5 days after c-section hurts to pee

You'll probably be in hospital for 3 or 4 days after a caesarean section, and may need to take things easy for several weeks.

Recovering in hospital

The average stay in hospital after a caesarean is around 3 or 4 days.

You may be able to go home sooner than this if both you and your baby are well.

While in hospital:

  • you'll be given painkillers to reduce any discomfort
  • you'll have regular close contact with your baby and can start breastfeeding
  • you'll be encouraged to get out of bed and move around as soon as possible
  • you can eat and drink as soon as you feel hungry or thirsty
  • a thin, flexible tube called a catheter will remain in your bladder for at least 12 hours
  • your wound will be covered with a dressing for at least 24 hours

When you're well enough to go home, you'll need to arrange for someone to give you a lift as you will not be able to drive for a few weeks.

Looking after your wound

Your midwife should also advise you on how to look after your wound.

You'll usually be advised to:

  • gently clean and dry the wound every day
  • wear loose, comfortable clothes and cotton underwear
  • take a painkiller if the wound is sore – for most women, it's better to take paracetamol or ibuprofen [but not aspirin] while you're breastfeeding
  • watch out for signs of infection

Non-dissolvable stitches or staples will usually be taken out by your midwife after 5 to 7 days.

Your scar


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The wound in your tummy will eventually form a scar.

This will usually be a horizontal scar about 10 to 20cm long, just below your bikini line.

In rare cases, you may have a vertical scar just below your bellybutton.

The scar will probably be red and obvious at first, but should fade with time and will often be hidden by your pubic hair.

On darker skin, the scar tissue may fade to leave a brown or white mark.

Controlling pain and bleeding

Most women experience some discomfort for the first few days after a caesarean, and for some women the pain can last several weeks.

You should be given regular painkillers to take at home for as long as you need them, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Aspirin and the stronger painkiller codeine present in co-codamol is not usually recommended if you're breastfeeding.

Your doctor will be able to advise you on the most suitable painkiller for you to take.

You may also have some vaginal bleeding.

Use sanitary pads rather than tampons to reduce the risk of spreading infection into the vagina, and get medical advice if the bleeding is heavy.

Returning to your normal activities

Try to stay mobile and do gentle activities, such as going for a daily walk, while you're recovering to reduce the risk of blood clots. Be careful not to overexert yourself.

You should be able to hold and carry your baby once you get home.

But you may not be able to do some activities straight away, such as:

  • driving
  • exercising
  • carrying anything heavier than your baby
  • having sex

Only start to do these things again when you feel able to do so and do not find them uncomfortable. This may not be for 6 weeks or so.

Ask your midwife for advice if you're unsure when it's safe to start returning to your normal activities.

You can also ask a GP at your 6-week postnatal check.

When to get medical advice

Contact your midwife or a GP straight away if you have any of the following symptoms after a caesarean:

  • severe pain
  • leaking urine
  • pain when peeing
  • heavy vaginal bleeding
  • your wound becomes more red, painful and swollen
  • a discharge of pus or foul-smelling fluid from your wound
  • a cough or shortness of breath
  • swelling or pain in your lower leg

These symptoms may be the sign of an infection or blood clot, which should be treated as soon as possible.

It was recently announced that c-sections have doubled since 2000 because of the fear of labour pain, sexual dysfunction and the fear of incontinence related to vaginal delivery.

It is common knowledge that women who have a natural childbirth have a higher chance of developing incontinence later in life, it has therefore become very common for pregnant women who have experienced leakage before childbirth to be concerned. Chair of FIGO’s Safe Motherhood Committee, asserted: “worldwide there is an alarming increase in caesarean section rates". However, experts are becoming more adamant that women should not choose this option just to avoid incontinence.”

Did you have a C-Section delivery? Post a question on our forum and share your experience.

Experts are worried that women are not aware of the potential complications of having a caesarean section and that glossing over the risks and side effects are common. Maternal death and disability rates are higher with c-sections and it is known to increase conditions such as asthma. Surprisingly, research has even shown that susceptibility of incontinence is genetic to some degree, and a substantial number of women who choose c-sections over natural birth do end up leaking.

How Can C-Sections affect Continence?

Those who choose c-sections should remember that any kind of childbirth causes tears and strains on the body, and as researcher Goldberg explains: “things tend to equalize due to wear and tear and gravity”. As your baby grows in pregnancy, your uterus becomes heavier and your supporting structures are therefore become stretched and weakened. Hormones during pregnancy also contribute to the loosening of ligaments and muscles. A study in 2011 found that c-sections only drastically lower the risk of bladder problems if a woman delivers all of her children that way. This study found that 55% of women who had vaginal birth experienced incontinence, and 59% of women who had one vaginal birth and one caesarean had incontinence. Glazener explains, “unless women are resolved to have all their deliveries by the abdominal route, caesarean section doesn’t necessarily protect from incontinence”.

However, unique to c-sections is the scar. During a c-section an incision is made meaning a scar will form as part of the healing process. A temporary scab can form too close to the edges of the incision and as a result, the body creates scar tissue from collagen which can extend into deeper layers below the skin. These collagen fibres in scar tissue are formed in a single linear direction which can cause a variety of problems including bladder problems as the scar can attached to the front wall of your bladder causing urge incontinence and frequent urination. Physical therapist Kristen Maike explains “as everything shrinks back down after the birth, the scar begins tugging on the bladder. This makes it feel like you have to pee”. A 40 year old Doctor and mother, Ellen, is one of many women who experienced the side effects of a c-section scar. After the operation, her left leg was not responding well to the brain due to nerves being trapped – the scar was shutting off the muscles to her left leg and anterior pelvic muscles causing incontinence. Neurokinetic Therapy was used to reprogram her neurological system and restore muscular control and coordination. She was eventually able to regain leg movement and her incontinence cleared.

When is a C-Section Urgently Needed?

A C-Section consists of delivering the baby through a cut made in the abdomen and womb. It can be necessary for the following reasons:

  • Your labour isn’t progressing as expected
  • Your baby is in a bottom-down, or breech, position
  • Your baby is in a sideways position or keeps changing position
  • Yours or your baby’s health is at risk
  • Your baby is too large for vaginal birth
  • You have a serious medical condition, such as Diabetes or heart disease
  • You are expecting twins


Who is More at Risk of Incontinence after a C-Section?

Women with gestational diabetes and women who smoke often are at risk of developing incontinence after a c-section. However, just like vaginal birth, it is not impossible for things to go wrong. One risk is damage to your bladder or to the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder during the incision. This often requires further incontinence surgery.

Are you currently pregnant and experiencing leaks? Read about managing incontinence during pregnancy. 

Most women see improvements or completely cure their incontinence after a c-section with the help of pelvic floor exercises. Expert Maike asserts, “it’s worth checking with your Doctor or a pelvic floor physical therapist to ensure you are doing these exercises correctly”. You can read about how to do pelvic floor exercises here. Incontinence requires the ideal protective products to manage leaks. For light incontinence, we recommend small shaped pads and pull up pants. If your incontinence is heavy to severe, we recommend using pull ups, all in ones or large pads. Here are some of our product recommendations:

Lille SupremFit  


Ideal For: Moderate to Severe Incontinence

Prices Online:                                        

Incontinence Supermarket: £6.49 to £12.60 [Packs of 20, 22, 24, 26] Allanda: £6.49 to £12.59 [Packs of 20, 22, 24, 26]


TENA Pants

Ideal For:

Moderate to Heavy Incontinence

Prices Online:

Incontinence Supermarket: £4.89 to £13.95 [Packs of 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18] Allanda:  £7.20 to £13.95 [Packs of 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18]

Attends Contours

Ideal For:

Light to Heavy Incontinence

Prices Online:

Incontinence Supermarket: £6.20 to £9.40 [Packs of 21, 28, 35, 42] Allanda: £6.20 to £9.40 [Packs of 21, 28, 35, 42]

Did you know that hip replacement surgery can actually cause incontinence? Read 4 Causes of Incontinence after Hip Replacement Surgery

What happens on day 5 after C

Post Cesarean: Days 3-5 During this time, you should gradually regain your mobility and your pain will begin to subside, but you still need to take certain precautions. Strenuous movements, for example, can place undue strain on your incision site.

What are the signs of an infection after ac section?

Symptoms of a post-cesarean wound infection or complication.
severe abdominal pain..
redness at the incision site..
swelling of the incision site..
pus discharge from the incision site..
pain at the incision site that doesn't go away or gets worse..
fever higher than 100.4ºF [38ºC].
painful urination..
foul-smelling vaginal discharge..

Why am I having trouble peeing after C

Post-epidural urinary retention is the official term for this common post-delivery side effect. This can occur despite having a Foley catheter inserted to help with constant drainage during a C-section and post-op.

Is it normal to have urine infection after C

Urinary tract infection [UTI] is a common postpartum infection occurring in 2%–4% of all deliveries. Although postpartum UTI is usually a mild infection, it is associated with discomfort, prolonged hospital stay and readmission and has been associated with an increased risk of discontinued breast feeding.

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