Which of the following scenarios shows high growth need strength?

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How does growth need strength affect people's satisfaction with the work itself?

When employees are very talented and feel a strong need for growth, the core job characteristics do not have any effect. For an individual with high growth need strength, there is a strong positive correlation between satisfaction with the work itself and levels of the five core job characteristics.

Which of the following statements are true of job satisfaction?

Answer and Explanation: The correct option is E. It has both rational and emotional components. Job satisfaction gives motivation to employees to work more.

Which type of emotion best explains a distressing condition that has changed for the better?

As per the studies, relief emotion best describes the distressing conditions, which also has hope for improvement.

When one person can catch or be infected by the emotions of another person it is called?

The emotional contagion hypothesis also includes a theory on individ- ual differences, concerning the ability of a person either to infect an- other person with their emotions, or to become infected by another person's emotions [Hatfield et al., 1994].

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