Swamps là gì

Nghĩa Của Từ Swamp Là Gì ? Nghĩa Của Từ Swamp Trong Tiếng Việt

Nâng cao vốn tự vựng của doanh nghiệp cùng với English Vocabulary in Use trường đoản cú .Học những từ bỏ bạn phải giao tiếp một bí quyết sáng sủa.

Bạn đang xem: Nghĩa Của Từ Swamp Là Gì ? Nghĩa Của Từ Swamp Trong Tiếng Việt

be swamped with sth After the severe storms, insurance companies are expecting to be swamped with claims.
In the rainy season in particular, potholes, floods, swamps and filth make it extremely difficult for cars và trucks lớn ply the roads.
Overall though, the incentive sầu offered by the redistribution had little impact in reducing care-trang chủ admissions và appeared to be swamped by longterm factors.
Prisoners tried to drink the water in swamps along the railway line, dipping strips of cloth torn off shirts.
Coastal mangrove swamps around the northern và southern shores of the harbour were almost completely cleared.
With the development of larger swamps and lakes, some marked changes can be recognized in the megaflora.
Once migration exceeds a critical màn chơi, migration swamps selection, và the two demes become genetically homogeneous & migration can no longer maintain genetic variation.
Large remnant trees were used, but the iron smelters by then consistently ventured inlớn the swamps to lớn obtain supplementary fuel.
When the specific input is strong it will have a powerful influence; when it is weak, it may be swamped by the other system dynamics.
Change continues, but it is bounded change - until something erodes or swamps the mechanisms of reproduction that generate institutional continuity.
At that point, in late 1942, there were pitifully few psychiatrists on active duty, and they were already swamped with patients.
However, the picture changes in times of drought, when access khổng lồ the swamps for food và water becomes necessary khổng lồ support the elephants.

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