What design that will familiarize students with various careers in the medical profession?

 Get Started

Whether you are just starting to explore, or have committed to a career in health, this track guide offers tips, tools, and action steps to move your career search forward.  See instructions on how to join the Health Track from your Handshake account.​

Assess Your Interests, Skills

The first step in beginning your career journey is to assess your interests, skills, strengths, goals, values and self to better understand your “story” and give you career direction.  Then, we can help you reflect on your story and create career exploration goals.

Interests: Know your interests, as they may help to align you with careers and possible job titles representing a match based on your likes/dislikes. Use these tools below to clarify your interests:

  • MyNextMove - Explore career options and interests by keyword or industry, or take their short assessment to find potential career matches based on interests.
  • Strong Interest Inventory [SII] - The SII is a widely respected career interest inventory designed to help people find a fit between their personalities and work. It compares your interests and preferences to people in general and to people who have been happy and satisfied in their careers. The results from the SII identify careers that best fit a person’s interests.

Values: Know your values, as they may help to align you with potential work environments and organizations that match your passion[s] and core belief[s].

Skills/Strengths: Know your skills and strengths, as they may help to align you with well suited job titles, work tasks and work environments. Use the tools below to clarify your skills/strengths and possible career ideas based on your talents and skills:

  • Career Onestop - Take this short skills assessment to learn more about your skills and how they match up to potential career ideas.
  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator [MBTI] - The MBTI is a self-report questionnaire designed to make Jung’s theory of psychological types understandable and useful in everyday life. It is one of the most widely used instruments for understanding personality differences and is widely used to understand people in terms of their decision-making styles, preferences for communication, work environments and for career development/exploration.
  • CliftonStrengths - The CS helps you to discover your top talent themes. By becoming aware of these talents, you can grow them into strengths. Strengths can be utilized in all aspects of your life, including career planning and during the career search process. The assessment is all about focusing on your natural talents to maximize your potential.

At a minimum, as you consider the possibility of pursuing a health career, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I like to care for people from all walks of life?
  • Am I genuinely interested in and capable of delving into scientific topics, especially the hard sciences?
  • Am I committed to being a life-long learner?
  • Am I comfortable in a healthcare setting, lab, etc. [although not all health-related careers will involve direct patient contact]?
  • Do I work well in a team setting?
  • Do I appreciate the immense responsibility that comes with caring for others, having to make sound decisions, putting patients’ interest before my own, being equitable and fair, etc.?

Get Help

Want some coaching on where to begin?  Not sure which Career Track is right for you?  Make an appointment on Handshake for “Exploring Options”. We’ll be happy to talk more about your Career Track options and explore your interests and skills together, in a coaching relationship.

Before Your Appointment:

  1. Explore the tools in the Assess Your Skills and Interests section;
  2. Create a LinkedIn account; and
  3. Create a profile on Handshake.

 Explore Your Track

Health careers encompass a large group of fields related to the delivery of healthcare to humans [and animals] through the application of science, engineering, mathematics and technology.  There are over 100 health related careers out there.  How do you know which one is the best fit for you?  A combination of readings, informational interviews with practitioners, shadowing, volunteering and working in relevant settings will help you determine your path.  Check U.S. News & World Report’s top jobs annual rankings list to see how many of the top jobs are healthcare jobs!

Although most individuals readily and narrowly associate “health careers” with medicine, there are many professions in health and allied health as this hypothetical scenario illustrates. Thus, you owe it to yourself to explore the possibilities and learn more about not only medicine, but also public health, dentistry, optometry, pharmacy, nursing, physical and occupational therapy, and more.

Every year, here at UM, in LSA alone, about ~30% of all entering students indicate an interest in pursuing a health related profession.  The vast majority of these individuals will consider themselves “pre-med”.  Many students will stay true to this interest and forge ahead on their path to become physicians while others will discover new professional interests along the way.  Still others will identify their field of choice as a result of academic, co-curricular, or life experiences later on.  All of these scenarios are completely normal. Regardless of where you fall on this continuum, the information on this Career Track, your internal drive to engage, and conversations with the University Career Center coaches can help you figure out the next steps in your journey.

Here is some information to get you started:

Necessary Skills

There are some variances in the specific skills needed in various health careers, especially between clinical vs. non-clinical roles.  However, a commitment to service, intellectual curiosity, cultural competence, empathy, strong communication skills, adaptability, resilience, teamwork, etc. tend to be common denominators.  See, for example, the core competencies for entering medical students.  An aspiring dentist however, for example, will also need to possess a particular interest in the science of oral health, good eyesight, excellent manual dexterity and a steady hand, the ability to gain trust and put patients at ease, some business knowledge to run a practice, multitasking skills, etc.  Understanding the skills involved in various health professions and how they relate to your own skill set and aptitudes will help you narrow down your options.  Search and check the occupation profiles of various health careers to learn about the tasks, skills needed, and equipment used to get a good idea of the basic kinds of work activities health professionals do on a daily basis.

If you already  have a general idea in mind [dentistry, pharma, biotech, alternative healthcare, etc.] be sure to peruse the appropriate Vault Career Guides.

As a future health professional you will likely work in interprofessional teams.  Thus, it will be important for you to understand and develop core competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice.  Through consultations with your pre-health advisors, you will want to seek courses and experiences that foster and reflect effective communication, teamwork, patient exposure, service, and ethics.  You will also want to familiarize yourself with the range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status, commonly referred to as “the determinants of health”. 

For example, we recommend you:

  • Join a pre-health club or society on campus and/or other service organizations;
  • Reach out to science departments about research opportunities;
  • Check with local hospitals/clinics/private practices/hospices/assisted living facilities/etc. for volunteer or paid opportunities;
  • Strive to serve and volunteer for causes important to you, ideally in a variety of settings;
  • Contact healthcare providers you know [your doctor, dentist, etc.] about shadowing opportunities and widen your network through your neighbors, congregation, friends’ parents, acquaintances, UM alumni networks, etc.  and, of course, be sure to tap into UCAN, the University Career Alumni Network.
  • How Long Do You Want To Be In School?
    • If you don’t want to spend many years in health profession school, there are dozens of career options that only require a master’s degree.  Utilize this searchable resource  to learn about roles, salaries, potential for growth, and anticipated demand.

  • Do You Wish To Be In A Clinical Setting?
    • Explore the career section of relevant professional organizations for practitioners’ profiles, mentoring contacts, blogs, etc. such as:

      DPM Mentors Network

      Naturopathic Medicine Career Resources

      Dental blogs, etc.

      Take a few picks from this reading list.  In addition, based on your specific interests, consider subscribing and/or reading relevant newsletters and publications, such as:

      AAMC Pre-Med Resources

      Osteopathic Medicine:  Choose DO

      AMA Specialty Profiles 

      ADEA:  The Voice of Dental Education

      Pre-Vet Student Resources etc.

    • Investigate opportunities for research, summer enrichment, and special pipeline programs as applicable like the Summer Health Professions Education Program [SHPEP]

  • Are You More Interested In Research Than Clinical Practice Alone?
    • If you have an interest in scientific exploration and a desire to break new ground in medical knowledge, a career in medical research may be for you.  Combined MD/DO-PhD programs offer intensive training in the biomedical sciences and are designed for those interested in joining academic faculties in varied and often multiple capacities as researchers, clinicians and educators.  Through the National Institutes of Health-funded Medical Scientist Training Program [MSTP], you can receive both graduate and clinical training leading to the MD and PhD degrees, while receiving full funding for tuition and expenses, plus a yearly stipend.  MSTP positions are extremely selective and are restricted to U.S. citizens or permanent residents.  More information concerning the Medical Scientist Training Program.  The current average time to complete an MD/PhD is about seven years, but students may take longer to graduate depending on the outcomes of their research and other specific circumstances.  The typical program of study includes the first two years of the basic medical sciences curriculum, followed by three or more years of graduate school with rotations in various research laboratories, a thesis research, and then the final two years of clinical clerkships and electives.  However, different permutations of this 2/3+/2 schedule exist.  Given the specificity of requirements and application modalities for each program, you are strongly encouraged to contact the program’s directors directly.  Here are some resources to support your exploration:

      MD-PhD Dual Degree Training by the AAMC

      List of MD/PhD Programs by state

      Medical Scientist Training Program [MSTP] Institutions 

      Osteopathic Medicine Dual Degree Programs

      Prior research experience is essential, at least two years of it, often with a leading role on a self-directed long-term project.  In fact, the level of autonomy that one had in the lab is highly regarded.  Successful applicants are those who are able to demonstrate that they have learned and practiced the scientific process.  They must show evidence of creativity, ingenuity and resourcefulness in designing and running experiments, but also resilience, maturity and ability to accept delayed gratification with unsuccessful experiments.  Evidence of critical thinking and attention to detail in analyzing the data and forming conclusions is also important.  Highly regarded are communication skills, including experience with presenting one's work in some fashion [attendance at conferences, poster sessions, and seminars].  Research publications [especially where one is the first or second author] are very helpful but not as essential as a sound research record.  For the MD portion of one's candidacy, clinical experience, volunteer work, community service, athletic and artistic talents will also be closely evaluated.  GPA is important [usually at least 3.5 for consideration] but more than anything, applicants need to be able to demonstrate a passion for research.  Nationally, the total average MCAT of admitted applicants falls in the  91%-94% depending on the program.  All programs require the MCAT, while many schools suggest the GRE as well.

      An Interesting Alternative:  If you want to become a physician, possess a strong interest in research but are not ready to commit to a full-blown PhD degree, you may want to consider 5-year MD/MS Research Track programs at schools like Baylor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, University of Pittsburgh, Georgetown, Yale, Stanford, UT Southwestern, etc.

  • Are You Drawn Toward The Health Of Many Vs. The Health Of One?
    • If you find yourself being drawn to the big picture of health, domestically or internationally, you may wish to investigate opportunities in Public Health.  Whereas in Clinical Health Professions the emphasis is on disease diagnosis, treatment and care of the individual, in Public Health the emphasis is on populations, with a focus on disease prevention and health promotion for the whole community.  See more information about distinctions between Public Health and Medicine and What is Public Health?

  • Would You Like To Be On The Business Side Of Healthcare?
    • Informatics, management, big data, sales, consulting… if you are attracted to the business side of healthcare, you may wish to explore opportunities in Health Informatics, the study of resources and methods for the management of health information.  This field focuses on the acquiring, storing, retrieving and using of healthcare information to foster better collaboration among a patient's various healthcare providers.  Quantitative, analytical, and technical skills are a must, with professional healthcare experience and programming being a plus.

    • If you would like to apply business skills in a healthcare setting, look into Healthcare Administration, a field relating to leadership, management and administration of hospitals, hospital networks, healthcare systems and public health systems.   See Guide to Careers in Health Administration.

    • If you think you would take pride in selling a product or solution that makes a positive impact in the world of healthcare, then medical sales may be for you.  A different skill set will be required in this type of career, such as persuasion, presentation skills, resilience, salesmanship, goal-orientation, ability to deal with rejection, meet sales targets, etc.  Read more about medical device sales careers.

    • If you like to solve problems, healthcare consulting may be of interest to you.  Healthcare consultants examine the efficiency, profits and structure of an organization and then offer suggestions on methods for improvement.  Most large strategic consulting firms have divisions which focus on healthcare issues, while some firms specialize only in the healthcare industry or particular industry sectors such as hospital administration, medical devices and technology, pharmaceuticals, marketing, and information management systems, to name a few.  If you are interested in consulting, you may wish to also join the University Career Center's Consulting Track.

  • Are You Intrigued By The Intersection Of Ethics With Medicine?
    • If you are intrigued by the intersection of medicine, law, public health and philosophy, you may wish to take a closer look at Bioethics.  Bioethics is the study of controversial ethical issues emerging from new situations and possibilities brought about by advances in biology and medicine. It also involves moral discernment as it relates to medical policy and practice.  In a hospital, a Bioethicist may be consulted in cases where there is uncertainty about the right course of action for a patient due to conflicting values.  If you are interested in bioethics, consider subscribing to the The Hastings Center, one of the oldest ethics centers in the country.  Their blog will introduce you to a wide variety of issues.

  • Would You Like To Develop Technologies To Improve Health?
    • If you are attracted to the intersection of science and technology, be sure to explore opportunities in Biotechnology.  Although Biotechnology has applications in several major industrial areas, one of the most prominent ones is indeed healthcare.  Biotechnology offers a wide variety of career opportunities ranging from sales and marketing, research and development, to manufacturing and quality control and assurance.

Industry Trends

Monster.com's Salary Trends in Healthcare reports that expanded health insurance and the aging population are the top two factors driving healthcare hiring and high wages.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts 19%  growth in healthcare jobs through 2024, with more than two million new jobs for physicians, registered nurses, and healthcare support occupations such as home health aides and occupational therapists.  See Trends in Healthcare.

Build Your Pre-Health Community

You will be able to find many health related groups in the UM Student Organization Directory. Many of these groups will have guest speakers and may offer shadowing programs. Visit a few of these organizations until you find a group that meets your needs:  Pre-Medical Club, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Multicultural Association of Pre-Health Students, Sports Medicine Club, Pre-Optometry Club, Undergraduate Students National Dental Association, Pre-Vet Club, Pre-Pharmacy Student Organization, and many many more.  Look also into service organizations.  In addition, many of the professional student associations have an undergraduate section, which too can offer great opportunities to learn about the field, find shadowing opportunities, and connect with professionals.  A few examples include:  American Medical Student Association and American Student Dental Association.

Search for people, groups or universities relevant to your interest through LinkedIn.  For example, are you interested in becoming a Physician Assistant?  Simply searching for “PA” will help you connect to a range of individuals from PA program administrators, PA students and practitioners.  Reach out to these individuals for informational interviews, preparation advice, shadowing opportunities and application coaching. LinkedIn groups are a great way to expand your network, contribute to a community and get questions answered.  See these tips on How to Network on LinkedIn  and these additional Networking Resources on The University Career Center website.  And, of course, make the most of UCAN, the University Career Alumni Network.

Action Steps

Get Help

Want some coaching around navigating your Career Track?  Interested in talking with a Career Coach about your exploration of a Career Track?

  • Attend a University Career Center Program/Workshop  to learn more about your Career Track in group formats--check your Handshake account for upcoming events
  • Make an appointment on Handshake for “Exploring Options” or “Preparation Beyond the Classroom for Med/Health/Law/Grad School”
  • Before Your Appointment: Explore and engage with the tools and links in Explore Your Career Track; Complete the 3,2,1 reflection exercise


You have been exploring your Career Track, and may be wondering “What Next?”  Try to answer these questions:

  1. What are 3 take-aways from your exploration of this Career Track thus far?
  2. What are 2 questions that you have?
  3. What is 1 specific action step you plan to take, to answer your 2 questions?

 Launch Your Preparation for Your Chosen Health Profession

Complete Prerequisite Courses

Plan for Whatever Standardized Test You Will Have to Take

  • Graduate Record Examination [GRE]
  • Medical College Admission Test [MCAT]
  • Dental Admission Test [DAT]
  • Optometry Admission Test [OAT]
  • Pharmacy College Admission Test [PCAT]

Continue to Engage Beyond the Classroom

In addition to your academic preparation, you will be expected to invest time outside of the classroom learning about health practitioners, patients, your particular health field, and… yourself! Thus, it is important that you spend time in various healthcare settings to explore and confirm your interest in your chosen profession. Beyond fulfilling certain course requirements and developing specific academic and professional competencies, health professions schools expect applicants to have a general understanding of their chosen career as well as a demonstrated interest in and knowledge of what is involved in that field.  Through your coursework and experiences you will want to understand:

  • The realities and rhythms of “a day in the life of” the type of health professional you aspire to become
  • What constitutes good bed/chair side manners--how to interact with people very different from you, how to explain, teach and counsel
  • The workings of interprofessional [IPE] and interpractice teams
  • The social determinants of health, that is, “the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age”. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources at global, national and local levels, thus leading to health inequities
  • The need for diversity in the healthcare professions to provide better care to underrepresented groups who currently do not receive the same standard of care
  • The bioethical implications of new devices, surgical procedures and drugs, and the challenging questions they raise — for individuals and society — about appropriate use, access, safety, rights and obligations
  • The way economics and policy affect healthcare delivery and access.

The following activities can be valuable in enhancing your exploration of and preparation for your health field:

  • Volunteering in clinical settings throughout the academic year
  • Shadowing health professionals
  • Conducting informational interviews with practitioners
  • Keeping a journal of your experiences
  • Conducting research
  • Reading relevant literature

Be sure to maintain a spreadsheet of all your co-curricular involvements [not just health related], keeping track of dates, number of hours, type of experience, the responsibilities you had, supervisor’s name and contact information, and especially your reflections on what you learned, how this experience may have affected your worldview, etc.  These records will be particularly handy in the short term to monitor your progress and identify areas for additional involvements.  Later, they will be equally helpful for crafting your personal statement, completing the activities sections in your applications, and identifying possible sources for your reference letters.

Connect with Professionals

Internship/Summer Opportunities

Resumes/CV & Cover Letters


Depending on whether you are applying for a summer research job, a position in pharma, or a seat in an entering medical school class, you will be exposed to various interviewing formats [behavioral, case interviews, MMIs, etc.]. A prepared interviewee knows the similarities and differences between the formats and has practiced appropriately.  See: The University Career Center’s Interviewing Resources.  Consider scheduling an appointment to practice your interviewing skills at the University Career Center and take advantage of Big Interview for efficient, self-directed practice.

Application Readiness

Don’t be on autopilot as you prepare to apply to health profession school.  Given the competitiveness, intensity and intricacies of the process, you can benefit from taking a step back and thoroughly assessing your application readiness.  There will be both academic and non-academic factors to measure up to:

  1. Basically, your metrics [numerical academic performance in previous classes and your ability to pass standardized tests] will help admissions representatives determine if you can handle the rigors of the school curriculum and eventually pass the various licensing exams that are required to become a practitioner in your field.
  2. Your experiences and attributes will help them determine if you have truly invested time in engagements that demonstrate care for others, understanding of the profession and a sincere passion for healthcare delivery and service.  Your application materials and your interview performance [if your application progresses to that point] will have to showcase beyond your academic prowess, possession of certain personal traits and characteristics, as well as knowledge and understanding of the profession and the healthcare arena.

In order to assess your application readiness, you may wish to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is my cumulative and, especially, my science GPA along the lines of those who have been admitted in the past?
  • Are my standardized test scores competitive?
  • Have I engaged in substantive community and volunteer service and am I capable of reflecting on and discussing these experiences?
  • Do I have a good deal of medically related experiences, such as shadowing and patient exposure?
  • Have I spent time in hospitals, clinics, hospices, rehabilitation centers, assisted living facilities ... assisting patients and talking to healthcare professionals to form an accurate and realistic view of my chosen profession and current issues in the field?
  • Do I have people in my corner that can vouch for me and address the strength of my candidacy for health profession school through their letters of evaluation/recommendation?  Do they know me well enough to address my reliability and dependability, critical thinking, qualitative reasoning, resilience and adaptability, capacity for improvement, patient orientation, etc.?
  • How have I demonstrated my social skills, cultural competence, teamwork, and leadership?
  • How have I demonstrated integrity and ethical responsibility to myself and others?  If there are any irregularities or misconduct issues in my profile, what have I done to address them/put time and distance from them to "redeem" myself?
  • How have I engaged in scientific inquiry and gained research experience [esp. for MD/PhD applicants]?
  • Can I clearly articulate why I want to be a healthcare professional and what life experiences have led me to that decision?
  • Do I have time to prepare for the required standardized test, put together a strong application, with thoughtful application essays, well researched schools, solid letters of recommendation, etc.?
  • Do I have any special talents and abilities that could showcase my discipline, commitment, ability to improve?

It is important that you are able to step back and assess your profile prior to applying so that you can determine both your strengths and areas that need attention.  If you find yourself falling short on several categories, consider taking a year or two off to bridge those gaps.  Remember: a dream delayed is better than a dream denied.  While the list below is not 100% inclusive, these could be sound reasons to delay application.  Give yourself permission to wait to apply if you need or want to:

  • Travel/study/work abroad for a while
  • Take a reflective pause to ensure this is still the career you want
  • Show your senior year grades to demonstrate grade improvement
  • Engage in additional coursework at the post-baccalaureate level to strengthen your academic preparation
  • Make time to finish your prerequisites and/or adequately prepare for the standardized admission test
  • Gain more exposure to your chosen profession
  • Engage in additional research activities if applicable
  • Repair your credit score by working and saving for a while so you can be eligible to borrow money for your health profession education
  • Take a rejuvenating break prior to starting health profession school
  • Tend to some health or other personal issue before embarking in health profession school.

After realistically assessing your credentials you will be better positioned to decide whether you are truly ready to apply. Waiting a year and improving your credentials might make the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful application effort.  Remember that the national average age for entering professional students is usually ~24+ years. Thus, you will not be alone if you decide to wait one or more years prior to applying!  See the information on Postbaccalaureate Programs and Gap Years on the University Career Center website for possible ideas.

Ready to Apply?

Although the University Career Center staff is available to guide you through the exploration and preparation stages [beyond the classroom] of your Health Track, individualized assistance with academic requirements and professional school application may be available through the advising and career centers in your School or College.  If you are applying to medical school, group coaching is available through the Med App Canvas site.

Procure Reference Letters

As you get involved in your classes and co-curricular engagements, start thinking about potential sources for reference letters.  Although the expectations for the number of letters and the content may vary across programs, all reference letters are expected to provide admissions committees with additional perspectives on your past performance and future potential, commenting specifically on your skills and abilities related to your chosen career area.  For example, see these guidelines on how to write effective reference letters in support of medical school application. Although the focus is on the letter writer, these guidelines will help you understand the expectations of a medical school’s admissions committee.

Keep these tips in mind when arranging for your letters:

  • Consider the range of possible writers, and which writers might best serve your purposes. Writers could include faculty, teaching assistants, past employers, or supervisors from volunteer and leadership experiences.
  • Request evaluations only from people who know you well enough to write strong letters of support; you may wish to arrange a meeting with the writers to discuss your future plans for an advanced degree.
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of requesting a confidential vs. a non-confidential evaluation, keeping in mind that most professional programs have a strong preference for confidential letters since they tend to be more candid.
  • Provide them with supporting materials [copy of your resume, transcript, personal statement draft, etc.] to help them write a more informed letter.
  • Ask for the letter shortly after the completion of your interaction with the author, when your work habits, skills and interests are fresh in their mind.
  • Allow enough time for the letter to be written, keeping in mind that you may be one of several applicants requesting a letter from a particular individual.

Write Compelling Application Essays

As part of your application process you will be asked to write various essays. Collectively, these long and short reflections should capture why you are interested in a certain field, what type of experiences led you to such a choice, why this field is a good match for your skills and talents, and any other information about you that an admission representative should be aware of to form an informed and accurate opinion about who you are.  See these resources for writing application essays in general and more specifically for health profession school.

Become Knowledgeable About Schools and Programs

Take advantage of individual schools’ information sessions and tours, open houses, admissions webinars, virtual fairs and any opportunity you can get to understand their offerings, garner preparation and admissions tips, get a feel for their distinct mission and culture, speak with current students and faculty, and—depending on the circumstances—experience the campus and community at large.  Explore online and mark any relevant dates in your calendar!  Here are a few examples for you:  UM Genetic Counseling Events; SUNY Optometry Open House; OUWB Admissions Webinars; Pre-Dental Student Virtual Fair, WSU Monthly Pharmacy and Health Sciences Meetings, etc.

Be sure to understand the timeline and mechanics to apply for your chosen career.  Be aware that most health professions avail themselves to application services.  Use these platforms to understand how and when to apply.  Due to the large size of the UM pre-medical student body, the University Career Center also sponsors a  Med App Canvas site that provides timely and detailed group application coaching.

Application Services: CAS's

Cost of Applying & Attending

Applying to a health profession school is an expensive endeavor.  The most significant expenses will include:

  • Required standardized admission test self-preparation materials and/or organized preparation course
  • Test registration
  • Fees for additional screening assessments when applicable
  • Application service’s fees
  • School-specific application fees
  • Interview suits and accessories
  • Transportation and accommodations for interviews
  • Deposits to hold seats in a class upon admission

All these costs and fees can easily add up to well over $5,000 so it is important to plan in advance.  If you have serious financial constraints, you may be eligible for fee waivers.  Check with the appropriate health profession organization regarding the availability of fee assistance programs.  For example, if eligible for the AAMC’s Fee Assistance Program [FAP], you will receive a reduction on the MCAT registration fee, free copies of MCAT preparation materials and the Medical School Admissions Requirements, and a fee waiver for application for up to 20 allopathic medical schools.

It is critical that you maintain a strong credit record as you prepare and apply for health profession school. Do not let a poor credit history interfere with your ability to pay for and enroll in your program of choice.

As you consider how to finance your health sciences education, strive to become knowledgeable about loan programs, the ongoing changes, and available loan forgiveness options.  Remember that there are various service commitment programs out there, available through the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force, federal agencies and some state agencies.

Action Steps

Get Help

Want some coaching around launching your Career Track?

  • Attend a University Career Center Program/Workshop/Immersion or Fair  to connect with schools and employers that represent opportunities in your Career Track--check your Handshake account for upcoming dates
  • Make an appointment on Handshake to meet with a member of the University Career Center Staff

Before Your Appointment: Explore and engage with the tools and links in Launch Your Career Track; Complete the 3,2,1 reflection exercise; Attend events related to your Career Track.


You have been launching your preparation for graduate or professional school, and may be wondering “What Next?”  This simple exercise will help you get started.

  1. "What are 3 take-aways from exploring the resources in “Launch Your Preparation for Your Chosen Health Profession”?"
  2. "What are 2 questions that you still have/what are you questioning now?"
  3. "What is 1 specific action step to help answer your 2 questions?"

Photo Credit: Tiago Gerken

Which of the following is designed into familiarizing students with various careers in the medical professions?

Introduction to health sciences and health information management is designed to familiarize students with the various careers in the allied health and medical professions.

Which of the following refers to an occupation or profession that requires special training?

Detailed Solution. Profession: Profession refers to a paid occupation that requires training and formal education.

What are the things that you can consider in making your health career plan?

8 Things Students Should Consider When Choosing a Career in....
Commitment to Serving Others. ... .
Education. ... .
Salary. ... .
Job Opportunities. ... .
Lifestyle. ... .
Cost of Training. ... .
Teamwork Scenarios. ... .
Personality Fit..

What can we do to explore the different health careers?

Ways to Explore Health Careers.
Informational interviews: This is one of the best ways to get good information and start building your connections to others in that type of work. ... .
Shadowing: ... .
Volunteer work: ... .
Summer internships and jobs: ... .
Health-Related jobs: ... .
Schools and training programs:.

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