alzheimers là gì - Nghĩa của từ alzheimers

alzheimers có nghĩa là

The effects of marijuana usage that remain for a time after the high has worn off, such as forgetfulness, lack of motivation, apathy, and general emotional fucked-uppedness. Not noticed so much in occasional users, but very obvious in those who buy Zig-Zags by the case.

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Herbal Alzheimer's looks like Tommy Chong at his peak before his first weed of the day.

alzheimers có nghĩa là

I don't remember.

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Herbal Alzheimer's looks like Tommy Chong at his peak before his first weed of the day.

alzheimers có nghĩa là

I don't remember.

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Herbal Alzheimer's looks like Tommy Chong at his peak before his first weed of the day.

alzheimers có nghĩa là

I don't remember.

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Herbal Alzheimer's looks like Tommy Chong at his peak before his first weed of the day. I don't remember. Wut?- Alzheimer's

alzheimers có nghĩa là

The daily route from the retirement home to nearby locations taken by senior citizens who ride their motorized carts.

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Old lady O'brien rode the Alzheimer's Express all the way to the corner store. A disease most commonly found in the older generation of people causing them to lose pre-existing memories and have trouble making new ones. More serious cases can lead to difficulty with language, disorientation, mood swings, etc. Lil' Jimmy: "Mama, why doesn't Grandpa remember me?"
Mama: "He's got Alzheimer's, Honey, he won't remember you."
Lil' Jimmy: "Oh... Will Grandma get Old-Timer's too then?" When you're playing chess and you take so long thinking about what move you're going to make that you end up making an idiotic move you spotted in the first 5 seconds but forgot about later on. During a game of chess, after thinking about his move for 20 minutes ... Ryan: Ah ha! Ăn cái này! You have been had my friend.

alzheimers có nghĩa là

[Jon swoops in and takes Ryan's queen]
Ryan: [Gasp]
Jon: Looks like the ol' Chess Alzheimer's got you again. Checkmate, fool.

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Ryan: [Tears up]
Jon: It's okay man. Let's go watch Upstream Color. It'll cheer you up.
Ryan: No thanks, I like stories that are actually good. You know, with a beginning, middle, and end. Fuck that $hit. I'm going to play Halo. [flips chess board and leaves with dignity]

alzheimers có nghĩa là

An alcohol induced state of memory loss. Individuals in this state are often seen wearing beer goggles.

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Symptoms of Alcohol Alzheimer's almost always include very little or no memory of possible participation in interesting or extraodinary events. Oh my gosh, I woke up naked this morning and have no recollection of what I did after the 15th beer last night.

alzheimers có nghĩa là

Is that jang in my mouth? Did Mike and I eat a burger before passing out? Snap...if I wasn't suffering from Alcohol Alzheimer's, I would remember that yummy burger!!!!

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Another nasty dementia that robs your loved ones of their own mind and makes you grieve them while they are still physically alive. There's much medical work being done to find a cure because it is going to hit alot of boomers hard in the next few years the same way it hit their parents hard. Doctor: Your Mom's in the early stages of Alzheimer'. Me: What is Alzheimer's?
Doctor: Alzheimer's is a form of dementia that destroys memories

alzheimers có nghĩa là

I forgot the definition.

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Bob: Hey, bro, I think I have Alzheimers.

alzheimers có nghĩa là

Doing LSD and a laxative at the same time. "Free trial of being a senior"

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Joe: Why's that? Bob: What did I say again? A disease affecting your Central Nervous System especially brain. It is caused by accumulated beta amyloid plaques and tau plaques that kill the neutrons. Thr disease causes progressive loss of cognitive functions, which means person is likely to have memory loss, disorientation, etc. and after some time [3-9 years] patient dies from loss of live functions, mostly from respiratory failure. There is currently no cure, however the fact of incurable disease attracts large number of scientists to work on it. Main ideas of possible cure are focused on stopping the progress of accumulating amyloid plaques, destroying them via immune system [proposed Alzheimer vaccine], etc. A dad of my friend has been diagnosed with Alzheimer disease. It was a heartbreaking news for them. Doing LSD and a laxative at the same time. "Free trial of being a senior" A: Ay boys im about to do some laxatives to detox who doing it with me B: Have you progressed through psychedelics into laxatives

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