Underserved nghĩa là gì


used to describe a place, market, etc. where fewer goods or services are available than there should be:

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It must also be wondered how random assignment would necessarily improve care for underserved patients.
It details innovative approaches to engaging with traditionally underserved groups và to meeting diverse needs through flexibility và partnership working.
A lottery might help distribute talent more broadly across residencies, but by itself this would not mean that underserved patients would necessarily receive better care.
At the same time, this policy approach may impair the ability of full-service hospitals khổng lồ provide access to underserved populations.
We can, of course, delight in the fact that such strategies help dedicated clinicians deliver respectful, appropriate care khổng lồ underserved patients.
The rural hospital"s economic constraints are complicated by the inability to lớn reach the economies of scale realized by larger hospitals, rural - urban payment differentials 6 và long underserved, high-risk populations.
Meeting the needs of these "underserved" patients fulf ills our altruistic needs; addressing the many emotional challenges these patients br ing khổng lồ us helps us feel competent.
The pilots have resulted in new and exible primary care organizations, more resources for the primary care workforce and greater access lớn services for deprived or underserved populations.
The two systems are complementary &, if co-ordinated properly, can increase their reach khổng lồ small farmers in complex farming systems và in less favourable areas that are currently underserved.
In the interests of transparency và honesty, the authors propose that the institution discthảm bại khổng lồ patients the incentives used lớn attract obstetricians to lớn work at an underserved hospital.

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However, specific groups such as women & racial or ethnic minorities have sầu been underserved in some societies even when they are not aước ao the least advantaged economically.
These examples are from corpora & from sources on the website. Any opinions in the examples bởi vì not represent the opinion of the saigonmachinco.com.vn saigonmachinco.com.vn editors or of saigonmachinco.com.vn University Press or its licensors.

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