When planning for a complex incident such as a terrorist attack what should be considered that differs when planning for an event such as a champion ship basketball game?


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When planning for a complex incident such as a terrorist attack what should be considered that differs when planning for an event?

Logistical requirements, such as communications, food and medical. When planning a complex incident, such as terrorist attack, what should be considered that differs when planning for an event such as championship basketball game? Immediately organize management control and actions. What is a cascading incident?

What are the characteristics of a complex incident?

Complex Incidents are larger incidents with higher incident complexity [normally Type 1 or Type 2 incidents] that extend into multiple operational periods and rapidly expand to multijurisdictional and/or multidisciplinary efforts necessitating outside resources and support.

When an incident Complex is established over several individual incidents What happens to the previously identified incidents?

When an incident complex is established over several individual incidents, the previously identified incidents become branches or divisions within the Operations Section of the incident complex. Each branch thus has the flexibility to establish divisions or groups.

What are the five important steps for effectively assuming command of an incident?

Incident Commander Responsibilities Establish immediate priorities. Determine incident objectives and strategy. Establish an Incident Command Post. Establish and monitor incident organization.

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