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Photo byMilada Vigerova

"Look straight through [one]" = Cố tình làm lơ trước mặt ai; vờ như không thấy/không nghe gì họ [nghĩa tiêu cực]; nhìn thấu được ai [nghĩa tích cực].

Ví dụ
If they look straight through you, move your glance ever-so-slightly over their shoulder and they'll think you were smiling at someone else.

There's something about Saoirse on-screen, says Gerwig. You feel like you could look straight through her, like you can see her insides and her brain working.

If you do decide to take pity on these poor souls, do so with a grain of salt. Do not stand there with a polite smile on your face expecting a thank you. Once these senior moochers [người ăn xin] pass through Markets gates, they will look straight through you as if you were just another stranger in the cafeteria. Which you are, but youre a stranger that gave them the gift of food, so the sudden coldness in this new, fragile [mỏng manh, dễ vỡ] relationship will sting a bit.

Ka Tina

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