P2 Examine appropriate research methods and approaches to primary and secondary research

From: Syed Munim Ejaz To: Sir Mohsin Unit: 11 Unit Name: Research Project Submission Date

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Unit 11 Research Project


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From: Syed Munim Ejaz To: Sir Mohsin Unit: 11 Unit Name: Research Project Submission Date

Original Title:

Unit 11 Research Project

Aims & Objectives of the Assignment

The aim of this unit is to offer students the opportunity to engage in sustained research in a specific field of study. The unit enables students to demonstrate the capacity and ability to identify a research theme, to develop research aims, objectives and outcomes, and to present the outcomes of such research in both written and verbal formats. The unit also encourages students to reflect on their engagement in the research process during which recommendations for future, personal development are key learning points.

On successful completion of this unit students will have the confidence to engage in problem-solving and research activities which are part of the function of a manager.

Students will have the fundamental knowledge and skills to enable them to investigate workplace issues and problems, determine appropriate solutions and present evidence to various stakeholders in an acceptable and understandable format.

Learning Outcome:

By the end of this unit a student will be able to:

1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process.

2 Conduct and analyse research relevant to a business research project.

3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders.

4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts.

Essential Unit Contents

LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of

the research process:

Developing a research proposition:

  • The importance of developing methodical and valid propositions as the foundation for a research project.
  • Rationale – the purpose and significance for research question or hypothesis.
  • The value of the philosophical position of the researcher and the chosen methods.
  • Use of Saunders’s research onion as a guide to establishing a methodological approach.

Literature review:

  • Conceptualisation of the research problem or hypothesis.
  • The importance of positioning a research project in context of existing knowledge.
  • Significance and means of providing benchmarks by which data can be judged.
  • Qualitative, quantitative and mixed method research:
  • Key theoretical frameworks for research.
  • Advantages and limitations of qualitative and quantitative research approaches and methods.

LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a business research project

Research as a process:

  • Research has distinct phases which support a coherent and logical argument.
  • This includes using secondary research to inform a primary, empirical, study.

Selecting a sample:

  • The importance of gathering data and information [qualitative or quantitative] to support research analysis.
  • Selecting sample types and sizes that are relevant to the research.
  • Considering sampling approaches and techniques including probability and no probability sampling.

Ethics, reliability and validity:

  • Research should be conducted ethically. How is this achieved and reported?
  • Research should also be reliable [similar results would be achieved from a similar sample] and valid [the research measures what it aimed to measure].

Analysing data:

  • Using data collection tools such as interviews and questionnaires.
  • Using analytical techniques such as trend analysis, coding or typologies.

Essential Unit Contents

LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders


  • Who are they?
  • Why would they be interested in the research outcomes?
  • What communication method do they expect?

Communicating research outcomes:

  • Consideration of different methods of communicating outcomes [e.g. written word, spoken word] and the medium [e.g. report, online, presentation]. The method and medium will be influenced by the research and its intended audience.

Convincing arguments:

  • No matter what the method/medium, all research should be convincing and presented logically where the assumption is that the audience has little or no knowledge of the research process.
  • The importance of developing evaluative conclusions.

LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts

Reflection for learning and practice:

  • Difference between reflecting on performance and evaluating a research project.
  • The former considers the research process; the latter considers the quality of the research argument and use of evidence.
  • Reflection on the merits, limitations and potential pitfalls of the chosen methods.

The cycle of reflection:

  • To include reflection in action and reflection on action.
  • Considering how to use reflection to inform future behaviour and future considerations.

Reflective writing:

  • Avoiding generalisation and focusing on personal development and the research
  • journey in a critical and objective way.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

The Pearson-set theme for use with Level 5 Unit 11: Research Project is;

The Pearson-set theme for use with Level 5 Unit 11: Research Project is;

“Talent Management”

Talent management [TM] is the process by which businesses and organisations
recognise and develop talented people who can have a positive impact on their
organisations and their productivity. It not only has become a key component of
human resource management but also the responsibility of leaders and managers at
all levels to manage talent within the business, with TM strategies being developed in
line with the particular needs and structure of the business and industry.
Themes of TM relevant to businesses when considering a strategic approach to talent
management include the following:

  • The role of line managers and leaders in employee development and well-being;
  • Talent management being used as a lever for culture change;
  • The importance of contextualising approaches to talent management;
  • The need for new and innovative ways of working to achieve a strategic approach
    to talent management;
  • Barriers for the development of a strategic approach caused by economic and day to-day operational pressures.

Staff retention, training and morale is key in any industry where talented motivated
employees can help differentiate one organisation from another and influence
business success. An increasing number of businesses are rethinking ways to get the
most from their staff. Rising costs, recruitment difficulties and changing employee
attitudes mean that, for many employers, the traditional approaches to recruiting,
training and retaining staff are being revisited to harness and develop talent and
ultimately drive competitive advantage.

Choosing a research topic:

Students are to choose their own research topic for this unit. Strong research projects are those with clear, well focused and defined objectives. A central skill in selecting a research objective is the ability to select a suitable and focused research objective. One of the best ways to do this is to put it in the form of a question. Students are encouraged to discuss a variety of topics related to the theme to generate ideas for a good research objective. 

The range of topics discussed could cover the following:

  • Talent management as a strategic priority
  • The role of talent management frameworks and future implications within
  • Effective talent management strategies for successful organizations
  • The impact of talent management on the role HR
  • Talent management for entrepreneurs and small businesses
  • Best practices in global talent management within multinationals.

The research objective should allow for students to broaden their understanding and widen their perspectives by being able to explore, argue, prove, and disprove a particular objective. They should be feasible, novel, ethical, relevant and ultimately of interest to the student.

Students should get the tutor’s approval for any topic chosen for the research under the theme of Talent Management.

Students are to choose their own organisations to carry out the research activities.

Students should choose a topic related to the theme and from there to generate ideas for

good research objective.  This will form the basis of their project.

This unit [Research Project]will be covered in two semesters due to its length and higher

credit value. In the first part [this semester], the students are required to complete

Research Proposal in the prescribed form.

This Task is covered below. 

Assignment Tasks:

TASK 1: [Covering LO1] is due on 15th March 2021

Produce Research Proposal as specified which includes:

      a] Research proposal form – As per Annexure “A”

b] Research ethics form    – As per Annexure “B”

The Research Proposal should include Research Topic, Aims & Objectives or Research Hypothesis, Rational of the Research, Review of Literature, Research Time plan and Research Approach and Methodology.

Submission Format

Your submission should be presented in the attached forms [Annexure A & B] to the teacher. After approval of these forms, you need to upload them on Moodle. Your report should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 1,000 [+ /- 10%] words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

TASK 2: [Covering LO2, LO3 and LO4] is due on 25th Jul 2021

You need to conduct and analyze research on the topic selected and communicate the research findings in the Dissertation format covering the followings.

The final research project should include the following topics:

  • Introduction- Following an introduction, you should clearly write the research topic, research aims & objectives, rationale for your research and research questions.
  • Literature review –Please provide an adequate amount of secondary research with genuine references which is related to your topic of research.
  • Research methodology-Include a discussion of research philosophy, approaches, evaluation of quantitative and qualitative methods used, use of primary and secondary sources, sampling methods and the questionnaires used for the survey.  While discussing your research methods, you need to justify why these research methods are appropriate from the standpoint of costs, access and ethical issues. Add timeline.
  • Data analysis and interpretations– Analyse your primary data using appropriate tools – if you have used a questionnaire, use an excel spreadsheet and show appropriate charts and diagrams. If you have used qualitative research, use appropriate methods such as thematic analysis to analyse the responses. Provide an interpretation to the findings of your research. A good way of interpretation is to link the findings of your research to the findings of other authors that you have reviewed in your secondary research in the literature review section. A copy of your Questionnaire must be embedded in the appendix of the research project – including data sheet you have created from your questionnaire/interview analysis.
  • Research Outcomes- Report a summary of research findings to Stakeholders of the organization you are researching. Your report should include PowerPoint presentation [6-8 slides]. Research outcomes generally include research findings, conclusions and recommendation for the organization if any.  Your slides could include a slide each for title; aim, objectives and research questions; major approaches and methodologies adopted; major findings from the research; conclusion and recommendations.
  • Reflection & recommendation for alternative research methodology-Write a reflection on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives of the business research project – and a brief consideration of alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes.
  • Conclusion as a summary of your entire research project. 
  • Recommendations based on the findings of your research.

Note that your research must provide in-text citation in the body of your research and the list of References and Bibliography as per the Harvard Referencing System.


Note that you must attach:

  • Research proposal must also be attached as an appendix
  •  Hard copies of research Ethics form can be signed and submitted to your lecturer.

Please note that the first 3 topics in the dissertation are from the research proposal.  But learner can improve or add to them on making the final dissertation submission. 

  • Conduct a verbal presentation of the research outcomes to the intended audience that outlines research Aims & objectives, conclusion, recommendations and your reflection on the research process.     

Guidance for Students You should read this information before starting to define and work through your research brief. You should refer to these instructions as you complete work for this unit.

  • Consider the development of a methodical and valid research proposal as the foundation for the project.
  •  Choose a topic relevant to the prescribed theme and related to your pathways.
  • Stick to the topic as specified on your Proposal form
  • The topic chosen should allow a sufficient and suitable degree of research through the existence of adequate background materials as questionnaires, data collection sheet, excel workouts etc.
  •  A good project proposal title should meet the following criteria: The proposal is one that has an existing body of literature or source material that can be reviewed. The proposal extends a current line of learning that will lend itself to further rigorous exploration.
  • Decide on appropriate research methods and select an appropriate sample size.
  • Ensure that the proposal is ethical, reliable and valid. An ethics form must be submitted prior to commencement of research as part of the research proposal.
  •  Agree the research proposal with your tutor before beginning the research project.
  • Define your research problem or question, this can be stated as a research question, through objectives or as a hypothesis.
  • Provide a literature review giving the background and conceptualization of the proposed area of study. This would provide existing knowledge and the gaps which could be fulfilled by the proposed research.
  • Consider and define research methodology and research process. Demonstrate understanding of the pitfalls and limitations of the methods chosen and ethical issues that might arise.
  • Keep track of findings as you work.
  • Carry out the research, analyze research findings in relation to your original question and draw conclusions. Apply both qualitative and quantitative research methods to evaluate data collected from primary research.
  • Present research outcomes to audiences.
  • Reflect on the success of the Dissertation and evaluate the problems /issues encountered.
  • Ensure you reference your work and follow the Harvard referencing system.
  • At the end, include the references and bibliography.

Ensure to see that all the LO and AC as specified below are addressed in the Proposal and Dissertation. Please note the dissertation is incomplete unless the proposal is approved before the dissertation is submitted.

Submission Format

Your findings should be presented in a Formal Report Format to the Team Leader of the event and should include an overview of different types of organisations and the growth of the international business environment. Your report should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 3,000 [+ /- 10%] words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Grading Criteria

This table outlines requirements for each grade [i.e. Pass, Merit or Distinction].

Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process LO1 & 2 D1 Critically evaluate research methodologies and processes in application to a business research project to justify chosen research methods and analysis.
P1 Produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis supported by a literature review.   P2 Examine appropriate research methods and approaches to primary and secondary research. M1 Evaluate different research approaches and methodology and make justifications for the choice of methods selected based on philosophical/ theoretical frameworks.
LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a business research project
P3 Conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods for a business research project that consider costs, access and ethical issues.   P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools, analyse research findings and data. M2 Discuss merits, limitations and pitfalls of approaches to data collection and analysis.
LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders D2 Communicate critical analysis of the outcomes and make valid, justified recommendations.
P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended audience. M3 Coherently and logically communicate outcomes to the intended audience demonstrating how outcomes meet set research objectives.      
LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts       D3 Demonstrate reflection and engagement in the resource process leading to recommended actions for future improvement.
P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives of the business research project.   P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes. M4 Provide critical reflection and insight that results in recommended actions for improvements and future research considerations.

Before you get started please read the following information very carefully.

Assignment Format/Style

Produce an informal report/paper that addresses all the tasks in the assignment brief. You are encouraged to use diagrams or tables to illustrate and reinforce your findings, using single space and font size 12.  Any references to academic theory should be correctly cited and referenced in a bibliography at the end of the report. [Please do not copy and paste information].

  • Fully completed assignment cover page
  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Main body of the report clearly identifying the separate outcomes and assessment criteria
  • Conclusion and recommendations [ if relevant]
  • References and bibliography
  • Appendices only if relevant and necessary

Assignment Content

The assignment brief includes headings relevant to the unit outcomes, read and follow the tasks listed under each heading and this will make certain that you cover all the outcomes and assessment criteria to achieve the unit.

Assessment and Grading

Read the assessment grading criteria before attempting the assignment tasks, as it contains important information about how you should approach your assignment and how grading is applied in order for you to achieve a pass, merit or distinction.

Assignment Submission

All assignments must be submitted by the agreed date, via MOODLE.  Assignments submitted late, but with permission, will be marked as a pass only.  Assignments submitted late, without permission, will not be marked until the end of the year, or the next time the unit is scheduled.

Please ensure that your assignment is attached to the assignment submission receipt and that you read and sign the statement confirming authenticity. Check that all relevant fields are completed fully before submission.

Assignment Feedback

Once the assessor has marked your assignment, you will receive written feedback, either confirming that you have met the required standard and grade awarded, or that you have not yet met the standard and what you need to do to make the necessary improvements.  Please note that achieved and confirmation of grades is provisional until signed off by the Internal Verifier.

Student Guide to Writing an Assignment

This is an assignment guide to help support you while completing your BTEC Assignments.

It includes:

  • Assignment writing guidance  
  • Referencing guidance

Bibliography / References

Please list down “works cited” within the framework of enumerative bibliography – a list of references to key articles and texts. Verify each reference carefully; the references must correspond to the citations in the text. The list of references should start on a new page and be listed alphabetically by the name of the author[s] and then by year, chronologically. Only the first author’s name is inverted. The name of each author and the title of the citation should be exactly as it appears in the original work. More Information can be found in the College MOODLE in the General Information about the Harvard Referencing. 

Recommended Reading:

Learners must consult College and local national library facilities. In addition, learners need to read the broadsheet press and weekly business magazines regularly. You should also use relevant internet sites regularly and identify key influences and recent and relevant research with regard to your subject area.  You should read topical case studies and read about national campaigns and government initiatives in your area of interest. Following is the list of indicative resource materials


Check the list of recommended books for your further reading

  • COSTLEY, C., ELLIOT, G. and GIBBS, P. [2010] Doing Work Based Research: Approaches to Enquiry for Insider-researchers. London: SAGE.
  • FLICK, U. [2011] Introducing Research Methodology: A Beginner’s Guide to Doing a

Research Project. London: SAGE.

  • GRAY, D. [2009] Doing Research in the Real World. 2nd Ed. London: SAGE.
  • SAUNDERS, M., LEWIS, P. and THORNHILL, A. [2012] Research methods for Business

Students. 6th Ed. Harlow: Pearson.


  • International Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research.
  • Qualitative Research Journal.


Check the list of recommended links for your further reading

  • Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project
  • Unit 16: Operations and Project Management.

What are primary and secondary research methods?

Every research method, traditional or modern, falls into one of two categories: primary research or secondary research. Primary research is information gathered through self-conducted research methods, while secondary research is information gathered from previously conducted studies.

What are the methods of primary research?

Primary research involves gathering data that has not been collected before. Methods to collect it can include interviews, surveys, observations or any type of research that you go out and collect yourself.

Which research approach is suitable for secondary research?

Secondary research, also known as desk research, is a research method that involves compiling existing data sourced from a variety of channels. This includes internal sources [e.g.in-house research] or, more commonly, external sources [such as government statistics, organizational bodies, and the internet].

What are the 2 approaches in the research process?

There are two main categories of research methods: qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods. Quantitative research methods involve using numbers to measure data.

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