the men là gì - Nghĩa của từ the men

the men có nghĩa là

Apparently, the better sex.
It's 2009, we really don't need to think we're all so great.
On behalf of all the idiots that call themseves men on this site, ladies, belive me, we are not all like that. Some of us are actually not sexist testosterone filled nut jobs.
If you ever get married, try and avoid those types.


Douche-Men are better than women woooooo!
Normal man- No we're not. We're good at differant things, geez you'd think we were living in the fifties.

the men có nghĩa là

The reason for many of girl's problems. Mostly because they think they want anything more than to enter their magical vaginia.


Crying Girl: Why are you so insensitive?!?!??!
Guy: Halo and beer godamnit!
Crying Girl: What?!?!?!
Guy: You'll never understand.....
Crying Girl: [Men......]

the men có nghĩa là

has to be macho all the time. dont want to look "gay", even though its proven that more men have sexual thoughts about other men then women have about other women. A lot are very homophobic because they can't let anyone know they are gay or bi.
So girls ask your man if he would have sex with another man, and if he shows his disgust for more than a hour... hes gay.


"Are you gay jon?"

"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! i would never do that!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! thats gross!!!!!!!! thats sick!!!!!!!! dont ever ask me that again!"

the men có nghĩa là

1. Purely logical and emotionally stable, they will insult each other and gossip during their daily man talk, as well as throw epic manly hissy-fits when they FAIL. [Which is pretty much all the time.]
They secretly wish they had their own pair of boobies.


only men r on teh internuts lol!!!11one!11eleventyone!oneone1

the men có nghĩa là

i think i seen one of those the other day


1 out of every million men is a real man

the men có nghĩa là

Men can be the most wonderful thing ever for a woman to meet , or they can be selfish pigs who want women to do everything for their lazy asses. All men are different , so you would have to get to know a man before you judge him , but women can be just as bad by judging him to soon and not loving a man , just wanting to suck him dry of his money. Some woman will respect a man and not care about the money , just how much they love their man. In return a REAL man should give respect back and love her , help her with the house work , and honestly think they are equals. Men should not have to respect women who are bitches to them and steal their money and so on , so if any man out their is being treated badly by a woman and getting no respect from their equal , and you ARE respecting her , then dump the bitch and go find yourself a REAL woman , and leave sterotypical woman behind.

I know for a fact men and women are exactly the same , even though they look different , deep-down their all equals , because some women are either nice or mean and thats the same for men.

if your a man and you think your better than all woman , just because your a man ... THEN FUCK YOU! AND IM TALKING TO THE WOMEN AS WELL IN THIS KIND OF MATTER!

and unfortunately , woman have to suffer with periods and have mood swings they cant control sometimes , and REAL men will know she cant help it , will not judge and try to not get in the way of the mean machine of the month!
It affects men to , so sorry for the men who have to grin and bear it every once a month , but im sure it will help if you think about how the women is feeling just as bad as you [ pain-wise ].

Without men , the human race could survive.

Without women , the human race could not survive.
both men and women are responsible for being parents and should not leave the baby alone with the other parent , they should work together as a team. Sadly a lot of men still try to be better than woman and don't realize the equality. The olden days , when men ruled , women were useless because no-one taught them to do anything except raise kids and now look at today , how society has become better! I hope im alive to see men and women treated the same and the mojority of them dont act like complete pricks. With the women today , and how they are comparing to many years ago , i beleive that day will come some day.

the point of this is really...

Men ... can't live with them , can't live without them.

Woman ... can't live with them , can't live without them.

I hope this writing makes you realise the true solution , even though the solution to the problem with men and women will probably solved on its on , in time...

Thank You For Reading :D :]



the men có nghĩa là

typo for the word meh


[on msn]

guy 1: u wanna go for pizza later?
guy 2: men
guy 1: huh?
guy 2: i meant meh

the men có nghĩa là

The other half of the human population. Despite what extremists think, we do not deserve to be killed, castrated, mutilated, etc. I ask you, what is the difference in me saying "all women are she-demon with tits that suck you dry of your money," and you saying "all men are dogs, pigs, deserve to be castrated." Think before you say things.
Dr. King once said "Judge a man not by his skin color, but by the content of his character." Judge people by their character, not by what skin color, sex, religion, or culture someone comes from. I find this to be becoming mainstream and acceptable in our culture, to simply demean somebody or an entire demographic based on something that is outside that person or demographics control. I didn't choose to be male, it simply turned out that way. I didn't choose to be white, it simply turned out that way. Most of the rest of the male population and I do not rape women or molest young girls. But there is always going to be bad people among any demographic. Like most black people don't steal, and most immigrants are not illegal. So I implore you to stop making generalized statements [i.e. "all men are pigs"], blanket accusations, and gross usage of stereotypes and calling it "just" or "right." It is not right, it is not just, and it is not ok.


woman:"All men are pigs"
man:"how would you know about the behavior of an entire demographic of people numbering at approx. 3.5 billion? How do you have the gall to accuse HALF of HUMANITY, off of the infinitesimally small group of men that you have ever met? how about you use logic instead of stupidity and feelings to make an argument before regurgitating misandric and bigoted statements."

the men có nghĩa là

The god of all gods for a group of people who have given up on real religion


Men-Men will always be OUR god

the men có nghĩa là

The plural of "The Man", the oppressor of black people the world over. The man cannot continue to exert control over the masses in singular form, so he's taken to double and triple teaming unsuspecting black folks.


Jesse: "Hey man, how is Rudy's new job working out for him?"

Linwood: "It was going fine, til he put in for a promotion, now "The Men" done had him written up three times in two months for all kind of bogus mess". "He even got written up for writing his lunch order on company paper".

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