How do I enable Windows Update on server?

Perhaps it's because Windows is such a robust operating system, or perhaps it's just because Microsoft keeps layering new features over the old, but there's usually more than one way to get things done. A case in point is the ability to enable or disable updates in Windows.

Windows updates often include vital security updates, so ensuring the computers in your organization are updated in a timely manner is extremely important. By default, Windows 10 is set to download and install updates automatically when prompted. As of November 2019, users can't disable updates, but they can pause them for a week at a time.

Windows Update Options

Windows 10 gives users options for its updates. It's a two-step process, as the update files are first downloaded to the computer before installation.

Downloads: You can have updates downloaded automatically or have the system prompt the user to download them when it's convenient. Having them download automatically should not be a problem, as these downloads are designed not to interfere with other processes. However, if the user has poor internet service and is trying to stream video or download other files, it could slow down the system.

Installation: Once the update is downloaded, a pop-up prompts the user to update the system, either immediately or at a more convenient time. Most updates take only a few minutes, but it's often necessary to restart the computer when the update is complete.

Administrators have the option to schedule updates for specific times and dates using Group Policy or a Windows Update registry fix.

Before Changing Registry Settings

If you're only concerned about your own computer, there should be no need to edit the registry to enable automatic updates. If you don't think your computer is being updated, click the Windows Start button in the bottom right corner and select Settings, followed by Update & Security and then Windows Update.

If there are updates available, you will see them in the Windows Update window. From there, you can install them immediately or select a time that is most convenient for you. If you want the updates to be installed overnight, remember to leave your computer on or in sleep mode at the end of the day.

Windows Update Group Policy: Windows 10

If your computers are in a network using Active Directory, the network administrator can use a Group Policy to force each computer to update Windows automatically whenever an update is available.

With an administrator's username and password, navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update > Configure Automatic Updates.

Select Auto download and notify for Install to have updates downloaded as soon as they are available. After the update is downloaded in the background, the user is prompted to install it. Alternatively, you can select Auto download and schedule the Install and then set the time for the installation to occur.

Windows Update Registry Settings: Windows 10

If you don't have access to Active Directory, changing the registry setting is the next best option. However, only an experienced network administrator should do this.

1. Click the Start button, type "regedit" in the Search field, and then open the Registry Editor.

2. Navigate to the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Policies > Microsoft > Windows > WindowsUpdate > AU.

3. In the right pane of the registry editor, select NoAutoUpdate and turn it to 0 to enable automatic updates. The other option, 1, activates this feature, thus disabling automatic updates.

4. Select AUOptions in the right pane and ensure it is not set to 1, which disables automatic updates.

5. Select ScheduledInstallDay to specify installations that happen on a specific day of the week. Select 0 to have downloaded updates installed on the day they are downloaded or select 1 [Sunday] through 7 [Saturday] to choose a specific day.

6. Select ScheduledInstallTime to choose the time updates are installed. Windows uses a 24-hour clock, so 0 is midnight, while 23 is 11:00 p.m.

7. Select RescheduleWaitTime to specify how long Windows should wait if it is unable to install the update at the scheduled time. You can specify a wait time of 1 to 60 minutes.

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