How do I host a website on AWS EC2?

Today in the modern business world, when companies are weighing in to cut down costs and maximize efficiency, people are searching for more effective ways to manage their hosting requirements. That is why, technological advancements have led to newer inventions, and today PHP Amazon cloud hosting has become the need of the hour.

Simplifies the use of AWS services by giving a set of libraries that are steady and familiar for PHP engineers. Download SDK » AWS Laravel SDK plugin. A Laravel plugin that coordinates AWS administrations and your application utilizes the most recent adaptation of AWS SDK For PHP.

Get started quickly utilizing AWS with the AWS SDK for PHP. The SDK is a modern, open-source PHP library that produces it simple to integrate your PHP application with AWS administrations like Amazon S3, Amazon Icy mass, and Amazon DynamoDB.

Advantages of Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is highly accessible and offers an unprecedented level of scalability beyond the capabilities of traditional hosting.

It comes with very affordable infrastructure and facilitates easy app migration and installation plans. The efficiency of cloud hosting is unmatchable, as it is responsible for housing, running, and maintaining all the necessary hardware. This allows clients to consequently pay for the resources they use, similar to paying for utility bills.

When it comes to the security of web apps, PHP AWS hosting is much better than the traditional web servers with PHP and MySQL support and provides more organized security layers. It does this through customer identity management, storage segregation, data isolation, firewalls, backup recoveries, and encrypted solutions. The backup feature also provides disaster recovery, to help users restore their data in the wake of any accidental failure.

Why Should I Host My Website on AWS

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud [Amazon EC2] is the core component of Amazon Web Services. It allows users to rent virtual computers to run web applications as a virtual private server. These virtual private servers are almost similar in functionality to dedicated physical servers.

AWS Flexible Beanstalk for PHP makes it simple to deploy, manage, and scale your PHP web applications utilizing Amazon Web Administrations. Elastic Beanstalk for PHP is accessible to anybody developing or hosting a web application using PHP.

Here are the three main benefits of deploying PHP application on Amazon EC2, highlighting the fact as to why businesses are rapidly moving towards Amazon’s virtual server hosting platform:

Complete Control with Ease of Access

Users have complete administrative control over their virtual servers [also known as compute instances] by hosting a website on AWS EC2. Essentially, PHP, MySQL, AWS hosting provides the same level of access and control as a physical server operated locally in the office.

Users can efficiently manage many web features through the Amazon EC2 web interface which allows users to scale up or down, boot and configure processor settings with just a few clicks.

Freedom to Select a Platform of Your Choice

When you launch an application on an EC2 instance, you get the authority to run an operating system of your choice. Users can select from multiple Linux distributions, or they can run the Microsoft Windows server.

This is an important feature for most businesses, especially for those considering making a switch to the cloud. Suppose a company has used Windows Server for years and has developed apps and databases within the Windows Server framework. In that case, they shouldn’t have to reprogram their IT infrastructure in the cloud to run on a different platform. As users can select the operating system of their choice, migrating your website on the EC2 platform is quite easy.


EC2 has multiple built-in security features. When you launch an application on EC2, its deployment is on a technically isolated virtual private cloud network. Users have complete control to authorize who want to access their apps on the cloud.

Amazon EC2 has security groups that act as virtual firewalls to control traffic to one or multiple applications. Users can establish rules for each security group and can modify them at any time. If a company decides to keep some processes running on-premise, and they want to connect their virtual private clouds to physical hardware on-site, they can establish a seamless connection through a hardware VPN device.

Fully-Managed Amazon Cloud Hosting

Fast, scalable hosting with proven AWS performance.

Steps Needed to Launch PHP AWS EC2

  • Launch a PHP AWS EC2
  • Choosing the OS and hardware
  • Editing some basic configurations
  • Creating a key pair
  • Locking the key file
  • Connecting to Instance
  • Installing Apache
  • Installing MySql
  • Installing PHP with common extensions
  • Installing phpMyAdmin
  • Allowing Mysql Root Login through phpMyAdmin
  • Connecting Instance with FTP client

How to Host a Website on AWS EC2: A Dynamic PHP Website

PHP is a versatile server-side scripting language that you, as a developer, can use for other use cases. You can develop amazing web applications in a flexible, modular form using PHP. With PHP, you also get handy dependencies manager that provides you with multiple access methodologies for relational databases and utilities.

Not every cloud hosting infrastructure provider can deliver exceptional performance for PHP-based applications. Hosting PHP on Amazon Web Hosting Services is common among the most experienced PHP developers, and they do make sure about getting into detailing’s of PHP benchmarks.

However, not everyone tends to show interest in the technical aspects of web applications and just wants to quickly deploy a fully capable and easy-to-install PHP application. It is interesting to note that having a managed PHP AWS hosting provider not only takes away your web hosting hassles but also enables you to focus on building advanced web apps.

In this context, Cloudways PHP AWS hosting platform is the ultimate solution for designers, agencies, and developers. It saves your time and resources, giving you the best PHP deployment tools and ample time to focus on developing cutting-edge web apps – and runs your online business effortlessly on highly advanced PHP MySQL AWS hosting servers.

To set up a server directly on PHP MySQL AWS hosting requires a decent bit of server-side technical knowledge. Therefore in this article, I will demonstrate to you how easy it is to host the PHP website on AWS using Cloudways.

Following are the steps as to how to host a website on AWS EC2, in this case, a PHP web app;

  1. Launch a server as per your requirements and traffic needs of your website [You can always scale it later.]
  2. Select PHP Custom Web Application from the dropdown
  3. Give a name to your managed app, and managed server
  4. Select Cloud Provider – AWS
  5. Select Server Size, Bandwidth, Storage for your website
  6. Select Server Location
  7. Press the Launch Now button

To host Amazon with a PHP app, the first step is to sign up for a Cloudways Account.

Step 1: Launch Server

To add a server, first, click on the ‘Add Server’ button on the top right corner.

Step 2: Select PHP and AWS EC2

Launch your desired application on your preferred cloud server [We support PHP 7.4 and the latest versions of PHP 8.1]. You can choose from AWS, Digital Ocean, Linode, and Vultr. For this tutorial, select AWS.

Step 3: Select Server Size, Bandwidth, Storage

Now, it’s time to scale and select resources. Use the slider to scale up or down to set up server size, bandwidth, and storage for your server.



Step 4: Select Server Location

Now, you must select the region in which you wish to host the server. Then, click on the ‘Launch Server’ button to begin installing PHP on AWS EC2 server.

Why Cloudways for Hosting Website on AWS?


The Cloudways platform places special emphasis on PHP Cloud hosting. All PHP apps on AWS infrastructure on the Cloudways platform take advantage of the optimized stack consisting of Nginx/Varnish web servers, Apache HTTP accelerator, MariaDB 10.6, PHP 8.1, and other related technologies.


To facilitate you further, Cloudways enables you to monitor 15+ important server metrics in graphical form, to ensure you are always aware of how your server is performing. You will also get a free New Relic account for advanced metrics monitoring.


Cloudways also provides fool-proof security to its deployed web applications, with identity management, SSL certificates, data redundancy, automated backups on AWS S3, and many other similar features.

Application Management

SFTP/SSH access is available on Cloudways console, along with Team Management Module that allows you to easily choose server and app access levels for your team. Meanwhile, developers can easily integrate applications from Git and can also get unlimited staging URLs for development purposes.

Apart from this, advanced scripts can be added without any external configuration when you enable them from the interface [for example, Redis cache and ElasticSearch].

To facilitate its users to the maximum, Cloudways enables you to monitor 15+ important metrics in graphical form, to ensure you are always aware of how your server is performing. You will also get a free New Relic account for advanced metrics monitoring!


So, this comes to the end of this article, in which I have demonstrated in detail how to host a PHP on Amazon EC2 server. Cloudways gives ready-made solutions to install PHP on AWS EC2 and the steps are rightly defined above.

Still, want to know some more about Cloudways? Have a look at more features or you can always ask our 24/7 support team to guide you. Better yet, experience the console yourself and Start your free trial on the Cloudways by launching PHP 8.1 on the AWS EC2 server.

Q: Which PHP framework is supported on AWS?

A: You can host Laravel, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Symfony, and many other PHP frameworks on AWS Cloud servers. All of these frameworks are quite advanced and provides optimized features to be deployed with PHP 8.1 AWS EC2 servers.

Q: How many CMS platforms supported on AWS?

A: All the major CMS solutions including WordPress, Drupal, Magento, Joomla, Moodle, and others are supported on AWS. The platform provides easy and quick installation of these CMSs on its servers, providing better Cloud infrastructure to build applications with.

Q: Which tools I can use to deploy PHP on AWS with Cloudways?

A: Using Cloudways, you can either deploy PHP apps on AWS via manual process or could use some deployment tools like Envoyer, DeployBot, and more others. These tools are supported on Cloudways, helping you deploy your AWS apps with zero downtime. Moreover, Cloudways also provides a pre-built GitHub deployment tool which gives ease to the developers to deploy their projects from GitHub in minutes.

Q: How to upgrade PHP 8.1 on AWS hosting with Cloudways?

A: You can easily migrate PHP version on Cloudways by selecting the desired PHP version from the Settings and Packages tab. By default, all Cloudways servers come preconfigured with PHP 7.4. However, you can upgrade to the latest PHP 8.1 or any other version from the Settings and Packages tab.

Can you host a website on Amazon EC2?

Use Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing [Amazon EC2] Amazon EC2 changes the economics of computing by allowing you to pay only for capacity that you actually use. To use EC2 to host your website, you will need to create and configure an EC2 instance in the AWS Management Console.

Can you host a static website on EC2?

You just follow the below steps and host your website . Go to your AWS account and sign in to console. Search ec2 service in service bar and launch ec2 instance . Connect to your ec2 instance and change your user local to root with the help op “ sudo su ” command.

How much does it cost to host a website on EC2?

Typically, it will cost $1-3/month if you are outside the AWS Free Tier limits. If you are eligible for AWS Free Tier and within the limits, hosting your personal website will cost around $0.50/month. To see a breakdown of the services used and their associated costs, see Services Used and Costs.

How do I upload my website to EC2?

There are many ways to accomplish this task. In this tutorial, you add ec2-user to the apache group, to give the apache group ownership of the /var/www directory and assign write permissions to the group. Add the ec2-user user to the apache group. Log out to refresh your permissions and include the new apache group.

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