dialogue là gì - Nghĩa của từ dialogue

dialogue có nghĩa là

Speech between two [or more] people.


dialogue có nghĩa là

The conversations that you have with someone after you have known them FOREVER, and have absolutly NOTHING left to talk about. "Conversations" imply two way, thoughtful, communication. "Dialogue" could be spouted out by a parot and be the same.


dialogue có nghĩa là

A message that is created using Social Engineering in an effort to manipulate the ideals of different demographics of society to influence their social/political/religious behavior. The message is first placed on social networking like Twitter or message boards like 4Chan. It is then repeated by an individual in multiple posts using multiple accounts over a serious of weeks. Others pick up this message and reinforce it by repeating it. Over time the message works it's way into everyday society. Due to the repetition of the message in various Outlets over time, the people seeing the message begin to a tribute truth to it. The more the messages repeated the less likely they are to question it. Once the message is adopted is truth it begins to influence Society to the gains of its creators.
The mainstream media does this regularly.
The rise of Pepe or kek from being substanceless to trolling the media Hillary Clinton the 2016 election illustrated the course of engineered dialogue in it society. Due to an organized effort in 2012 across 4Chan - lead by b r9k pol to prove their influence & relevance...and because normies kept steeling their memes


The Pepe meme showed how the engineered Dialogue travels from a few obscure message board posts on 4Chan to troll Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election

dialogue có nghĩa là

Essentially the interaction betwixt two vaginas. Also known as scissoring.


Carol is a real rug-muncher, she participates in vagina dialogues at least twice a night.

dialogue có nghĩa là

When two people argue about something out of the ordinary.


Tim: Half life 3 isn't confirmed
Tom: Stfu! Our names have 3 letters, illuminate has a triangle, triangles have 3 sides therefore Half life 3 is confirmed.
Katey: Damn, you guys are having a legit dialogue

dialogue có nghĩa là

A type of writing that you either use to much or use to little leaving you with a D- in English class


"I hate dialogue"said jimbe
"Nuke Uranus"said josh
"hail hitler" your brother enfoced
"Its not you its me"said your new Ex
"I like bananas"I said
"I don't like how today went so I think I might go back in time to September 10, 2001 at 11:00 pm and sit on top of The World Trade Center wondering who will remember me if I die or if anyone would be sad if I died. I would wait there until 8:45 am when I would fall off in a fire ball of skin. Now I know you may be think I commited suicide but I really didn't. You see a plane would have killed me, not myself. So after no one remembers me I would have unfinished business and haught the hell out of people. Causing this to happen multiple times from my victims. which would eventually cause a paradox, ultimately leading All of the trash human race into a dark and empty rift of time. And even then people would still not remember me. I AM A NOBODY."said [ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°]

dialogue có nghĩa là

A conversation where one person's side of the discussion is flawed and, therefore, leaves their ass uncovered, just as thong underwear leaves a human ass uncovered.


Matt: "Overall, I would say that Sarah Palin is a very intelligent woman."
Scott: "I call Thong Dialogue on you; that woman does not have an I.Q. above 90."
Matt: "Yeah, I guess I did leave my ass uncovered on that one. My argument was wearing a thongLet's go pick up chicks."

dialogue có nghĩa là

n. A congregation of collegues, who in turn have become friends. These meetings are required to have alcohol being consumed by each of the members. Often disscusion at these meeings ranges from politics to women.


The only thing that is getting me throught the week is the thought of Friday's Dialogue Circle.

dialogue có nghĩa là

1]Talking about feces. "I gotta poop!" 2]When conversation/story telling is stretched and explanation gets to a stage where the facts are distorted, the content is questionable, and needless to say, the "shit" gets deep, and the verbage begins to drag on and on. One must call a Loaf Dialogue timeout, and bring accuracy back to any topic being discussed.


J - "You should have seen the fish I caught. It was HUGE! It was 29" and at least 6.2lbs."
D- "Did you measure and weigh it? Was it a new record?"
J - "Well... I put it on the hood of my truck and by the size and how the hood began to"
D - "Loaf Dialogue!" [Imaginary whistle blows in the background, the subtle sounds of echoing 'BULLSHIT' is heard! Silence ensue's... for approx 3-5 seconds.] J - "Well I didn't exactly get the measurement/weight, but it was a big fish."

dialogue có nghĩa là

Hi, i just googled slang words for prison. You're welcome.
Hoosegow, mainline joint, skinner joint, stoney lonesome, con college, glasshouse, bucket, club fed, greybar hotel, big house, slammer, calaboose, castle, cooler, country club, crowbar hotel, digger, farm, guardhouse, hole, joint, jug, juvie, pen, pokey, rock, sneezer, stockade, the clink.


We used to communicate via smoke signals when he was in Block © and i resided in Block ¥. These were our crowbar hotel dialogues.
Now that we are both free, we speak and kiss.

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