power rangers là gì - Nghĩa của từ power rangers

power rangers có nghĩa là

Good Show till after around the third season. It's about a group of people who fight evil people with mean looking faces!!


Anyone notice how the first yellow ranger was asian and the black ranger was indeed an african american...

power rangers có nghĩa là

Pretty okay show teaching kids how to fight evil

Basic formula of the show goes like this:
5 people sitting together at the ice cream parlor, then suddenly danger strikes!,go to their head quarters to find out what's wrong, MIGHTY MORPHIN' TIME!!!, Find and fight the bad guys, henchmen are killed "the Boss" barely survives, the power rangers find "the boss the second time", they continue where they left off, when "the boss is barely able to fight anymore" he injects steroids into his system and becomes a giant, forcing our beloved power rangers to hop in thier equally large machine fighters, blah blah blah, bad guy is defeated, bad guy screams in pain, creator dude gets all pissed off, and everyone goes back to the ice cream parlor...



power rangers có nghĩa là

A show created in 1993 by Haim Saban, but with roots [and suits, stories, footage, etc.] from the Super Sentai franchise. The basic premise is like so: evil warlord/ witch/ Machine Empire/ empress/ squid/ demon/ mutant/ psychopath/ exiled ninja/ failed science experiment/ alien emperor sends down monster, heroes [5 or 6 usually] kill monster, monster grows, heroes jump into zords, kill monster again, repeat. Add tortured souls and their backstories for flavor.


It's Morphin' Time! lightning bolt Dragonzord! Mastadon! Pteradactyl! Sabertoothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus! zoom in on Red Ranger helmet stock footage, zoom out to reveal... POWER RANGERS!

power rangers có nghĩa là

early-mid 90's kids' television show that had a kick-ass first season.

After that, people began to realise that the plot for every single show was the same. Season two was season one, but they changed the costumes and made the names longer.


How power rangers replaced re-runs of masters of the Universe, thundercats and not-so-old teenage mutant ninja turtles we'll never know.

power rangers có nghĩa là

a show that most people from the ages 20-8 were probably addicted toat one point. its a bunch of stupid people in gay suits spazzing out and attacking other people in cheap costumes


power rangers was the shit when i was in kindergaten

power rangers có nghĩa là

a subliminally racist childrens tv show that was/is adored by many youngins. the show "just happens" to make the asian power ranger yellow and the african american power ranger black. coincidence? i think not!


"dont be a racist just because the power rangers are! thats not cool man!!"

power rangers có nghĩa là

a good tv series in which a bunch of teenagers fight evil. Kimberly, Jason, Zack, Trini, Billy, and Tommy, led by Zordon and Alpha the robot. Several movies were made from it, and new spinoff series with the same titles and increasingly gayer characters also spawned. Was good until after Lost Galaxy. Lightspeed rescue killed the series for good. the reason for this is probably that Japanese producers noticed that kids like gayer and gayer things as time went on. We were probably screaming "WE LIKE DUMB!" or something. Also, Tommy and Kimberly had a thing for each other... heheh


Tommy: Its' Morphing Time!!!
Timmy the narrator: Little does Tommy know that in about 7 years, all the bad guys he fought and the work that he did would be for naught, due to the Power Rangers series becoming intellectually void shit.

power rangers có nghĩa là

The Arch Enemies of CAPTAIN PLANET


When power rangers strike only captain planet gets in there path.

power rangers có nghĩa là

unmoral cartoon that only brainwashed the later generations that were born after the generation of motu and thundercats. it has no sense of moralty of sane prejudge for the supposed episode. Everyone would prefer reading and studing rather than watching that senseless tvshow that filled the mind of people with crap.


person1: yo man, did you saw the new tv series power rangers?
person2: hell no!!, that show is only going to fill everybody minds with crap, better stay away from it.

bit1: man, i saw an episode of power rangers and the theme song got stuck in my head... fuck, what do i do??
bit2: holly shit, hurry up and get in the car, we gotta get you a psicologist and neurologist for that, before your neurons start to rotten.

yo1:sup bro, did ya saw that shitty tv power gayger or something like that show?
yo2:yeah but i dont care for the show, it sucks,but i see the fucking babes on it and i wanna gangbang all of them.
yo1: aright, thats my hommie, im with ya.

power rangers có nghĩa là

A children's TV show in which the majority of idiots will say, "It was good around until around season 3." Pay no attention to these bastards because they've probably never seen anything past it. Anyone with a brain who's seen Power Rangers and knows ANYTHING about the Super Sentai series in Japan KNOWS that the original series was not supposed to go on for 3 seasons but rather... 1! YES! 1! And there was a couple series we skipped too because Saban sucked! And they didn't even give the best character in the show [Adam Park] enough screentime! Every series is great.


Power Rangers is a very good series with spectacular martial arts and stuffs.

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