How do I count multiple conditions in Excel?

COUNTIF Function with Multiple Criteria [Table of Contents]

  • COUNTIF with Multiple Criteria
  • COUNTIF Formula with Multiple Criteria
  • How to Use COUNTIF Function with Multiple Criteria?

Countif function in excel is used to count the cell numbers in any given range and specifying the criteria. But what if we have multiple criteria to be counted in the same set of data. This can be done when we use one CountIf function with another one separated by a plus sign. Plus, sign this allows us to use multiple CountIf functions in any way. Also, we use multiple criteria in a single Countif function in curly brackets separated by commas.

There can be two ways for multiple counting:

  1. COUNTIF Function with multiple criteria in the same column.
  2. COUNTIF Function with multiple criteria in multiple columns.

COUNTIF Formula with Multiple Criteria

Below is the COUNTIF Formula :

The COUNTIF Formula has two arguments, i.e. range, criteria.

  • Range: The range of cells to count.
  • Criteria: This defines the condition that tells the function of which cells to count. It can be a number, text string, cell reference, or expression.

Here in this article, we will discuss the COUNTIF Function with multiple criteria in the same column.

As we know, the COUNTIF function is a built-in function in excel, and it falls under the FORMULAS tab. Thus, the COUNTIF function can be entered in a cell-like below screenshot:

How to Use COUNTIF Function with Multiple Criteria?

It is very simple and easy to use. Let us understand the working of the COUNTIF Function by some COUNTIF Formula example.

Example #1

We have given some product list:

We need to find out the count of Laptop & Mobile. As these products are in the same column, hence we will use the COUNTIF function here.

We have given two conditions; hence the COUNTIF formula will apply as follows:

= COUNTIF[range, criteria1] + COUNTIF[range, criteria2] + …….

Please refer to the below screenshot:


  • Here, we will apply the condition one by one. First will take the range and 1st condition under COUNTIF function. Again will take the same range and 2nd condition under COUNTIF function and so on…
  • After applying all the given conditions, sum up all the results to find out the final conclusion.

The final result is:

Example #2

We have given some product details here. In this example, we will use a COUNTIF function between two numbers.

Here we will calculate the count of items which is greater than 12 and less than 30.

The COUNTIF formula will apply as follows:

=COUNTIF[ $C$19:$C$30, “>12”] + COUNTIF[$C$19:$C$30, “,

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