Make Remote Desktop full screen

If youre running Windows 7, and youve used the Remote Desktop Connection program [mstsc.exe], then you may have experienced the following: you start the program in Full Screen mode, then you go back to your computer at some point. But when you return to your Remote Desktop Connection session, it no longer goes to Full Screen it just looks like a maximized window. With a few keystrokes, heres how to remedy that with the Remote Desktop Window being in focus:

[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Pause Break]

If your computer doesnt have a Pause Break key, then maybe it has Pause or Break; if no luck there, try [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F1] or[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F2] or[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F3] or or[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F12] one of them should hopefully work for you.

And if you have a laptop, you might have to use the Fn key to get Pause and Break: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Fn]+[Pause]+[Break].


Remote Desktop Connection - Maximized

[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Pause Break]


Remote Desktop Connection - Full Screen

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