Where is my playlist on my iPhone

Create or edit a playlist

Never lose track of your favorite music videos by creating custom playlists in YouTube Music.

How to create and edit playlists in YouTube Music

Your playlists will show up on the Library tab

of both the YouTube Music and YouTube apps.

When you are viewing a made for kids video, song, or an artist detail page, the Menu

options will be different than what is displayed on other content. You will not be able to add this content to a playlist, to your liked songs, or share it.

Create a new playlist or add a song to a playlist

You can create a new playlist or add songs to an existing playlist in a few different ways.

From a song you're currently listening to:

  1. Tap More .
  2. Tap Add to playlist.
  3. Tap New playlist or select an existing playlist.

From the Library, Home

, or Search

  1. Tap More .
  2. Tap Add to playlist.
  3. Tap New playlist or select an existing playlist.

By selecting an upcoming song in a playlist or station:

  1. Tap and hold the song you would like to add.
  2. Tap Add to playlist.
  3. Tap New playlist or select your preferred playlist.

Edit a playlist

To edit a playlist you've created:
  1. Select the Librarytab.
  2. Find and tap the playlist you've created that you'd like to edit.
  3. To add a song, scroll to the bottom of the playlist and tap Add a song.
  4. To remove a song, swipe left on the song and tap Remove.
  5. To change the title of your playlist, add a description, change privacy, or reorder songs, tap More
    Edit playlist.

Delete a playlist

To delete a playlist:

  1. Find the playlist in your Library.
  2. Tap More Delete.

YouTube Music is a music-centered experience you can only watch and create playlists of music videos. If you make a playlist in the YouTube main app, only music videos from your playlist will surface on YouTube Music. You can enjoy playlists of non-music videos in the YouTube app.
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