Make it move là gì

make a move Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

make a move

1. To take a decisive action intended to achieve a goal or start the process of achieving it. Lisa really seems like she likes you, dudenow's the time to make a move! Greg told me that he intends to make a move to get the boss's attention at this meeting, so I'm curious to see what he has planned.2. To begin leaving some place. We told the babysitter we'd be back by 10, so we should start making a move.See also: make, move

make a move

1 take action. 2 start on a journey; leave somewhere. BritishSee also: make, move

make a ˈmove

1 [British English, informal] leave one place in order to go to another: Its getting late. I think its time we made a move. Ive been in this job far too long already, its time I made a move.
2 [also make your ˈmove] do the action that you intend to do or need to do in order to achieve something: Were waiting to see what our competitors will do before we make a move. The rebels waited until nightfall before making their move.This phrase refers to moving your pieces in a game such as chess.See also: make, move
See also:
  • make [one's] move
  • into
  • be into
  • be into [someone or something]
  • be into something
  • dooded
  • dude
  • dude oneself up
  • dude up
  • duded up

make a move|make|move

v. phr. 1. To budge; change places. "If you make a move," the masked gangster said, "I'll start shooting." 2. To go home after dinner or a party. "I guess it's time to make a move," Roy said at the end of the party.

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