369 Radioimmunoassay of luteinizing hormone in 069376 hormone] on lh (luteinizing hormone)-induc- 069382 antiserum to bovine luteinizing hormone. 069965 Hormone movement in geotropism. (Plants) 072374 On hormone movement in geotropism. (Ind- 072375 Hormone movement in geotropism: addition- 072377 of lactation & neurohypophyseal hormones 068604 Neurohypophysical hormones & sexual beha- 069329 Role of hormones of pituitary body & thyro- 068554 Hormonal regulation (in vivo) of biosynthes- 068561 variations & sex hormonal regulation in acti- 069398 aspects of artificial hormonal regulation in 069445 observations on pattern of hormone release 068613 changes in thyroid hormone secretion during 068638 Effect of sex hormones on endocrines of chi- 069238 IV. Physiological variations & sex hormonal 069398 Coming of age of sex hormones in plants. 072480 Effect of somatotropic hormone (sth) & th- 068776 Effect of steroid hormones on decidual react- 069496 gland by thyroid-stimulating hormone. [Rats 068615 of antifsh (follicle-stimulating hormone) ser- 069345 effect of fsh (follicle-stimulating hormone] 069382 transient changes in thyroid hormone secret- 068638 by growth hormone treatment of cultured ch- 068539 Influence of hormone treatments on perfor- 068764 Effect of some triad of hormones on synthes. 068545 Silk moth eclosion: hormonal triggering of a 075525