A fine line là gì

fine line Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

a fine line

A very narrow division between two deceptively similar things, one of which is worse than the other. As a new parent, you learn that there's a fine line between looking out for your child's welfare and being overprotective. A: "I only borrowed your sweater, I swear!" B: "Well, it's a fine line between borrowing and stealing, isn't it?"See also: fine, line

a fine line between something

COMMON If there is a fine line between two different activities or situations, there is a point at which they are very similar, often when one activity or situation is acceptable, and the other is not. There is a fine line between being nicely looked after and being fussed over too much. A new exhibition explores the fine line between genius and insanity. Note: You can also talk about a thin line between two things or a narrow line between two things. There is a thin line between being a good player and being one of the best. There's a narrow line between being interested and being nosy. Compare with walk a fine line between something.See also: between, fine, line, something
See also:
  • a fine line between something
  • there is a fine line between
  • there is a fine line between [something] and [something else]
  • a thin line
  • give [one] a line
  • give a line
  • cut it fine
  • cut it/things fine
  • Distance lends enchantment
  • distance lends enchantment [to the view]

a fine line

a close relationship, not much difference Sometimes there is a fine line between love and lust.

Walk a fine line

If you have to walk a fine line, you have to be very careful not to annoy or anger people or groups that are competing. ['Walk a thin line' is an alternative.]

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