Why are all my desktop icons Internet Explorer

my desktop icons do not work after I was on the internet, they work well before you go on the internet

When I turn on the computer everything works fine, but after that I was online the desktop icons do not work and if I right click on the desktop nothing happens. The icons in the taskbar are not affected and work well.

Hi, Philippe.

This problem may occur by corrupt icon cache. To solve the problem, please rebuild the icon cache.

1. click the button Start , then click computer .

2. in the toolbar, click organize , and then choose folder and Search Options .

3. click on the tab display , check to select the Show hidden files and folders option and click OK .

4. then enter the following directory:


5 find the IconCache.db file and rename it as IconCache.db.old.

6. close the window and restart the computer.



Tags: Windows

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    This isn't the only way, one of them...
    Rebuild your icon cache:

    Use One method... Download.


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    Does that mean exactly? For example, what do you see? For the best answer to this question, you could use ProcMon and know what modules are involved when you do what these are. ; ]

    However, without using ProcMon you can check with the Manager task or resource or ProcExp monitor if there is always a hidden background iexplore.exe processes running or anything related to IE which started as a result of your using IE. If so then try to kill these processes. Etc.

    Related to this, you could also consider what you used IE before your symptoms occurred. This means that would understand that make your "desktop icons" and change it to something more neutral. For example, if you had clicked on was a shortcut Internet [aka the .url file] that requires a network connection, change for people who only runs locally, such as about: blank. So if you could close the window that has opened and always use the shortcut you would have refined your description of symptom to involve the network connections.

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    You can't wait for a "fix" until you have a fully understood symptom. More details and diagnosis is necessary IMO.


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    Reset the lnk - files shortcut link [LNK].

    Restore the Type Associations by default Vista file extensions
    How to set default Associations for a program under Vista

    How to associate a file Extension with a program Type in Vista//www.vistax64.com/tutorials/69758-default-programs.html

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    I hope this helps.

    Rob Brown - MS MVP - Windows Desktop Experience: Bike - Mark Twain said it right.

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    Hi kipepeoliciousslemani,
    This problem occurs because of a missing or corrupted Rundll32.exe file. This problem can also be caused by a virus.
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    Hi, Nannan1,

    Reset the icon cache using the directions shown by Meghmala:


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    I suggest running command prompt and type:


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    Hi DelZavala,

    There are several things to try, and I recommend doing them in the order presented.

    If you can access the internet somehow, if you use XP, go to //www.dougknox.com/xp/file_assoc.htm and scroll to the EXE and click, or double-click it to run the program to restore EXE file associations. Once done, do the same for LNK entry. That should restore your programs.

    If it does not [although it does in general], try the following article [which is essentially what precedes, but made by hand]: //support.microsoft.com/kb/923077.

    Try a clean boot in XP //support.microsoft.com/kb/310353 and //support.microsoft.com/kb/316434. If the problem goes away then it's just a matter of tracking down the culprit at the origin of the problem. Follow the procedures described in the article. Once found, remove, delete, disable or uninstall. Once don't forget to reset your system back to the normal state, as described in the procedures. If the problem occurs in clean mode then just restore the system to normal and reboot - this solution will not work.

    If this problem started recently, try a system restore to a point before the problem. Here are the steps for XP: //support.microsoft.com/kb/306084.

    I hope this helps. Otherwise, back post and we will look at in other less likely but possible options such as infection or corruption of system files - but I honestly think one of the above will do the trick for you.

    Good luck!



    I've always had a desktop icon, click to open the control panel of HP to start using the printer.

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    What is your printer model?

    Which icon you click when no respionse can't?

    Assuming that you are referring to the HP Solution Center software, uninstall KB31323372 from the control panel > programs and features > view installed updates.

    Then, hide it using the following steps to prevent it from reinstalling:


    If you are not sure or refer to any other icon misfunctional please specify accordingly and DO NOT uninstall any element yet.


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    Hi Yvonne husen,.

    Thanks for posting in the Microsoft Community forum. I'm sorry to hear that the Recycle Bin icon showed not empty once you empty the tray.

    I imagine the inconvenience that you are experiencing. I will definitely help you with this.

    I suggest that you run the Fixit tool that is available in the following article from Microsoft and check if it helps.

    The Recycle Bin icon does not automatically update in Windows Vista or Windows XP


    Registry warning

    To do: Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    322756 [//support.microsoft.com/kb/322756/]

    How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

    If the problem persists, feel free to let us know. It is our pleasure to be of service.

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    See "hang out":

    • //KB.mozillazine.org/Firefox_hangs

    See "Firefox crashes when you exit it:

    • //support.Mozilla.org/KB/Firefox+hangs
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    See if this will help...

    Open with appears whenever I try to open a program
    Scroll down to the answer given by Phantom010:
    Download and merge the reg. EXEFIX .
    Try this registry fix: EXEFIX

    Unzip the patch and extract it. REG file on your desktop. Right click on the REG file and choose Merge. Note that you must be an administrator to apply this hotfix.

  • 8600 desktop icon does not

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    Hello GTR81,

    I understand your Officejet 8600 icon on the desktop does not work after upgrade to Windows 8.1. I will do my best to help you! I noticed that you said in your previous post that you have three copies of this software on your computer.

    You have three copies of the Officejet 8600 in devices and printers or where exactly on your computer? I recommend you clean this software. Follow these steps:

    Please follow this HP document uninstalling the software of the printer. When it finished, I would like you to clean your Temp folder on your computer:

    [1] on the keyboard, press the Windows key and press 'R' together, then click on, and then type % temp % enter.
    2] press Ctrl and together on your keyboard [this will highlight all]. Right-click with your mouse and select Delete.

    Now, perform a clean boot on your computer by following this Microsoft document here. This will eliminate the conflicts of software that occur when you install a program or an update or when you run a program.

    If your desktop icon does not work yet, I would recommend that you run this patch of this document from HP opens Assistant HP printer with an error in Script or in Notepad. I know that you do not receive a script error, but this patch can help if your printer Assistant loading is not. I will seek forward at the hearing on your part have a good night!

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