How to use Aztec clay mask without apple cider vinegar

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If you recently got an Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay mask or just plan to start using it a lot in 2019, then hi, welcome to the club of people who swear by this humble little jar of clay.

It basically has a cult following, and for good reason: it's made a difference in thousands of peoples' skin and hair, and all with just two ingredients. It seems straightforward enough, but thanks to its legions of devoted fans, there are a bunch of tips and hacks floating around that'll help you use it the right way — and ways you didn't even know it could be used.

Here are a few that'll make you say "OK yup, I get the hype, now this is my favorite product":

1. You can use a sandwich bag to mix and apply the mask if you want to.

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This hack is so simple. Just put the powdered clay and either water or apple cider vinegar into a bag, seal it up, squish it around to combine the ingredients, open and flip the bag inside out to apply it to your face, and voila! Easy and affordable mask-ing.

2. This little rubber spatula is helpful for stirring and applying it.

As the name implies, this mask is mostly clay, so it can get really thick. You could just use your fingers or a little stir stick, but the spatula helps you stir the clay into an extra-smooth mixture, makes it really easy to apply it evenly, and means you don't need to get your hands all covered in clay.

Get it from Amazon for $5.20.

4. Either way, just make sure you don't use any metal utensils with it.

Photo by Tom Crew on Unsplash

Before you grab a metal spoon to do your mixing and applying, know that metal will interact with the negative charge in the clay and decrease the effectiveness of the mask before it even makes it to your face. But plastic [and wooden, glass, or ceramic!] bowls and utensils are A-OK.

5. You can mix the clay with either water or 100% apple cider vinegar to create the mask, but most users prefer using ACV.,

The combination of the clay and the vinegar creates a more even, clump-free paste than water makes. If you have sensitive skin, test it on a patch of skin [like on your arm, for example], and try a half-water, half-vinegar combination if you're concerned about your skin's reaction.

Get some 100% ACV from Amazon for $9.57.

6. It's a relatively quick mask — you only need to leave it on for 5-10 minutes.

Camille / Amazon User /

Masks are usually great for self-care because they carve out a good 30-minute window of time where you can chill, watch TV, or do other random pampering. This one works quickly, though, and many users report a distinct pulsating sensation that indicates how hard it's working. Also, don't freak out if your skin looks red once it comes off; that is relatively common and should go away after about 30 minutes.

7. Be careful when you wash it off, because it will stop up your sink drain.

Photo by Charles Deluvio 🇵🇭🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Unlike other face masks you can just rinse off and not worry about creating a sink freakout, this one loves to clog up pipes. Instead, use a fine mesh screen or cloth to catch the solid clay pieces as you wash it off, and then dump it in the trash. Reddit users also recommend wiping it off and then discarding it with paper towels, rinsing it off in the shower [double check first that your shower drains can handle it], or tossing the leftover clay into your garden so it can act as a fertilizer.

8. You can use it on your hair to create a moisturizing mask.

9. It works pretty well as a spot treatment for pimples.

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Amazon users and Redditors recommend applying a small amount of the mask to some zits and letting it dry overnight. In the morning, you just might find dry or totally flat pimples!

10. If your feet are on the smellier side, concoct a clay mixture to put between your toes.

Dmitry Belyaev / Getty Images

Foot! Facial!!!! Mix the clay with brewed Pau d'Arco tea and five drops of tea tree oil, apply to feet and areas in between the toes, and let sit for 30 minutes.

11. Or you can use it to detox your armpits before you use natural deodorant!

Emily Rekstis / Via

Switching to natural deodorant can be overwhelming — they often aren't as effective at getting rid of the smell, and they can cause rashes. But applying one tablespoon of the powdered bentonite clay mixed with a little less than a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a splash of water draws out stink-causing bacteria and aluminum buildup to create an actually??? enjoyable?? natural deodorant experience.

Want to treat yourself to the Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Mask? Get it from Amazon for $10.95.

What can I mix with Aztec clay hair mask?

To prep, you want to take two non-metal tablespoons of Aztec Healing Clay and mix it with equal parts apple cider vinegar in a non-metal bowl. Depending on how much hair you have, it's likely you'll have to adjust the recipe. If you have a full head of long hair, you may want to double this recipe.

Can you do Indian clay mask with water?

Mix 1 part clay to 2 parts water: This should produce enough for 1 full face/neck mask. Option to mix with apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar [ACV] can dissolve the clay more easily than water and can also help reduce inflammation and breakouts.

Can I use regular vinegar for face mask?

Vinegar can be caustic if you leave it on your skin, and it shouldn't be used to treat wounds. Any acne sores are at risk for incurring a burn or major irritation. Plus, using ACV as a facial product puts your peepers at risk.

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