Asteroid 2024

Devdiscourse News Desk | France | Updated: 27-09-2022 18:47 IST | Created: 27-09-2022 18:47 IST

On September 26, NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test [DART] successfully impacted its asteroid target Dimorphos in the first-ever planetary defence technology demonstration. In parallel, the European Space Agency and its partners continue to construct Hera, a desk-sized spacecraft that will conduct detailed surveys of the binary asteroid system - Dimorphos and Didymos - with a particular focus on the crater left by DART's collision.

"Hera will gather key information such as the size of DART's crater, the mass of Dimorphos and its make-up and internal structure. This extra data will help turn the DART deflection experiment into a well-understood, repeatable technique that might one day be carried out for real," says Ian Carnelli, Hera mission manager.

"Thanks to DART, we've had a tantalising glimpse of our destination, now we can't wait to go back and explore it in depth, to find out how the impact has changed it, and help make Earth a safer place in the process," Ian added.

Next, comes Hera.Now @NASA's #DARTMission has impacted #Dimorphos, ESA's #HeraMission - launching in 2024 to get a closer look - will turn this grand-scale experiment into a well-understood and repeatable #PlanetaryDefense technique🌍❌☄️More👉 //

— ESA Operations [@esaoperations] September 26, 2022

The Hera asteroid mission is scheduled for launch in October 2024, due to reach the Didymos asteroids in December 2026. The mission will additionally deliver a pair of shoebox-sized 'CubeSats' into Dimorphos' vicinity.

  • The Juventas CubeSat will perform the first ever radar probe of an asteroid, while also carrying a gravimeter and accelerometer to measure the body's ultra-low gravity.
  • The Milani CubeSat will perform near-infrared spectral imaging and sample asteroid dust.

Both CubeSats will remain in contact with their Hera mothership and each other through a novel inter-satellite link system, according to ESA.

NASA's DART and ESA's Hera missions are supported by the same international teams of scientists and astronomers, and take place through an international collaboration called AIDA or the Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment.

After the DART spacecraft ploughed into the asteroid Dimorphos, the Hubble Space Telescope captured images of the ejected plume of dust and debris that streamed for thousands of kilometres behind the space rock.Credit: NASA/European Space Agency/Space Telescope Science Institute/Hubble

Humans have for the first time proved that they can change the path of a massive rock hurtling through space. NASA has announced that the spacecraft it slammed into an asteroid on 26 September succeeded in altering the space rock’s orbit around another asteroid — with better-than-expected results.

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Agency officials had estimated that the Double Asteroid Redirection Test [DART] spacecraft would ‘nudge’ the asteroid Dimorphos closer to its partner, Didymos, and cut the time it takes to orbit around that rock by 10–15 minutes. At a press conference on 11 October, researchers confirmed that DART in fact cut the orbital time by around 32 minutes.

Neither asteroid was a threat to Earth, but the agency tested the manoeuvre to prove that humanity could, in principle, deflect a worrisome space rock heading for the planet.

“This is a watershed moment for planetary defence, and a watershed moment for humanity,” said NASA administrator Bill Nelson.

Tracking the aftermath

Determining whether the mission succeeded relied on more than a half dozen telescopes around the world. Ground-based optical telescopes can’t resolve Didymos and Dimorphos, which are millions of kilometres from Earth and only a few hundred metres across, so are seen as a single point in the night sky. But the telescopes can measure dips in brightness as Dimorphos cycles in front of and behind Didymos. Observers tracked these movements and compared them with pre-collision orbital times to quantify DART’s impact.

This spacecraft just smashed into an asteroid in an attempt to change its path

Independently, a pair of radar facilities — Goldstone Observatory in Fort Irwin, California, and Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia — turned their dishes towards the asteroid pair. Unlike optical telescopes, radar observations can discern the two asteroids as distinct objects, allowing astronomers to view their respective positions and estimate Dimorphos’s orbital period around Didymos.

Both sets of observations agreed that DART’s impact knocked Dimorphos tens of metres closer to its companion and cut its orbital period to around 11 hours and 23 minutes.

Although the 32-minute reduction is larger than expected, it still falls within the range of possibilities that scientists modelled. Researchers think the manouevre succeeded as well as it did because Dimorphos is more a loose collection of rocks than a solid chunk that would be harder to deflect. Another reason for the dramatic change in the orbital period is that when DART hit, a lot of debris shot out from the asteroid, creating a tail thousands of kilometres long; the recoil from it probably accentuated the potency of DART’s impact, researchers said at the press conference.

“We have a lot of work ahead of us in order to really understand what happened,” said Tom Statler, a DART programme scientist at NASA’s headquarters in Washington DC.

Saving Earth

Scientists will continue to observe the asteroid pair in the months to come, hoping to understand more about the shape of Dimorphos’s new orbit and whether DART’s impact introduced a ‘wobble’ to the asteroid. With the help of images from LICIACube — the Italian Space Agency’s probe that trailed DART and then flew by to capture the impact — scientists hope to learn more about the properties of the ejected debris.

Record number of asteroids seen whizzing past Earth in 2020

But the mission’s final post-mortem won’t be complete for the better part of a decade. Launching in its wake, the European Space Agency’s Hera mission — currently slated for lift-off in October 2024 — should arrive at Dimorphos in late 2026, to observe the aftermath of DART’s impact.

For now, the results indicate that the US$330-million DART mission was a success. But defending Earth from future impacts requires a few things, researchers say: knowing the locations and properties of any dangerous space rocks, and having enough time to act. DART launched in November last year and took about ten months to hit its target.

If a threatening asteroid really were headed towards Earth, said Nancy Chabot, a planetary scientist and the DART coordination lead at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, a mission would need to launch years in advance to deflect it safely. “Warning is really key here,” she said, adding that even space rocks larger than the 160-metre-wide Dimorphos might be dealt with, given enough planning and time.

What asteroid will hit Earth in 2024?

99942 Apophis.

How big is the 2027 asteroid?

An asteroid, named "2019 PDC", was discovered that will come dangerously close to the earth 8 years from now, on April 29, 2027. The space rock is between 330 and 1000 feet in size, somewhere in between the length of 6.5 school buses to the height of two Washington Monuments stacked on top of each other.

Will an asteroid hit us in 2029?

To the world's relief, further refinements of the orbit of Apophis ruled out the chances of it impacting Earth for the next century. Yet the asteroid will still get extremely close to us in 2029, when it will pass just 32,000 kilometers from our planet, swooping below the orbits of geostationary satellites.

Is there an asteroid in 2027?

Asteroid 1990 MU, which is currently orbiting around the Sun, may come significantly close to the Earth by June 6, 2027.

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