The list of joined nodes could not be retrieved on privilege not held

RDS Broker: Error: The list of joined nodes could not be retrieved on .... Privilege not held.

Hi community,

usually I am a silent reader but now I really need some specific help.

I got to configure High Availability to a RDS farm and add a second broker.

Some trial and error later [my colleagues and I are a little lost, new to this topic] I get this following error message.

Error: The list of joined nodes could not be retrieved on ...>. Privilege not held.

Someone has had this before and has a hint for me how to resolve?



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RDS 2019 deployment - unable to add second RD Broker -

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Remote Desktop Services [Terminal Services]

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    We are running a seperate RDS deployment for our 2019 servers. We had 2 brokers, gateways and RDWeb, with the three roles on one machine each. On our SQL cluster we have a database, where the nodes connect to. One of the brokers started acting up after some Windows updates, and finally it refused to work anymore. Do I just removed it from the deployment, updated our load balancers and currently we are running on one broker/gateway/rdweb just fine. But I want to add a second node again.

    When I do so I get the following error:

    The list of joined nodes could not be retrieved on . Privilege not held.

    So far I've tried:

    - With the broker-dns entry with and without the second node in;

    - after removing the old node [new one has the same name] I verified in the SQL database, the old server is NOT in there anymore;

    - Firewalls all wide open while adding the node; even if no blocks were logged at al;

    - Added the computer account of the new node to SQL and allowed it access to the DB, even we use username/pass as seems to be required in a HA setup.

    The SQL connection string is fine by the way, for one the remaining node works fine and until recently it worked fine for the seconde node as well.

    How to fix this? Any clue?

    • Edited by Robert Gijsen Monday, June 17, 2019 12:33 PM

    Monday, June 17, 2019 12:29 PM

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    Sunday, June 23, 2019 3:44 PM

8 Replies

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Sep 13, 2021 at 18:58 UTC

Here is the image if you need a clearer view.

2021-09-13_14-56-12.png [157 KB]


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Ghost Chili


Jono Sep 13, 2021 at 22:50 UTC

Have a look towards the bottom for setting the group permissions to access the DB when using HA.

I don't think this has changed since that article for 2012



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Sep 14, 2021 at 15:46 UTC

Jono wrote:

Have a look towards the bottom for setting the group permissions to access the DB when using HA.

I don't think this has changed since that article for 2012


I went through and verified this and it's all correct. I do see the first connection broker communicating with SQL and additionally I can make a connection from the second connection broker to the sql server and that works fine.


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Ghost Chili


Jono Sep 15, 2021 at 06:24 UTC

Sorry i cant be of more help, I see a lot of people with the issue still open and they are reinstalling as the fix :[

I take it that you are doing this as a Domain Admin not the Local Server admin.


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Sep 20, 2021 at 12:36 UTC

Jono wrote:

Sorry i cant be of more help, I see a lot of people with the issue still open and they are reinstalling as the fix :[

I take it that you are doing this as a Domain Admin not the Local Server admin.

Correct, I am doing it as Domain Admin.


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Ghost Chili


Jono Sep 20, 2021 at 21:02 UTC

You could ty also adding the computer


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Sep 20, 2021 at 22:09 UTC

Jono wrote:

You could ty also adding the computer

What exactly do you mean by 'adding the computer'?


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Ghost Chili


Jono Sep 20, 2021 at 23:03 UTC

On the SQL DB give rights to the server account by searching for for the Computer name in AD


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I was doing some RDS work for a client today, and it would seem that at some time in the past their RDS Licensing server had died, it had been replaced, and everything was working OK. But when I was adding roles to the new servers, this kept popping up;

The following server in this deployment are not part of the server pool
1. Server-Name
The servers must be added to the server pool.

I could have ignored the error and finished the job, but things like this remaining ‘unfinished’ really wind me up. So I thought I’d sort it out.

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