Magni 3 Heresy vs Topping L30


Especially refined build and design in class, Strong output power, Minimal channel imbalance at low volumes, Low OI and noise floor


Smoother note attack can sap fine detail, Basic connectivity


The L30 absolutely nails the fundamentals making the it an easy and versatile recommendation from me.


When Topping first entered the audio scene, I was cautious of their products as, at the time, source designs were not so objective backed as they are now. In turn, they werent held to the same standards now set by companies like THX and JDS Labs. I think the same stigma went for many consumers who were weary of new, smaller brands. However, the company quickly dispelled those notions and have proven to be one of the most competitive and cost-conscious brands on the market. They back each design whether entry-level or flagship with a slew of objective measurements, most of which are later confirmed by third-party sources. Interestingly, the company has gone its own route with amplifier design as, rather than adopting a THX module like many others, theyve created their own competing NFCA module nested feedback composite amplifier. This was seen in their flagship A90 but, interesting, the very same has been implemented in their entry-level L30 amplifier too. Though obviously a less fully-featured device, the L30, therefore, promises excellent audio performance to match, even exceed, the similarly stellar performance offered by leading competitors.

The L30 is available at an RRP of $139.99 USD at the time of writing. You can read all about the L30 and treat yourself to one here.


I would like to thank Apos Audio for providing me with the L30 for the purpose of review. The company is a sponsor of THL, however, all words are my own and no monetary incentive has been provided at any time for a positive review. Despite receiving the amplifier free of cost, I will attempt to be as objective as possible in my evaluation.


Maximum Power Output:

  • 3500mW x 2 @ 16 ohms, THD + N

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