Quán quân top shot mùa 3 năm 2022

Chân dài Next Top 3 mùa hội ngộ trên khán đài

Thứ Tư, 18:32, 29/05/2013

[VOV] -Tối 28/5, dàn người mẫu Vietnam’s Next Top Model 3 mùa đã có cuộc hội ngộ vô cùng thú vị cùng nhau trong một sự kiện tại TP HCM.

Trong  buổi lễ còn có sự góp mặt của “sư phụ” Xuân Lan, gương mặt quen thuộc của 2 mùa Vietnam’s Next Top Model. Các người mẫu: Hoàng Thùy, Thùy Trang, Kha Vân, Nhã Trúc, Ngọc Thúy, Đỗ Hà, Thanh Thảo, Phương Nghi, Thanh Hoa, Mỹ Phương… từng  bước ra từ cuộc thi Vietnam’s Next Top Model giờ đã có dịp hội ngộ nhau trên… khán đài khi họ phải trình diễn những bộ trang phục thể thao vô cùng khỏe khoắn và năng động nhưng cũng không kém phần quyến rũ như những võ sĩ và vận động viên chuyên nghiệp.

Hình ảnh này làm các chân dài nhớ đến vòng thi photoshoot có tên  là “Tinh thần thượng võ” tại cuộc thi Vietnam’s Next Top Model mùa thứ 3. Lần này, họ đã dịp ôn lại kỷ niệm cùng nhau khi khoác lại những bộ trang phục từng giúp họ có được những shot ảnh tuyệt đẹp trong cuộc thi.

Quán quân Hoàng Thùy mở màn ấn tượng với trang phục thể thao với cách tạo dáng mạnh mẽ như một võ sĩ quyền anh. Vừa trở về từ chuyến lưu diễn tại Châu Âu, Hoàng Thùy ngày càng khẳng định vẻ đẹp và tài năng của một Top Model. Ngoài ra, buổi lễ còn có sự góp mặt của người mẫu Minh Triệu…/.

Dàn người mẫu Next Top chụp ảnh cùng cựu giám khảo Xuân Lan

Quán quân Hoàng Thùy mở màn ấn tượng

Mỹ Phương Next Top mùa 1

Ngọc Thúy nữ tính với chiếc đầm dài

Nhã Trúc khỏe khoắn trong trang phục thể thao

Minh Triệu đầy năng động

Phương Nghi Next Top mùa 2 tươi tắn với trang phục màu đỏ

Thanh Hoa Next Top mùa 1

Thanh Thảo Next Top mùa 3 biến thành một nữ vận động viên xinh đẹp

Lê Thúy 

và giám khảo Xuân Lan chọn cho mình những trang phục nữ tính

Top 4 Thùy Trang mùa 2

Trong khi cô nàng tomboy Đỗ Hà lại rất mạnh mẽ

Á quân mùa 3 cũng không kém phần nam tính

Top reviews from the United States

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Reviewed in the United States on August 8, 2012

Being someone who generally enjoys competitive reality shows and guns, I ordered this show having never seen it and having no real expectations. After watching and enjoying all 12 episodes, I was really pleasantly surprised. It's a great show!! I liked the mix of characters, and was thinking I would like some more then others, however grew to absolutely hate one person and really like a couple others that suprised me. There is just the right ammount of mix of competition shooting and character development. Pretty much all the competetors were perfessional and kept things honest and high class, a welcome change to most reality programming where its a lot of undermining and backstabbing and trash talking. These guys are professional and have a great sportsmanship attitude.

If you haven't seen any of the other two seasons like me, I'll warn you that in this season they bring out the past two seasons winners at one of the challenges. I will still order the other two seasons even though I now know who wins. The challenges are fun to watch and exciting. All in all, a great surprising show! Worth purchasing and watching!

Reviewed in the United States on February 8, 2013

I bought this season of top shot mostly because I knew the guy that won that year, but the wide veriety of weapons and challenges they came up with for them was very interesting. The interesting thing to me was that none of the "professionals" performed as well as the bunch of back woods nuts
I spent most of my life hanging out with do in simalar situations. Get a bunch of back woods red necks bored and give them an abundance of weapons and ammo and we challenge ourselve in much the same way with out the vote offs and big money prize, but just to see what we can do. Recon thats why
the counrty boy that runs a christain youth camp for a living won, He had nothing to prove he was just having fun. GRIZZ

Reviewed in the United States on September 29, 2013

A combo of marksmen competition and reality show. Although I find the format of Season 5 - The All Stars much better than the first four seasons, these seasons are still great to watch for the variety of weapons they have to master and compete with. Starting with 16 marksmen, it gets whittled down to a final 'Top Shot' by the end.

From primitive weapons, to modern weapons, there is probably something you haven't seen or used yourself. The competitions themselves are innovative as well; some really turn the competitors on their heads.

The 'House' drama aspect of the first four seasons is my only complaint about he show, but minor to me, since I watch for the competitions and weapons.

If you like watching men and women shoot difficult targets, as well as some trick shots, and like seeing many different types of weapons, then I think you'll like these seasons.

Reviewed in the United States on August 21, 2021

Reviewed in the United States on June 5, 2018

I liked this show, but I may be a bit prejudiced as a friend of mine made it to the Final 4 in the final episode.
But I enjoy shooting and I enjoy interesting weapons and I did enjoy watching the competitions.
I had a great time with my friends at the watch parties when the season was first broadcast, heald at a local restaurant and hosted by my friend who was a contestant.
I am happy to watch it again.

Reviewed in the United States on March 31, 2015

By far the best season yet. The final competition really did come down to the best 2 shooters, in my opinion. Through trial and error the series is finally starting to hammer out some ground rules that make it seem more fair and give the best competitors a shot at sticking around, hate watching someone lose out because of reality show politics. Their was one guy who was just unbearable, but if you can stick it out for a few episodes it works out in the best way imaginable.

Reviewed in the United States on September 14, 2013

Want to learn about every type of Weapon from a throwing knife to a Gatling gun or mountain cannon?? Then this series of shows are for you. They are a REAL reality show with a competition between some truly amazing marksman and it also gives enough info to learn about how each weapon works, who uses it, what era it is or was most used, etc. great show! The best of ll these is the most recent All-Star season because it took out the politics of who likes who between the contestants and just leaves it up to the skill and nothing else.

Reviewed in the United States on April 15, 2012

Top Shot Season 3 HD is another excellent season in typical Top Shot fashion. There was the usual drama caused by what seems to be a trend of having at least 1 jerk in the bunch. Other than that distraction, the season was very good. All other contestants were good sports, and the weapons and challenges were new enough to avoid being repetitive compared to previous seasons.

My only complaint would be that sometimes when the show is streaming in HD, the picture quality gets a bit grainy for a second or two, usually when the screen is panning. No biggie, but not quite Blu-ray quality either.

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