Aside from la gì


aside /ə'said/

  • phó từ
    • về một bên, sang một bên
      • to stand aside: đứng sang một bên
    • riêng ra
      • to speak aside: nói nhỏ, nói riêng [cho người khác khỏi nghe thấy]
    • aside from
      • [từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ] ngoài ra, trừ ra
  • danh từ
    • [sân khấu] lời nói một mình; lời nói riêng [không để cho diễn viên khác nghe thấy]

Xem thêm: digression, excursus, divagation, parenthesis, away, apart, away, apart, by, away


Từ điển WordNet


  • a line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage
  • a message that departs from the main subject; digression, excursus, divagation, parenthesis


  • on or to one side

    step aside

    stood aside to let him pass

    threw the book aside

    put her sewing aside when he entered

  • out of the way [especially away from one's thoughts]; away

    brush the objections aside

    pushed all doubts away

  • not taken into account or excluded from consideration; apart

    these problems apart, the country is doing well

    all joking aside, I think you're crazy

  • in a different direction; away

    turn aside

    turn away one's face

    glanced away

  • placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose; apart

    had a feeling of being set apart

    quality sets it apart

    a day set aside for relaxing

  • in reserve; not for immediate use; by, away

    started setting aside money to buy a car

    put something by for her old age

    has a nest egg tucked away for a rainy day

English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

syn.: apart away by digression divagation excursus parenthesis

As they grow older, many children turn aside from books without pictures, và it is a situation made more serious as our culture becomes more visual.

Bạn đang xem: Aside from nghĩa là gì

Does this mean:

many children turn to books without pictures?


many children turn khổng lồ books with pictures?

"Turn aside" literally means to lớn turn your head [or body] khổng lồ one side, so as khổng lồ either look away from something, or perhaps to face a new direction to look at something. "Turn aside from" something specifically means to lớn look away from it.

In a wider, figurative context, "turn aside from" can mean lớn abandon something, for example a course of action, either due to lachồng of interest or because of a change of heart, eg "he turned aside from his former ways".

In your specific example, it seems lớn imply that children may thảm bại interest in books without pictures, although this may perhaps mean they literally look away.

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edited Nov 19 "19 at 20:51

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answered Nov 19 "19 at 14:28

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Like you said in your phản hồi, it does mean the children move away from books without pictures.

The preposition should help you. "From" indicates a starting point, a source. So if they"re moving away from books [or "turning aside from"], it means they stop reading those books [or don"t want to]. "To" indicates direction, so it"s directed lớn books, they"re probably moving towards them [figuratively, so reading them more].

So even if you don"t understand the expression, looking at the prepositions should give sầu you a rough understanding of the sentence.

Here, "khổng lồ turn aside from smth" means "lớn turn away from smth", which is the exact opposite of "khổng lồ turn to lớn smth"

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answered Nov 19 "19 at 14:43

Teleporting GoatTeleporting Goat
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Does this mean: many children turn to books without pictures? Or many children turn to books with pictures?

What the original sentence means is that many children don"t lượt thích books without pictures - this means many children like books with pictures [e.g., comics]. As children grow older, they thua interest in books without pictures.

cảnh báo that "turn to" is a phrasal verb meaning "lớn go khổng lồ someone or something to get help with a difficult situation" [Cambridge]

"Turn aside" is a phrase.

From The Free Dictionary

1.To deflect something; to direct or divert something away. A noun or pronoun can be used between "turn" & "aside."

Special shielding on the space shuttle"s windows turns harmful solar radiation aside to protect the astronauts inside. The president turned aside questions about his involvement with the company and changed the subject to lớn matters of foreign policy.

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3.To reject or dismiss something.

They turned aside my entreaties to reverse their decision. Unfortunately, we"ve sầu had khổng lồ turn a number of applications aside because the applicants did not follow the instructions correctly.

While no. 3 seems very relevant, it has an implied sense of "deciding" that something is "not important & not worth considering." Children are simple - they just don"t like books without pictures [I don"t think they make a conscious decision that those books are not important]. You can of course say that "children reject books without pictures" - that seems to be very direct though [e.g., after skimming a few pages for pictures, a child throws away the book realizing there are no pictures and starts to lớn throw a tantrum].

4.To divert someone or cause someone khổng lồ deviate from some activity, course, or direction.

Having kids turned me aside from my ambitions as a writer, but I don"t feel any regrets about it. Don"t let the promise of power or wealth turn you aside from your moral compass.

Also "turn something aside" is "khổng lồ evade something."

Ann turned the awkward questions aside.

She turned aside the questions she didn"t want lớn answer.

For your case, I think no. 4 fits best.

The absence of pictures in books turns children aside from reading them.

It simply means that children don"t lượt thích to lớn read books without pictures. They lose interest quickly [if they have sầu already started reading them] & tover khổng lồ avoid them as they grow older.

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