Which of the following is an actual quote that famously sums up a widely held belief about the size of government quizlet?

Evaluates national sustainability and progress toward the UN
Millennium Development Goals.
-indicators are tracked in six areas: environmental health, air
quality, water resources, productive natural resources,
biodiversity and habitat, and sustainable energy
-U.S. ranks 28th, below Malaysia, Costa Rica, Columbia, and Chile
-Sweden, Finland, New Zealand and the UK are among the top
-ranked countries

Nontoxic" suggests that a product has no harmful effects on humans, but the term has many meanings and no legal definition. Substances safe for humans also can be harmful to other organisms.

"Biodegradable," "recyclable," or "compostable" claims depend on how you dispose of a product. In a landfill, nothing is recycled or biodegraded.

"Natural" and "organic" can connote different things in different places. Loopholes in standards allow many synthetic chemicals to be included in "organics," especially in shampoos and skin-care products. Some cigarette brands advertise that they're organic, but they're still toxic.

"Environmentally friendly," "environmentally safe," and "won't harm the ozone layer" are often empty claims. Because there are no standards to define these terms, anyone can use them. How much energy and nonrenewable material are used in manufacturing, shipping, use, or excess packaging?

2 It did not have the power to tax

3 It did not have the power to enforce laws

4 Congress lacked strong and steady leadership

5 There was no national army or navy

6 There was no system of national courts

7 Each state could issue its own paper money

8 Each state could put tariffs on trade between states. [A tariff is a tax on goods coming in from another state or country.]

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