Which department or division of an insurance company is responsible for the selection?

Adverse selection is the occurrence of people who need life insurance the most being the most likely to purchase it. Insurance companies want to minimize their risk by also insuring healthy policyholders, yet unhealthy or high-risk individuals are more likely to apply for coverage.

To compensate for added risk, insurance companies typically charge high-risk policyholders higher premiums. To keep your premiums low, you may want to cut out smoking or risky hobbies. Above all, you’ll want to answer your life insurance application questions honestly. Whether you are a healthy individual or have pre-existing conditions, there are life insurance options available to you.


Key takeaway

Unhealthy or high-risk individuals are more likely to seek coverage from life insurance companies. Because healthy individuals are less likely to seek coverage, it leaves life insurance companies vulnerable to paying out several large claims for unhealthy or high-risk policyholders, leading to the possibility of increased premiums or denied coverage.

What is adverse selection?

Adverse selection describes the occurrence of unhealthy or high-risk individuals seeking life insurance more often than healthy, low-risk individuals. If an individual is involved in a high-risk profession or has high-risk hobbies, they may be more motivated to seek life insurance.

An individual with high health or safety risks may be purchasing life insurance with the expectation that their family will need it due to their high-risk lifestyle. Meanwhile, most healthy individuals who decide to purchase a life insurance policy do so as a financial safety measure to ensure their family is financially protected in the event that the unthinkable happens.

How adverse selection impacts the life insurance industry

Life insurance providers attempt to accurately profile each policyholder’s risk class so that the company is prepared to pay out death benefits when needed. Each of your premium payments will fund your death benefit when you pass away. When unhealthy or high-risk individuals are more likely to purchase life insurance than healthy, low-risk individuals, it puts a greater strain on life insurers’ ability to pay out death benefits for its policyholders. Because of this, life carriers may be more likely to increase premiums or outright deny coverage to higher risk applicants.

Life insurance underwriters group policyholders into the following risk classes.

  • Preferred: Preferred class policyholders are in great health, but could have a few minor issues. Thanks to their good health, individuals in this class will likely have relatively low premiums.
  • Standard: Standard policyholders have average health and life expectancy. Many policyholders in this class have a history of family health issues that prevent them from joining the preferred class.
  • Substandard: Substandard policyholders are higher risk than average. They may have high-risk hobbies or lifestyles or even a chronic health issue. Different insurers handle this class differently, but policyholders in this class will typically have quite high premiums.

If an individual poses a greater risk to the insurance company than they disclosed on their application and are more likely to die before the date that the insurance company determined, there will be a gap between the amount the policyholder paid in premiums and their death benefit. The insurance company will have to cover this difference with its financial reserves. If this miscalculation occurs too frequently, insurance companies may deplete their reserves and have a harder time paying out claims.

Life insurance companies may miscalculate a policyholder’s risk if that person misstated information on their life insurance application. If the insurer discovers that an applicant completed their application fraudulently, it may deny payment to the policyholder’s beneficiaries. In general, the possibility of adverse selection may lead insurers to charge higher premiums to higher-risk individuals or even deny them coverage.

However, if a risky applicant is denied coverage, they can always apply for a guaranteed issue life insurance policy, designed for those who don’t want to undergo a medical exam or answer questions about their health and lifestyle.

Guaranteed insurability policy

If a high-risk applicant or a person with pre-existing health conditions wants permanent life insurance, but was denied coverage, they may want to apply for guaranteed issue life insurance. You don’t need to complete a medical exam to qualify for guaranteed issue life insurance, although you may need to complete a health questionnaire. Keep in mind that you likely won’t be able to purchase a guaranteed issue policy after the age of 80.

With most guaranteed life policies, if you die of natural causes within the first two years of the policy, you won’t receive the full death benefit. Instead, you’ll receive some portion of the premiums you paid. If you pass away after the two year period, you will typically receive the full death benefit. These policies are typically significantly more expensive than other types of life insurance, but may be worth the cost if you’ve been denied coverage elsewhere.

How insurance companies collect information

If you’re in the process of buying life insurance, you may wonder what the underwriting process will look like. During the underwriting process, your insurer collects information in several ways, which serve as a check on each piece of information to ensure accuracy. The insurer may collect information through:

  • The initial application: You’ll be asked to provide basic information about yourself, your health, your job and hobbies. Although you may be tempted to leave something off the application, such as a history of mental health issues or tobacco use, it could be discovered later in the process — and could result in a denial of coverage or even a lawsuit. Since medical issues and pre-existing conditions can be discovered during the medical exam, disclosing everything you can upfront will help streamline the process.
  • Paramedical exam: Insurer may send a healthcare professional to your home or office to conduct an examination. Any inconsistencies in your application will be noted. For example, if you said that you were 20 pounds lighter on your application, the paramedical exam should catch it. If the medical exam presents difficulties for you due to a pre-existing condition or other issue, it may be possible to get no-exam life insurance, although these policies are typically much pricier than whole life insurance.
  • Doctor’s statement: If the underwriter has any questions about your health, they will ask your primary care physician for a statement. If the paramedical exam resulted in a suspicion that you’re a smoker in spite of you failing to disclose it on your application, the underwriter may question your doctor in detail about your smoking habits.
  • Prescription list: The underwriter can also access information on what prescription drugs you currently take or have taken in the recent past. This may shed light on chronic illness or past disease that would increase your risk of dying.
  • Medical Information Bureau listing: This industry organization collects info that you’ve submitted on past applications for life and health insurance. If past application information doesn’t line up with your life insurance application, your insurer could become suspicious. If you listed diabetes on your health insurance application, but failed to mention it on your life insurance application, your insurer could find out about this gap from the Medical Information Bureau.

All of this information helps present the underwriter with a fuller picture of who you are and what sort of risk you would pose to the life insurance company. The application is only the first of several ways that the company gathers information on you.

If, after all this, an untruth slips through the process, this is called misrepresentation. If misrepresentation is discovered and your life insurance company can prove you intentionally lied, you could be charged with life insurance fraud.

Some life insurance policies have a two-year period, called the contestable period, during which the policy can be canceled if misrepresentation comes to light. Even if the lie is caught after this period, your life insurance company may be reluctant to pay out on death benefits if your death is caused by something related to a health concern you knew about, but didn’t disclose on your application.

If you are nervous about being denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition or other health issue, note that there are options available to you. Guaranteed issue life insurance, although expensive, does not require applicants to complete a medical exam.

Frequently asked questions

What is the contestability period?

A contestability period is a predetermined amount of time — usually two years — in which a life insurance company can investigate your application for omissions or mistakes. If your life insurance company finds out that you failed to disclose a pre-existing condition on your initial application, it can deny your beneficiaries’ claim after your death. Even if the pre-existing condition had nothing to do with your death, the insurance provider could deny the claim, since the company may have increased your premiums or denied you coverage had it known about the pre-existing condition.

What is the graded death benefit?

A graded death benefit is a feature of a guaranteed issue life insurance policy. Since it isn’t profitable for insurance companies to sell guaranteed issue life insurance to people who pass away immediately, these policies typically pay out a lower death benefit in the first few years of the policy. Usually, graded death benefits have a waiting period of two years. If the policyholder passes away before this waiting period ends, only a partial death benefit pays out. If the policyholder passes away after the waiting period, their full death benefit will pay out.

Which department in an insurance company is responsible in deriving the premium rates?

Based on this information, the actuary determines the premiums for life and health insurance policies and annuities.

What is the role of underwriting Department in insurance?

Underwriters are responsible for deciding whether or not to accept applications for insurance cover – this is known as 'risk'. Determining risk is a complex process and the job relies on sensible judgement and meticulous attention to detail.

How can insurance companies control for adverse selection?

Insurance companies have three options for protecting against adverse selection, including accurately identifying risk factors, having a system for verifying information, and placing caps on coverage.

Which insurance company department is responsible for paying insureds covered losses?

The claims department can be seen as the leg-breakers in this gambling enterprise as they are the insurance company's enforcer. The insureds pay their premiums and demand that the insurance company meet its obligations when a claim is submitted.

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