Using DNA to explore lizard phylogeny answers

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Using DNA to Explore Lizard Phylogeny Introduction The more than 700 islands of the Caribbean are home to about 150 species of anoles, a closely related group of lizards [genus Anolis] that occupy diverse habitats and niches. Research on these lizards is enriching our understanding of evolutionary processes, such as adaptation by natural selection, evolution, and the formation of new species—and it is helping to illuminate how and why there are so many different kinds of living organisms on Earth. Part 1: Identifying Ecomorphs and Exploring Anole Adaptive Radiation Examine the photographs of 16 species of anole lizards and sort them into as many groups as you want according to how they appear in the photographs. Lizard Group 1 Lizard Group 3 Lizard Group 2 Lizard Group 4 Explanation • Explain how you grouped the lizards and your rationale for the various groupings. If you picked a body feature, speculate about the advantages or disadvantages of such a body feature in the environment that species occupies. • I grouped my lizards by color and body features. Group one is all green. Group two is brown with a darker pattern. Group three is brown and slender. Group four is bulky and grey-brown. The Phylogenetic Tree of Anole Lizards — HHMI Bio Interactive Video Watch the first part of the film [up until 09:48, the end of the experiment on a small rocky island]. Now that you have more information about the anoles, revise your groupings if you wish. Explain any ...
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In this activity, students explore the phenomenon of convergent evolution presented in the short film The Origin of Species: Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree. They build and interpret phylogenetic trees to infer how certain adaptations evolved among the Anole lizard populations of the Caribbean.

Students watch parts of the short film at different points in this two-part activity. In Part 1, students begin by sorting photographs of 16 species of lizards into groups, based on any criteria they consider relevant. They then revise their sorts after watching a portion of the short film, which points to key anatomical adaptations that lizards have acquired to live in different niches. Differences between the species illustrate adaptive radiation; students can generate hypotheses about possible reasons why different adaptations have evolved and infer evolutionary relationships among lizards based on their adaptations.

In Part 2, students develop explanations for how these adaptations evolved in species that live on different islands of the Caribbean by building a phylogeny using DNA sequences. They then examine whether species with similar adaptations or species that live on the same island tend to be more closely related. Finally, students compare their conclusions with those of the scientists featured in the film and synthesize their understanding of how these adaptations evolved.

How did lizard species with similar body types evolve on different islands?

One hypothesis is that each type of anole evolved on one of the islands and then migrated to the other islands, where they found similar habitats; over time they speciated and maintained the same body type.

What does the evidence suggest regarding the evolution of body types of anole lizards on the different islands?

DNA evidence suggests that the different lizard body types [twig, grass, etc.] evolved independently on each of the four large Caribbean islands. An anole lizard with a light-colored dewlap will develop a darker dewlap that stands out better in a bright environment.

What is convergent evolution use evidence from the trees to explain how the Anolis lizards are an example of this concept?

What is convergent evolution? Use evidence from the trees to explain how the Anolis lizards are an example of this concept. Convergent evolution is a process when organisms who are not closely related evolve similar traits, because the occupy similar environments.

How are anole lizards an example of convergent evolution?

That's because the anoles are an extraordinary example of convergent evolution—where different living things independently acquire the same adaptations to the same challenges. For example, each island has an anole that lives among twigs.

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