Which of the following is not an example of an ethical issue?

  1. Which of the following ethical precepts can be used in media?

      a. The Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you
      b. The Golden Mean: finding a middle way is better than an extreme
      c. The Categorical Imperative: rules or laws should only be used that would apply to everyone at all times
      d. All of the above can be used
  2. Utilitarianism is an approach to ethics that means

      a. Whatever does the most good for the most number of people is best.
      b. Fairness is the fundamental aspect of ethical conduct and people in a dispute should look at the situation outside of their own vested interests in the outcome to decide what is right.
      c. Journalists often face conflicts among ethical principles in the course of their work and must often make difficult decisions.
      d. Not all ethical precepts can be applied in all situations, but they do provide useful guidelines for media professionals in their behavior.
      e. None of the above.
  3. Business interests in media organizations can often supersede the public interests entrusted to that organization. This can happen in which of the following ways?

      a. Advertisers threaten to stop advertising unless the media organization stops or changes coverage of the company or a controversial issue
      b. Lack of consumer power among disadvantaged groups can mean they get less news coverage or are mostly portrayed in a negative light
      c. Cutting staff to save money can affect the quality of news coverage as journalists get even more overworked
      d. Journalists often lack professional development training because of media organizations' unwillingness to support such training
      e. All of the above
  4. SPJ's Code of Ethics includes all but which one of the following?

      a. Seek truth and report it
      b. Be honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information
      c. Never distort the content of news, photos, or video
      d. Bounce ideas off sources or potential sources before launching into a story
      e. Support the open exchange of views
  5. Ethical issues in public relations, would not include which of the following?

      a. Lying by omission or giving a misleading impression
      b. Protecting the privacy rights of clients
      c. Hiring an assassin to silence opponents
      d. Safeguarding client's confidential information
      e. Any of the above
  6. The American Advertising Federation Code of Ethics includes which of the following?

      a. To tell the truth
      b. Reveal significant facts
      c. To not mislead the public
      d. All of the above
      e. None of the above
  7. Ethical issues in entertainment media would not include which of the following?

      a. Actors portraying characters in stereotypical roles in TV shows or movies
      b. Gratuitous depictions of sex or violence in TV shows or movies
      c. Product placements in children's programs on TV
      d. All of the above
      e. None of the above
  8. Puffery in advertising is an ethical

      a. Gray area [sometimes ok, sometimes not]
      b. Violation at all times
      c. Standard media should strive toward
      d. Rule followed in tobacco marketing
      e. Any of the above
  9. Ronald Howard and Clinton Korver argue that to make ethical decisions, media professionals should apply three principles. Which is NOT one of these principles?

      a. Legal
      b. Prudential
      c. Ethical
      d. Financial
      e. None of the above
  10. Discourse ethics, an important foundation for an area of media ethics theory, was developed by which German social theorist and scholar?

      a. Jürgen Habermas
      b. Wolfgang Donsbach
      c. Elizabeth Noelle Neumann
      d. George Gerbner
      e. None of the above

Which of the following is not an ethical issue?

Solution: Individual issues are related to one person only and are not society related. Therefore, the correct answer is [d].

What is an example of ethical issues?

Unethical accounting, harassment, health and safety, technology, privacy, social media, and discrimination are the five primary types of ethical issues in the workplace.

What are the 5 ethical issues?

Here are five ethically questionable issues you may face in the workplace and how you can respond..
Unethical Leadership. ... .
Toxic Workplace Culture. ... .
Discrimination and Harassment. ... .
Unrealistic and Conflicting Goals. ... .
Questionable Use of Company Technology..

What are the 3 ethical issues?

Here are some of the ethical issues in business and real-world cases of how these ethical issues have affected companies..
Unethical Accounting. ... .
Social Media Ethics. ... .
Harassment and Discrimination. ... .
Health and Safety. ... .

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