Are amino acids on the interior or exterior of a globular protein?

Table of Contents
Biomolecules Gateway Page
Jmol Tutorial

In this module:

Amino Acids
Hydrophobic and Polar Amino Acids
Acidic and Basic Amino Acids
Peptide Bonds
Planarity of Peptide Bonds
Protein Sequences
Sickle Cell Anemia

What are hydrophobic and polar groups?

Amino acids are grouped according to what their side chains are like. The nine amino acids that have hydrophobic

side chains are glycine [Gly], alanine [Ala], valine [Val], leucine [Leu], isoleucine [Ile], proline [Pro], phenylalanine [Phe], methionine [Met], and tryptophan [Trp]. Shown at the right is the structure of valine. These side chains are composed mostly of carbon and hydrogen, have very small dipole moments, and tend to be repelled from water. This fact has important implications for proteins' tertiary structure [see the Proteins 2 module for a discussion of tertiary structure].

Polar Amino Acids

Six amino acids have side chains that are polar

but not charged. These are serine [Ser], threonine [Thr], cysteine [Cys], asparagine [Asn], glutamine [Gln], and tyrosine [Tyr]. These amino acids are usually found at the surface of proteins, as discussed in the Proteins 2 module. Shown at the right is the structure of serine.

Last modified 6th April '95 Birkbeck College 1995

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Most proteins which occur in the aqueous, intracellular environment or in the plasma are of globular nature: they are very approximately spherical in shape, or consist of several different lobes [domains]. Generally, proteins with more than about 200 amino acid residues are multi-domain [although there are exceptions eg 2CPP]. The different domains of a single protein may be responsible for quite different functions. This is taken to extremes in a number of 'modular' proteins, which are mostly extracellular and glycosylated [see section on mosaic proteins].

Individual domains may occur as `signalling' proteins in the extracellular environment in higher organisms, more usually called hormones. Examples include :-

insulin, the growth factors, glycoprotein hormones, and the cytokines [Glasgow & Oxford].

The tertiary structure of globular proteins reflects their interaction with their aqueous solvent. At a simple level, a globular protein may be considered to consist of a hydrophobic core surrounded by a hydrophilic external surface which interacts with water. The tertiary fold of the polypeptide is such that those residues with apolar side chains are buried in the centre, while the polar residues remain exposed. This principle is held by many to be the dominant driving force behind the folding of the polypeptide chain into the compact globular form: the aggregation and burial of the hydrophobic surface reduces the number of unfavourable interactions of these groups with water; thus the hydrophobic effect. [A section on this will soon be available as part of the "Overview of Molecular Forces" Chapter.]

Compare this distribution of hydrophilic and hydrophobic side chains with that in an integral membrane protein [see the previous section].

Bear in mind however that although the concept of "hydrophobic residues in, polar residues out" generally applies, it has its limitations. Residues with hydrophobic side chains have some polar surface area [the backbone atoms], and vice versa. There will necessarily be some buried polar groups in the hydrophobic interior [generally main chain atoms involved in hydrogen bonding in secondary structures]. Likewise, the amount of solvent-exposed hydrophobic surface area is far more than minimal: in fact it constitutes approximately 50% of the total exposed surface area of a globular protein. A patchwork arrangement of hydrophobic and polar surface allows solvent molecules close to apolar regions to interact favourably with neighbouring polar surfaces.

Different types of globular proteins have been outlined in the Overview section of this chapter.

Structure determination

Globular proteins are more likely to crystallize than membrane proteins. X-Ray diffraction is the technique most used, and which we use at Birkbeck. That will be the subject of `another course'.

Another important technique for elucidating protein structure is Nuclear Magnetic Resonance [NMR] Spectroscopy [see also Imperial College's NMR stuff].


Many proteins have associated ligands which are an integral part of their structure and may be essential for their function. These ligands may be water molecules [use RasMol, with Display:Ball and stick option, to find the buried water molecules in this crystal structure of Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor, BPTI], metal or other inorganic ions, or organic molecules.

Click here for diagram of myoglobin, an oxygen-carrying protein which contains a haem porphyrin [ring] group which has an Fe ion ligand at its centre. It is at this site that one oxygen molecule is bound. Here is the PDB structure.

The enzyme carboxypeptidase A is a zinc metallo-protease, which has a single Zn++ ion bound to its single polypeptide chain. This ion is involved in the binding of substrates and inhibitors [see the section on enzymes].Click here for a diagram of bovine pancreatic carboxypeptidase A, showing the zinc ion at the active site. [This picture, and others referred to in this section, were generated by Manuel Peitsch at GLAXO Geneva.]

Insulin exists of a trimer of dimers in a hexagonal arrangement. Each monomer consists of two chains joined by disulphide bridges. There are two forms of insulin, in which either 2 or 4 Zn ions are bound. Click here for the insulin dimer showing zinc ion binding sites.

Several examples of protein-ligand binding are available, produced by Andrew Wallace and Roman Laskowski's LIGPLOT software.

Allosteric interactions

Haemoglobin exists of a tetramer of two types of chains, alpha and beta, each of which is homologous to myoglobin, complete with haem group. There are therefore 4 oxygen-binding sites. The binding of an oxygen molecule to one of these sites triggers a change in the tertiary structure of the chain to which it has bound, which results in symmetrical changes occurring in the other subunits, increasing their affinity for oxygen. This is so that there is a sharp change in the propensity of the protein to bind oxygen in environments with a high oxygen partial pressure and release it in oxygen-poor environments. This will be examined in more detail in a following chapter. Click here for a picture of oxygenated heamoglobin showing the heam groups and iron ions.


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J. Walshaw

Which amino acids are found in the interior of a globular protein?

So, the amino acids present on exterior of globular protein are aspartic acid and lysine while amino acids present on inside of globular protein are valine and phenylalanine.

What is on the outside of a globular protein?

Hydrophilic amino acid side chains lie on the surface of the globular proteins exposed to the water. Consequently, globular proteins are usually very soluble in aqueous solutions.

Which amino acid would you expect to be exposed to the outside of a globular protein?

The R group or side chain of the amino acid alanine is –CH3. Where would you expect to find these amino acids in globular protein in aqueous solution? Serine would be in the interior, and alanine would be on the exterior of the globular protein.

Why are hydrophobic amino acids located in the interior of globular proteins?

During biosynthesis, a globular protein folds into a tight particle with an interior core that is shielded from the surrounding solvent. The hydrophobic effect is thought to play a key role in mediating this process: nonpolar residues expelled from water engender a molecular interior where they can be buried.

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