jakey là gì - Nghĩa của từ jakey

jakey có nghĩa là

a hard-core alcoholic

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At the subway station there were some piss-reeking jakeys around.

jakey có nghĩa là

a total thievin wee gypsy alcky bastard

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At the subway station there were some piss-reeking jakeys around.

jakey có nghĩa là

a total thievin wee gypsy alcky bastard as in 'see they wee ned cunts outside parkhead wi the white lightnin an kappa tracksuits, they're a right bunch o fuckin jakeys!'

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At the subway station there were some piss-reeking jakeys around.

jakey có nghĩa là

a total thievin wee gypsy alcky bastard

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At the subway station there were some piss-reeking jakeys around. a total thievin wee gypsy alcky bastard as in 'see they wee ned cunts outside parkhead wi the white lightnin an kappa tracksuits, they're a right bunch o fuckin jakeys!'

jakey có nghĩa là

A member of the street drinking fraternity

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Etymology - believed to have been derived from jackdaw and jake which is scots for a cheap strong drink. "You can easily tell the jakeys from the brass monkies. The jakeys have damaged red skin on their faces and the junkies have pallid see-through skin only a few microns thick."

jakey có nghĩa là

Scottish slang for pisshead, old waster, wino,low-life.

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Dirty Jakey cunt.

jakey có nghĩa là

Go get with the fucking jakey`s.

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Scottish term for a dodger, junkie, alcoholic Did you see that jakey on the back of the bus?

jakey có nghĩa là

yeah with his eyes rolled in the back of his head the shit stains on his jeans.

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Adjective applied primarily to clothing: sloppy, ill-fitting, or badly tailored "Child, you are not going out in that jakey-looking skirt! Why, it's at least three inches longer in the back!"

jakey có nghĩa là

the guy who every girl dies to have in their life. without him, life would be a mistake. you'd wonder why your on this planet. with him, he gives you everything that you can ever need and want. jakey knows how to treat a girl, especially his girlfriend. he will give her everything she needs, and all the attention that she wants. jakey will know right off the bat what makes you happy, and what will make you smile. and he will do anything to do those things all the time. he is always there for you no matter what, and will make you feel loved, and protected. he is overall amazing, caring, sweet, [mine], adorable, hot, charming, handsome, hot, sweet, [still mine]. "susan, do you wish you had a boyfriend?" "yeah! i wish i had jakey." jake T is an idiot. yes a full blown retard. he talks about how lame he is, and i cant blame him for the truth jake: heheh matt i made a urbandictionary definition of you

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matt:no you didnt you idiot

jakey có nghĩa là

an epic awesome man. he is a bit insane, but is hilarious and his puppy shirt is badass.

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interests include:
-jumping off boats
-riding giant bananas
-being british with other brits jakey= badass british dude One of the most loyal people you will ever meet! Jakei will always be there for you when you're down. Jakei is very smart, if though she does not feel like she is. When Jakei has a friend who is very special to her heart and life, she will fight for you. When you two are having ups and downs, Jakei will work hard to bring that relationship together again! Even when Jakei does not show you that she wants to work out the relationship, she does. When you do something to hurt Jakei, she is cold. Her heart is cold, either towards you only, or towards almost everyone. Jakei will to out of her way for your wants and needs. When she cares, she will always try to put you first. No second thoughts. All in all, Jakei is a hell of a good person! So always remember that. Dad: Hey son, how is school, have you talked to Jakei today? Son: No. To be honest, I don't even know if I will talk to her ever again.

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