cradle of filths là gì - Nghĩa của từ cradle of filths

cradle of filths có nghĩa là

An extremely controversial symphonic black metal Band from Britain, formed 91-92. Central themes of satanism, religion, vampirism, womanization, and just general evil.

They are controversial not only because of their satanic and often violent or anti-Christian lyrics, but more over because it is a huge argument whether or not they constitute "real" black metal. A lot of black metallers who like Norse black metal claim that Cradle of Filth is horrible, but fans of Cradle of Filth don't really care WHAT you call it, they just like what they hear.

Front man Dani Filth announced early 2004 that a new full-length album, Nymphetamine, will be released this June from Roadrunner Records. This is after their last album under their first major label, Sony Music.

Cradle of Filth has risen to be one of the most internationally popular black metal/metal bands in the world.


The real name of Dani Filth, the lead singer of Cradle of Filth, is Daniel Davey... what cruel parents.

cradle of filths có nghĩa là

Symphonic Black metal. Very good shit, wonderful lyrics. Disturbing videos. Don't take themselves too seriously, almost certainly because they're British, and thats how we do things over here. This only improves them in my opinion, but is probably one of the reasons why loads of goths hate them, since mosts goths take everything way too seriously, and also because they're popular and the majority of goths seem to have some strange thing about hating anything popular. I love em, and complaining about the lyrics is stupid because all their albums have cover slips with the lyrics in them, so read that if you can't hear what they're saying, and NEVER try listening to Arch Enemy.


"Two thousand fattened years like maniacs,
have despoiled our common grave,
now what necrophagous second coming backs,
From the Cradle to Enslave."

cradle of filths có nghĩa là

Hmmm... they're a great band, they're under a fair bit of scrutiny by those that are more concerned about genre than music. Alternative or not, black metal or not. At the same time some of their listeners have a vandetta towards Marilyn Manson. In the end it all comes down to personal taste though.


To add to what has already started:

MM fan: Cr4dl3 0f f1l+h sux0rs [sic]
CoF fan: 'They're the shizzle!' - Shoots MM fan
Black metaller: 'You're not black metal!' - shoots cradle fan
Random Person: Shoots that person for being a twat.

...And so the cycle continues.

cradle of filths có nghĩa là

A rising Black Metal act from the heart of England, they combine soaring melodies with chugging riffs and a solid barricade of double bass drums. Atmospheric and inspirational, Cradle Of Filth have been around since 1992 and are set on the verge of world domination.


Cradle Of Filth are approximately 10,000,000 times better than Marilyn Manson.

cradle of filths có nghĩa là

The most awesome band that ever was. If you don't like them you're probably nuts. =P


Cradle of Filth "r0x0rZ my s0x0rZ".

cradle of filths có nghĩa là

One of the greatest bands ever....people complain coz there music doesnt fit into any have thought this was a good thing because it makes them really pisses me off when twats saying there true goths say they hate cradle coz cradle are popular....maybe just maybe cradle are popular coz there fuckin excellant.....what the deal with true goths...[ aka twats who arnt goths and just wanna look my opinion people shudnt give a fuck about labels ] disliking anything popular


Cruelty Bought Thee Orchids and funeral in carpathia = 2 of the best ever songs

cradle of filths có nghĩa là

Ok, let's get something clear here. Cradle of Filth are NOT black metal. They're symphonic, watered down metal with black metal elements, nothing more. Real black metal is Darkthrone, Burzum, Immortal, Mayhem, old Emperor.


cradle of filths có nghĩa là

Cradle of Filth is a British rock band, formed around 1991-92. There is a fair bit of controversy surrounding over whether they fit the category of "black metal" or not. black metal fans say they aren't black metal because they do not sound like bands such as , Darkthrone, etc. Cradle of Filth fans either say A. Who cares the music's good or B. They are black metal because they fit the definition.

It is my opinion they are gothic metal. However, it is also my opinion that people should not judge and artist based on their popularity/genre and just enjoy the music.


Many underground rock fans likes The Darkness before "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" made it big. After it did, they all rejected it as "mainstream crap." They had to come from somewhere, didn't they? It wasn't the mainstream.

cradle of filths có nghĩa là

This is a definition purely to inform people one thing. Cradle of Filth is NOT Black metal. Stop refering them as black metal. Listen to them if you want, they're not a horrible band, just stop calling them black metal. Black metal means bands like Darkthrone, Mayhem, and Emporer.


Stupid Noob: CoF is teh best black metal
Me: Cradle of Filth is in not black metal.
Stupid Noob: Sure they r. They have teh satan lyrics and stuffz.
Me: No. Don't be satanic because you think it's cool.

cradle of filths có nghĩa là

A decent gothic/extreme metal band from England. Though talented in their own right, the band is almost ruined by their 15 year old hot topic fans. These idiots generally know nothing about metal and think Cradle is black metal because they said "Satan" and "Hell" in one of their songs. Cradle isn't black metal for the record, and the band actually rejects the term.


Stereotypical Cradle of Filth Fan: OMG! Dani Filth is the greatest writer and musician of all time! There is no better band in the world! They are so BLACK METAL, they make that guy from Norway look like a homo! And he's sooooo hot!! Every line he writes is soo deep, I wish he wasn't married and I'm a dude!
Non-retarded person: ... *slap*

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