How to open Remote Desktop Services Manager in Server 2016

Where is Remote Desktop Services Manager snap-in for Windows server 2016.

I would like to know where can I find Remote Desktop Services Manager snap-in for Windows server 2016.

I used to utilize this snap-in in Windows Server 2008, however I could not find it in Windows Server 2016.

Could you help me with this issue please?

Thanks in advanced.



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AndreasBaumgarten answered Aug 28, '21 | AndreasBaumgarten edited Aug 28, '21

Hi @MarcosMoreno-7954 ,

the RDS Manager snap-in was removed by Microsoft in Windows Server 2016.

Maybe one if the links is helpful:

(If the reply was helpful please don't forget to upvote and/or accept as answer, thank you)

Andreas Baumgarten


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DSPatrick answered Aug 28, '21

Take a look in
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\Terminal Services

--please don't forget to upvote and Accept as answer if the reply is helpful--


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Changes to Remote Connection Manager in Windows Server 2016

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In this article

This article describes Remote Connection Manager (RCM) and the changes to RCM in Microsoft Windows Server 2016.

Applies to: Windows Server 2016
Original KB number: 3200967

3 Replies

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How to open Remote Desktop Services Manager in Server 2016




How to open Remote Desktop Services Manager in Server 2016

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Jul 31, 2018 at 15:06 UTC

PCSmart Solutions is an IT service provider.

There is a Microsoft Remote Desktop Services manager Pack available at Microsoft, downloadable here --->

Have a nice day!


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How to open Remote Desktop Services Manager in Server 2016




How to open Remote Desktop Services Manager in Server 2016

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Jul 31, 2018 at 15:09 UTC

JCAlexandres wrote:

There is a Microsoft Remote Desktop Services manager Pack available at Microsoft, downloadable here --->

Have a nice day!

Thanks for the suggestion. This is the answer I got when I tried to use this pack:

Unfortunately I don’t think you’ll be able to use this software. I was on the phone with Microsoft about verifying the terminal server licensing and asked them about this and they said it’s not a program they use/support. when I bring it up it has an MP file which he said they don’t support. He told me the only way to manage sessions on server 2016 is by task manager on each server.


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How to open Remote Desktop Services Manager in Server 2016



Best Answer

gb5102 Jul 31, 2018 at 16:59 UTC

You can use the built-in Server Manager to manage the user sessions. The console below is available on your Session Host server and can also be installed as part of the RSAT kit for remote administration.

Right-clicking a connection in the 'Connections' pane gives you the ability to end sessions, send messages, etc.

How to open Remote Desktop Services Manager in Server 2016


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