2023 Land Cruiser 70 Series

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level 1

Goes to show that you dont need to bother updating safety and emissions if you can get around government regulations and still sell it to everyday people.

level 2

"Everyday people."

Price tag, 125000.

Yeah just regular working class Australians

Jerry Seinfeld eye roll

level 2

To be fair no new diesel meets emissions, all DPFs get clogged and fail. And when they do a dump and burn it's worse than a standard cat. They made them to pass emissions tests. Not actual emissions requirements

level 1

Toyota is laughing all the way to the bank, charging 2022 prices for a 40 year old car. And doing so knowing that it doesn't meet any modern safety standards.

level 2

The market dictates this… the newer stuff loaded with tech and comfort doesn’t last in farming/mining/ rural settings, and when it breaks can’t be fixed easily. A Land Rover Discovery needs the whole body lifted off the chassis to replace the alternator… a land cruiser can be done in 15 minutes with 2 spanners.

level 1

Well I suppose it is a light truck by comparison to the Ego On Wheels™ getting around now [Rams, Silverados etc]

level 2

Came here just for a RAM comment. I hate them. Just the other day I was driving home with a RAM behind me. Country road, not necessary narrow but can be a little scary with large trucks coming the opposite direction. When I pull into my driveway, 99% of people behind me drive past as I’m going in because some are raging lunatics who can’t wait. This dude in the RAM couldn’t so he slowed down with me. I watched him as he drove past after I was off the road. He was in the middle of the road, probably took up what looked like more than 50% of the road. I don’t think he’d be able to share the road with an oncoming truck [which are frequent on this road] without partially driving on the side gravel. Seems dangerous.

level 1

Light commercial Colourbond shed on wheels.

level 2

Hahaha fuck me that's hilarious

level 1

This is to side step the new side pole impact test - the Nissan GTR, among others, is no longer for sale in Australia as it would not meet the requirements for this catch test.
Vehicles with a GVM higher than 3.5t are not required to meet this type of crash test requirement.

level 2

They also stopped making the GTR at the turn of the year but yeah. Checks out

level 1

That works well for Rural rego, because that is actually cheaper. For people in the cities, more expensive.

The real problem is toll roads are 70% more expensive.

level 2

West Australians are all "what are road tolls?".

level 1

For the sake of the landcruiser, should of been classified as one years ago to get the 4.5t gvm stock. Theres so many things Toyota should fix about the landcruiser, this is atleast a good thing for the cruiser

level 1

Still 10x more manly and better looking than a 300 series

level 2

just being a man should suffice unless one needs to compensate but in today's society so many young men struggle with masculinity and what it is to be a man.

level 1

From the article:

The approval clearly states “medium goods vehicle,” which is Toyota’s way of circumventing Australian Design Rule 85/00. Better known as ADR 85, this particular side-impact safety performance regulation would’ve been the end of the 70 Series had it not been reclassified as a medium good vehicle.

So it’s a safety bodge

level 1

It is a light truck. What did everyone think it was? a family sedan?

level 1

Just get an Isuzu N-series truck for like $55k. More suited to a light truck roll in every possible way

level 2

better yet, an old daihatsu delta 4x4.
basically the same underneath as a brand new J70, but 300% cooler.

as for safety, the lack of it just makes you a more careful driver.

Will there be a new 70 Series Land Cruiser?

The 2023 Toyota LandCruiser 70 Series will be offered with the venerable turbo-diesel V8 for the foreseeable future – but it has been reclassified as a light truck with a higher gross vehicle mass [GVM] to sidestep new safety laws.

Will there be a 2023 Land Cruiser?

Toyota's New 2023 Land Cruiser Matte Black Edition Is Actually White.

Will the 70 Series keep the V8?

It hasn't confirmed the payload figure, and says more details – including pricing – will be confirmed closer to the vehicle's launch. The 4.5-litre turbo-diesel V8 engine powering the range won't be changed, with outputs of 151kW of power and 430Nm of torque.

How much does a Toyota LandCruiser 70 Series cost?

The Toyota Landcruiser 70 Series 2021 prices range from $79,988 for the basic trim level SUV Landcruiser 70 Series Workmate to $165,990 for the top of the range Ute Landcruiser 70 Series GXL 70TH Anniversary Spec EDT.

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